예제 #1
if ($type == "IPv4") {
    $maxMask = "30";
    $type = 0;
} else {
    $maxMask = "126";
    $type = 1;
$n = 2;
# step
$m = 0;
# array id
for ($mask = $subnet['mask'] + 1; $mask <= $maxMask; $mask++) {
    # set vars
    $opts[$m]['mask'] = $mask;
    $opts[$m]['number'] = $n;
    $opts[$m]['max'] = MaxHosts($mask, $type);
    # next
    $n = $n * 2;
    # max number = 16!
    if ($n > 256) {
        $mask = 1000;

<!-- header -->
<div class="pHeader"><?php 
print _('Split subnet');
예제 #2
 * ipCalc calculations
function calculateIpCalcResult($cidr)
    /* first verify address type */
    $type = IdentifyAddress($cidr);
    /* IPv4 */
    if ($type == "IPv4") {
        $net = Net_IPv4::parseAddress($cidr);
        //set ip address type
        $out['Type'] = 'IPv4';
        //calculate network details
        $out['IP address'] = $net->ip;
        $out['Network'] = $net->network;
        $out['Broadcast'] = $net->broadcast;
        $out['Subnet bitmask'] = $net->bitmask;
        // 16
        $out['Subnet netmask'] = $net->netmask;
        $out['Subnet wildcard'] = long2ip(~ip2long($net->netmask));
        //calculate min/max IP address
        $out['Min host IP'] = long2ip(ip2long($out['Network']) + 1);
        $out['Max host IP'] = long2ip(ip2long($out['Broadcast']) - 1);
        $out['Number of hosts'] = ip2long($out['Broadcast']) - ip2long($out['Min host IP']);
        //subnet class
        $out['Subnet Class'] = checkIpv4AddressType($out['Network'], $out['Broadcast']);
        //if IP == subnet clear the Host fields
        if ($out['IP address'] == $out['Network']) {
            $out['IP address'] = "/";
    } else {
        //set ip address type
        $out['Type'] = 'IPv6';
        //calculate network details
        /*         $out['Host address']              = Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec ( $cidr );  */
        $out['Host address'] = $cidr;
        $out['Host address'] = Net_IPv6::compress($out['Host address'], 1);
        $out['Host address (uncompressed)'] = Net_IPv6::uncompress($out['Host address']);
        $mask = Net_IPv6::getNetmaskSpec($cidr);
        $subnet = Net_IPv6::getNetmask($cidr);
        $out['Subnet prefix'] = Net_IPv6::compress($subnet) . '/' . $mask;
        $out['Prefix length'] = Net_IPv6::getNetmaskSpec($cidr);
        // get reverse DNS entries
        $out['Host Reverse DNS'] = calculateReverseDNS6($out['Host address (uncompressed)']);
        $out['Subnet Reverse DNS'] = calculateReverseDNS6($subnet, $mask);
        //if IP == subnet clear the Host fields and Host Reverse DNS
        if ($out['Host address'] == $out['Subnet prefix']) {
            $out['Host address'] = '/';
            $out['Host address (uncompressed)'] = '/';
            unset($out['Host Reverse DNS']);
        //min / max hosts
        $maxIp = gmp_strval(gmp_add(gmp_sub(gmp_pow(2, 128 - $mask), 1), ip2long6($subnet)));
        $out['Min host IP'] = long2ip6(gmp_strval(gmp_add(ip2long6($subnet), 1)));
        $out['Max host IP'] = long2ip6($maxIp);
        $out['Number of hosts'] = MaxHosts($mask, 1);
        //address type
        $out['Address type'] = Net_IPv6::getAddressType($cidr);
        $out['Address type'] = checkIpv6AddressType($out['Address type']);
    /* return results */
    return $out;
예제 #3

# get array of IP addresses
$ipVisual = getIpAddressesForVisual($subnetId);
# if empty
if (sizeof($ipVisual) == '0') {
    $ipVisual = array("a");
# show squares to display free/used subnet
if (sizeof($slaves) == 0 && $type == 0 && $SubnetDetails['mask'] != "31" && $SubnetDetails['mask'] != '32') {
    print "<br><h4>" . _('Visual subnet display') . " <i class='icon-gray icon-info-sign' rel='tooltip' data-html='true' title='" . _('Click on IP address box<br>to manage IP address') . "!'></i></h4><hr>";
    print "<div class='ip_vis'>";
    # get max hosts
    $max = MaxHosts($SubnetDetails['mask'], $type);
    $max = $SubnetDetails['subnet'] + $max;
    # set start
    $start = gmp_strval(gmp_add($SubnetDetails['subnet'], 1));
    for ($m = $start; $m <= $max; $m = gmp_strval(gmp_add($m, 1))) {
        # already exists
        if (array_key_exists((string) $m, $ipVisual)) {
            # fix for empty states - if state is disabled, set to active
            if (strlen($ipVisual[$m]['state']) == 0) {
                $ipVisual[$m]['state'] = 1;
            $class = $ipVisual[$m]['state'];
            $id = (int) $ipVisual[$m]['id'];
            $action = 'all-edit';
            # tooltip
            $title = transform2long($ipVisual[$m]['ip_addr']);
            if (strlen($ipVisual[$m]['dns_name']) > 0) {
                $title .= "<br>" . $ipVisual[$m]['dns_name'];
예제 #4
        $maskDiff = 8;
$mask = $subnetOld['mask'] + $maskDiff;
# set number of subnets
$subNum = pow(2, $maskDiff);
# get mas hosts per subnet
$type = IdentifyAddress(transform2long($subnetOld['subnet']));
# type for max resize
if ($type == "IPv4") {
    $type = "0";
} else {
    $type = "1";
# set max hosts per new subnet
$maxHosts = MaxHosts($mask, $type);
$maxHosts = gmp_strval(gmp_add(2, $maxHosts));
# create array of new subnets based on number of subnets (number)
for ($m = 0; $m < $subNum; $m++) {
    $newsubnets[$m] = $subnetOld;
    $newsubnets[$m]['id'] = $m;
    $newsubnets[$m]['mask'] = $mask;
    # if group is selected rewrite the masterSubnetId!
    if ($_POST['group'] == "yes") {
        $newsubnets[$m]['masterSubnetId'] = $subnetOld['id'];
    # recalculate subnet
    if ($m > 0) {
        $newsubnets[$m]['subnet'] = gmp_strval(gmp_add($newsubnets[$m - 1]['subnet'], $maxHosts));
예제 #5
 * Calculate subnet details
 * Calculate subnet details based on input!
 * We must provide used hosts and subnet mask to calculate free hosts, and subnet to identify type
 *	$bcastfix = remove bcast and subnets from stats (subnetDetailsGraph)
function calculateSubnetDetailsNew($subnet, $bitmask, $online, $offline, $reserved, $dhcp, $bcastfix = 0)
    $details['online'] = $online;
    // number of online hosts
    $details['reserved'] = $reserved;
    // number of reserved hosts
    $details['offline'] = $offline;
    // number of offline hosts
    $details['dhcp'] = $dhcp;
    // number of dhcp hosts
    $details['used'] = gmp_strval(gmp_add($online, $reserved));
    $details['used'] = gmp_strval(gmp_add($details['used'], $offline));
    $details['used'] = gmp_strval(gmp_add($details['used'], $dhcp));
    // calculate max hosts
    if (IdentifyAddress($subnet) == "IPv4") {
        $type = 0;
    } else {
        $type = 1;
    $details['maxhosts'] = MaxHosts($bitmask, $type);
    $details['maxhosts'] = gmp_strval(gmp_sub($details['maxhosts'], $bcastfix));
    // calculate free hosts
    $details['freehosts'] = gmp_strval(gmp_sub($details['maxhosts'], $details['used']));
    //reset maxhosts for /31 and /32 subnets
    if (gmp_cmp($details['maxhosts'], 1) == -1) {
        $details['maxhosts'] = "1";
    // calculate use percentage
    $details['freehosts_percent'] = round($details['freehosts'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['used_percent'] = round($details['used'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['online_percent'] = round($details['online'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['reserved_percent'] = round($details['reserved'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['offline_percent'] = round($details['offline'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['dhcp_percent'] = round($details['dhcp'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    return $details;
예제 #6
 * Calculate subnet details accounting for active hosts
 * Calculate subnet details based on input!
 * We must provide used hosts and subnet mask to calculate free hosts, and subnet to identify type
 *	$bcastfix = remove bcast and subnets from stats (subnetDetailsGraph)
function calculateSubnetDetailsNewActive($subnet, $bitmask, $online, $warning, $error, $neutral, $disconnected, $offline, $reserved, $dhcp, $bcastfix = 0)
    $details['online'] = $online;
    // number of online hosts
    $details['warning'] = $warning;
    // number of warning hosts
    $details['error'] = $error;
    // number of error hosts
    $details['neutral'] = $neutral;
    // number of neutral hosts
    $details['disconnected'] = $disconnected;
    // number of disconnected hosts
    $details['reserved'] = $reserved;
    // number of reserved hosts
    $details['offline'] = $offline;
    // number of offline hosts
    $details['dhcp'] = $dhcp;
    // number of dhcp hosts
    $details['used'] = gmp_strval(gmp_add($online, $warning));
    $details['used'] = gmp_strval(gmp_add($details['used'], $error));
    $details['used'] = gmp_strval(gmp_add($details['used'], $neutral));
    $details['used'] = gmp_strval(gmp_add($details['used'], $disconnected));
    $details['used'] = gmp_strval(gmp_add($details['used'], $reserved));
    $details['used'] = gmp_strval(gmp_add($details['used'], $offline));
    $details['used'] = gmp_strval(gmp_add($details['used'], $dhcp));
    // calculate max hosts
    if (IdentifyAddress($subnet) == "IPv4") {
        $type = 0;
    } else {
        $type = 1;
    $details['maxhosts'] = MaxHosts($bitmask, $type);
    $details['maxhosts'] = gmp_strval(gmp_sub($details['maxhosts'], $bcastfix));
    // calculate free hosts
    $details['freehosts'] = gmp_strval(gmp_sub($details['maxhosts'], $details['used']));
    //reset maxhosts for /31 and /32 subnets
    if (gmp_cmp($details['maxhosts'], 1) == -1) {
        $details['maxhosts'] = "1";
    // calculate use percentage
    $details['freehosts_percent'] = round($details['freehosts'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['used_percent'] = round($details['used'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['online_percent'] = round($details['online'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['warning_percent'] = round($details['warning'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['error_percent'] = round($details['error'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['neutral_percent'] = round($details['neutral'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['disconnected_percent'] = round($details['disconnected'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['reserved_percent'] = round($details['reserved'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['offline_percent'] = round($details['offline'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    $details['dhcp_percent'] = round($details['dhcp'] * 100 / $details['maxhosts'], 2);
    return $details;
        if (IdentifyAddress($master['subnet']) == "IPv4") {
            $type = 0;
        } else {
            $type = 1;
        # set $diffAdd based on mask!
        if ($slaves[$m - 1]['mask'] == "32") {
            $diffAdd = 0;
        } elseif ($slaves[$m - 1]['mask'] == "31") {
            $diffAdd = 0;
        } else {
            $diffAdd = 2;
        # calculate end of master and last slave
        $maxh_m = gmp_strval(gmp_add(MaxHosts($master['mask'], $type), 2));
        $maxh_s = gmp_strval(gmp_add(MaxHosts($slave['mask'], $type), $diffAdd));
        $max_m = gmp_strval(gmp_add($master['subnet'], $maxh_m));
        $max_s = gmp_strval(gmp_add($slave['subnet'], $maxh_s));
        $diff = gmp_strval(gmp_sub($max_m, $max_s));
        # if slave stop < master stop print free space
        if ($max_m > $max_s) {
            print "<tr class='success'>";
            print "\t<td></td>";
            print "\t<td class='small description'><a href='#' data-sectionId='{$section['id']}' data-masterSubnetId='{$subnetId}' class='btn btn-sm btn-default createfromfree' data-cidr='" . getFirstPossibleSubnet(transform2long(gmp_strval(gmp_sub($max_m, $diff))), $diff, false) . "'><i class='fa fa-plus'></i></a> " . _('Free space') . "</td>";
            print "\t<td colspan='5'>" . transform2long(gmp_strval(gmp_sub($max_m, $diff))) . " - " . transform2long(gmp_strval(gmp_sub($max_m, 1))) . " ( {$diff} )</td>";
            print "</tr>";
# graph
include_once 'subnetDetailsGraph.php';