 /* Check that the "other account" has not expired */
 switch ($EnteredBy) {
     case 'buyer':
         if (IsExpired($SellerID)) {
             $title = "Seller Account Expired";
             include "header.php";
             print "<h1>Unable to Process Trade</h1>\n                \t\t\t<h4>Sorry.</h4>The system is unable to process the inputted trade, because: <p><h2>the identified seller account has expired.</h2><p>";
             include "footer.php";
     case 'seller':
         if (IsExpired($BuyerID)) {
             $title = "Buyer Account Expired";
             include "header.php";
             print "<h1>Unable to Process Trade</h1>\n                \t\t\t<h4>Sorry.</h4>The system is unable to process the inputted trade, because: <p><h2>the identified buyer account has expired.</h2><p>";
             include "footer.php";
 /* Check to ensure that neither account is restricted.  If the entering account is
 suspended, deny the trade.  Otherwise, look for a warning, and deny or allow the
 trade as appropriate */
 switch ($EnteredBy) {
     case 'buyer':
         $BuyerStatus = AccountStatus($BuyerID);
         if ($BuyerStatus == 'Suspended' || $BuyerStatus == 'Suspended from Purchase') {
             $title = 'Account Restricted';
 /* Check that the submitted accounts exist, and that the Amount field is
 numeric */
 $SellerID["{$trade}"] = ExistsAccount($SellerID["{$trade}"]);
 $BuyerID["{$trade}"] = ExistsAccount($BuyerID["{$trade}"]);
 $Amount["{$trade}"] = MakeCurrency($Amount["{$trade}"]);
 /* Don't process if no data is entered, or if only partial data is submitted.
 Set the Result[] variable to contain a response to the user, as appropriate */
 if (empty($SellerID["{$trade}"]) && empty($BuyerID["{$trade}"]) && empty($Description["{$trade}"]) && empty($Amount["{$trade}"])) {
     $Result["{$trade}"] = "No trade data entered.";
 } elseif (empty($SellerID["{$trade}"]) || empty($BuyerID["{$trade}"]) || empty($Description["{$trade}"]) || empty($Amount["{$trade}"])) {
     $Result["{$trade}"] = "Not processed.  <em>Submitted Trade Data incomplete or contains invalid AccountID</em>.";
 } else {
     /* Check for expired accounts */
     if (IsExpired($SellerID["{$trade}"])) {
         $Result["{$trade}"] = "Not Processed.  <em>The Seller account has expired</em>.";
     } elseif (IsExpired($BuyerID["{$trade}"])) {
         $Result["{$trade}"] = "Not Processed.  <em>The Buyer account has expired</em>.";
     } elseif (AccountStatus($BuyerID["{$trade}"]) == 'Suspended' || AccountStatus($BuyerID["{$trade}"]) == 'Suspended from Buy') {
         if (WasWarned($SellerID["{$trade}"], $BuyerID["{$trade}"], 'Suspension')) {
             $Result["{$trade}"] = "Not Processed. <em>Buyer Account is under suspension and Seller has received a previous warning</em>.";
     } elseif (AccountStatus($SellerID["{$trade}"]) == 'Suspended' || AccountStatus($SellerID["{$trade}"]) == 'Suspended from Sale') {
         if (WasWarned($BuyerID["{$trade}"], $SellerID["{$trade}"], 'Suspension')) {
             $Result["{$trade}"] = "Not Processed. <em>Seller Account is under suspension and Buyer has received a previous warning</em>.";
     } elseif (BuyerOverLimit($BuyerID["{$trade}"], $Amount["{$trade}"])) {
         if (WasWarned($SellerID["{$trade}"], $BuyerID["{$trade}"], 'Over Limit')) {
             $Result["{$trade}"] = "Not Processed.  <em>Buyer Account is over limit and Seller has received a previous warning</em>.";
     } elseif (SellerOverLimit($SellerID["{$trade}"], $Amount["{$trade}"])) {
         if (WasWarned($BuyerID["{$trade}"], $SellerID["{$trade}"], 'Over Limit')) {