function Showbrowse_Img($spec) { extract($GLOBALS); $s = ""; $directory = ServerMapPath($spec); // if the path has a slash at the end we remove it here if (substr($directory, -1) == '/') { $directory = substr($directory, 0, -1); } $s = $s . "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" valign=\"top\" id=\"FoldersAndFiles\" style=\"width:100%\" class=sortable>"; $s = $s . "<tr onMouseOver=\"row_over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"row_out(this)\" bgcolor=\"#f0f0f0\">"; $s = $s . "<td width=16 nowrap><img src=\"../Images/refresh.gif\" title=\"refresh\" onclick=\"parent.Refresh('" . $folpath . "');\" onMouseOver=\"parent.CuteEditor_ColorPicker_ButtonOver(this);\" style=\"VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle\"></td>"; $s = $s . "<td width=\"220\" Class=\"filelistHeadCol\"><b>Name</b></td>"; $s = $s . "<td width=50 nowrap Class=\"filelistHeadCol\"><b>Size</b></td>"; $s = $s . "<td width=50 nowrap Class=\"filelistHeadCol\"><b>Modified</b></td>"; // $s=$s."<td width=50 nowrap Class=\"filelistHeadCol\"><b>Created</b></td>"; $s = $s . "<td width=15 nowrap Class=\"filelistHeadCol\"><b>Attributes</b></td>"; $s = $s . "<td width=50 nowrap Class=\"filelistHeadCol\"><b>Type</b></td>"; if ($AllowDelete == "true") { $s = $s . "<td nowrap></td>"; } if ($AllowRename == "true") { $s = $s . "<td nowrap></td>"; } if ($AllowDelete == "true") { $s = $s . "<td nowrap></td>"; } $s = $s . "</tr>"; $s = $s . "<tr onMouseOver=\"row_over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"row_out(this)\" onclick=\"Editor_upfolder();\">"; $s = $s . "<td><img src=\"../Images/parentfolder.gif\" title=\"Go up one level\" style=\"VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle\"></td>"; $s = $s . "<td>...</td>"; $s = $s . "<td></td>"; $s = $s . "<td></td>"; $s = $s . "<td></td>"; $s = $s . "<td></td>"; if ($AllowDelete == "true") { $s = $s . "<td nowrap></td>"; } if ($AllowRename == "true") { $s = $s . "<td nowrap></td>"; } if ($AllowDelete == "true") { $s = $s . "<td nowrap></td>"; } $s = $s . "</tr>"; $dirlist = array(); $filelist = array(); // we open the directory if ($f = opendir($directory)) { while (($file = readdir($f)) !== false) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $path = $directory . '/' . $file; if (is_file($path)) { $filelist[] = $file; } elseif (is_dir($path)) { $dirlist[] = $file; } } } closedir($f); } if ($dirlist) { asort($dirlist); while (list($key, $file) = each($dirlist)) { $file_stat = ServerMapPath($current_Path . $folpath . $file); $lastmod = date("m/d/Y", filemtime($file_stat)); $p; if (!(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN')) { $p = show_perms(fileperms($file_stat)); } else { $p = base_convert(fileperms($file_stat), 10, 8); $p = substr($p, strlen($p) - 3); } //add the html for the folders $str_openfolderEvent = "onclick=\"parent.SetUpload_FolderPath('" . $current_Path . $folpath . $file . "');location.href='browse_Document.php?" . $setting . "&loc=" . $folpath . $file . "&Theme=" . $Theme . "&DP=" . $current_Path . "';\""; $s = $s . "<tr onMouseOver=\"row_over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"row_out(this)\">"; $s = $s . "<td " . $str_openfolderEvent . "><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/closedfolder.gif\" style=\"VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle\"></td>" . "\r\n"; $s = $s . "<td valign=\"top\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" " . $str_openfolderEvent . ">" . "\r\n"; $s = $s . $file . " </td>" . "\r\n"; $s = $s . "<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer;\"></td>"; $s = $s . "<td nowrap>" . $lastmod . "</td>"; // $s=$s."<td nowrap>".$lastmod."</td>"; $s = $s . "<td nowrap>" . $p . "</td>"; $s = $s . "<td nowrap>Directory</td>"; if ($AllowDelete == "true") { $s = $s . "<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/delete.gif\" onclick=\"deletefolder('" . $current_Path . $folpath . $file . "')\" title=\"Delete\"></td>"; } if ($AllowRename == "true") { $s = $s . "<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/edit.gif\" title=\"Rename\" onclick=\"renamefolder('" . $current_Path . $folpath . $file . "')\"></td>"; } if ($AllowDelete == "true") { $s = $s . "<td ></td>"; } $s = $s . "</tr>" . "\r\n"; } } if ($filelist) { asort($filelist); while (list($key, $file) = each($filelist)) { if (ValidImage($file)) { $file_stat = stat(ServerMapPath($current_Path . $folpath . $file)); $size = FormatSize($file_stat[7]); $lastmod = date("m/d/Y", $file_stat[10]); //$created = date("m/d/Y",$file_stat[8]); //add the html for the folders $p; if (!(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN')) { $p = show_perms(fileperms(ServerMapPath($current_Path . $folpath . $file))); } else { $p = base_convert(fileperms(ServerMapPath($current_Path . $folpath . $file)), 10, 8); $p = substr($p, strlen($p) - 3); } $f_Tooltip = ""; $f_Tooltip = $f_Tooltip . "<nobr>Name: " . $file . "</nobr><br>"; $f_Tooltip = $f_Tooltip . "<nobr>Size: " . $size . "</nobr><br>"; $f_Tooltip = $f_Tooltip . "<nobr>Date modified: " . $lastmod . "</nobr><br>"; $f_Tooltip = $f_Tooltip . "<nobr>Attributes: " . $p . "</nobr><br>"; $s = $s . "<tr onclick=\"parent.row_click('" . $current_Path . $folpath . $file . "','" . $f_Tooltip . "'); \" onMouseOver=\"row_over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"row_out(this)\">"; $s = $s . "<td><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/" . strtolower(substr(strrchr($file, '.'), 1)) . ".gif\" style=\"VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle\"></td>" . "\r\n"; $s = $s . "<td valign=\"top\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" >" . "\r\n"; $s = $s . $file . " </td>" . "\r\n"; $s = $s . "<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer;\">" . $size . "</td>"; $s = $s . "<td nowrap>" . $lastmod . "</td>"; // $s=$s."<td nowrap>".$created."</td>"; $s = $s . "<td nowrap>" . $p . "</td>"; $s = $s . "<td nowrap>" . FindType(GetExtension($file)) . "</td>"; if ($AllowDelete == "true") { $s = $s . "<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/delete.gif\" onclick=\"deletefile('" . $current_Path . $folpath . $file . "')\" title=\"Delete\"></td>"; } if ($AllowRename == "true") { $s = $s . "<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/edit.gif\" title=\"Rename\" onclick=\"renamefile('" . $current_Path . $folpath . $file . "','{$file}')\"></td>"; } if ($AllowDelete == "true") { $s = $s . "<td nowrap style=\"cursor:pointer; border:1px\" ><img vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" src=\"../Images/download.gif\" onclick=\"downloadfile('" . $current_Path . $folpath . $file . "')\" title=\"Download\"></td>"; } $s = $s . "</tr>" . "\r\n"; } } } $s = $s . "</table>"; return $s; }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); require "Include_Security.php"; require "Include_Mimetype.php"; $filepath = @$_GET["FP"]; if (substr($filepath, strlen($filepath) - 1) != "/") { $filepath = $filepath . "/"; } if (@$_FILES["file"]["size"] > 0) { $filetype = @$_GET["Type"]; $contentType = $_FILES["file"]["type"]; $filesize = $_FILES["file"]["size"]; $filename = $_FILES["file"]["name"]; $filemimetype = FindType(GetExtension($filename)); $filemimetype2 = FindType2(GetExtension($filename)); // echo $filemimetype; $C_MaxSize; switch (strtolower($filetype)) { case "image": $C_MaxSize = $MaxImageSize; $Filter_Array = explode(",", strtolower($ImageFilters)); break; case "flash": $C_MaxSize = $MaxFlashSize; $Filter_Array = array(".swf", ".flv"); break; case "media": $C_MaxSize = $MaxMediaSize; $Filter_Array = explode(",", strtolower($MediaFilters)); break;
} if (str_contains($filepath, $C_Path)) { } else { print "The area you are attempting to access is forbidden"; exit; } $uploader = new PhpUploader(); $guidlist = explode("/", $fileguidlist); foreach ($guidlist as $fileguid) { //$contentType=$_FILES["file"]["type"]; $mvcfile = $uploader->GetUploadedFile($fileguid); if (!$mvcfile) { continue; } $filesize = $mvcfile->FileSize; $filemimetype = FindType(GetExtension($mvcfile->FilePath)); $filemimetype2 = FindType2(GetExtension($mvcfile->FilePath)); $Is_valid = false; if (!in_array(strtolower(GetExtension($mvcfile->FileName)), $Filter_Array)) { echo "<span style='font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 9pt; color:red'><b>File format not allowed! Please contact site administrator. </b></span><br><br>"; echo "<span><a style=\"font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 9pt; vertical-align: top;\" href=\"upload.php?" . $setting . "&FP=" . $_GET["FP"] . "&Type=" . $_GET["Type"] . "\">Upload a new file</a></span>"; return; } $C_MaxSize = GetMaxSize($C_MaxSize); if ($filesize > $C_MaxSize * 1024) { echo "<span style='font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 9pt; color:red'><b>File size (" . FormatSize($filesize) . ") exceeds the maximum size allowed. </b></span><br><br>"; echo "<span><a style=\"font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 9pt; vertical-align: top;\" href=\"upload.php?" . $setting . "&FP=" . $_GET["FP"] . "&Type=" . $_GET["Type"] . "\">Upload a new file</a></span>"; return; } } foreach ($guidlist as $fileguid) {
function FindObject($Database, $IncludeName, $Name) { if ($Object = FindClass($Database, $IncludeName, $Name)) { return array('type' => 'class', 'data' => $Object); } if ($Object = FindFunction($Database, $IncludeName, $Name)) { return array('type' => 'function', 'data' => $Object); } if ($Object = FindEnum($Database, $IncludeName, $Name)) { return array('type' => 'enum', 'data' => $Object); } if ($Object = FindType($Database, $IncludeName, $Name)) { return array('type' => 'type', 'data' => $Object); } return NULL; }