$java .= "$JSsourceElt != null && document.getElementById('".$idname2."') !=null && parseFloat($JSsourceVal) $cd[6] parseFloat(document.getElementById('".$idname2."').value)"; } elseif (preg_match("/^a(.*)b$/",$cd[6],$matchmethods)) { // String comparizons $java .= "$JSsourceElt != null && document.getElementById('".$idname2."') !=null && parseFloat($JSsourceVal) ".$matchmethods[1]." parseFloat(document.getElementById('".$idname2."').value)"; } else { $java .= "$JSsourceElt != null && document.getElementById('".$idname2."') !=null && parseFloat($JSsourceVal) ".$cd[6]." parseFloat(document.getElementById('".$idname2."').value)"; } } elseif ($thissurvey['anonymized'] == "N" && preg_match('/^{TOKEN:([^}]*)}$/', $cd[3], $comparedtokenattr)) { if ( isset($_SESSION['token']) && in_array(strtolower($comparedtokenattr[1]),GetTokenConditionsFieldNames($surveyid))) { $comparedtokenattrValue = GetAttributeValue($surveyid,strtolower($comparedtokenattr[1]),$_SESSION['token']); //if (in_array($cd[4],array("A","B","K","N","5",":")) || (in_array($cd[4],array("Q",";")) && $cqidattributes['other_numbers_only']==1 )) if (in_array($cd[6],array("<","<=",">",">="))) { // // Numerical comparizons $java .= "$JSsourceElt != null && parseFloat($JSsourceVal) $cd[6] parseFloat('".javascript_escape($comparedtokenattrValue)."')"; } elseif(preg_match("/^a(.*)b$/",$cd[6],$matchmethods)) { // Strings comparizon $java .= "$JSsourceElt != null && $JSsourceVal ".$matchmethods[1]." '".javascript_escape($comparedtokenattrValue)."'"; } else { $java .= "$JSsourceElt != null && $JSsourceVal $cd[6] '".javascript_escape($comparedtokenattrValue)."'"; }
if (preg_match('/^@([0-9]+X[0-9]+X[^@]+)@/', $cd[3], $comparedfieldname)) { // when the right operand is the answer of a previous question $sgq_from_sgqa = $_SESSION['fieldnamesInfo'][$comparedfieldname[1]]; preg_match('/^([0-9]+)X([0-9]+)X([0-9]+)$/', $sgq_from_sgqa, $qidMatched); $qid_from_sgq = $qidMatched[3]; $q2type = $qtypesarray[$sgq_from_sgqa]; $idname2 = retrieveJSidname(array('', $qid_from_sgq, $comparedfieldname[1], 'Y', $q2type, $sgq_from_sgqa)); $cqidattributes = getQuestionAttributes($cd[1]); if (in_array($cd[4], array("A", "B", "K", "N", "5", ":")) || in_array($cd[4], array("Q", ";")) && $cqidattributes['other_numbers_only'] == 1) { // Numerical questions $java .= "{$JSsourceElt} != null && document.getElementById('" . $idname2 . "') !=null && parseFloat({$JSsourceVal}) {$cd['6']} parseFloat(document.getElementById('" . $idname2 . "').value)"; } else { $java .= "{$JSsourceElt} != null && document.getElementById('" . $idname2 . "') !=null && {$JSsourceVal} {$cd['6']} document.getElementById('" . $idname2 . "').value"; } } elseif ($thissurvey['private'] == "N" && preg_match('/^{TOKEN:([^}]*)}$/', $cd[3], $comparedtokenattr)) { if (isset($_SESSION['token']) && in_array(strtolower($comparedtokenattr[1]), GetTokenConditionsFieldNames($surveyid))) { $comparedtokenattrValue = GetAttributeValue($surveyid, strtolower($comparedtokenattr[1]), $_SESSION['token']); if (in_array($cd[4], array("A", "B", "K", "N", "5", ":")) || in_array($cd[4], array("Q", ";")) && $cqidattributes['other_numbers_only'] == 1) { // Numerical questions $java .= "{$JSsourceElt} != null && parseFloat({$JSsourceVal}) {$cd['6']} parseFloat('" . javascript_escape($comparedtokenattrValue) . "')"; } else { $java .= "{$JSsourceElt} != null && {$JSsourceVal} {$cd['6']} '" . javascript_escape($comparedtokenattrValue) . "'"; } } else { $java .= " 'impossible to evaluate tokenAttr' == 'tokenAttr'"; } } else { if ($cd[6] == 'RX') { $java .= "{$JSsourceElt} != null && match_regex({$JSsourceVal},'{$cd['3']}')"; } else { $cqidattributes = getQuestionAttributes($cd[1]);
/** * Retrieves the token attribute value from the related token table * * @param mixed $surveyid The survey ID * @param mixed $attrName The token-attribute field name * @param mixed $token The token code * @return string The token attribute value (or null on error) */ function GetAttributeValue($surveyid, $attrName, $token) { global $dbprefix, $connect; $attrName = strtolower($attrName); if (!tableExists('tokens_' . $surveyid) || !in_array($attrName, GetTokenConditionsFieldNames($surveyid))) { return null; } $sanitized_token = $connect->qstr($token, get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $surveyid = sanitize_int($surveyid); $query = "SELECT {$attrName} FROM {$dbprefix}tokens_{$surveyid} WHERE token={$sanitized_token}"; $result = db_execute_num($query); $count = $result->RecordCount(); if ($count != 1) { return null; } else { $row = $result->FetchRow(); return $row[0]; } }
function checkconfield($value) { global $dbprefix, $connect, $surveyid, $thissurvey, $qattributes; $fieldisdisplayed = true; if (!is_array($thissurvey)) { $local_thissurvey = getSurveyInfo($surveyid); } else { $local_thissurvey = $thissurvey; } // we know the true fieldname $value (for instance SGQA for each checkboxes) // and we want to compare it to the values stored in $_SESSION['fieldarray'] which are simple fieldnames // ==> We first translate $value to the simple fieldname (let's call it the masterFieldName) from // the $_SESSION['fieldnamesInfo'] translation table if (isset($_SESSION['fieldnamesInfo'][$value])) { $masterFieldName = $_SESSION['fieldnamesInfo'][$value]; } else { // for token refurl, ipaddr... $masterFieldName = 'token'; } $value_qid = 0; $value_type = ''; //$value is the fieldname for the field we are checking for conditions foreach ($_SESSION['fieldarray'] as $sfa) { // record the qid and question type for future use if ($sfa[1] == $masterFieldName) { $value_qid = $sfa[0]; $value_type = $sfa[4]; } // this fieldname '$value' is inside a question identified by the SGQ code '$masterFieldName' // we are looping on fieldnames $sfa // if $sfa[1] == $masterFieldName, we are processing a fieldname inside the same question as $value // check if this question is conditionnal ($sfa[7]): if yes eval conditions if ($sfa[1] == $masterFieldName && $sfa[7] == "Y" && isset($_SESSION[$value])) { $scenarioquery = "SELECT DISTINCT scenario FROM " . db_table_name("conditions") . " WHERE " . db_table_name("conditions") . ".qid={$sfa['0']} ORDER BY scenario"; $scenarioresult = db_execute_assoc($scenarioquery); $matchfound = 0; //$scenario=1; //while ($scenario > 0) $evalNextScenario = true; while ($evalNextScenario === true && ($scenariorow = $scenarioresult->FetchRow())) { $aAllCondrows = array(); $cqval = array(); $container = array(); $scenario = $scenariorow['scenario']; $currentcfield = ""; $query = "SELECT " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".*, " . db_table_name('questions') . ".type " . "FROM " . db_table_name('conditions') . ", " . db_table_name('questions') . " " . "WHERE " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".cqid=" . db_table_name('questions') . ".qid " . "AND " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".qid={$sfa['0']} " . "AND " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".scenario={$scenario} " . "AND " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".cfieldname NOT LIKE '{%' " . "ORDER BY " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".qid," . db_table_name('conditions') . ".cfieldname"; $result = db_execute_assoc($query) or safe_die($query . "<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked $conditionsfound = $result->RecordCount(); $querytoken = "SELECT " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".*, '' as type " . "FROM " . db_table_name('conditions') . " " . "WHERE " . " " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".qid={$sfa['0']} " . "AND " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".scenario={$scenario} " . "AND " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".cfieldname LIKE '{%' " . "ORDER BY " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".qid," . db_table_name('conditions') . ".cfieldname"; $resulttoken = db_execute_assoc($querytoken) or safe_die($querytoken . "<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg()); //Checked $conditionsfoundtoken = $resulttoken->RecordCount(); $conditionsfound = $conditionsfound + $conditionsfoundtoken; while ($Condrow = $resulttoken->FetchRow()) { $aAllCondrows[] = $Condrow; } while ($Condrow = $result->FetchRow()) { $aAllCondrows[] = $Condrow; } foreach ($aAllCondrows as $rows) { if (preg_match("/^\\+(.*)\$/", $rows['cfieldname'], $cfieldnamematch)) { // this condition uses a single checkbox as source $rows['type'] = "+" . $rows['type']; $rows['cfieldname'] = $cfieldnamematch[1]; } if ($rows['type'] == "M" || $rows['type'] == "P") { $matchfield = $rows['cfieldname'] . $rows['value']; $matchmethod = $rows['method']; $matchvalue = "Y"; } else { $matchfield = $rows['cfieldname']; $matchmethod = $rows['method']; $matchvalue = $rows['value']; } $cqval[] = array("cfieldname" => $rows['cfieldname'], "value" => $rows['value'], "type" => $rows['type'], "matchfield" => $matchfield, "matchvalue" => $matchvalue, "matchmethod" => $matchmethod); if ($rows['cfieldname'] != $currentcfield) { $container[] = $rows['cfieldname']; } $currentcfield = $rows['cfieldname']; } if ($conditionsfound > 0) { //At least one match must be found for each "$container" $total = 0; foreach ($container as $con) { $conditionCanBeEvaluated = true; $addon = 0; foreach ($cqval as $cqv) { //Go through each condition // Replace @SGQA@ condition values // By corresponding value if (preg_match('/^@([0-9]+X[0-9]+X[^@]+)@/', $cqv["matchvalue"], $targetconditionfieldname)) { if (isset($_SESSION[$targetconditionfieldname[1]])) { $cqv["matchvalue"] = $_SESSION[$targetconditionfieldname[1]]; } else { $conditionCanBeEvaluated = false; } } // Replace {TOKEN:XXX} condition values // By corresponding value if ($local_thissurvey['private'] == 'N' && preg_match('/^{TOKEN:([^}]*)}$/', $cqv["matchvalue"], $targetconditiontokenattr)) { if (isset($_SESSION['token']) && in_array(strtolower($targetconditiontokenattr[1]), GetTokenConditionsFieldNames($surveyid))) { $cqv["matchvalue"] = GetAttributeValue($surveyid, strtolower($targetconditiontokenattr[1]), $_SESSION['token']); } else { $conditionCanBeEvaluated = false; } } // Use == as default operator if (trim($cqv['matchmethod']) == '') { $cqv['matchmethod'] = '=='; } if ($cqv['cfieldname'] == $con && $conditionCanBeEvaluated === true) { if (!preg_match("/^{/", $cqv['cfieldname'])) { if (isset($_SESSION[$cqv['matchfield']])) { $comparisonLeftOperand = $_SESSION[$cqv['matchfield']]; } else { $comparisonLeftOperand = null; } } elseif ($local_thissurvey['private'] == "N" && preg_match('/^{TOKEN:([^}]*)}$/', $cqv['cfieldname'], $sourceconditiontokenattr)) { if (isset($_SESSION['token']) && in_array(strtolower($sourceconditiontokenattr[1]), GetTokenConditionsFieldNames($surveyid))) { $comparisonLeftOperand = GetAttributeValue($surveyid, strtolower($sourceconditiontokenattr[1]), $_SESSION['token']); } else { $comparisonLeftOperand = null; } } else { $comparisonLeftOperand = null; } if ($cqv['matchmethod'] != "RX") { if (isset($comparisonLeftOperand) && !is_null($comparisonLeftOperand) && eval('if (trim($comparisonLeftOperand) ' . $cqv['matchmethod'] . ' trim($cqv["matchvalue"]) ) {return true;} else {return false;}')) { //plug successful matches into appropriate container $addon = 1; } } elseif (isset($comparisonLeftOperand) && !is_null($comparisonLeftOperand) && preg_match('/' . $cqv["matchvalue"] . '/', $comparisonLeftOperand)) { $addon = 1; } } } if ($addon == 1) { $total++; } } if ($total == count($container)) { $matchfound = 1; $evalNextScenario = false; // Don't look for other scenario's. } unset($cqval); unset($container); } else { //Curious there is no condition for this question in this scenario // this is not a normal behaviour, but I propose to defaults to a // condition-matched state in this case $matchfound = 1; $evalNextScenario = false; } } // while ($scenario) if ($matchfound == 0) { //If this is not a "moveprev" then // Reset the value in SESSION //if(isset($move) && $move != "moveprev") //{ $_SESSION[$value] = ""; $fieldisdisplayed = false; //} } } } if ($value_qid != 0) { // not token masterFieldname $value_qa = getQuestionAttributes($value_qid, $value_type); } if ($fieldisdisplayed === true && isset($value_qa) && (isset($value_qa['array_filter']) && trim($value_qa['array_filter']) != '' || isset($value_qa['array_filter_exclude']) && trim($value_qa['array_filter_exclude']) != '')) { // check if array_filter//array_filter_exclude have hidden the field $value_code = preg_replace("/{$masterFieldName}(.*)/", "\$1", $value); //If this question is a multi-flexible, the value_code will be both the array_filter value // (at the beginning) and then a labelset value after an underscore // ie: 2_1 for answer code=2 and labelset code=1 then 2_2 for answer_code=2 and // labelset code=2. So for these question types we need to split it again at the underscore! // 1. Find out if this is question type ":" or ";" if ($value_type == ";" || $value_type == ":") { list($value_code, $value_label) = explode("_", $value_code); } if (isset($value_qa['array_filter_exclude'])) { $arrayfilterXcludes_selected_codes = getArrayFilterExcludesForQuestion($value_qid); if ($arrayfilterXcludes_selected_codes !== false && in_array($value_code, $arrayfilterXcludes_selected_codes)) { $fieldisdisplayed = false; } } elseif (isset($value_qa['array_filter'])) { $arrayfilter_selected_codes = getArrayFiltersForQuestion($value_qid); if ($arrayfilter_selected_codes !== false && !in_array($value_code, $arrayfilter_selected_codes)) { $fieldisdisplayed = false; } } } return $fieldisdisplayed; }
/** * Retrieves the token attribute value from the related token table * * @param mixed $surveyid The survey ID * @param mixed $attrName The token-attribute field name * @param mixed $token The token code * @return string The token attribute value (or null on error) */ function GetAttributeValue($surveyid, $attrName, $token) { global $dbprefix, $connect; $attrName = strtolower($attrName); if ($attrName == 'callattempts' || $attrName == 'onappointment' || $attrName == 'perccomplete' || $attrName == 'messagesleft') { include_once "quexs.php"; $quexs_operator_id = get_operator_id(); $quexs_case_id = get_case_id($quexs_operator_id); if ($quexs_case_id) { if ($attrName == 'callattempts') { return get_call_attempts($quexs_case_id); } else { if ($attrName == 'onappointment') { return is_on_appointment($quexs_case_id, $quexs_operator_id); } else { if ($attrName == 'perccomplete') { return get_percent_complete($quexs_case_id); } else { if ($attrName == 'messagesleft') { return get_messages_left($quexs_case_id); } } } } } else { return 0; } } else { if (!tableExists('tokens_' . $surveyid) || !in_array($attrName, GetTokenConditionsFieldNames($surveyid))) { return null; } } $sanitized_token = $connect->qstr($token, get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $surveyid = sanitize_int($surveyid); $query = "SELECT {$attrName} FROM {$dbprefix}tokens_{$surveyid} WHERE token={$sanitized_token}"; $result = db_execute_num($query); $count = $result->RecordCount(); if ($count != 1) { return null; } else { $row = $result->FetchRow(); return $row[0]; } }
$newjava .= "(parseFloat($JSsourceVal) $cd[6] parseFloat(document.getElementById('$idname2').value))"; } elseif(preg_match("/^a(.*)b$/",$cd[6],$matchmethods)) { // String comparizons $newjava .= "($JSsourceVal ".$matchmethods[1]." document.getElementById('$idname2').value)"; } else { $newjava .= "($JSsourceVal $cd[6] document.getElementById('$idname2').value)"; } } // end target @SGQA@ elseif ($thissurvey['anonymized'] == "N" && preg_match('/^{TOKEN:([^}]*)}$/', $cd[3], $targetconditiontokenattr)) { if ( isset($_SESSION['token']) && in_array(strtolower($targetconditiontokenattr[1]),GetTokenConditionsFieldNames($surveyid))) { $cvalue=GetAttributeValue($surveyid,strtolower($targetconditiontokenattr[1]),$_SESSION['token']); if ($conditionSourceOnPreviousPage === false) { if (in_array($cd[4],array("A","B","K","N","5",":")) || (in_array($cd[4],array("Q",";")) && $cqidattributes['numbers_only']==1)) { $newjava .= "parseFloat($JSsourceVal) $cd[6] parseFloat('".javascript_escape($cvalue)."')"; } else { //$newjava .= "document.getElementById('$idname').value $cd[6] '".javascript_escape($cvalue)."'"; $newjava .= "$JSsourceVal $cd[6] '".javascript_escape($cvalue)."'"; } } else