예제 #1
    function indonez_custom_css()
        global $idz_opt, $post;
        $id = isset($post->ID) ? get_the_ID() : "";
        $prefix = '_indonez_';
        $darkPercent = -10;
        $lightPercent = 10;
        $boxed_layout = !$idz_opt['boxed_layout'] ? $idz_opt['boxed_layout'] : 1;
        $background_pattern = !empty($idz_opt['background_pattern']) ? $idz_opt['background_pattern'] : "";
        $get_pattern_name = explode('/', $background_pattern);
        $pattern_name = $get_pattern_name[count($get_pattern_name) - 1];
        $body_color = !empty($idz_opt['body_color']) ? $idz_opt['body_color'] : "";
        $background_custom_image = !empty($idz_opt['background_custom']['background-image']) ? $idz_opt['background_custom']['background-image'] : "";
        $background_custom_repeat = !empty($idz_opt['background_custom']['background-repeat']) ? $idz_opt['background_custom']['background-repeat'] : "";
        $background_custom_position = !empty($idz_opt['background_custom']['background-position']) ? $idz_opt['background_custom']['background-position'] : "";
        $background_custom_size = !empty($idz_opt['background_custom']['background-size']) ? $idz_opt['background_custom']['background-size'] : "";
        $background_custom_attachment = !empty($idz_opt['background_custom']['background-attachment']) ? $idz_opt['background_custom']['background-attachment'] : "";
        $generalcolor = isset($idz_opt['color_scheme']) ? $idz_opt['color_scheme'] : "";
        if ($generalcolor != "") {
            $generalcolorlight = IdzcolourCreator($generalcolor, $lightPercent);
            $generalcolordark = IdzcolourCreator($generalcolor, $darkPercent);
            $rgb = IdztoRGB($generalcolor);
        } else {
            $generalcolorlight = $generalcolor;
            $generalcolordark = $generalcolor;
            $rgb = $generalcolor;
        $body_font_google = !empty($idz_opt['body_font']['google']) ? $idz_opt['body_font']['google'] : "";
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        $body_font_color = !empty($idz_opt['body_font']['color']) ? $idz_opt['body_font']['color'] : "";
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        $menu_font_google = !empty($idz_opt['menu_font']['google']) ? $idz_opt['menu_font']['google'] : "";
        $menu_font_family = !empty($idz_opt['menu_font']['font-family']) ? $idz_opt['menu_font']['font-family'] : "";
        $menu_font_color = !empty($idz_opt['menu_font']['color']) ? $idz_opt['menu_font']['color'] : "";
        $menu_font_style = !empty($idz_opt['menu_font']['font-style']) ? $idz_opt['menu_font']['font-style'] : "";
        $menu_font_size = !empty($idz_opt['menu_font']['font-size']) ? $idz_opt['menu_font']['font-size'] : "";
        $menu_font_lineheight = !empty($idz_opt['menu_font']['line-height']) ? $idz_opt['menu_font']['line-height'] : "";
        $TagTypes = array('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6');
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($TagTypes as $type) {
            $heading_font_google[] = !empty($idz_opt['heading_' . $i . '_font']['google']) ? $idz_opt['heading_' . $i . '_font']['google'] : "";
            $heading_font_famaily[] = !empty($idz_opt['heading_' . $i . '_font']['font-family']) ? $idz_opt['heading_' . $i . '_font']['font-family'] : "";
            $heading_font_color[] = !empty($idz_opt['heading_' . $i . '_font']['color']) ? $idz_opt['heading_' . $i . '_font']['color'] : "";
            $heading_font_style[] = !empty($idz_opt['heading_' . $i . '_font']['font-style']) ? $idz_opt['heading_' . $i . '_font']['font-style'] : "";
            $heading_font_size[] = !empty($idz_opt['heading_' . $i . '_font']['font-size']) ? $idz_opt['heading_' . $i . '_font']['font-size'] : "";
            $heading_font_lineheight[] = !empty($idz_opt['heading_' . $i . '_font']['line-height']) ? $idz_opt['heading_' . $i . '_font']['line-height'] : "";
        $custom_css = '';
        //body background pattern
        if ($boxed_layout == 1) {
            if ($background_pattern != "") {
                if ($pattern_name != "no-pattern.png") {
                    $custom_css .= 'body { 
    						background-image: url(' . $background_pattern . ');
    						background-repeat: repeat;
    					}' . "\n";
                } else {
                    $custom_css .= 'body { 
							background-image: none;
						}' . "\n";
            //body background color & background image
            if ($body_color != "") {
                $custom_css .= 'body { 
    							background-color: ' . $body_color . ';
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            //body background color & background image
            if (!empty($background_custom_image) || $background_custom_image != "") {
                $custom_css .= 'body { 
    						background-image: url(' . $background_custom_image . ');
    						background-repeat: ' . ${$background_custom_repeat} . ';
    						background-position: ' . $background_custom_position . ';
    						background-size: ' . $background_custom_size . ';
    						background-attachment : ' . $background_custom_attachment . ';
    					}' . "\n";
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        $custom_css .= 'body {color:' . $body_font_color . ' ; font: ' . $body_font_size . ' ' . $body_font_family . ';  font-weight: ' . $body_font_style . ';  line-height: ' . $body_font_lineheight . ';}';
        $custom_css .= 'p.lead, .icon-shape span, .text-shape span,#comment-form #submit, .idz-breadcrumb > li {font-family: ' . $body_font_family . '; }';
        $custom_css .= '.idz-menu a { color: ' . $menu_font_color . ';  font-size: ' . $menu_font_size . ';  line-height: ' . $menu_font_lineheight . ';  font-family: ' . $menu_font_family . ';}';
        $custom_css .= '.button, .chart-container p, .portfolio-filter .button, .idz-image span, .widget-popular a, .contact-header strong, .slideshow .slider-title, .slideshow .slider-caption, .slideshow .slider-button, .slideshow .slider-list, .blog-link a, .date-blog-information span,.post-information, .post-information, .box-counter span, .contact-form legend, .footer-menu { font-family: ' . $menu_font_family . ';}';
        $custom_css .= 'h1 {color:' . $heading_font_color[0] . ' ; font: ' . $heading_font_size[0] . ' ' . $heading_font_famaily[0] . ';  font-weight: ' . $heading_font_size[0] . ';  line-height: ' . $heading_font_lineheight[0] . ';}';
        $custom_css .= 'h2 {color:' . $heading_font_color[1] . ' ; font: ' . $heading_font_size[1] . ' ' . $heading_font_famaily[1] . ';  font-weight: ' . $heading_font_size[1] . ';  line-height: ' . $heading_font_lineheight[1] . ';}';
        $custom_css .= 'h3 {color:' . $heading_font_color[2] . ' ; font: ' . $heading_font_size[2] . ' ' . $heading_font_famaily[2] . ';  font-weight: ' . $heading_font_size[2] . ';  line-height: ' . $heading_font_lineheight[2] . ';}';
        $custom_css .= 'h4 {color:' . $heading_font_color[3] . ' ; font: ' . $heading_font_size[3] . ' ' . $heading_font_famaily[3] . ';  font-weight: ' . $heading_font_size[3] . ';  line-height: ' . $heading_font_lineheight[3] . ';}';
        $custom_css .= 'h5 {color:' . $heading_font_color[4] . ' ; font: ' . $heading_font_size[4] . ' ' . $heading_font_famaily[4] . ';  font-weight: ' . $heading_font_size[4] . ';  line-height: ' . $heading_font_lineheight[4] . ';}';
        $custom_css .= 'h6 {color:' . $heading_font_color[5] . ' ; font: ' . $heading_font_size[5] . ' ' . $heading_font_famaily[5] . ';  font-weight: ' . $heading_font_size[5] . ';  line-height: ' . $heading_font_lineheight[5] . ';}';
        if ($generalcolor != "") {
            $custom_css .= '::selection { background-color: ' . $generalcolor . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '::-moz-selection { background-color: ' . $generalcolor . '; } ';
            $custom_css .= '#scrollUp, .navigation-container, .icon-shape.circle,
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        .testimonial-description span,
        .idz-team span,
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        .date-blog-information span,
        .sharing-box .social-list a,
        .comment-text .reply, .idz-panel.fold, .image-content .img-overlay,
        .idz-image .image-caption:after, .portfolio-filter .idz-button.selected, .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-current,
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        .wp-pagenavi a:hover  { background-color: ' . $generalcolorlight . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.comment-reply-link:hover { color: #ffffff;}
         .wp-pagenavi a:hover, .wp-pagenavi .current {
            color:#fff !important;
            border: 2px solid ' . $generalcolor . ' !important;
            $custom_css .= '.wp-pagenavi a:hover {
            border: 2px solid ' . $generalcolorlight . ' !important;
            $custom_css .= '#comment-form #submit:hover {
        	border-color:' . $generalcolorlight . ';
            $custom_css .= 'a, .text-color, .idz-button.button-border, .idz-button.button-link, .box-counter2 span, .box-counter i, .page-title, .idz-breadcrumb > .current_item,
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        .blog-author .author-link, .widget-twitter .twitter-text a,
        .widget-twitter .twitter-text .at, .icon-shape i,
        .icon-shape span,
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        .text-shape span, h4.resp-accordion:hover,
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            $custom_css .= 'a:hover, .action-header a:hover, .idz-menu ul a.active, .idz-menu ul a:hover, .idz-menu ul a:focus, .idz-menu ul a.highlighted, .idz-menu a:hover span.sub-arrow:after,
        .idz-menu a:focus span.sub-arrow:after,
        .idz-menu a:active span.sub-arrow:after,
        .idz-menu a.highlighted span.sub-arrow:after, .form-search-trigger.active, .form-search-trigger:hover, .idz-button.button-link:hover, #me-footer a:hover, #slideshow-container .tp-rightarrow.default:hover:before,
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        .post-information a:hover,
        .blog-author .author-link:hover, .blog-link a:hover, .widget-category a:hover,
        .widget-archive a:hover,
        .widget-popular a:hover, .widget-twitter .twitter-text a:hover, .widget-twitter .twitter-text a:focus,
        .widget-twitter .twitter-text .at:hover,
        .widget-twitter .twitter-text .at:focus, .idz-list a:hover, #toggle-switcher:hover i, .search-trigger,
        .menu-trigger, .search-trigger.active, .search-trigger:hover,
        .menu-trigger:hover {color: ' . $generalcolorlight . '; }';
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        .idz-toggle .ui-accordion-header-active, .idz-accordion .ui-accordion-header-active {
        	background: ' . $generalcolor . ';
            border: 1px solid ' . $generalcolor . ';
            color: #ffffff;
            $custom_css .= '.slideshow .tp-bannertimer {
          background: rgba(' . $rgb['R'] . ', ' . $rgb['G'] . ', ' . $rgb['B'] . ', 0.5);  
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          background: ' . $generalcolordark . '; }
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        #idz-header #menu .idz-menu li.current-menu-parent > a, 
        #idz-header #menu .idz-menu li.current-menu-ancestor > a,
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            background: ' . $generalcolordark . ';
            $custom_css .= '#idz-header.header-version2 .idz-menu a.active, #idz-header.header-version2 .idz-menu a:hover, #idz-header.header-version2 .idz-menu a:focus, #idz-header.header-version2 .idz-menu a.highlighted,
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            $custom_css .= '#idz-header.header-version2 .idz-menu a.active:before, #idz-header.header-version2 .idz-menu a:hover:before, #idz-header.header-version2 .idz-menu a:focus:before, #idz-header.header-version2 .idz-menu a.highlighted:before,
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        #idz-header.header-version3 .idz-menu ul a:focus,
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        #idz-header.header-version2 #menu li.current-menu-parent > a,
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        #idz-header.header-version2 #menu li.current-menu-ancestor > a,
        #idz-header.header-version3 #menu li.current-menu-ancestor > a{ color: ' . $generalcolor . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '#idz-header.header-version2 .form-search-trigger.active, #idz-header.header-version2 .form-search-trigger:hover,
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            $custom_css .= '#idz-header.header-version2 .form-search .input-group-icon,
        #idz-header.header-version3 .form-search .input-group-icon {background: ' . $generalcolor . '; }';
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            $custom_css .= '.form-search .input-group-icon { color: ' . $generalcolorlight . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.form-search .form-control::-moz-placeholder { color: ' . $generalcolorlight . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.form-search .form-control:-ms-input-placeholder { color: ' . $generalcolorlight . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.form-search .form-control::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: ' . $generalcolorlight . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.icon-shape.stroke, .text-shape.stroke { border-color: ' . $generalcolor . ';background: transparent; }';
            $custom_css .= '.icon-shape.stroke span, .icon-shape.stroke i,.text-shape.stroke span, .text-shape.stroke i { color: ' . $generalcolor . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.idz-button.button-border { border-color: ' . $generalcolor . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.idz-button.button-border:hover { border-color: ' . $generalcolorlight . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.pin-team span:before { border-color: ' . $generalcolor . ' transparent; }';
            $custom_css .= '.blog-carousel-nav .left-nav:hover, .blog-carousel-nav .right-nav:hover {
            background: rgba(' . $rgb['R'] . ', ' . $rgb['G'] . ', ' . $rgb['B'] . ', 0.5);   
            $custom_css .= '.idz-panel.fold:before { border-color: #fff #fff ' . $generalcolordark . ' ' . $generalcolordark . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.form-control:focus { border-color: ' . $generalcolor . '; }';
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            $custom_css .= 'h4.resp-accordion.resp-tab-active,
        .resp-tabs-list li.resp-tab-active,
        .resp-tabs-list li.resp-tab-active:hover,
        .resp-tabs-list li.resp-tab-active:active { background: ' . $generalcolor . '; border: 1px solid ' . $generalcolor . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.pagination li a:hover, .pagination li.active a:hover { border-color: ' . $generalcolorlight . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.pagination li.active a { border-color: ' . $generalcolor . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.idz-button.button-icon-right .button-icon, .idz-button.button-icon-left .button-icon { background: ' . $generalcolordark . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '.search-trigger, .menu-trigger { background: ' . $generalcolordark . '; }';
            $custom_css .= '@media screen and (max-width: 700px) {
          .idz-menu a.active,
          .idz-menu a:hover,
          .idz-menu a:focus,
          .idz-menu a.highlighted { color: ' . $generalcolorlight . '; } }';
            $custom_css .= '@media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
          .search-trigger.active, .search-trigger:hover,
          .menu-trigger:hover { color: #fff !important; background: ' . $generalcolorlight . ' !important; } }';
        //custom css
        if (!empty($idz_opt['idz_custom_css'])) {
            $custom_css .= $idz_opt['idz_custom_css'];
        return $custom_css;
예제 #2
 function indonez_wrapbox($atts, $content = null)
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('bg_color' => '', 'bg_image' => '', 'border_color' => '', 'bg_opacity' => '', 'opacity' => '0.5', 'parallax' => 'no', 'top_gap' => '', 'bottom_gap' => '', 'class' => ''), $atts));
     //enqueue script
     $RGB = IdztoRGB($bg_opacity);
     $class_gap = '';
     if ($top_gap != "" || $bottom_gap != "") {
         $class_gap = "gap";
     $gap_class = '';
     if ($top_gap != "") {
         $gap_class .= 'data-gap-top="' . $top_gap . '"';
     if ($bottom_gap != "") {
         $gap_class .= 'data-gap-bottom="' . $bottom_gap . '"';
     $css_class = '';
     $parallax_class = '';
     if ($bg_color != "") {
         $css_class .= 'background-color: ' . esc_attr($bg_color) . ';';
     if ($bg_opacity != "") {
         $bgopacity_class = 'background-color: rgba(' . $RGB['R'] . ', ' . $RGB['G'] . ', ' . $RGB['B'] . ', ' . $opacity . ');';
     if ($bg_image != "") {
         $css_class .= 'background-image: url(' . esc_url($bg_image) . ');';
     if ($border_color != "") {
         $css_class .= 'border-top: 1px solid ' . esc_attr($border_color) . ';border-bottom: 1px solid ' . esc_attr($border_color) . ';';
     if ($parallax == "yes") {
         $parallax_class = 'parallax';
     $out = '';
     if ($bg_opacity != "") {
         $out .= '<div class="idz-wrapbox ' . esc_attr($class) . ' ' . $parallax_class . ' ' . $class_gap . '"  ' . $gap_class . ' style="' . $css_class . '"><div class="parallax-overlay" style="' . $bgopacity_class . '"></div>' . do_shortcode($content) . '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
     } else {
         $out .= '<div class="idz-wrapbox ' . esc_attr($class) . ' ' . $parallax_class . ' ' . $class_gap . '"  ' . $gap_class . ' style="' . $css_class . '">' . do_shortcode($content) . '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
     return $out;