break; default: handle_error_no_exit('top_level_categories: unknown category ID'); } if (!is_array($topCategories)) { $error_message = get_error_message(); $smarty->assign("ErrorMessage", $error_message); $smarty->display('error_page.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); mysql_close($dbh); exit; } else { $smarty->assign("CategoryName", $categoryName); for ($i = 0; $i < count($topCategories) && $i < 3; $i++) { $limit = 10; $events = GetTopEventsSubordinateToCategoryID($topCategories[$i]['id'], $limit); if (!is_array($events)) { $error_message = get_error_message(); $smarty->assign("ErrorMessage", $error_message); $smarty->display('error_page.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); mysql_close($dbh); exit; } elseif (count($events) > 0) { $top_event_name = $events[0]['name']; $top_event_url = $events[0]['url']; $category_name = $topCategories[$i]['name']; $category_id = $topCategories[$i]['id']; $url_category = make_category_url($category_name, $category_id); $num_events = count($events); if ($num_events > 0) {
$descr = COMPANY_NAME . ", the best place to find concert, theater, and sports tickets."; $smarty->assign("MetaDescr", $descr); $breadcrumb_string = "<a href=\"{$root_url}/\">Home</a>"; $smarty->assign("Breadcrumbs", $breadcrumb_string); $keywords = "concert tickets, theater tickets, sports tickets, mlb tickets, nba tickets, nfl tickets, football tickets"; $smarty->assign("SeoKeywords", $keywords); $additional_text_content = ""; if ($dbh = mysql_connect($host_name, $db_username, $db_password)) { mysql_select_db($db_name); $smarty->display('main.tpl'); $topThreeArray = GetMainCategories(); $categories = array(); $text_content = "Enjoy the best seats in the house, from the latest concert, theater, or sports events live at your nearest venue. Choose from "; for ($i = 0; $i < count($topThreeArray); $i++) { $limit = 10; $events = GetTopEventsSubordinateToCategoryID($topThreeArray[$i]['id'], $limit); if (!is_array($events)) { $error_message = get_error_message(); $smarty->assign("ErrorMessage", $error_message); $smarty->display('error_page.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); mysql_close($dbh); exit; } elseif (count($events) > 0) { $top_event_name = $events[0]['name']; $top_event_url = $events[0]['url']; $category_name = $topThreeArray[$i]['name']; $url_category_name = make_category_url($category_name); $category_id = $topThreeArray[$i]['id']; $num_events = count($events); if ($num_events > 0) {