예제 #1
function IIRS_0_akismet_comment_check($author_data)
    // Passes back TRUE (its spam) or FALSE (its ham)
    // or an IIRS_Error if a system level issue occurs
    $ret = FALSE;
    // not SPAM
    $url = 'http://' . IIRS_AKISMET_API_KEY . '.rest.akismet.com/1.1/comment-check';
    $akismet_ua = 'WordPress/3.8.1 | Akismet/2.5.9';
    $response_body = null;
    IIRS_0_debug_print("akismet spam check:");
    $response_body = IIRS_0_http_request($url, $author_data, null, $akismet_ua);
    if (IIRS_is_error($response_body)) {
        // the low level HTTP request got an error, so return it
        $ret = $response_body;
    } elseif ('' == $response_body) {
        $ret = new IIRS_Error(IIRS_AKISMET_NOTHING, 'Failed to check the entries against the Akismet SPAM database. Please try again tomorrow :)', 'Akismet returned an invalid response (empty string)', IIRS_MESSAGE_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ERROR, IIRS_MESSAGE_NO_USER_ACTION, $author_data);
    } elseif (is_null($response_body)) {
        $ret = new IIRS_Error(IIRS_AKISMET_FAILED, 'Failed to check the entries against the Akismet SPAM database. Please try again tomorrow :)', 'Akismet returned a big fat nothing', IIRS_MESSAGE_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ERROR, IIRS_MESSAGE_NO_USER_ACTION, $author_data);
    } else {
        IIRS_0_debug_print("Akismet HTTP response:");
        $ret = 'true' == $response_body;
        IIRS_0_debug_print($ret ? 'is SPAM' : 'not spam');
    return $ret;
예제 #2
function IIRS_0_location_to_HTML($location_array, &$location_uniques = array(), $select = false, $town_name = '')
    static $option = 1;
    $location_description = $location_array['description'];
    $location_latitude = $location_array['latitude'];
    $location_longitude = $location_array['longitude'];
    $location_full_address = $location_array['full_address'];
    $location_country = $location_array['country'];
    $location_granuality = $location_array['granuality'];
    $location_bounds = $location_array['bounds'];
    if (IIRS_is_error($location_array)) {
        $location_output = $location_array;
    } else {
        // unique identity output
        $unique_id = "{$location_latitude},{$location_longitude}";
        if (!$location_uniques || !$unique_id || !isset($location_uniques[$unique_id])) {
            if (is_numeric($location_latitude) && is_numeric($location_longitude)) {
                $google_map_URL = "https://www.google.com/maps/@{$location_latitude},{$location_longitude},16z";
                $google_map_link = '<a target="_blank" href="' . $google_map_URL . '\\">' . IIRS_0_translation('view on map') . '</a>';
                $selected = $select ? 'checked="1"' : '';
                $selected_class = $select ? 'selected' : '';
                $location_value_serialised = urlencode(serialize($location_array));
                // status, description, links
                // SECURITY: $location_status is un-escaped output
                //   $location_latitude && $location_longitude in $google_map_link are numeric
                //   translations are the responsibility of the administrator
                if (IIRS_0_TI_search_result_already_registered($town_name, $location_latitude, $location_longitude, $location_description)) {
                    $location_status = IIRS_0_translation(IGNORE_TRANSLATION, 'transition initiative already registered') . " {$google_map_link}<br/>";
                    $location_status .= '<input class="IIRS_0_button" type="button" value="' . IIRS_0_translation(IGNORE_TRANSLATION, 'join!') . '"/>';
                    $location_status .= '<input class="IIRS_0_button" type="button" value="' . IIRS_0_translation(IGNORE_TRANSLATION, 'message') . '"/>';
                    $disabled = 'disabled="1"';
                } else {
                    $location_status = IIRS_0_translation('transition initiative not registered yet!') . " {$google_map_link}<br/>";
                    // $location_status .= IIRS_0_translation( IGNORE_TRANSLATION, 'closest initiative' ) . ': 5' . IIRS_0_translation( IGNORE_TRANSLATION, 'km' );
                    $disabled = '';
                // HTML assemble
                $location_description_escaped = IIRS_0_escape_for_HTML_text($location_description);
                $location_full_address_escaped = IIRS_0_escape_for_HTML_text("{$location_granuality}: {$location_full_address}");
                $location_output = <<<HTML
          <li class="{$selected_class}">
            <input {$disabled} {$selected} name="place" class="IIRS_0_radio IIRS_0_required" value="{$location_value_serialised}" type="radio" id="IIRS_0_location_{$option}_input" />
            <label for="IIRS_0_location_{$option}_input">
              <div class="IIRS_0_full_address">{$location_full_address_escaped}</div>
              <div class="IIRS_0_status">{$location_status}</div>
                // record for uniqueness
                if ($unique_id && $location_uniques) {
                    $location_uniques[$unique_id] = 1;
    return $location_output;
 //domain_other will be filled out if it has not already been checked by the previous domain_lookup
 if ($is_unchecked_domain) {
     $domain = trim($domain);
     $domain = preg_replace('/^(https?:\\/\\/)?(www\\.)?([^\\/?]*).*/i', '$3', $domain);
     IIRS_0_debug_print("domain: carrying out DNS [and WHOIS] lookup on [{$domain}]");
     $ip_address = gethostbyname($domain);
     // gethostbyname PHP 4,5
     $valid_dns = $ip_address != $domain;
 if ($valid_dns) {
     IIRS_0_debug_print("DNS valid [{$ip_address}], updating domain to [{$domain}]");
     IIRS_0_TI_update_TI(array('domain' => $domain));
     //----------------------------------------------------- about us section from domain
     $old_error_reporting = error_reporting(0);
     $timeout = 1.0;
     if (!IIRS_is_error($aboutus = IIRS_0_http_request("http://{$domain}/aboutus", null, $timeout)) || !IIRS_is_error($aboutus = IIRS_0_http_request("http://{$domain}/about", null, $timeout)) || !IIRS_is_error($aboutus = IIRS_0_http_request("http://{$domain}/about_us", null, $timeout)) || !IIRS_is_error($aboutus = IIRS_0_http_request("http://{$domain}/", null, $timeout))) {
         $oAboutUs = new DOMDocument();
         $xpath = new DOMXpath($oAboutUs);
         $elements = $xpath->query("//*[@id='content'] | //*[@class='layout-container']");
         if (!is_null($elements) && $elements->length) {
             $summary_from_website .= ' (' . IIRS_0_translation('from the website') . ')';
             foreach ($elements as $element) {
                 $summaryFromDomain .= $element->textContent . "\n";
             $summaryFromDomain = preg_replace('/\\n\\s*\\n/', "\n", $summaryFromDomain);
             $summaryFromDomain = preg_replace('/\\n\\s*\\n/', "\n", $summaryFromDomain);
             $summaryFromDomain = preg_replace('/^\\s+|\\s+$|^\\s+/', "", $summaryFromDomain);
         } else {
             IIRS_0_debug_print("cannot find content in the aboutus response.");
예제 #4
if ('update account details' == $form) {
    // current user logged in is required here
    IIRS_0_debug_print("updating account details...");
    $values = array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'password' => $pass == IIRS_0_CLEAR_PASSWORD ? NULL : $pass);
    $ret = IIRS_0_TI_update_user($values);
    if (IIRS_is_error($ret)) {
        $IIRS_error = $ret;
if ('update transition initiative' == $form) {
    // current user logged in is required here
    // to get the correct TI
    IIRS_0_debug_print("updating TI details...");
    $values = array('name' => $initiative_name, 'summary' => $summary, 'domain' => $domain, 'town_name' => $town_name, 'location_latitude' => $location_latitude, 'location_longitude' => $location_longitude, 'location_description' => $location_description, 'location_country' => $location_country, 'location_full_address' => $location_full_address, 'location_granuality' => $location_granuality, 'location_bounds' => $location_bounds);
    $ret = IIRS_0_TI_update_TI($values);
    if (IIRS_is_error($ret)) {
        $IIRS_error = $ret;
// ------------------------------------------------------------- load current values
// this page only works with a single user that has only 1 registered TI
// it does not handle users who have registered multiple TIs
$is_user_with_one_TI = false;
$location_uniques = array();
if (IIRS_0_logged_in()) {
    IIRS_0_debug_print("loading user details...");
    if ($user = IIRS_0_details_user()) {
        $name = $user['name'];
        $email = $user['email'];
        $phone = isset($user['phone']) ? $user['phone'] : null;
        IIRS_0_debug_print("loading TI [" . IIRS_0_CONTENT_TYPE . "] details...");
예제 #5
function IIRS_0_TI_verify_add_TI($user_ID, $IIRS_host_domain, $initiative_name, $town_name, $location_latitude, $location_longitude, $location_description, $location_country, $location_full_address, $location_granuality, $location_bounds, $domain)
    // on success returns the native TI ID
    // on failure returns NULL
    $ret = null;
    // --------------------------------------- 1) check data input validity
    // the user is already registered, so we can use IIRS_0_details_user()
    // TODO: concurrency issues with registration
    if (!is_numeric($location_latitude) || !is_numeric($location_longitude)) {
        $ret = new IIRS_Error(IIRS_INVALID_TI_INPUTS, 'We think you are a SPAM robot. please email us to resolve this issue.', 'location data is not numeric', IIRS_MESSAGE_USER_ERROR, IIRS_MESSAGE_NO_USER_ACTION, array('$location_latitude' => $location_latitude, '$location_longitude' => $location_longitude));
    // --------------------------------------- 2) check user 1-1 TI relation
    if (!$ret) {
        $TI = IIRS_0_details_TI_user();
        // returns NULL if no TI associated
        if (is_array($TI)) {
            $ret = new IIRS_Error(IIRS_USER_ALREADY_HAS_TI, 'You have already registered a Transition Initiative under this username. Please logout and re-register', "User already associated with TI [{$TI['name']}]", IIRS_MESSAGE_USER_ERROR, IIRS_MESSAGE_NO_USER_ACTION, $TI);
        } elseif (IIRS_is_error($TI)) {
            $ret = $TI;
    // --------------------------------------- 3) check duplicate registration by vicinity
    // currently disabled. will always return ok
    if (!$ret) {
        $vicinity_match = IIRS_0_TI_vicinity_match($location_latitude, $location_longitude, $location_description);
        if ($vicinity_match === TRUE || IIRS_is_error($vicinity_match)) {
            $ret = $vicinity_match;
    // --------------------------------------- 4) check duplicate TI name
    if (!$ret) {
        $TI_same_name = IIRS_0_TI_same_name($initiative_name);
        // returns a TI or FALSE or [system] IIRS_Error
        if (is_array($TI_same_name)) {
            // ok, so we have a registration with an identical name
            // same name entries are not necessarily close by. America and UK will have many name conflicts
            // reject this currently. ask for an alternative name
            // this might cause the user to experience surprise, anger, competition.
            // needs to be handled with emotional intelligence, i.e.:
            //   hey! we've found someone you can chat and work with in your space!
            //   OR
            //   someone OWNS this name and you are not permitted to create an Initiative here.
            $ret = new IIRS_Error(IIRS_TI_EXISTS_SAME_NAME, 'A Transition Initiative already exists with this name. Please add something to the name or change it and try again', 'TI Name matched exactly in data verification stage', IIRS_MESSAGE_USER_WARNING, IIRS_MESSAGE_NO_USER_ACTION, array('$TI_same_name' => $TI_same_name));
        } elseif (IIRS_is_error($TI_same_name)) {
            $ret = $TI_same_name;
    // --------------------------------------- 5) check for SPAM using AKISMET
    // IIRS_0_akismet_check_ti_registration_name() returns true for is SPAM
    if (!$ret) {
        $is_SPAM = IIRS_0_akismet_check_ti_registration_name(IIRS_0_details_user(), $initiative_name);
        if ($is_SPAM === TRUE) {
            $ret = new IIRS_Error(IIRS_AKISMET_SAYS_SPAM, 'Akismet thinks that your entry is SPAM. So we cannot accept it. Sorry.', 'Akismet returned true for SPAM detection', IIRS_MESSAGE_USER_ERROR, IIRS_MESSAGE_NO_USER_ACTION, array('$initiative_name' => $initiative_name));
        } elseif (IIRS_is_error($is_SPAM)) {
            $ret = $is_SPAM;
    // --------------------------------------- F) FINAL: if no vertification issues registrered then everything ok
    if (!$ret) {
        // ask host framework to add the TI
        $ret = IIRS_0_TI_add_TI($user_ID, $IIRS_host_domain, $initiative_name, $town_name, $location_latitude, $location_longitude, $location_description, $location_country, $location_full_address, $location_granuality, $location_bounds, $domain);
    return $ret;
예제 #6
function IIRS_0_geocode($town_name, $format = 'xml')
    global $location_is_example, $IIRS_host_TLD, $IIRS_common_dir;
    $location_arrays = array();
    // http://open.mapquestapi.com/geocoding/
    // see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Country_code_top-level_domain
    //   for region bias codes
    // NOTE: the country bias DOES NOT work for MapQuest. we are using a calculated bounding box instead
    //   boundingBox=61.06,-14.02,49.67,2.09
    $bounds_param = '';
    $region_bias = IIRS_0_setting('region_bias');
    if (!$region_bias || $region_bias == 'region_bias') {
        $region_bias = $IIRS_host_TLD;
    if ($region_bias == 'dev' || $region_bias == 'org') {
        $region_bias = 'uk';
    if ($bounds_details = IIRS_0_tld_bounds($region_bias)) {
        $bounds_min = $bounds_details['min'];
        $bounds_max = $bounds_details['max'];
        $bounds_min_lng = $bounds_min['lng'];
        $bounds_min_lat = $bounds_min['lat'];
        $bounds_max_lng = $bounds_max['lng'];
        $bounds_max_lat = $bounds_max['lat'];
        $bounds_param = 'boundingBox=' . $bounds_max_lat . ',' . $bounds_min_lng . ',' . $bounds_min_lat . ',' . $bounds_max_lng;
        IIRS_0_debug_print("located the country bounds for [{$IIRS_host_TLD} / {$region_bias}] => [{$bounds_param}]");
    } else {
        IIRS_0_debug_print("failed to locate the country bounds for [{$IIRS_host_TLD} / {$region_bias}]");
    $town_name_encoded = urlencode($town_name);
    $url_request = "http://open.mapquestapi.com/geocoding/v1/address?key=Fmjtd%7Cluu829uan1%2C8n%3Do5-9w1a9r&location={$town_name_encoded}&callback=renderGeocode&outFormat={$format}&{$bounds_param}";
    IIRS_0_debug_print("region_bias:[" . IIRS_0_setting('region_bias') . "] => {$region_bias}");
    // http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim#Parameters
    if ($location_is_example) {
        IIRS_0_debug_print("loading example file...");
        $xml = file_get_contents("{$IIRS_common_dir}/location_providers/example_data/mapquest.{$format}");
    } else {
        $xml = IIRS_0_http_request($url_request);
    if (IIRS_is_error($xml)) {
        $location_arrays = $xml;
    } else {
        $doc = new DOMDocument();
        $oXPath = new DOMXpath($doc);
        // translate the results in to a standardised array
        if (!$doc->documentElement || !$doc->documentElement->childNodes) {
            $location_arrays = new IIRS_Error(IIRS_LOCATION_XML_INVALID, 'Oops, it seems that the our servers are not responding! The manager has been informed and is trying to solve the problem. Please come back here tomorrow :)', 'Invalid XML returned', IIRS_MESSAGE_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ERROR, IIRS_MESSAGE_NO_USER_ACTION);
        } else {
            // handle no results (not an error as such!)
            if ($doc->documentElement->childNodes->length == 0) {
                IIRS_0_debug_print("no results from lookup");
            } else {
                // get places info into an associative array
                $placeNodes = $oXPath->query('/response/results/result/locations/location');
                IIRS_0_debug_print("{$placeNodes->length} results from lookup");
                foreach ($placeNodes as $placeNode) {
                    if ($placeNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
                          <adminArea5 type="City"></adminArea5>
                          <adminArea3 type="State">England</adminArea3>
                          <adminArea4 type="County">Bedford</adminArea4>
                          <adminArea1 type="Country">GB</adminArea1>
                        $location_array = array();
                        // assemble place description
                        $description = '';
                        foreach ($placeNode->childNodes as $placeValueNode) {
                            $sPlaceKey = $placeValueNode->nodeName;
                            if ($sPlaceKey != 'geocodeQuality' && $sPlaceKey != 'geocodeQualityCode' && $sPlaceKey != 'dragPoint' && $sPlaceKey != 'sideOfStreet' && $sPlaceKey != 'displayLatLng' && $sPlaceKey != 'linkId' && $sPlaceKey != 'type' && $sPlaceKey != 'latLng' && $sPlaceKey != 'mapUrl') {
                                $sPlaceValue = trim($placeValueNode->nodeValue);
                                if ($sPlaceValue) {
                                    $description .= "{$sPlaceValue}, ";
                        if ($description) {
                            $description = substr($description, 0, -2);
                        // entry and add in to the array
                        $location_array['description'] = $description;
                        $location_array['latitude'] = IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($placeNode, 'latLng/lat');
                        $location_array['longitude'] = IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($placeNode, 'latLng/lng');
                        $location_array['granuality'] = IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($placeNode, 'geocodeQuality');
                        $location_array['country'] = IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($placeNode, "adminArea1[@type='Country']");
                        $location_array['full_address'] = $description;
                        $location_array['bounds'] = '';
                        $location_arrays[] = $location_array;
    return $location_arrays;
         $city = preg_replace('/\..*|transition|town|transicao/i', '', $domain);
         if ($city) $town_name = $city;
         else {
           IIRS_0_debug_print("no registrant city found in the domain name either, try to get the city name from the IP");
           //TODO: try to get the town from the IP address
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process as town name
 // user input appears to not be a domain, so treat it as a town name
 IIRS_0_debug_print("treating as a town name");
 $location_options = IIRS_0_location_search_options($town_name);
 if (IIRS_is_error($location_options)) {
     $IIRS_error = $location_options;
 } else {
     $towns_found = !empty($location_options);
 if (!$towns_found) {
     $no_towns_found_disabled = 'disabled="1"';
     $no_towns_found_disabled_class = 'IIRS_0_disabled';
     IIRS_0_debug_print("sending extra geocode fail message");
     $non_fatal_error_email = "No towns found for [{$town_name}]";
     //prevent the error appearing in the translations system
     new IIRS_Error(IIRS_GEOCODE_RESULTS_EMPTY, $non_fatal_error_email, "Geocode [{$mapping_provider}] returned zero results for [{$town_name}]", IIRS_MESSAGE_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ERROR, NULL);
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- check for already registered initiative_name
 $TI_same_name = IIRS_0_TI_same_name($town_name);
 // returns a TI or FALSE or [system] IIRS_Error
예제 #8
function IIRS_0_geocode($town_name, $format = 'xml')
    global $location_is_example, $IIRS_host_TLD, $IIRS_common_dir;
    $location_arrays = array();
    // http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?sensor=false&address=bedford
    // see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Country_code_top-level_domain
    //   for region bias codes
    $region_bias = IIRS_0_setting('region_bias');
    if (!$region_bias || $region_bias == 'region_bias') {
        $region_bias = $IIRS_host_TLD;
    if ($region_bias == 'dev' || $region_bias == 'org') {
        $region_bias = 'uk';
    $town_name_encoded = urlencode($town_name);
    $url_request = "https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/{$format}?sensor=false&region={$region_bias}&address={$town_name_encoded}&key=" . IIRS_GOOGLE_API_KEY;
    if ($location_is_example) {
        IIRS_0_debug_print("loading example file...");
        $xml = file_get_contents("{$IIRS_common_dir}/location_providers/example_data/google.{$format}");
    } else {
        $xml = IIRS_0_http_request($url_request, null, 5.0);
    if (IIRS_is_error($xml)) {
        $location_arrays = $xml;
    } else {
        // DOMDocument and DOMXpath ( PHP5 )
        // PHP >= 5 should be checked for in the installation procedure ( IIRS.install )
        $doc = new DOMDocument();
        $oXPath = new DOMXpath($doc);
        // translate the results in to a standardised array
        if (!$doc->documentElement || !$doc->documentElement->childNodes) {
            $location_arrays = new IIRS_Error(IIRS_LOCATION_XML_INVALID, 'Oops, it seems that the our servers are not responding! The manager has been informed and is trying to solve the problem. Please come back here tomorrow :)', 'Invalid XML returned', IIRS_MESSAGE_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ERROR, IIRS_MESSAGE_NO_USER_ACTION, array('$url_request' => $url_request));
        } else {
            // IIRS_0_debug_var_dump( $xml );
            if ($doc->documentElement->childNodes->length == 0) {
                // handle no results
                IIRS_0_debug_print("no results for lookup");
            } else {
                // get places info into an associative array
                $placeNodes = $doc->documentElement->childNodes;
                foreach ($placeNodes as $placeNode) {
                    if ($placeNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $placeNode->nodeName == 'result') {
                        $location_array = array();
                        // entry and add in to the array
                        // basic values
                        $location_array['description'] = IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($placeNode, 'formatted_address');
                        $location_array['latitude'] = IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($placeNode, 'geometry/location/lat');
                        $location_array['longitude'] = IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($placeNode, 'geometry/location/lng');
                        $location_array['granuality'] = IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($placeNode, 'type');
                        // full address
                        $fullAddress = '';
                        $nodeList = $oXPath->query('address_component', $placeNode);
                        foreach ($nodeList as $address_component) {
                            $address_level = IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($address_component, "type[1]");
                            $address_name = IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($address_component, 'long_name');
                            $fullAddress .= $address_name . ', ';
                            if ($address_level == 'country') {
                                $location_array['country'] = $address_name;
                        if ($fullAddress) {
                            $fullAddress = substr($fullAddress, 0, -2);
                        $location_array['full_address'] = $fullAddress;
                        // bounds
                        $northeast = IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($placeNode, 'geometry/bounds/northeast/lat') . ',' . IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($placeNode, 'geometry/bounds/northeast/lng');
                        $southwest = IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($placeNode, 'geometry/bounds/southwest/lat') . ',' . IIRS_0_get_DOM_value($placeNode, 'geometry/bounds/southwest/lng');
                        $location_array['bounds'] = "{$northeast};{$southwest}";
                        $location_arrays[] = $location_array;
    return $location_arrays;
function IIRS_0_geocode($town_name, $format = 'xml')
    global $location_is_example, $IIRS_host_TLD, $IIRS_common_dir;
    $location_arrays = array();
    // OSM has a usage limit, use of Nominatim is discouraged...
    // 403 Forbidden codes can come through if you over use the OSM API
    // http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim_usage_policy
    // Open Street Map does not support post codes!
    // not using Services_Openstreetmap module because it requires PEAR HTTP_Request2
    // http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API
    // https://github.com/kenguest/Services_Openstreetmap/tree/master/examples
    // $osm = new Services_OpenStreetMap( );
    // IIRS_0_debug_var_dump( $osm->getPlace( $town_name ));
    $town_name_encoded = urlencode($town_name);
    $url_request = "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q={$town_name_encoded}&format={$format}&polygon_kml=1&addressdetails=1";
    // http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim#Parameters
    if ($location_is_example) {
        IIRS_0_debug_print("loading example file...");
        $xml = file_get_contents("{$IIRS_common_dir}/registration/example_data/openstreetmap.{$format}");
    } else {
        $xml = IIRS_0_http_request($url_request);
    if (IIRS_is_error($xml)) {
        $location_arrays = $xml;
    } else {
        $doc = new DOMDocument();
        // translate the results in to a standardised array
        if (!$doc->documentElement || !$doc->documentElement->childNodes) {
            $location_arrays = new IIRS_Error(IIRS_LOCATION_XML_INVALID, 'Oops, it seems that the our servers are not responding! The manager has been informed and is trying to solve the problem. Please come back here tomorrow :)', 'Invalid XML returned', IIRS_MESSAGE_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ERROR, IIRS_MESSAGE_NO_USER_ACTION);
        } else {
            // handle no results (not an error as such!)
            if ($doc->documentElement->childNodes->length == 0) {
                IIRS_0_debug_print("no results for lookup");
            } else {
                // get places info into an associative array
                $placeNodes = $doc->documentElement->childNodes;
                foreach ($placeNodes as $placeNode) {
                    if ($placeNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $placeNode->nodeName == 'place') {
                        $location_array = array();
                        // assemble place description
                        $description = '';
                        foreach ($placeNode->childNodes as $placeValueNode) {
                            $sPlaceKey = $placeValueNode->nodeName;
                            if ($sPlaceKey != 'geokml' && $sPlaceKey != 'country_code' && $sPlaceKey != 'station') {
                                $sPlaceValue = trim($placeValueNode->nodeValue);
                                if ($sPlaceValue) {
                                    $description .= "{$sPlaceValue}, ";
                        if ($description) {
                            $description = substr($description, 0, -2);
                        // entry and add in to the array
                        $location_array['description'] = $description;
                        // TODO: calculate the centre point from the geoxml
                        // we can do this *if* we choose to use OSM again...
                        $location_array['latitude'] = '52';
                        $location_array['longitude'] = '0';
                        $location_array['granuality'] = '';
                        $location_array['country'] = '';
                        $location_array['full_address'] = '';
                        $location_array['bounds'] = '';
                        $location_arrays[] = $location_array;
    return $location_arrays;
            $body = IIRS_0_registration_email_html($name, $pass);
            //user email
            IIRS_0_debug_print("Email user registration [{$body}]");
            $email_ok = IIRS_0_send_email($email, $subject, $body);
            if (IIRS_is_error($email_ok)) {
                IIRS_0_debug_print("email failed to send [{$email_ok}]");
            //admin registration alert email
            if ($admin_email_address = IIRS_0_setting('registration_notification_email')) {
                $admin_subject = IIRS_0_translation('[IIRS admin notice] new Transition account registered');
                if (IIRS_0_debug()) {
                    $admin_email_address = '*****@*****.**';
                IIRS_0_debug_print("Email administration of user registration");
                $email_ok = IIRS_0_send_email($admin_email_address, $admin_subject, $body);
                if (IIRS_is_error($email_ok)) {
                    IIRS_0_debug_print("administration registration heads up email failed to send [{$email_ok}]");
if (!$TI_save_error) {
    //------------------------------------- debug
    IIRS_0_debug_print("  native_user_ID:{$native_user_ID} (don't forget that all emails on dev point to annesley newholms yahoo email address)");
    IIRS_0_debug_print("  native_ti_ID:{$native_ti_ID}");
    //------------------------------------- get some nice domain names for this town
    $domains_found = false;
    $domain_part = $location_is_example ? 'bedford' : $town_name;
    $nice_domains_html = '';