function Render($id) { $feed = $this->GetFeed($id); if (count($feed) <= 0) { return false; } $out = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"; $out .= "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:atom=\"\">\n"; $out .= "<channel>\n"; $out .= "<title><![CDATA["; if ($feed['feedname'] != "") { $out .= $feed['feedname']; } else { $out .= "FreeNATS RSS Feed"; } $out .= "]]></title>\n"; $me = GetAbsolute("rss.php?feed=" . $_REQUEST['feed']); $out .= "<link>" . $me . "</link>\n"; $out .= "<atom:link href=\"" . $me . "\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />\n"; $out .= "<description>FreeNATS RSS Feed</description>\n"; $out .= "<lastBuildDate>" . date("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT</lastBuildDate>\n"; $out .= "<language>en-us</language>\n"; switch ($feed['feedtype']) { case "all": $nodes = $this->NATS->GetNodes(); break; case "node": $nodes = array(); $nodes[]['nodeid'] = $feed['typeopt']; break; case "group": $nodes = array(); $q = "SELECT nodeid FROM fngrouplink WHERE groupid=" . ss($feed['typeopt']); $r = $this->NATS->DB->Query($q); while ($row = $this->NATS->DB->Fetch_Array($r)) { $nodes[] = $NATS->GetNode($row['nodeid']); } $this->NATS->DB->Free($r); break; default: $nodes = array(); } $inlist = ""; $first = true; foreach ($nodes as $node) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $inlist .= ","; } $inlist .= "\"" . ss($node['nodeid']) . "\""; } $alerts = array(); switch ($feed['feedrange']) { case "xdays": if (!is_numeric($feed['rangeopt'])) { $days = 30; } else { $days = $feed['rangeopt']; } $secs = $days * 24 * 60 * 60; $from = time() - $secs; $q = "SELECT * FROM fnalert WHERE (closedx=0 OR closedx>" . $from . ") AND nodeid IN (" . $inlist . ") ORDER BY LENGTH(closedx) ASC, closedx DESC"; break; case "xalerts": if (!is_numeric($feed['rangeopt'])) { $acount = 30; } else { $acount = $feed['rangeopt']; } $q = "SELECT * FROM fnalert WHERE nodeid IN(" . $inlist . ") ORDER BY LENGTH(closedx) ASC, closedx DESC LIMIT 0," . $acount; break; case "alerts": $q = "SELECT * FROM fnalert WHERE closedx=0 AND nodeid IN(" . $inlist . ")"; break; case "alertnode": $q = array(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $q[] = "SELECT * FROM fnalert WHERE nodeid=\"" . ss($node['nodeid']) . "\" ORDER BY LENGTH(closedx) ASC, closedx DESC LIMIT 0,1"; } break; } if (!is_array($q)) { $q = array($q); } foreach ($q as $query) { $r = $this->NATS->DB->Query($query); while ($row = $this->NATS->DB->Fetch_Array($r)) { $alerts[] = $row; } $this->NATS->DB->Free($r); } foreach ($alerts as $alert) { $title = $alert['nodeid'] . " " . $this->NATS->Lang->Item("alert"); if ($alert['closedx'] != 0) { $title .= " (" . $this->NATS->Lang->Item("closed") . ")"; } else { $title .= " (" . $this->NATS->Lang->Item("open") . ")"; } $link = GetAbsolute("node.php?nodeid=" . $alert['nodeid']); if ($alert['closedx'] == 0) { $pubtime = $alert['openedx']; } else { $pubtime = $alert['closedx']; } $pub = date("D, d M Y H:i:s", $pubtime) . " GMT"; $q = "SELECT logentry FROM fnalertlog WHERE alertid=" . $alert['alertid'] . " ORDER BY alid ASC LIMIT 0,1"; $r = $this->NATS->DB->Query($q); if ($row = $this->NATS->DB->Fetch_Array($r)) { $desc = $row['logentry']; } else { $desc = ""; } $this->NATS->DB->Free($r); $out .= $this->Item($title, $link, $pub, $desc); } $out .= "</channel>\n</rss>\n"; return $out; }
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FreeNATS. If not, see For more information see -------------------------------------------------------------- */ ob_start(); require "include.php"; $NATS->Start(); $session = true; if (!$NATS_Session->Check($NATS->DB)) { $session = false; } $abs = GetAbsolute(); if (isset($_REQUEST['mode'])) { $mode = $_REQUEST['mode']; } else { $mode = "xml"; } // api.public - is available without session auth // api.key - usage key used if public and no session (if set) if ($NATS->Cfg->Get("api.public", 0) != 1) { if (!$session) { echo "Error: Public API Access Disabled"; exit; } } else { if (!$session) { $key = $NATS->Cfg->Get("api.key", "");
ob_start(); require "include.php"; $NATS->Start(); if (!$NATS_Session->Check($NATS->DB)) { header("Location: ./?login_msg=Invalid+Or+Expired+Session"); exit; } if ($NATS_Session->userlevel < 1) { UL_Error("View Link"); } ob_end_flush(); Screen_Header("View Links", 1); $vid = $_REQUEST['viewid']; echo "<b class=\"subtitle\">Linking to View # " . $vid . "</b><br>"; echo "<a href=view.php?viewid=" . $vid . ">Preview View</a> | <a href=view.edit.php?viewid=" . $vid . ">Edit View Settings</a><br><br>"; $base = GetAbsolute("view.php?viewid=" . $vid); echo "<b>URL:</b> " . $base . "<br>"; echo "<b>URL:</b> <input type=text size=80 value=\"" . $base . "\"><br><br>"; echo "<b>JavaScript Include Example</b> (Copy and paste into your page)<br>"; echo "<textarea cols=80 rows=8>"; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $base . "&mode=js\">\n"; echo "</script>\n"; echo "</textarea>"; if (!isset($_REQUEST['jsdemo'])) { echo "<br><br><a" . $vid . "&jsdemo=1>Demo this working</a><br><br>"; } else { echo "<br><br>"; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"view.php?mode=js&viewid=" . $vid . "\"></script>\n"; echo "<br><br>"; } /*