예제 #1
function xenoberegen()
    global $playerinfo, $xen_unemployment, $xenobeisdead, $db;
    // Xenobe Unempoyment Check
    $playerinfo['credits'] = $playerinfo['credits'] + $xen_unemployment;
    $maxenergy = NUM_ENERGY($playerinfo['power']);
    // Regenerate energy
    if ($playerinfo['ship_energy'] <= $maxenergy - 50) {
        $playerinfo['ship_energy'] = $playerinfo['ship_energy'] + round(($maxenergy - $playerinfo['ship_energy']) / 2);
        // Regen half of remaining energy
        $gene = "regenerated Energy to {$playerinfo['ship_energy']} units,";
    $maxarmor = NUM_ARMOR($playerinfo['armor']);
    // Regenerate armor
    if ($playerinfo['armor_pts'] <= $maxarmor - 50) {
        $playerinfo['armor_pts'] = $playerinfo['armor_pts'] + round(($maxarmor - $playerinfo['armor_pts']) / 2);
        // Regen half of remaining armor
        $gena = "regenerated Armor to {$playerinfo['armor_pts']} points,";
    // Buy fighters & torpedos at 6 credits per fighter
    $available_fighters = NUM_FIGHTERS($playerinfo['computer']) - $playerinfo['ship_fighters'];
    if ($playerinfo['credits'] > 5 && $available_fighters > 0) {
        if (round($playerinfo['credits'] / 6) > $available_fighters) {
            $purchase = $available_fighters * 6;
            $playerinfo['credits'] = $playerinfo['credits'] - $purchase;
            $playerinfo['ship_fighters'] = $playerinfo['ship_fighters'] + $available_fighters;
            $genf = "purchased {$available_fighters} fighters for {$purchase} credits,";
        if (round($playerinfo['credits'] / 6) <= $available_fighters) {
            $purchase = round($playerinfo['credits'] / 6);
            $playerinfo['ship_fighters'] = $playerinfo['ship_fighters'] + $purchase;
            $genf = "purchased {$purchase} fighters for {$playerinfo['credits']} credits,";
            $playerinfo['credits'] = 0;
    // Xenobe pay 3 credits per torpedo
    $available_torpedoes = NUM_TORPEDOES($playerinfo['torp_launchers']) - $playerinfo['torps'];
    if ($playerinfo['credits'] > 2 && $available_torpedoes > 0) {
        if (round($playerinfo['credits'] / 3) > $available_torpedoes) {
            $purchase = $available_torpedoes * 3;
            $playerinfo['credits'] = $playerinfo['credits'] - $purchase;
            $playerinfo['torps'] = $playerinfo['torps'] + $available_torpedoes;
            $gent = "purchased {$available_torpedoes} torpedoes for {$purchase} credits,";
        if (round($playerinfo['credits'] / 3) <= $available_torpedoes) {
            $purchase = round($playerinfo['credits'] / 3);
            $playerinfo['torps'] = $playerinfo['torps'] + $purchase;
            $gent = "purchased {$purchase} torpedoes for {$playerinfo['credits']} credits,";
            $playerinfo['credits'] = 0;
    // Update Xenobe record
    $resg = $db->Execute("UPDATE {$db->prefix}ships SET ship_energy=?, armor_pts=?, ship_fighters=?, torps=?, credits=? WHERE ship_id=?", array($playerinfo['ship_energy'], $playerinfo['armor_pts'], $playerinfo['ship_fighters'], $playerinfo['torps'], $playerinfo['credits'], $playerinfo['ship_id']));
    db_op_result($db, $resg, __LINE__, __FILE__);
    if (!$gene == '' || !$gena == '' || !$genf == '' || !$gent == '') {
        playerlog($db, $playerinfo[ship_id], LOG_RAW, "Xenobe {$gene} {$gena} {$genf} {$gent} and has been updated.");
예제 #2
             echo "<br>\n";
             echo "<a href=\"bounty.php\">" . $l_by_placebounty . "</a><br><br>";
 $genesis_free = $max_genesis - $playerinfo['dev_genesis'];
 $beacon_free = $max_beacons - $playerinfo['dev_beacon'];
 $emerwarp_free = $max_emerwarp - $playerinfo['dev_emerwarp'];
 $warpedit_free = $max_warpedit - $playerinfo['dev_warpedit'];
 $fighter_max = NUM_FIGHTERS($playerinfo['computer']);
 $fighter_free = $fighter_max - $playerinfo['ship_fighters'];
 $torpedo_max = NUM_TORPEDOES($playerinfo['torp_launchers']);
 $torpedo_free = $torpedo_max - $playerinfo['torps'];
 $armor_max = NUM_ARMOR($playerinfo['armor']);
 $armor_free = $armor_max - $playerinfo['armor_pts'];
 $colonist_max = NUM_HOLDS($playerinfo['hull']) - $playerinfo['ship_ore'] - $playerinfo['ship_organics'] - $playerinfo['ship_goods'];
 if ($colonist_max < 0) {
     $colonist_max = 0;
 $colonist_free = $colonist_max - $playerinfo['ship_colonists'];
 echo "function MakeMax(name, val)\n";
 echo "{\n";
 echo " if (document.forms[0].elements[name].value != val)\n";
 echo " {\n";
 echo "  if (val != 0)\n";
 echo "  {\n";
 echo "  document.forms[0].elements[name].value = val;\n";
 echo "  }\n";
예제 #3
     $torpedo_number = 0;
 $torpedo_number = round(abs($torpedo_number));
 $torpedo_max = NUM_TORPEDOES($playerinfo['torp_launchers']) - $playerinfo['torps'];
 if ($torpedo_max < 0) {
     $torpedo_max = 0;
 if ($torpedo_number > $torpedo_max) {
     $torpedo_number = $torpedo_max;
 $torpedo_cost = $torpedo_number * $torpedo_price;
 if ($armor_number < 0) {
     $armor_number = 0;
 $armor_number = round(abs($armor_number));
 $armor_max = NUM_ARMOR($playerinfo['armor']) - $playerinfo['armor_pts'];
 if ($armor_max < 0) {
     $armor_max = 0;
 if ($armor_number > $armor_max) {
     $armor_number = $armor_max;
 $armor_cost = $armor_number * $armor_price;
 if ($colonist_number < 0) {
     $colonist_number = 0;
 $colonist_number = round(abs($colonist_number));
 $colonist_max = NUM_HOLDS($playerinfo['hull']) - $playerinfo['ship_ore'] - $playerinfo['ship_organics'] - $playerinfo['ship_goods'] - $playerinfo['ship_colonists'];
 if ($colonist_max < 0) {
     $colonist_max = 0;
예제 #4
 if ($errflag == 0) {
     $makepass = "";
     $syllables = "er,in,tia,wol,fe,pre,vet,jo,nes,al,len,son,cha,ir,ler,bo,ok,tio,nar,sim,ple,bla,ten,toe,cho,co,lat,spe,ak,er,po,co,lor,pen,cil,li,ght,wh,at,the,he,ck,is,mam,bo,no,fi,ve,any,way,pol,iti,cs,ra,dio,sou,rce,sea,rch,pa,per,com,bo,sp,eak,st,fi,rst,gr,oup,boy,ea,gle,tr,ail,bi,ble,brb,pri,dee,kay,en,be,se";
     $syllable_array = explode(",", $syllables);
     for ($count = 1; $count <= 4; $count++) {
         if (mt_rand() % 10 == 1) {
             $makepass .= sprintf("%0.0f", mt_rand() % 50 + 1);
         } else {
             $makepass .= sprintf("%s", $syllable_array[mt_rand() % 62]);
     if ($xenlevel == '') {
         $xenlevel = 0;
     $maxenergy = NUM_ENERGY($xenlevel);
     $maxarmor = NUM_ARMOR($xenlevel);
     $maxfighters = NUM_FIGHTERS($xenlevel);
     $maxtorps = NUM_TORPEDOES($xenlevel);
     $stamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     // *****************************************************************************
     // *** ADD Xenobe RECORD TO ships table ... MODIFY IF ships SCHEMA CHANGES ***
     // *****************************************************************************
     $thesql = "INSERT INTO {$db->prefix}ships ( `ship_id` , `ship_name` , `ship_destroyed` , `character_name` , `password` , `email` , `hull` , `engines` , `power` , `computer` , `sensors` , `beams` , `torp_launchers` , `torps` , `shields` , `armor` , `armor_pts` , `cloak` , `credits` , `sector` , `ship_ore` , `ship_organics` , `ship_goods` , `ship_energy` , `ship_colonists` , `ship_fighters` , `ship_damage` , `turns` , `on_planet` , `dev_warpedit` , `dev_genesis` , `dev_beacon` , `dev_emerwarp` , `dev_escapepod` , `dev_fuelscoop` , `dev_minedeflector` , `turns_used` , `last_login` , `last_kami` , `last_sofa` , `ship_kills` , `ship_deaths` , `rating` , `score` , `points` , `team` , `team_invite`  , `ip_address` , `planet_id` , `preset1` , `preset2` , `preset3` , `preset4` , `preset5` , `trade_colonists` , `trade_fighters` , `trade_torps` , `trade_energy` , `cleared_defences` , `lang` , `dev_lssd` )\n                                    values (NULL,'{$shipname}','N','{$character}','{$makepass}','{$emailname}',{$xenlevel},{$xenlevel},{$xenlevel},{$xenlevel},{$xenlevel},{$xenlevel},{$xenlevel},{$maxtorps},{$xenlevel},{$xenlevel},{$maxarmor},{$xenlevel},{$start_credits},{$sector},0,0,0,{$maxenergy},0,{$maxfighters},0,{$start_turns},'N',0,0,0,0,'N','N',0,0, '{$stamp}','0000-00-00 00:00:00','0000-00-00 00:00:00',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'',0,0,0,0,0,0,'Y','N','N','Y',NULL,'{$default_lang}','Y')";
     $result2 = $db->Execute($thesql);
     db_op_result($db, $result2, __LINE__, __FILE__, $db_logging);
     if (!$result2) {
         echo $db->ErrorMsg() . "<br>";
     } else {
         echo "Xenobe has been created.<br><br>";
         echo "password has been set.<br><br>";
         echo "Ship Records have been updated.<br><br>";