/** * Creates the product edit form. * * Creates the form for editing a product. If a product ID is supplied, * then that product is read and becomes the current product. If not, * then the current product is edited. If an empty product was created, * then a new product is created here. * * @uses PAYPAL_getDocUrl() * @uses PAYPAL_errorMessage() * @uses PAYPAL_recurseCats() * @param integer $id Optional ID, current record used if zero * @return string HTML for edit form */ public function showForm($id = 0) { global $_TABLES, $_CONF, $_PP_CONF, $LANG_PP, $LANG24, $LANG_postmodes, $_SYSTEM; $id = (int) $id; if ($id > 0) { // If an id is passed in, then read that record if (!$this->Read($id)) { return PAYPAL_errorMessage($LANG_PP['invalid_product_id'], 'info'); } } $id = $this->id; $T = new Template(PAYPAL_PI_PATH . '/templates'); if ($_SYSTEM['framework'] == 'uikit') { $T->set_file('product', 'product_form.uikit.thtml'); } else { $T->set_file('product', 'product_form.thtml'); } // Set up the wysiwyg editor, if available switch (PLG_getEditorType()) { case 'ckeditor': $T->set_var('show_htmleditor', true); PLG_requestEditor('paypal', 'paypal_entry', 'ckeditor_paypal.thtml'); PLG_templateSetVars('paypal_entry', $T); break; case 'tinymce': $T->set_var('show_htmleditor', true); PLG_requestEditor('paypal', 'paypal_entry', 'tinymce_paypal.thtml'); PLG_templateSetVars('paypal_entry', $T); break; default: // don't support others right now $T->set_var('show_htmleditor', false); break; } // Add the current product ID to the form if it's an existing product. if ($id > 0) { $T->set_var('id', '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $this->id . '" />'); $retval = COM_startBlock($LANG_PP['edit'] . ': ' . $this->name); } else { $T->set_var('id', ''); $retval = COM_startBlock($LANG_PP['new_product']); } $T->set_var(array('post_options' => $post_options, 'name' => htmlspecialchars($this->name, ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()), 'category' => $this->cat_id, 'short_description' => htmlspecialchars($this->short_description, ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()), 'description' => htmlspecialchars($this->description, ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()), 'price' => sprintf('%.2f', $this->price), 'file' => htmlspecialchars($this->file, ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()), 'expiration' => $this->expiration, 'pi_admin_url' => PAYPAL_ADMIN_URL, 'file_selection' => $this->FileSelector(), 'keywords' => htmlspecialchars($this->keywords, ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()), 'cat_select' => PAYPAL_recurseCats('PAYPAL_callbackCatOptionList', $this->cat_id), 'currency' => $_PP_CONF['currency'], 'pi_url' => PAYPAL_URL, 'doc_url' => PAYPAL_getDocURL('product_form', $_CONF['language']), 'prod_type' => $this->prod_type, 'weight' => $this->weight, 'feat_chk' => $this->featured == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'ena_chk' => $this->enabled == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'tax_chk' => $this->taxable == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'show_random_chk' => $this->show_random == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'show_popular_chk' => $this->show_popular == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'ship_sel_' . $this->shipping_type => 'selected="selected"', 'shipping_type' => $this->shipping_type, 'track_onhand' => $this->track_onhand, 'shipping_amt' => sprintf('%.2f', $this->shipping_amt), 'sel_comment_' . $this->comments_enabled => 'selected="selected"', 'rating_chk' => $this->rating_enabled == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'trk_onhand_chk' => $this->track_onhand == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'onhand' => $this->onhand, "oversell_sel{$this->oversell}" => 'selected="selected"', 'custom' => $this->custom, 'sale_price' => sprintf('%.2f', $this->sale_price), 'sale_beg' => $this->_InputDtFormat($this->sale_beg), 'sale_end' => $this->_InputDtFormat($this->sale_end), 'avail_beg' => $this->avail_beg, 'avail_end' => $this->avail_end)); // Create the button type selections. New products get the default // button selected, existing products get the saved button selected // or "none" if there is no button. $T->set_block('product', 'BtnRow', 'BRow'); $have_chk = false; foreach ($_PP_CONF['buttons'] as $key => $checked) { if ($key == $this->btn_type || $this->isNew && $checked) { $btn_chk = 'checked="checked"'; $have_chk = true; } else { $btn_chk = ''; } $T->set_var(array('btn_type' => $key, 'btn_chk' => $key == $this->btn_type || $this->isNew && $checked ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'btn_name' => $LANG_PP['buttons'][$key])); $T->parse('BRow', 'BtnRow', true); } // Set the "none" selection if nothing was already selected $T->set_var('none_chk', $have_chk ? '' : 'checked="checked"'); $T->set_block('product', 'ProdTypeRadio', 'ProdType'); foreach ($LANG_PP['prod_types'] as $value => $text) { $T->set_var(array('type_val' => $value, 'type_txt' => $text, 'type_sel' => $this->prod_type == $value ? 'checked="checked"' : '')); $T->parse('ProdType', 'ProdTypeRadio', true); } /*$T->set_block('options', 'OptionRow', 'OptRow'); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $T->set_var(array( 'var' => $i, 'option_num' => $i + 1, 'on0_name' => $this->properties['options']['on0']['name'], 'on0_string' => $this->properties['options']['on0'][$i]['string'], 'on0_value' => $this->properties['options']['on0'][$i]['value'], 'on1_name' => $this->properties['options']['on1']['name'], 'on1_string' => $this->properties['options']['on1'][$i]['string'], 'on1_value' => $this->properties['options']['on1'][$i]['value'], ) ); $T->parse('OptRow', 'OptionRow', true); }*/ if (!$this->isUsed()) { $T->set_var('candelete', 'true'); } // Set up the photo fields. Use $photocount defined above. // If there are photos, read the $photo result. Otherwise, // or if this is a new ad, just clear the photo area $T->set_block('product', 'PhotoRow', 'PRow'); $i = 0; // Get the existing photos. Will only have photos with an // existing product entry. $photocount = 0; if ($this->id != NULL) { $sql = "SELECT img_id, filename \n FROM {$_TABLES['paypal.images']} \n WHERE product_id='" . $this->id . "'"; $photo = DB_query($sql); // save the count of photos for later use if ($photo) { $photocount = DB_numRows($photo); } // While we're checking the ID, set it as a hidden value // for updating this record $T->set_var('product_id', $this->id); } else { $T->set_var('product_id', ''); } // If there are any images, retrieve and display the thumbnails. if ($photocount > 0) { while ($prow = DB_fetchArray($photo)) { $i++; $T->set_var('img_url', PAYPAL_URL . "/images/products/{$prow['filename']}"); $T->set_var('thumb_url', PAYPAL_ImageUrl($prow['filename'])); $T->set_var('seq_no', $i); $T->set_var('del_img_url', PAYPAL_ADMIN_URL . '/index.php' . '?delete_img=x' . '&img_id=' . $prow['img_id'] . '&id=' . $this->id); $T->parse('PRow', 'PhotoRow', true); } } else { $T->parse('PRow', ''); } // add upload fields for unused images $T->set_block('product', 'UploadFld', 'UFLD'); for ($j = $i; $j < $_PP_CONF['max_images']; $j++) { $T->parse('UFLD', 'UploadFld', true); } $i = 0; foreach ($this->qty_discounts as $qty => $amt) { $T->set_var(array('disc_qty' . $i => $qty, 'disc_amt' . $i => $amt)); $i++; } /*$sql = "SELECT cat_id, cat_name FROM {$_TABLES['paypal.categories']} WHERE enabled=1 AND parent_id=0"; $res = DB_query($sql);*/ /*$str = ''; while ($A = DB_fetchArray($res, false)) { $str .= "<div><b>{$A['cat_name']}</b><br/> <ul>" . PAYPAL_recurseCats('prodform_catoption', 0, $A['cat_id'], '', '', '', 0, 0, array('<ol>', '</ol>')) . "</ul></div>"; } $T->set_var('catselect', $str);*/ $retval .= $T->parse('output', 'product'); /*@setcookie($_CONF['cookie_name'].'fckeditor', SEC_createTokenGeneral('advancededitor'), time() + 1200, $_CONF['cookie_path'], $_CONF['cookiedomain'], $_CONF['cookiesecure']); */ $retval .= COM_endBlock(); return $retval; }
function FF_postEditor($postData, $forumData, $action, $viewMode) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_FF_CONF, $FF_userprefs, $_USER, $LANG_GF01, $LANG_GF02, $LANG_GF10, $REMOTE_ADDR; $retval = ''; $editmoderator = false; $numAttachments = 0; $edit_val = ''; $sticky_val = ''; $locked_val = ''; if (COM_isAnonUser()) { $uid = 1; } else { $uid = $_USER['uid']; } // initialize defaults if ($_FF_CONF['bbcode_disabled']) { $disable_bbcode_val = ' checked="checked"'; } else { $disable_bbcode_val = ''; } if ($_FF_CONF['smilies_disabled']) { $disable_smilies_val = ' checked="checked"'; } else { $disable_smilies_val = ''; } if ($_FF_CONF['urlparse_disabled']) { $disable_urlparse_val = ' checked="checked"'; } else { $disable_urlparse_val = ''; } // check postmode if (isset($postData['postmode'])) { // this means we are editing or previewing (or both) if (isset($postData['postmode_switch'])) { // means they selected a switch $chkpostmode = _ff_chkpostmode($postData['postmode'], $postData['postmode_switch']); if ($chkpostmode != $postData['postmode']) { $postData['postmode'] = $chkpostmode; $postData['postmode_switch'] = 0; } } } else { if ($_FF_CONF['post_htmlmode'] && $_FF_CONF['allow_html']) { $postData['postmode'] = 'html'; } else { $postData['postmode'] = 'text'; } } // verify postmode is allowed if ($postData['postmode'] == 'html' || $postData['postmode'] == 'HTML') { if ($_FF_CONF['allow_html'] || SEC_inGroup('Root') || SEC_hasRights('forum.html')) { $postData['postmode'] = 'html'; } else { $postData['postmode'] = 'text'; } } $postData['postmode_switch'] = 0; // action specific setup if ($action == 'edittopic' || $viewMode) { // need to see what options were checked... $status = 0; // get our options... if (isset($postData['disable_bbcode']) && $postData['disable_bbcode'] == 1) { $disable_bbcode_val = ' checked="checked"'; $status += DISABLE_BBCODE; } else { $disable_bbcode_val = ''; } if (isset($postData['disable_smilies']) && $postData['disable_smilies'] == 1) { $disable_smilies_val = ' checked="checked"'; $status += DISABLE_SMILIES; } else { $disable_smilies_val = ''; } if (isset($postData['disable_urlparse']) && $postData['disable_urlparse'] == 1) { $disable_urlparse_val = ' checked="checked"'; $status += DISABLE_URLPARSE; } else { $disable_urlparse_val = ''; } } // create our template $peTemplate = new Template($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/forum/templates/'); $peTemplate->set_file('posteditor', 'posteditor.thtml'); if ($postData['postmode'] == 'html') { $peTemplate->set_var('html_mode', true); } else { $peTemplate->unset_var('html_mode'); } if ($viewMode == PREVIEW_VIEW) { $peTemplate->set_var('preview_post', FF_previewPost($postData, $action)); } $uniqueid = isset($postData['uniqueid']) ? COM_applyFilter($postData['uniqueid'], true) : mt_rand(); $peTemplate->set_var('uniqueid', $uniqueid); if (SEC_inGroup($postData['use_attachment_grpid']) && $_FF_CONF['maxattachments'] > 0) { $peTemplate->set_var('use_attachments', true); } if ($action == 'newtopic') { $peTemplate->set_var('save_button', 'savetopic'); $postmessage = $LANG_GF02['PostTopic']; $peTemplate->set_var('hidden_action', 'newtopic'); } if ($action == 'edittopic') { $peTemplate->set_var('save_button', 'saveedit'); if (isset($postData['forum']) && forum_modPermission($postData['forum'], $_USER['uid'], 'mod_edit')) { $editmoderator = true; $peTemplate->set_var('hidden_modedit', '1'); } else { $peTemplate->set_var('hidden_modedit', '0'); $editmoderator = false; } $postmessage = $LANG_GF02['EditTopic']; $peTemplate->set_var('hidden_action', 'edittopic'); $peTemplate->set_var('hidden_editpost', 'yes'); if ($editmoderator) { $username = $postData['name']; } elseif ($postData['uid'] > 1) { $username = COM_getDisplayName($postData['uid']); } $postData['comment'] = str_ireplace('</textarea>', '</textarea>', $postData['comment']); if (isset($postData['pid'])) { $peTemplate->set_var('hidden_editpid', $postData['pid']); } $peTemplate->set_var('hidden_editid', $postData['id']); $edit_prompt = $LANG_GF02['msg190'] . '<br/><input type="checkbox" name="silentedit" '; if (isset($postData['silentedit']) && $postData['silentedit'] == 1 or !isset($postData['modedit']) and $_FF_CONF['silent_edit_default']) { $edit_prompt .= 'checked="checked" '; $edit_val = ' checked="checked" '; } else { $edit_val = ''; } $edit_prompt .= 'value="1"/>'; $peTemplate->set_var('attachments', '<div id="fileattachlist">' . _ff_showattachments($postData['id'], 'edit') . '</div>'); $numAttachments = DB_Count($_TABLES['ff_attachments'], 'topic_id', $postData['id']); $allowedAttachments = $_FF_CONF['maxattachments'] - $numAttachments; $peTemplate->set_var('fcounter', $allowedAttachments); } else { $numAttachments = (int) DB_Count($_TABLES['ff_attachments'], 'topic_id', $uniqueid); $allowedAttachments = $_FF_CONF['maxattachments'] - $numAttachments; $peTemplate->set_var('fcounter', $allowedAttachments); $peTemplate->set_var('attachments', ''); if ($uniqueid > 0) { $peTemplate->set_var('attachments', '<div id="fileattachlist">' . _ff_showattachments($uniqueid, 'edit') . '</div>'); } $edit_prompt = ' '; } if ($action == 'newreply') { $peTemplate->set_var('save_button', 'savereply'); $postmessage = $LANG_GF02['PostReply']; $peTemplate->set_var('hidden_action', 'newreply'); if (!$viewMode) { $postData['subject'] = $LANG_GF01['RE'] . $postData['subject']; } $quoteid = isset($_GET['quoteid']) ? COM_applyFilter($_GET['quoteid'], true) : 0; $postData['mood'] = ''; if ($quoteid > 0 && !$viewMode) { $quotesql = DB_query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} WHERE id=" . (int) $quoteid); $quotearray = DB_fetchArray($quotesql); $quotearray['name'] = urldecode($quotearray['name']); $quotearray['comment'] = $quotearray['comment']; $postData['comment'] = sprintf($_FF_CONF['quoteformat'], $quotearray['name'], $quotearray['comment']); } $postData['editpid'] = $postData['id']; } if ($_FF_CONF['use_sfs']) { $peTemplate->set_var('usesfs', 1); } if (COM_isAnonUser()) { if (!$_FF_CONF['use_sfs']) { $postData['email'] = ''; } $peTemplate->set_var('anonymous_user', true); $peTemplate->set_var('post_message', $postmessage); $peTemplate->set_var('LANG_NAME', $LANG_GF02['msg33']); $peTemplate->set_var('name', htmlentities(strip_tags(COM_checkWords(trim(USER_sanitizeName(isset($postData['name']) ? $postData['name'] : ''))))), ENT_COMPAT, COM_getEncodingt()); if (isset($postData['email'])) { $peTemplate->set_var('email', strip_tags($postData['email'])); } } else { $peTemplate->set_var('member_user', true); $peTemplate->set_var('post_message', $postmessage); $peTemplate->set_var('LANG_NAME', $LANG_GF02['msg33']); if (!isset($username) or $username == '') { if ($action == 'edittopic') { if ($editmoderator) { $username = $postData['name']; } else { $username = COM_getDisplayName($_USER['uid']); } } else { $username = COM_getDisplayName($_USER['uid']); } } $peTemplate->set_var('username', $username); $peTemplate->set_var('xusername', urlencode($username)); } $moodoptions = ''; if ($_FF_CONF['show_moods']) { if (isset($postData['mood']) && $postData['mood'] != '') { $postData['mood'] = COM_applyFilter($postData['mood']); } if (!isset($postData['mood']) || $postData['mood'] == '') { $moodoptions = '<option value="" selected="selected">' . $LANG_GF01['NOMOOD'] . '</option>'; } if ($dir = @opendir($_CONF['path_html'] . '/forum/images/moods')) { while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if (strlen($file) > 3 && substr(strtolower(trim($file)), -4, 4) == '.gif') { $file = str_replace(array('.gif', '.jpg'), array('', ''), $file); if (isset($postData['mood']) && $file == $postData['mood']) { $moodoptions .= "<option selected=\"selected\">" . $file . "</option>"; } else { $moodoptions .= "<option>" . $file . "</option>"; } } else { $moodoptions .= ''; } } closedir($dir); } $peTemplate->set_var('LANG_MOOD', $LANG_GF02['msg36']); $peTemplate->set_var('moodoptions', $moodoptions); } $sub_dot = '...'; $sub_none = ''; $postData['subject'] = str_replace($sub_dot, $sub_none, $postData['subject']); if ($_FF_CONF['allow_smilies']) { $peTemplate->set_var('smiley_enabled', true); } if ($_FF_CONF['allow_img_bbcode']) { $peTemplate->set_var('allow_img_bbcode', true); } // if this is the first time showing the new submission form - then check if notify option should be on if (!$viewMode) { if (isset($postData['editpid']) && $postData['editpid'] > 0) { $notifyTopicid = $postData['editpid']; } else { $notifyTopicid = $postData['id']; } if (!isset($postData['forum'])) { $postData['forum'] = ''; } if (DB_getItem($_TABLES['ff_userprefs'], 'alwaysnotify', "uid=" . (int) $uid) == 1 or FF_isSubscribed($postData['forum'], $notifyTopicid, $uid)) { $postData['notify'] = 'on'; // check and see if user has un-subscribed to this topic $nid = -$notifyTopicid; if ($notifyTopicid > 0 and DB_getItem($_TABLES['subscriptions'], 'id', "type='forum' AND category=" . (int) $postData['forum'] . " AND id={$nid} AND uid={$uid}") > 1) { $postData['notify'] = ''; } } else { $postData['notify'] = ''; } } if ($editmoderator) { if (isset($postData['notify']) && $postData['notify'] == 'on' or isset($postData['notify']) && $postData['notify'] == 'on') { $notify_val = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $notify_val = ''; } $notify_prompt = $LANG_GF02['msg38'] . '<br/><input type="checkbox" name="notify" value="on" ' . $notify_val . '/>'; // check that this is the parent topic - only able to make it skicky or locked if (!isset($postData['pid']) || $postData['pid'] == 0) { if (!isset($locked_val) and !isset($sticky_val) and $action == 'edittopic') { if (!isset($postData['locked_switch']) and isset($postData['locked']) && $postData['locked'] == 1 or isset($postData['locked_switch']) && $postData['locked_switch'] == 1) { $locked_val = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $locked_val = ''; } if (!isset($postData['sticky_switch']) and isset($postData['sticky']) && $postData['sticky'] == 1 or isset($postData['sticky_switch']) && $postData['sticky_switch'] == 1) { $sticky_val = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $sticky_val = ''; } } $locked_prompt = $LANG_GF02['msg109'] . '<br/><input type="checkbox" name="locked_switch" ' . $locked_val . ' value="1"/>'; $sticky_prompt = $LANG_GF02['msg61'] . '<br/><input type="checkbox" name="sticky_switch" ' . $sticky_val . ' value="1"/>'; } else { $locked_prompt = ''; $sticky_prompt = ''; } } else { if ($uid > 1) { if (isset($postData['notify']) && $postData['notify'] == 'on') { $notify_val = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $notify_val = ''; } $notify_prompt = $LANG_GF02['msg38'] . '<br/><input type="checkbox" name="notify" ' . $notify_val . '/>'; $locked_prompt = ''; } else { $notify_prompt = ''; $locked_prompt = ''; } } if ($postData['postmode'] == 'html' || $postData['postmode'] == 'HTML') { $postmode_msg = $LANG_GF01['TEXTMODE']; $postData['postmode'] = 'html'; } else { $peTemplate->unset_var('show_htmleditor'); $postmode_msg = $LANG_GF01['HTMLMODE']; } if ($_FF_CONF['allow_html'] || SEC_inGroup('Root') || SEC_hasRights('forum.html')) { if ($action == 'edittopic') { $mode_prompt = $postmode_msg . '<br/><input type="checkbox" name="postmode_switch" value="1"/><input type="hidden" name="postmode" value="' . $postData['postmode'] . '"/>'; } } if ($action == 'edittopic') { $peTemplate->set_var('bbcodeeditor', true); } $postData['subject'] = str_replace('"', '"', $postData['subject']); if (!$_FF_CONF['allow_smilies']) { $smilies = ''; } else { $smilies = forumPLG_showsmilies(0); } $disable_bbcode_prompt = $LANG_GF01['disable_bbcode'] . ' <input type="checkbox" name="disable_bbcode" value="1" ' . $disable_bbcode_val . '/>'; if ($_FF_CONF['allow_smilies']) { $disable_smilies_prompt = $LANG_GF01['disable_smilies'] . ' <input type="checkbox" name="disable_smilies" value="1"' . $disable_smilies_val . ' />'; } else { $disable_smilies_prompt = ''; } $disable_urlparse_prompt = $LANG_GF01['disable_urlparse'] . ' <input type="checkbox" name="disable_urlparse" value="1"' . $disable_urlparse_val . ' />'; $peTemplate->set_var('comment', @htmlspecialchars($postData['comment'], ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt())); $peTemplate->set_var(array('edit_val' => $edit_val, 'sticky_val' => $sticky_val, 'postmode_msg' => $postmode_msg, 'notify_val' => $notify_val, 'disable_bbcode_val' => $disable_bbcode_val, 'disable_smilies_val' => $disable_smilies_val, 'disable_urlparse_val' => $disable_urlparse_val, 'bbcode_prompt' => $disable_bbcode_prompt, 'smilies_prompt' => $disable_smilies_prompt, 'urlparse_prompt' => $disable_urlparse_prompt, 'LANG_SUBJECT' => $LANG_GF01['SUBJECT'], 'LANG_OPTIONS' => $LANG_GF01['OPTIONS'], 'mode_prompt' => isset($mode_prompt) ? $mode_prompt : '', 'notify_prompt' => $notify_prompt, 'locked_prompt' => $locked_prompt, 'sticky_prompt' => isset($sticky_prompt) ? $sticky_prompt : '', 'edit_prompt' => $edit_prompt, 'LANG_SUBMIT' => $LANG_GF01['SUBMIT'], 'LANG_PREVIEW' => $LANG_GF01['PREVIEW'], 'subject' => $postData['subject'], 'smilies' => $smilies, 'LANG_attachments' => $LANG_GF10['attachments'], 'LANG_maxattachments' => sprintf($LANG_GF10['maxattachments'], $_FF_CONF['maxattachments']), 'postmode' => $postData['postmode'])); // Check and see if the filemgmt plugin is installed and enabled if (function_exists('filemgmt_buildAccessSql') && $_FF_CONF['enable_fm_integration'] == 1) { $peTemplate->set_var('filemgmt_category_options', gf_makeFilemgmtCatSelect($uid)); $peTemplate->set_var('LANG_usefilemgmt', $LANG_GF10['usefilemgmt']); $peTemplate->set_var('LANG_description', $LANG_GF10['description']); $peTemplate->set_var('LANG_category', $LANG_GF10['category']); } else { $peTemplate->set_var('show_filemgmt_option', 'none'); } if (COM_isAnonUser()) { $peTemplate->set_var('hide_notify', 'none'); } if (function_exists('plugin_templatesetvars_captcha')) { plugin_templatesetvars_captcha('forum', $peTemplate); } else { $peTemplate->set_var('captcha', ''); } if ($postData['id'] > 0) { $peTemplate->set_var('topic_id', $postData['id']); } $peTemplate->set_var(array('navbreadcrumbsimg' => _ff_getImage('nav_breadcrumbs'), 'navtopicimg' => _ff_getImage('nav_topic'), 'form_action' => $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/createtopic.php', 'referer' => $forumData['referer'], 'forum_id' => $forumData['forum'], 'cat_name' => $postData['cat_name'], 'cat_id' => $forumData['forum_cat'], 'forum_name' => $postData['forum_name'], 'subject' => @htmlspecialchars($postData['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()), 'LANG_HOME' => $LANG_GF01['HOMEPAGE'], 'forum_home' => $LANG_GF01['INDEXPAGE'], 'hidden_id' => $postData['id'], 'page' => $forumData['page'], 'LANG_bhelp' => $LANG_GF01['b_help'], 'LANG_ihelp' => $LANG_GF01['i_help'], 'LANG_uhelp' => $LANG_GF01['u_help'], 'LANG_qhelp' => $LANG_GF01['q_help'], 'LANG_chelp' => $LANG_GF01['c_help'], 'LANG_lhelp' => $LANG_GF01['l_help'], 'LANG_ohelp' => $LANG_GF01['o_help'], 'LANG_phelp' => $LANG_GF01['p_help'], 'LANG_whelp' => $LANG_GF01['w_help'], 'LANG_ahelp' => $LANG_GF01['a_help'], 'LANG_shelp' => $LANG_GF01['s_help'], 'LANG_fhelp' => $LANG_GF01['f_help'], 'LANG_hhelp' => $LANG_GF01['h_help'], 'LANG_thelp' => $LANG_GF01['t_help'], 'LANG_ehelp' => $LANG_GF01['e_help'], 'LANG_code' => $LANG_GF01['CODE'], 'LANG_fontcolor' => $LANG_GF01['FONTCOLOR'], 'LANG_fontsize' => $LANG_GF01['FONTSIZE'], 'LANG_closetags' => $LANG_GF01['CLOSETAGS'], 'LANG_codetip' => $LANG_GF01['CODETIP'], 'LANG_tiny' => $LANG_GF01['TINY'], 'LANG_small' => $LANG_GF01['SMALL'], 'LANG_normal' => $LANG_GF01['NORMAL'], 'LANG_large' => $LANG_GF01['LARGE'], 'LANG_huge' => $LANG_GF01['HUGE'], 'LANG_default' => $LANG_GF01['DEFAULT'], 'LANG_dkred' => $LANG_GF01['DKRED'], 'LANG_red' => $LANG_GF01['RED'], 'LANG_orange' => $LANG_GF01['ORANGE'], 'LANG_brown' => $LANG_GF01['BROWN'], 'LANG_yellow' => $LANG_GF01['YELLOW'], 'LANG_green' => $LANG_GF01['GREEN'], 'LANG_olive' => $LANG_GF01['OLIVE'], 'LANG_cyan' => $LANG_GF01['CYAN'], 'LANG_blue' => $LANG_GF01['BLUE'], 'LANG_dkblue' => $LANG_GF01['DKBLUE'], 'LANG_indigo' => $LANG_GF01['INDIGO'], 'LANG_violet' => $LANG_GF01['VIOLET'], 'LANG_white' => $LANG_GF01['WHITE'], 'LANG_black' => $LANG_GF01['BLACK'])); $peTemplate->set_var('token_name', CSRF_TOKEN); $peTemplate->set_var('token', SEC_createToken()); $peTemplate->set_var('postmode', $postData['postmode']); $peTemplate->unset_var('show_htmleditor'); if ($_FF_CONF['use_wysiwyg_editor'] && $postData['postmode'] == 'html') { // hook into wysiwyg here switch (PLG_getEditorType()) { case 'ckeditor': $peTemplate->set_var('show_htmleditor', true); PLG_requestEditor('forum', 'forum_entry', 'ckeditor_forum.thtml'); PLG_templateSetVars('forum_entry', $peTemplate); break; case 'tinymce': $peTemplate->set_var('show_htmleditor', true); PLG_requestEditor('forum', 'forum_entry', 'tinymce_forum.thtml'); PLG_templateSetVars('forum_entry', $peTemplate); break; default: // don't support others right now break; } } $peTemplate->parse('output', 'posteditor'); $retval .= $peTemplate->finish($peTemplate->get_var('output')); $urlfor = 'advancededitor'; if ($uid == 1) { $urlfor = 'advancededitor' . md5($REMOTE_ADDR); } SEC_setCookie($_CONF['cookie_name'] . 'adveditor', SEC_createTokenGeneral($urlfor), time() + 1200, $_CONF['cookie_path'], $_CONF['cookiedomain'], $_CONF['cookiesecure'], false); if (!isset($_POST['editpost'])) { $_POST['editpost'] = ''; } if ($action != 'newtopic' && $_POST['editpost'] != 'yes' && ($action == 'newreply' || $viewMode)) { if ($FF_userprefs['showiframe']) { $retval .= "<iframe src=\"{$_CONF['site_url']}/forum/viewtopic.php?mode=preview&showtopic=" . $postData['id'] . "&onlytopic=1&lastpost=true\" height=\"300\" width=\"100%\"></iframe>"; } } return $retval; }
/** * Provide a form to edit a new or existing ad. * @param array $A Array of ad data for edit form * @param string $mode Edit mode * @param boolean $admin True for administrator edit, false for normal * @return string HTML for ad edit form */ function adEdit($A, $mode = 'edit', $admin = false) { global $_TABLES, $LANG_ADVT, $_CONF, $_CONF_ADVT, $LANG_ADMIN, $_USER, $LANG_ACCESS, $_GROUPS, $LANG12, $LANG24, $MESSAGE, $LANG_postmodes; USES_classifieds_class_adtype(); // Determine if this user is an admin. Deprecates the $admin parameter. $admin = SEC_hasRights($_CONF_ADVT['pi_name'] . '.admin') ? 1 : 0; // only valid users allowed if (COM_isAnonUser() || $_CONF_ADVT['usercanedit'] == 0 && !$admin) { return CLASSIFIEDS_errorMsg($LANG_ADVT['no_permission'], 'alert', $LANG_ADVT['access_denied']); } // We know that we need to have categories, so make sure some exist // before even trying to display the form. The category dropdown is // created later since it needs the existing cat_id, if any. if (DB_count($_TABLES['ad_category']) < 1) { return CLASSIFIEDS_errorMsg($LANG_ADVT['no_categories'], 'info'); } $time = time(); // used to compare now with expiration date if ($admin) { $T = new Template(CLASSIFIEDS_PI_PATH . '/templates/admin'); $T->set_file('adedit', "adminedit.thtml"); $action_url = CLASSIFIEDS_ADMIN_URL . '/index.php'; } else { $T = new Template(CLASSIFIEDS_PI_PATH . '/templates'); $T->set_file('adedit', "submitform.thtml"); $action_url = CLASSIFIEDS_URL . '/index.php'; } // Set up the wysiwyg editor, if available switch (PLG_getEditorType()) { case 'ckeditor': $T->set_var('show_htmleditor', true); PLG_requestEditor('classifieds', 'classifieds_entry', 'ckeditor_classifieds.thtml'); PLG_templateSetVars('classifieds_entry', $T); break; case 'tinymce': $T->set_var('show_htmleditor', true); PLG_requestEditor('classifieds', 'classifieds_entry', 'tinymce_classifieds.thtml'); PLG_templateSetVars('classifieds_entry', $T); break; default: // don't support others right now $T->set_var('show_htmleditor', false); break; } switch ($mode) { case 'editsubmission': case 'moderate': $savemode = 'savesubmission'; $delete_img = 'delsubimg'; $delete_ad = 'deletesubmission'; $type = 'moderate'; $saveoption = $LANG_ADMIN['moderate']; $cancel_url = $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/moderation.php'; break; case 'edit': $savemode = 'savesubmission'; $delete_img = 'delsubimg'; $delete_ad = 'deletesubmission'; $saveoption = $LANG_ADMIN['save']; $type = 'submission'; $cancel_url = $action_url; break; case 'update_ad': default: $savemode = 'update_ad'; $delete_img = 'delete_img'; $delete_ad = 'delete_ad'; $saveoption = $LANG_ADMIN['save']; $type = ''; $cancel_url = $action_url; break; } // Admins (only) use this form for submissions as well as edits, // so we need to expect an empty array. if (empty($A['ad_id'])) { if (!$admin) { return CLASSIFIEDS_errorMsg($LANG_ADVT['no_permission'], 'alert', $LANG_ADVT['access_denied']); } $A['ad_id'] = COM_makeSid(); $A['subject'] = ''; $A['descript'] = ''; $A['price'] = ''; $A['url'] = ''; $A['exp_date'] = ''; $A['add_date'] = time(); $A['ad_type'] = 0; $A['perm_owner'] = $_CONF_ADVT['default_permissions'][0]; $A['perm_group'] = $_CONF_ADVT['default_permissions'][1]; $A['perm_members'] = $_CONF_ADVT['default_permissions'][2]; $A['perm_anon'] = $_CONF_ADVT['default_permissions'][3]; $A['uid'] = $_USER['uid']; if (isset($_REQUEST['cat'])) { $A['cat_id'] = intval($_REQUEST['cat']); } else { $A['cat_id'] = 0; } $catsql = "SELECT cat_id,perm_anon,keywords\n FROM {$_TABLES['ad_category']} "; if ($A['cat_id'] > 0) { $catsql .= "WHERE cat_id = {$A['cat_id']} "; } else { $catsql .= "ORDER BY cat_name ASC "; } $catsql .= "LIMIT 1"; $r = DB_query($catsql, 1); if ($r && DB_numRows($r) > 0) { $row = DB_fetchArray($r, false); $A['cat_id'] = $row['cat_id']; $A['keywords'] = trim($row['keywords']); } else { $A['cat_id'] = 0; $A['keywords'] = ''; } $A['owner_id'] = $_USER['uid']; // Set ad owner to current user for new ads $A['group_id'] = isset($_GROUPS['classifieds Admin']) ? $_GROUPS['classifieds Admin'] : SEC_getFeatureGroup('classifieds.edit'); $A['exp_sent'] = 0; // set expiration & duration info for a new ad $T->set_var('expiration_date', $LANG_ADVT['runfor']); // "run for: X days" $comments_enabled = $_CONF_ADVT['commentsupport'] == 1 ? 0 : 1; $T->set_var("sel_{$comments_enabled}", 'selected'); if ($_CONF_ADVT['purchase_enabled']) { USES_classifieds_class_userinfo(); $User = new adUserInfo(); $T->set_var('days', min($_CONF_ADVT['default_duration'], $User->getMaxDays())); } else { $T->set_var('days', $_CONF_ADVT['default_duration']); } $photocount = 0; // No photos yet with a new ad } else { // This is an existing ad with values already in $A $T->set_var('expiration_date', $LANG_ADVT['expiration']); $T->set_var('days', '0'); // Disable the perm_anon checkbox if it's disabled by the category. if (!$admin && DB_getItem($_TABLES['ad_category'], 'perm_anon', "cat_id='{$A['cat_id']}'") == '0') { $T->set_var('vis_disabled', 'disabled'); } // get the photo information $sql = "SELECT photo_id, filename \n FROM {$_TABLES['ad_photo']} \n WHERE ad_id='{$A['ad_id']}'"; $photo = DB_query($sql, 1); // save the count of photos for later use if ($photo) { $photocount = DB_numRows($photo); } else { $photocount = 0; } $comments_enabled = (int) $A['comments_enabled']; $T->set_var("sel_{$comments_enabled}", 'selected'); } // Get the max image size in MB and set the message $img_max = $_CONF['max_image_size'] / 1048576; // Show in MB // Sanitize entries from the database $A['subject'] = htmlspecialchars($A['subject']); $A['descript'] = htmlspecialchars($A['descript']); $A['keywords'] = htmlspecialchars($A['keywords']); $A['price'] = htmlspecialchars($A['price']); $A['url'] = htmlspecialchars($A['url']); $A['ad_type'] = (int) $A['ad_type']; // set expiration & duration based on existing info if ($A['exp_date'] == '') { $T->set_var('row_exp_date', ''); } else { if ($A['exp_date'] < $time) { $T->set_var('already_expired', $LANG_ADVT['already_expired']); } else { $T->set_var('row_exp_date', date("d M Y", $A['exp_date'])); } } $T->set_var(array('post_options' => $post_options, 'change_editormode' => 'onchange="change_editmode(this);"', 'glfusionStyleBasePath' => $_CONF['site_url'] . '/fckeditor', 'gltoken_name' => CSRF_TOKEN, 'gltoken' => SEC_createToken(), 'has_delbtn' => 'true', 'txt_photo' => "{$LANG_ADVT['photo']}<br />" . sprintf($LANG_ADVT['image_max'], $img_max), 'type' => $type, 'action_url' => $action_url, 'max_file_size' => $_CONF['max_image_size'], 'row_cat_id' => $A['cat_id'], 'row_ad_id' => $A['ad_id'], 'row_subject' => $A['subject'], 'row_descript' => $A['descript'], 'row_price' => $A['price'], 'row_url' => $A['url'], 'keywords' => $A['keywords'], 'exp_date' => $A['exp_date'], 'add_date' => $A['add_date'], 'ad_type_selection' => AdType::makeSelection($A['ad_type']), 'sel_list_catid' => CLASSIFIEDS_buildCatSelection($A['cat_id']), 'saveoption' => $saveoption, 'cancel_url' => $cancel_url)); // set expiration & duration based on existing info if ($A['exp_date'] == '') { $T->set_var('row_exp_date', ''); } else { if ($A['exp_date'] < $time) { $T->set_var('already_expired', $LANG_ADVT['already_expired']); } else { $T->set_var('row_exp_date', date("d M Y", $A['exp_date'])); } } // Set up permission editor on the admin template if needed. // Otherwise, set hidden values with existing permissions if ($admin) { // Set up owner selection $T->set_var(array('ownerselect' => CLASSIFIEDS_userDropdown($A['owner_id']), 'permissions_editor' => SEC_getPermissionsHTML($A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']), 'group_dropdown' => SEC_getGroupDropdown($A['group_id'], 3))); } else { $ownername = COM_getDisplayName($A['owner_id']); $T->set_var(array('owner_id' => $A['owner_id'], 'ownername' => $ownername, 'perm_owner' => $A['perm_owner'], 'perm_group' => $A['perm_group'], 'perm_members' => $A['perm_members'], 'perm_anon' => $A['perm_anon'], 'group_id' => $A['group_id'])); if ($A['perm_anon'] == 2) { $T->set_var('perm_anon_chk', 'checked'); } } // Set up the photo fields. Use $photocount defined above. // If there are photos, read the $photo result. Otherwise, // or if this is a new ad, just clear the photo area $T->set_block('adedit', 'PhotoRow', 'PRow'); $i = 0; if ($photocount > 0) { while ($prow = DB_fetchArray($photo, false)) { $i++; $T->set_var(array('img_url' => LGLIB_ImageUrl(CLASSIFIEDS_IMGPATH . '/' . $prow['filename'], $_CONF_ADVT['img_max_width'], $_CONF_ADVT['img_max_height']), 'thumb_url' => LGLIB_ImageUrl(CLASSIFIEDS_IMGPATH . '/' . $prow['filename'], $_CONF_ADVT['thumb_max_size'], $_CONF_ADVT['thumb_max_size']), 'seq_no' => $i, 'ad_id' => $A['ad_id'], 'del_img_url' => $action_url . "?mode={$delete_img}&mid={$prow['photo_id']}" . "&id={$A['ad_id']}")); $T->parse('PRow', 'PhotoRow', true); } } else { $T->parse('PRow', ''); } // add upload fields for unused images $T->set_block('adedit', 'UploadFld', 'UFLD'); for ($j = $i; $j < $_CONF_ADVT['imagecount']; $j++) { $T->parse('UFLD', 'UploadFld', true); } $T->parse('output', 'adedit'); return $T->finish($T->get_var('output')); }
/** * Provide a form to edit a new or existing ad. * * @param string $mode Indication of where this is called from * @param array $A Array of ad data. * @return string HTML for submission form */ function CLASSIFIEDS_submitForm($mode = 'submit', $A) { global $_TABLES, $LANG_ADVT, $_CONF, $_CONF_ADVT, $_USER, $LANG_ACCESS, $_GROUPS, $LANG12, $LANG24, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG_postmodes; USES_classifieds_class_adtype(); // only valid users allowed if (!CLASSIFIEDS_canSubmit()) { return CLASSIFIEDS_errorMsg($LANG_ADVT['login_required'], 'alert', $LANG_ADVT['access_denied']); } $time = time(); // used to compare now with expiration date $T = new Template(CLASSIFIEDS_PI_PATH . '/templates'); $T->set_file('adedit', "submit.thtml"); // Set up the wysiwyg editor, if available switch (PLG_getEditorType()) { case 'ckeditor': $T->set_var('show_htmleditor', true); PLG_requestEditor('classifieds', 'classifieds_entry', 'ckeditor_classifieds.thtml'); PLG_templateSetVars('classifieds_entry', $T); break; case 'tinymce': $T->set_var('show_htmleditor', true); PLG_requestEditor('classifieds', 'classifieds_entry', 'tinymce_classifieds.thtml'); PLG_templateSetVars('classifieds_entry', $T); break; default: // don't support others right now $T->set_var('show_htmleditor', false); break; } /*if (isset($_CONF['advanced_editor']) && $_CONF['advanced_editor'] == 1) { $editor_type = '_advanced'; $postmode_adv = 'selected="selected"'; $postmode_html = ''; } else { $editor_type = ''; $postmode_adv = ''; $postmode_html = 'selected="selected"'; } $post_options = ''; $T->set_file('adedit', "submit{$editor_type}.thtml"); if ($editor_type == '_advanced') { $T->set_var('show_adveditor',''); $T->set_var('show_htmleditor','none'); } else { $T->set_var('show_adveditor','none'); $T->set_var('show_htmleditor',''); } $T->set_var('glfusionStyleBasePath', $_CONF['site_url']. '/fckeditor'); $post_options .= "<option value=\"html\" $postmode_html>{$LANG_postmodes['html']}</option>"; $post_options .= "<option value=\"adveditor\" $postmode_adv>{$LANG24[86]}</option>"; $T->set_var('post_options',$post_options); $T->set_var('lang_postmode', $LANG24[4]); $T->set_var('change_editormode', 'onchange="change_editmode(this);"'); // Set the cookie for the advanced editor $T->set_var('gltoken_name', CSRF_TOKEN); $T->set_var('gltoken', SEC_createToken()); @setcookie ($_CONF['cookie_name'].'fckeditor', SEC_createTokenGeneral('advancededitor'), time() + 1200, $_CONF['cookie_path'], $_CONF['cookiedomain'], $_CONF['cookiesecure']); */ // Get the category info from the form variable, if any. If not, // get the first category so we can get the keywords. // If no categories found, return an error. if (isset($A['catid'])) { $cat_id = intval($A['catid']); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['cat'])) { $cat_id = intval($_REQUEST['cat']); } else { $cat_id = 0; } // Check permission to the desired category. If not valid, just // reset to zero if ($cat_id > 0 && CLASSIFIEDS_checkCatAccess($cat_id) < 3) { $cat_id = 0; } $catsql = "SELECT cat_id, perm_anon, keywords\n FROM {$_TABLES['ad_category']}\n WHERE 1=1 "; if ($cat_id > 0) { $catsql .= " AND cat_id={$cat_id} "; } $catsql .= COM_getPermSQL('AND', 0, 3) . " ORDER BY cat_name ASC\n LIMIT 1"; //echo $catsql;die; $r = DB_query($catsql); if (!$r || DB_numRows($r) == 0) { // No categories found, need to get some entered return CLASSIFIEDS_errorMsg($LANG_ADVT['no_categories'], 'info'); } $catrow = DB_fetchArray($r); // Set the category to the first found, if none specified if ($cat_id == 0) { $cat_id = intval($catrow['cat_id']); } // Get the keywords for the category IF there weren't any // already submitted if (empty($A['keywords'])) { $A['keywords'] = trim($catrow['keywords']); } $T->set_var('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']); // Get the max image size in MB and set the message $img_max = $_CONF['max_image_size'] / 1024 / 1024; $T->set_var('txt_photo', "{$LANG_ADVT['photo']}<br />" . sprintf($LANG_ADVT['image_max'], $img_max)); $base_url = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/{$_CONF_ADVT['pi_name']}/index.php"; $delete_img_url = $base_url . "?mode=delete_img"; if (!empty($A['ad_id'])) { $delete_img_url .= '&id=' . $A['ad_id']; $T->set_var('delete_btn', '<form action="' . $base_url . '?mode=' . $LANG_ADMIN['delete'] . '&id=' . $A['ad_id'] . '" method="post"> <input type="submit" name="mode" value="' . $LANG_ADMIN['delete'] . '"/></form>'); } // Set some of the form variables if they're already set. $T->set_var('row_price', $A['price']); $T->set_var('row_subject', $A['subject']); $T->set_var('row_descript', $A['descript']); $T->set_var('row_url', $A['url']); $T->set_var('ad_visibility', $LANG_ADVT['ad_visibility']); $T->set_var('max_file_size', $_CONF['max_image_size']); // Disable the "allow anon access" if the category disables it, // and override the checkbox if (intval($catrow['perm_anon']) > 0) { $T->set_var('vis_disabled', ''); if ($A['perm_anon'] == 2) { $T->set_var('perm_anon_chk', 'checked'); } else { $T->set_var('perm_anon_chk', ''); } } else { $T->set_var('vis_disabled', 'disabled'); $T->set_var('perm_anon_chk', ''); } $T->set_var('action_url', $_CONF['site_url'] . '/submit.php'); //$T->set_var('mode', $mode); $T->set_var('type', $_CONF_ADVT['pi_name']); $T->set_var('cancel_url', CLASSIFIEDS_URL); // set expiration & duration info for a new ad if ($_CONF_ADVT['purchase_enabled']) { USES_classifieds_class_userinfo(); $User = new adUserInfo(); $T->set_var('days', min($_CONF_ADVT['default_duration'], $User->getMaxDays())); } else { $T->set_var('days', $_CONF_ADVT['default_duration']); } $T->set_var('keywords', $A['keywords']); $T->set_var('ad_type_selection', AdType::makeSelection($A['ad_type'])); // default to a "for sale" ad /*if (empty($A['ad_type']) || $A['ad_type'] == 1) { $T->set_var('chk_sale', 'checked'); $T->set_var('chk_wanted', ''); } else { $T->set_var('chk_sale', ''); $T->set_var('chk_wanted', 'checked'); }*/ // Set up the category dropdown $T->set_var('sel_list_catid', CLASSIFIEDS_buildCatSelection($cat_id)); // add upload fields for images $T->set_block('adedit', 'UploadFld', 'UFLD'); for ($i = 0; $i < $_CONF_ADVT['imagecount']; $i++) { $T->parse('UFLD', 'UploadFld', true); } // Set the new_ad flag to trigger the use of "mode" in the form. $T->set_var('new_ad', 'true'); $T->parse('output', 'adedit'); return $T->finish($T->get_var('output')); }