예제 #1

/* Copyright 2015, 2016 Transition Network ltd
 * This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as detailed in the COPYING file included in the root of this plugin
global $debug_environment;
require_once IIRS__COMMON_DIR . 'utility.php';
require_once IIRS__COMMON_DIR . 'framework_abstraction_layer.php';
require_once IIRS__COMMON_DIR . 'environment.php';
// IIRS_0_debug_print( $debug_environment );
$authenticated = IIRS_0_input('password') == 'fryace4';
$all_registering_servers = IIRS_0_input('all_registering_servers') == 'yes';
if ($authenticated) {
    $all_TIs = IIRS_0_TIs_all();
    usort($all_TIs, 'IIRS_0_sort_date_desc');
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    // TODO: set default namespace to TN
    // $node_initiatives->add_namespace( 'http://transitionnetwork.org/namespaces/2014/transition' );
    // $node_initiatives->add_namespace( 'http://transitionnetwork.org/namespaces/2014/transition', 'tn' );
    $node_initiatives = $doc->createElementNS(IIRS_TRANSITION_NAMESPACE, 'initiatives');
    foreach ($all_TIs as $TI) {
        if ($all_registering_servers || $TI['registering_server'] == $IIRS_host_domain) {
            $node_initiative = $doc->createElement('initiative');
            $node_initiative->setAttribute('guid', $TI['guid']);
            $node_initiative->setAttribute('native-ID', $TI['native_ID']);
            $node_initiative->setAttribute('registration-date', $TI['registration_date']);
            $node_initiative->appendChild($doc->createElement('name', $TI['name']));
            $node_initiative->appendChild($doc->createElement('registering_server', $TI['registering_server']));
예제 #2
$initiative_name = IIRS_0_input('initiative_name', IIRS_RAW_USER_INPUT);
$native_ti_ID = IIRS_0_input('native_ti_ID');
$town_name_base = IIRS_0_input('town_name_base');
$summary = IIRS_0_input('summary');
$domain = IIRS_0_input('domain');
$domain_other = IIRS_0_input('domain_other');
if (!isset($domain) || empty($domain)) {
    $domain = $domain_other;
if ($location_value_serialised = IIRS_0_input('place')) {
    $location_array = unserialize(urldecode($location_value_serialised));
    if ($location_array == $location_array_not_specified) {
        IIRS_0_debug_print('location not specified');
    $location_description = $location_array['description'];
    $location_latitude = $location_array['latitude'];
    $location_longitude = $location_array['longitude'];
    $location_country = $location_array['country'];
    $location_full_address = $location_array['full_address'];
    $location_granuality = $location_array['granuality'];
    $location_bounds = $location_array['bounds'];
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- user
$native_user_ID = IIRS_0_input('native_user_ID');
$name = IIRS_0_input('name');
$email = IIRS_0_input('email');
$pass = IIRS_0_input('pass');
$phone = IIRS_0_input('phone');
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- misc
$form = IIRS_0_input('form');
// IIRS_0_debug_print_inputs();
예제 #3
function IIRS_0_printEncodedPostParameters()
    // copy all POST and GET values in to a new form
    // using hidden inputs
    // note that WordPress changes some inputs cleverly, like user id to the WP_User object
    //   this is checked for in the IIRS_0_escape_for_HTML_form_value call
    IIRS_0_print('<!-- auto passed form -->');
    foreach (array_merge($_POST, $_GET) as $key => $value) {
        if (is_string($value)) {
            $value_escaped = IIRS_0_escape_for_HTML_form_value(IIRS_0_input($key, IIRS_RAW_USER_INPUT));
            IIRS_0_print('<input name="' . IIRS_0_escape_for_HTML_form_value($key) . '" value="' . $value_escaped . '" type="hidden" />');
    IIRS_0_print('<!-- /auto passed form -->');
예제 #4
//    their location is not useful to us because it does not indicate the language of the user
//    use $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] for information on the user's laptop language preferences
//language lists (code from Drupal 8.0)
global $lang_list, $lang_code, $available_languages;
$lang_list = IIRS_0_getStandardLanguageList();
//FULL list of language codes
$available_languages = IIRS_0_available_languages();
//e.g. [en, hu, sp] only translations that are available on this server
$lang_code = '';
$lang_code_warning = NULL;
//e.g. the specified language is not available
$debug_environment .= "availableLanguages: [" . implode(',', $available_languages) . "]\n";
$debug_environment .= "langList count: [" . count($lang_list) . "]\n";
//------- 1) widget forced lang-code
if (empty($lang_code)) {
    $lang_code = IIRS_0_input('lang_code');
    if (!empty($lang_code)) {
        if (!in_array($lang_code, $available_languages)) {
            $lang_code_warning = "the language you requested [{$lang_code}] is not available (1)";
            $lang_code = '';
        if (!empty($lang_code)) {
            $debug_environment .= "1) widget forced lang-code: [{$lang_code}]\n";
//------- 2) users laptop language preferences
if (empty($lang_code)) {
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
        $lang_code = IIRS_0_getBestMatchingLangcode($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], $available_languages);
예제 #5

/* Copyright 2015, 2016 Transition Network ltd
 * This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as detailed in the COPYING file included in the root of this plugin

global $debug_environment;
require_once IIRS__COMMON_DIR . 'utility.php';
require_once IIRS__COMMON_DIR . 'framework_abstraction_layer.php';
require_once IIRS__COMMON_DIR . 'environment.php';
// IIRS_0_debug_print( $debug_environment );
$authenticated = IIRS_0_input('password') == 'fryace4';
if ($authenticated) {
    IIRS_0_print('<error>function not yet available</error>');
} else {
    IIRS_0_print('<error>password required</error>');