예제 #1
} else {
    // get invoices
    $dbconnw = PDOconnect('nakaweb', $_SESSION["clientdefaults"]["host"], $logname);
    $theq = " select fullname,invoiceid,invoicedate,paymentreceived,login,invoiceamount,";
    $theq .= " case when login is null then ";
    $theq .= '    \'<input type="text" name="checkno\'||invoiceid::text||\'">\'';
    $theq .= " else checknumber end as checknumber";
    $theq .= " from invoices i";
    $theq .= " join client c on i.schoolid=c.clientid";
    $theq .= " left join users u on u.userid=receivedby";
    $theq .= " order by paymentreceived desc, invoicedate desc, invoiceamount desc";
    try {
        $pdoquery = $dbconnw->prepare($theq);
        $invoices = $pdoquery->fetchAll();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($invoices as $key => $value) {
            $_SESSION['invoices'][$i] = $value->invoiceid;
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
        $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
        $cancontinue = FALSE;
$_SESSION['clientdefaults']['pagetitle'] = 'Record Invoice Payments';
$thehtml = LoadTheHTML('page_recordpayment', array('detail_invoices' => $invoices), $logname, 1, 1);
echo $thehtml;
예제 #2
$theq .= " union all select 'SchoolCity'";
$theq .= " union all select 'SchoolState'";
$theq .= " union all select 'SchoolZip'";
$theq .= " union all select 'SchoolPhone'";
$theq .= " \$\$) as (";
$theq .= " rowid integer,";
$theq .= " schoolname text,";
$theq .= " schooladdress text,";
$theq .= " schooladdress2 text,";
$theq .= " schoolcity text,";
$theq .= " schoolstate text,";
$theq .= " schoolzip text,";
$theq .= " schoolphone text)";
try {
    $pdoquery = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
    $schooldata = $pdoquery->fetchAll();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
    $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
    $cancontinue = FALSE;
$_SESSION['post'] = 'method="post"';
$_SESSION['clientdefaults']['pagetitle'] = 'Edit School';
$_SESSION['buttontextschool'] = ' Save ';
$_SESSION['cancelbutton'] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="school.php"><input class="button" type="submit" value=" Cancel " /></a>';
$_SESSION['editstudentsbutton'] = '';
$thehtml = LoadTheHTML('page_editschool', array('header_schooldetails' => $schooldata), $logname, 1, 1);
echo $thehtml;
$_SESSION['post'] = '';
예제 #3
$results->success = FALSE;
$results->errortext = null;
$cancontinue = TRUE;
// get list of possible arts
$theq = " select distinct clt_description,ct.clt_index,clt_seq";
$theq .= " from students s";
$theq .= " join ranks r on s.stu_index=r.stu_index";
$theq .= " join sysdef.rank_names rn on rn.srk_index=r.srk_index";
$theq .= " join sysdef.class_type ct on ct.clt_index=rn.clt_index";
$theq .= " where current_rank=true";
$theq .= " and student_type in ('A','ANP','APC')";
$theq .= ' order by clt_seq';
try {
    $pdoquery = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
    $_SESSION['artselection'] = '<select name="artid">';
    while ($row = $pdoquery->fetch()) {
        $_SESSION['artselection'] .= ' <option value="' . $row->clt_index . '">' . $row->clt_description . '</option>';
    $_SESSION['artselection'] .= '</select>';
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
    $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
    $cancontinue = FALSE;
$_SESSION['todaysdate'] = date('Y-m-d');
$_SESSION['clientdefaults']['pagetitle'] = 'Record Test';
$thehtml = LoadTheHTML('page_setuptest', null, $logname, 1, 1);
echo $thehtml;
예제 #4
$theq .= " \t\tselect clt_index, clt_seq, short_name, clt_description from sysdef.class_type') as (";
$theq .= " \t\tclt_index integer,";
$theq .= " \t\tclt_seq integer,";
$theq .= " \t\tshort_name character varying(5),";
$theq .= " \t\tclt_description character varying(20))) r on r.clt_index=t.artid";
$theq .= ' left join users u on u.userid=i.receivedby';
$theq .= ' where t.schoolid=:schoolid';
$theq .= ' order by testdate desc, i.invoiceid desc';
try {
    $pdoquery = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
    $pdoquery->execute(array(':schoolid' => $_SESSION["clientdefaults"]["clientid"]));
    $testdata = $pdoquery->fetchAll();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
    $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
    $cancontinue = FALSE;
if ($_SESSION['superuser'] == true) {
    $_SESSION['createnewuserbutton'] = '<form action="edituser.php">' . '<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="-1">' . '<input class="button" type="submit" value=" Add User " /></form>';
} else {
    $_SESSION['createnewuserbutton'] = '';
$_SESSION['buttontextuser'] = '******';
$_SESSION['buttontextschool'] = ' Edit School ';
$_SESSION['clientdefaults']['pagetitle'] = 'School Details';
$_SESSION['cancelbutton'] = '';
$_SESSION['editstudentsbutton'] = '<form action="selectstudent.php"><input class="button" type="submit" value=" Students " /></form>';
$thehtml = LoadTheHTML('page_school', array('header_schooldetails' => $schooldata, 'detail_superuserdetails' => $superuserdata, 'detail_userdetails' => $userdata, 'detail_tests' => $testdata), $logname, 1, 1);
echo $thehtml;
예제 #5
$_SESSION['activestudents'] .= "</select></form>";
$theq = 'select * from students s ';
$theq .= " where student_type not in ('A','ANP','APC')";
$theq .= ' order by last_name,first_name';
try {
    $pdoquery = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
    $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
    $cancontinue = FALSE;
$_SESSION['inactivestudents'] = '<form action="main.php">' . "<select name=\"dlStudent\" onchange=\"this.form.submit()\">" . "<option value=\"1\" selected>Select a Student</option>";
while ($data = $pdoquery->fetch()) {
    if (array_key_exists("dlStudent", $_POST) and $_POST["dlStudent"] == $data->stu_index) {
        $_SESSION['inactivestudents'] .= "<option value=\"" . $data->stu_index . "\" selected>" . $data->last_name . ', ' . $data->first_name . ' ' . $data->middle_name . "</option>";
    } else {
        $_SESSION['inactivestudents'] .= "<option value=\"" . $data->stu_index . "\">" . $data->last_name . ', ' . $data->first_name . ' ' . $data->middle_name . "</option>\n";
$_SESSION['inactivestudents'] .= "</select></form>";
$thehtml = LoadTheHTML('page_selectstudent', null, $logname, 1, 1);
if ($thehtml == '') {
    $results->errortext = 'no HTML found at: ' . __LINE__;
    $cancontinue = FALSE;
$thehtml = str_replace('  ', '', $thehtml);
$_SESSION['errormessage'] = '';
echo $thehtml;
예제 #6
                logit($logname, '  user has access to multiple clients');
                $theq = 'select c.clientid, fullname, ' . $_SESSION["userid"] . ' as userid';
                $theq .= ' from client c';
                $theq .= ' join clientuser cu on c.clientid = cu.clientid';
                $theq .= " where userid = :userid";
                $theq .= ' order by fullname';
                try {
                    $pdoquery = $PDOconn->prepare($theq);
                    $pdoquery->execute(array(':userid' => $_SESSION["userid"]));
                } catch (PDOException $e) {
                    logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
                    $cancontinue = FALSE;
                $_SESSION['clientdefaults']['fullname'] = 'Select a School';
                $thehtml = LoadTheHTML('page_clientselect', array('detail_clients' => $pdoquery->fetchAll()), $logname, 1, 1);
                if ($thehtml == '') {
                    $results->errortext = 'no HTML found at: ' . __LINE__;
                    $cancontinue = FALSE;
                echo $thehtml;
    // not a GET call
$totaltime = microtime(TRUE) - $starttime;
if ($totaltime > 0.5) {
    logit($logname, "    That took a REALLY long time: " . $totaltime . " seconds");
} elseif ($totaltime > 0.25) {
    logit($logname, "    That took a long time: " . $totaltime . " seconds");
예제 #7
파일: wc2lib.php 프로젝트: kyukido22/phplib
function LoadTheHTML($thehtmlfile, $allrows, $logname, $mulitrow, $depth = 1, $changeoncol = '*')
     * funtion to do row-by-row replacements on html file.  final result should be an
     * html ready to display to the client.
     * $thehtmlfile : name of the $_SESSION['html'] key that holds the html text
     * $allrows     : an array of arrays of objects.  the first key must match the name of the html file that
     *                  will use that particular data.  objects, represetning all rows of the data make up the second key
     * $depth       : just for debugging info to tell you how many times the function has recursivly called itself
     * $multirow    : either 1 or x.  tells the function that only one row of data is expected for the sake of
     *                  doing replacements (there is then no need to repeat the html multiple times)
     * $changeoncol : column that will dictate the changing of the row color.  when this column changes
     *                  from one row of data to the next, the color of the row will change too. '*'
     *                  means the row color will change every time
     * for testing purposes, leftover replacement fields are NOT removed.
    if ($depth > 100) {
        //prevent infinte loops
    $indent = substr('                                          ', 0, $depth);
    logit($logname, $indent . 'Loading HTML: ' . $thehtmlfile);
    $therow = '';
    // initialze some vars
    if (!key_exists($thehtmlfile, $_SESSION['html'])) {
        logit($logname, $indent . ' **ERROR** the html is MISSING');
    $thehtml = $_SESSION['html'][$thehtmlfile];
    $rowtype = 'ReportDetailsEvenDataRow';
    // check if there are html's inside this html
    $i = 0;
    while (strpos($thehtml, '%%%') != 0 and $i < 10) {
        // get next html replacement
        $nextpiece = substr($thehtml, strpos($thehtml, '%%%') + 3);
        $nextpiece = substr($nextpiece, 0, strpos($nextpiece, '%%%'));
        //fill var that indicates multi or single row replacements
        $nextmulitrow = substr($thehtml, strpos($thehtml, '%%%') + 3, 1);
        //extract the html name
        $thehtmlname = substr($nextpiece, 2);
        // get the color change col if present
        if (strpos($thehtmlname, '|') > 1) {
            $changeoncol = substr($thehtmlname, strpos($thehtmlname, '|') + 1);
            //$changeoncol = substr($changeoncol,0,strlen($changeoncol)-3);
            $thehtmlname = substr($thehtmlname, 0, strpos($thehtmlname, '|'));
        } else {
            $changeoncol = '*';
        $newstuff = LoadTheHTML($thehtmlname, $allrows, $logname, $nextmulitrow, $depth + 1, $changeoncol);
        $thehtml = str_replace('%%%' . $nextpiece . '%%%', $newstuff, $thehtml);
    //for each row of data in the query
    $lastchangeonvalue = '~%~%~';
    if ($mulitrow == 'x') {
        foreach ($allrows[$thehtmlfile] as $row) {
            $therow .= $thehtml;
            //alternating row colors
            if ($changeoncol == '*' or $row->{$changeoncol} != $lastchangeonvalue) {
                if ($changeoncol != '*') {
                    $lastchangeonvalue = $row->{$changeoncol};
                if ($rowtype != 'ReportDetailsEvenDataRow') {
                    $rowtype = 'ReportDetailsEvenDataRow';
                } else {
                    $rowtype = 'ReportDetailsOddDataRow';
            $therow = str_replace('%%rowtype%%', $rowtype, $therow);
            // set tooltips if any
            if (strpos($therow, '%%tooltip|') != 0) {
                if (!isset($pdowebcntrl)) {
                    $pdowebcntrl = PDOconnect('wc2', $_SESSION["wc2host"], $logname);
                while (strpos($therow, '%%tooltip|') != 0) {
                    $thecol = substr($therow, strpos($therow, '%%tooltip|') + 10);
                    $thecol = substr($thecol, 0, strpos($thecol, '%%'));
                    $thecolvalue = (array) $row;
                    $therow = str_replace('%%tooltip|' . $thecol . '%%', CreateToolTip($thehtmlfile, $thecol, $thecolvalue[$thecol], $_SESSION["userlanguage"], $pdowebcntrl, 'left', $logname), $therow);
            //for each column of the row of data, replace the merge fields with the data form the query
            foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
                $therow = str_replace('%%data-' . $key . '%%', $value, $therow);
                //echo $key.' ';
            //echo '<br>';
    } else {
        if ($mulitrow == '1' or isset($allrows[$thehtmlfile][0])) {
            // not a multi row
            $therow .= $thehtml;
            // set tooltips if any
            if (strpos($therow, '%%tooltip|') != 0) {
                if (!isset($pdowebcntrl)) {
                    $pdowebcntrl = PDOconnect('wc2', $_SESSION["wc2host"], $logname);
                while (strpos($therow, '%%tooltip|') != 0) {
                    $thecol = substr($therow, strpos($therow, '%%tooltip|') + 10);
                    $thecol = substr($thecol, 0, strpos($thecol, '%%'));
                    //echo ' ' . $thecol;
                    $therow = str_replace('%%tooltip|' . $thecol . '%%', CreateToolTip($thehtmlfile, $thecol, '', $_SESSION["userlanguage"], $pdowebcntrl, 'left', $logname), $therow);
            //for each column of the row of data (if there is any data), replace the merge fields with the data form the query
            if (isset($allrows[$thehtmlfile][0])) {
                foreach ($allrows[$thehtmlfile][0] as $key => $value) {
                    $therow = str_replace('%%data-' . $key . '%%', $value, $therow);
    // put menu in
    if (isset($_SESSION['viewlevel'])) {
        if ($_SESSION['viewlevel'] == 5) {
            $therow = str_replace('%%vertmenu%%', $_SESSION['usermenu-account'], $therow);
        } else {
            $therow = str_replace('%%vertmenu%%', $_SESSION['usermenu-field'], $therow);
    //localization replacements
    //    foreach ($_SESSION['local'] as $key => $value) {
    //$therow = str_replace('%%local-' . $key . '%%', $value, $therow);
    //logit($logname,  $key);
    //clientdefault replacements
    foreach ($_SESSION['clientdefaults'] as $key => $value) {
        $therow = str_replace('%%clientdefaults-' . $key . '%%', $value, $therow);
        //logit($logname,  $key);
    // other misc replacements (accountinfo, userinfo, languagebar)
    foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) {
        if (!is_array($value)) {
            $therow = str_replace('%%' . $key . '%%', $value, $therow);
            //             echo $value.'<br>';
    // erase any leftovers ONLY when running under production
    if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] != 'localhost') {
        $therow = preg_replace('/%%.+%%/', '', $therow);
    return $therow;
예제 #8
파일: login.php 프로젝트: kyukido22/nakaweb
                } catch (PDOException $e) {
                    logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
                    $cancontinue = FALSE;
                header('Location: clientselector.php');
} else {
    $results->success = TRUE;
    $results->errortext = 'someone looking at the login page';
if (!$results->success) {
    $_SESSION['errortext'] = $results->errortext;
$thehtml = LoadTheHTML('page_login', null, $logname, 1, 1);
$_SESSION['errortext'] = '';
if ($thehtml == '') {
    $results->errortext = 'no HTML found at: ' . __LINE__;
    $cancontinue = FALSE;
$thehtml = str_replace('  ', '', $thehtml);
echo $thehtml;
if (!$results->success) {
    logit($logname, "    **ERROR** something went wrong in " . __FILE__ . " Error text is: " . $results->errortext);
} else {
    $totaltime = microtime(TRUE) - $starttime;
    logit($logname, json_encode($results));
    logit($logname, "    That took: " . $totaltime . " seconds");
예제 #9
    $theq .= ' join transactions t on c.con_index=t.con_index ';
    $theq .= ' where stu_index=:student';
    $theq .= '   and c.active=false';
    $theq .= ' order by start_date desc';
    try {
        $pdoqueryinactive = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
        $pdoqueryinactive->execute(array(':student' => $stu_index));
        $contractsi = $pdoqueryinactive->fetchAll();
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
        $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
        $cancontinue = FALSE;
    $_SESSION['clientdefaults']['pagetitle'] = 'Student Info';
    $thehtml = LoadTheHTML('page_main', array('shared_student' => $studentdata, 'shared_parents' => $studentdata, 'shared_contact' => $studentdata, 'detail_ranks' => $studentranks, 'header_contractsa' => $contractsa, 'detail_contractsa' => $contractsa, 'header_contractsi' => $contractsi, 'detail_contractsi' => $contractsi, 'detail_medicalalert' => $medalert, 'detail_notes' => $notes), $logname, 1, 1);
    echo $thehtml;
} elseif (key_exists('dlStudent', $_POST)) {
    // write updates to database and go backto student selection screen
    $stu_index = $_POST["dlStudent"];
    if ($stu_index == -1) {
        //-1 indicates that this is a new student so we need to get the next id
        // and do an insert first
        $theq = "select nextval('seq_students') as stu_index";
        try {
            $pdoquery = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
            $row = $pdoquery->fetch();
            $stu_index = $row->stu_index;
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
예제 #10
        $pdoquery->execute(array(':artid' => $_SESSION['artid']));
        // ?? why assiing another session var to the art id??
        $_SESSION['recordtestartid'] = clean_user_input($_GET['artid']);
        $studentdata = $pdoquery->fetchAll();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($studentdata as $key => $value) {
            //echo $value -> stu_index.' ';
            $_SESSION['activestudents'][$i]['stu_index'] = $value->stu_index;
            $_SESSION['activestudents'][$i]['first_name'] = $value->first_name;
            $_SESSION['activestudents'][$i]['last_name'] = $value->last_name;
            $_SESSION['activestudents'][$i]['srk_description'] = $value->srk_description;
            $_SESSION['activestudents'][$i]['srk_index'] = $value->srk_index;
            $_SESSION['activestudents'][$i]['srk_seq'] = $value->srk_seq;
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
        $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
        $cancontinue = FALSE;
    $_SESSION['step'] = 'verifyit';
    $_SESSION['recordtestbuttontitle'] = ' Verify Ranks ';
    $_SESSION['recordtestcol1name'] = 'Tested';
    $_SESSION['recordtestcol2name'] = 'Pay New<br>Member Fee';
    $_SESSION['recordtestcol3name'] = 'Skipped';
$_SESSION['clientdefaults']['pagetitle'] = 'Record Test';
$thehtml = LoadTheHTML('page_recordtest', array('detail_recordtest' => $studentdata), $logname, 1, 1);
echo $thehtml;
예제 #11
            if (!$email->Send()) {
                logit($logname, '   **ERROR** EMAIL FAILED: ' . $email->ErrorInfo);
            } else {
                logit($logname, '   email sent');
            $results->success = TRUE;
    $_SESSION['errortext'] = $results->errortext;
    logit($logname, $_SESSION['errortext']);
    logit($logname, 'refresing display with get');
    header('Location: passwordreset.php');
} else {
    $results->success = TRUE;
    $results->errortext = 'just someone looking at the password reset page';
$thehtml = LoadTheHTML('page_passwordreset', null, $logname, 1, 1);
$_SESSION['errortext'] = '';
if ($thehtml == '') {
    $results->errortext = 'no HTML found at: ' . __LINE__;
    $cancontinue = FALSE;
echo $thehtml;
if (!$results->success) {
    logit($logname, "    **ERROR** something went wrong in " . __FILE__ . " Error text is: " . $results->errortext);
} else {
    $totaltime = microtime(TRUE) - $starttime;
    logit($logname, json_encode($results));
    logit($logname, "    That took: " . $totaltime . " seconds");
예제 #12
$theq .= ColAsInputField('state', '', '', '', '', 'userstate') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField('zip', '', '', '', '', 'userzip') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField('phone', '', '', 'placeholder="123-123-1234" pattern="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}" title="Please user the format 123-123-1234"', 'tel', 'userphone') . ',';
$theq .= ' case when locked then \'Disabled\' else \'Enabled\' end as lockeddisplay';
$theq .= ' from users u';
$theq .= ' where userid=:userid';
try {
    $pdoquery = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
    $pdoquery->execute(array(':userid' => $userid));
    $userdata = $pdoquery->fetchAll();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
    $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
    $cancontinue = FALSE;
if ($userdata[0]->locked == true) {
    $enabledselected = '';
    $disabledselected = 'selected';
} else {
    $enabledselected = 'selected';
    $disabledselected = '';
$_SESSION['createnewuserbutton'] = "";
$_SESSION['post'] = 'method="post"';
$_SESSION['clientdefaults']['pagetitle'] = 'Edit User';
$_SESSION['buttontextuser'] = '******';
$_SESSION['cancelbutton'] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="school.php"><input class="button" type="submit" value=" Cancel " /></a>' . "<br>Enabled: <select name=\"locked\">" . "<option value=\"false\" " . $enabledselected . ">True</option>" . "<option value=\"true\" " . $disabledselected . ">False</option>" . "</select>";
$thehtml = LoadTheHTML('page_edituser', array('detail_userdetails' => $userdata), $logname, 1, 1);
$_SESSION['post'] = '';
echo $thehtml;
예제 #13
파일: main.php 프로젝트: kyukido22/nakaweb
$theq .= '   and c.active=true';
$theq .= ' order by start_date desc';
try {
    $pdoqueryactive = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
    $pdoqueryactive->execute(array(':student' => $stu_index));
    $contractsa = $pdoqueryactive->fetchAll();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
    $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
    $cancontinue = FALSE;
$theq = 'select * from contracts c ';
$theq .= ' join sysdef.programs p on p.pro_index=c.pro_index ';
$theq .= ' join transactions t on c.con_index=t.con_index ';
$theq .= ' where stu_index=:student';
$theq .= '   and c.active=false';
$theq .= ' order by start_date desc';
try {
    $pdoqueryinactive = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
    $pdoqueryinactive->execute(array(':student' => $stu_index));
    $contractsi = $pdoqueryinactive->fetchAll();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
    $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
    $cancontinue = FALSE;
$_SESSION['clientdefaults']['pagetitle'] = 'Student Info';
$thehtml = LoadTheHTML('page_main', array('shared_student' => $studentdata, 'shared_parents' => $studentdata, 'shared_contact' => $studentdata, 'detail_ranks' => $pdoqueryranks->fetchAll(), 'header_contractsa' => $contractsa, 'detail_contractsa' => $contractsa, 'header_contractsi' => $contractsi, 'detail_contractsi' => $contractsi, 'detail_medicalalert' => $pdoquerymed->fetchAll(), 'detail_notes' => $pdoquerynotes->fetchAll()), $logname, 1, 1);
echo $thehtml;