예제 #1
function createMainDataElement($plan, $num, $dbConn)
    if ($plan['dato_principal_' . $num] != NULL) {
        $query_dato = sprintf("SELECT * FROM tipoDatosServicios WHERE id_tipoDato=%s", GetSQLValueString($plan['id_tipoDato_principal_' . $num], "int"));
        $dato = mysql_query($query_dato, $dbConn) or die(mysql_error());
        $row_dato = mysql_fetch_assoc($dato);
        $display = true;
        $label = "";
        if ($row_dato['tipo'] == "boolean") {
            if ($plan['dato_principal_' . $num] == "1") {
                $label = $row_dato['label'];
            } else {
                $display = false;
        } else {
            if ($row_dato['display_label']) {
                $label = $plan['dato_principal_' . $num] . " " . $row_dato['label'];
            } else {
                $label = $plan['dato_principal_' . $num];
        if ($display) {
            echo "<div class='dato'>";
            echo "\t<li class='tipo_" . $plan['id_tipoDato_principal_' . $num] . "' value='" . $plan['dato_principal_' . $num] . "'>";
            echo $label;
            echo "\t</li>";
            echo "</div>";
예제 #2
 public static function ValidateNameExistAndClean($string)
     $UserName = new \CmsDev\util\CheckUserName();
     $stringValid = $UserName->Fix($string);
     $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect();
     $user = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = "******"");
     if ($user) {
         return 'exist';
     } else {
         return $stringValid;
예제 #3
파일: report.php 프로젝트: omusico/home365
function record($start_date, $end_date)
    global $useradmin;
    $start = new DateTime($start_date);
    $end = new DateTime($end_date);
    $end = $end->modify('+1 day');
    $interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
    $period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end);
    foreach ($period as $date) {
        $index_date = $date->format('Y-m-d');
        //echo $index_date;
        $unique_visitors = get_unique_visits($index_date);
        $visits = get_visits($index_date);
        $time = get_time($index_date);
        echo "<br/><br/>" . $index_date . "<br/><br/>";
        echo "unique visitors:" . $unique_visitors . "<br/>";
        echo "visits:" . $visits . "<br/>";
        echo "total time:" . $time . "<br/>";
        $selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM visitor_daily_report WHERE report_date='" . $index_date . "'";
        if ($row_record = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query_or_die($selectSQL, $useradmin))) {
            echo "<br/>record already in database!<br/>";
        } else {
            echo "<br/>inserting new record into database!<br/>";
            $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO visitor_daily_report (report_date, visits, unique_visitors, total_time) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($index_date, "date"), GetSQLValueString($visits, "int"), GetSQLValueString($unique_visitors, "int"), GetSQLValueString($time, "int"));
            $result = mysql_query_or_die($insertSQL, $useradmin);
예제 #4
function save($user)
    global $database_connMain, $connMain;
    $insertSQL = sprintf("Replace google_auth set email = %s, gender = %s, name = %s, `uid` = %s, link = %s, picture = %s", GetSQLValueString($user['email'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['gender'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['name'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['id'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['link'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['picture'], "text"));
    mysql_select_db($database_connMain, $connMain);
    $Result1 = @mysql_query($insertSQL, $connMain);
    if (empty($Result1)) {
        throw new Exception(mysql_error());
예제 #5
function insert_sysid($sysid)
    global $useradmin;
    $selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM sysid_raw_current WHERE sysid={$sysid}";
    $get_sysid = mysql_query_or_die($selectSQL, $useradmin);
    if ($row_get_sysid = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_sysid)) {
    } else {
        $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO sysid_raw_current (sysid) VALUES(%s)", GetSQLValueString($sysid, "int"));
        $result = mysql_query_or_die($insertSQL, $useradmin);
예제 #6
function nombre($iduser)
    global $database_conexion, $conexion;
    mysql_select_db($database_conexion, $conexion);
    $query_DatosFuncion = sprintf("SELECT user FROM z_users WHERE id=%s", GetSQLValueString($iduser, "int"));
    $DatosFuncion = mysql_query($query_DatosFuncion, $conexion) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_DatosFuncion = mysql_fetch_assoc($DatosFuncion);
    $totalRows_DatosFuncion = mysql_num_rows($DatosFuncion);
    return $row_DatosFuncion['user'];
예제 #7
 private static function setParamsFromFile()
     $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect();
     $query = $SKTDB->get_results("SELECT * FROM language ORDER BY LanguageName ASC");
     global $SKT;
     foreach ($query as $language) {
         include 'site/' . $language->Prefix . '.php';
         $Setparams = $SKTDB->query(\sprintf("UPDATE language Set SiteParams = %s\r\n\t\tWHERE ID = %s", GetSQLValueString(json_encode($SKT), "text"), GetSQLValueString($language->ID, "int")));
         //$MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get();
         //$MessageBox->TipOk('El archivo Language/site/' . $language->Prefix . '.php, fue cargado correctamente.', true);
 public function get_nearby_cities($lat, $lon, $radius = 30, $order = 'distance', $limit = 30)
     global $connMainAdodb;
     $connMainAdodb->Execute("SET NAMES utf8");
     $sql = sprintf("select *, (ROUND(\n\tDEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(" . GetSQLValueString($lat, 'double') . ")) * SIN(RADIANS(c.latitude)) + COS(RADIANS(" . GetSQLValueString($lat, 'double') . ")) * COS(RADIANS(c.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(" . GetSQLValueString($lon, 'double') . " -(c.longitude)))))*60*1.1515,2)) as distance from geo_cities as c WHERE (ROUND(\n\tDEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(" . GetSQLValueString($lat, 'double') . ")) * SIN(RADIANS(c.latitude)) + COS(RADIANS(" . GetSQLValueString($lat, 'double') . ")) * COS(RADIANS(c.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(" . GetSQLValueString($lon, 'double') . " -(c.longitude)))))*60*1.1515,2)) <= " . GetSQLValueString($radius, 'int') . " ORDER BY " . $order . " LIMIT " . $limit);
     $recordSet = $connMainAdodb->CacheExecute(_FUNC_TIME_DAY, $sql);
     $return = array();
     while (!$recordSet->EOF) {
         $return['city_' . $recordSet->fields['cty_id']] = $recordSet->fields;
     return $return;
예제 #9
파일: history.php 프로젝트: neruruguay/neru
 function __construct($user, $SERVER, $POST, $GET)
     $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect();
     $user = $user;
     $url = !empty($SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https://" . $SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : "http://" . $SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $previousUrl = isset($SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '0';
     $postData = json_encode($POST);
     $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $product = isset($GET['DetailID']) ? $GET['DetailID'] : '';
     $search = isset($GET['SearchQuery']) ? $GET['SearchQuery'] : '';
     $query = "INSERT INTO userstep" . "(user, previous_page, url_query_string, post_param, date_time, product, search )" . "VALUES (" . GetSQLValueString($user, 'int') . "," . GetSQLValueString($previousUrl, 'text') . "," . GetSQLValueString($url, 'text') . "," . GetSQLValueString($postData, 'text') . "," . GetSQLValueString($now, 'text') . "," . GetSQLValueString($product, 'int') . "," . GetSQLValueString($search, 'text') . ")";
     $insert = $SKTDB->query($query);
예제 #10
 private function validateMD5($MD5 = 0)
     $SKTDB = SKT_DB::connect();
     $user = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT * FROM users WHERE md5 = " . \GetSQLValueString($MD5, 'text') . "");
     if ($user) {
         $updateSectionImage = mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE users Set \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tisactive = %s\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE md5 = %s", GetSQLValueString(1, "int"), GetSQLValueString($MD5, "text")));
         return true;
     } else {
         $MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get();
         $MessageBox->TipError('No se pudo validar el usuario.<br>' . $MD5, true);
         return false;
예제 #11
function claveUsuario1()
    $usu = GetSQLValueString($_POST["usuario"], "text");
    $respuesta = false;
    $claveUsuario = -1;
    $conexion = conectaBDSICLAB();
    $consulta = sprintf("select * from lbusuarios where usuario=%s limit 1", $usu);
    $res = mysql_query($consulta);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        $respuesta = true;
        $claveUsuario = $row["claveUsuario"];
    $arrayJSON = array('respuesta' => $respuesta, 'claveUsuario' => $claveUsuario);
    print json_encode($arrayJSON);
예제 #12
 private static function UserQuery()
     $SKTDB = SKT_DB::connect();
     $USER_EXIST = \CmsDev\Security\loginIntent::action('validateUser');
     if ($USER_EXIST === true) {
         $user_row = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT *\r\n                    FROM users as user, userprofile as profile \r\n                    WHERE user.md5 = " . \GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['login'], 'text') . " AND profile.IDX = user.id ");
         if ($user_row) {
             return $user_row;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
예제 #13
function insert_update_ranking($sysid, $ranking)
    global $useradmin;
    $selectSQL = "SELECT sysid FROM listing_ranking WHERE sysid={$sysid}";
    $get_sysid = mysql_query_or_die($selectSQL, $useradmin);
    if ($row_get_sysid = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_sysid)) {
        echo "<br/>sysid" . $row_get_sysid['sysid'] . "is already in the database<br/>";
        $updateSQL = sprintf("UPDATE listing_ranking SET ranking=%s WHERE sysid=%s", GetSQLValueString($ranking, "double"), GetSQLValueString($row_get_sysid['sysid'], "int"));
        $result = mysql_query_or_die($updateSQL, $useradmin);
    } else {
        echo "<br/>{$sysid} is not in the database, inserting new record<br/>";
        $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO listing_ranking (sysid, ranking) VALUES (%s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($sysid, "int"), GetSQLValueString($ranking, "double"));
        $result = mysql_query_or_die($insertSQL, $useradmin);
예제 #14
function get_nearby_cities($lat, $lon, $radius = 30, $order = 'distance', $limit = 30)
    global $connMainAdodb;
    $connMainAdodb->Execute("SET NAMES utf8");
    $sql = sprintf("select c.*, co.name as country, s.name as state, (ROUND(\nDEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(" . GetSQLValueString($lat, 'double') . ")) * SIN(RADIANS(c.latitude)) + COS(RADIANS(" . GetSQLValueString($lat, 'double') . ")) * COS(RADIANS(c.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(" . GetSQLValueString($lon, 'double') . " -(c.longitude)))))*60*1.1515,2)) as distance from geo_cities as c LEFT JOIN geo_states as s ON c.sta_id = s.sta_id LEFT JOIN geo_countries as co ON c.con_id = co.con_id WHERE (ROUND(\nDEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(" . GetSQLValueString($lat, 'double') . ")) * SIN(RADIANS(c.latitude)) + COS(RADIANS(" . GetSQLValueString($lat, 'double') . ")) * COS(RADIANS(c.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(" . GetSQLValueString($lon, 'double') . " -(c.longitude)))))*60*1.1515,2)) <= " . GetSQLValueString($radius, 'int') . " ORDER BY " . $order . " LIMIT " . $limit);
    $recordSet = $connMainAdodb->Execute($sql);
    $return = array();
    $i = 0;
    while (!$recordSet->EOF) {
        $return[$i] = $recordSet->fields;
        $return[$i]['location'] = $recordSet->fields['name'] . ', ' . $recordSet->fields['state'] . ', ' . $recordSet->fields['country'];
    return $return;
예제 #15
function loadAd($id_anuncio, $dbConn)
    $query_ad = sprintf("SELECT * FROM anuncios where id_anuncio=%s", GetSQLValueString($id_anuncio, "int"));
    $ad = mysql_query($query_ad, $dbConn) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_ad = mysql_fetch_assoc($ad);
    $totalRows_ad = mysql_num_rows($ad);
    if ($totalRows_ad > 0) {
        if ($row_ad['url'] != NULL) {
            echo "<a href='" . $row_ad['url'] . "' target='_blank'>";
        echo "<img src='uploads/anuncios/" . $row_ad['id_anuncio'] . "/" . $row_ad['imagen'] . "' />";
        if ($row_ad['url'] != NULL) {
            echo "</a>";
예제 #16
 public function findfen($fen = '', $table = 'games')
     if (empty($fen)) {
         return array(0, '');
     global $database_conn, $conn;
     $colname_rsView = "-1";
     if (isset($fen)) {
         $colname_rsView = $fen;
     mysql_select_db($database_conn, $conn);
     $query_rsView = sprintf("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE fen = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_rsView, "text"));
     $rsView = mysql_query($query_rsView, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
     $row_rsView = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsView);
     $totalRows_rsView = mysql_num_rows($rsView);
     return array($totalRows_rsView, $row_rsView);
예제 #17
function consultaCarrera()
    $respuesta = false;
    $nControl = GetSQLValueString($_POST["nControl"], "text");
    $CARNOM = "";
    $CALNPE = "";
    $conexion = conectaBDSIE();
    $res = mysql_query($consulta);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        $respuesta = true;
        $CARNOM = $row['CARNOM'];
        $CALNPE = $row['CALNPE'];
    $arrayJSON = array('respuesta' => $respuesta, 'CARNOM' => $CARNOM, 'CALNPE' => $CALNPE);
    print json_encode($arrayJSON);
예제 #18
function check_and_insert($sysid)
    global $useradmin;
    $selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM listing_album WHERE sysid={$sysid}";
    $get_album = mysql_query_or_die($selectSQL, $useradmin);
    if ($row_get_album = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_album)) {
        echo '<br/><span style="color:#ff0000">album found in database</span><br/>';
        echo '<br/><span style="color:#ff0000">returning' . $row_get_album['album_id'] . ' as album_id</span><br/>';
        return $row_get_album['album_id'];
    } else {
        $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO listing_album (sysid) VALUES(%s)", GetSQLValueString($sysid, "int"));
        $result = mysql_query_or_die($insertSQL, $useradmin);
        $album_id = mysql_insert_id($useradmin);
        $updateSQL = sprintf("UPDATE listings SET album_id=%s WHERE sysid=%s", GetSQLValueString($album_id, "int"), GetSQLValueString($sysid, "int"));
        $result = mysql_query_or_die($updateSQL, $useradmin);
        return $album_id;
예제 #19
function save($user)
    global $database_connMain, $connMain;
    $insertSQL = sprintf("select * from google_auth WHERE `uid` = %s", GetSQLValueString($user['id'], "text"));
    mysql_select_db($database_connMain, $connMain);
    $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $connMain);
    $rec = mysql_fetch_array($Result1);
    if (!empty($rec)) {
        $insertSQL = sprintf("UPDATE google_auth set email = %s, gender = %s, name = %s, `uid` = %s, link = %s, picture = %s WHERE `uid`=%s", GetSQLValueString($user['email'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['gender'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['name'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['id'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['link'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['picture'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['id'], "text"));
    } else {
        $insertSQL = sprintf("Insert into google_auth set email = %s, gender = %s, name = %s, `uid` = %s, link = %s, picture = %s", GetSQLValueString($user['email'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['gender'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['name'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['id'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['link'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($user['picture'], "text"));
    mysql_select_db($database_connMain, $connMain);
    $Result1 = @mysql_query($insertSQL, $connMain);
    if (empty($Result1)) {
        throw new Exception(mysql_error());
예제 #20
 protected function functionName()
     if (isset($_POST['data']) && $_POST['data'] != '') {
         $RData = json_decode(\CmsDev\skt_Code::Decode($_POST['data']));
         foreach ($RData as $data => $Value) {
             $CompiledData[$data] = $Value;
         foreach ($CompiledData as $Field => $Value) {
             if (array_key_exists($Field, $this->PurchaseRequestsFields)) {
                 $queryPurchaseRequestsFields .= $Field . ',';
         foreach ($CompiledData as $Field => $Value) {
             if (array_key_exists($Field, $this->PurchaseRequestsFields)) {
                 $queryPurchaseRequestsValues .= self::DecodeValue(\GetSQLValueString($Value, $this->PurchaseRequestsFields[$Field])) . ',';
예제 #21
function get_geocode($address, $sysid)
    global $useradmin;
    $selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM listing_geoaddress WHERE sysid=" . $sysid;
    $get_geocode = mysql_query_or_die($selectSQL, $useradmin);
    if ($row_get_geocode = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_geocode)) {
        return $row_get_geocode;
    } else {
        $url = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?sensor=false&address=" . urlencode($address);
        $resp_json = file_get_contents($url);
        $resp = json_decode($resp_json, true);
        if ($resp['status'] = 'OK') {
            $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO listing_geoaddress(sysid, lat, lng)VALUES(%s,%s,%s)", GetSQLValueString($sysid, "int"), GetSQLValueString($resp['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'], "double"), GetSQLValueString($resp['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'], "double"));
            $result = mysql_query_or_die($insertSQL, $useradmin);
            return $resp['results'][0]['geometry']['location'];
        } else {
            return false;
예제 #22
 public function GetDataSet()
     $SKTDB = SKT_DB::connect();
     $USER_EXIST = \CmsDev\Security\loginIntent::action('validateUser');
     if ($USER_EXIST === true) {
         $user_list = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT *\r\n                    FROM users as user join userprofile as profile \r\n                    ON user.md5 = " . \GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['login'], 'int') . "\r\n                    WHERE user.id = profile.IDX \r\n            ");
         if ($user_list) {
             $this->user_list = $user_list;
             $this->UserOk = true;
         } else {
             $this->UserOk = false;
             $MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get();
             $MessageBox->TipError(\SKT_ADMIN_User_max_attempts . \SKT_ADMIN_User_max_attempts_TXT, true);
     } else {
         $this->UserOk = false;
         $MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get();
         $MessageBox->TipError(\SKT_ADMIN_User_max_attempts . \SKT_ADMIN_User_max_attempts_TXT, true);
예제 #23
 public function set($PositionSelect = null, $SID = null)
     if ($PositionSelect !== null && $SID !== null) {
         $randomID = 'Position' . \md5(\rand(1000, 99999));
         $SID = \GetSQLValueString($SID, 'int');
         $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect();
         $total = $SKTDB->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "sections WHERE Language = '" . \THIS_LANG . "' AND SID = '{$SID}'");
         if (!isset($PositionSelect) or $PositionSelect == null) {
             $PositionSelect = 0;
         } elseif ($PositionSelect === 'max') {
             $PositionSelect = $total + 1;
         $this->HTML .= '<input name="Position" id="' . $randomID . '" type="text" value="' . $PositionSelect . '" />';
         $this->HTML .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
         $this->HTML .= '$("#' . $randomID . '").spinner({step: 1,numberFormat: "n", min: 0, max: ' . ($total + 1) . '});';
         //$this->HTML .= 'alert("$total =' . $total . ' y $SID =' . $SID . ' y $PositionSelect =' . $PositionSelect . '");';
         $this->HTML .= '</script>';
         return $this->HTML;
예제 #24
function my_json_encode($arr)
    global $tankdb;
    global $database_tankdb;
    $arr = $_REQUEST;
    $method = $arr['method'];
    if ($method == "add") {
        $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO tk_team (tk_team_title, tk_team_parentID) VALUES (%s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($arr['title'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($arr['parentID'], "int"));
        mysql_select_db($database_tankdb, $tankdb);
        $result = mysql_query($insertSQL, $tankdb) or die(mysql_error());
        $newID = mysql_insert_id();
        $dataArray = array('id' => $newID, 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'parentID' => $_POST['parentID']);
        return utf8_encode(json_encode($dataArray));
    } else {
        if ($method == "edit") {
            $updateSQL = sprintf("Update tk_team set tk_team_title = %s where pid = %s", GetSQLValueString($arr['title'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($arr['id'], "int"));
            mysql_select_db($database_tankdb, $tankdb);
            $result = mysql_query($updateSQL, $tankdb) or die(mysql_error());
            $dataArray = array('id' => $arr['id'], 'title' => $arr['title']);
            return utf8_encode(json_encode($dataArray));
        } else {
            if ($method == "delete") {
                $deleteID = implode(",", $arr['pids']);
                $deleteSQL = "delete from tk_team where pid in ({$deleteID})";
                mysql_select_db($database_tankdb, $tankdb);
                $result = mysql_query($deleteSQL, $tankdb) or die(mysql_error());
                return null;
            } else {
                if ($method == "moveTeam") {
                    $ids = implode(",", $arr['_ids']);
                    $moveTeamSQL = sprintf("update tk_team set tk_team_parentID = %s where pid in ({$ids})", GetSQLValueString($arr['parentID'], "int"));
                    mysql_select_db($database_tankdb, $tankdb);
                    $result = mysql_query($moveTeamSQL, $tankdb) or die(mysql_error());
                    return null;
예제 #25
 public static function set($PositionSelect = null, $IDPage = null, $Zone = 0)
     if ($PositionSelect !== null && $IDPage !== null) {
         $rand = rand(2, 654);
         $Input = '<input name="Position" id="Position" class="Position' . $rand . ' form-control" type="text" value="[val]" />';
         $IDPage = \GetSQLValueString($IDPage, 'int');
         $Zone = \GetSQLValueString($Zone, 'int');
         $HTML = '';
         $SKTDB = \CmsDev\Sql\db_Skt::connect();
         $total = $SKTDB->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE IDZone = '" . $Zone . "' AND IDPage = '{$IDPage}'");
         if (!isset($PositionSelect) or $PositionSelect == null) {
             $PositionSelect = 0;
         } elseif ($PositionSelect === -1) {
             $PositionSelect = $total + 1;
         $HTML .= str_replace('[val]', $PositionSelect, $Input);
         $HTML .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
         $HTML .= '$(".Position' . $rand . '").spinner({step: 1,numberFormat: "n", min: 0, max: ' . ($total + 1) . '});';
         $HTML .= '</script>';
         return $HTML;
예제 #26
 public function Render($CC = '', $CCParams = array(), $file = 'Control.php', $location = 0, $CCID = false)
     global $SKT;
     if ($file !== '') {
         $this->file = $file;
     } else {
     $this->file = isset($file) && $file !== '' ? $file : 'Control.php';
     $this->location = isset($location) && $location !== '' ? $location : 0;
     $SKTDB = SKT_DB::connect();
     $this->CC = self::urlResolve($CC);
     if ($this->location === 0) {
         $this->location = \SKTPATH_TemplateSite . 'SKT_Controls' . \DS . $CC . \DS . $this->file;
     $this->location = self::urlResolve($this->location);
     if ($CCID !== false) {
         $contentIDZone = $SKTDB->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . \DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE ID = '" . GetSQLValueString($CCID, "int") . "'");
         $query = $SKTDB->get_col_info($info_type = "name", $col_offset = -1);
         $cols = array();
         foreach ($query as $name) {
             array_push($cols, $name);
         foreach ($contentIDZone as $Zone) {
             $this->TitleZone[$CCID] = \utf8_decode($Zone->Title);
             $this->CSSZone[$CCID] = \utf8_decode($Zone->css_class);
             $this->CustomPropertyZone[$CCID] = \utf8_decode($Zone->CustomProperty);
     if (\is_file($this->location)) {
         include $this->location;
     } else {
         if ($SKT['DEBUG'] === 1) {
             echo '<span style="color:red"><i class="skt-icon-error"></i> "' . $this->CC . '"</span>';
             $MessageBox = SKT_INFO\Asistance::get();
             $MessageBox->TipError('<i class="skt-icon-frown" style="font-size: 2em; vertical-align: sub;"></i> <b>No se encuentra el control</b>: "' . $CC . '" en ' . \LOCAL_DIR . $this->location, true);
예제 #27
 function get_success_happy_drop_down($arg_success_item_id, $arg_share_id)
     if (strlen($arg_success_item_id)) {
         // Gimme rafl happy results
         $query = "SELECT DISTINCT {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}members.mb_firstname, {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}members.mb_surmame\r\n\t\t\t\t          FROM {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}items\r\n\t\t\t\t          \tINNER JOIN {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}webcells ON {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}webcells.webcell_id = {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}items.item_webcell\r\n\t\t\t\t          \tINNER JOIN {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}rafl_res ON {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}items.item_id = {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}rafl_res.rafl_res_item \r\n\t\t\t\t          \tINNER JOIN {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}items AS successes ON successes.item_id = {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}items.item_parent_item \r\n\t\t\t\t          \tINNER JOIN {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}items AS tasks ON tasks.item_id = successes.item_parent_item \r\n\t\t\t\t          \tINNER JOIN {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}items AS units ON units.item_id = tasks.item_parent_item \r\n\t\t\t\t          \tINNER JOIN {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}share ON {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}share.share_item = units.item_id \r\n\t\t\t\t          \tINNER JOIN {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}share_cohort_members ON ({$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}share_cohort_members.s_c_m_share = {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}share.share_id AND {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}webcells.webcell_member = {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}share_cohort_members.s_c_m_member)\r\n\t\t\t\t          \tINNER JOIN {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}members ON {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}members.mb_id = {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}share_cohort_members.s_c_m_member\r\n\t\t\t\t          WHERE {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}items.item_parent_item = " . GetSQLValueString($arg_success_item_id, "int") . "\r\n\t\t\t\t          \tAND {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}share.share_id =  " . GetSQLValueString($arg_share_id, 'int') . "\r\n\t\t\t\t          \tAND {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}members.mb_type != 'cohort'\r\n\t\t\t\t          \tAND {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}items.item_default_type = 6\r\n\t\t\t\t          \tAND rafl_res_rate = 2\r\n\t\t\t\t          ORDER BY {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}members.mb_firstname, {$_SESSION['RealS_prefix']}members.mb_surmame";
         // Debugging
         //echo $query;
         $mysql = new mysqlquery();
         $rows = $mysql->getrows($query);
         if (count($rows)) {
             $drop_down = '<select size="1" class="who_is">';
             //$drop_down .= '		<option>who is happy?</option>';
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $drop_down .= '	<option>' . trim($row['mb_firstname'] . ' ' . $row['mb_surmame']) . '</option>';
             $drop_down .= '</select>';
             return $drop_down;
         } else {
             return '&nbsp;';
     } else {
         return '&nbsp;';
if (isset($_POST['update'])) {
    /*check whether gift coupon with the same name exists in the database*/
    $select_coupon = "SELECT * FROM " . $tableprefix . "products WHERE LOWER(product_name) = " . GetSQLValueString(strtolower($_POST['txtGiftCouponName']), "text") . " AND product_id  != " . $_GET['edit_product_id'];
    $result_coupon = mysql_query($select_coupon) or die(mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($result_coupon) > 0) {
        $message = "Coupon Name Already Exists !!";
    } else {
        $couponfiletype = $_FILES['txtCouponImage']['type'];
        $couponfilename = $_FILES['txtCouponImage']['name'];
        $coupontempname = $_FILES['txtCouponImage']['tmp_name'];
        $update_gift_coupon = "UPDATE " . $tableprefix . "products\n                                           SET product_name = " . GetSQLValueString($_POST['txtGiftCouponName'], "text") . ",\n                                               product_code = " . GetSQLValueString($_POST['txtGiftCouponCode'], "text") . ",\n                                               product_description = " . GetSQLValueString($_POST['txtCouponDescription'], "text") . ",\n                                               product_price = " . GetSQLValueString($_POST['txtCouponAmount'], "text");
        $update_gift_coupon .= " WHERE product_id = '" . $_GET['edit_product_id'] . "'";
        mysql_query($update_gift_coupon) or die(mysql_error());
        $update_product_options = "UPDATE " . $tableprefix . "product_options\n                                                SET product_stock = " . GetSQLValueString($_POST['txtCouponStock'], "text") . ",\n                                                    reorder_level = " . GetSQLValueString($_POST['txtStockReorder'], "text");
        $update_gift_coupon_master = "UPDATE " . $tableprefix . "giftcoupon_master\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  SET ngift_coupon_amount = " . GetSQLValueString($_POST['txtCouponAmount'], "text") . " WHERE ngift_product_id = " . $_GET['edit_product_id'];
        mysql_query($update_gift_coupon_master) or die(mysql_error());
        $message = "Gift Coupon Details Updated Successfully !!";
        if ($_FILES['txtCouponImage']['name'][0] != "") {
            if (!isValidWebImageType($couponfiletype, $couponfilename, $coupontempname)) {
                $message_image = " * Invalid Image !! Upload an image (jpg/gif/png)" . "<br>";
                $image_flag = 1;
            } else {
                $imagewidth_height_type_array = explode(":", ImageTypeBanner($_FILES['txtCouponImage']['tmp_name']));
                $imagetype = $imagewidth_height_type_array[0];
                $assignedname_small = "gift_coupon_small" . time() . "." . $imagetype;
                $assignedname_large = "gift_coupon_large" . time() . "." . $imagetype;
                if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['txtCouponImage']['tmp_name'], "../products/" . $assignedname_large)) {
                    chmod("../products/{$assignedname_large}", 0777);
                    /*taken from the general site settings table*/
                    $gift_image_size = '400,400';
    header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo));
if (isset($_POST["MM_insert"]) && $_POST["MM_insert"] == "form2") {
    $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO bidang_studi (bidang_kode, bidang_nama) VALUES (%s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($_POST['bidang_kode'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['bidang_nama'], "text"));
    mysql_select_db($database_siswa, $siswa);
    $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $siswa) or die(mysql_error());
    $insertGoTo = "tampilbidangstudi.php";
    if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
        $insertGoTo .= strpos($insertGoTo, '?') ? "&" : "?";
        $insertGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo));
if (isset($_POST["MM_insert"]) && $_POST["MM_insert"] == "form2") {
    $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO bidang_studi (bidang_kode, bidang_nama) VALUES (%s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($_POST['bidang_kode'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['bidang_nama'], "text"));
    mysql_select_db($database_siswa, $siswa);
    $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $siswa) or die(mysql_error());
    $insertGoTo = "tampilbidangstudi.php";
    if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
        $insertGoTo .= strpos($insertGoTo, '?') ? "&" : "?";
        $insertGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo));
mysql_select_db($database_siswa, $siswa);
$query_Recordset1 = "SELECT * FROM bidang_studi ORDER BY bidang_kode ASC";
$Recordset1 = mysql_query($query_Recordset1, $siswa) or die(mysql_error());
$row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1);
$totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($Recordset1);
예제 #30

require_once 'config/tank_config.php';
$getjson = file_get_contents('php://input');
$dataarr = json_decode($getjson, true);
$token = $dataarr['token'];
$tab = $dataarr['tab'];
$uid = check_token($token);
if ($uid != 3) {
    mysql_select_db($database_tankdb, $tankdb);
    $query_Recordset_sumtotal = sprintf("SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCOUNT(*) as count_prj   \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM tk_project \t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE project_to_user = %s", GetSQLValueString($uid, "int"));
    $Recordset_sumtotal = mysql_query($query_Recordset_sumtotal, $tankdb) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_Recordset_sumtotal = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset_sumtotal);
    $my_totalprj = $row_Recordset_sumtotal['count_prj'];
    $get_function = project_list($uid, "project_lastupdate", "DESC", "0", $tab);
    $rearr = array('summprj' => $my_totalprj, 'list' => $get_function);
    $redata = json_encode($rearr);
    echo $redata;
} else {
    echo 3;