$sSQL = "SELECT vol_ID, vol_Name FROM volunteeropportunity_vol ORDER BY vol_Name"; $rsVolunteerOpps = RunQuery($sSQL); // Get the Properties assigned to this Person $sSQL = "SELECT pro_Name, pro_ID, pro_Prompt, r2p_Value, prt_Name, pro_prt_ID\n\t\tFROM record2property_r2p\n\t\tLEFT JOIN property_pro ON pro_ID = r2p_pro_ID\n\t\tLEFT JOIN propertytype_prt ON propertytype_prt.prt_ID = property_pro.pro_prt_ID\n\t\tWHERE pro_Class = 'p' AND r2p_record_ID = " . $iPersonID . " ORDER BY prt_Name, pro_Name"; $rsAssignedProperties = RunQuery($sSQL); // Get all the properties $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM property_pro WHERE pro_Class = 'p' ORDER BY pro_Name"; $rsProperties = RunQuery($sSQL); // Get Field Security List Matrix $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM list_lst WHERE lst_ID = 5 ORDER BY lst_OptionSequence"; $rsSecurityGrp = RunQuery($sSQL); while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($rsSecurityGrp)) { extract($aRow); $aSecurityType[$lst_OptionID] = $lst_OptionName; } $dBirthDate = FormatBirthDate($per_BirthYear, $per_BirthMonth, $per_BirthDay, "-", $per_Flags); $sFamilyInfoBegin = "<span style=\"color: red;\">"; $sFamilyInfoEnd = "</span>"; // Assign the values locally, after selecting whether to display the family or person information SelectWhichAddress($sAddress1, $sAddress2, $per_Address1, $per_Address2, $fam_Address1, $fam_Address2, True); $sCity = SelectWhichInfo($per_City, $fam_City, True); $sState = SelectWhichInfo($per_State, $fam_State, True); $sZip = SelectWhichInfo($per_Zip, $fam_Zip, True); $sCountry = SelectWhichInfo($per_Country, $fam_Country, True); $sPhoneCountry = SelectWhichInfo($per_Country, $fam_Country, False); $sHomePhone = SelectWhichInfo(ExpandPhoneNumber($per_HomePhone, $sPhoneCountry, $dummy), ExpandPhoneNumber($fam_HomePhone, $fam_Country, $dummy), True); $sWorkPhone = SelectWhichInfo(ExpandPhoneNumber($per_WorkPhone, $sPhoneCountry, $dummy), ExpandPhoneNumber($fam_WorkPhone, $fam_Country, $dummy), True); $sCellPhone = SelectWhichInfo(ExpandPhoneNumber($per_CellPhone, $sPhoneCountry, $dummy), ExpandPhoneNumber($fam_CellPhone, $fam_Country, $dummy), True); $sEmail = SelectWhichInfo($per_Email, $fam_Email, True); $sUnformattedEmail = SelectWhichInfo($per_Email, $fam_Email, False); if ($per_Envelope > 0) {
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * ******************************************************************************/ // Include the function library require "Include/Config.php"; require "Include/Functions.php"; require "PEAR.php"; require "Include/Contact_Vcard_Build.php"; $iPersonID = FilterInput($_GET["PersonID"], 'int'); // Fetch and then format all needed data for this person. $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM person_per\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN family_fam ON per_fam_ID = family_fam.fam_ID\n\t\t\tWHERE per_ID = " . $iPersonID; $rsPerson = RunQuery($sSQL); extract(mysql_fetch_array($rsPerson)); $sBirthDate = FormatBirthDate($per_BirthYear, $per_BirthMonth, $per_BirthDay); // Assign the values locally, after selecting whether to display the family or person information SelectWhichAddress($sAddress1, $sAddress2, $per_Address1, $per_Address2, $fam_Address1, $fam_Address2, False); $sCity = SelectWhichInfo($per_City, $fam_City, False); $sState = SelectWhichInfo($per_State, $fam_State, False); $sZip = SelectWhichInfo($per_Zip, $fam_Zip, False); $sCountry = SelectWhichInfo($per_Country, $fam_Country, False); $sHomePhone = SelectWhichInfo(ExpandPhoneNumber($per_HomePhone, $sCountry, $dummy), ExpandPhoneNumber($fam_HomePhone, $fam_Country, $dummy), False); $sWorkPhone = SelectWhichInfo(ExpandPhoneNumber($per_WorkPhone, $sCountry, $dummy), ExpandPhoneNumber($fam_WorkPhone, $fam_Country, $dummy), False); $sCellPhone = SelectWhichInfo(ExpandPhoneNumber($per_CellPhone, $sCountry, $dummy), ExpandPhoneNumber($fam_CellPhone, $fam_Country, $dummy), False); $sEmail = SelectWhichInfo($per_Email, $fam_Email, False); // Instantiate the vCard class and then build the card. if ($bOldVCardVersion) { $vcard = new Contact_Vcard_Build(2.1); } else { $vcard = new Contact_Vcard_Build();
<a href="PersonView.php?PersonID=<?php echo $tmpPersonId; ?> " class="user-link"><?php echo $Row["per_FirstName"] . " " . $Row["per_LastName"]; ?> </a> </td> <td class="text-center"> <?php echo getRoleLabel($Row["sFamRole"]); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo FormatBirthDate($Row["per_BirthYear"], $Row["per_BirthMonth"], $Row["per_BirthDay"], "-", $Row["per_Flags"]); ?> </td> <td> <?php $tmpEmail = $Row["per_Email"]; if ($tmpEmail != "") { array_push($sFamilyEmails, $tmpEmail); ?> <a href="#"><a href="mailto:<?php echo $tmpEmail; ?> "><?php echo $tmpEmail; ?> </a></a>
} $rsNotes = RunQuery($sSQL); // Get the Groups this Person is assigned to $sSQL = "SELECT grp_ID, grp_Name, grp_hasSpecialProps, role.lst_OptionName AS roleName\r\n\t\tFROM group_grp\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN person2group2role_p2g2r ON p2g2r_grp_ID = grp_ID\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN list_lst role ON lst_OptionID = p2g2r_rle_ID AND lst_ID = grp_RoleListID\r\n\t\tWHERE person2group2role_p2g2r.p2g2r_per_ID = " . $iPersonID . "\r\n\t\tORDER BY grp_Name"; $rsAssignedGroups = RunQuery($sSQL); // Get all the Groups $sSQL = "SELECT grp_ID, grp_Name FROM group_grp ORDER BY grp_Name"; $rsGroups = RunQuery($sSQL); // Get the Properties assigned to this Person $sSQL = "SELECT pro_Name, pro_ID, pro_Prompt, r2p_Value, prt_Name, pro_prt_ID\r\n\t\tFROM record2property_r2p\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN property_pro ON pro_ID = r2p_pro_ID\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN propertytype_prt ON propertytype_prt.prt_ID = property_pro.pro_prt_ID\r\n\t\tWHERE pro_Class = 'p' AND r2p_record_ID = " . $iPersonID . " ORDER BY prt_Name, pro_Name"; $rsAssignedProperties = RunQuery($sSQL); // Get all the properties $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM property_pro WHERE pro_Class = 'p' ORDER BY pro_Name"; $rsProperties = RunQuery($sSQL); //$dBirthDate = FormatBirthDate($per_BirthYear, $per_BirthMonth, $per_BirthDay); $dBirthDate = FormatBirthDate($per_BirthDay, $per_BirthMonth, $per_BirthYear); $sFamilyInfoBegin = "<span style=\"color: red;\">"; $sFamilyInfoEnd = "</span>"; // Assign the values locally, after selecting whether to display the family or person information $numadd = SelectWhichAddress($sAddress1, $sAddress2, $per_Address1, $per_Address2, $fam_Address1, $fam_Address2, True); $sCity = SelectWhichInfo($per_City, $fam_City, True); $sState = SelectWhichInfo($per_State, $fam_State, True); $sZip = SelectWhichInfo($per_Zip, $fam_Zip, True); $sCountry = SelectWhichInfo($per_Country, $fam_Country, True); $sPhoneCountry = SelectWhichInfo($per_Country, $fam_Country, False); $sHomePhone = SelectWhichInfo(ExpandPhoneNumber($per_HomePhone, $sPhoneCountry, $dummy), ExpandPhoneNumber($fam_HomePhone, $fam_Country, $dummy), True); $sWorkPhone = SelectWhichInfo(ExpandPhoneNumber($per_WorkPhone, $sPhoneCountry, $dummy), ExpandPhoneNumber($fam_WorkPhone, $fam_Country, $dummy), True); $sCellPhone = SelectWhichInfo(ExpandPhoneNumber($per_CellPhone, $sPhoneCountry, $dummy), ExpandPhoneNumber($fam_CellPhone, $fam_Country, $dummy), True); $sEmail = SelectWhichInfo($per_Email, $fam_Email, True); $sUnformattedEmail = SelectWhichInfo($per_Email, $fam_Email, False); if ($per_Envelope > 0) {