} } function GetErrorMessage() { global $error_message; echo $error_message; } ?> <html> <head> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function OnInit() { var error = "<?php echo GetErrorMessage(); ?> "; if (error != "") window.alert (error); var href = "<?php echo $_POST["_wp_http_referer"]; ?> "; window.location.href = href; } </script> </head> <body onload="OnInit()"> </body>
function CheckConfiguredLogStreamSource($myReport, $mySourceID) { global $content, $extraErrorDescription; // Get Objectreference to report $myReportObj = $myReport["ObjRef"]; // Handle GET and POST input! $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?"; $content['MSG_CHECK_URL'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?"; foreach ($_GET as $varname => $varvalue) { // All variables! $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] .= $varname . "=" . $varvalue . "&"; // Skip the Optimize variable! if (strpos($varname, "optimize") === false) { $content['MSG_CHECK_URL'] .= $varname . "=" . $varvalue . "&"; } } foreach ($_POST as $varname => $varvalue) { $content['POST_VARIABLES'][] = array("varname" => $varname, "varvalue" => $varvalue); } // Append Force Optimice Paramater $content['MSG_CHECK_URL'] .= "forcecheckoptimize=true"; // Check if optimize variable is set! if (isset($_GET['optimize'])) { // Check what we have to do if ($_GET['optimize'] == "addfields") { // This will create all INDEXES we need for this logstream! $res = $myReportObj->CreateMissingLogStreamFields($mySourceID); if ($res != SUCCESS) { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ERROR_FAILED_ADDING_FIELDS'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name'], $res); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['ERROR_MSG'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } // Show information in performance warning area $content['ISSOURCENOTOPTIMIZED'] = true; $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_FIELDS_CREATED']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityNotice'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_FIELDS_CREATED_SUCCESS'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "false"; // return result return $res; } else { if ($_GET['optimize'] == "indexes") { // This will create all INDEXES we need for this logstream! $res = $myReportObj->CreateLogStreamIndexes($mySourceID); if ($res != SUCCESS) { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ERROR_FAILED_CREATE_INDEXES'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name'], $res); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['ERROR_MSG'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } // Show information in performance warning area $content['ISSOURCENOTOPTIMIZED'] = true; $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_INDEX_CREATED']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityNotice'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_INDEX_CREATED_SUCCESS'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "false"; // return result return $res; } else { if ($_GET['optimize'] == "trigger") { // This will create all INDEXES we need for this logstream! $res = $myReportObj->CreateLogStreamTrigger($mySourceID); if ($res != SUCCESS) { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ERROR_FAILED_CREATE_TRIGGER'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name'], $res); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['ERROR_MSG'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } else { // Show information in performance warning area $content['ISSOURCENOTOPTIMIZED'] = true; $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_TRIGGER_CREATED']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityNotice'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_TRIGGER_CREATED_SUCCESS'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "false"; } // return result return $res; } else { if ($_GET['optimize'] == "checksum") { // This will create all INDEXES we need for this logstream! $res = $myReportObj->ChangeChecksumFieldUnsigned($mySourceID); if ($res != SUCCESS) { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ERROR_FAILED_CHANGE_CHECKSUM'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name'], $res); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['ERROR_MSG'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } else { // Show information in performance warning area $content['ISSOURCENOTOPTIMIZED'] = true; $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_CHECKSUM_CHANGED']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityNotice'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_CHECKSUM_CHANGED_SUCCESS'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "false"; } // return result return $res; } } } } } // Use SESSION to check if Source needs to be checked for optimization $bForceCheck = false; if (!isset($_SESSION['Sources'][$mySourceID]['optimized']) || $_SESSION['Sources'][$mySourceID]['optimized'] == false || isset($_GET['forcecheckoptimize']) && $_GET['forcecheckoptimize'] == "true") { // Set Checking to true! $bForceCheck = true; } // Lets see if we need to check if ($bForceCheck) { // Run checks $res = $myReportObj->CheckLogStreamSource($mySourceID); if ($res != SUCCESS) { // Current Logstream Source is not optimized! Show to user! $content['ISSOURCENOTOPTIMIZED'] = true; if ($res == ERROR_DB_DBFIELDNOTFOUND) { $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_PERFORMANCE_WARNING']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityWarning'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ADD_MISSINGFIELDS'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "true"; $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] .= "optimize=addfields"; // Addmissing fields } else { if ($res == ERROR_DB_INDEXESMISSING) { $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_PERFORMANCE_WARNING']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityWarning'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_OPTIMIZE_INDEXES'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "true"; $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] .= "optimize=indexes"; // Add missing INDEXES } else { if ($res == ERROR_DB_TRIGGERMISSING) { $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_PERFORMANCE_WARNING']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityWarning'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_OPTIMIZE_TRIGGER'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "true"; $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] .= "optimize=trigger"; // Add missing TRIGGERS } else { if ($res == ERROR_DB_CHECKSUMERROR) { $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_PERFORMANCE_WARNING']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityWarning'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_CHANGE_CHECKSUM'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "true"; $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] .= "optimize=checksum"; // Change Checksum field! } else { $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_SOURCE_WARNING']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityWarning'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ERROR_FAILED_SOURCE_CHECK'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name'], GetErrorMessage($res)); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "true"; $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] .= "forcecheckoptimize=true"; // Change Checksum field! } } } } } else { // Check was successfull! Set Checked Property in LogStream Source $_SESSION['Sources'][$mySourceID]['optimized'] = true; } } }
$myChart['rowend'] = '</td>'; } else { $myChart['cssclass'] = "line2"; $myChart['rowbegin'] = '<td width="50%" valign="top">'; $myChart['rowend'] = '</td></tr>'; } $i++; // --- } } } else { // This will disable to Stats View and show an error message $content['statsenabled'] = false; // Set error code $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetErrorMessage(ERROR_CHARTS_NOTCONFIGURED); $content['detailederror_code'] = ERROR_CHARTS_NOTCONFIGURED; } // --- // --- BEGIN CREATE TITLE $content['TITLE'] = InitPageTitle(); // Append custom title part! $content['TITLE'] .= " :: " . $content['LN_MENU_STATISTICS']; // --- END CREATE TITLE // --- Parsen and Output InitTemplateParser(); $page->parser($content, "statistics.html"); $page->output(); // --- //include($gl_root_path . 'include/functions_installhelpers.php'); //ConvertCustomCharts();
function DB_PrintError($MyErrorMsg, $DieOrNot) { global $content, $n, $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, $errdesc, $errno, $linesep; $errdesc = mysql_error(); $errno = mysql_errno(); // Define global variable so we know an error has occured! if (!defined('PHPLOGCON_INERROR')) { define('PHPLOGCON_INERROR', true); } $errormsg = "Database error: {$MyErrorMsg} {$linesep}"; $errormsg .= "mysql error: {$errdesc} {$linesep}"; $errormsg .= "mysql error number: {$errno} {$linesep}"; $errormsg .= "Date: " . date("d.m.Y @ H:i") . $linesep; $errormsg .= "Script: " . getenv("REQUEST_URI") . $linesep; $errormsg .= "Referer: " . getenv("HTTP_REFERER") . $linesep; if ($DieOrNot == true) { DieWithErrorMsg("{$linesep}" . $errormsg); } else { OutputDebugMessage("DB_PrintError: {$errormsg}", DEBUG_ERROR); if (!isset($content['detailederror'])) { $content['detailederror_code'] = ERROR_DB_QUERYFAILED; $content['detailederror'] = GetErrorMessage(ERROR_DB_QUERYFAILED); } else { $content['detailederror'] .= "<br><br>" . GetErrorMessage(ERROR_DB_QUERYFAILED); } // Append SQL Detail Error $content['detailederror'] .= "<br><br>" . $errormsg; } }
function GetInfrastructureInfo($host, $port, $id) { $headers = array('Accept: text/*'); $res = BasicRESTCall("GET", $host, $port, '/infrastructures/' . $id, $headers); if ($res->getStatus() != 200) { return 'Error: Code: ' . strval($res->getStatus()) . '. ' . GetErrorMessage($output); } else { $vm_urls = split("\n", $res->getOutput()); $vm_ids = array(); foreach ($vm_urls as $vm_url) { $vm_id = trim(basename(parse_url($vm_url, PHP_URL_PATH))); if (strlen($vm_id) > 0) { $vm_ids[] = $vm_id; } } return $vm_ids; } }
$content['error_details'] = $content['LN_GEN_ERROR_INVALIDTYPE']; } } } } else { $content['error_occured'] = true; $content['error_details'] = GetErrorMessage($chartData); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['error_details'] .= "\n\n" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } //$fields[SYSLOG_UID]['FieldID'] } else { // This will disable to Main SyslogView and show an error message $content['error_occured'] = true; $content['error_details'] = GetErrorMessage($res); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['error_details'] .= "\n\n" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } // Close file! $stream->Close(); } else { $content['error_occured'] = true; $content['error_details'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_GEN_ERROR_SOURCENOTFOUND'], $currentSourceID); } } if ($content['error_occured']) { // Use JpGraph to display errors! $myError = new JpGraphErrObjectImg(); $myError->SetTitle($content['LN_GEN_ERRORDETAILS']);
// Disable pager in this case! $content['main_pagerenabled'] = false; } if ($content['read_direction'] == EnumReadDirection::Forward) { // Back Button was clicked, so we need to flip the array // print_r( $content['syslogmessages'] ); $content['syslogmessages'] = array_reverse($content['syslogmessages']); // print_r( $content['syslogmessages'] ); } // This will enable to Main SyslogView $content['syslogmessagesenabled'] = "true"; } } else { // This will disable to Main SyslogView and show an error message $content['syslogmessagesenabled'] = "false"; $content['detailederror'] = GetErrorMessage($res); $content['detailederror_code'] = $res; if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['detailederror'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } // Close file! $stream->Close(); } else { $content['syslogmessagesenabled'] = "false"; $content['detailederror'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_GEN_ERROR_SOURCENOTFOUND'], $currentSourceID); $content['detailederror_code'] = ERROR_SOURCENOTFOUND; } // --- // --- Parsen and Output InitTemplateParser();
if ($res != SUCCESS) { $content['error_occured'] = true; $content['error_details'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ERROR_ERRORCHECKINGSOURCE'], GetAndReplaceLangStr(GetErrorMessage($res), $mySavedReport['sourceid'])); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['error_details'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } else { // Init IncludePath $reportIncludePath = $myReportObj->GetReportIncludePath(); // Include Custom language file if available $myReportObj->InitReportLanguageFile($reportIncludePath); // Now start the processing part! $res = $myReportObj->startDataProcessing(); if ($res != SUCCESS) { $content['error_occured'] = true; $content['error_details'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_GEN_ERROR_REPORTGENFAILED'], $mySavedReport['customTitle'], GetErrorMessage($res)); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['error_details'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } else { // --- Perform report output // Init template Parser $page = new Template(); $page->set_path($reportIncludePath); // Parse template $page->parser($content, $myReportObj->GetBaseFileName()); // Output the result $res = $myReportObj->OutputReport($page->result(), $szErrorStr); if ($res == SUCCESS && $myReportObj->GetOutputTarget() != REPORT_TARGET_STDOUT) { // Output wasn't STDOUT, so we need to display what happened to the user $content['report_success'] = true;
function CleanData($optParam1, $optParam2, $optParam3, $optParam4) { global $content, $gl_root_path; // Get Source reference! $mySource = $content['Sources'][$content['SOURCEID']]; // Check Source Type if ($mySource['SourceType'] == SOURCE_DB || $mySource['SourceType'] == SOURCE_PDO) { // Include LogStream facility include $gl_root_path . 'classes/logstream.class.php'; //Debug Output PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_INFO, "CleanData", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_CLEANINGDATAFOR"], $mySource['Name'])); // Create LogStream Object $stream = $mySource['ObjRef']->LogStreamFactory($mySource['ObjRef']); $res = $stream->Verify(); if ($res == SUCCESS) { // Gather Database Stats $content['ROWCOUNT'] = $stream->GetLogStreamTotalRowCount(); if (isset($content['ROWCOUNT'])) { //Debug Output PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_INFO, "CleanData", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_ROWSFOUND"], $content['ROWCOUNT'], $mySource['Name'])); if ($optParam1 != NULL) { if ($optParam1 == "all") { $timestamp = 0; } else { if ($optParam1 == "olderthan" && $optParam2 != NULL) { // Take current time and subtract Seconds $nSecondsSubtract = intval($optParam2); $timestamp = time() - $nSecondsSubtract; } else { if ($optParam1 == "date" && $optParam2 != NULL && $optParam3 != NULL && $optParam4 != NULL) { // Generate Timestamp $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($optParam2), intval($optParam3), intval($optParam4)); } else { // Print error and die! DieWithErrorMsg($content["LN_CMD_WRONGSUBOPORMISSING"]); } } } // Continue with delete only if $timestamp is set! if (isset($timestamp)) { //Debug Output PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_INFO, "CleanData", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_DELETINGOLDERTHEN"], date("Y-m-d", $timestamp))); // Now perform the data cleanup! $content['affectedrows'] = $stream->CleanupLogdataByDate($timestamp); if (isset($content['affectedrows'])) { //Debug Output PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_INFO, "CleanData", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_DELETEDROWS"], $content['affectedrows'])); } else { // Print error and die! DieWithErrorMsg(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_FAILEDTOCLEANDATA"], $mySource['Name'])); } } } else { // Print error and die! DieWithErrorMsg($content["LN_CMD_SUBPARAM1MISSING"]); } } else { // Print error and die! DieWithErrorMsg(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_COULDNOTGETROWCOUNT"], $mySource['Name'])); } } else { // Print error and die! $szErroMsg = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_SOURCES_ERROR_WITHINSOURCE"], $mySource['Name'], GetErrorMessage($res)); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $szErroMsg .= "\r\n\r\n" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } DieWithErrorMsg($szErroMsg); } } else { // Print error and die! DieWithErrorMsg(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_SOURCES_ERROR_NOCLEARSUPPORT"], $content['SOURCEID'])); } }
$tmpSource['DBUser'] = DB_StripSlahes($content['SourceDBUser']); $tmpSource['DBPassword'] = DB_StripSlahes($content['SourceDBPassword']); $tmpSource['DBEnableRowCounting'] = $content['SourceDBEnableRowCounting']; $tmpSource['DBRecordsPerQuery'] = $content['SourceDBRecordsPerQuery']; $tmpSource['userid'] = $content['userid']; $tmpSource['groupid'] = $content['groupid']; } } // Init the source InitSource($tmpSource); // Create LogStream Object $stream = $tmpSource['ObjRef']->LogStreamFactory($tmpSource['ObjRef']); $res = $stream->Verify(); if ($res != SUCCESS) { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_WITHINSOURCE'], $tmpSource['Name'], GetErrorMessage($res)); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['ERROR_MSG'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } // --- } } } // --- Now ADD/EDIT do the processing! if (!isset($content['ISERROR'])) { // Everything was alright, so we go to the next step! if ($_POST['op'] == "addnewsource") { // Add custom search now! if ($content['SourceType'] == SOURCE_DISK) { $sqlquery = "INSERT INTO " . DB_SOURCES . " (Name, Description, SourceType, MsgParserList, MsgNormalize, MsgSkipUnparseable, defaultfilter, ViewID, LogLineType, DiskFile, userid, groupid) \n\t\t\t\tVALUES ('" . $content['Name'] . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $content['Description'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $content['SourceType'] . ", \n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $content['MsgParserList'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $content['MsgNormalize'] . ", \n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $content['MsgSkipUnparseable'] . ", \n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $content['defaultfilter'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $content['SourceViewID'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $content['SourceLogLineType'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $content['SourceDiskFile'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $content['userid'] . ", \n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $content['groupid'] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
function RunReport() { global $content, $gl_root_path; // Get Reference to report! $myReport = $content['REPORTS'][$content['reportid']]; // Get reference to savedreport $mySavedReport = $myReport['SAVEDREPORTS'][$content['savedreportid']]; // Get Objectreference to report $myReportObj = $myReport["ObjRef"]; // Set SavedReport Settings! $myReportObj->InitFromSavedReport($mySavedReport); //Debug Output PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_INFO, "RunReport", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_RUNREPORT"], $mySavedReport['customTitle'])); // Perform check $res = $myReportObj->verifyDataSource(); if ($res != SUCCESS) { // Print error and die! $szError = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_GEN_ERROR_REPORTGENFAILED'], $mySavedReport['customTitle'], GetAndReplaceLangStr(GetErrorMessage($res), $mySavedReport['sourceid'])); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $szError .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } DieWithErrorMsg($szError); } else { // Call processing part now! $res = $myReportObj->startDataProcessing(); if ($res != SUCCESS) { DieWithErrorMsg(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_GEN_ERROR_REPORTGENFAILED'], $mySavedReport['customTitle'], GetErrorMessage($res))); } else { // --- Perform report output // Init IncludePath $reportIncludePath = $myReportObj->GetReportIncludePath(); // Include Custom language file if available $myReportObj->InitReportLanguageFile($reportIncludePath); // Init template Parser $page = new Template(); $page->set_path($reportIncludePath); // Parse template $page->parser($content, $myReportObj->GetBaseFileName()); // Output the result $res = $myReportObj->OutputReport($page->result(), $szErrorStr); if ($res == SUCCESS && $myReportObj->GetOutputTarget() != REPORT_TARGET_STDOUT) { //Debug Output PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_INFO, "RunReport", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_GEN_SUCCESS_REPORTWASGENERATED_DETAILS"], $szErrorStr)); } else { if ($res == ERROR) { // Debug Error PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_ERROR, "RunReport", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_GEN_ERROR_REPORTFAILEDTOGENERATE"], $szErrorStr)); } } // --- } } }