/** * 测试 */ function main() { $url = 'http://www.nipic.com/'; $handle = fopen($url, "r"); if ($handle) { $content = stream_get_contents($handle, 1024 * 1024); $result = _filterUrl($content); //获取到图片的url //var_dump($result); foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $a = GrabImage($value); var_dump($a); } } else { return false; } }
function makemobilethumb($url, $originname, $dir1, $dir2) { global $_SGLOBAL, $_SC; //ÅжÏÎļþÊÇ·ñ´æÔÚ $srcfile = GrabImage($url, $originname, $dir1, $dir2); chdir(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); //include_once('./data/data_setting.php'); chdir($_SC['attachdir'] . $dir1 . '/' . $dir2); if (!file_exists($srcfile)) { return ''; } //chdir('../../'); $filename = basename($url); $dstpath = $srcfile; $dstthumbfile = $dstpath . '.thumb.jpg'; //ËõÂÔͼ´óС $tow = 60; $toh = 60; $make_mobile = 1; $mobiletow = 400; $mobiletoh = 400; //»ñȡͼƬÐÅÏ¢ $im = ''; if ($data = getimagesize($srcfile)) { if ($data[2] == 1) { $make_mobile = 0; //make the picture fit for mobile device if (function_exists("imagecreatefromgif")) { $im = imagecreatefromgif($srcfile); } } elseif ($data[2] == 2) { if (function_exists("imagecreatefromjpeg")) { $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($srcfile); } } elseif ($data[2] == 3) { if (function_exists("imagecreatefrompng")) { $im = imagecreatefrompng($srcfile); } } } if (!$im) { return ''; } $srcw = imagesx($im); $srch = imagesy($im); $towh = $tow / $toh; $srcwh = $srcw / $srch; if ($towh <= $srcwh) { $ftow = $tow; $ftoh = $ftow * ($srch / $srcw); $fmobiletow = $mobiletow; $fmobiletoh = $fmobiletow * ($srch / $srcw); } else { $ftoh = $toh; $ftow = $ftoh * ($srcw / $srch); $fmobiletoh = $mobiletoh; $fmobiletow = $fmobiletoh * ($srcw / $srch); } if ($srcw <= $mobiletow && $srch <= $mobiletoh) { $make_mobile = 0; //if the source picture is smaller than the size of mobile requested, then keep the origin. } if ($srcw > $tow || $srch > $toh) { if (function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor") && function_exists("imagecopyresampled") && @($ni = imagecreatetruecolor($ftow, $ftoh))) { imagecopyresampled($ni, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ftow, $ftoh, $srcw, $srch); //´óͼƬ if ($make_mobile && @($mobileni = imagecreatetruecolor($fmobiletow, $fmobiletoh))) { imagecopyresampled($mobileni, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $fmobiletow, $fmobiletoh, $srcw, $srch); } } elseif (function_exists("imagecreate") && function_exists("imagecopyresized") && @($ni = imagecreate($ftow, $ftoh))) { imagecopyresized($ni, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ftow, $ftoh, $srcw, $srch); //´óͼƬ if ($make_mobile && @($mobileni = imagecreate($fmobiletow, $fmobiletoh))) { imagecopyresized($mobileni, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $fmobiletow, $fmobiletoh, $srcw, $srch); } } else { return ''; } if (function_exists('imagejpeg')) { imagejpeg($ni, $dstthumbfile); //´óͼƬ if ($make_mobile) { imagejpeg($mobileni, $srcfile); } } elseif (function_exists('imagepng')) { imagepng($ni, $dstthumbfile); //´óͼƬ if ($make_mobile) { imagepng($mobileni, $srcfile); } } imagedestroy($ni); if ($make_mobile) { imagedestroy($mobileni); } } imagedestroy($im); if (!file_exists($dstthumbfile)) { return ''; } else { return $dstthumbfile; } }
<?php include 'Valite.php'; $name = time() . ".jpg"; $img = GrabImage("http://rkk.cdpf.org.cn/rand.jsp?tSessionId=1426303878194", $name); if ($img) { echo '<img src="' . $name . '">'; } else { echo "false"; } $valite = new Valite(); $valite->setImage($name); $valite->getHec(); $ert = $valite->run(); //$ert = "1234"; // print_r($ert); echo '</br>'; print_r($ert); echo '</br>'; // echo '<br><img src="$name"><br>'; // echo '</br> count'; // var_dump($valite->getResult()); // echo $valite->getResult(); // count($valite->getResult()); // echo count($valite->getResult()); foreach ($valite->getResult() as $key => $value) { $line = ''; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $line .= $value2; } echo $line . '</br>';
//单位M,后缀不要加M //全局定义文件 //require 'define.inc.php'; //临时目录 $tempDir = "./data/thumb_temp/"; checkDir($tempDir); //分析URL $url = urldecode($_GET['url']); //XSS脚本攻击探测 //include THINK_PATH.'/Vendor/xss.php'; //DetectXSS($url); //2009-10-7 修改 将本地图片修改成相对地址,避免file_get_contents不能读取远程文件时出错(可修改php.ini 设置 allow_fopen_url 为 true) //$url = str_ireplace(SITE_URL,'.',$url); if (file_exists($url)) { $url = $url; } elseif ($result = GrabImage($url, $tempDir)) { $url = $result; $grab_temp_file = $result; } else { $url = "./public/images/nopic.jpg"; } //解析参数 $w = $_GET['w'] ? $_GET['w'] : '100'; //宽度 $h = $_GET['h'] ? $_GET['h'] : '100'; //高度 $t = $_GET['t'] ? $_GET['t'] : 'c'; //是否切割 $r = $_GET['r'] ? '1' : '0'; //是否覆盖 //目录名hash
$data['code'] = '1'; } else { move_uploaded_file($_FILES['img']["tmp_name"], "../../img/book/" . $picname); if ($q = $link->query("INSERT INTO b_product VALUES('','{$name}','{$publisher}','{$editor}','{$isbn}','{$newPrice}','{$oldPrice}','{$newDiscount}','{$oldDiscount}','{$newStock}','{$oldStock}','否','{$picname}')")) { $data['msg'] = "上传成功"; } else { $data['code'] = '3'; } } } else { $data['code'] = "4"; } } else { $img = $_POST['img']; $picName = $isbn . '.jpg'; GrabImage("{$img}", "../../img/book/", $picName); if ($q = $link->query("INSERT INTO b_product VALUES('','{$name}','{$publisher}','{$editor}','{$isbn}','{$newPrice}','{$oldPrice}','{$newDiscount}','{$oldDiscount}','{$newStock}','{$oldStock}','否','{$picName}')")) { $data['msg'] = "上传成功"; } else { $data['code'] = '3'; } } } else { $data['code'] = '1'; } $link->close(); echo json_encode($data); //0成功 //1帐号密码不对 //3未保存到数据库成功 //4图片格式不对或者太大;
echo "<script>alert('新闻类型删除成功,将新闻类型列表!');location.href='../newsclass.php'</script>"; } else { if (isset($_POST[task]) && "createNews" == $_POST[task]) { require_once "../../action/simple_html_dom.php"; $queryRss = $db->query("select title,content,src from rss where state='0'"); $i = 0; $sql = array(); while ($rowRss = $db->fetch_array($queryRss)) { $html = str_get_html($rowRss[content]); $index = 0; foreach ($html->find('img') as $element) { $filename = ""; if (strpos($element->src, "?") === false) { if ($element->src != "") { //echo $element->src; $filename = GrabImage($element->src); } //../news/images/../../../news/images/18Jul2011130629.jpg if ($filename != "" && $filename != false) { $html->find('img', $index)->src = "../news/images/" . $filename; } } else { $html->find('img', $index)->src = ''; } $index++; } $sql[$i] = "insert into news(title,news_class,src,content,create_date,author) values('" . $rowRss[title] . "','-123','" . $rowRss[src] . "','" . $html . "',now(),'果果网络')"; $i++; $html = ''; $element = ''; }
*/ function GrabImage($url, $filename = "") { if ($url == "") { return false; } if ($filename == "") { $ext = strrchr($url, "."); if ($ext != ".jpg" && $ext != ".gif" && $ext != ".png" && $ext != ".bmp" && $ext != ".swf") { return false; } date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $filename = date("dMYHis") . $ext; } ob_start(); readfile($url); $img = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $fp = @fopen($filename, "a"); fwrite($fp, $img); fclose($fp); return $filename; } if (isset($_POST['download']) && $_POST['download'] != NULL) { $img = GrabImage($_POST["url"]); if ($img) { echo '<pre><img src="' . $img . '"/></pre>'; } else { echo "download fail!"; } }