/** * @param $value * @param \Bitrix\Main\Entity\Field $field * @param null $errorPhrase * * @return mixed */ protected function getErrorMessage($value, Entity\Field $field, $errorPhrase = null) { if ($errorPhrase === null) { $errorPhrase = $this->errorPhrase; } $langValues = array('#VALUE#' => $value, '#FIELD_NAME#' => $field->getName(), '#FIELD_TITLE#' => $field->getTitle()); if (HasMessage($errorPhrase)) { return GetMessage($errorPhrase, $langValues); } else { return str_replace(array_keys($langValues), array_values($langValues), $errorPhrase); } }
/** * Returns action response XML * * @param string $action * @return CDataXML * @throws CBitrixCloudException */ protected function action($action) { /* @var CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION; $url = $this->getActionURL(array("action" => $action, "debug" => $this->debug ? "y" : "n")); $this->server = new CHTTP(); if ($this->timeout > 0) { $this->server->http_timeout = $this->timeout; } $strXML = $this->server->Get($url); if ($strXML === false) { $e = $APPLICATION->GetException(); if (is_object($e)) { throw new CBitrixCloudException($e->GetString(), ""); } else { throw new CBitrixCloudException(GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_SERVER", array("#STATUS#" => "-1")), ""); } } if ($this->server->status != 200) { throw new CBitrixCloudException(GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_SERVER", array("#STATUS#" => (string) $this->server->status)), ""); } $obXML = new CDataXML(); if (!$obXML->LoadString($strXML)) { throw new CBitrixCloudException(GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_XML_PARSE", array("#CODE#" => "1")), ""); } $node = $obXML->SelectNodes("/error/code"); if (is_object($node)) { $error_code = $node->textContent(); $message_id = "BCL_CDN_WS_" . $error_code; /* GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_LICENSE_EXPIRE"); GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND"); GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED"); GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_CMS_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND"); GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_DOMAIN_NOT_REACHABLE"); GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_LICENSE_DEMO"); GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_LICENSE_NOT_ACTIVE"); GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_NOT_POWERED_BY_BITRIX_CMS"); GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_WRONG_DOMAIN_SPECIFIED"); */ $debug_content = ""; $node = $obXML->SelectNodes("/error/debug"); if (is_object($node)) { $debug_content = $node->textContent(); } if (HasMessage($message_id)) { throw new CBitrixCloudException(GetMessage($message_id), $error_code, $debug_content); } else { throw new CBitrixCloudException(GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_SERVER", array("#STATUS#" => $error_code)), $error_code, $debug_content); } } return $obXML; }
/** * Returns action response XML * * @param string $action * @return CDataXML * */ protected function action($action) { global $APPLICATION; $url = $this->getActionURL(array("action" => $action)); $server = new CHTTP(); $strXML = $server->Get($url); if ($strXML === false) { $e = $APPLICATION->GetException(); if (is_object($e)) { throw new CBitrixCloudException($e->GetString(), ""); } else { throw new CBitrixCloudException(GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_SERVER", array("#STATUS#" => "-1")), ""); } } if ($server->status != 200) { throw new CBitrixCloudException(GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_SERVER", array("#STATUS#" => (string) $server->status)), ""); } $obXML = new CDataXML(); if (!$obXML->LoadString($strXML)) { throw new CBitrixCloudException(GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_XML_PARSE", array("#CODE#" => "1")), ""); } $node = $obXML->SelectNodes("/error/code"); if (is_object($node)) { $error_code = $node->textContent(); $message_id = "BCL_CDN_WS_" . $error_code; /* GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_LICENSE_EXPIRE"); GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND"); GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED"); */ if (HasMessage($message_id)) { throw new CBitrixCloudException(GetMessage($message_id), $error_code); } else { throw new CBitrixCloudException(GetMessage("BCL_CDN_WS_SERVER", array("#STATUS#" => $error_code)), $error_code); } } return $obXML; }
} if ($uptimeRate < 1 && $saleIncluded) { $base = CCurrency::GetBaseCurrency(); $r = CSaleOrder::GetList(array(), array(">=DATE_INSERT" => ConvertTimeStamp(time() - $monitoring->getInterval() * 24 * 3400, "SHORT")), array("LID", "CURRENCY", "SUM" => "PRICE")); while ($a = $r->fetch()) { $sum += CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($a["PRICE"], $a["CURRENCY"], $base); } $sum *= 1 - $uptimeRate; if ($sum <= 0.0) { $sumHtml = number_format((1 - $uptimeRate) * 100, 2, '.', ' ') . "%"; $alertIntervalText = $intervalLang["uptime"][$monitoring->getInterval()]; } else { $sumHtml = CurrencyFormat($sum, $base); $alertIntervalText = $intervalLang["sale"][$monitoring->getInterval()]; } } elseif ($testCount === 1 && HasMessage("GD_BITRIXCLOUD_MONITOR_" . strtoupper($testAlert->getName()))) { $uptimeRate = 1; $resultText = FormatDate("ddiff", time(), $testAlert->getResult()); $sumHtml = GetMessage("GD_BITRIXCLOUD_MONITOR_" . strtoupper($testAlert->getName()), array("#DOMAIN#" => $converter->Decode($testDomain), "#DAYS#" => $resultText)); } elseif ($uptimeRate < 1) { $sumHtml = number_format((1 - $uptimeRate) * 100, 2, '.', ' ') . "%"; $alertIntervalText = $intervalLang["uptime"][$monitoring->getInterval()]; } else { $sumHtml = GetMessage("GD_BITRIXCLOUD_MONITOR_PROBLEMS", array("#COUNT#" => $testCount)); } } ?> <div class="bx-gadgets-content-layout-inspector"> <div class="bx-gadgets-title"><?php echo GetMessage("GD_BITRIXCLOUD_MONITOR"); ?>
public static function checkFields($data, $action = 'update', $throwException = false) { if ($action === 'add') { static::checkFieldsBeforeAdd($data, true); } elseif ($action === 'update') { static::checkFieldsBeforeUpdate($data, true); } else { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unknown action "%s" for %s', $action, __METHOD__)); } // check data - fieldname & type & strlen etc. foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (static::getEntity()->hasField($k) && static::getEntity()->getField($k) instanceof ScalarField) { $field = static::getEntity()->getField($k); } elseif (static::getEntity()->hasUField($k)) { // should be continue // checking is inside uf manager $field = static::getEntity()->getUField($k); } else { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Field `%s` not found in entity when trying to update %s row.', $k, static::getEntity()->getName())); } if (!$field->validateValue($v)) { // get message from entity $errMsgCode = $field->getLangCode() . '_INVALID'; if (!HasMessage($errMsgCode)) { // get default message $errMsgCode = 'MAIN_ENTITY_FIELD_INVALID'; } $errMsgText = GetMessage($errMsgCode, array("#FIELD_NAME#" => $field->getName(), "#FIELD_TITLE#" => $field->getLangText())); static::registerError($errMsgText, $throwException, $field->getName()); } } if (!$throwException) { return static::getErrors(); } /*if (static::getEntity()->getUfId() !== null) { $scalar_row_id = is_array($primary) && count($primary) == 1 ? end($primary) : null; if (!$GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->CheckFields(static::getEntity()->getUfId(), $scalar_row_id, $data)) { global $APPLICATION; if(is_object($APPLICATION) && $APPLICATION->GetException()) { $e = $APPLICATION->GetException(); static::registerError($e->GetString(), $throwException); $APPLICATION->ResetException(); } else { static::registerError('Unknown error', $throwException); } } }*/ }
public function getLangText() { return HasMessage($this->getLangCode()) ? GetMessage($this->getLangCode()) : $this->getName(); }
foreach ($arResult["ITEMS"] as $domain => $info) { $arData = array(); $arData["DETAIL_LINK"] = $info["DETAIL_LINK"]; $domain = $converter->Decode($domain); $arData["TITLE"] = $domain; $arData["ID"] = md5($domain); if (isset($info["PROBLEM"]) && ($info["PROBLEM"] = true)) { $arData["TITLE_COLOR"] = "RED"; } else { $arData["FOLDED"] = true; } foreach ($info as $paramId => $param) { if ($paramId == "HTTP_RESPONSE_TIME") { $arData['BOTTOM']['LEFT'] = GetMessage("BCLMMSL_MONITORING_HTTP_RESPONSE_TIME") . ": " . $param["DATA"]; } else { if (HasMessage("BCLMMSL_MONITORING_" . $paramId)) { $content = GetMessage("BCLMMSL_MONITORING_" . $paramId) . ": "; if (isset($param["PROBLEM"]) && $param["PROBLEM"] == true) { $content .= '<span style="color:red">' . $param["DATA"] . '</span>'; } else { $content .= $param["DATA"]; } $arData["ROW"][] = array("CONTENT" => $content, "TYPE" => "BULLET"); } } } if (!isset($arData['BOTTOM']['LEFT'])) { $arData['BOTTOM']['LEFT'] = GetMessage("BCLMMSL_MONITORING_HTTP_RESPONSE_TIME") . ": " . GetMessage("BCLMMSL_NO_DATA"); } $arParamsMAL["ITEMS"][] = $arData; }
--><span class="pulse-num pulse-num-<?php echo $number['code']; ?> "><?php echo $number['char']; ?> </span><!-- --><?php } ?> </span> </td> <td class="pulse-info-cell pulse-info-cell-center"> <span class="pulse-info-involve-text"> <?php if (HasMessage('INTRANET_USTAT_COMPANY_INV_BAR_' . $arResult['SECTION'])) { ?> <?php echo GetMessage('INTRANET_USTAT_COMPANY_INV_BAR_' . $arResult['SECTION']); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo GetMessage('INTRANET_USTAT_COMPANY_INV_BAR_TOTAL'); ?> <?php } ?> <span class="pulse-info-index-info" id="pulse-company-involvement-help-icon"></span> </span>
protected static function attachLangToColumnTree(&$tree, $initEntity, $helper_class, $preTitle = array()) { foreach ($tree as &$treeElem) { $ownerId = call_user_func(array($helper_class, 'getOwnerId')); if (!empty($treeElem['field'])) { // first: report-defined lang $rElementTitle = 'REPORT_' . $ownerId . '_' . $treeElem['fieldName']; // second: entity-defined lang $eElementTitle = $treeElem['field']->getLangCode(); $elementTitle = HasMessage($rElementTitle) ? $rElementTitle : $eElementTitle; } else { // virtual field - subtree head $elementName = $treeElem['fieldName']; $elementTitle = 'REPORT_' . $ownerId . '_COLUMN_TREE_' . $elementName; } // PRCNT hack should not be here if (substr($elementTitle, -12) == '_PRCNT_FIELD') { $humanTitle = GetMessage(substr($elementTitle, 0, -12) . '_FIELD'); } else { $humanTitle = GetMessage($elementTitle); } if (empty($humanTitle)) { $humanTitle = $treeElem['fieldName']; } if (substr($elementTitle, -12) == '_PRCNT_FIELD') { $humanTitle .= ' (%)'; } if (empty($treeElem['branch'])) { $fullHumanTitle = $humanTitle; if (!empty($preTitle)) { $fullHumanTitle = join(': ', $preTitle) . ': ' . $fullHumanTitle; } $treeElem['humanTitle'] = $humanTitle; $treeElem['fullHumanTitle'] = $fullHumanTitle; } else { $treeElem['humanTitle'] = $humanTitle; $treeElem['fullHumanTitle'] = $humanTitle; $sendPreTitle = array($humanTitle); self::attachLangToColumnTree($treeElem['branch'], $initEntity, $helper_class, $sendPreTitle); } } }
/** * @param string $baseMessageKey * @param array $placeholders * @return string */ protected static function getTitleText($baseMessageKey, array $placeholders = array()) { if (HasMessage($baseMessageKey)) { $result = GetMessage($baseMessageKey, $placeholders); } else { $result = ""; } return $result; }
/** * @deprecated Use getTitle instead * @return mixed|string */ public function getLangText() { if ($this->title !== null) { return $this->title; } return HasMessage($this->getLangCode()) ? GetMessage($this->getLangCode()) : $this->getName(); }
$dbSalesList = CCrmExternalSale::GetList(array(), array("ACTIVE" => "Y")); $enableWebStore = $dbSalesList->Fetch() !== false; } if ($enableWebStore) { $arResult['FIELDS']['tab_details'][] = array('id' => 'section_web_store', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_SECTION_WEB_STORE'), 'type' => 'section'); $arResult['FIELDS']['tab_details'][] = array('id' => 'SALE_ORDER', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_SALE_ORDER1'), 'type' => 'custom', 'value' => isset($strEditOrderHtml[0]) ? $strEditOrderHtml : htmlspecialcharsbx(GetMessage('MAIN_NO'))); } // <-- WEB-STORE SECTION if ($enableWebStore) { $strAdditionalInfoHtml = ''; if ($isExternal && isset($arResult['ELEMENT']['ADDITIONAL_INFO'])) { $arAdditionalInfo = unserialize($arResult['ELEMENT']['~ADDITIONAL_INFO']); if (is_array($arAdditionalInfo) && count($arAdditionalInfo) > 0) { foreach ($arAdditionalInfo as $k => $v) { $msgID = 'CRM_SALE_' . $k; $k1 = HasMessage($msgID) ? GetMessage($msgID) : $k; if (is_bool($v)) { $v = $v ? GetMessage('CRM_SALE_YES') : GetMessage('CRM_SALE_NO'); } $strAdditionalInfoHtml .= '<span>' . htmlspecialcharsbx($k1) . '</span>: <span>' . htmlspecialcharsbx($v) . '</span><br/>'; } } } $arResult['FIELDS']['tab_1'][] = array('id' => 'ADDITIONAL_INFO', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_FIELD_ADDITIONAL_INFO'), 'type' => 'custom', 'value' => isset($strAdditionalInfoHtml[0]) ? $strAdditionalInfoHtml : htmlspecialcharsbx(GetMessage('MAIN_NO'))); } // PRODUCT ROW SECTION --> $arResult['FIELDS'][$arResult['PRODUCT_ROW_TAB_ID']][] = array('id' => 'section_product_rows', 'name' => GetMessage('CRM_SECTION_PRODUCT_ROWS'), 'type' => 'section'); $APPLICATION->AddHeadScript($this->GetPath() . '/sale.js'); $sProductsHtml = '<script type="text/javascript">var extSaleGetRemoteFormLocal = {"PRINT":"' . GetMessage("CRM_EXT_SALE_DEJ_PRINT") . '","SAVE":"' . GetMessage("CRM_EXT_SALE_DEJ_SAVE") . '","ORDER":"' . GetMessage("CRM_EXT_SALE_DEJ_ORDER") . '","CLOSE":"' . GetMessage("CRM_EXT_SALE_DEJ_CLOSE") . '"};</script>'; if ($isExternal) { $sProductsHtml .= '<input type="button" value="' . GetMessage("CRM_EXT_SALE_CD_EDIT") . '" onclick="ExtSaleGetRemoteForm(' . $arResult['ELEMENT']['ORIGINATOR_ID'] . ', \'EDIT\', ' . $arResult['ELEMENT']['ORIGIN_ID'] . ')">
} $lAdmin->AddHeaders($arHeaders); $rsData = new CDBResult(); $rsData->InitFromArray($arJobs); $rsData = new CAdminResult($rsData, $sTableID); while ($arRes = $rsData->GetNext()) { $row = $lAdmin->AddRow($arRes["URL"], $arRes); if ($arRes["STATUS"] == "") { $status = GetMessage("BCL_BACKUP_JOB_NEVER"); } else { $status = $arRes["STATUS"]; } $row->AddViewField("STATUS", $status); $week_days = array(); foreach ($arRes["WEEK_DAYS"] as $dow) { if (HasMessage("DOW_" . $dow)) { $week_days[] = GetMessage("DOW_" . $dow); } } $row->AddViewField("WEEK_DAYS", implode(", ", $week_days)); if ($_GET["allow_manage"] === "y") { $arActions = array(array("ICON" => "delete", "TEXT" => GetMessage("BCL_BACKUP_JOB_DELETE"), "ACTION" => "if(confirm('" . GetMessage("BCL_BACKUP_JOB_DELETE_CONF") . "')) " . $lAdmin->ActionDoGroup($arRes["URL"], "delete"))); $row->AddActions($arActions); } } if (empty($arJobs) && $_GET["allow_manage"] === "y") { $aContext = array(array("TEXT" => GetMessage("BCL_BACKUP_JOB_ADD"), "LINK" => "javascript:show_upload_form()", "TITLE" => "", "ICON" => "btn_new")); $lAdmin->AddAdminContextMenu($aContext, false); $lAdmin->BeginPrologContent(); if ($strError) { CAdminMessage::ShowMessage($strError);
/** * @param string $pBaseMessageKey * @return string */ protected static function getTitleText($pBaseMessageKey) { if (HasMessage($pBaseMessageKey)) { $result = GetMessage($pBaseMessageKey); } else { $result = ""; } return $result; }
return; } if (!CModule::IncludeModule('mobileapp')) { ShowError(GetMessage("SMOP_MA_NOT_INSTALLED")); return; } $arResult = array("CURRENT_PAGE" => $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(), "AJAX_URL" => $componentPath . "/ajax.php", "EVENTS" => array()); $arEvents = CSaleMobileOrderPush::getEvents(); $arSubscribedEvents = CSaleMobileOrderPush::getSubscriptions($userId); $bSubscribedEarlier = !empty($arSubscribedEvents) ? true : false; $subscribedAll = 'Y'; foreach ($arEvents as $eventId) { if ($bSubscribedEarlier) { if (isset($arSubscribedEvents[$eventId]) && $arSubscribedEvents[$eventId] == 'Y') { $subscribed = true; } else { $subscribed = false; } if ($subscribedAll == 'Y' && !$subscribed) { $subscribedAll = 'N'; } } else { $subscribed = true; } if (HasMessage("SMOP_EVNT_" . $eventId)) { $arResult["EVENTS"][$eventId] = array("TITLE" => GetMessage("SMOP_EVNT_" . $eventId), "SUBSCRIBED" => $subscribed); } } $arResult["SUBSCRIBED_ALL"] = $subscribedAll; CJSCore::Init('ajax'); $this->IncludeComponentTemplate();
} $oFilter = new CAdminFilter($sTableID."_filter", $arFindFields); $oFilter->Begin(); foreach($sDataClassName::getEntity()->getFields() as $field) { if( ($field instanceof Bitrix\Main\Entity\ScalarField || $field instanceof Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField) && in_array($field->getColumnName(), $arFilterFields) ) { $id = $field->getColumnName(); $fieldName = "find_" . $id; ?><tr> <td><? echo HasMessage($module_id . "_FILTER_" . $id) ? GetMessage($module_id . "_FILTER_" . $id) : $field->getTitle(); ?>:</td> <td><? if($field instanceof Bitrix\Main\Entity\BooleanField) { $arr = array( "REFERENCE_ID" => array(), "REFERENCE" => array(), ); foreach($field->getValues() as $val) { $arr["REFERENCE"][] = ($val == "Y" ? GetMessage("MAIN_YES") : ($val == "N" ? GetMessage("MAIN_NO") : $val)); $arr["REFERENCE_ID"][] = $val;