function DisplayCategoryForm() { global $page_id, $page_pg, $frm; // Wartości domyślne if (!isset($frm)) { $frm = array('catcol' => 1, 'catrow' => 8, 'grcol' => 4, 'grrow' => 4, 'datecr' => date('Y-m-d')); } if ($page_id) { GetCategoryData($page_id); } $cat_id = $page_id; // Jeżeli chcemy dodać nową kategorię to miejsce gdzie jesteśmy wskazuje page_pg if (!$cat_id && $page_pg) { $cat_id = $page_pg; } $hier_cat = GetCategoriesHierarchy($frm[parent], $cat_id, 0); echo FramedTable1() . '<FORM METHOD="POST">' . '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=1>' . '<TR><TH> Category </TH><TD> ' . FormCheckbox('cathid') . 'Hidden </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD></TD><TD ALIGN=right> ' . FormSelect('action', array('mod' => 'Modify', 'del' => 'Delete', 'sort' => 'Sort')) . ' <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=" Send "> ' . '</TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Parent: </TD><TD> ' . '<SELECT NAME="frm[parent]">' . $hier_cat . '</SELECT>' . FormSelect('inspos', array(1 => 'First', 2 => 'Last', 3 => 'Sort')) . '</TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Uniqid & Date: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('uniqid') . ' ' . FormInput('datecr', 12) . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Name: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('name') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Title: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('title') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Header: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('header') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Description: </TD><TD> ' . FormText('desc', 80, 5) . '<BR>' . FormCheckbox('addbr') . ' Auto add "break line" </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><HR></TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Subcats: </TD><TD> ' . FormSelect('catcol', range(1, 10), 0) . ' x ' . FormSelect('catrow', range(1, 20), 0) . ' (columns x rows) ' . '</TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Collections: </TD><TD> ' . FormSelect('grcol', range(1, 10), 0) . ' x ' . FormSelect('grrow', range(1, 20), 0) . ' (columns x rows) ' . '</TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Category directory: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('dircat') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Template directory: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('dirtem', 40, PICMAN_DEFAULT_TEMP) . ' </TD></TR>' . '</TABLE>' . '</FORM>' . FramedTable2(); }
$InsertQuery2 .= "'" . $ID . "', "; } else { if ($k == "spawngroupID") { $InsertQuery2 .= "'" . $SpawnGroup[$row['spawngroupID']] . "', "; } else { if ($k == "version") { $InsertQuery2 .= "'" . $_GET['Dest'] . "', "; } else { if ($k == "pathgrid" && $_GET['NPCGRIDS']) { $InsertQuery2 .= "'" . $GRID . "', "; } else { $InsertQuery2 .= "'" . $v . "', "; } } } } } $n++; } $NewReferenceList[$row['id']] = $ID; $ID++; $Query = substr($InsertQuery, 0, -2) . ') VALUES (' . substr($InsertQuery2, 0, -2) . ');'; ##echo $Query . '<br>'; mysql_query($Query, $db); $query_total_output .= $Query . "\n"; #echo $Query . '<br>'; } } echo '<br>Copy should be successful! Refresh your zone selection<br>'; echo FormInput('Zone Copy Query Data', '<textarea style="width:1200px;height:500px" class="form-control">' . $query_total_output . '</textarea>'); }
echo FormStart(); // echo FormInput('Search', "<input type='hidden' name='M' value='ItemEditor'>" . '<input type="text" placeholder="Name, ID or Lore search here..." style="width:500px" value="' . $iname . '" name="iname" class="form-control input-circle"/>', 'Item Type', SelectIType("itype",$itype)); echo FormInput('Search <i class="fa fa-file-text-o"></i> dbstr_us.txt', '<div class="input-icon"> <i class="fa fa-search"></i> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="search_str" placeholder="Search string" style="width:500px !important" onkeyup="if(event.keyCode == 13){ DoDBStrSearch(); } "> </div>'); echo FormInput('', ' <a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-default" onclick="DoDBStrSearch()"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> Search</a><br> '); echo FormInput('', '<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-default green" onclick="DoZipDBStrDownload()"><i class="fa fa-cloud-download"></i> Download</a>'); echo FormInput('', '<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-default red" onclick="DoDBStrDelete()"><i class="fa fa-times"></i> Delete dbstr_us.txt from Server and Upload New</a>'); echo FormInput('', '<ul> <li> <b>::: Spells ::: </b> </li> <li> #1-12 = Min Value for Spell Effect ID </li> <li> @1-12 = Max Value for Spell Effect ID </li> <li> %z = Duration based on level </li> </ul>'); echo FormEnd(); echo '<div id="search_res"></div>'; } else { echo '<link href="assets/global/plugins/dropzone/css/dropzone.css" rel="stylesheet"/>'; /* $FJS prints at footer in footer.php */ $FJS .= '<script src="assets/global/plugins/dropzone/dropzone.js"></script>'; echo '<h1 class="page-title"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o"></i> dbstr_us.txt Management</h1><hr>'; echo '<center><h2 class="page-title"> You do not have a dbstr_us.txt uploaded... <br><br>Upload your dbstr_us.txt here<hr><br><br><i class="fa fa-cloud-upload" style="font-size:80px"></i></h2><br></center>'; echo '<form action="upload.php?DoDBSTR" class="dropzone dz-clickable" id="my-dropzone"> <div class="dz-default dz-message"><span>Drop files here to upload</span></div> </form>'; $FJS .= '<script type="text/javascript"> Dropzone.options.myDropzone = {
$content_out .= FormInput('Heroic Stats', SelectHeroicStats("iheroics", $iheroics) . '' . "\n <select id='iheroicscomp' class='form-control'>\n <option value='>='" . ($iheroicscomp == '>=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">>=</option>\n <option value='<='" . ($iheroicscomp == '<=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . "><=</option>\n <option value='='" . ($iheroicscomp == '=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">=</option>\n <option value='<'" . ($iheroicscomp == '<' ? " selected='1'" : "") . "><</option>\n </select>\n <input type='text' size='4' id='iheroicsvalue' value='" . $iheroicsvalue . "' class='form-control' placeholder='Value here...'/>"); $content_out .= FormInput('Modifiers', SelectModifiers("imod", $imod) . '' . "<select id='imodcomp' class='form-control'>\n <option value='>='" . ($imodcomp == '>=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">>=</option>\n <option value='<='" . ($imodcomp == '<=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . "><=</option>\n <option value='='" . ($imodcomp == '=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">=</option>\n <option value='<'" . ($imodcomp == '<' ? " selected='1'" : "") . "><</option>\n </select>\n <input type='text' size='4' id='imodvalue' value='" . $imodvalue . "' class='form-control' placeholder='Value here...'/>"); $content_out .= FormInput('Item Type', SelectIType("itype", $itype)); $content_out .= FormInput('Augmentation Type', SelectAugSlot("iaugslot", $iaugslot)); $content_out .= FormInput('With Effect', "<input type='text' value='" . $ieffect . "' style='width:400px' placeholder='Effect Name...' id='ieffect' class='form-control'/>"); $content_out .= FormInput('Min Required Level', SelectLevel("iminlevel", 255, $iminlevel)); $content_out .= FormInput('Max Required Level', SelectLevel("ireqlevel", 255, $ireqlevel)); $content_out .= FormInput('Tradeable Items Only', "<input type='checkbox' id='inodrop'" . ($inodrop ? " checked='1'" : "") . "/>"); $content_out .= FormInput('Item Availability', " <select id='iavailability' class='form-control'>\n <option value='0' " . ($iavailability == 0 ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">--- Select --- </option>\n <option value='1' " . ($iavailability == 1 ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">Mob Dropped</option>\n <option value='2' " . ($iavailability == 2 ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">Merchant Sold</option>\n\n </select>"); $content_out .= FormInput('Max Level', SelectLevel("iavaillevel", 255, $iavaillevel)); $content_out .= FormInput('Deity', SelectDeity("ideity", $ideity)); $ifv = "<select id='itemfield' class='form-control'>"; $ifv .= "<option value='0'> --- Select --- <option>"; foreach ($itemfields as $val) { if ($val != "") { if ($itemfield == $val) { $sel = " selected"; } else { $sel = ""; } $ifv .= "<option value='" . $val . "' " . $sel . ">" . $val . "</option>"; } } $ifv .= "</select><br> Contains <br><input type='text' id='itemfieldvalue' value='" . $itemfieldvalue . "' class='form-control'>"; $content_out .= FormInput('Item Field', $ifv); $content_out .= FormInput('', "<button type='submit' value='Search' id='isearch' class='btn btn-default green btn-xs'><i class='fa fa-search'></i> Search</button>"); $content_out .= FormEnd(); $content_out .= '</div>'; $content_out .= '</div>'; $content_out .= '<div id="item_search_result_lootdrop"></div>'; }
<?php echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="modules/Zone_Tools/ajax/ajax.js"></script>'; PageTitle('Zone Copy/Import/Export'); /* When Connected to a second database... */ if ($_GET['ImportMode'] == 1) { echo '<center><br><h2 class="page-title">Select Zone to Import From (2nd DB)</h2><hr>'; echo '<select onchange="ZoneToolZoneSelect2nd(this.value)">'; $Query = "SELECT `long_name`, `zoneidnumber`, `short_name` FROM `zone` ORDER BY `zoneidnumber`"; $QueryResult = mysql_query($Query, $db2); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($QueryResult)) { echo '<option value="' . $row['zoneidnumber'] . '">' . $row['long_name'] . ' - (' . $row['zoneidnumber'] . ': ' . $row['short_name'] . ')' . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo '<div id="ZoneSelect2"></div>'; echo '<br><br></div> </fieldset>'; } else { $ZS = '<select onchange="ZoneToolZoneSelect(this.value)" class="form-control">'; $Query = "SELECT `long_name`, `zoneidnumber`, `short_name` FROM `zone` ORDER BY `zoneidnumber`"; $QueryResult = mysql_query($Query, $db); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($QueryResult)) { $ZS .= '<option value="' . $row['zoneidnumber'] . '">' . $row['long_name'] . ' - (' . $row['zoneidnumber'] . ': ' . $row['short_name'] . ')' . '</option>'; } $ZS .= '</select>'; echo FormStart(); echo FormInput('', '<h2 class="page-title"><i class="fa fa-cloud-upload" style="font-size:30px"></i> Zone Copy/Import<h2><hr>'); echo FormInput('Step #1: Select Zone', $ZS); echo '<div id="ZoneSelect"></div>'; echo FormEnd(); }
//--></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="silver"> <DIV ALIGN=center> <?php echo AdminMenu(); echo FramedTable1(); $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {categories} WHERE id = {$page_id}"); if (db_num_rows($result)) { $item = db_fetch_array($result); $frm['#tags'] = GetTags(); echo '<form method="post"><table border="0">'; echo '<tr><td width="50"></td><td><b>' . $item['name'] . '</b>:</td><td>'; echo FormInput('search', 25) . ' <input type="submit" value=" Search ">'; echo '</td><td width="50"></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td width="50"></td><td>Tags: ' . FormSelect('cond', array('and' => 'and', 'or' => 'or')) . '</td><td>'; echo FormCheckarea('tags'); echo '</td><td width="50"></td></tr>'; echo '</table></form>'; $cond = array("C.lnum BETWEEN {$item['lnum']} AND {$item['rnum']}", " = C.id_parent", "C.uniqid = G.uid_cat"); if (!empty($frm['search'])) { $cond[] = "(upper( LIKE upper('%{$frm['search']}%') OR upper(G.description) LIKE upper('%{$frm['search']}%'))"; } if (isset($frm['tags']) && count($frm['tags'])) { if ($frm['cond'] == 'or') { $cond[] = " IN (SELECT id_col FROM {tag_collections} T WHERE id_tag IN (" . join(',', $frm['tags']) . "))"; } else { foreach ($frm['tags'] as $tagid) { $cond[] = " IN (SELECT id_col FROM {tag_collections} T WHERE id_tag = {$tagid})";
echo FormInput('Deity', SelectDeity("ideity", $ideity)); $ifv = "<select name='itemfield' class='form-control'>"; $ifv .= "<option value='0'> --- Select --- <option>"; foreach ($itemfields as $val) { if ($val != "") { if ($itemfield == $val) { $sel = " selected"; } else { $sel = ""; } $ifv .= "<option value='" . $val . "' " . $sel . ">" . $val . "</option>"; } } $ifv .= "</select><br> Contains <br><input type='text' name='itemfieldvalue' value='" . $itemfieldvalue . "' class='form-control'>"; echo FormInput('Item Field', $ifv); echo FormInput('', "<button type='submit' value='Search' name='isearch' class='btn btn-default green'/><i class='fa fa-search'></i> Search</button>"); echo FormEnd(); echo '</div>'; /* Print Table Results */ if (isset($QueryResult)) { /* Scroll to Results */ $FJS .= "\n <script type='text/javascript'>\n \$('html, body').animate({\n scrollTop: \$('#result_scroll').offset().top\n }, 1000);\n </script>\n "; $Tableborder = 0; $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($QueryResult); $total_row_count = $num_rows; if ($num_rows > $mysql_result_limit) { $num_rows = $mysql_result_limit; } if ($num_rows == 0) { echo "<b>No items found...</b><br>"; } else {
border: solid 1px black; width: 700px; } //--></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="silver"> <DIV ALIGN=center> <?php echo AdminMenu(); // Wartości domyślne if (!isset($frm)) { $frm = array('catcol' => 1, 'catrow' => 8, 'grcol' => 4, 'grrow' => 4); } //if ($page_id) GetLinkData($page_id); if ($page_id) { $result = db_query("SELECT AS id, AS name, AS cid FROM {collections} G, {categories} C WHERE = {$page_id} AND G.uid_cat = C.uniqid"); if (db_num_rows($result)) { $item = db_fetch_array($result); $frm[idgr] = $item['id']; $frm[name] = $item['name']; $frm[parent] = $item['cid']; } } $hier_cat = GetCategoriesHierarchy($frm[parent], 0, 2); echo '<BR><BR>' . FramedTable1() . '<FORM METHOD="POST">' . '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=1>' . '<TR><TH> New Link </TH><TD> </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD></TD><TD ALIGN=right> ' . ' <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=" Send "> ' . '</TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Collection name: </TD><TD> ' . $frm[name] . FormHidden('idgr') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Category: </TD><TD> ' . '<SELECT NAME="frm[parent]">' . $hier_cat . '</SELECT>' . ' Position ' . FormInput('position', 4, 1) . ' </TD></TR>' . '</TABLE>' . '</FORM>' . FramedTable2(); ?> </DIV> </BODY></HTML>
function DisplayCollectionForm() { global $page_id, $frm; // Wartości domyślne if (!isset($frm)) { $frm = array('sercol' => 5, 'serrow' => 4, 'datecr' => date('Y-m-d')); } if ($page_id) { GetCollectionData($page_id); } $hier_cat = GetCategoriesHierarchy($frm[parent], $page_id, 1); // Odczytanie tagów $frm['#tags'] = GetTags(); SetCollectionTags($page_id, 'tags'); echo FramedTable1() . '<FORM METHOD="POST">' . '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=1>' . '<TR><TH> Collection </TH><TD></TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD></TD><TD ALIGN=right> ' . FormSelect('action', array('mod' => 'Modify', 'del' => 'Delete')) . ' <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE=" Send "> ' . '</TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Category: </TD><TD> ' . '<SELECT NAME="frm[parent]">' . $hier_cat . '</SELECT>' . ' Position ' . FormInput('position', 4, 1) . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Uniqid & Date: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('uniqid') . ' ' . FormInput('datecr', 12) . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Name: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('name') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Title: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('title') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Header: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('header') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Description: </TD><TD> ' . FormText('desc', 80, 5) . '<BR>' . FormCheckbox('addbr') . ' Auto add "break line" </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><HR></TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Tags: </TD><TD> ' . FormCheckarea('tags') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> New tags: </TD><TD> ' . FormText('newtags', 80, 2) . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><HR></TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Series: </TD><TD> ' . FormSelect('sercol', range(1, 10), 0) . ' x ' . FormSelect('serrow', range(1, 10), 0) . ' (columns x rows) ' . '</TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Images: </TD><TD> First number ' . FormInput('first', 4, 1) . ' Quantity ' . FormInput('quantity', 4, 1) . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Number holes: </TD><TD> ' . FormText('holes', 60, 2) . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><HR></TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Collection directory: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('dirgr') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Image directory: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('dirimg') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Thumbnails directory: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('dirth') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><HR></TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Pages template: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('temppage', 50, '%02d') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Images template: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('tempimg') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Thumbnails template: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('tempth') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><HR></TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Options: </TD><TD> Links to ' . FormSelect('options', array('' => 'None', 'LP' => 'Page', 'LI' => 'Image')) . ' ' . FormCheckbox('intro') . ' Exist intro page ' . '</TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Image on intro page: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('introimg') . ' </TD></TR>' . '<TR><TD> Thumbnail for group: </TD><TD> ' . FormInput('thumbimg') . ' </TD></TR>' . '</TABLE>' . '</FORM>' . FramedTable2(); if ($page_id) { DisplayThumbForm($page_id); } }
} $JSButtons[$val] = FormInput('<a href="javascript:;" class="btn green" onclick="' . $JSMagic . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i> Multiply</a><br><small>Multiplies all below fields by percentage (1 = 100%)</small>', '<input type="text" value="1" id="perc_' . $val . '" size="2">'); $JSButtons[$val] .= '<br> ' . FormInput('<a href="javascript:;" class="btn blue" onclick="' . $JSMagic2 . '"><i class="fa fa-sort"></i> Min Max</a><br>Top Field - Min Bottom Field - Max', '<input type="text" value="1" id="' . $val . 'min_val" size="2"> <input type="text" value="1" id="' . $val . 'max_val" size="2">'); $reversedfields = ""; $reversedfields = array(); } else { array_push($reversedfields, $val); } } foreach ($fields as $val) { if (substr($val, 0, 1) == " ") { echo '<h1>' . $val . ' </h1> ' . $JSButtons[$val] . '<br> '; } else { echo FormInput($ITD[$val][1], ' <input type="text" id="' . $val . '" class="actualfields">'); } } echo FormEnd(); echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; foreach ($fields as $val) { if (substr($val, 0, 1) == " ") { } else { echo 'if(opener.document.getElementsByName("' . $val . '")){ document.getElementById("' . $val . '").value = opener.document.getElementsByName("' . $val . '")[0].value; }'; } } echo '</script>'; } /* Preview Item */ if (isset($_GET["previd"])) { require_once 'includes/constants.php';