/** * execute the frontend output filter * @param string $sContent actual content * @return string modified content */ function executeFrontendOutputFilter($sContent) { if (!function_exists('OutputFilterApi')) { include __DIR__ . '/OutputFilterApi.php'; } return OutputFilterApi(array('WbLink', 'ScriptVars', 'LoadOnFly', 'Jquery', 'SnippetJs', 'FrontendJs', 'Droplets', 'Email', 'OpF', 'WbLink', 'SysvarMedia', 'RelUrl', 'CssToHead'), $sContent); }
</webMaster> <category><?php echo WEBSITE_TITLE; ?> </category> <generator>WebsiteBaker Content Management System</generator> <?php // Get news items from database $time = time(); //Query $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts` ' . 'WHERE `page_id`=' . (int) $page_id . ' ' . (isset($group_id) ? 'AND `group_id`=' . (int) $group_id . ' ' : '') . 'AND `active`=1 ' . 'AND (`published_when` = 0 OR `published_when` <= ' . $time . ') ' . 'AND (`published_until` = 0 OR `published_until` >= ' . $time . ') ' . 'ORDER BY posted_when DESC'; $result = $database->query($sql); //Generating the news items while ($item = $result->fetchRow(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $description = stripslashes($item["content_short"]); $description = OutputFilterApi('WbLink|SysvarMedia', $description); ?> <item> <title><![CDATA[<?php echo stripslashes($item["title"]); ?> ]]></title> <description><![CDATA[<?php echo $description; ?> ]]></description> <link><?php echo WB_URL . PAGES_DIRECTORY . $item["link"] . PAGE_EXTENSION; ?> </link> <pubDate><?php
function moveCssToHead($content) { return OutputFilterApi('CssToHead', $sContent); }
<tr> <td valign="top"><?php echo $TEXT['SHORT']; ?> :</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php $contentShort = $fetch_content['content_short']; $contentLong = $fetch_content['content_long']; $sFilterApi = WB_PATH . '/modules/output_filter/OutputFilterApi.php'; if (is_readable($sFilterApi)) { require_once $sFilterApi; $contentShort = OutputFilterApi('ReplaceSysvar', $contentShort); $contentLong = OutputFilterApi('ReplaceSysvar', $contentLong); } show_wysiwyg_editor("short", "short", htmlspecialchars($contentShort), "100%", "200px"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><?php echo $TEXT['LONG']; ?> :</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php show_wysiwyg_editor("long", "long", htmlspecialchars($contentLong), "100%", "650px");