	* Process
	* Executes functions for the page that was requested
	* @return Void Returns nothing
	function Process()
		$user = GetUser();

		$action = $this->_getGETRequest('Action', '');
		$statstype = $this->_getGETRequest('statstype', null);
		$subaction = $this->_getGETRequest('subaction', '');

		if (isset($_GET['PerPageDisplay'])) {
			$perpage = $this->SetPerPage($_GET['PerPageDisplay']);
		} else {
			$perpage = $this->GetPerPage();

		$statsapi = $this->GetApi('Stats');

		switch ($action) {
			case 'get_linkstats':
				$linksjson = array();

				$token_id = IEM::requestGetGET('token', false);
				$request_link = IEM::requestGetGET('link', false);

				if (!$token_id || !$request_link) {

				$token_data = IEM::sessionGet($token_id);
				$statid = $token_data['statid'];
				$calendar_restrictions = $token_data['calendar_restrictions'];
				$chosen_link = (is_numeric($request_link) ? $request_link : 'a');

				// Total Clicks
				$linkclicks = $statsapi->GetClicks($statid, 0, 0, $chosen_link, $calendar_restrictions, true);
				$linkclicks = intval($linkclicks);

				$linksjson['linkclicks'] = $linkclicks;

				// Average Clicks
				$averageclicks = 0;

				$open_count = $statsapi->GetOpens($statid, 0, 0, true, $calendar_restrictions, true);
				$open_count = intval($open_count);

				if ($open_count != 0) {
					$averageclicks = $linkclicks / $open_count;

				$linksjson['averageclicks'] = $this->FormatNumber($averageclicks, 3);

				// Click-through rate
				if (isset($token_data['summary']['emails_sent'])) {
					$sent_to = $token_data['summary']['emails_sent'];
				} else {
					$summary = $statsapi->GetNewsletterSummary($statid, true, 0);
					if (!isset($summary['htmlrecipients'])) {
                        $sent_to = $request_link == 'a' ?
                            $statsapi->GetRecipients($statid, 'autoresponder', 0, 1, $calendar_restrictions, true) :
					} else {
						$sent_to = $summary['htmlrecipients'] + $summary['textrecipients'] + $summary['multipartrecipients'];

				$clicks = $statsapi->GetUniqueClickRecipients($statid,$calendar_restrictions,$chosen_link);

				if ($sent_to == 0) {
					$linksjson['clickthrough'] = '0%';
				} else {
					$linksjson['clickthrough'] = $this->FormatNumber($clicks / $sent_to * 100,2) . '%';

				// Unique Clicks
				$uniqueclicks = $clicks;
				$linksjson['uniqueclicks'] = $uniqueclicks;

				echo "var linksjson = " . GetJSON($linksjson) . ";";

			case 'print':
				if ($statstype != 'a' && $statstype != 'n' && $statstype != 'l' && $statstype != 't') {

				switch ($statstype) {
					case 'a':
						$this->area = 'autoresponder';
					case 'n':
						$this->area = 'newsletter';
					case 'l':
						$this->area = 'list';
					case 't':
						$this->area = 'triggeremails';

				switch ($subaction) {
					case 'step2':
						require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/amcharts/amcharts.php");

						$options_details = array();
						if (isset($_GET['options_details']) && is_array($_GET['options_details'])) {
							$options_details = $_GET['options_details'];

						if (isset($_GET['autoresponderid'])) {
							$autoresponderid = (int)$_GET['autoresponderid'];

						if (!isset($_GET['Preview'])) {
							$GLOBALS['Body_Onload'] = 'window.focus();window.print();';
						}  else {
							$GLOBALS['Body_Onload'] = '';

						header("Content-type: text/html; charset=" . SENDSTUDIO_DEFAULTCHARSET);


						$calendar_restrictions = '';
						$statids = $statsapi->CheckIntVars($_GET['stats']);

						foreach ($statids as $index=>$statid) {

							if ($statstype == 'a') {
								// For autoresponders, $_GET['stats'] contains the autoresponderid
								$autoresponderid = $statid;
								$summary = $statsapi->GetAutoresponderSummary($autoresponderid, true, 0);
								$statid = $summary['statid'];

							if ($statstype == 'n') {
								$summary = $statsapi->GetNewsletterSummary($statid, true, 0);

							if ($statstype == 'l') {
								$summary = $statsapi->GetListSummary($statid);
								$listid = $statid;
								$statid = $summary['statids'];
								IEM::sessionSet('ListStatistics', $statid);

							if ($statstype == 't') {
								$triggeremailsid = $this->_getGETRequest('triggermailsid', 0);

								if (isset($triggeremailsid[$index])) {
									$summary = $statsapi->GetTriggerEmailsStatsRecord($triggeremailsid[$index]);
								} else {
									$summary = array();

							$access = true;

							if (in_array($statstype, array('a', 'n'))) {
								$access = $this->CanAccessStats($statid, $statstype);
							} elseif ($statstype == 't') {
								// Admin access?
								$access = $user->Admin();

								// If this is NOT an admin, check whether or not he owns the trigger
								if (!$access && $this->IsOwner($summary['owneruserid'])) {
									$access = true;
							} else {
								$access = $this->CanAccessList($listid);

							if (!$access) {

							foreach ($_GET['options'] as $option) {

								switch ($option) {
									case 'snapshot':
										switch ($statstype) {
											case 'l':
												$data = $statsapi->GetSubscriberGraphData($statsapi->stats_type, array('unconfirms' => array(),'confirms' => array(),'subscribes' => array(),'unsubscribes' => array(),'bounces' => array(),'forwards' => array()), $listid);
												IEM::sessionSet('SubscriberGraphData', $data);
												$areas = array('unconfirms', 'confirms', 'unsubscribes', 'bounces', 'forwards');
												$totals = array('unconfirms' => 0, 'confirms' => 0, 'unsubscribes' => 0, 'forwards' => 0, 'bounces' => 0);
												$now = getdate();
												$today = $now['0'];
												$date = $today;
												$time_display = '';

												for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
													$found_stats = false;
													foreach ($areas as $k => $area) {
														$GLOBALS[$area] = 0;
														foreach ($data[$area] as $p => $details) {
															if ($details['mth'] != $i) {

															$GLOBALS['Name'] = GetLang($this->Months[$i]) . ' ' . $details['yr'];

															$GLOBALS[$area] = $this->FormatNumber($details['count']);
															$totals[$area] += $details['count'];
															$found_stats = true;

													if (!$found_stats) {

													$time_display .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_List_Step3_Row', true, false);

												foreach ($areas as $k => $area) {
													$GLOBALS['Total_' . $area] = $this->FormatNumber($totals[$area]);
													//$GLOBALS['Total_domain_' . $area] = $this->FormatNumber($domain_totals[$area]);

												$data_url = SENDSTUDIO_APPLICATION_URL . '/admin/functions/stats_chart.php?Area=list&list='.$listid .'&graph=subscribersummary&' . IEM::SESSION_NAME . '=' . IEM::sessionID();

												$this->InsertChartImage('SummaryChart', $data_url, array('graph_title' => GetLang("List_Summary_Graph_subscribersummary")));

											break; // case l

											case 'n':
												$GLOBALS['NewsletterID'] = $summary['newsletterid'];

												$sent_when = $GLOBALS['StartSending'] = $this->PrintTime($summary['starttime'], true);

												if ($summary['finishtime'] > 0) {
													$GLOBALS['FinishSending'] = $this->PrintTime($summary['finishtime'], true);
													$GLOBALS['SendingTime'] = $this->TimeDifference($summary['finishtime'] - $summary['starttime']);
												} else {
													$GLOBALS['FinishSending'] = GetLang('NotFinishedSending');
													$GLOBALS['SendingTime'] = GetLang('NotFinishedSending');

												$sent_to = $summary['htmlrecipients'] + $summary['textrecipients'] + $summary['multipartrecipients'];

												$sent_size = $summary['sendsize'];

												$GLOBALS['SentToDetails'] = sprintf(GetLang('NewsletterStatistics_Snapshot_SendSize'), $this->FormatNumber($sent_to), $this->FormatNumber($sent_size));

												$GLOBALS['NewsletterSubject'] = $summary['newslettersubject'];

												$GLOBALS['UserEmail'] = htmlspecialchars($summary['emailaddress'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
												$sent_by = $summary['username'];
												if ($summary['fullname']) {
													$sent_by = $summary['fullname'];
												$GLOBALS['SentBy'] = htmlspecialchars($sent_by, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

												if (sizeof($summary['lists']) > 1) {
													$GLOBALS['SentToLists'] = GetLang('SentToLists');
													$GLOBALS['MailingLists'] = '';
													$break_up = 4;
													$c = 1;
													foreach ($summary['lists'] as $listid => $listname) {
														if ($c % $break_up == 0) {
															$GLOBALS['MailingLists'] .= '<br/>';
															$c = 0;
														$GLOBALS['MailingLists'] .= htmlspecialchars($listname, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . ',';

													if (($c - 1) % $break_up != 0) {
														$GLOBALS['MailingLists'] = substr($GLOBALS['MailingLists'], 0, -1);
												} else {
													$GLOBALS['SentToLists'] = GetLang('SentToList');
													$listname = current($summary['lists']);
													$GLOBALS['MailingLists'] = htmlspecialchars($listname, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

												$GLOBALS['UniqueOpens'] = sprintf(GetLang('EmailOpens_Unique'), $this->FormatNumber($summary['emailopens_unique']));
												$GLOBALS['TotalOpens'] = sprintf(GetLang('EmailOpens_Total'), $this->FormatNumber($summary['emailopens']));

												if ($sent_to != 0) {
													$GLOBALS['OpenRate'] = $this->FormatNumber($summary['emailopens_unique'] / $sent_to * 100,2) . "%" ;
												} else {
													$GLOBALS['OpenRate'] = '0%';

												$clicks = $statsapi->GetUniqueClickRecipients($statid,'','a');
												if ($sent_to == 0) {
													$GLOBALS['ClickThroughRate'] = "0%";
												} else {
													$GLOBALS['ClickThroughRate'] = $this->FormatNumber((int)$clicks / (int)$sent_to * 100,2) . '%';

												$total_bounces = $summary['bouncecount_unknown'] + $summary['bouncecount_hard'] + $summary['bouncecount_soft'];

												$GLOBALS['TotalBounces'] = $this->FormatNumber($total_bounces);
												$unopened = $sent_size - $summary['emailopens_unique'] - $total_bounces;
												$data_url = SENDSTUDIO_APPLICATION_URL . '/admin/stats_chart.php?Opens='.$summary['emailopens_unique'].'&Unopened='.$unopened.'&Bounced='.$total_bounces.'&' . IEM::SESSION_NAME . '=' . IEM::sessionID();

												// Newsletter Summary Chart

												$this->InsertChartImage('SummaryChart',$data_url,array('graph_title' => GetLang("NewsletterSummaryChart")));

												// finally put it all together.
											break; // case 'n'

											case 'a':

												$GLOBALS['AutoresponderID'] = $autoresponderid;

												$GLOBALS['SummaryIntro'] = sprintf(GetLang('AutoresponderStatistics_Snapshot_Summary'), htmlspecialchars($summary['autorespondername'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET));

												$GLOBALS['AutoresponderSubject'] = htmlspecialchars($summary['autorespondersubject'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

												$GLOBALS['UserEmail'] = $summary['emailaddress'];
												$created_by = $summary['username'];
												if ($summary['fullname']) {
													$created_by = $summary['fullname'];
												$GLOBALS['CreatedBy'] = $created_by;

												$GLOBALS['MailingList'] = htmlspecialchars($summary['listname'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

												if ($summary['hoursaftersubscription'] < 1) {
													$GLOBALS['SentWhen'] = GetLang('Immediately');
												} else {
													if ($summary['hoursaftersubscription'] == 1) {
														$GLOBALS['SentWhen'] = GetLang('HoursAfter_One');
													} else {
														$GLOBALS['SentWhen'] = sprintf(GetLang('HoursAfter_Many'), $summary['hoursaftersubscription']);

												$total_sent = $summary['htmlrecipients'] + $summary['textrecipients'] + $summary['multipartrecipients'];
												$GLOBALS['SentToDetails'] = $this->FormatNumber($total_sent);

												$GLOBALS['UniqueOpens'] = sprintf(GetLang('EmailOpens_Unique'), $this->FormatNumber($summary['emailopens_unique']));
												$GLOBALS['TotalOpens'] = sprintf(GetLang('EmailOpens_Total'), $this->FormatNumber($summary['emailopens']));

												$total_bounces = $summary['bouncecount_unknown'] + $summary['bouncecount_hard'] + $summary['bouncecount_soft'];

												$GLOBALS['TotalBounces'] = $this->FormatNumber($total_bounces);

												$unopened = $total_sent - $summary['emailopens_unique'] - $total_bounces;
												if ($unopened < 0) {
													$unopened = 0;

												$data_url = SENDSTUDIO_APPLICATION_URL . '/admin/stats_chart.php?Opens='.$summary['emailopens_unique'].'&Unopened='.$unopened.'&Bounced='.$total_bounces.'&Area=autoresponder&' . IEM::SESSION_NAME . '=' . IEM::sessionID();


											break; // case 'a'

											case 't':

												$summary['processed_totalbounced'] = intval($summary['bouncecount_soft']) + intval($summary['bouncecount_hard']) + intval($summary['bouncecount_unknown']);

												$info = array();
												$info['total_open'] = sprintf(GetLang('EmailOpens_Total'), $this->FormatNumber($summary['emailopens']));
												$info['unique_open'] = sprintf(GetLang('EmailOpens_Unique'), $this->FormatNumber($summary['emailopens_unique']));
												$info['total_bounce'] = $this->FormatNumber($summary['processed_totalbounced']);

												$template = GetTemplateSystem();
												$template->assign('record', $summary);
												$template->assign('info', $info);
											break; // case 't'
										} // switch ($statstype)
									break; //snapshot

									case 'perdomain':
										$domain_data = $statsapi->GetSubscriberDomainGraphData(array('unconfirms' => array(),'confirms' => array(),'subscribes' => array(),'unsubscribes' => array(),'bounces' => array(),'forwards' => array()), $listid);
										$domain_totals = array('unconfirms' => 0, 'confirms' => 0, 'unsubscribes' => 0, 'forwards' => 0, 'bounces' => 0);
										$areas = array('unconfirms', 'confirms', 'unsubscribes', 'bounces', 'forwards');

										$domain_lines = array();

										foreach ($areas as $k => $area) {
											foreach ($domain_data[$area] as $p => $details) {
												if (isset($details['domainname'])) {
													$domain = $details['domainname'];
													if (!isset($domain_lines[$domain])) {
														$domain_lines[$domain] = array('unconfirms' => 0, 'confirms' => 0, 'unsubscribes' => 0, 'forwards' => 0, 'bounces' => 0);
													$domain_lines[$domain][$area] = $details['count'];

										$graph_details = array();

										$domain_display = '';

										if (!empty($domain_lines)) {
											foreach ($domain_lines as $domain_name => $domain_info) {
												$GLOBALS['Name'] = htmlspecialchars($domain_name, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

												foreach ($domain_info as $area => $count) {
													$GLOBALS[$area] = $this->FormatNumber($count);
													$domain_totals[$area] += $count;

													if ($area == 'confirms') {
														if (!isset($graph_details[$domain_name])) {
															$graph_details[$domain_name] = 0;
														$graph_details[$domain_name] += $count;

												$domain_display .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_List_Step3_Row', true, false);
										} else {
											$GLOBALS['Name'] = '';
											foreach ($areas as $k => $area) {
												$GLOBALS[$area] = 0;
											$domain_display .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_List_Step3_Row', true, false);

										IEM::sessionSet('SubscriberDomains', $graph_details);

										$this->DisplayChart('DomainChart', 'subscriberdomains', '0','pie',array(
											'hide_labels_percent' => 2,
											'group_percent' => 2,
											'x_position' => '',
											'radius' => 85,
											'graph_title' => GetLang("ListStatistics_Snapshot_PerDomain")


										if (in_array($option,$options_details)) {
											foreach ($areas as $k => $area) {
												$GLOBALS['Total_domain_' . $area] = $this->FormatNumber($domain_totals[$area]);

											$GLOBALS['DisplayDomainList'] = $domain_display;

									break; // case perdomain

									case 'open':
										if ($statstype == 'l') {
											$total_emails = $summary['emails_sent'];
										} else {
											$total_emails = $summary['htmlrecipients'] + $summary['textrecipients'] + $summary['multipartrecipients'];

										$GLOBALS['TotalEmails'] = $this->FormatNumber($total_emails);
										$GLOBALS['TotalOpens'] = $this->FormatNumber($summary['emailopens']);
										$GLOBALS['TotalUniqueOpens'] = $this->FormatNumber($summary['emailopens_unique']);

										$most_opens = $statsapi->GetMostOpens($statid, $calendar_restrictions);

										$now = getdate();

										if (isset($most_opens['mth'])) {
											$GLOBALS['MostOpens'] = $this->Months[$most_opens['mth']] . ' ' . $most_opens['yr'];

										if (isset($most_opens['hr'])) {
											$GLOBALS['MostOpens'] = $this->PrintDate(mktime($most_opens['hr'], 1, 1, 1, 1, $now['year']), GetLang('Daily_Time_Display'));

										if (isset($most_opens['dow'])) {
											$pos = array_search($most_opens['dow'], array_keys($this->days_of_week));
											// we need to add 1 hour here otherwise we get the wrong day from strtotime.
											$GLOBALS['MostOpens'] = $this->PrintDate(strtotime("last " . $this->days_of_week[$pos] . " +1 hour"), GetLang('Date_Display_Display'));

										if (isset($most_opens['dom'])) {
											$month = $now['mon'];
											// if the day-of-month is after "today", it's going to be for "last month" so adjust the month accordingly.
											if ($most_opens['dom'] > $now['mday']) {
												$month = $now['mon'] - 1;
											$GLOBALS['MostOpens'] = $this->PrintDate(mktime(0, 0, 1, $month, $most_opens['dom'], $now['year']), GetLang('Date_Display_Display'));

										$avg_opens = 0;
										if ($total_emails > 0) {
											$avg_opens = $summary['emailopens'] / $total_emails;
										$GLOBALS['AverageOpens'] = $this->FormatNumber($avg_opens, 1);

										if ($total_emails != 0) {
											$GLOBALS['OpenRate'] = $this->FormatNumber($summary['emailopens_unique'] / $total_emails * 100,2) . "%" ;
										} else {
											$GLOBALS['OpenRate'] = '0%';

										if ($summary['emailopens'] > 0) {
											$this->DisplayChart('OpenChart', $this->area, $statid,'column',array('graph_title' => GetLang("OpensChart")));


										if (in_array($option,$options_details)) {
											$token = "stats" . md5(uniqid('_'));

												'statid' => $statid, 'unique_only' => false, 'calendar_restrictions' => $calendar_restrictions,
												'summary' => $summary

											echo '<div id="'.$option . '_details"></div>';
											echo '<script>
													type: "get",
													url: "remote_stats.php",
													data: "type=newsletter_opens&pagination=false&token='.$token.'&sort=down",
													success: function (html) {
									break; // opens

									case 'click':
										if (isset($summary['starttime'])) {
											$sent_when = $this->PrintTime($summary['starttime'], true);

										$GLOBALS['StatID'] = (int)$statid;

										$GLOBALS['LinkAction'] = 'Newsletter';

										if (!isset($chosen_link) || !is_numeric($chosen_link)) {
											$chosen_link = 'a';

										$summary['linkclicks'] = $statsapi->GetClicks($statid, 0, 0, $chosen_link, $calendar_restrictions, true);

										// build up the summary table.
										$GLOBALS['TotalClicks'] = $this->FormatNumber($summary['linkclicks']);

										$unique_clicks_count = $statsapi->GetUniqueClicks($statid, $chosen_link, $calendar_restrictions);
										$GLOBALS['TotalUniqueClicks'] = $this->FormatNumber($unique_clicks_count);

										$most_popular_link = $statsapi->GetMostPopularLink($statid, $chosen_link, $calendar_restrictions);

										$GLOBALS['MostPopularLink'] = htmlspecialchars($most_popular_link, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
										$GLOBALS['MostPopularLink_Short'] = $most_popular_link;

										$averageclicks = 0;
										if (isset($summary['emailopens']) && (int)$summary['emailopens'] > 0) {
											$open_count = (int)$summary['emailopens'];
											$averageclicks = $summary['linkclicks'] / $open_count;
										$GLOBALS['AverageClicks'] = $this->FormatNumber($averageclicks, 1);

										if ($summary['linkclicks'] > 0) {
											$this->DisplayChart('LinksChart', $this->area, $statid,'column',array('graph_title' => GetLang("LinksClickedChart")));


										$token = "stats" . md5(uniqid('_'));

											'statid' => $statid, 'chosen_link' => 'a', 'calendar_restrictions' => $calendar_restrictions,
											'summary' => $summary

										if (in_array($option,$options_details)) {
											echo '<div id="'.$option . '_details"></div>';
											echo '<script>
													type: "get",
													url: "remote_stats.php",
													data: "type=newsletter_links&pagination=false&token='.$token.'&sort=down",
													success: function (html) {

										echo "
												$.get('remote_stats.php?Action=get_linkstats&link=a&token={$token}','',function (data) {

									break; // click

									case 'bounce':
										$chosen_bounce_type = 'a';
										$total_bounces = $statsapi->GetBounces($statid, 0, 10, $chosen_bounce_type, $calendar_restrictions, true);

										$bounce_types_count = $statsapi->GetBounceCounts($statid, $calendar_restrictions);
										$GLOBALS['TotalBounceCount'] = $this->FormatNumber($bounce_types_count['total']);
										$GLOBALS['TotalSoftBounceCount'] = $this->FormatNumber($bounce_types_count['soft']);
										$GLOBALS['TotalHardBounceCount'] = $this->FormatNumber($bounce_types_count['hard']);
										if ($bounce_types_count['total'] > 0) {
											$this->DisplayChart('BounceChart', $this->area, $statid,'column');


										if (in_array($option,$options_details)) {
											$token = "stats" . md5(uniqid('_'));
												'statid' => $statid, 'chosen_bounce_type' => false, 'calendar_restrictions' => $calendar_restrictions,
												'summary' => $summary

											echo '<div id="'.$option . '_details"></div>';
											echo '<script>
													type: "get",
													url: "remote_stats.php",
													data: "type=newsletter_bounces&pagination=false&token='.$token.'&sort=down",
													success: function (html) {

									break; // bounce

									case 'unsubscribe':
										if ($summary['unsubscribecount'] > 0) {
											$unsubscribes = $statsapi->GetUnsubscribes($statid, 0, 10, $calendar_restrictions);

										$GLOBALS['TotalUnsubscribes'] = $this->FormatNumber($summary['unsubscribecount']);

										$most_unsubscribes = $statsapi->GetMostUnsubscribes($statid, $calendar_restrictions);

										$now = getdate();

										if (isset($most_unsubscribes['mth'])) {
											$GLOBALS['MostUnsubscribes'] = $this->Months[$most_unsubscribes['mth']] . ' ' . $most_unsubscribes['yr'];

										if (isset($most_unsubscribes['hr'])) {
											$GLOBALS['MostUnsubscribes'] = $this->PrintDate(mktime($most_unsubscribes['hr'], 1, 1, 1, 1, $now['year']), GetLang('Daily_Time_Display'));

										if (isset($most_unsubscribes['dow'])) {
											$pos = array_search($most_unsubscribes['dow'], array_keys($this->days_of_week));
											// we need to add 1 hour here otherwise we get the wrong day from strtotime.
											$GLOBALS['MostUnsubscribes'] = $this->PrintDate(strtotime("last " . $this->days_of_week[$pos] . " +1 hour"), GetLang('Date_Display_Display'));

										if (isset($most_unsubscribes['dom'])) {
											$month = $now['mon'];
											// if the day-of-month is after "today", it's going to be for "last month" so adjust the month accordingly.
											if ($most_unsubscribes['dom'] > $now['mday']) {
												$month = $now['mon'] - 1;
											$GLOBALS['MostUnsubscribes'] = $this->PrintDate(mktime(0, 0, 1, $month, $most_unsubscribes['dom'], $now['year']), GetLang('Date_Display_Display'));

										if ($summary['unsubscribecount'] > 0) {
											$this->DisplayChart('UnsubscribeChart', $this->area, $statid, 'column',array('graph_title' => GetLang("UnsubscribesChart")));


										if (in_array($option,$options_details)) {
											$token = "stats" . md5(uniqid('_'));

											if ($statstype == 't') {
													'statid' => $statid, 'calendar_restrictions' => array('unsubscribes' => $calendar_restrictions),
													'summary' => $summary
											} else {
													'statid' => $statid, 'calendar_restrictions' => $calendar_restrictions,
													'summary' => $summary

											$url_data_statstype = 'newsletter_unsubscribes';
											if ($statstype == 't') {
												$url_data_statstype = 'triggeremails_unsubscribes';

											echo '<div id="'.$option . '_details"></div>';
											echo '<script>
													type: "get",
													url: "remote_stats.php",
													data: "type=' . $url_data_statstype . '&pagination=false&token='.$token.'&sort=down",
													success: function (html) {

									break; //unsubscribe

									case 'forward':
										if ($summary['emailforwards'] > 0) {
											$forwards = $statsapi->GetForwards($statid, 0, 0, $calendar_restrictions);

										if ($calendar_restrictions != '') {
											$summary['emailforwards'] = $statsapi->GetForwards($statid, $start, $perpage, $calendar_restrictions, true);

										$GLOBALS['TotalForwards'] = $this->FormatNumber($summary['emailforwards']);

										$new_signups = $statsapi->GetForwards($statid, 0, 0, $calendar_restrictions, true, true);

										$GLOBALS['TotalForwardSignups'] = $this->FormatNumber($new_signups);

										if ($summary['emailforwards'] > 0) {
											$this->DisplayChart('ForwardsChart', $this->area, $statid,'column',array('graph_title' => GetLang("ForwardsChart")));


										if (in_array($option,$options_details)) {
											$token = "stats" . md5(uniqid('_'));

											if ($statstype == 't') {
													'statid' => $statid, 'calendar_restrictions' => array('forwards' => $calendar_restrictions),
													'summary' => $summary
											} else {
													'statid' => $statid, 'calendar_restrictions' => $calendar_restrictions,
													'summary' => $summary

											$url_data_statstype = 'forwards';
											if ($statstype == 't') {
												$url_data_statstype = 'triggeremails_forwards';

											echo '<div id="'.$option . '_details"></div>';
											echo '<script>
													type: "get",
													url: "remote_stats.php",
													data: "type=' . $url_data_statstype . '&pagination=false&token='.$token.'&sort=down",
													success: function (html) {
									break; //forward

								} // switch $option
							} // foreach $options
						} // foreach $stats

					break; // step2

					default: // step1

						$print_options = '';
						$bg_color = 'white';

						if ($_GET['statstype']) {
							$print_options .= '<input type="hidden" name="statstype" value="' . htmlentities($statstype, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '" />';

						switch ($statstype) {

								$itemids = $statsapi->CheckIntVars($_GET['stats']);

								if (isset($_GET['stats'])) {
									foreach ($_GET['stats'] as $val) {
										$print_options .= '<input type="hidden" name="stats[]" value="' . $val . '" />';

								if (isset($_GET['autoresponderid'])) {
									foreach ($_GET['autoresponderid'] as $val) {
										$print_options .= '<input type="hidden" name="autoresponderid[]" value="' . $val . '" />';

								if (isset($_GET['triggerid'])) {
									$triggeremailid = $_GET['triggerid'];
									if (!is_array($triggeremailid)) {
										$triggeremailid = array($triggeremailid);

									foreach ($triggeremailid as $id) {
										$print_options .= '<input type="hidden" name="triggermailsid[]" value="' . intval($id) . '" />';

								if ($statstype == 'l') {
									$a = array (
										'snapshot' => GetLang('ListStatistics_Snapshot'),
										'perdomain' => GetLang('ListStatistics_Snapshot_PerDomain'),
										'open' => GetLang('Opens_Summary'),
										'click' => GetLang('LinkClicks_Summary'),
										'bounce' => GetLang('Bounce_Summary'),
										'unsubscribe' => GetLang('Unsubscribe_Summary'),
										'forward' => GetLang('Forwards_Summary')
								} else {
									$a = array (
										'snapshot' => GetLang('NewsletterStatistics_Snapshot'),
										'open' => GetLang('Opens_Summary'),
										'click' => GetLang('LinkClicks_Summary'),
										'bounce' => GetLang('Bounce_Summary'),
										'unsubscribe' => GetLang('Unsubscribe_Summary'),
										'forward' => GetLang('Forwards_Summary')

								foreach ($a as $key => $val) {
									$bg_color = ($bg_color == 'white') ? '#EDECEC' : 'white';
									$print_options .= '<div style="background: ' . $bg_color . '; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;">';
									$print_options .= '<input id="print_'.$key.'" type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="'.$key.'" checked="checked" style="margin:0;"/>
										<label for="print_' . $key . '">'.$val.'</label><br />' . "\n";

									if ($key != 'snapshot') {
										$count = 0;
										$function = 'Get' . ucfirst($key) . 's';

										$real_statids = array();
										if ($statstype == 'l') {
											// For lists, $itemids is actually the listids, so we have to get the statids for the lists
											foreach ($itemids as $listid) {
												if (!$this->CanAccessList($listid)) {
												$summary = $statsapi->GetListSummary($listid);
												$real_statids = array_merge($real_statids, $summary['statids']);

										if ($statstype == 'a') {
											// For autoresponders, $itemids is actually the autoresponderids, so we have to get the statids for the autoresponders
											foreach ($itemids as $arid) {
												$summary = $statsapi->GetAutoresponderSummary($arid, true, 0);
												if (!$this->CanAccessStats($summary['statid'], 'a')) {
												$real_statids[] = $summary['statid'];

										switch ($key) {
											case 'perdomain':
												$count = $statsapi->GetSubscriberDomainCount($itemids[0]);

											case 'bounce':
											case 'open':
												$count = $statsapi->$function( ($real_statids === array() ? $itemids : $real_statids), 0, 0, false, '', true);

											case 'click':
												$count = $statsapi->$function(($real_statids === array() ? $itemids : $real_statids), 0, 0, 'a', '', true);

												$count = $statsapi->$function(($real_statids === array() ? $itemids : $real_statids), 0, 0, '', true);

										$print_options .= '<span style="width: 20px;"><img src="images/blank.gif" width="20" height="1" /></span>';
										$print_options .= '<input id="print_details_'.$key.'" type="checkbox" name="options_details[]" value="'.$key.'" style="margin:0;"';
										if ($count == 0) {
											$print_options .= ' disabled="disabled"';
										$print_options .= ' />
											<label for="print_details_' . $key . '">' .
											sprintf(GetLang('Stats_Print_IncludeDetailsOf'),$count,GetLang("Stats_Print_$key")) .
											'</label><br />' . "\n";

									$print_options .= '</div>';

						$GLOBALS['PrintOptions'] = $print_options;

					} // switch subaction
			break; //print

				$token_data = IEM::sessionGet($_GET['token']);
				$statid = $token_data['statid'];
				$calendar_restrictions = $token_data['calendar_restrictions'];

				$GLOBALS['TableToken'] = $_GET['token']; $GLOBALS['Token'] = $_GET['token'];

				if (isset($_GET['pagination']) && ($_GET['pagination'] == 'false')) {
					$perpage = 'all';

				$DisplayPage = (isset($_GET['DisplayPage'])) ? (int)$_GET['DisplayPage'] : 1;
				$GLOBALS['CurrentPage'] = (int)$DisplayPage;
				$start = 0;
				if ($perpage != 'all') {
					$start = ($DisplayPage - 1) * $perpage;

				$summary = &$token_data['summary'];

				if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
					switch ($_GET['sort']) {
						case 'up':
						case 'down':
							$GLOBALS['SortDirection'] = $_GET['sort'];

							$GLOBALS['SortDirection'] = 'up';
					$this->sort = ($GLOBALS['SortDirection'] == 'up' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC');
				} else {
					$this->sort = 'ASC';
					$GLOBALS['SortDirection'] = 'up';

				if (in_array($_GET['type'], array_keys($this->columns))) {
					$GLOBALS['TableType'] = $_GET['type'];
					$this->type = $_GET['type'];

					if (isset($_GET['column']) && in_array($_GET['column'], array_keys($this->columns[$this->type]))) {
						$GLOBALS['SortColumn'] = $_GET['column'];
						$this->column = $this->columns[$this->type][$_GET['column']];
					} else {
						$q = array_keys($this->columns[$this->type]);
						$GLOBALS['SortColumn'] = $q[0];
						$this->column = $this->columns[$this->type][$q[0]];
				} else {
					echo "Invalid parameters";

				// Tables:
				header("Content-type: text/html; charset=" . SENDSTUDIO_DEFAULTCHARSET);
				switch ($this->type) {
					case 'newsletter_opens':
						$opens = array();

						$opencount = $statsapi->GetOpens($token_data['statid'], 0, 0, $token_data['unique_only'], $token_data['calendar_restrictions'], true);

						// make sure unique opens are > 0 - if they aren't, something isn't tracking right anyway so no point trying anything else.
						if ($summary['emailopens_unique'] > 0) {
							if (isset($token_data['listid'])) {
								$opens = $statsapi->GetOpens($statid, $start, $perpage, $token_data['unique_only'], $token_data['calendar_restrictions'],false,$this->column,$this->sort,$token_data['listid']);
							} else {
								$opens = $statsapi->GetOpens($statid, $start, $perpage, $token_data['unique_only'], $token_data['calendar_restrictions'],false,$this->column,$this->sort);

						$GLOBALS['CurrentPage'] = (int)$DisplayPage;
						$this->_SetupPaging($opencount, $DisplayPage, $perpage, '', 'newsletter_opens', $_GET['token']);

						$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Remote_Paging', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Paging'] = $paging;

						$open_list = '';
						foreach ($opens as $k => $opendetails) {
							$GLOBALS['EmailAddress'] = htmlspecialchars($opendetails['emailaddress'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
							$GLOBALS['DateOpened'] = $this->PrintTime($opendetails['opentime'], true);
							$GLOBALS['OpenedEmailAsType'] = GetLang('OpenedEmailAs_Unknown');

							switch (strtolower($opendetails['opentype'])) {
								case 'h':
									$GLOBALS['OpenedEmailAsType'] = GetLang('OpenedEmailAs_HTML');

								case 't':
									$GLOBALS['OpenedEmailAsType'] = GetLang('OpenedEmailAs_Text');

							$open_list .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Opens_Row', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Stats_Step3_Opens_List'] = $open_list;
						if (isset($_GET['pagination']) && $_GET['pagination'] == 'false') {
							$GLOBALS['PagingBottom'] = $GLOBALS['Paging'] = '';

						echo $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Opens_Table', true, false);
					break; //newsletter_opens

					case 'newsletter_links':
						$chosen_link = $token_data['chosen_link'];
						if (isset($_GET['link']) && is_numeric($_GET['link'])) {
							$chosen_link = (int)$_GET['link'];
						} else {
							$chosen_link = 'a';

						$links = array();
						if ($summary['linkclicks'] > 0) {
							$links = $statsapi->GetClicks($statid, $start, $perpage, $chosen_link, $calendar_restrictions,false,$this->column,$this->sort);

						$all_links = $statsapi->GetUniqueLinks($statid);

						if (empty($all_links)) {
							$GLOBALS['DisplayStatsLinkList'] = 'none';
						} else {
							$GLOBALS['DisplayStatsLinkList'] = 'block';
							$all_links_list = '';

							foreach ($all_links as $p => $linkinfo) {
								$selected = '';
								if ($linkinfo['linkid'] == $chosen_link) {
									$selected = ' SELECTED';

								$all_links_list .= '<option value="' . $linkinfo['linkid'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . str_replace(array("'", '"'), "", $linkinfo['url']) . '</option>';

							$GLOBALS['StatsLinkList'] = $all_links_list;
							$GLOBALS['CurrentPage'] = (int)$GLOBALS['CurrentPage'];
							$GLOBALS['StatsLinkDropDown'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Links_List', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['CurrentPage'] = (int)$DisplayPage;
						$total_links = $statsapi->GetClicks($statid, $start, $perpage, $chosen_link, $calendar_restrictions,true);
						$this->_SetupPaging($total_links, $DisplayPage, $perpage,'','newsletter_links',$_GET['token']);

						$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Remote_Paging', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Paging'] = $paging;

						$click_list = '';
						foreach ($links as $k => $clickdetails) {
							$GLOBALS['EmailAddress'] = htmlspecialchars($clickdetails['emailaddress'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
							$GLOBALS['DateClicked'] = $this->PrintTime($clickdetails['clicktime'], true);

							$GLOBALS['FullURL'] = $url = str_replace(array('"', "'"), "", $clickdetails['url']);

							$GLOBALS['LinkClicked'] = $this->TruncateInMiddle($url);

							$click_list .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Links_Row', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Stats_Step3_Links_List'] = $click_list;
						if (isset($_GET['pagination']) && $_GET['pagination'] == 'false') {
							$GLOBALS['PagingBottom'] = $GLOBALS['Paging'] = ''; $GLOBALS['StatsLinkDropDown'] = '';

						echo $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Links_Table');
					break; // newsletter_links

					case 'newsletter_bounces':
						$chosen_bounce_type = $token_data['chosen_bounce_type'];

						if (isset($_GET['bouncetype']) && in_array($_GET['bouncetype'],array('any','soft','hard'))) {
							$chosen_bounce_type = $_GET['bouncetype'];
						} else {
							$chosen_bounce_type = 'any';

						$bouncetypelist = '';
						$all_bounce_types = array('any', 'hard', 'soft');

						if (!in_array($chosen_bounce_type, $all_bounce_types)) {
							$chosen_bounce_type = 'any';

						foreach ($all_bounce_types as $p => $bounce_type) {
							$selected = '';
							if ($bounce_type == $chosen_bounce_type) {
								$selected = ' SELECTED';
							$bouncetypelist .= '<option value="' . $bounce_type . '"' . $selected . '>' . GetLang('Bounce_Type_' . $bounce_type) . '</option>';
						$GLOBALS['StatsBounceList'] = $bouncetypelist;

						$bounces = array();

						$total_bounces = $statsapi->GetBounces($statid, $start, $perpage, $chosen_bounce_type, $calendar_restrictions, true);

						if ($total_bounces > 0) {
							$bounces = $statsapi->GetBounces($statid, $start, $perpage, $chosen_bounce_type, $calendar_restrictions,false,$this->column,$this->sort);

						$this->_SetupPaging($total_bounces, $DisplayPage, $perpage,'','newsletter_bounces',$_GET['token']);

						$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Remote_Paging', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Paging'] = $paging;

						$bounce_list = '';
						foreach ($bounces as $k => $bouncedetails) {
							$GLOBALS['EmailAddress'] = htmlspecialchars($bouncedetails['emailaddress'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
							$GLOBALS['BounceDate'] = $this->PrintTime($bouncedetails['bouncetime'], true);
							$GLOBALS['BounceType'] = GetLang('Bounce_Type_' . $bouncedetails['bouncetype']);
							$GLOBALS['BounceRule'] = GetLang('Bounce_Rule_' . $bouncedetails['bouncerule']);
							$bounce_list .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Bounces_Row', true, false);
						$GLOBALS['Stats_Step3_Bounces_List'] = $bounce_list;

						if (isset($_GET['pagination']) && $_GET['pagination'] == 'false') {
							$GLOBALS['PagingBottom'] = $GLOBALS['Paging'] = ''; $GLOBALS['StatsBounceList'] = '';

						echo $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Bounces_Table');

					break; // newsletter_bounces

					case 'newsletter_unsubscribes':
						$unsubscribes = array();

						$listid = 0;
						$token_request = IEM::requestGetGET('token', '');
						$token = IEM::sessionGet($token_request);
						if ($token !== false && isset($token['listid'])) {
							$listid = $token['listid'];

						if ($summary['unsubscribecount'] > 0) {
							$unsubscribes = $statsapi->GetUnsubscribes($statid, $start, $perpage, $calendar_restrictions,false,$this->column,$this->sort, $listid);

						if (empty($unsubscribes)) {
							if ($summary['unsubscribecount'] > 0) {
								$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('NewsletterHasNoUnsubscribes_CalendarProblem');
							} else {
								$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('NewsletterHasNoUnsubscribes');
							$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);
							return $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Unsubscribes_Empty', true, false);

						$total_unsubscribes = $statsapi->GetUnsubscribes($statid, $start, $perpage, $calendar_restrictions,true, '', '', $listid);

						$this->_SetupPaging($total_unsubscribes, $DisplayPage, $perpage,'','newsletter_unsubscribes',$_GET['token']);

						$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Remote_Paging', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Paging'] = $paging;

						$unsub_list = '';
						foreach ($unsubscribes as $k => $unsubdetails) {
							$GLOBALS['EmailAddress'] = htmlspecialchars($unsubdetails['emailaddress'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
							$GLOBALS['UnsubscribeTime'] = $this->PrintTime($unsubdetails['unsubscribetime'], true);
							$unsub_list .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Unsubscribes_Row', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Stats_Step3_Unsubscribes_List'] = $unsub_list;

						if (isset($_GET['pagination']) && $_GET['pagination'] == 'false') {
							$GLOBALS['PagingBottom'] = $GLOBALS['Paging'] = '';

						echo $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Unsubscribes_Table');
					break; // newsletter_unsubscribes

					case 'forwards':
						$forwards = array();

						if ($summary['emailforwards'] > 0) {
							$forwards = $statsapi->GetForwards($statid, $start, $perpage, $calendar_restrictions,false,false,$this->column,$this->sort);
						$total_forwards = $statsapi->GetForwards($statid, $start, $perpage, $calendar_restrictions,true);
						$this->_SetupPaging($total_forwards, $DisplayPage, $perpage,'','forwards',$_GET['token']);

						$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Remote_Paging', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Paging'] = $paging;

						$forward_list = '';
						foreach ($forwards as $k => $forwarddetails) {
							$GLOBALS['ForwardedTo'] = htmlspecialchars($forwarddetails['forwardedto'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
							$GLOBALS['ForwardedBy'] = htmlspecialchars($forwarddetails['forwardedby'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
							$GLOBALS['ForwardTime'] = $this->PrintTime($forwarddetails['forwardtime'], true);
							if ($forwarddetails['subscribed'] > 0) {
								$hassubscribed = GetLang('Yes');
							} else {
								$hassubscribed = GetLang('No');
							$GLOBALS['HasSubscribed'] = $hassubscribed;
							$forward_list .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Forwards_Row', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Stats_Step3_Forwards_List'] = $forward_list;

						if (isset($_GET['pagination']) && $_GET['pagination'] == 'false') {
							$GLOBALS['PagingBottom'] = $GLOBALS['Paging'] = '';

						echo $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Forwards_Table');
					break; // forwards

					case 'triggeremails_opens':
						$opens = array();

						$opencount = $statsapi->GetOpens($statid, 0, 0, $token_data['unique_open_only'], $token_data['calendar_restrictions']['opens'], true);

						if ($opencount > 0) {
							if (isset($token_data['listid'])) {
								$opens = $statsapi->GetOpens($statid, $start, $perpage, $token_data['unique_open_only'], $token_data['calendar_restrictions']['opens'], false, $this->column, $this->sort, $token_data['listid']);
							} else {
								$opens = $statsapi->GetOpens($statid, $start, $perpage, $token_data['unique_open_only'], $token_data['calendar_restrictions']['opens'], false, $this->column, $this->sort);

						$GLOBALS['CurrentPage'] = (int)$DisplayPage;
						$this->_SetupPaging($opencount, $DisplayPage, $perpage, '', 'triggeremails_opens', $_GET['token']);

						$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Remote_Paging', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Paging'] = $paging;

						$open_list = '';
						foreach ($opens as $k => $opendetails) {
							$GLOBALS['EmailAddress'] = htmlspecialchars($opendetails['emailaddress'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
							$GLOBALS['DateOpened'] = $this->PrintTime($opendetails['opentime'], true);
							$GLOBALS['OpenedEmailAsType'] = GetLang('OpenedEmailAs_Unknown');

							switch (strtolower($opendetails['opentype'])) {
								case 'h':
									$GLOBALS['OpenedEmailAsType'] = GetLang('OpenedEmailAs_HTML');

								case 't':
									$GLOBALS['OpenedEmailAsType'] = GetLang('OpenedEmailAs_Text');

							$open_list .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Opens_Row', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Stats_Step3_Opens_List'] = $open_list;
						if (isset($_GET['pagination']) && $_GET['pagination'] == 'false') {
							$GLOBALS['PagingBottom'] = $GLOBALS['Paging'] = '';

						echo $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Opens_Table', true, false);
					break; //triggeremails_opens

					case 'triggeremails_links':
						$chosen_link = isset($token_data['chosen_link'])? $token_data['chosen_link'] : 'a';
						if (isset($_GET['link']) && is_numeric($_GET['link'])) {
							$chosen_link = (int)$_GET['link'];
						} else {
							$chosen_link = 'a';

						$links = array();
						if ($summary['linkclicks'] > 0) {
							$links = $statsapi->GetClicks($statid, $start, $perpage, $chosen_link, $token_data['calendar_restrictions']['clicks'], false, $this->column, $this->sort);

						$all_links = $statsapi->GetUniqueLinks($statid);

						if (empty($all_links)) {
							$GLOBALS['DisplayStatsLinkList'] = 'none';
						} else {
							$GLOBALS['DisplayStatsLinkList'] = 'block';
							$all_links_list = '';

							foreach ($all_links as $p => $linkinfo) {
								$selected = '';
								if ($linkinfo['linkid'] == $chosen_link) {
									$selected = ' SELECTED';

								$all_links_list .= '<option value="' . $linkinfo['linkid'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . str_replace(array("'", '"'), "", $linkinfo['url']) . '</option>';

							$GLOBALS['StatsLinkList'] = $all_links_list;
							$GLOBALS['CurrentPage'] = (int)$GLOBALS['CurrentPage'];
							$GLOBALS['StatsLinkDropDown'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Links_List', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['CurrentPage'] = (int)$DisplayPage;
						$total_links = $statsapi->GetClicks($statid, $start, $perpage, $chosen_link, $token_data['calendar_restrictions']['clicks'], true);
						$this->_SetupPaging($total_links, $DisplayPage, $perpage, '', 'triggeremails_links', $_GET['token']);

						$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Remote_Paging', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Paging'] = $paging;

						$click_list = '';
						foreach ($links as $k => $clickdetails) {
							$GLOBALS['EmailAddress'] = htmlspecialchars($clickdetails['emailaddress'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
							$GLOBALS['DateClicked'] = $this->PrintTime($clickdetails['clicktime'], true);

							$GLOBALS['FullURL'] = $url = str_replace(array('"', "'"), "", $clickdetails['url']);

							$GLOBALS['LinkClicked'] = $this->TruncateInMiddle($url);

							$click_list .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Links_Row', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Stats_Step3_Links_List'] = $click_list;
						if (isset($_GET['pagination']) && $_GET['pagination'] == 'false') {
							$GLOBALS['PagingBottom'] = $GLOBALS['Paging'] = '';
							$GLOBALS['StatsLinkDropDown'] = '';

						echo $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Links_Table');
					break; // triggeremails_links

					case 'triggeremails_bounces':
						$chosen_bounce_type = isset($token_data['chosen_bounce_type'])? $token_data['chosen_bounce_type'] : 'any';

						if (isset($_GET['bouncetype']) && in_array($_GET['bouncetype'], array('any', 'soft', 'hard'))) {
							$chosen_bounce_type = $_GET['bouncetype'];
						} else {
							$chosen_bounce_type = 'any';

						$bouncetypelist = '';
						$all_bounce_types = array('any', 'hard', 'soft');

						if (!in_array($chosen_bounce_type, $all_bounce_types)) {
							$chosen_bounce_type = 'any';

						foreach ($all_bounce_types as $p => $bounce_type) {
							$selected = '';
							if ($bounce_type == $chosen_bounce_type) {
								$selected = ' SELECTED';
							$bouncetypelist .= '<option value="' . $bounce_type . '"' . $selected . '>' . GetLang('Bounce_Type_' . $bounce_type) . '</option>';
						$GLOBALS['StatsBounceList'] = $bouncetypelist;

						$bounces = array();

						$total_bounces = $statsapi->GetBounces($statid, $start, $perpage, $chosen_bounce_type, $token_data['calendar_restrictions']['bounces'], true);

						if ($total_bounces > 0) {
							$bounces = $statsapi->GetBounces($statid, $start, $perpage, $chosen_bounce_type, $token_data['calendar_restrictions']['bounces'], false, $this->column,$this->sort);

						$this->_SetupPaging($total_bounces, $DisplayPage, $perpage, '', 'triggeremails_bounces', $_GET['token']);

						$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Remote_Paging', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Paging'] = $paging;

						$bounce_list = '';
						foreach ($bounces as $k => $bouncedetails) {
							$GLOBALS['EmailAddress'] = htmlspecialchars($bouncedetails['emailaddress'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
							$GLOBALS['BounceDate'] = $this->PrintTime($bouncedetails['bouncetime'], true);
							$GLOBALS['BounceType'] = GetLang('Bounce_Type_' . $bouncedetails['bouncetype']);
							$GLOBALS['BounceRule'] = GetLang('Bounce_Rule_' . $bouncedetails['bouncerule']);
							$bounce_list .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Bounces_Row', true, false);
						$GLOBALS['Stats_Step3_Bounces_List'] = $bounce_list;

						if (isset($_GET['pagination']) && $_GET['pagination'] == 'false') {
							$GLOBALS['PagingBottom'] = $GLOBALS['Paging'] = ''; $GLOBALS['StatsBounceList'] = '';

						echo $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Bounces_Table');

					break; // triggeremails_bounces

					case 'triggeremails_unsubscribes':
						$unsubscribes = array();;

						$statid = $token_data['statid'];

						if ($summary['unsubscribecount'] > 0) {
							$unsubscribes = $statsapi->GetUnsubscribes($statid, $start, $perpage, $token_data['calendar_restrictions']['unsubscribes'], false, $this->column, $this->sort);

						if (empty($unsubscribes)) {
							if ($summary['unsubscribecount'] > 0) {
								$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('NewsletterHasNoUnsubscribes_CalendarProblem');
							} else {
								$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('NewsletterHasNoUnsubscribes');
							$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);
							return $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Unsubscribes_Empty', true, false);

						$total_unsubscribes = $statsapi->GetUnsubscribes($statid, $start, $perpage, $token_data['calendar_restrictions']['unsubscribes'], true, '', '');

						$this->_SetupPaging($total_unsubscribes, $DisplayPage, $perpage, '', 'triggeremails_unsubscribes', $_GET['token']);

						$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Remote_Paging', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Paging'] = $paging;

						$unsub_list = '';
						foreach ($unsubscribes as $k => $unsubdetails) {
							$GLOBALS['EmailAddress'] = htmlspecialchars($unsubdetails['emailaddress'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
							$GLOBALS['UnsubscribeTime'] = $this->PrintTime($unsubdetails['unsubscribetime'], true);
							$unsub_list .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Unsubscribes_Row', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Stats_Step3_Unsubscribes_List'] = $unsub_list;

						if (isset($_GET['pagination']) && $_GET['pagination'] == 'false') {
							$GLOBALS['PagingBottom'] = $GLOBALS['Paging'] = '';

						echo $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Unsubscribes_Table');
					break; // triggeremails_unsubscribes

					case 'triggeremails_forwards':
						$forwards = array();

						$statid = $token_data['statid'];

						if ($summary['emailforwards'] > 0) {
							$forwards = $statsapi->GetForwards($statid, $start, $perpage, $token_data['calendar_restrictions']['forwards'], false, false, $this->column, $this->sort);
						$total_forwards = $statsapi->GetForwards($statid, $start, $perpage, $token_data['calendar_restrictions']['forwards'], true);
						$this->_SetupPaging($total_forwards, $DisplayPage, $perpage, '', 'triggeremails_forwards', $_GET['token']);

						$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Paging', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Paging'] = $paging;

						$forward_list = '';
						foreach ($forwards as $k => $forwarddetails) {
							$GLOBALS['ForwardedTo'] = htmlspecialchars($forwarddetails['forwardedto'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
							$GLOBALS['ForwardedBy'] = htmlspecialchars($forwarddetails['forwardedby'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
							$GLOBALS['ForwardTime'] = $this->PrintTime($forwarddetails['forwardtime'], true);
							if ($forwarddetails['subscribed'] > 0) {
								$hassubscribed = GetLang('Yes');
							} else {
								$hassubscribed = GetLang('No');
							$GLOBALS['HasSubscribed'] = $hassubscribed;
							$forward_list .= $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Forwards_Row', true, false);

						$GLOBALS['Stats_Step3_Forwards_List'] = $forward_list;

						if (isset($_GET['pagination']) && $_GET['pagination'] == 'false') {
							$GLOBALS['PagingBottom'] = $GLOBALS['Paging'] = '';

						echo $this->ParseTemplate('Stats_Step3_Forwards_Table');
					break; // triggeremails_forwards

				} // switch type
			break; //export
		} // switch selectaction
  * Admin_Action_DeleteBlock
  * This will delete content block
 public function Admin_Action_DeleteBlock()
     $blockId = $this->_getPOSTRequest('blockid', 0);
     if ($blockId) {
         $blockIds = implode("','", $blockId);
         $query = "DELETE FROM [|PREFIX|]dynamic_content_block WHERE blockid in ('{$blockIds}')";
         if ($result = $this->db->Query($query)) {
             // Error message
             FlashMessage(GetLang('Addon_dynamiccontenttags_DeleteBlock_Success'), SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS);
             echo GetJSON(array('message' => GetFlashMessages(), 'result' => '1'));
     FlashMessage(GetLang('Addon_dynamiccontenttags_DeleteBlock_Failure'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR);
     echo GetJSON(array('message' => GetFlashMessages(), 'result' => '0'));
예제 #3
	* Process
	* Lets a user manage their own account - to a certain extent.
	* The API itself manages saving and updating, this just works out displaying of forms etc.
	* @see PrintHeader
	* @see ParseTemplate
	* @see IEM::getDatabase()
	* @see GetUser
	* @see User_API::Set
	* @see GetLang
	* @see PrintEditForm
	* @see PrintFooter
	* @return Void Doesn't return anything, hands the processing off to the appropriate subarea and lets it do the work.
	function Process()
		$action = (isset($_GET['Action'])) ? strtolower($_GET['Action']) : '';

		if (!in_array($action, $this->PopupWindows)) {

		$user = IEM::getCurrentUser();
		$db = IEM::getDatabase();

		switch ($action) {
		case 'save':
				if (!$user->EditOwnSettings()) {

				$smtptype = 0;
				if ($user->HasAccess('User', 'SMTP')) {
					$smtptype = (isset($_POST['smtptype'])) ? $_POST['smtptype'] : 0;

				// Make sure smtptype is eiter 0 or 1
				if ($smtptype != 1) {
					$smtptype = 0;

				// ----- Activity type
					$activity = IEM::requestGetPOST('eventactivitytype', '', 'trim');
					if (!empty($activity)) {
						$activity_array = explode("\n", $activity);
						for ($i = 0, $j = count($activity_array); $i < $j; ++$i) {
							$activity_array[$i] = trim($activity_array[$i]);
					} else {
						$activity_array = array();
					$user->Set('eventactivitytype', $activity_array);
				// -----

				 * This was added, because User's API uses different names than of the HTML form names.
				 * HTML form names should stay the same to keep it consistant throught the application
				 * This will actually map HTML forms => User's API fields
					$areaMapping = array(
						'fullname' => 'fullname',
						'emailaddress' => 'emailaddress',
						'usertimezone' => 'usertimezone',
						'textfooter' => 'textfooter',
						'htmlfooter' => 'htmlfooter',
						'infotips' => 'infotips',
						'usewysiwyg' => 'usewysiwyg',
						'enableactivitylog' => 'enableactivitylog',
						'usexhtml' => 'usexhtml',
						'googlecalendarusername' => 'googlecalendarusername',
						'googlecalendarpassword' => 'googlecalendarpassword'

					if ($user->HasAccess('User', 'SMTP')) {
						$areaMapping['smtp_server'] = 'smtpserver';
						$areaMapping['smtp_u'] = 'smtpusername';
						$areaMapping['smtp_p'] = 'smtppassword';
						$areaMapping['smtp_port'] = 'smtpport';

					foreach ($areaMapping as $p => $area) {
						$val = (isset($_POST[$p])) ? $_POST[$p] : '';
						$user->Set($area, $val);
				 * -----

				if ($user->HasAccess('User', 'SMTP')) {
					if ($smtptype == 0) {
						$user->Set('smtpserver', '');
						$user->Set('smtpusername', '');
						$user->Set('smtppassword', '');
						$user->Set('smtpport', 0);

				$error = false;
				$template = false;

				if (!$error) {
					if ($_POST['ss_p'] != '') {
						if ($_POST['ss_p_confirm'] != '' && $_POST['ss_p_confirm'] == $_POST['ss_p']) {
							$user->Set('password', $_POST['ss_p']);
						} else {
							$error = GetLang('PasswordsDontMatch');

				if (!$error) {
					$result = $user->Save();
					if ($result) {
						$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->PrintSuccess('UserUpdated') . '<br/>';
					} else {
						$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('UserNotUpdated');
						$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);
				} else {
					$GLOBALS['Error'] = $error;
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

				$userid = $user->Get('userid');

			case 'sendpreviewdisplay':
				$this->SendTestPreviewDisplay('index.php?Page=ManageAccount&Action=SendPreview', 'self.parent.getSMTPPreviewParameters()');

			case 'sendpreview':

			case 'testgooglecalendar':
				$status = array(
					'status' => false,
					'message' => ''
				try {
					$details = array(
						'username' => $_REQUEST['gcusername'],
						'password' => $_REQUEST['gcpassword']

					$this->GoogleCalendarAdd($details, true);

					$status['status'] = true;
					$status['message'] = GetLang('GooglecalendarTestSuccess');
				} catch (Exception $e) {
					$status['message'] = GetLang('GooglecalendarTestFailure');

				print GetJSON($status);

				$userid = $user->userid;

		if (!in_array($action, $this->PopupWindows)) {
						triggeractions_removefromlist_label_generic: '<?php echo addslashes(GetLang('TriggerEmails_Form_Field_TriggerAction_RemoveList')); ?>',
						triggeractions_removefromlist_label_datecustomfield: '<?php echo addslashes(GetLang('TriggerEmails_Form_Field_TriggerAction_RemoveList_f')); ?>',
						triggeractions_removefromlist_label_staticdate_one: '<?php echo addslashes(GetLang('TriggerEmails_Form_Field_TriggerAction_RemoveList_s_One')); ?>',
						triggeractions_removefromlist_label_staticdate_many: '<?php echo addslashes(GetLang('TriggerEmails_Form_Field_TriggerAction_RemoveList_s_Many')); ?>',
						triggeractions_removefromlist_label_linkclicked: '<?php echo addslashes(GetLang('TriggerEmails_Form_Field_TriggerAction_RemoveList_l')); ?>',
						triggeractions_removefromlist_label_newsletteropen: '<?php echo addslashes(GetLang('TriggerEmails_Form_Field_TriggerAction_RemoveList_n')); ?>'},

		_optionsDatePickerStaticDate: {	yearRange:'-100:+100',
										dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
										altField: 'div.TriggerType_s_options input[type=text]',
										altFormat: 'DD, d M yy'},

		_cacheList: <?php echo GetJSON($tpl->Get('availableLists')); ?>,
		_cacheListCustomfields: <?php echo GetJSON($tpl->Get('availableCustomFields')); ?>,
		_cacheNewsletterLinks: <?php echo GetJSON($tpl->Get('availableLinks')); ?>,

		_currentlySelectedLinkID_Newsletter: [],

		eventDOMReady: function(event) {
			$('ul#tabnav a').click(Application.Page.TriggerEmailsForm.eventChangeTab);
			$('.cancelButton', document.frmTriggerForm).click(Application.Page.TriggerEmailsForm.eventClickCancel);
			$("input[name='record[triggertype]']", document.frmTriggerForm).click(Application.Page.TriggerEmailsForm.eventChangeTriggerType);
예제 #5
	* ManageSubscribers_Step3
	* Prints out the subscribers for the list chosen and criteria selected in steps 1 & 2. This handles sorting, paging and searching. If you are coming in for the first time, it remembers your search criteria in the session. If you change number per page, sorting criteria, it fetches the search criteria from the session again before continuing.
	* @see ManageSubscribers_Step2
	* @see GetApi
	* @see GetPerPage
	* @see GetCurrentPage
	* @see GetSortDetails
	* @see Subscribers_API::FetchSubscribers
	* @see SetupPaging
	* @see Lists_API::Load
	* @return Void Doesn't return anything. Prints out the results and that's it.
	function ManageSubscribers_Step3($change=false)
		$subscriber_api = $this->GetApi('Subscribers');
		$user = IEM::getCurrentUser();
		$search_info = IEM::sessionGet('Search_Subscribers');


		$user_lists = $user->GetLists();

		if (!isset($GLOBALS['Message'])) {
			$GLOBALS['Message'] = '';

		// if we are posting a form, we are most likely resetting the search criteria.
		// we are also resetting the search criteria once we detect "Lists" variable in the GET Request
		$resetsearch = ((isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) || isset($_GET['Lists']) || isset($_GET['Segment'])) ? true : false;

		// except if we're changing paging!
		if (isset($_GET['SubAction'])) {
			$subaction =  strtolower($_GET['SubAction']);
			if ($subaction == 'processpaging' || $subaction == 'change') {
				$resetsearch = false;

		if (!$search_info || $resetsearch) {
			$this->SetCurrentPage(1); // forget current page
			$search_details = array();
			if (isset($_POST['emailaddress']) && $_POST['emailaddress'] != '') {
				$search_details['Email'] = trim($_POST['emailaddress']);

			if (isset($_POST['format']) && $_POST['format'] != '-1') {
				$search_details['Format'] = $_POST['format'];

			if (isset($_POST['confirmed']) && $_POST['confirmed'] != '-1') {
				$search_details['Confirmed'] = $_POST['confirmed'];

			if (isset($_POST['status']) && $_POST['status'] != '-1') {
				$search_details['Status'] = $_POST['status'];

			if (isset($_POST['datesearch']) && isset($_POST['datesearch']['filter'])) {
				$search_details['DateSearch'] = $_POST['datesearch'];

				$search_details['DateSearch']['StartDate'] = AdjustTime(array(0, 0, 1, $_POST['datesearch']['mm_start'], $_POST['datesearch']['dd_start'], $_POST['datesearch']['yy_start']));

				$search_details['DateSearch']['EndDate'] = AdjustTime(array(0, 0, 1, $_POST['datesearch']['mm_end'], $_POST['datesearch']['dd_end'], $_POST['datesearch']['yy_end']));

			$customfields = array();
			if (isset($_POST['CustomFields']) && !empty($_POST['CustomFields'])) {
				$customfields = $_POST['CustomFields'];

			$search_details['CustomFields'] = $customfields;

			if (isset($_GET['Lists']) || isset($_GET['List'])) {
				$search_details['List'] = isset($_GET['Lists'])? $_GET['Lists'] : $_GET['List'];
			} else {
				$search_details['List'] = 'any';

			// Get segment, and make sure user have access permission to it
			if ($user->HasAccess('Segments')) {
				$search_details['Segment'] = null;
				if (isset($_GET['Segment'])) {
					$tempSegmentList = array_keys($user->GetSegmentList());
					$tempSegment = $_GET['Segment'];

					// Make sure that selected segment is allowed for user
					if (!is_array($tempSegment)) {
						if (!in_array($tempSegment, $tempSegmentList)) {
							$tempSegment = null;
					} else {
						$tempSegment = array_intersect($tempSegment, $tempSegmentList);

					if (!is_null($tempSegment)) {
						$search_details['Segment'] = $tempSegment;

			if (is_array($search_details['List'])) {
				// Make sure that "any" is not selected when you are selecting multiple list
				if (count($search_details['List']) > 1) {
					if (($index = array_search('any', $search_details['List'])) !== false) {

				// If the array only contain 1 id, make take it out of the array
				if (count($search_details['List']) == 1) {
					$search_details['List'] = array_pop($search_details['List']);

			// Get allowable list
			if (!$user->ListAdmin()) {
				$search_details['AvailableLists'] = array_keys($user_lists);

			if (is_array($search_details['List'])) {
				// Make sure IDs are numerics
				if (is_array($search_details['List'])) {
					$listIDs = array();
					foreach ($search_details['List'] as $id) {
						array_push($listIDs, intval($id));
					$search_details['List'] = $listIDs;

			// Make sure that user can only select newsletter from his/her allowable list
			if (isset($search_details['AvailableLists']) && (is_numeric($search_details['List']) || is_array($search_details['List']))) {
				if (is_array($search_details['List'])) {
					$search_details['List'] = array_intersect($search_details['List'], $search_details['AvailableLists']);
				} else {
					$temp = in_array($search_details['List'], $search_details['AvailableLists']);
					if (!$temp) {
						$search_details['List'] = null;

				if (empty($search_details['List'])) {
					$search_details['List'] = $search_details['AvailableLists'];

				// Make sure to unset available list, otherwise Subscribers API will think
				// we are looking to query all list

			if (isset($_POST['clickedlink']) && isset($_POST['linkid'])) {
				$search_details['LinkType'] = 'clicked';
				if (isset($_POST['linktype']) && $_POST['linktype'] == 'not_clicked') {
					$search_details['LinkType'] = 'not_clicked';

				$search_details['Link'] = $_POST['linkid'];

			if (isset($_POST['openednewsletter']) && isset($_POST['newsletterid'])) {
				$search_details['OpenType'] = 'opened';
				if (isset($_POST['opentype']) && $_POST['opentype'] == 'not_opened') {
					$search_details['OpenType'] = 'not_opened';

				$search_details['Newsletter'] = $_POST['newsletterid'];

			if (isset($_POST['Search_Options'])) {
				$search_details['Search_Options'] = $_POST['Search_Options'];

			// Flag to differentiate where the search details are coming from
			$GLOBALS['Search'] = '';
			if (!empty($_POST) || !empty($search_details['Email'])) {
				$search_details['Source'] = 'search';
				$GLOBALS['Search'] = isset($search_details['Email'])? $search_details['Email'] : '';
			} else {
				if (!empty($search_details['Segment'])) {
					$search_details['Source'] = 'segment';
				} else {
					$search_details['Source'] = 'list';

			IEM::sessionSet('Search_Subscribers', $search_details);

		$search_info = IEM::sessionGet('Search_Subscribers');

		// Process segmenting information
		if (!empty($search_info['Segment'])) {
			$segmentAPI = $this->GetApi('Segment');

			if (is_array($search_info['Segment'])) {
				$search_info['List'] = $segmentAPI->GetMailingListUsed($search_info['Segment']);
			} else {
				$search_info['List'] = $segmentAPI->GetMailingListUsed();

			$subscriber_header_template = 'Subscribers_Manage_AnyList';
			$subscriber_row_template = 'Subscribers_Manage_AnyList_Row';

			$GLOBALS['Segment'] = is_array($search_info['Segment'])? implode('&Segment[]=', $search_info['Segment']) : $search_info['Segment'];

		$GLOBALS['List'] = is_array($search_info['List'])? implode('&Lists[]=', $search_info['List']) : $search_info['List'];

		// Load visible fields for each list
		if (isset($_POST['VisibleFields'])) {
			IEM::sessionSet('visiblefields', $_POST['VisibleFields']);
			$visiblefields_set = $_POST['VisibleFields'];
		} elseif (IEM::sessionGet('visiblefields')) {
			$visiblefields_set = IEM::sessionGet('visiblefields');
		} else {
			list(,$visiblefields_set) = $this->GetVisibleFields($search_info['List']);

		$perpage = $this->GetPerPage();
		$pageid = $this->GetCurrentPage();

		$sortinfo = $this->GetSortDetails();

		// Check if we are sorting by a custom field
		if (is_numeric($sortinfo['SortBy'])) {
			if (in_array($sortinfo['SortBy'], $visiblefields_set)) {
				$sortinfo['CustomFields'] = array($sortinfo['SortBy']);
				$sortinfo['SortBy'] = 'sd.data';
			} else {
				$sortinfo['SortBy'] = 'emailaddress';

		if (!empty($search_info['Segment'])) {
			$tempEmail = null;
			if (!empty($search_details['Email'])) {
				$tempEmail = $search_details['Email'];

			$subscriber_list = $subscriber_api->FetchSubscribersFromSegment($pageid, $perpage, $search_info['Segment'], $sortinfo, $tempEmail);
		} else {
			$subscriber_list = $subscriber_api->FetchSubscribers($pageid, $perpage, $search_info, $sortinfo);

		$subscriber_edited = (isset($_GET['Edit'])) ? true : false;

		$totalsubscribers = $subscriber_list['count'];

		if ($subscriber_edited) {
			$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('SubscriberEditSuccess');

		$GLOBALS['TotalSubscriberCount'] = $this->FormatNumber($totalsubscribers);

		$tempMessageStringSubfix = '';
		switch ($search_info['Source']) {
			case 'list':
				if ($search_info['List'] == 'any') {
					$tempMessageStringSubfix = 'AllList_';
				} elseif (is_array($search_info['List'])) {
					$tempMessageStringSubfix = 'ManyList_';
				} else {
					$tempMessageStringSubfix = 'OneList_';

			case 'segment':
				$tempMessageStringSubfix = 'Segment_';

		$DisplayPage = $pageid;

		$GLOBALS['PAGE'] = 'Subscribers&Action=Manage&SubAction=Step3';

		// set up paging before we add the Lists[]= part, as we never want paging links to reset a search
		$this->SetupPaging($totalsubscribers, $DisplayPage, $perpage);
		$GLOBALS['FormAction'] = 'SubAction=ProcessPaging';
		$paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Paging', true, false);

		if (!empty($search_info['Segment'])) {
			$GLOBALS['PAGE'] .= '&Segment[]=' . $GLOBALS['Segment'];
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['PAGE'] .= '&Lists[]=' . $GLOBALS['List'];

		$subscriberdetails = '';

		// If no visible fields are selected, make emailaddress visible
		if (count($visiblefields_set) == 0) {

		// Make "View" PopUp menu
		$GLOBALS['SubscriberViewPickerMenu'] = $this->MakeViewPopupMenu($search_info, $user);

		$loaded_customfields = array();

		$customfields = array();

		$visiblefields = array();
		$visiblefields_lists = array();

		$subscriber_header_template = 'Subscribers_Manage_AnyList';
		$subscriber_row_template = 'Subscribers_Manage_AnyList_Row';

		if (!$user->HasAccess('Subscribers', 'Add')) {
			$GLOBALS['AddButtonDisplay'] = 'none';

		if (!empty($search_info['Segment'])) {
			$segmentAPI = $this->GetApi('Segment');
			$tempSegmentID = $search_info['Segment'];
			$usedLists = array();

			if (!is_array($tempSegmentID)) {
				$tempSegmentID = array($tempSegmentID);

			foreach ($tempSegmentID as $id) {
				$tempList = $segmentAPI->GetMailingListUsed();

				$usedLists = array_merge($usedLists, $tempList);

			$search_info['List'] = $usedLists;

			 * Segments contain lists (as they can go across multiple lists)
			$listids = $search_info['List'];

			if ($search_info['Source'] == 'search' || is_array($search_info['Segment'])) {
				$title = GetLang('SubscribersManageSearchResult');
			} else {
				$title = sprintf(GetLang('SubscribersManageSegment'), htmlspecialchars($segmentAPI->segmentname, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET));

			$GLOBALS['AddButtonURL'] = 'index.php?Page=Subscribers&Action=Add';
		} else {
			 * Only viewing one list here.
			if (is_numeric($search_info['List'])) {
				$listids = array($search_info['List']);
				$subscriber_header_template = 'Subscribers_Manage';
				$subscriber_row_template = 'Subscribers_Manage_Row';

				$GLOBALS['ColumnCount'] = 3;

				if ($search_info['Source'] == 'search') {
					$title = GetLang('SubscribersManageSearchResult');
				} else {
					$listname = $user_lists[$search_info['List']]['name'];
					$title = sprintf(GetLang('SubscribersManageSingleList'), htmlspecialchars($listname, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET));

				$GLOBALS['AddButtonURL'] = 'index.php?Page=Subscribers&Action=Add&SubAction=Step2&list=' . $search_info['List'];
			} else {
				 * If we're viewing more than one list, use those id's.
				if (is_array($search_info['List'])) {
					$listids = $search_info['List'];
					$title = GetLang('SubscribersManageMultipleList');
				} else {
					 * The default is all of the users lists.
					$listids = array_keys($user_lists);
					$title = GetLang('SubscribersManageAnyList');

				 * Override the title if we're coming from a search result.
				if ($search_info['Source'] == 'search') {
					$title = GetLang('SubscribersManageSearchResult');

				$GLOBALS['AddButtonURL'] = 'index.php?Page=Subscribers&Action=Add';
				$GLOBALS['ColumnCount'] = 4;

		$GLOBALS['SubscribersManage'] = $title;

		// Log this to "User Activity Log" except when is deleting.
		if (!(isset($_GET['SubAction']) && strtolower($_GET['SubAction']) != "delete")) {
			IEM::logUserActivity($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'images/lists_view.gif', $title);

		if ($totalsubscribers < 1) {
			if ($subscriber_edited) {
				$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('SubscriberEditSuccess');
			} else {
				$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('NoSubscribersMatch', true);

		if ($totalsubscribers == 1) {
			$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('Subscribers_' . $tempMessageStringSubfix . 'FoundOne');
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('Subscribers_' . $tempMessageStringSubfix . 'FoundMany', $GLOBALS['TotalSubscriberCount']);

		$CustomFieldsApi = $this->GetApi('CustomFields');
		$customfields_for_all_lists = $CustomFieldsApi->GetCustomFieldsForLists($listids, $visiblefields_set);
		$listNames = array();

		foreach ($listids as $listid) {
			array_push($listNames, $user_lists[$listid]['name']);

			foreach ($this->BuiltinFields as $key => $name) {
				if (in_array($key,$visiblefields_set) && !in_array($key,$visiblefields)) {
					if (!isset($visiblefields_lists[$key])) {
						$visiblefields_lists[$key] = array();
					$visiblefields_lists[$key][] = (int)$listid;

					$visiblefields[] = $key;

			foreach ($customfields_for_all_lists as $key => $details) {
				if (in_array($details['fieldid'],$visiblefields_set)) {
					if (!isset($visiblefields_lists[$details['fieldid']])) {
						$visiblefields_lists[$details['fieldid']] = array();
					$visiblefields_lists[$details['fieldid']][] = (int)$listid;

					if (!in_array($details['fieldid'],$visiblefields)) {
						$visiblefields[] = $details['fieldid'];

		$customfield_data = array();

		$GLOBALS['Columns'] = '';
		foreach ($visiblefields as $name) {
			if (!in_array($name,$visiblefields_set)) {

			if (is_numeric($name)) {
				$customfieldinfo = array();
				foreach ($customfields_for_all_lists as $pos => $details) {
					if ($details['fieldid'] === $name) {
						$customfieldinfo = $details;

				 * Check we got some data here.
				 * We may have just changed the lists we are viewing and the custom field isn't associated with this new list
				if (!empty($customfieldinfo)) {
					$GLOBALS['FieldName'] = htmlspecialchars($customfieldinfo['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

					$subfield = $CustomFieldsApi->LoadSubField($customfieldinfo);

					$loaded_customfields[$name] = $subfield;

					$customfield_data[] = array (
						'fieldid' => $name,
						'fieldtype' => $subfield->fieldtype,
						'defaultvalue' => $subfield->GetDefaultValue(),
						'name' => $subfield->GetFieldName(),
			} elseif (in_array($name,array_keys($this->BuiltinFields))) {
				$GLOBALS['FieldName'] = GetLang($this->BuiltinFields[$name]);

			if ($name == 'emailaddress') {
				$GLOBALS['Width'] = 'width="17%"';
			} else {
				$GLOBALS['Width'] = '';

			$GLOBALS['SortName'] = htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
			$GLOBALS['Columns'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('Subscribers_Manage_Column_Sortable',true,false);

		if (isset($GLOBALS['Segment'])) {
			$GLOBALS['URLQueryString'] = '&Segment[]=' . $GLOBALS['Segment'];
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['URLQueryString'] = '&Lists[]=' . $GLOBALS['List'];

		$actions = $user->GetEventActivityType();
		$GLOBALS['Actions'] = '';
		foreach ($actions as $action) {
			$GLOBALS['Actions'] .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($action,ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '">'. htmlspecialchars($action,ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . "</option>";

		$GLOBALS['EventTypesJSON'] = GetJSON($actions);
		$GLOBALS['EventAddForm'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Subscriber_Event_Add',true,false);

		$GLOBALS['EventJavascript'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Subscribers_Events_Javascript',true,false);
		$GLOBALS['DatePickerJavascript'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ui.datepicker.custom_iem',true,false);

		$template = $this->ParseTemplate($subscriber_header_template, true, false);

		$GLOBALS['List'] = $search_info['List'];

		$subscriber_customfields = array();
		$customfield_ids = $visiblefields;
		$customfield_ids = $subscriber_api->CheckIntVars($customfield_ids);

		if (!empty($customfield_ids)) {
			$subids = array();
			foreach ($subscriber_list['subscriberlist'] as $info) {
				$subids[] = $info['subscriberid'];
			$subscriber_customfields = $subscriber_api->GetAllSubscriberCustomFields($listids, array(), $subids, $customfield_ids);

		if (!isset($GLOBALS['ColumnCount'])) {
			$GLOBALS['ColumnCount'] = 0;
		$GLOBALS['ColumnCount'] += count($visiblefields);

		foreach ($subscriber_list['subscriberlist'] as $pos => $subscriberinfo) {
			$GLOBALS['Columns'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['FieldValue'] = '';
			$subscriberfields = array();
			foreach ($visiblefields as $fieldname) {
				switch ($fieldname) {
					case 'emailaddress':
						$GLOBALS['FieldValue'] = htmlspecialchars($subscriberinfo[$fieldname], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
					case 'subscribedate':
						$GLOBALS['FieldValue'] = $this->PrintDate($subscriberinfo['subscribedate']);
					case 'format':
						$GLOBALS['FieldValue'] = ($subscriberinfo['format'] == 't') ? 	GetLang('Format_Text') : GetLang('Format_HTML');
					case 'confirmed':
						$GLOBALS['FieldValue'] = ($subscriberinfo['confirmed'] == '1') ? GetLang('Confirmed') : GetLang('Unconfirmed');
					case 'status':
						$status = GetLang('Active');

						if ($subscriberinfo['unsubscribed'] > 0) {
							$status = GetLang('Unsubscribed');

						if ($subscriberinfo['bounced'] > 0) {
							$status = GetLang('Bounced');

						$GLOBALS['FieldValue'] = $status;
						$GLOBALS['FieldValue'] = '&nbsp;';
						if (is_numeric($fieldname)) {
							$subfield = $loaded_customfields[$fieldname];
							$subid = $subscriberinfo['subscriberid'];

							* If there is no custom field for this subscriber, go to the next field.
							* This could happen if you view all lists but a field is only associated with one particular list
							if (!isset($subscriber_customfields[$subid])) {

							foreach ($subscriber_customfields[$subid] as $cf_p => $cf_details) {
								if ($cf_details['fieldid'] != $fieldname) {
								$GLOBALS['FieldValue'] = htmlspecialchars($subfield->GetRealValue($cf_details['data'],','), ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
				$GLOBALS['Columns'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('Subscribers_Manage_Row_Column',true,false);
			// if we are searching "any" list then we need to adjust the link.
			if (isset($subscriberinfo['listid'])) {
				$GLOBALS['List'] = $subscriberinfo['listid'];
			if (isset($subscriberinfo['listname'])) {
				$GLOBALS['MailingListName'] = htmlspecialchars($subscriberinfo['listname'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

			$GLOBALS['subscriberid'] = $subscriberinfo['subscriberid'];
			$GLOBALS['SubscriberID'] = $subscriberinfo['subscriberid'];
			$GLOBALS['EditSubscriberID'] = $subscriberinfo['subscriberid'];

			if (array_key_exists('Segment', $search_info) && $search_info['Segment'] != 0) {
				$GLOBALS['SegmentID'] = $search_info['Segment'];
				$GLOBALS['ExtraParameter'] = '&SegmentID=' . $search_info['Segment'];
			} else {
				$GLOBALS['SegmentID'] = 0;
				$GLOBALS['ExtraParameter'] = '';

			$GLOBALS['SubscriberAction'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Subscribers_Manage_ViewLink', true, false);

			if ($user->HasAccess('Subscribers', 'Eventsave')) {
				$GLOBALS['SubscriberAction'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('Subscribers_Manage_EventAddLink', true, false);

			if ($user->HasAccess('Subscribers', 'Edit')) {
				$GLOBALS['SubscriberAction'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('Subscribers_Manage_EditLink', true, false);

			if ($user->HasAccess('Subscribers', 'Delete')) {
				$GLOBALS['DeleteSubscriberID'] = $subscriberinfo['subscriberid'];
				$GLOBALS['SubscriberAction'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('Subscribers_Manage_DeleteLink', true, false);
			$events = $subscriber_api->CountEvents($subscriberinfo['subscriberid']);

			$GLOBALS['EventButton'] = '';
			if ($events) {
				$GLOBALS['EventButton'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Subscribers_Manage_Row_Eventbutton',true,false);

			$subscriberdetails .= $this->ParseTemplate($subscriber_row_template, true, false);

		$template = str_replace('%%TPL_' . $subscriber_row_template . '%%', $subscriberdetails, $template);
		$template = str_replace('%%TPL_Paging%%', $paging, $template);
		$template = str_replace('%%TPL_Paging_Bottom%%', $GLOBALS['PagingBottom'], $template);

		echo $template;
예제 #6
파일: tokens.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
	 * _Valid
	 * Checks to see if the given file name is a valid language file to
	 * include.
	 * @param String $filename The file name to test
	private function _Valid($filename)
		if (strpos($filename, '..') !== false) {
			return false;
		return (is_file($this->base_path . '/' . $filename));

header('Content-type: application/json');

$factory = new TokenFactory();
if ($factory->LookIn($_POST['files'])) {
	$tokens = $factory->GetTokens($_POST['tokens']);
	$response = array(
		'status' => 'OK',
		'tokens' => GetJSON($tokens)
	echo GetJSON($response);
} else {
	echo GetJSON(array('status' => 'Failed'));
	* EditSubscriber
	* Prints the 'edit subscriber' form and all appropriate options including custom fields.
	* @param Int $listid The list the subscriber is on. This is checked to make sure the user has 'edit' access to the list before anything else.
	* @param Int $subscriberid The subscriberid to edit.
	* @param Int $segmentid The segment the subscriber is on.
	* @param String $msgtype The heading to show when editing a subscriber. This can be either error or success. Used with $msg to display something.
	* @param String $msg The message to display in the heading. If this is not present, no message is displayed.
	* @see GetApi
	* @see Subscribers_API::GetCustomFieldSettings
	* @see Lists_API::GetCustomFields
	* @see Lists_API::Load
	* @see Lists_API::GetListFormat
	* @return Void Doesn't return anything. Prints out the edit form and that's it.
	function EditSubscriber($listid = 0, $subscriberid = 0, $segmentid = 0, $msgtype = 'Error', $msg = false)
		$user = GetUser();
		$access = $user->HasAccess('Subscribers', 'Edit');
		if (!$access) {


		$search_info = IEM::sessionGet('Search_Subscribers');

		$GLOBALS['list'] = $listid;

		if ($msg && $msgtype) {
			switch (strtolower($msgtype)) {
				case 'success':
					$GLOBALS['Success'] = $msg;
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('SuccessMsg', true, false);
					$GLOBALS['Error'] = $msg;
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

		$SubscriberApi = $this->GetApi('Subscribers');

		 * Get Subscriber record from the database
			$adminAccess = false;

			// If this user is an admin/list admin/list admintype == a then give permission
			if ($user->Admin() || $user->ListAdminType() == 'a' || $user->ListAdmin()) {
				$adminAccess = true;

			// Get subscribers from list
			if ($segmentid == 0) {
				if (!$adminAccess && !$SubscriberApi->CheckPermission($user->userid, $subscriberid)) {

				$subscriberinfo = $SubscriberApi->LoadSubscriberList($subscriberid, $listid);

			// Get subscribers from segment
			} else {
				if (!$adminAccess) {
					$segmentapi = $this->GetApi('Segment', true);

					if ($segmentapi->ownerid != $user->userid && !$user->HasAccess('Segments', 'View', $segmentid)) {

				$subscriberinfo = $SubscriberApi->LoadSubscriberSegment($subscriberid, $segmentid);
				$GLOBALS['SegmentID'] = $segmentid;
		 * -----

		// hmm, the subscriber doesn't exist or can't be loaded? show an error.
		if (empty($subscriberinfo)) {
			$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('SubscriberDoesntExist_Edit');

		$list_api = $this->GetApi('Lists');

		// Log this to "User Activity Log"
		if (IEM::requestGetGET('Action', '', 'strtolower') != 'save') {
			IEM::logUserActivity($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'images/contacts_view.gif', $subscriberinfo['emailaddress']);

		$GLOBALS['emailaddress'] = $subscriberinfo['emailaddress'];
		$GLOBALS['subscriberid'] = $subscriberid;

		if ($subscriberinfo['requestdate'] == 0) {
			$GLOBALS['requestdate'] = GetLang('Unknown');
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['requestdate'] = $this->PrintTime($subscriberinfo['requestdate']);

		$GLOBALS['requestip'] = ($subscriberinfo['requestip'] == '') ? GetLang('Unknown') : $subscriberinfo['requestip'];

		if ($subscriberinfo['confirmdate'] == 0) {
			$GLOBALS['confirmdate'] = GetLang('Unknown');
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['confirmdate'] = $this->PrintTime($subscriberinfo['confirmdate']);

		$GLOBALS['confirmip'] = ($subscriberinfo['confirmip'] == '') ? GetLang('Unknown') : $subscriberinfo['confirmip'];

		$confirmed = '';
		foreach (array('1' => 'Confirmed', '0' => 'Unconfirmed') as $confirmoption => $option) {
			$selected = ($confirmoption == $subscriberinfo['confirmed']) ? ' SELECTED' : '';
			$confirmed .= '<option value="' . $confirmoption . '"' . $selected . '>' . GetLang($option) . '</option>';

		$GLOBALS['ConfirmedList'] = $confirmed;

		$GLOBALS['ShowUnsubscribeInfo'] = 'none';

		$subscriber_status = 'a';
		if ($subscriberinfo['unsubscribed'] > 0) {
			$subscriber_status = 'u';
			$GLOBALS['unsubscribetime'] = $this->PrintTime($subscriberinfo['unsubscribed']);
			$GLOBALS['unsubscribeip'] = ($subscriberinfo['unsubscribeip'] == '') ? GetLang('Unknown') : $subscriberinfo['unsubscribeip'];
			$GLOBALS['ShowUnsubscribeInfo'] = '';

		if ($subscriberinfo['bounced'] > 0) {
			$subscriber_status = 'b';

		$status = '';
		foreach (array('a' => 'Active', 'u' => 'Unsubscribed', 'b' => 'Bounced') as $statusoption => $option) {
			$selected = ($statusoption == $subscriber_status) ? ' SELECTED' : '';
			$status .= '<option value="' . $statusoption . '"' . $selected . '>' . GetLang($option) . '</option>';
		$GLOBALS['StatusList'] = $status;

		$listformat = $list_api->GetListFormat();

		switch ($listformat) {
			case 't':
				$format = '<option value="t" SELECTED>' . GetLang('Format_Text') . '</option>';
			case 'h':
				$format = '<option value="h" SELECTED>' . GetLang('Format_HTML') . '</option>';
			case 'b':
				$selected = '';

				if ($subscriberinfo['format'] == 'h') {
					$selected = ' SELECTED';
				$format = '<option value="h"' . $selected . '>' . GetLang('Format_HTML') . '</option>';

				$selected = '';

				if ($subscriberinfo['format'] == 't') {
					$selected = ' SELECTED';
				$format .= '<option value="t"' . $selected . '>' . GetLang('Format_Text') . '</option>';

		$GLOBALS['FormatList'] = $format;

		$customfields = $list_api->GetCustomFields($listid);

		$extra_javascript = '';
		$customfield_display = array();
		$customfieldinfo = '';

		if (!empty($customfields)) {
			$customfieldinfo .= $this->ParseTemplate('Subscribers_Edit_Step2_CustomFields', true, false);
			foreach ($customfields as $pos => $customfield_info) {
				$GLOBALS['FieldID'] = $customfield_info['fieldid'];
				if ($customfield_info['required']) {
					$GLOBALS['Required'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Required', true, false);
				} else {
					$GLOBALS['Required'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Not_Required', true, false);

				$subscriber_settings = $SubscriberApi->GetCustomFieldSettings($customfield_info['fieldid']);

                                $customfields_api = $this->GetApi('CustomFields');

				$customfields_api->fieldid = $customfield_info['fieldid'];
				$customfields_api->fieldtype = $customfield_info['fieldtype'];

				$subfield = $customfields_api->LoadSubField();
                                $subscriber_settings_old = $subscriber_settings;
                                $subscriber_settings = $realValue = $subfield->GetRealValue($subscriber_settings);

				switch ($customfield_info['fieldtype']) {
					case 'date':
						$optionlist = '';
						$date_info = array();
						if ($subscriber_settings) {
							$date_parts = explode('/', $subscriber_settings);
							$date_part_check = $date_parts[0] + $date_parts[1] + $date_parts[2];
							if($date_part_check != 0){
                                for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) {
                                    if(strtolower($subfield->Settings['Key'][$i]) == 'month'){  $date_info['mm'] = $date_parts[$i]; }
                                    if(strtolower($subfield->Settings['Key'][$i]) == 'day'){  $date_info['dd'] = $date_parts[$i]; }
                                    if(strtolower($subfield->Settings['Key'][$i]) == 'year'){  $date_info['yy'] = $date_parts[$i]; }
						$extra_javascript .= '
								field_'.$customfield_info['fieldid'].'_check = CheckDate("CustomFields['.$customfield_info['fieldid'].']");
								if (!field_'.$customfield_info['fieldid'].'_check) {
									alert("' . sprintf(GetLang('EnterValidDate'), htmlspecialchars($customfield_info['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET)) . '");
									return false;

						$template_name = 'Subscribers_View_CustomField_Date';

						$fieldsettings = unserialize($customfield_info['fieldsettings']);
						$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarButton'] = '';
						$GLOBALS['DateJSON'] ='{}';

						if (strlen($subscriber_settings)) {
							$date = explode('/', $subscriber_settings);
							$datejson = array_combine(array_slice($fieldsettings['Key'], 0, 3), $date);

							$GLOBALS['DateJSON'] = GetJSON($datejson);
							$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarParameters'] = ",true";

						if (strlen($user->googlecalendarusername) && strlen($user->googlecalendarpassword)) {
							$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarButton'] =  $this->ParseTemplate('google_calendar_button', true);
						} else {
							$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarButton'] =  $this->ParseTemplate('google_calendar_button_disabled', true);

						$this->Display_CustomField($customfield_info, $date_info);

					case 'radiobutton':
						$fieldsettings = (is_array($customfield_info['fieldsettings'])) ? $customfield_info['fieldsettings'] : unserialize($customfield_info['fieldsettings']);

						$default_value = ($subscriber_settings) ? $subscriber_settings : '';

						$optionlist = '';

						$c = 1;
						foreach ($fieldsettings['Key'] as $pos => $key) {
							$selected = '';
							if ($key == $default_value) {
								$selected = ' CHECKED';

							$label_id = htmlspecialchars('CustomFields_' . $customfield_info['fieldid'] . '_'.$key, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

							$optionlist .= '<label for="'.$label_id.'"><input type="radio" id="'.$label_id.'" name="CustomFields[' . $customfield_info['fieldid'] . ']" value="' . htmlspecialchars($key, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '"' . $selected . '>' . htmlspecialchars($fieldsettings['Value'][$pos], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '</label>';
							if ($c % 4 == 0) {
								$optionlist .= '<br/>';

						if ($customfield_info['required']) {
							$extra_javascript .= '
								field_'.$customfield_info['fieldid'].'_check = CheckRadio("CustomFields_'.$customfield_info['fieldid'].'");

								if (!field_'.$customfield_info['fieldid'].'_check) {
									alert("' . sprintf(GetLang('ChooseValueForCustomField'), htmlspecialchars($customfield_info['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET)) . '");
									return false;


					case 'dropdown':
						$fieldsettings = (is_array($customfield_info['fieldsettings'])) ? $customfield_info['fieldsettings'] : unserialize($customfield_info['fieldsettings']);
						$optionlist = '';

						$default_value = ($subscriber_settings_old) ? $subscriber_settings_old : '';

						$optionlist .= '<option value="">' . $customfield_info['defaultvalue'] . '</option>';

						foreach ($fieldsettings['Key'] as $pos => $key) {
							$selected = '';
							if ($key == $default_value) {
								$selected = ' SELECTED';

							$optionlist .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($key, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '"' . $selected . '>' . htmlspecialchars($fieldsettings['Value'][$pos], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '</option>';

						if ($customfield_info['required']) {
							$extra_javascript .= '
								fld = document.getElementById("CustomFields['.$customfield_info['fieldid'].']");
								selIndex = fld.selectedIndex;
								if (selIndex < 1) {
									alert("'.sprintf(GetLang('ChooseOptionForCustomField'), htmlspecialchars($customfield_info['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET)) . '");
									return false;


					case 'checkbox':
						$fieldsettings = (is_array($customfield_info['fieldsettings'])) ? $customfield_info['fieldsettings'] : unserialize($customfield_info['fieldsettings']);

						$default_values = (unserialize($subscriber_settings_old)) ? unserialize($subscriber_settings_old) : array();

						$optionlist = '';
						$c = 1;

						foreach ($fieldsettings['Key'] as $pos => $key) {
							$selected = '';
							if (in_array($key, $default_values)) {
								$selected = ' CHECKED';

							$label = htmlspecialchars('CustomFields[' . $customfield_info['fieldid'] . '][' . $key . ']', ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

							$optionlist .= '<label for="' . $label . '"><input type="checkbox" name="CustomFields[' . $customfield_info['fieldid'] . '][' . $pos . ']" id="' . $label . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($key, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '"' . $selected . '>' . htmlspecialchars($fieldsettings['Value'][$pos], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '</label>';
							if ($c % 4 == 0) {
								$optionlist .= '<br/>';


						if ($customfield_info['required']) {
							$extra_javascript .= '
								CheckboxCheck = CheckMultiple("CustomFields[' . $customfield_info['fieldid'] . ']", f);
								if (!CheckboxCheck) {
									alert("' . sprintf(GetLang('ChooseValueForCustomField'), htmlspecialchars($customfield_info['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET)) . '");
									return false;


						if ($customfield_info['required']) {
							$extra_javascript .= '
								if (document.getElementById("CustomFields['.$customfield_info['fieldid'].']").value == "") {
									alert("' . sprintf(GetLang('EnterValueForCustomField'), htmlspecialchars($customfield_info['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET)) . '");
									return false;
						$optionlist = '';
						$subscriber_settings = $subscriber_settings;

				$GLOBALS['OptionList'] = $optionlist;

                $GLOBALS['DefaultValue'] = '';
                if ( $realValue || $realValue == 0){
                    $GLOBALS['DefaultValue'] = htmlspecialchars($realValue, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
                }elseif( $customfield_info['required'] ){
                    $GLOBALS['DefaultValue'] = htmlspecialchars($subscriber_settings_old, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

				$GLOBALS['FieldName'] = htmlspecialchars($customfield_info['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID'] = $customfield_info['fieldid'];
				$customfield_display[] = $this->ParseTemplate('CustomField_Edit_' . $customfield_info['fieldtype'], true, false);

			$column1 = $column2 = array();
			if (count($customfield_display) > 9) {
				$customfieldinfo_template = 'Subscribers_customfieldinfo_twocolumns';
				$split = ceil(count($customfield_display) / 2);

				for ($i = 0; $i < $split; $i++) {
					$column1[] = $customfield_display[$i];
					if (isset($customfield_display[$i + $split])) {
					 $column2[] = $customfield_display[$i + $split];
					} else {
						$column2[] = '<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>';

				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldInfo_1'] = '<tr>' . implode('</tr><tr>',$column1) . '</tr>';
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldInfo_2'] = '<tr>' . implode('</tr><tr>',$column2) . '</tr>';
			} else {
				$customfieldinfo_template = 'Subscribers_customfieldinfo_onecolumn';
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldInfo_1'] = '';
				foreach ($customfield_display as $field) {
					$GLOBALS['CustomFieldInfo_1'] .= '<tr>' . $field . '</tr>';
			$GLOBALS['CustomFieldInfo'] = $customfieldinfo . $this->ParseTemplate($customfieldinfo_template,true);
			$GLOBALS['ExtraJavascript'] = $extra_javascript;

		$GLOBALS['listid'] = $listid;

		$GLOBALS['CustomDatepickerUI'] = $this->ParseTemplate('UI.DatePicker.Custom_IEM', true);

		$actions = $user->GetEventActivityType();
		$GLOBALS['Actions'] = '';
		foreach ($actions as $action) {
			$GLOBALS['Actions'] .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($action,ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '">'. htmlspecialchars($action,ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . "</option>";

		$GLOBALS['SubscriberEvents_Intro'] = GetLang('SubscriberEvents_Intro');
		if ($user->HasAccess('Subscribers','EventSave')) {
			$GLOBALS['SubscriberEvents_Intro'] .= GetLang('SubscriberEvents_Intro_AddEvent');

		if (IEM::sessionGet('gcal_allday')) {
			$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarAllDay'] = 'true';
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarAllDay'] = 'false';
		if (strlen($user->googlecalendarusername) && strlen($user->googlecalendarpassword)) {
			$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarEnabled'] = 'true';
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarEnabled'] = 'false';

		$GLOBALS['EventTypesJSON'] = GetJSON($actions);
		$GLOBALS['EventAddForm'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Subscriber_Event_Add',true,false);

예제 #8
	* Process
	* Prints out the custom fields list.
	* @see PrintHeader
	* @see GetApi
	* @see GetUser
	* @see User_API::GetLists
	* @see Lists_API::GetCustomFields
	* @see Forms_API::GetUserForms
	* @return Void Prints out the list, doesn't return anything.
	function Process()

		$listapi = $this->GetApi('Lists');

		$formapi = $this->GetApi('Forms');

		$GLOBALS['ContentArea'] = $_GET['ContentArea'];

		$GLOBALS['EditorName'] = 'myDeveditControl';
		if (isset($_GET['EditorName'])) {
			$GLOBALS['EditorName'] = $_GET['EditorName'];

		$template = $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_Start', true, false);

		$user = GetUser();

		$lists = $user->GetLists();

		$customfieldlist = '';

		$GLOBALS['AreaName'] = GetLang('ShowCustomFields_BasicAreas');
		$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_List_Start', true, false);

		$GLOBALS['CustomFieldRequired'] = '';

		$cf_bucket = array(); // store CF details for JS insertion
		foreach (array('ListName', 'UnsubscribeLink', 'EmailAddress', 'ConfirmLink', 'SubscribeDate', 'TodaysDate') as $p => $area) {
			$GLOBALS['CustomFieldName'] = GetLang('CustomFields_' . $area);
			$GLOBALS['LinkName'] = strtolower($area);
			$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID'] = "field_" . $GLOBALS['LinkName'];
			$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_CustomFields', true, false);
			$cf_bucket[$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID']] = $GLOBALS['LinkName'];

		if (check('ListLinks')) {
			foreach (array('WebVersion', 'MailingListArchive') as $p => $area) {
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldName'] = GetLang('CustomFields_' . $area);
				$GLOBALS['LinkName'] = strtolower($area);
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID'] = "field_" . $GLOBALS['LinkName'];
				$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_CustomFields', true, false);
				$cf_bucket[$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID']] = $GLOBALS['LinkName'];

		foreach (array('CompanyName', 'CompanyAddress', 'CompanyPhone') as $p => $area) {
			$GLOBALS['CustomFieldName'] = GetLang('CustomFields_' . $area);
			$GLOBALS['LinkName'] = strtolower($area);
			$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID'] = "field_" . $GLOBALS['LinkName'];
			$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_CustomFields', true, false);
			$cf_bucket[$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID']] = $GLOBALS['LinkName'];

			$GLOBALS['CustomFieldName'] = GetLang('CustomFields_IPAddress');
			$GLOBALS['LinkName'] = 'ipaddress';
			$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID'] = "field_" . $GLOBALS['LinkName'];
			$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_CustomFields', true, false);
			$cf_bucket[$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID']] = $GLOBALS['LinkName'];

		$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_List_End', true, false);

		$session_list = false;
		$session_autoresponder = IEM::sessionGet('Autoresponders');

		$pagename = (isset($_GET['PageName'])) ? strtolower($_GET['PageName']) : false;
		if ($session_autoresponder && $pagename == 'autoresponders') {
			$session_list = $session_autoresponder['list'];

		foreach ($lists as $listid => $listdetails) {
			if ($session_list && $session_list != $listid) {

			$customfields = $listapi->GetCustomFields($listid);
			if (empty($customfields)) {
				continue; // if there are no custom fields for this list, try the next one.

			$GLOBALS['AreaName'] = $this->TruncateInMiddle(sprintf(GetLang('ShowCustomFields_AreaName'), $listdetails['name']), 80);
			$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_List_Start', true, false);
			foreach ($customfields as $pos => $details) {
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldName'] = htmlspecialchars($details['name']);
				$GLOBALS['LinkName'] = addslashes($details['name']);
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID'] = "field_" . $details['fieldid'];
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldRequired'] = '';
				if ($details['required']) {
					$GLOBALS['CustomFieldRequired'] = GetLang('CustomFieldRequired_Popup');
				$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_CustomFields', true, false);
				$cf_bucket[$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID']] = $details['name'];
			$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_List_End', true, false);

		$form_userid = $user->userid;
		if ($user->Admin()) {
			$form_userid = 0;

		$modify_forms = $formapi->GetUserForms($form_userid, 'modify');
		if (!empty($modify_forms)) {
			$GLOBALS['AreaName'] = GetLang('ShowCustomFields_ModifyForms');
			$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_List_Start', true, false);
			foreach ($modify_forms as $p => $formdetails) {
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldName'] = htmlspecialchars($formdetails['name']);
				$GLOBALS['LinkName'] = 'modifydetails_' . $formdetails['formid'];
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID'] = "field_" . $GLOBALS['LinkName'];
				$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_CustomFields', true, false);
				$cf_bucket[$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID']] = $GLOBALS['LinkName'];
			$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_List_End', true, false);

		$sendfriend_forms = $formapi->GetUserForms($form_userid, 'friend');
		if (!empty($sendfriend_forms)) {
			$GLOBALS['AreaName'] = GetLang('ShowCustomFields_SendToFriendForms');
			$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_List_Start', true, false);
			foreach ($sendfriend_forms as $p => $formdetails) {
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldName'] = htmlspecialchars($formdetails['name']);
				$GLOBALS['LinkName'] = 'sendfriend_' . $formdetails['formid'];
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID'] = "field_" . $GLOBALS['LinkName'];
				$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_CustomFields', true, false);
				$cf_bucket[$GLOBALS['CustomFieldID']] = $GLOBALS['LinkName'];
			$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_List_End', true, false);

		$GLOBALS['CustomFieldJSON'] = GetJSON($cf_bucket) . ';';
		$customfieldlist .= $this->ParseTemplate('ShowCustomFields_List_End', true, false);

		$template = str_replace('%%TPL_ShowCustomFields_List_Details%%', $customfieldlist, $template);
		echo $template;
예제 #9
	* EventList
	* Prints a list of events in HTML
	* @param Integer $subscriberid The subscriberid to list events for
	* @see Subscriber_API::GetEvents
	* @see GetJSON
	* @return Void Prints out the step, doesn't return anything.
	function EventList($subscriberid)
		$user = GetUser();
		$sortdetails = array(
			'SortBy' => 'eventdate',
			'Direction' => 'desc'
		$events = $this->api->GetEvents($subscriberid,0,'all',false,$sortdetails);

		$events_list = '';
		$GLOBALS['SubscriberID'] = $subscriberid;

		foreach ($events as $event) {
			$event['date'] = $this->PrintDate($event['eventdate'],'d/n/Y');
			$event['time'] = $this->PrintDate($event['eventdate'],'g:i A');
			$GLOBALS['eventid'] = $event['eventid'];
			$GLOBALS['Subject'] = htmlspecialchars($event['eventsubject'],ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
			$GLOBALS['Type'] = htmlspecialchars($event['eventtype'],ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
			$GLOBALS['Date'] = $this->PrintTime($event['eventdate']);
			$GLOBALS['Notes'] = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($event['eventnotes']));

			$GLOBALS['EventJSON'] = GetJSON($event);

			$GLOBALS['EventLinkDisplay'] = 'none';
			$GLOBALS['EventDeleteLink'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['EventEditLink'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['EventOr'] = '';

			if ($user->HasAccess('Subscribers','Eventdelete')) {
				$GLOBALS['EventDeleteLink'] = $this->ParseTemplate('subscribers_manage_eventdeletelink',true,false);
				$GLOBALS['EventLinkDisplay'] = 'inline';
			if ($user->HasAccess('Subscribers','Eventupdate')) {
				$GLOBALS['EventEditLink'] = $this->ParseTemplate('subscribers_manage_eventeditlink',true,false);
				$GLOBALS['EventLinkDisplay'] = 'inline';
			if ($GLOBALS['EventDeleteLink'] != '' && $GLOBALS['EventEditLink'] != '') {
				$GLOBALS['EventOr'] = strtolower(GetLang('OR'));

예제 #10
	 * _ajax
	 * Handle ALL AJAX requests for Trigger Emails functionalities.
	 * The function act as a "controller" that re-direct all ajax requests to the appropriate functions.
	 * It will return a text that can be converted to JSON javascript notation.
	 * @param Array $parameters Any parameters that need to be parsed to this function (OPTIONAL)
	 * @return String Returns response string that can be outputted to the browser
	private function _ajax($parameters = array())
		$requestType = IEM::requestGetPOST('ajaxType', '', 'trim');

		if (empty($requestType)) {
			return "{status:false, data:'Ajax Type cannot be empty'}";

		if (!is_callable(array($this, '_ajax_' . $requestType))) {
			return "{status:false, data:'Invalid Ajax Type'}";

		$callableName = "_ajax_{$requestType}";
		list($status, $data) = $this->$callableName($parameters);

		return GetJSON(array('status' => $status, 'data' => $data));
예제 #11
파일: general.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 * GetJSON
 * Get JSON representation of specified data.
 * This is just an interface to choose between using PHP's own json_encode if available (ie. using PHP5 or above)
 * or appropriate (json_encode does not encode charactersets other than UTF-8), otherwise
 * it will emulate what json_encode does.
 * @param Mixed $data Data to be encoded to JSON format
 * @return String Returns JSON formatted representation of the data
function GetJSON($data)
	if (strtolower(SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) == 'utf-8' && function_exists('json_encode')) {
		return json_encode($data);
	} else {
		if (is_null($data)) {
			return 'null';
		} elseif ($data === true) {
			return 'true';
		} elseif ($data === false) {
			return 'false';
		} elseif (is_float($data)) {
			return str_replace(",", ".", strval($data));
		} elseif (is_numeric($data)) {
			return intval($data);
		} elseif (is_scalar($data)) {
			return '"' . addcslashes(strval($data), "\\\n\r\t\/\x0B\x0C\"\'") . '"';
		} else {
			$tempIsArray = true;

			for ($i = 0, $j = count($data), reset($data); $i < $j; $i++, next($data)) {
				if (key($data) !== $i) {
					$tempIsArray = false;

			$output = array();
			if ($tempIsArray) {
				foreach ($data as $value) {
					array_push($output, GetJSON($value));

				return '[' . implode(',',$output) . ']';
			} else {
				foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
					array_push($output, GetJSON($key) . ':' . GetJSON($value));

				return '{' . implode(',',$output) . '}';
예제 #12
파일: folders.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
	 * _succeed
	 * Return a JSON-formatted success status message.
	 * @return Void Doesn't return anything.
	private function _succeed()
		echo GetJSON(array('status'=>'OK')) . "\n";

예제 #13
function GetUserInput()
    if (!empty($_POST["submit"])) {
        $street = $_POST["street"];
        $city = $_POST["city"];
        $state = $_POST["state"];
        $degree = $_POST["degree"];
        echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n SaveUserInput('" . $street . "','" . $city . "','" . $state . "','" . $degree . "');\n </script>";
        if (!empty($street) && !empty($city) && !empty($state) && !empty($degree)) {
            $GeoCodeFile = simplexml_load_file("http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address=" . $street . "," . $city . "," . $state);
            $Location = GetLocation($GeoCodeFile);
            $CallAPI = "https://api.forecast.io/forecast/7d75118b73458c705f9b911f7d637507/" . $Location[0] . "," . $Location[1] . "?units=" . $degree . "&exclude=flags";
            echo $CallAPI;
            GetJSON($CallAPI, $degree);
예제 #14
파일: users.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
	* Process
	* Works out what's going on.
	* The API does the loading, saving, updating - this page just displays the right form(s), checks password validation and so on.
	* After that, it'll print a success/failure message depending on what happened.
	* It also checks to make sure that you're an admin before letting you add or delete.
	* It also checks you're not going to delete your own account.
	* If you're not an admin user, it won't let you edit anyone elses account and it won't let you delete your own account either.
	* @see PrintHeader
	* @see ParseTemplate
	* @see IEM::getDatabase()
	* @see GetUser
	* @see GetLang
	* @see User_API::Set
	* @see PrintEditForm
	* @see CheckUserSystem
	* @see PrintManageUsers
	* @see User_API::Find
	* @see User_API::Admin
	* @see PrintFooter
	* @return Void Doesn't return anything, passes control over to the relevant function and prints that functions return message.
	function Process()
		$action = (isset($_GET['Action'])) ? strtolower($_GET['Action']) : '';

		if (!in_array($action, $this->PopupWindows)) {

		$thisuser    = IEM::getCurrentUser();
		$checkaction = $action;
		if ($action == 'generatetoken') {
			$checkaction = 'manage';
		if (!$thisuser->HasAccess('users', $checkaction)) {

		if ($action == 'processpaging') {
			$action = '';

		switch ($action) {
			case 'generatetoken':
				$check_fields = array('username', 'fullname', 'emailaddress');
				foreach ($check_fields as $field) {
					if (!isset($_POST[$field])) {
					$$field = $_POST[$field];
				$user = GetUser();
				echo htmlspecialchars(sha1($username . $fullname . $emailaddress . GetRealIp(true) . time() . microtime()), ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

			case 'save':
				$userid = (isset($_GET['UserID']))
					? $_GET['UserID']
					: 0;
				if (empty($_POST)) {
					$GLOBALS['Error']   = GetLang('UserNotUpdated');
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

				$user     = GetUser($userid);
				$username = false;
				if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
					$username = $_POST['username'];
				$userfound = $user->Find($username);
				$error     = false;
				$template  = false;

				$duplicate_username = false;
				if ($userfound && $userfound != $userid) {
					$duplicate_username = true;
					$error = GetLang('UserAlreadyExists');

				$warnings           = array();
				$GLOBALS['Message'] = '';

				if (!$duplicate_username) {
					$to_check = array();
					foreach (array('status' => 'isLastActiveUser', 'admintype' => 'isLastSystemAdmin') as $area => $desc) {
						if (!isset($_POST[$area])) {
							$to_check[] = $desc;
						if (isset($_POST[$area]) && $_POST[$area] == '0') {
							$to_check[] = $desc;

					if ($user->isAdmin()) {
						$to_check[] = 'isLastSystemAdmin';

					$error = $this->CheckUserSystem($userid, $to_check);
					if (!$error) {
						$smtptype = (isset($_POST['smtptype']))
							? $_POST['smtptype'] 
							: 0;

						// Make sure smtptype is eiter 0 or 1
						if ($smtptype != 1) {
							$smtptype = 0;

						 * This was added, because User's API uses different names than of the HTML form names.
						 * HTML form names should stay the same to keep it consistant throught the application
						 * This will actually map HTML forms => User's API fields
						$areaMapping = array(
							'trialuser'                    => 'trialuser',
							'groupid'                      => 'groupid',
							'username'                     => 'username',
							'fullname'                     => 'fullname',
							'emailaddress'                 => 'emailaddress',
							'status'                       => 'status',
							'admintype'                    => 'admintype',
							'listadmintype'                => 'listadmintype',
							'segmentadmintype'             => 'segmentadmintype',
							'templateadmintype'            => 'templateadmintype',
							'editownsettings'              => 'editownsettings',
							'usertimezone'                 => 'usertimezone',
							'textfooter'                   => 'textfooter',
							'htmlfooter'                   => 'htmlfooter',
							'infotips'                     => 'infotips',
							'smtp_server'                  => 'smtpserver',
							'smtp_u'                       => 'smtpusername',
							'smtp_p'                       => 'smtppassword',
							'smtp_port'                    => 'smtpport',
							'usewysiwyg'                   => 'usewysiwyg',
							'usexhtml'                     => 'usexhtml',
							'enableactivitylog'            => 'enableactivitylog',
							'xmlapi'                       => 'xmlapi',
							'xmltoken'                     => 'xmltoken',
							'googlecalendarusername'       => 'googlecalendarusername',
							'googlecalendarpassword'       => 'googlecalendarpassword',
							'user_language'                => 'user_language',
							'adminnotify_email'            => 'adminnotify_email',
							'adminnotify_send_flag'        => 'adminnotify_send_flag',
							'adminnotify_send_threshold'   => 'adminnotify_send_threshold',
							'adminnotify_send_emailtext'   => 'adminnotify_send_emailtext',
							'adminnotify_import_flag'      => 'adminnotify_import_flag',
							'adminnotify_import_threshold' => 'adminnotify_import_threshold',
							'adminnotify_import_emailtext' => 'adminnotify_import_emailtext'
						$group           = API_USERGROUPS::getRecordById($_POST['groupid']);
						$totalEmails     = (int) $group['limit_totalemailslimit'];
						$unlimitedEmails = $totalEmails == 0;
						// set fields
						foreach ($areaMapping as $p => $area) {
							$val = (isset($_POST[$p])) ? $_POST[$p] : '';
							if (in_array($area, array('status', 'editownsettings'))) {
								if ($userid == $thisuser->userid) {
									$val = $thisuser->$area;
							$user->Set($area, $val);

						// activity type
						$activity = IEM::requestGetPOST('eventactivitytype', '', 'trim');
						if (!empty($activity)) {
							$activity_array = explode("\n", $activity);
							for ($i = 0, $j = count($activity_array); $i < $j; ++$i) {
								$activity_array[$i] = trim($activity_array[$i]);
						} else {
							$activity_array = array();
						$user->Set('eventactivitytype', $activity_array);

						// the 'limit' things being on actually means unlimited. so check if the value is NOT set.
						foreach (array('permonth', 'perhour', 'maxlists') as $p => $area) {
							$limit_check = 'limit' . $area;
							$val         = 0;
							if (!isset($_POST[$limit_check])) {
								$val = (isset($_POST[$area])) 
									? $_POST[$area]
									: 0;
							$user->Set($area, $val);

							if ($user->Get('perhour') == 0 || ($user->Get('perhour') > SENDSTUDIO_MAXHOURLYRATE)) {
								$user_hourly = $this->FormatNumber($user->Get('perhour'));
								if ($user->Get('perhour') == 0) {
									$user_hourly = GetLang('UserPerHour_Unlimited');
								$warnings[] = sprintf(GetLang('UserPerHourOverMaxHourlyRate'), $this->FormatNumber(SENDSTUDIO_MAXHOURLYRATE), $user_hourly);

						if ($smtptype == 0) {
							$user->Set('smtpserver', '');
							$user->Set('smtpusername', '');
							$user->Set('smtppassword', '');
							$user->Set('smtpport', 25);

						if ($_POST['ss_p'] != '') {
							if ($_POST['ss_p_confirm'] != '' && $_POST['ss_p_confirm'] == $_POST['ss_p']) {
								$user->Set('password', $_POST['ss_p']);
							} else {
								$error = GetLang('PasswordsDontMatch');

					if (!$error) {

						$temp = array();
						if (!empty($_POST['permissions'])) {
							foreach ($_POST['permissions'] as $area => $p) {
								foreach ($p as $subarea => $k) {
									$temp[$subarea] = $user->GrantAccess($area, $subarea);

				if (!$error) {
					$result = $user->Save();

					if ($result) {
						FlashMessage(GetLang('UserUpdated'), SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS, IEM::urlFor('Users'));
					} else {
						$GLOBALS['Message'] = GetFlashMessages();
						$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('UserNotUpdated');
						$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);
				} else {
					$GLOBALS['Error'] = $error;
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

				if (!empty($warnings)) {
					$GLOBALS['Warning'] = implode('<br/>', $warnings);
					$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('WarningMsg', true, false);


			case 'add':
				$temp = get_available_user_count();
				if ($temp['normal'] == 0 && $temp['trial'] == 0) {


			case 'delete':
				$users = IEM::requestGetPOST('users', array(), 'intval');
				$deleteData = (IEM::requestGetPOST('deleteData', 0, 'intval') == 1);

				$this->DeleteUsers($users, $deleteData);

			case 'create':
				$user     = New User_API();
				$warnings = array();
				$fields   = array(
					'trialuser', 'username', 'fullname', 'emailaddress',
					'status', 'admintype', 'editownsettings',
					'listadmintype', 'segmentadmintype', 'usertimezone',
					'textfooter', 'htmlfooter', 'templateadmintype',
					'infotips', 'smtpserver',
					'smtpusername', 'smtpport', 'usewysiwyg',
					'enableactivitylog', 'xmlapi', 'xmltoken',

				if (!$user->Find($_POST['username'])) {
					foreach ($fields as $p => $area) {
						$val = (isset($_POST[$area]))
							? $_POST[$area]
							: '';

						$user->Set($area, $val);

					// activity type
					$activity = IEM::requestGetPOST('eventactivitytype', '', 'trim');
					if (!empty($activity)) {
						$activity_array = explode("\n", $activity);
						for ($i = 0, $j = count($activity_array); $i < $j; ++$i) {
							$activity_array[$i] = trim($activity_array[$i]);
					} else {
						$activity_array = array();
					$user->Set('eventactivitytype', $activity_array);

					// the 'limit' things being on actually means unlimited. so check if the value is NOT set.
					foreach (array('permonth', 'perhour', 'maxlists') as $p => $area) {
						$limit_check = 'limit' . $area;
						$val         = 0;
						if (!isset($_POST[$limit_check])) {
							$val = (isset($_POST[$area])) 
								? $_POST[$area]
								: 0;
						$user->Set($area, $val);

						if ($user->Get('perhour') == 0 || ($user->Get('perhour') > SENDSTUDIO_MAXHOURLYRATE)) {
							$user_hourly = $this->FormatNumber($user->Get('perhour'));
							if ($user->Get('perhour') == 0) {
								$user_hourly = GetLang('UserPerHour_Unlimited');
							$warnings[] = sprintf(GetLang('UserPerHourOverMaxHourlyRate'), $this->FormatNumber(SENDSTUDIO_MAXHOURLYRATE), $user_hourly);

					// this has a different post value otherwise firefox tries to pre-fill it.
					$smtp_password = '';
					if (isset($_POST['smtp_p'])) {
						$smtp_password = $_POST['smtp_p'];
					$user->Set('smtppassword', $smtp_password);

					$error = false;

					if ($_POST['ss_p'] != '') {
						if ($_POST['ss_p_confirm'] != '' && $_POST['ss_p_confirm'] == $_POST['ss_p']) {
							$user->Set('password', $_POST['ss_p']);
						} else {
							$error = GetLang('PasswordsDontMatch');

					if (!$error) {
						if (!empty($_POST['permissions'])) {
							foreach ($_POST['permissions'] as $area => $p) {
								foreach ($p as $subarea => $k) {
									$user->GrantAccess($area, $subarea);

						if (!empty($_POST['lists'])) {

						if (!empty($_POST['templates'])) {

						if (!empty($_POST['segments'])) {

						$GLOBALS['Message'] = '';

						if (!empty($warnings)) {
							$GLOBALS['Warning']  = implode('<br/>', $warnings);
							$GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('WarningMsg', true, false);

						$user->Set('gettingstarted', 0);
						$user->Set('groupid', (int) IEM_Request::getParam('groupid'));
						$result = $user->Create();
						if ($result == '-1') {
							FlashMessage(GetLang('UserNotCreated_License'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, IEM::urlFor('Users'));
						} else {
							if ($result) {
								FlashMessage(GetLang('UserCreated'), SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS, IEM::urlFor('Users'));
							} else {
								FlashMessage(GetLang('UserNotCreated'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, IEM::urlFor('Users'));
					} else {
						$GLOBALS['Error'] = $error;
				} else {
					$GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('UserAlreadyExists');
				$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

				$details = array();
				foreach (array('FullName', 'EmailAddress', 'Status', 'AdminType', 'ListAdminType', 'SegmentAdminType', 'TemplateAdminType', 'InfoTips', 'forcedoubleoptin', 'forcespamcheck', 'smtpserver', 'smtpusername', 'smtpport') as $p => $area) {
					$lower          = strtolower($area);
					$val            = (isset($_POST[$lower])) ? $_POST[$lower] : '';
					$details[$area] = $val;
				$this->PrintEditForm(0, $details);

			case 'edit':
				$userid = IEM::requestGetGET('UserID', 0, 'intval');
				if ($userid == 0) {


			case 'sendpreviewdisplay':
				$this->SendTestPreviewDisplay('index.php?Page=Users&Action=SendPreview', 'self.parent.getSMTPPreviewParameters()');

			case 'testgooglecalendar':
				$status = array(
					'status' => false,
					'message' => ''
				try {
					$details = array(
						'username' => $_REQUEST['gcusername'],
						'password' => $_REQUEST['gcpassword']

					$this->GoogleCalendarAdd($details, true);

					$status['status'] = true;
					$status['message'] = GetLang('GooglecalendarTestSuccess');
				} catch (Exception $e) {
					$status['message'] = GetLang('GooglecalendarTestFailure');

				print GetJSON($status);

			case 'sendpreview':


		if (!in_array($action, $this->PopupWindows)) {
예제 #15
} else {
    if ( $browser ) {
    	print "<p>";
    	print "$auctionsFile is ". floor($timeDiff / 60) ." minutes old.<br>";
    	print "Auction House last updated: $lastModifiedEpochPretty<br>";
    	print "Not updating...<br>";
    	print "</p>";
    } else {
    	print "$auctionsFile is ". floor($timeDiff / 60) ." minutes old.\n";
    	print "Auction House last updated: $lastModifiedEpochPretty\n";
    	print "Not updating...\n";
@($auctionsJSON = file_get_contents($auctionsFile));
$auctions = json_decode($auctionsJSON, true);
// if ( $browser ) {
// 	print "<table>";
// }
foreach ($chars as $char) {
    $char = trim($char);
    if ($browser) {
        print "<table border=\"1\" width=\"300px\">";
        print "<tr><td bgcolor=\"black\" align=\"center\"><font color=\"white\"><b>{$char}</b></font></td></tr>";
    } else {
        print "\n{$char}\n\n";
예제 #16
	* ViewSubscriber
	* Prints the 'view subscriber' page and all appropriate options including custom fields.
	* @param Int $listid The list the subscriber is on. This is checked to make sure the user has 'manage' access to the list before anything else.
	* @param Int $subscriberid The subscriberid to view.
	* @param Int $segmentid The ID of the segment that the subscriber is going to be fetched from
	* @param String $msgtype The heading to show when viewing a subscriber. This can be either error or success. Used with $msg to display something.
	* @param String $msg The message to display in the heading. If this is not present, no message is displayed.
	* @see GetApi
	* @see Subscribers_API::GetCustomFieldSettings
	* @see Lists_API::GetCustomFields
	* @see Lists_API::Load
	* @see Lists_API::GetListFormat
	* @return Void Doesn't return anything. Prints out the view form and that's it.
	function ViewSubscriber($listid = 0, $subscriberid = 0, $segmentid = 0, $msgtype = 'Error', $msg = false)
		$user = GetUser();
		$access = $user->HasAccess('Subscribers', 'Manage');
		if (!$access) {


		$search_info = IEM::sessionGet('Search_Subscribers');

		$GLOBALS['list'] = $listid;

		if ($msg && $msgtype) {
			switch (strtolower($msgtype)) {
				case 'success':
					$GLOBALS['Success'] = $msg;
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('SuccessMsg', true, false);
					$GLOBALS['Error'] = $msg;
					$GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false);

		$SubscriberApi = $this->GetApi('Subscribers');
		$subscriberinfo = false;

		 * Get Subscriber record from the database
			$adminAccess = false;

			// If this user is an admin/list admin/list admintype == a then give permission
			if ($user->Admin() || $user->ListAdminType() == 'a' || $user->ListAdmin()) {
				$adminAccess = true;

			// Get subscribers from list
			if ($segmentid == 0) {
				if (!$adminAccess && !$SubscriberApi->CheckPermission($user->userid, $subscriberid)) {

				$subscriberinfo = $SubscriberApi->LoadSubscriberList($subscriberid, $listid);

			// Get subscribers from segment
			} else {
				if (!$adminAccess) {
					$segmentapi = $this->GetApi('Segment', true);

					if ($segmentapi->ownerid != $user->userid && !$user->HasAccess('Segments', 'View', $segmentid)) {

				$subscriberinfo = $SubscriberApi->LoadSubscriberSegment($subscriberid, $segmentid);
		 * -----

		// hmm, the subscriber doesn't exist or can't be loaded? show an error.
		if (empty($subscriberinfo)) {
			$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('SubscriberDoesntExist_View');

		// Log this to "User Activity Log"
		$logURL = SENDSTUDIO_APPLICATION_URL . '/admin/index.php?Page=Subscribers&Action=Edit&List=' . $_GET['List'] . '&id=' . $_GET['id'];
		IEM::logUserActivity($logURL, 'images/contacts_view.gif', $subscriberinfo['emailaddress']);

		$list_api = $this->GetApi('Lists');

		$GLOBALS['emailaddress'] = $subscriberinfo['emailaddress'];
		$GLOBALS['subscriberid'] = $subscriberid;

		if ($subscriberinfo['requestdate'] == 0) {
			$GLOBALS['requestdate'] = GetLang('Unknown');
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['requestdate'] = $this->PrintTime($subscriberinfo['requestdate']);

		$GLOBALS['requestip'] = ($subscriberinfo['requestip'] == '') ? GetLang('Unknown') : $subscriberinfo['requestip'];

		if ($subscriberinfo['confirmdate'] == 0) {
			$GLOBALS['confirmdate'] = GetLang('Unknown');
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['confirmdate'] = $this->PrintTime($subscriberinfo['confirmdate']);

		$GLOBALS['confirmip'] = ($subscriberinfo['confirmip'] == '') ? GetLang('Unknown') : $subscriberinfo['confirmip'];

		if ($subscriberinfo['confirmed'] == 1) {
			$confirmed = 'Confirmed';
		} elseif ($subscriberinfo['confirmed'] == 0) {
			$confirmed = 'Unconfirmed';

		$GLOBALS['ConfirmedList'] = GetLang($confirmed);

		$GLOBALS['ShowUnsubscribeInfo'] = 'none';

		$subscriber_status = 'a';
		if ($subscriberinfo['unsubscribed'] > 0) {
			$subscriber_status = 'u';
			$GLOBALS['unsubscribetime'] = $this->PrintTime($subscriberinfo['unsubscribed']);
			$GLOBALS['unsubscribeip'] = ($subscriberinfo['unsubscribeip'] == '') ? GetLang('Unknown') : $subscriberinfo['unsubscribeip'];
			$GLOBALS['ShowUnsubscribeInfo'] = '';

		if ($subscriberinfo['bounced'] > 0) {
			$subscriber_status = 'b';

		switch ($subscriber_status) {
			case 'a':
				$status = 'Active';

			case 'u':
				$status = 'Unsubscribed';

			case 'b':
				$status = 'Bounced';


		// this is used both by the 'edit' and 'delete' buttons.
		$GLOBALS['subscriberid'] = $subscriberid;
		if ($segmentid != 0) {
			$GLOBALS['SegmentID'] = $segmentid;
			$GLOBALS['ExtraParameter'] = '&SegmentID=' . $segmentid;
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['SegmentID'] = 0;
			$GLOBALS['ExtraParameter'] = '';

		$GLOBALS['EditButton'] = '';
		if ($user->HasAccess('Subscribers', 'Edit')) {
			$GLOBALS['EditButton'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Subscribers_View_Button_Edit', true, false);

		$GLOBALS['DeleteButton'] = '';
		if ($user->HasAccess('Subscribers', 'Delete')) {
			$GLOBALS['DeleteButton'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Subscribers_View_Button_Delete', true, false);

		$GLOBALS['StatusList'] = GetLang($status);

		$listformat = $list_api->GetListFormat();

		if ($subscriberinfo['format'] == 'h') {
			$format = GetLang('Format_HTML');
		} elseif ($subscriberinfo['format'] == 't') {
			$format = GetLang('Format_Text');

		$GLOBALS['FormatList'] = $format;

		$customfields = $list_api->GetCustomFields($listid);

		$customfield_display = array();
		$customfieldinfo = '';

		if (!empty($customfields)) {
			$customfields_api = $this->GetApi('CustomFields');

			$customfieldinfo .= $this->ParseTemplate('Subscribers_Edit_Step2_CustomFields', true, false);
			foreach ($customfields as $pos => $customfield_info) {
				$GLOBALS['FieldID'] = $customfield_info['fieldid'];
				if ($customfield_info['required']) {
					$GLOBALS['Required'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Required', true, false);
				} else {
					$GLOBALS['Required'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Not_Required', true, false);

				$subscriber_settings = $SubscriberApi->GetCustomFieldSettings($customfield_info['fieldid']);

				$customfields_api->fieldid = $customfield_info['fieldid'];
				$customfields_api->fieldtype = $customfield_info['fieldtype'];

				$subfield = $customfields_api->LoadSubField();

				$GLOBALS['FieldName'] = htmlspecialchars($customfield_info['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
				$GLOBALS['FieldValue'] = htmlspecialchars($subfield->GetRealValue($subscriber_settings), ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

				switch ($customfield_info['fieldtype']) {
					case 'textarea':
						$template_name = 'Subscribers_View_CustomField_TextArea';
					case 'date':
						$fieldsettings = unserialize($customfield_info['fieldsettings']);
						$GLOBALS['DateJSON'] = '';
						$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarButton'] = '';
						if (strlen($GLOBALS['FieldValue'])) {
							$date = explode('/',$GLOBALS['FieldValue']);
							$datejson = array_combine(array_slice($fieldsettings['Key'],0,3),$date);

							$GLOBALS['DateJSON'] = GetJSON($datejson);

							if (strlen($user->googlecalendarusername) && strlen($user->googlecalendarpassword)) {
								$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarButton'] =  $this->ParseTemplate('google_calendar_button',true);
							} else {
								$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarButton'] =  $this->ParseTemplate('google_calendar_button_disabled',true);

						$template_name = 'Subscribers_View_CustomField_Date';
						$template_name = 'Subscribers_View_CustomField';

				$customfield_display[] = $this->ParseTemplate($template_name, true, false);

			$column1 = $column2 = array();
			if (count($customfield_display) > 9) {
				$customfieldinfo_template = 'Subscribers_customfieldinfo_twocolumns';
				$split = ceil(count($customfield_display) / 2);

				for ($i = 0; $i < $split; $i++) {
					$column1[] = $customfield_display[$i];
					if (isset($customfield_display[$i + $split])) {
						$column2[] = $customfield_display[$i + $split];
					} else {
						$column2[] = '<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>';

				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldInfo_1'] = '<tr>' . implode('</tr><tr>',$column1) . '</tr>';
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldInfo_2'] = '<tr>' . implode('</tr><tr>',$column2) . '</tr>';
			} else {
				$customfieldinfo_template = 'Subscribers_customfieldinfo_onecolumn';
				$GLOBALS['CustomFieldInfo_1'] = '';
				foreach ($customfield_display as $field) {
					$GLOBALS['CustomFieldInfo_1'] .= '<tr>' . $field . '</tr>';
			$GLOBALS['CustomFieldInfo'] = $customfieldinfo . $this->ParseTemplate($customfieldinfo_template,true);

		$GLOBALS['listid'] = $listid;

		$actions = $user->GetEventActivityType();
		$GLOBALS['Actions'] = '';
		foreach ($actions as $action) {
			$GLOBALS['Actions'] .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($action,ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '">'. htmlspecialchars($action,ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . "</option>";

		$GLOBALS['EventTypesJSON'] = GetJSON($actions);
		$GLOBALS['EventAddForm'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Subscriber_Event_Add',true,false);

		$GLOBALS['DatePickerJavascript'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ui.datepicker.custom_iem',true,false);

		if (IEM::sessionGet('gcal_allday')) {
			$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarAllDay'] = 'true';
		} else {
			$GLOBALS['GoogleCalendarAllDay'] = 'false';

		$GLOBALS['SubscriberEvents_Intro'] = GetLang('SubscriberEvents_Intro');
		if ($user->HasAccess('Subscribers','EventSave')) {
			$GLOBALS['SubscriberEvents_Intro'] .= GetLang('SubscriberEvents_Intro_AddEvent');

예제 #17
파일: segment.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
		 * _getEditor
		 * Returns an HTML string of the editor
		 * @param User_API $userAPI Current user API
		 * @param Segment_API $segmentAPI Segment to be displayed
		 * @param Array $variables An associative array of the variables to be put in the editor
		 * @return String Returns an HTML string
		 * @uses GetJSON()
		 * @uses SendStudio_Functions::ParseTemplate()
		 * @uses Segment::_getCustomFieldUsedByList()
		 * @uses Segment::_getRuleNamesUsed()
		 * @uses Segment::_getAvailableLinks()
		 * @uses Segment::_getAvailableCampaigns()
		 * @uses User_API::GetLists()
		function _getEditor($userAPI, $segmentAPI = null, $variables = array())
			$existingValues = array();
			$listIDs = array();

			 * Set initial values if segment API is passed along
				if (!is_null($segmentAPI)) {
					$tempSearchInfo = $segmentAPI->searchinfo;

					$listIDs = $tempSearchInfo['Lists'];
					$variables['SegmentID'] = $segmentAPI->segmentid;
					$variables['SegmentName'] = htmlspecialchars($segmentAPI->segmentname, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

					 * Get rule and convert them to appropriate format accepted by the template
						$tempRules = array(
							'ruleCache' => $this->_getCustomFieldUsedByList($listIDs),
							'rules' => $segmentAPI->searchinfo['Rules']

						// Get default values for each of the custom fields (if required)
						$tempRuleArray = $this->_getRuleNamesUsed($tempRules['rules']);
						if (in_array('link', $tempRuleArray)) {
							$tempRules['ruleCache']['values']['link'] = $this->_getAvailableLinks($userAPI, $listIDs);

						if (in_array('campaign', $tempRuleArray)) {
							$tempRules['ruleCache']['values']['campaign'] = $this->_getAvailableCampaigns($userAPI);

						$variables['InitialValues'] = addslashes(GetJSON($tempRules));
					 * -----

				} else {
					$variables['InitialValues'] = '{}';
			 * -----

			 * Get mailing list from database and process list for display
				$tempList = $userAPI->GetLists();
				$tempSelectList = '';

				foreach ($tempList as $tempEach) {
					$tempSubscriberCount = intval($tempEach['subscribecount']);

					$GLOBALS['ListID'] = intval($tempEach['listid']);
					$GLOBALS['ListName'] = htmlspecialchars($tempEach['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
					$GLOBALS['OtherProperties'] = in_array($GLOBALS['ListID'], $listIDs)? ' selected="selected"' : '';

					if ($tempSubscriberCount == 1) {
						$GLOBALS['ListSubscriberCount'] = GetLang('Subscriber_Count_One');
					} else {
						$GLOBALS['ListSubscriberCount'] = sprintf(GetLang('Subscriber_Count_Many'), $this->FormatNumber($tempSubscriberCount));

					$tempSelectList .= $this->ParseTemplate('Segment_Form_ListRow', true);


				$variables['SelectListHTML'] = $tempSelectList;

				// If list is less than 10, use the following formula: list size * 25px for the height
				$tempCount = count($tempList);
				if ($tempCount <= 10) {
					if ($tempCount < 3) {
						$tempCount = 3;
					$variables['SelectListStyle'] = 'height: ' . ($tempCount * 25) . 'px;';
			 * -----

			 * Match type (is not used by the internal API anymore, but is still used
			 * by the UI, so emulate this... It will be replaced by "grouping" in later version??
				$variables['MatchType_AND'] = ' checked="checked"';
				$variables['MatchType_OR'] = '';
				If (!is_null($segmentAPI) && $segmentAPI->searchinfo['Rules'][0]['connector'] == 'or') {
						$variables['MatchType_AND'] = '';
						$variables['MatchType_OR'] = ' checked="checked"';

			//Get Common UI.DatePicker.Custom_IEM JavaScript
			$variables['CustomDatepickerUI'] = $this->ParseTemplate('UI.DatePicker.Custom_IEM', true);

			 * Setup GLOBAL variable
				foreach ($variables as $key => $value) {
					if (array_key_exists($key, $GLOBALS)) {
						$existingValues[$key] = $GLOBALS[$key];

					$GLOBALS[$key] = $value;
			 * -----

			$output = $this->ParseTemplate('Segment_Form', true);

			 * Restore GLOBAL variable to it's original state
				foreach (array_keys($variables) as $key) {
					if (array_key_exists($key, $existingValues)) {
						$GLOBALS[$key] = $existingValues[$key];
					} else {
			 * -----

			return $output;