.KT_col_categoria {width:140px; overflow:hidden;} .KT_col_subcat {width:140px; overflow:hidden;} </style> </head> <body> <div class="KT_tng" id="listsubcat1"> <h1> Subcategorías <?php $nav_listsubcat1->Prepare(); require "../includes/nav/NAV_Text_Statistics.inc.php"; ?> </h1> <div class="KT_tnglist"> <form action="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute(KT_getFullUri()); ?> " method="post" id="form1"> <div class="KT_options"> <a href="<?php echo $nav_listsubcat1->getShowAllLink(); ?> "><?php echo NXT_getResource("Show"); ?> <?php // Show IF Conditional region1 if (@$_GET['show_all_nav_listsubcat1'] == 1) { ?> <?php echo $_SESSION['default_max_rows_nav_listsubcat1']; ?>
?> </textarea> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldHint("contenido"); ?> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldError("paginas", "contenido", $cnt1); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="kt_pk_paginas_<?php echo $cnt1; ?> " class="id_field" value="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute($row_rspaginas['kt_pk_paginas']); ?> " /> <?php } while ($row_rspaginas = mysql_fetch_assoc($rspaginas)); ?> <div class="KT_bottombuttons"> <div> <?php // Show IF Conditional region1 if (@$_GET['id_pag'] == "") { ?> <input type="submit" name="KT_Insert1" id="KT_Insert1" value="<?php echo NXT_getResource("Insert_FB"); ?> " />
/** * Main class method; return the code in page * @param string * @access public */ function Execute() { if (!isset($_GET['isFlash'])) { unset($_SESSION['tng_errors']); } $ret = ''; $url = KT_addReplaceParam(KT_getFullUri(), '/^totalRows_.*$/i'); $url2 = KT_addReplaceParam($url, 'isFlash'); $url = KT_addReplaceParam($url2, session_name(), session_id()); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on") { $protocol = "https"; } else { $protocol = "http"; } $ret .= '<div id="multiple_upload" style="display:none;"> <input type="button" value="' . KT_getResource('UPLOAD', 'tNG') . '" class="button_big" onClick="myupload.loadFlashMovie( \'' . KT_addReplaceParam($url, 'isFlash', 1) . '\', \'' . $this->maxSize . '\', \'' . $this->maxNumber . '\', \'' . $this->existentNumber . '\', \'' . $this->allowedExtensions . '\', \'' . KT_escapeJS(KT_getResource('FLASH_MAX_SIZE_REACHED', 'tNG')) . '\', \'' . KT_escapeJS(KT_getResource('FLASH_MAX_FILES_REACHED', 'tNG')) . '\', \'' . KT_escapeJS(KT_getResource('FLASH_EMPTY_FILE', 'tNG')) . '\', \'' . KT_escapeJS(KT_getResource('FLASH_SKIPPING', 'tNG')) . '\', \'' . KT_escapeJS(KT_getResource('FLASH_HTTPERROR', 'tNG')) . '\', \'' . KT_escapeJS(KT_getResource('FLASH_HTTPERROR_HEAD', 'tNG')) . '\', \'' . KT_escapeJS(KT_getResource('FLASH_IOERROR', 'tNG')) . '\', \'' . KT_escapeJS(KT_getResource('FLASH_IOERROR_HEAD', 'tNG')) . '\', \'' . KT_escapeJS(KT_getResource('FLASH_COMPLETE_MSG', 'tNG')) . '\', \'' . KT_escapeJS(KT_getResource('FLASH_UPLOAD_BATCH', 'tNG')) . '\', \'' . KT_escapeJS(KT_getResource('FLASH_UPLOAD_SINGLE', 'tNG')) . '\' )"/> </div>'; $ret .= '<div id="singleIndicator" style="display:none;width=100%; text-align:center;"> <h3>Uploading files</h3> <img id="pbar" src="' . $this->relpath . 'includes/tng/pub/loading.gif"/> </div> <div id="simple_upload" style=""> <form id="singleUpload" method="post" action="' . KT_escapeAttribute($url2) . '" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="tNG_showIndicator()"> <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="KT_tngtable"> <tr> <td><label for="filename_pic">Filename:</label></td> <td align="right"><input type="file" name="Filedata" id="Filedata" size = "40%" /><input type="submit" name="KT_Insert1" id="KT_Insert1" value="' . KT_getResource('UPLOAD', 'tNG') . '"class="button_big" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> <script> tNG_initFileUpload("' . $protocol . '"); </script>'; return $ret; }
?> ">Re-type Contrasena:</label></td> <td><input type="password" name="re_contrasena_<?php echo $cnt1; ?> " id="re_contrasena_<?php echo $cnt1; ?> " value="" size="32" maxlength="50" /></td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="kt_pk_usuarios_<?php echo $cnt1; ?> " class="id_field" value="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute($row_rsusuarios['kt_pk_usuarios']); ?> " /> <?php } while ($row_rsusuarios = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsusuarios)); ?> <div class="KT_bottombuttons"> <div> <?php // Show IF Conditional region1 if (@$_GET['id_usuario'] == "") { ?> <input type="submit" name="KT_Insert1" id="KT_Insert1" value="<?php echo NXT_getResource("Insert_FB"); ?> " />
* source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior * written permission of Adobe. */ /* Copyright (c) InterAKT Online 2000-2006. All rights reserved. */ if (isset($_GET['KT_back'])) { require_once dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) . '/../common/KT_common.php'; KT_session_start(); $tmp = KT_addReplaceParam(KT_getFullUri(), 'KT_back'); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $backURL = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $backURL = KT_addReplaceParam($backURL, '/^totalRows_.*$/i'); KT_SessionKtBack($backURL); } if (isset($_POST['KT_Delete1'])) { echo '<html><head></head><body><form action="' . $tmp . '" method="POST" name="KT_backForm">'; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'KT_Delete1' || strpos($key, 'kt_pk_') === 0) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $value = stripslashes($value); } echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $key . '" value="' . KT_escapeAttribute($value) . '" />'; } } echo '</form><script>document.forms.KT_backForm.submit();</script></body></html>'; } else { KT_redir($tmp); } exit; }
function getDescription() { $ret = ""; if ($this->getCurrentInclude() !== NULL) { $ret = $this->pages[$this->urlParamValue]['description']; } return KT_escapeAttribute($ret); }
/** * Main class method; return the code in page * @param string * @access public */ function Execute() { if (!isset($_GET['isFlash'])) { unset($_SESSION['tng_errors']); } $ret = ''; $url = KT_addReplaceParam(KT_getFullUri(), '/^totalRows_.*$/i'); $url2 = KT_addReplaceParam($url, 'isFlash'); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on") { $protocol = "https"; } else { $protocol = "http"; } $ret .= '<div id="uploadComponent" style="display:none;"></div>'; $ret .= '<div id="progressComponent" style="display:none;"></div>'; $ret .= '<div id="singleIndicator" style="display:none;width=100%; text-align:center;"> <h3>Uploading files</h3> <img id="pbar" src="' . $this->relpath . 'includes/tng/pub/loading.gif"/> </div> <div id="simple_upload" style=""> <form id="singleUpload" method="post" action="' . KT_escapeAttribute($url2) . '" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="tNG_showIndicator()"> <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="KT_tngtable"> <tr> <td><label for="filename_pic">Filename:</label></td> <td align="right"><input type="file" name="Filedata" id="Filedata" size = "40%" /><input type="submit" name="KT_Insert1" id="KT_Insert1" value="' . KT_getResource('UPLOAD', 'tNG') . '"class="button_big" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> <script> tNG_initFileUpload("' . $protocol . '"); </script>'; return $ret; }
?> " size="32" maxlength="50" /> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldHint("pag_serv"); ?> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldError("servicios", "pag_serv", $cnt1); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="kt_pk_servicios_<?php echo $cnt1; ?> " class="id_field" value="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute($row_rsservicios['kt_pk_servicios']); ?> " /> <?php } while ($row_rsservicios = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsservicios)); ?> <div class="KT_bottombuttons"> <div> <?php // Show IF Conditional region1 if (@$_GET['id_servicio'] == "") { ?> <input type="submit" name="KT_Insert1" id="KT_Insert1" value="<?php echo NXT_getResource("Insert_FB"); ?> " />
</head> <body> <?php echo $tNGs->getLoginMsg(); echo $tNGs->getErrorMsg(); ?> <form method="post" id="form1" class="KT_tngformerror" action="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute(KT_getFullUri()); ?> "> <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="KT_tngtable"> <tr> <td class="KT_th"><label for="kt_login_user">Username:</label></td> <td><input type="text" name="kt_login_user" id="kt_login_user" value="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute($row_rscustom['kt_login_user']); ?> " size="32" /> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldHint("kt_login_user"); ?> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldError("custom", "kt_login_user"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="KT_th"><label for="kt_login_password">Password:</label></td> <td><input type="password" name="kt_login_password" id="kt_login_password" value="" size="32" /> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldHint("kt_login_password");
?> " id="banner_<?php echo $cnt1; ?> " size="32" /> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldError("banner", "banner", $cnt1); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="kt_pk_banner_<?php echo $cnt1; ?> " class="id_field" value="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute($row_rsbanner['kt_pk_banner']); ?> " /> <?php } while ($row_rsbanner = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsbanner)); ?> <div class="KT_bottombuttons"> <div> <?php // Show IF Conditional region1 if (@$_GET['id_banner'] == "") { ?> <input type="submit" name="KT_Insert1" id="KT_Insert1" value="<?php echo NXT_getResource("Insert_FB"); ?> " />
/** * Parses the SQL error * Called when the transaction SQL throws an error. It sets the error object message * @param string $sql the SQL statement that throwed the error message * @param string $errorMsg the error text message * @access protected */ function &parseSQLError($sql, $errorMsg) { $sql = KT_escapeAttribute($sql); $errObj = new tNG_error('SQL_ERROR', array($errorMsg), array($sql)); return $errObj; }
function getQuerryParams() { $strToRet = ''; foreach ($_GET as $p => $v) { if (strpos($p, $this->listName) === false && $p != "pageNum_" . $this->rsName && $p != "totalRows_" . $this->rsName && $p != "KT_data_request") { $strToRet .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $p . '" value="' . KT_escapeAttribute(KT_getRealValue("GET", $p)) . '" />' . "\n"; } } return $strToRet; }
<td> <a class="toNext" <?php if ($dtable->getPageNum() >= $dtable->getTotalPages()) { echo 'style="visibility: hidden"'; } ?> id="<?php echo $dtable->listName; ?> _nav_next" href="<?php echo str_replace('&', '&', KT_escapeAttribute($dtable->getNavLink("next"))); ?> "><span class="noImg">></span></a> </td> <td> <a class="toLast" <?php if ($dtable->getPageNum() >= $dtable->getTotalPages()) { echo 'style="visibility: hidden"'; } ?> id="<?php echo $dtable->listName; ?> _nav_last" href="<?php echo str_replace('&', '&', KT_escapeAttribute($dtable->getNavLink("last"))); ?> "><span class="noImg">>></span></a> </td> </tr> </table>
?> " size="32" maxlength="50" /> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldHint("liga_cat"); ?> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldError("categorias", "liga_cat", $cnt1); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="kt_pk_categorias_<?php echo $cnt1; ?> " class="id_field" value="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute($row_rscategorias['kt_pk_categorias']); ?> " /> <?php } while ($row_rscategorias = mysql_fetch_assoc($rscategorias)); ?> <div class="KT_bottombuttons"> <div> <?php // Show IF Conditional region1 if (@$_GET['id_cat'] == "") { ?> <input type="submit" name="KT_Insert1" id="KT_Insert1" value="<?php echo NXT_getResource("Insert_FB"); ?> " />
</table> <input type="hidden" name="kt_pk_tintuc_<?php echo $cnt1; ?> " class="id_field" value="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute($row_rstintuc['kt_pk_tintuc']); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="ID_thanhvien_<?php echo $cnt1; ?> " id="ID_thanhvien_<?php echo $cnt1; ?> " value="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute($row_rstintuc['ID_thanhvien']); ?> " /> <?php } while ($row_rstintuc = mysql_fetch_assoc($rstintuc)); ?> <div class="KT_bottombuttons"> <div> <?php // Show IF Conditional region1 if (@$_GET['ID_tintuc'] == "") { ?> <input type="submit" name="KT_Insert1" id="KT_Insert1" value="<?php echo NXT_getResource("Insert_FB"); ?> " />
<?php // Show IF Conditional region3 if (@$_SESSION['has_filter_tfi_listservicios1'] == 1) { ?> <tr class="KT_row_filter"> <td> </td> <td><input type="text" name="tfi_listservicios1_servicio" id="tfi_listservicios1_servicio" value="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute(@$_SESSION['tfi_listservicios1_servicio']); ?> " size="20" maxlength="150" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="tfi_listservicios1_desc_serv" id="tfi_listservicios1_desc_serv" value="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute(@$_SESSION['tfi_listservicios1_desc_serv']); ?> " size="20" maxlength="255" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="tfi_listservicios1_pag_serv" id="tfi_listservicios1_pag_serv" value="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute(@$_SESSION['tfi_listservicios1_pag_serv']); ?> " size="20" maxlength="50" /></td> <td><input type="submit" name="tfi_listservicios1" value="<?php echo NXT_getResource("Filter"); ?> " /></td> </tr> <?php } // endif Conditional region3 ?> </thead> <tbody> <?php if ($totalRows_rsservicios1 == 0) {