function LoadDataFile($szFileName) { global $content; // Lets read the table definitions :) $buffer = ""; $handle = @fopen($szFileName, "r"); if ($handle === false) { RevertOneStep($content['INSTALL_STEP'] - 1, GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_INSTALL_FAILEDREADINGFILE'], $szFileName)); } else { while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer .= fgets($handle, 4096); } fclose($handle); } // return file buffer! return $buffer; }
} } //$fields[SYSLOG_UID]['FieldID'] } else { // This will disable to Main SyslogView and show an error message $content['error_occured'] = true; $content['error_details'] = GetErrorMessage($res); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['error_details'] .= "\n\n" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } // Close file! $stream->Close(); } else { $content['error_occured'] = true; $content['error_details'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_GEN_ERROR_SOURCENOTFOUND'], $currentSourceID); } } if ($content['error_occured']) { // Use JpGraph to display errors! $myError = new JpGraphErrObjectImg(); $myError->SetTitle($content['LN_GEN_ERRORDETAILS']); if (GetConfigSetting("MiscShowDebugMsg", 0, CFGLEVEL_USER) == 1) { $myError->Raise($content['error_details'] . "\n\nDebug Details: \n" . var_export($content['DEBUGMSG'], true), true); } else { $myError->Raise($content['error_details'], true); } // Exit in any case exit; } // ---
// Process definitions ^^ if (strlen($totaldbdefs) <= 0) { $content['failedstatements'][$content['sql_failed']]['myerrmsg'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_INSTALL_ERRORINVALIDDBFILE'], $content['BASEPATH'] . "include/db_template.txt"); $content['failedstatements'][$content['sql_failed']]['mystatement'] = ""; $content['sql_failed']++; } // Replace stats_ with the custom one ;) $totaldbdefs = str_replace("`logcon_", "`" . GetConfigSetting("UserDBPref"), $totaldbdefs); // Now split by sql command $mycommands = split(";\n", $totaldbdefs); // // check for different linefeed // if ( count($mycommands) <= 1 ) // $mycommands = split( ";\n", $totaldbdefs ); //Still only one? Abort if (count($mycommands) <= 1) { $content['failedstatements'][$content['sql_failed']]['myerrmsg'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_INSTALL_ERRORINSQLCOMMANDS'], $content['BASEPATH'] . "include/db_template.txt"); $content['failedstatements'][$content['sql_failed']]['mystatement'] = ""; $content['sql_failed']++; } // Append INSERT Statement for Config Table to set the Database Version ^^! $mycommands[count($mycommands)] = "INSERT INTO `" . GetConfigSetting("UserDBPref") . "config` (`propname`, `propvalue`, `is_global`) VALUES ('database_installedversion', '" . $content['database_internalversion'] . "', 1)"; // --- Now execute all commands ini_set('error_reporting', E_WARNING); // Enable Warnings! // Establish DB Connection DB_Connect(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($mycommands); $i++) { if (strlen(trim($mycommands[$i])) > 1) { $result = DB_Query($mycommands[$i], false); if ($result == FALSE) { $content['failedstatements'][$content['sql_failed']]['myerrmsg'] = DB_ReturnSimpleErrorMsg();
// Everything was alright, go and check if the entry exists! $result = DB_Query("SELECT FieldID FROM " . DB_FIELDS . " WHERE FieldID = '" . $content['FieldID'] . "'"); $myrow = DB_GetSingleRow($result, true); if (!isset($myrow['FieldID'])) { // Add custom Field now! $sqlquery = "INSERT INTO " . DB_FIELDS . " (FieldID, FieldCaption, FieldDefine, SearchField, FieldAlign, DefaultWidth, FieldType, SearchOnline) \n\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $content['FieldID'] . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $content['FieldCaption'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $content['FieldDefine'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $content['SearchField'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $content['FieldAlign'] . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t" . $content['DefaultWidth'] . ", \n\t\t\t\t\t" . $content['FieldType'] . ", \n\t\t\t\t\t" . $content['SearchOnline'] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t)"; $result = DB_Query($sqlquery); DB_FreeQuery($result); // Do the final redirect RedirectResult(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_FIELDS_HASBEENADDED'], DB_StripSlahes($content['FieldCaption'])), "fields.php"); } else { // Edit the Search Entry now! $result = DB_Query("UPDATE " . DB_FIELDS . " SET \n\t\t\t\tFieldCaption = '" . $content['FieldCaption'] . "', \n\t\t\t\tFieldDefine = '" . $content['FieldDefine'] . "', \n\t\t\t\tSearchField = '" . $content['SearchField'] . "', \n\t\t\t\tFieldAlign = '" . $content['FieldAlign'] . "', \n\t\t\t\tDefaultWidth = " . $content['DefaultWidth'] . ", \n\t\t\t\tFieldType = " . $content['FieldType'] . ", \n\t\t\t\tSearchOnline = " . $content['SearchOnline'] . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE FieldID = '" . $content['FieldID'] . "'"); DB_FreeQuery($result); // Done redirect! RedirectResult(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_FIELDS_HASBEENEDIT'], DB_StripSlahes($content['FieldCaption'])), "fields.php"); } } } if (!isset($_POST['op']) && !isset($_GET['op'])) { // Default Mode = List Searches $content['LISTFIELDS'] = "true"; // Copy Search array for further modifications $content['FIELDS'] = $fields; $i = 0; // Help counter! foreach ($content['FIELDS'] as &$myField) { // Allow Delete Operation if ($myField['IsInternalField'] && $myField['FieldFromDB']) { $myField['AllowDelete'] = true; $myField['DELETEIMG'] = $content['MENU_DELETE_FROMDB'];
// --- Process Sources $i = 0; // Help counter! foreach ($content['SOURCES'] as &$mySource) { // --- Set Image for Type // NonNUMERIC are config files Sources, can not be editied if (is_numeric($mySource['ID'])) { // Allow EDIT $mySource['ActionsAllowed'] = true; if ($mySource['userid'] != null) { $mySource['SourcesAssignedToImage'] = $content["MENU_ADMINUSERS"]; $mySource['SourcesAssignedToText'] = $content["LN_GEN_USERONLY"]; } else { if ($mySource['groupid'] != null) { $mySource['SourcesAssignedToImage'] = $content["MENU_ADMINGROUPS"]; $mySource['SourcesAssignedToText'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_GEN_GROUPONLYNAME"], $mySource['groupname']); // Check if is ADMIN User, deny if normal user! if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN']) || $_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN'] == 0) { $mySource['ActionsAllowed'] = false; } } else { $mySource['SourcesAssignedToImage'] = $content["MENU_GLOBAL"]; $mySource['SourcesAssignedToText'] = $content["LN_GEN_GLOBAL"]; // Check if is ADMIN User, deny if normal user! if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN']) || $_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN'] == 0) { $mySource['ActionsAllowed'] = false; } } } } else { // Disallow EDIT
// Copy Search array for further modifications $content['SEARCHES'] = $content['Search']; $i = 0; // Help counter! foreach ($content['SEARCHES'] as &$mySearch) { $mySearch['SearchQuery_Display'] = strlen($mySearch['SearchQuery']) > 25 ? substr($mySearch['SearchQuery'], 0, 25) . " ..." : $mySearch['SearchQuery']; // Allow EDIT $mySearch['ActionsAllowed'] = true; // --- Set Image for Type if ($mySearch['userid'] != null) { $mySearch['SearchTypeImage'] = $content["MENU_ADMINUSERS"]; $mySearch['SearchTypeText'] = $content["LN_GEN_USERONLY"]; } else { if ($mySearch['groupid'] != null) { $mySearch['SearchTypeImage'] = $content["MENU_ADMINGROUPS"]; $mySearch['SearchTypeText'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_GEN_GROUPONLYNAME"], $mySearch['groupname']); // Check if is ADMIN User, deny if normal user! if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN']) || $_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN'] == 0) { $mySearch['ActionsAllowed'] = false; } } else { $mySearch['SearchTypeImage'] = $content["MENU_GLOBAL"]; $mySearch['SearchTypeText'] = $content["LN_GEN_GLOBAL"]; // Check if is ADMIN User, deny if normal user! if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN']) || $_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN'] == 0) { $mySearch['ActionsAllowed'] = false; } } } // --- // --- Set CSS Class
function CheckConfiguredLogStreamSource($myReport, $mySourceID) { global $content, $extraErrorDescription; // Get Objectreference to report $myReportObj = $myReport["ObjRef"]; // Handle GET and POST input! $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?"; $content['MSG_CHECK_URL'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?"; foreach ($_GET as $varname => $varvalue) { // All variables! $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] .= $varname . "=" . $varvalue . "&"; // Skip the Optimize variable! if (strpos($varname, "optimize") === false) { $content['MSG_CHECK_URL'] .= $varname . "=" . $varvalue . "&"; } } foreach ($_POST as $varname => $varvalue) { $content['POST_VARIABLES'][] = array("varname" => $varname, "varvalue" => $varvalue); } // Append Force Optimice Paramater $content['MSG_CHECK_URL'] .= "forcecheckoptimize=true"; // Check if optimize variable is set! if (isset($_GET['optimize'])) { // Check what we have to do if ($_GET['optimize'] == "addfields") { // This will create all INDEXES we need for this logstream! $res = $myReportObj->CreateMissingLogStreamFields($mySourceID); if ($res != SUCCESS) { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ERROR_FAILED_ADDING_FIELDS'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name'], $res); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['ERROR_MSG'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } // Show information in performance warning area $content['ISSOURCENOTOPTIMIZED'] = true; $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_FIELDS_CREATED']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityNotice'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_FIELDS_CREATED_SUCCESS'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "false"; // return result return $res; } else { if ($_GET['optimize'] == "indexes") { // This will create all INDEXES we need for this logstream! $res = $myReportObj->CreateLogStreamIndexes($mySourceID); if ($res != SUCCESS) { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ERROR_FAILED_CREATE_INDEXES'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name'], $res); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['ERROR_MSG'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } // Show information in performance warning area $content['ISSOURCENOTOPTIMIZED'] = true; $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_INDEX_CREATED']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityNotice'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_INDEX_CREATED_SUCCESS'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "false"; // return result return $res; } else { if ($_GET['optimize'] == "trigger") { // This will create all INDEXES we need for this logstream! $res = $myReportObj->CreateLogStreamTrigger($mySourceID); if ($res != SUCCESS) { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ERROR_FAILED_CREATE_TRIGGER'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name'], $res); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['ERROR_MSG'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } else { // Show information in performance warning area $content['ISSOURCENOTOPTIMIZED'] = true; $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_TRIGGER_CREATED']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityNotice'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_TRIGGER_CREATED_SUCCESS'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "false"; } // return result return $res; } else { if ($_GET['optimize'] == "checksum") { // This will create all INDEXES we need for this logstream! $res = $myReportObj->ChangeChecksumFieldUnsigned($mySourceID); if ($res != SUCCESS) { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ERROR_FAILED_CHANGE_CHECKSUM'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name'], $res); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['ERROR_MSG'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } else { // Show information in performance warning area $content['ISSOURCENOTOPTIMIZED'] = true; $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_CHECKSUM_CHANGED']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityNotice'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_CHECKSUM_CHANGED_SUCCESS'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "false"; } // return result return $res; } } } } } // Use SESSION to check if Source needs to be checked for optimization $bForceCheck = false; if (!isset($_SESSION['Sources'][$mySourceID]['optimized']) || $_SESSION['Sources'][$mySourceID]['optimized'] == false || isset($_GET['forcecheckoptimize']) && $_GET['forcecheckoptimize'] == "true") { // Set Checking to true! $bForceCheck = true; } // Lets see if we need to check if ($bForceCheck) { // Run checks $res = $myReportObj->CheckLogStreamSource($mySourceID); if ($res != SUCCESS) { // Current Logstream Source is not optimized! Show to user! $content['ISSOURCENOTOPTIMIZED'] = true; if ($res == ERROR_DB_DBFIELDNOTFOUND) { $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_PERFORMANCE_WARNING']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityWarning'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ADD_MISSINGFIELDS'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "true"; $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] .= "optimize=addfields"; // Addmissing fields } else { if ($res == ERROR_DB_INDEXESMISSING) { $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_PERFORMANCE_WARNING']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityWarning'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_OPTIMIZE_INDEXES'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "true"; $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] .= "optimize=indexes"; // Add missing INDEXES } else { if ($res == ERROR_DB_TRIGGERMISSING) { $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_PERFORMANCE_WARNING']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityWarning'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_OPTIMIZE_TRIGGER'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "true"; $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] .= "optimize=trigger"; // Add missing TRIGGERS } else { if ($res == ERROR_DB_CHECKSUMERROR) { $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_PERFORMANCE_WARNING']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityWarning'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_CHANGE_CHECKSUM'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name']); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "true"; $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] .= "optimize=checksum"; // Change Checksum field! } else { $content['MSG_WARNING_TITLE'] = $content['LN_REPORTS_SOURCE_WARNING']; $content['MSG_WARNING_CLASS'] = 'PriorityWarning'; $content['MSG_WARNING_DETAILS'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_REPORTS_ERROR_FAILED_SOURCE_CHECK'], $content['SOURCES'][$mySourceID]['Name'], GetErrorMessage($res)); $content['MSG_WARNING_SUBMITFORM'] = "true"; $content['MSG_WARNING_FORMURL'] .= "forcecheckoptimize=true"; // Change Checksum field! } } } } } else { // Check was successfull! Set Checked Property in LogStream Source $_SESSION['Sources'][$mySourceID]['optimized'] = true; } } }
function CheckLDAPUserLogin($username, $password) { global $content; // Create LDAP Searchfilter $ldap_filter = '(&' . $content['LDAPSearchFilter'] . '(' . $content['LDAPUidAttribute'] . '=' . $username . '))'; // Get LDAP Connection $ldapConn = DoLDAPConnect(); if ($ldapConn) { if (!DoLDAPBind($ldapConn)) { if (GetConfigSetting("DebugUserLogin", 0) == 1) { // Die with error DebugLDAPErrorAndDie(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_LOGIN_LDAP_USERBINDFAILED'], $content['LDAPBindDN'], ldap_err2str(ldap_errno($ldapConn))), $ldap_filter); } return false; } } else { if (GetConfigSetting("DebugUserLogin", 0) == 1) { // Die with error DebugLDAPErrorAndDie(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_LOGIN_LDAP_SERVERFAILED'], $content['LDAPServer'] . ":" . $content['LDAPPort'], ldap_err2str(ldap_errno($ldapConn))), $ldap_filter); } // return false in this case return false; } // Search for the user if (!($r = @ldap_search($ldapConn, $content['LDAPBaseDN'], $ldap_filter, array("uid", "cn", "localentryid", "userpassword")))) { if (GetConfigSetting("DebugUserLogin", 0) == 1) { // Die with error DebugLDAPErrorAndDie(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_LOGIN_LDAP_USERCOULDNOTLOGIN'], $username, ldap_err2str(ldap_errno($ldapConn))), $ldap_filter); } // return false in this case return false; } $info = ldap_get_entries($ldapConn, $r); if (!$info || $info["count"] != 1) { if (GetConfigSetting("DebugUserLogin", 0) == 1) { // Die with error DebugLDAPErrorAndDie(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_LOGIN_LDAP_USERNOTFOUND'], $username), $ldap_filter); } // return false in this case return false; } // now we have the user data. Do a bind to check for his password if (!($r = @ldap_bind($ldapConn, $info[0]['dn'], $password))) { if (GetConfigSetting("DebugUserLogin", 0) == 1) { // Die with error DebugLDAPErrorAndDie(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_LOGIN_LDAP_PASSWORDFAIL'], $username), $ldap_filter); } // return false in this case return false; } // for the moment when a user logs in from LDAP, create it in the DB. // then the prefs and group management is done in the DB and we don't rewrite the whole Loganalyzer code… // // added by czhujer // $ldapadmingroup = "cn=loganalyzeradminusers,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=someorg,dc=en"; if (LdapCheckGroup($ldapConn, $info[0]['dn'], $ldapadmingroup)) { $ldapuser_is_admin = 1; $ldapuser_is_readonly = 0; //echo "You're (".$info[0]['dn'].") member of \"".$ldapadmingroup."\""; } else { //echo "You're (".$info[0]['dn'].") not member of \"".$ldapadmingroup."\""; $ldapuser_admin = 0; $ldapuser_is_readonly = 1; } /* debug echo "<pre>"; print_r($info); echo "</pre>"; DebugLDAPErrorAndDie("" , $ldap_filter ); */ // // end of czhujer modify // /* DB_RemoveBadChars() needs to be done here to maintain backwards compatibility even if it is not needed here*/ $md5pass = md5(DB_RemoveBadChars($password)); // check if the user already exist $sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_USERS . "` WHERE username = '******'"; $result = DB_Query($sqlquery); $myrow = DB_GetSingleRow($result, true); if (!isset($myrow['is_admin'])) { // Create User | use password to create MD5 Hash, so technically the user could login without LDAP as well //$sqlcmd = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_USERS . "` (username, password, is_admin, is_readonly) VALUES ('" . $username . "', '" . $md5pass . "', 0, 1)"; //modified by czhujer $sqlcmd = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_USERS . "` (username, password, is_admin, is_readonly) VALUES " . "('" . $username . "', '" . $md5pass . "', " . intval($ldapuser_is_admin) . ", " . intval($ldapuser_is_readonly) . ")"; $result = DB_Query($sqlcmd); DB_FreeQuery($result); $myrow['is_admin'] = 0; $myrow['last_login'] = 0; $myrow['is_readonly'] = 1; } // Construct Row and return $myrowfinal['username'] = $username; $myrowfinal['password'] = $md5pass; $myrowfinal['dn'] = $info[0]['dn']; if (isset($myrow['ID'])) { $myrowfinal['ID'] = $myrow['ID']; } else { $myrowfinal['ID'] = DB_ReturnLastInsertID(); } // Get from last insert! $myrowfinal['is_admin'] = $myrow['is_admin']; $myrowfinal['is_readonly'] = $myrow['is_readonly']; $myrowfinal['last_login'] = $myrow['last_login']; return $myrowfinal; }
/** * Verify if the file exists! * * @return integer Error state */ public function Verify() { global $content; // --- Check if Filename is within allowed directories! $szFileDirName = dirname($this->_logStreamConfigObj->FileName) . '/'; $bIsAllowedDir = false; foreach ($content['DiskAllowed'] as $szAllowedDir) { if (strpos($szFileDirName, $szAllowedDir) !== FALSE) { $bIsAllowedDir = true; break; } } if (!$bIsAllowedDir) { global $extraErrorDescription; $extraErrorDescription = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_ERROR_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED_EXTRA'], $this->_logStreamConfigObj->FileName, implode(", ", $content['DiskAllowed'])); return ERROR_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED; } // --- // Check if file exists! if (!file_exists($this->_logStreamConfigObj->FileName)) { return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } // Check if file is readable! if (!is_readable($this->_logStreamConfigObj->FileName)) { return ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE; } // reached this point means success ;)! return SUCCESS; }
// --- CONTENT Vars if (isset($_GET['redir'])) { // Only automatically redirect if above 0 if ($content['REDIRSECONDS'] > 0) { $content['EXTRA_METATAGS'] = '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="' . $content['REDIRSECONDS'] . '; URL=' . urldecode($_GET['redir']) . '">'; } // Set redir string $content['SZREDIR'] = urldecode($_GET['redir']); } else { $_GET['redir'] = "index.php"; } if (isset($_GET['msg'])) { $content['SZMSG'] = DB_StripSlahes($_GET['msg']); } else { $content['SZMSG'] = $content["LN_ADMIN_UNKNOWNSTATE"]; } if ($content['REDIRSECONDS'] > 0) { $content['TITLE'] = "LogAnalyzer - Redirecting to '" . $content['SZREDIR'] . "' in " . $content['REDIRSECONDS'] . " seconds"; // Title of the Page $content['LN_ADMIN_RESULTLINK'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_ADMIN_RESULTREDIRECT'], $content['SZREDIR'], $content['REDIRSECONDS']); } else { $content['TITLE'] = "LogAnalyzer - Redirecting to '" . $content['SZREDIR'] . "'"; // Title of the Page $content['LN_ADMIN_RESULTLINK'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_ADMIN_RESULTCLICK'], $content['SZREDIR']); } // --- // --- Parsen and Output InitTemplateParser(); $page->parser($content, "admin/result.html"); $page->output(); // ---
// --- Process Sources $i = 0; // Help counter! foreach ($content['CHARTS'] as &$myChart) { // --- Set Image for Type // NonNUMERIC are config files Sources, can not be editied if (is_numeric($myChart['ID'])) { // Allow EDIT $myChart['ActionsAllowed'] = true; if ($myChart['userid'] != null) { $myChart['ChartAssignedToImage'] = $content["MENU_ADMINUSERS"]; $myChart['ChartAssignedToText'] = $content["LN_GEN_USERONLY"]; } else { if ($myChart['groupid'] != null) { $myChart['ChartAssignedToImage'] = $content["MENU_ADMINGROUPS"]; $myChart['ChartAssignedToText'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_GEN_GROUPONLYNAME"], $myChart['groupname']); // Check if is ADMIN User, deny if normal user! if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN']) || $_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN'] == 0) { $myChart['ActionsAllowed'] = false; } } else { $myChart['ChartAssignedToImage'] = $content["MENU_GLOBAL"]; $myChart['ChartAssignedToText'] = $content["LN_GEN_GLOBAL"]; // Check if is ADMIN User, deny if normal user! if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN']) || $_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN'] == 0) { $myChart['ActionsAllowed'] = false; } } } } else { // Disallow EDIT
$content['helplinksenabled'] = true; // Loop through all Sources $i = 0; foreach ($content['Sources'] as $mySource) { $myHelpLink['SourceName'] = $mySource['Name']; $myHelpLink['MsgUrl'] = $content['BASEPATH'] . "index.php?filter=" . urlencode($content['oracle_query']) . "&search=Search&sourceid=" . $mySource['ID']; // $myHelpLink['MsgDisplayName'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr( $content['LN_ORACLE_SEARCHINFIELD'], "Message" ); $myHelpLink['SourceUrl'] = $content['BASEPATH'] . "index.php?filter=" . urlencode("source:=" . $content['oracle_query']) . "&search=Search&sourceid=" . $mySource['ID']; // $myHelpLink['SourceDisplayName'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr( $content['LN_ORACLE_SEARCHINFIELD'], "Source" ); // --- Set CSS Class if ($i % 2 == 0) { $myHelpLink['cssclass'] = "line1"; } else { $myHelpLink['cssclass'] = "line2"; } $i++; // --- // Add to help Link array! $content['HelpLinks'][] = $myHelpLink; } // --- // --- BEGIN CREATE TITLE $content['TITLE'] = InitPageTitle(); // Append custom title part! $content['TITLE'] .= GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_ORACLE_TITLE'], urlencode($content['oracle_query'])); // --- END CREATE TITLE // --- Parsen and Output InitTemplateParser(); $page->parser($content, "asktheoracle.html"); $page->output(); // ---
$content['VIEWS'] = $content['Views']; // --- Process Views $i = 0; // Help counter! foreach ($content['VIEWS'] as &$myView) { // So internal Views can not be edited but seen if (is_numeric($myView['ID'])) { $myView['ActionsAllowed'] = true; // --- Set Image for Type if ($myView['userid'] != null) { $myView['ViewTypeImage'] = $content["MENU_ADMINUSERS"]; $myView['ViewTypeText'] = $content["LN_GEN_USERONLY"]; } else { if ($myView['groupid'] != null) { $myView['ViewTypeImage'] = $content["MENU_ADMINGROUPS"]; $myView['ViewTypeText'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_GEN_GROUPONLYNAME"], $myView['groupname']); // Check if is ADMIN User, deny if normal user! if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN']) || $_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN'] == 0) { $myView['ActionsAllowed'] = false; } } else { $myView['ViewTypeImage'] = $content["MENU_GLOBAL"]; $myView['ViewTypeText'] = $content["LN_GEN_GLOBAL"]; // Check if is ADMIN User, deny if normal user! if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN']) || $_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN'] == 0) { $myView['ActionsAllowed'] = false; } } } // --- } else {
function CleanData($optParam1, $optParam2, $optParam3, $optParam4) { global $content, $gl_root_path; // Get Source reference! $mySource = $content['Sources'][$content['SOURCEID']]; // Check Source Type if ($mySource['SourceType'] == SOURCE_DB || $mySource['SourceType'] == SOURCE_PDO) { // Include LogStream facility include $gl_root_path . 'classes/logstream.class.php'; //Debug Output PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_INFO, "CleanData", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_CLEANINGDATAFOR"], $mySource['Name'])); // Create LogStream Object $stream = $mySource['ObjRef']->LogStreamFactory($mySource['ObjRef']); $res = $stream->Verify(); if ($res == SUCCESS) { // Gather Database Stats $content['ROWCOUNT'] = $stream->GetLogStreamTotalRowCount(); if (isset($content['ROWCOUNT'])) { //Debug Output PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_INFO, "CleanData", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_ROWSFOUND"], $content['ROWCOUNT'], $mySource['Name'])); if ($optParam1 != NULL) { if ($optParam1 == "all") { $timestamp = 0; } else { if ($optParam1 == "olderthan" && $optParam2 != NULL) { // Take current time and subtract Seconds $nSecondsSubtract = intval($optParam2); $timestamp = time() - $nSecondsSubtract; } else { if ($optParam1 == "date" && $optParam2 != NULL && $optParam3 != NULL && $optParam4 != NULL) { // Generate Timestamp $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($optParam2), intval($optParam3), intval($optParam4)); } else { // Print error and die! DieWithErrorMsg($content["LN_CMD_WRONGSUBOPORMISSING"]); } } } // Continue with delete only if $timestamp is set! if (isset($timestamp)) { //Debug Output PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_INFO, "CleanData", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_DELETINGOLDERTHEN"], date("Y-m-d", $timestamp))); // Now perform the data cleanup! $content['affectedrows'] = $stream->CleanupLogdataByDate($timestamp); if (isset($content['affectedrows'])) { //Debug Output PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_INFO, "CleanData", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_DELETEDROWS"], $content['affectedrows'])); } else { // Print error and die! DieWithErrorMsg(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_FAILEDTOCLEANDATA"], $mySource['Name'])); } } } else { // Print error and die! DieWithErrorMsg($content["LN_CMD_SUBPARAM1MISSING"]); } } else { // Print error and die! DieWithErrorMsg(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_COULDNOTGETROWCOUNT"], $mySource['Name'])); } } else { // Print error and die! $szErroMsg = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_SOURCES_ERROR_WITHINSOURCE"], $mySource['Name'], GetErrorMessage($res)); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $szErroMsg .= "\r\n\r\n" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } DieWithErrorMsg($szErroMsg); } } else { // Print error and die! DieWithErrorMsg(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_SOURCES_ERROR_NOCLEARSUPPORT"], $content['SOURCEID'])); } }
$sqlquery = "INSERT INTO " . DB_FIELDS . " (FieldID, FieldCaption, FieldDefine, SearchField, FieldAlign, DefaultWidth, FieldType, SearchOnline) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $myField['FieldID'] . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $myField['FieldCaption'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $myField['FieldDefine'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $myField['SearchField'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $myField['FieldAlign'] . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $myField['DefaultWidth'] . ", \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $myField['FieldType'] . ", \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $myField['SearchOnline'] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)"; $result = DB_Query($sqlquery); DB_FreeQuery($result); // increment counter $addedFields++; } } // Do the final redirect RedirectResult(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_PARSERS_ERROR_HASBEENADDED'], $myParser['DisplayName'], $addedFields), "parsers.php"); } else { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_PARSERS_ERROR_NOFIELDS'], $content['ParserID']); } } else { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_PARSERS_ERROR_IDNOTFOUND'], $content['ParserID']); } } else { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = $content['LN_PARSERS_ERROR_INVALIDID']; } } } } } // Default mode! if (!isset($_POST['op']) && !isset($_GET['op'])) { if (isset($content['PARSERS'])) { // Default Mode = List Searches $content['LISTPARSERS'] = "true"; $i = 0;
function AddOnClickMenu(&$fieldGridItem, $fieldType, $FieldID) { global $content, $fields, $myStrCharLimit; // Set OnClick Menu for SYSLOG_SYSLOGTAG $fieldGridItem['hasbuttons'] = true; // Set Field Caption if (isset($content['fields'][$FieldID]['FieldCaption']) && strlen($content['fields'][$FieldID]['FieldCaption']) > 0) { $szFieldDisplayName = $content['fields'][$FieldID]['FieldCaption']; } else { $szFieldDisplayName = $FieldID; } // Set FieldSearch Value if ($fieldType == FILTER_TYPE_STRING && isset($fieldGridItem['encodedfieldvalue'])) { $szEncodedFieldValue = urlencode($fieldGridItem['encodedfieldvalue']); } else { $szEncodedFieldValue = $fieldGridItem['fieldvalue']; } // Set FieldSearchName if (isset($fields[$FieldID]['SearchField'])) { $szSearchFieldName = $fields[$FieldID]['SearchField']; } else { $szSearchFieldName = $FieldID; } // Menu Option to append filter if (strlen($content['searchstr']) > 0) { $fieldGridItem['buttons'][] = array('ButtonUrl' => '?filter=' . urlencode($content['searchstr']) . '+' . $szSearchFieldName . '%3A%3D' . $szEncodedFieldValue . '&search=Search' . $content['additional_url_sourceonly'], 'ButtonTarget' => '_top', 'ButtonAppendUrl' => true, 'DisplayName' => GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_VIEW_ADDTOFILTER'], $fieldGridItem['fieldvalue']), 'IconSource' => $content['MENU_BULLET_GREEN']); $fieldGridItem['buttons'][] = array('ButtonUrl' => '?filter=' . urlencode($content['searchstr']) . '+' . $szSearchFieldName . '%3A-%3D' . $szEncodedFieldValue . '&search=Search' . $content['additional_url_sourceonly'], 'ButtonTarget' => '_top', 'ButtonAppendUrl' => true, 'DisplayName' => GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_VIEW_EXCLUDEFILTER'], $fieldGridItem['fieldvalue']), 'IconSource' => $content['MENU_BULLET_GREEN']); } // More Menu entries $fieldGridItem['buttons'][] = array('ButtonUrl' => '?filter=' . $szSearchFieldName . '%3A%3D' . $szEncodedFieldValue . '&search=Search' . $content['additional_url_sourceonly'], 'ButtonTarget' => '_top', 'ButtonAppendUrl' => true, 'DisplayName' => GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_VIEW_FILTERFORONLY'], $fieldGridItem['fieldvalue']), 'IconSource' => $content['MENU_BULLET_BLUE']); $fieldGridItem['buttons'][] = array('ButtonUrl' => '?filter=' . $szSearchFieldName . '%3A-%3D' . $szEncodedFieldValue . '&search=Search' . $content['additional_url_sourceonly'], 'ButtonTarget' => '_top', 'ButtonAppendUrl' => true, 'DisplayName' => GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_VIEW_SHOWALLBUT'], $fieldGridItem['fieldvalue']), 'IconSource' => $content['MENU_BULLET_BLUE']); // Add Online Search Button if (isset($fields[$FieldID]['SearchOnline']) && $fields[$FieldID]['SearchOnline'] && strlen($fieldGridItem['fieldvalue']) > 0) { $fieldGridItem['buttons'][] = array('ButtonUrl' => '' . $FieldID . '&q=' . $szEncodedFieldValue, 'ButtonTarget' => '_top', 'ButtonAppendUrl' => true, 'DisplayName' => $content['LN_VIEW_SEARCHFOR'] . " " . $szFieldDisplayName . " '" . $fieldGridItem['fieldvalue'] . "'", 'IconSource' => $content['MENU_NETWORK']); if (GetConfigSetting("InlineOnlineSearchIcons", 1, CFGLEVEL_USER) == 1) { // Enable SearchOnline Icon $fieldGridItem['searchonline'] = true; $fieldGridItem['SearchOnlineUrl'] = '' . $FieldID . '&q=' . $szEncodedFieldValue; } } // Search for links within the fieldcontent! if ($fieldType == FILTER_TYPE_STRING && preg_match("#([\\w]+?://[\\w\\#\$%&~/.\\-;:=,?@\\[\\]+]*)#is", $fieldGridItem['rawfieldvalue'], $szLink) >= 1) { $fieldGridItem['buttons'][] = array('ButtonUrl' => $szLink[0], 'ButtonTarget' => '_blank', 'ButtonAppendUrl' => false, 'DisplayName' => GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_VIEW_VISITLINK'], strlen($szLink[0]) > $myStrCharLimit ? substr($szLink[0], 0, $myStrCharLimit) . "..." : $szLink[0]), 'IconSource' => $content['MENU_NETWORK']); } }
function ConvertCustomSources() { global $CFG, $content; // Insert all searches into the DB! foreach ($CFG['Sources'] as $sourceid => &$mySource) { // Correct VIEWID! if (isset($mySource['ViewID'])) { if (isset($CFG['Views'][$mySource['ViewID']]['DBID'])) { $mySource['ViewID'] = $CFG['Views'][$mySource['ViewID']]['DBID']; } } else { $mySource['ViewID'] = ""; } // Set empty default // Add New Entry if ($mySource['SourceType'] == SOURCE_DISK) { $result = DB_Query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_SOURCES . "` (Name, Description, SourceType, MsgParserList, MsgNormalize, ViewID, LogLineType, DiskFile) VALUES ( " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['Name']) . "', " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['Description']) . "', " . " " . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['SourceType']) . " , " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['MsgParserList']) . "', " . " " . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['MsgNormalize']) . " , " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['ViewID']) . "', " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['LogLineType']) . "', " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['DiskFile']) . "'" . ")"); } else { if ($mySource['SourceType'] == SOURCE_DB || $mySource['SourceType'] == SOURCE_PDO) { // Set Default for number fields if (!isset($mySource['DBEnableRowCounting'])) { $mySource['DBEnableRowCounting'] = 0; } else { // Force to number $mySource['DBEnableRowCounting'] = intval($mySource['DBEnableRowCounting']); } if (!isset($mySource['DBType'])) { $mySource['DBType'] = DB_MYSQL; } // Perform the insert $result = DB_Query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_SOURCES . "` (Name, Description, SourceType, MsgParserList, MsgNormalize, ViewID, DBTableType, DBType, DBServer, DBName, DBUser, DBPassword, DBTableName, DBEnableRowCounting) VALUES ( " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['Name']) . "', " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['Description']) . "', " . " " . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['SourceType']) . " , " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['MsgParserList']) . "', " . " " . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['MsgNormalize']) . " , " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['ViewID']) . "', " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['DBTableType']) . "', " . " " . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['DBType']) . " , " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['DBServer']) . "', " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['DBName']) . "', " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['DBUser']) . "', " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['DBPassword']) . "', " . "'" . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['DBTableName']) . "', " . " " . PrepareValueForDB($mySource['DBEnableRowCounting']) . " " . ")"); } else { DieWithFriendlyErrorMsg(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_CONVERT_ERROR_SOURCEIMPORT'], $mySource['SourceType'])); } } // Copy DBID! $mySource['DBID'] = DB_ReturnLastInsertID($result); DB_FreeQuery($result); } // --- Check and set DefaultSourceID! if (isset($content['DefaultSourceID']) && strlen($content['DefaultSourceID']) > 0 && isset($CFG['Sources'][$content['DefaultSourceID']]['DBID'])) { // Copy the new DefaultSourceID back! $content['DefaultSourceID'] = $CFG['Sources'][$content['DefaultSourceID']]['DBID']; $CFG['DefaultSourceID'] = $content['DefaultSourceID']; } // --- }
} else { // Report error! $content['ISEDITORNEWDBMP'] = false; $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_DBMP_ERROR_MISSINGFIELDNAME'], $myColKey); // Abort loop break; } } // Only perform if no error occured if (!isset($content['ISERROR'])) { // Edit the Search Entry now! $result = DB_Query("UPDATE " . DB_MAPPINGS . " SET \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDisplayName = '" . $content['DisplayName'] . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMappings = '" . $content['SUBMAPPINGS'] . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ID = " . $content['DBMPID']); DB_FreeQuery($result); // Done redirect! RedirectResult(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_DBMP_HASBEENEDIT'], DB_StripSlahes($content['DisplayName'])), "dbmappings.php"); } } else { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = $content['LN_DBMP_ERROR_NOCOLUMNS']; } } } } } } } } } } }
if (isset($_GET['op'])) { if ($_GET['op'] == "upgrade") { // Lets start the uodating! $content['UPGRADE_RUNNING'] = "1"; $content['sql_sucess'] = 0; $content['sql_failed'] = 0; $totaldbdefs = ""; $tblPref = GetConfigSetting("UserDBPref", "logcon"); // +1 so we start at the right DB Version! for ($i = $content['database_installedversion'] + 1; $i <= $content['database_internalversion']; $i++) { $myfilename = "db_update_v" . $i . ".txt"; // Lets read the table definitions :) $handle = @fopen($content['BASEPATH'] . "include/" . $myfilename, "r"); if ($handle === false) { $content['ISERROR'] = "true"; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_DBUPGRADE_DBFILENOTFOUND'], $myfilename); } else { while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096); $pos = strpos($buffer, "--"); if ($pos === false) { $totaldbdefs .= $buffer; } else { if ($pos > 2 && strlen(trim($buffer)) > 1) { $totaldbdefs .= $buffer; } } } fclose($handle); } }
function GetErrorMessage($errorCode) { global $content; switch ($errorCode) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: return $content['LN_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND']; case ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE: return $content['LN_ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE']; case ERROR_FILE_EOF: return $content['LN_ERROR_FILE_EOF']; case ERROR_FILE_BOF: return $content['LN_ERROR_FILE_BOF']; case ERROR_FILE_CANT_CLOSE: return $content['LN_ERROR_FILE_CANT_CLOSE']; case ERROR_UNDEFINED: return $content['LN_ERROR_UNDEFINED']; case ERROR_EOS: return $content['LN_ERROR_EOS']; case ERROR_NOMORERECORDS: return $content['LN_ERROR_NORECORDS']; case ERROR_FILTER_NOT_MATCH: return $content['LN_ERROR_FILTER_NOT_MATCH']; case ERROR_DB_CONNECTFAILED: return $content['LN_ERROR_DB_CONNECTFAILED']; case ERROR_DB_CANNOTSELECTDB: return $content['LN_ERROR_DB_CANNOTSELECTDB']; case ERROR_DB_QUERYFAILED: return isset($content['LN_ERROR_DB_QUERYFAILED']) ? $content['LN_ERROR_DB_QUERYFAILED'] : $errorCode; case ERROR_DB_NOPROPERTIES: return $content['LN_ERROR_DB_NOPROPERTIES']; case ERROR_DB_INVALIDDBMAPPING: return $content['LN_ERROR_DB_INVALIDDBMAPPING']; case ERROR_DB_INVALIDDBDRIVER: return $content['LN_ERROR_DB_INVALIDDBDRIVER']; case ERROR_DB_TABLENOTFOUND: return $content['LN_ERROR_DB_TABLENOTFOUND']; case ERROR_DB_DBFIELDNOTFOUND: return $content['LN_ERROR_DB_DBFIELDNOTFOUND']; case ERROR_CHARTS_NOTCONFIGURED: return $content['LN_ERROR_CHARTS_NOTCONFIGURED']; case ERROR_FILE_NOMORETIME: return $content['LN_ERROR_FILE_NOMORETIME']; case ERROR_SOURCENOTFOUND: return $content['LN_GEN_ERROR_SOURCENOTFOUND']; case ERROR_REPORT_NODATA: return $content['LN_GEN_ERROR_REPORT_NODATA']; case ERROR_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED: return $content['LN_ERROR_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED']; default: return GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_ERROR_UNKNOWN'], $errorCode); } }
function InitSource(&$mysource) { global $CFG, $content, $gl_root_path, $currentSourceID; if (isset($mysource['SourceType'])) { // Set Array Index, TODO: Check for invalid characters! $iSourceID = $mysource['ID']; // --- Set defaults if not set! if (!isset($mysource['LogLineType'])) { $CFG['Sources'][$iSourceID]['LogLineType'] = "syslog"; $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['LogLineType'] = "syslog"; } if (!isset($mysource['userid'])) { $CFG['Sources'][$iSourceID]['userid'] = null; $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['userid'] = null; } if (!isset($mysource['groupid'])) { $CFG['Sources'][$iSourceID]['groupid'] = null; $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['groupid'] = null; } if (!isset($mysource['MsgParserList'])) { $CFG['Sources'][$iSourceID]['MsgParserList'] = null; $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['MsgParserList'] = null; } if (!isset($mysource['MsgNormalize'])) { $CFG['Sources'][$iSourceID]['MsgNormalize'] = 0; $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['MsgNormalize'] = 0; } if (!isset($mysource['MsgSkipUnparseable'])) { $CFG['Sources'][$iSourceID]['MsgSkipUnparseable'] = 0; $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['MsgSkipUnparseable'] = 0; } if (!isset($mysource['Description'])) { $CFG['Sources'][$iSourceID]['Description'] = ""; $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['Description'] = ""; } if (!isset($mysource['defaultfilter'])) { $CFG['Sources'][$iSourceID]['defaultfilter'] = ""; $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['defaultfilter'] = ""; } // --- // Set default view id to source $tmpVar = GetConfigSetting("DefaultViewsID", "", CFGLEVEL_USER); $szDefaultViewID = strlen($tmpVar) > 0 ? $tmpVar : "SYSLOG"; if (isset($_SESSION[$iSourceID . "-View"])) { // check if view is valid $UserSessionViewID = $_SESSION[$iSourceID . "-View"]; if (isset($content['Views'][$UserSessionViewID])) { // Overwrite configured view! $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['ViewID'] = $_SESSION[$iSourceID . "-View"]; } else { $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['ViewID'] = $szDefaultViewID; } } else { if (isset($mysource['ViewID']) && strlen($mysource['ViewID']) > 0 && isset($content['Views'][$mysource['ViewID']])) { // Set to configured Source ViewID $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['ViewID'] = $mysource['ViewID']; } else { // Not configured, maybe old legacy cfg. Set default view. $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['ViewID'] = $szDefaultViewID; } } // Only for the display box $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['selected'] = ""; // Create Config instance! if ($mysource['SourceType'] == SOURCE_DISK) { // Perform necessary include require_once $gl_root_path . 'classes/logstreamconfigdisk.class.php'; $mysource['ObjRef'] = new LogStreamConfigDisk(); $mysource['ObjRef']->SetFileName($mysource['DiskFile']); $mysource['ObjRef']->LineParserType = $mysource['LogLineType']; } else { if ($mysource['SourceType'] == SOURCE_DB) { // Perform necessary include require_once $gl_root_path . 'classes/logstreamconfigdb.class.php'; $mysource['ObjRef'] = new LogStreamConfigDB(); $mysource['ObjRef']->DBServer = $mysource['DBServer']; $mysource['ObjRef']->DBName = $mysource['DBName']; // Workaround a little bug from the installer script if (isset($mysource['DBType'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBType = $mysource['DBType']; } else { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBType = DB_MYSQL; } $mysource['ObjRef']->DBTableName = $mysource['DBTableName']; // Legacy handling for tabletype! if (isset($mysource['DBTableType']) && strtolower($mysource['DBTableType']) == "winsyslog") { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBTableType = "monitorware"; } else { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBTableType = strtolower($mysource['DBTableType']); } // Optional parameters! if (isset($mysource['DBPort'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBPort = $mysource['DBPort']; } if (isset($mysource['DBUser'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBUser = $mysource['DBUser']; } if (isset($mysource['DBPassword'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBPassword = $mysource['DBPassword']; } if (isset($mysource['DBEnableRowCounting'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBEnableRowCounting = $mysource['DBEnableRowCounting']; } if (isset($mysource['DBRecordsPerQuery'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->RecordsPerQuery = $mysource['DBRecordsPerQuery']; } } else { if ($mysource['SourceType'] == SOURCE_PDO) { // Perform necessary include require_once $gl_root_path . 'classes/logstreamconfigpdo.class.php'; $mysource['ObjRef'] = new LogStreamConfigPDO(); $mysource['ObjRef']->DBServer = $mysource['DBServer']; $mysource['ObjRef']->DBName = $mysource['DBName']; $mysource['ObjRef']->DBType = $mysource['DBType']; $mysource['ObjRef']->DBTableName = $mysource['DBTableName']; $mysource['ObjRef']->DBTableType = strtolower($mysource['DBTableType']); // Optional parameters! if (isset($mysource['DBPort'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBPort = $mysource['DBPort']; } if (isset($mysource['DBUser'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBUser = $mysource['DBUser']; } if (isset($mysource['DBPassword'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBPassword = $mysource['DBPassword']; } if (isset($mysource['DBEnableRowCounting'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBEnableRowCounting = $mysource['DBEnableRowCounting']; } } else { if ($mysource['SourceType'] == SOURCE_MONGODB) { // Perform necessary include require_once $gl_root_path . 'classes/logstreamconfigmongodb.class.php'; $mysource['ObjRef'] = new LogStreamConfigMongoDB(); $mysource['ObjRef']->DBServer = $mysource['DBServer']; $mysource['ObjRef']->DBName = $mysource['DBName']; $mysource['ObjRef']->DBCollection = $mysource['DBTableName']; $mysource['ObjRef']->DBTableType = strtolower($mysource['DBTableType']); // Optional parameters! if (isset($mysource['DBPort'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBPort = $mysource['DBPort']; } if (isset($mysource['DBUser'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBUser = $mysource['DBUser']; } if (isset($mysource['DBPassword'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBPassword = $mysource['DBPassword']; } // if ( isset($mysource['DBEnableRowCounting']) ) { $mysource['ObjRef']->DBEnableRowCounting = $mysource['DBEnableRowCounting']; } } else { // UNKNOWN, remove config entry! unset($content['Sources'][$iSourceID]); // Output Debug Warning only! OutputDebugMessage(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_GEN_CRITERROR_UNKNOWNTYPE'], $mysource['SourceType']), DEBUG_ERROR); // DieWithFriendlyErrorMsg( GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_GEN_CRITERROR_UNKNOWNTYPE'], $mysource['SourceType']) ); return ERROR; } } } } // Set generic configuration options $mysource['ObjRef']->_pageCount = GetConfigSetting("ViewEntriesPerPage", 50); if (isset($mysource['MsgParserList'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->SetMsgParserList($mysource['MsgParserList']); } if (isset($mysource['MsgNormalize'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->SetMsgNormalize($mysource['MsgNormalize']); } if (isset($mysource['MsgSkipUnparseable'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->SetSkipUnparseable($mysource['MsgSkipUnparseable']); } if (isset($mysource['defaultfilter'])) { $mysource['ObjRef']->SetDefaultfilter($mysource['defaultfilter']); } // Set default SourceID here! if (isset($content['Sources'][$iSourceID]) && !isset($currentSourceID)) { $currentSourceID = $iSourceID; } // Copy Object REF into CFG and content Array as well! $content['Sources'][$iSourceID]['ObjRef'] = $mysource['ObjRef']; $CFG['Sources'][$iSourceID]['ObjRef'] = $mysource['ObjRef']; } }
function PerformSQLDelete($szDeleteStm, $szErrMsg, $szUserID) { global $content; $result = DB_Query($szDeleteStm); if ($result == FALSE) { $content['ISERROR'] = true; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content[$szErrMsg], $szUserID); return false; } else { DB_FreeQuery($result); } // Success return true; }
} // This will enable to Main SyslogView $content['messageenabled'] = "true"; } else { // Disable view and print error state! $content['messageenabled'] = "false"; // Set error code $content['error_code'] = $ret; if ($ret == ERROR_UNDEFINED) { $content['detailederror'] = "Undefined error happened within the logstream."; } else { $content['detailederror'] = "Unknown or unhandeled error occured."; } // Add extra error stuff if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $content['detailederror'] .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } } } else { // This will disable to Main SyslogView and show an error message $content['messageenabled'] = "false"; // Set error code $content['error_code'] = $ret; if ($ret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { $content['detailederror'] = $content['LN_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND']; } else { if ($ret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE) { $content['detailederror'] = $content['LN_ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE']; } else { $content['detailederror'] = $content['LN_ERROR_UNKNOWN']; }
function RunReport() { global $content, $gl_root_path; // Get Reference to report! $myReport = $content['REPORTS'][$content['reportid']]; // Get reference to savedreport $mySavedReport = $myReport['SAVEDREPORTS'][$content['savedreportid']]; // Get Objectreference to report $myReportObj = $myReport["ObjRef"]; // Set SavedReport Settings! $myReportObj->InitFromSavedReport($mySavedReport); //Debug Output PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_INFO, "RunReport", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_CMD_RUNREPORT"], $mySavedReport['customTitle'])); // Perform check $res = $myReportObj->verifyDataSource(); if ($res != SUCCESS) { // Print error and die! $szError = GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_GEN_ERROR_REPORTGENFAILED'], $mySavedReport['customTitle'], GetAndReplaceLangStr(GetErrorMessage($res), $mySavedReport['sourceid'])); if (isset($extraErrorDescription)) { $szError .= "<br><br>" . GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_SOURCES_ERROR_EXTRAMSG'], $extraErrorDescription); } DieWithErrorMsg($szError); } else { // Call processing part now! $res = $myReportObj->startDataProcessing(); if ($res != SUCCESS) { DieWithErrorMsg(GetAndReplaceLangStr($content['LN_GEN_ERROR_REPORTGENFAILED'], $mySavedReport['customTitle'], GetErrorMessage($res))); } else { // --- Perform report output // Init IncludePath $reportIncludePath = $myReportObj->GetReportIncludePath(); // Include Custom language file if available $myReportObj->InitReportLanguageFile($reportIncludePath); // Init template Parser $page = new Template(); $page->set_path($reportIncludePath); // Parse template $page->parser($content, $myReportObj->GetBaseFileName()); // Output the result $res = $myReportObj->OutputReport($page->result(), $szErrorStr); if ($res == SUCCESS && $myReportObj->GetOutputTarget() != REPORT_TARGET_STDOUT) { //Debug Output PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_INFO, "RunReport", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_GEN_SUCCESS_REPORTWASGENERATED_DETAILS"], $szErrorStr)); } else { if ($res == ERROR) { // Debug Error PrintHTMLDebugInfo(DEBUG_ERROR, "RunReport", GetAndReplaceLangStr($content["LN_GEN_ERROR_REPORTFAILEDTOGENERATE"], $szErrorStr)); } } // --- } } }