예제 #1
function notifyNow(&$evt, $what)
    //notify added/edited/deleted event
    global $xx, $set, $nml, $apd, $app, $tit, $cid, $sda, $eda, $sti, $eti, $r_t, $ald, $chd, $uid, $repTxt;
    $emlStyle = "background:#FFFFDD; color:#000099; font:12px arial, sans-serif;";
    //email body style definition
    //get category data
    $stH = stPrep("SELECT `name`,`color`,`bgColor`,`checkBx`,`checkLb`,`checkMk` FROM `categories` WHERE `ID` = ?");
    stExec($stH, array($cid));
    $row = $stH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $stH = null;
    //compose email message
    $noteText = $what == 'add_exe' ? $xx['evt_event_added'] : ($what == 'upd_exe' ? $xx['evt_event_edited'] : $xx['evt_event_deleted']);
    $dateTime = $sda;
    if ($sti) {
        $dateTime .= ' ' . $xx['at_time'] . ' ' . $sti;
    if ($eda or $eti) {
        $dateTime .= ' -';
    if ($eda) {
        $dateTime .= ' ' . $eda;
    if ($eda and $eti) {
        $dateTime .= ' ' . $xx['at_time'];
    if ($eti) {
        $dateTime .= ' ' . $eti;
    $dateTime .= ($ald == 'all' ? ' ' . $xx['evt_all_day'] : '') . ($r_t ? ' (' . $repTxt . ')' : '');
    $evD = DDtoID($sda);
    $status = '';
    if (!$eda and !$r_t) {
        //no multi-day and not repeating
        if ($row['checkBx']) {
            $status .= $row['checkLb'] . ': ' . (strpos($chd, $evD) ? $row['checkMk'] : '- -');
    $subject = "{$set['calendarTitle']} - {$noteText}: {$tit}";
    $catColor = ($row['color'] ? "color:{$row['color']};" : "") . ($row['bgColor'] ? "background-color:{$row['bgColor']};" : "");
    $eStyle = $catColor ? " style=\"{$catColor}\"" : "";
    $eBoxStyle = ' style="padding-left:5px;' . (($app and !$apd) ? ' border-left:2px solid #ff0000;' : '') . '"';
    $calUrl = $set['calendarUrl'] . (strpos($set['calendarUrl'], '?', 6) ? '&' : '?') . 'cD=' . $evD;
    $evtText = makeE($evt, $set['evtTemplGen'], 'td', '', '12345');
    $msgText = "\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>{$set['calendarTitle']} {$xx['evt_mailer']}</title>\n<style type='text/css'>\nbody, p, table {{$emlStyle}}\ntd {vertical-align:top;}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<p>{$set['calendarTitle']} {$xx['evt_mailer']} " . IDtoDD(date("Y-m-d")) . "</p>\n<p>{$noteText}:</p>\n<table{$eBoxStyle}>\n\t<tr><td>{$xx['evt_title']}:</td><td><b><span{$eStyle}>{$tit}</span></b></td></tr>\n\t" . ($status ? "<tr><td>{$xx['evt_status']}:</td><td>{$status}</td></tr>" : '') . "\n\t<tr><td>{$xx['evt_date_time']}:</td><td>{$dateTime}</td></tr>\n\t{$evtText}\n</table>\n<p><a href='{$calUrl}'>{$xx['evt_open_calendar']}</a></p>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
    //send notifications
    if ($nml) {
        //email address(es) to notify
        $sender = $set['notifSender'] ? $uid : 0;
        sendMail($subject, $msgText, $nml, $sender);
예제 #2
$eF = isset($_POST['eF']) ? $_POST['eF'] : array(0);
//field filter
if (isset($_POST['eF1'])) {
    $eF[] = 1;
if (isset($_POST['eF2'])) {
    $eF[] = 2;
if (isset($_POST['eF3'])) {
    $eF[] = 3;
$catName = isset($_POST["catName"]) ? $_POST["catName"] : "";
//category filter
$fromDda = isset($_POST["fromDda"]) ? DDtoID($_POST["fromDda"]) : "";
//from event due date
$tillDda = isset($_POST["tillDda"]) ? DDtoID($_POST["tillDda"]) : "";
//until event due date
/* functions */
function catList($selCat)
    global $xx;
    $where = ' WHERE status >= 0' . ($_SESSION['uid'] == 1 ? " AND public > 0" : '');
    $rSet = dbQuery("SELECT name, color, background FROM [db]categories{$where} ORDER BY sequence");
    if ($rSet !== false) {
        echo "<option value='*'>{$xx['sch_all_cats']}&nbsp;</option>\n";
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rSet)) {
            $row["name"] = stripslashes($row["name"]);
            $selected = $selCat == $row["name"] ? " selected='selected'" : '';
            $catColor = ($row['color'] ? "color:" . $row['color'] . ";" : '') . ($row['background'] ? "background-color:" . $row['background'] . ";" : '');
            echo "<option value=\"{$row["name"]}\"" . ($catColor ? " style='{$catColor}'" : '') . "{$selected}>{$row["name"]}</option>\n";
예제 #3
require './lang/ai-' . strtolower($adminLang) . '.php';
$fileName = isset($_POST['fileName']) ? $_POST['fileName'] : '';
//file name
$fileDes = isset($_POST['fileDes']) ? stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['fileDes'])) : '';
//file description
$usrName = isset($_POST['usrName']) ? $_POST['usrName'] : '';
//user filter
$catName = isset($_POST['catName']) ? $_POST['catName'] : '';
//category filter
$fromDda = isset($_POST['fromDda']) ? DDtoID($_POST['fromDda']) : '';
//from event due date
$fromMda = isset($_POST['fromMda']) ? DDtoID($_POST['fromMda']) : '';
//from event modified date
$tillDda = isset($_POST['tillDda']) ? DDtoID($_POST['tillDda']) : '';
//untill event due date
$tillMda = isset($_POST['tillMda']) ? DDtoID($_POST['tillMda']) : '';
//untill event modified date
$meta = array();
//iCal meta data
$calProps = array("PRODID", "VERSION");
//iCal properties and components of interest
/* sub-functions */
function catList($selCat)
    global $ax;
    $rSet = dbQuery("SELECT name, color, background FROM [db]categories WHERE status >= 0 ORDER BY sequence");
    if ($rSet !== false) {
        echo "<option value='*'>{$ax['iex_all_cats']}&nbsp;</option>\n";
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rSet)) {
            $selected = $selCat == $row['name'] ? " selected='selected'" : '';
            $catColor = ($row['color'] ? "color:{$row['color']};" : '') . ($row['background'] ? "background-color:{$row['background']};" : '');
예제 #4
            echo "<h6><span{$eStyle}>{$evt['tix']}</span></h6>\n";
        if ($set['details4All'] == 1 or $set['details4All'] == 2 and $_SESSION['uid'] > 1 or $evt['mayE']) {
            echo makeE($evt, $set['evtTemplGen'], 'br', "<br>\n", '1234567') . "\n";
        echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n<br>\n";
//sanity check
if (empty($lcV)) {
    exit('not permitted (' . substr(basename(__FILE__), 0, -4) . ')');
//launch via script only
//main program
$evtList = array();
$fromD = isset($_POST['fromD']) ? DDtoID($_POST['fromD']) : date('Y-m-d');
$fromD = min($fromD, date('Y-m-d'));
//display header
echo "<div class='subHead'>\n\t<form method='post' id='selectD' name='selectD' action='index.php?lc'>{$xx['chg_from_date']}: \n\t<input type='hidden' name='token' value='{$_SESSION['token']}'>\n\t<input type='text' id='fromD' name='fromD' value='" . IDtoDD($fromD) . "' size='10'>\n\t<button class='noPrint' title=\"{$xx['chg_select_date']}\" onclick=\"dPicker(0,'selectD','fromD');return false;\">&larr;</button>\n\t</form>\n</div>\n";
// retrieve changed events
grabChanges($fromD, 0);
//query db for changes
//display changes
echo '<div class="eventBg' . ($_SESSION['mobile'] ? '"' : ' scrollBoxCh"') . ">\n";
if ($fromD != date('Y-m-d')) {
    echo "<h4>" . makeD($fromD, 2) . " - " . makeD(date('Y-m-d'), 2) . "</h4>\n<br>\n";
if ($evtList) {
    foreach ($evtList as $date => &$events) {
        echo "<br><h6>" . $xx['chg_changed_on'] . " " . makeD($date, 5) . "</h6><br>\n";
        showEvents($events, $date);
예제 #5
파일: index.php 프로젝트: krievley/schedule
//no access: force login
//set user filter
if (isset($_REQUEST['cU'])) {
    $_SESSION['cU'] = $_REQUEST['cU'];
} elseif (!isset($_SESSION['cU'])) {
    $_SESSION['cU'] = array(0);
//set category filter
if (isset($_REQUEST['cC'])) {
    $_SESSION['cC'] = $_REQUEST['cC'];
} elseif (!isset($_SESSION['cC'])) {
    $_SESSION['cC'] = array(0);
//set current date
if (isset($_REQUEST['nD'])) {
    $_SESSION['cD'] = $_SESSION['nD'] = DDtoID($_REQUEST['nD']);
} elseif (isset($_GET['cD'])) {
    $_SESSION['cD'] = $_GET['cD'];
} elseif (empty($_SESSION['cD'])) {
    $_SESSION['cD'] = date("Y-m-d");
//set rss get-method filter
$cF = "&amp;cal={$calID}";
foreach ($_SESSION['cU'] as $usr) {
    if ($usr) {
        $cF .= '&amp;cU%5B%5D=' . $usr;
foreach ($_SESSION['cC'] as $cat) {
    if ($cat) {
        $cF .= '&amp;cC%5B%5D=' . $cat;
예제 #6
function addEvents()
    global $ax, $birthdayID, $dFormat, $tFormat;
    $msg = '';
    $nofEvents = count($_POST['title']);
    $added = $dropped = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nofEvents; $i++) {
        if (empty($_POST['delete'][$i])) {
            $title = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['title'][$i]));
            $venue = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['venue'][$i]));
            $descr = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['descr'][$i], '<a>'));
            //allow URLs
            $sDate = DDtoID($_POST['sDate'][$i], $dFormat);
            $eDate = $_POST['eDate'][$i] ? DDtoID($_POST['eDate'][$i], $dFormat) : "9999-00-00";
            $sTime = DTtoIT($_POST['sTime'][$i], $tFormat);
            $eTime = $_POST['eTime'][$i] ? DTtoIT($_POST['eTime'][$i], $tFormat) : "99:00:00";
            $catID = $_POST['catID'][$i] ? $_POST['catID'][$i] : 1;
            //no cat
            $rType = $rInterval = $rPeriod = $rMonth = 0;
            if (!empty($_POST['birthday'][$i]) or $catID == $birthdayID) {
                $rType = 1;
                $rInterval = 1;
                $rPeriod = 4;
                $eDate = "9999-00-00";
                $catID = $birthdayID;
            if (!eventInDb($title, $sDate, $eDate, $sTime, $eTime)) {
                //update events db
                $q = "INSERT INTO [db]events VALUES (NULL,DEFAULT,'{$title}','{$descr}',DEFAULT,DEFAULT,{$catID},'{$venue}',{$_SESSION['uid']},DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,'{$sDate}','{$eDate}',DEFAULT,'{$sTime}','{$eTime}',{$rType},{$rInterval},{$rPeriod},{$rMonth},DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,'" . date("Y-m-d H:i") . "', '" . date("Y-m-d H:i") . "',DEFAULT)";
                $result = dbQuery($q);
                if (!$result) {
                    $msg = $ax['iex_db_error'];
            } else {
    if (!$msg) {
        $msg = "{$added} {$ax['iex_events_added']}" . ($dropped > 0 ? " / {$dropped} {$ax['iex_events_dropped']}" : '');
    return $msg;
예제 #7
    $nrAffected = mysql_affected_rows();
    echo "<table class='fieldBoxFix'>\n\t\t<tr><td class='legend'>&nbsp;{$ax['mdb_events']}&nbsp;</td></tr>\n\t\t<tr><td>" . ($delevt ? $ax['mdb_deleted'] : $ax['mdb_undeleted']) . ": {$nrAffected}\n\t\t</table>\n";
$msg = '';
$repair = empty($_POST["repair"]) ? 0 : 1;
$compact = empty($_POST["compact"]) ? 0 : 1;
$backup = empty($_POST["backup"]) ? 0 : 1;
$restore = empty($_POST["restore"]) ? 0 : 1;
$events = empty($_POST["events"]) ? 0 : 1;
$delevt = empty($_POST["delevt"]) ? 0 : 1;
$fromD = isset($_POST['fromD']) ? DDtoID($_POST['fromD']) : '';
//from event date
$tillD = isset($_POST['tillD']) ? DDtoID($_POST['tillD']) : '';
//untill event date
if ($fromD and $tillD and $fromD > $tillD) {
    $temp = $fromD;
    $fromD = $tillD;
    $tillD = $temp;
$mdb_exe = isset($_POST["mdb_exe"]) ? 1 : 0;
//control logic
if ($privs == 9) {
    if ($mdb_exe and (!$repair and !$compact and !$backup and !$restore and !$events)) {
        $msg = $ax['mdb_no_function_checked'];
    echo "<br><p class='error'>{$msg}</p>\n\t\t<div class='scrollBoxAd'>\n";
    if (!$mdb_exe or !$repair and !$compact and !$backup and !$restore and !$events) {
        echo "<aside class='aside'>{$ax['xpl_manage_db']}</aside>\n\t\t\t<div class='centerBox'>\n";
예제 #8
function addEvents()
    global $ax, $defcatID;
    $msg = "";
    $nofEvents = count($_POST['title']);
    $added = $dropped = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nofEvents; $i++) {
        if (empty($_POST['delete'][$i]) and $_POST['r_t'][$i] >= 0) {
            //if delete not ticked and repeat-type is valid
            $title = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars_decode(trim($_POST['title'][$i])));
            $venue = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars_decode(trim($_POST['venue'][$i])));
            $descr = str_ireplace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "<br>", strip_tags(trim($_POST['descr'][$i]), '<a>'));
            //allow URLs and replace newline by <br>
            $descr = mysql_real_escape_string($descr);
            $sDate = DDtoID($_POST['sDate'][$i]);
            $eDate = $_POST['eDate'][$i] ? DDtoID($_POST['eDate'][$i]) : "9999-00-00";
            $sTime = DTtoIT($_POST['sTime'][$i]);
            $eTime = $_POST['eTime'][$i] ? DTtoIT($_POST['eTime'][$i]) : "99:00:00";
            $r_t = $_POST['r_t'][$i];
            $r_i = $_POST['r_i'][$i];
            $r_p = $_POST['r_p'][$i];
            $r_m = $_POST['r_m'][$i];
            $r_u = $_POST['r_u'][$i] ? DDtoID($_POST['r_u'][$i]) : "9999-00-00";
            $catID = $_POST['catID'][$i] ? $_POST['catID'][$i] : 1;
            //no cat
            if (!eventInDb($title, $sDate, $eDate, $sTime, $eTime)) {
                //add event to db
                $q = "INSERT INTO [db]events VALUES (NULL,DEFAULT,'{$title}','{$descr}',DEFAULT,DEFAULT,{$catID},'{$venue}',{$_SESSION['uid']},DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,'{$sDate}','{$eDate}',DEFAULT,'{$sTime}','{$eTime}',{$r_t},{$r_i},{$r_p},{$r_m},'{$r_u}',DEFAULT,DEFAULT,'" . date("Y-m-d H:i") . "','" . date("Y-m-d H:i") . "',DEFAULT)";
                $result = dbQuery($q);
                if (!$result) {
                    $msg = $ax['iex_db_error'];
            } else {
    if (!$msg) {
        $msg = $added . " " . $ax['iex_events_added'] . ($dropped > 0 ? " / {$dropped} {$ax['iex_events_dropped']}" : "");
    return $msg;
예제 #9
function addEvents()
    global $ax, $birthdayID, $dFormat, $tFormat;
    $msg = '';
    $nofEvents = count($_POST['title']);
    $added = $dropped = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nofEvents; $i++) {
        if (empty($_POST['ignore'][$i])) {
            $title = strip_tags($_POST['title'][$i]);
            $venue = strip_tags($_POST['venue'][$i]);
            $descr = strip_tags($_POST['descr'][$i], '<a>');
            //allow URLs
            $descr = addUrlImgTags($descr, 'x-');
            //add URL link tags
            $sDate = DDtoID($_POST['sDate'][$i], $dFormat);
            $eDate = $_POST['eDate'][$i] ? DDtoID($_POST['eDate'][$i], $dFormat) : "9999-00-00";
            $sTime = DTtoIT($_POST['sTime'][$i], $tFormat);
            $eTime = $_POST['eTime'][$i] ? DTtoIT($_POST['eTime'][$i], $tFormat) : "99:00:00";
            if (empty($sTime)) {
                //all day
                $sTime = '00:00';
                $eTime = '23:59';
            $catID = $_POST['catID'][$i] ? $_POST['catID'][$i] : 1;
            //no cat
            $rType = $rInterval = $rPeriod = $rMonth = 0;
            if (!empty($_POST['birthday'][$i]) or $catID == $birthdayID) {
                $catID = $birthdayID;
                $rType = 1;
                $rInterval = 1;
                $rPeriod = 4;
                $eDate = "9999-00-00";
            if (!eventInDb($title, $sDate, $eDate, $sTime, $eTime)) {
                //add event to db
                $q = "INSERT INTO `events` (`title`,`venue`,`text1`,`catID`,`userID`,`sDate`,`eDate`,`sTime`,`eTime`,`rType`,`rInterval`,`rPeriod`,`rMonth`,`aDateTime`,`mDateTime`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                $stH = stPrep($q);
                $result = stExec($stH, array($title, $venue, $descr, $catID, $_SESSION['uid'], $sDate, $eDate, $sTime, $eTime, $rType, $rInterval, $rPeriod, $rMonth, date("Y-m-d H:i"), date("Y-m-d H:i")));
                if ($result) {
                } else {
                    $msg = $ax['iex_db_error'];
            } else {
    if (!$msg) {
        $msg = "{$added} {$ax['iex_events_added']}" . ($dropped > 0 ? " / {$dropped} {$ax['iex_events_dropped']}" : '');
    return $msg;
예제 #10
function addEvents()
    global $ax, $defcatID;
    $msg = "";
    $nofEvents = count($_POST['title']);
    $added = $dropped = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nofEvents; $i++) {
        if (empty($_POST['delete'][$i]) and $_POST['r_t'][$i] >= 0) {
            //if delete not ticked and repeat-type is valid
            $title = htmlspecialchars_decode(trim($_POST['title'][$i]));
            $venue = htmlspecialchars_decode(trim($_POST['venue'][$i]));
            $descr = strip_tags(trim($_POST['descr'][$i]), '<a>');
            $descr = addUrlImgTags($descr, 'x-');
            //add URL link tags
            $descr = str_ireplace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "<br>", $descr);
            //allow URLs and replace newline by <br>
            $sDate = DDtoID($_POST['sDate'][$i]);
            $eDate = $_POST['eDate'][$i] ? DDtoID($_POST['eDate'][$i]) : "9999-00-00";
            $sTime = DTtoIT($_POST['sTime'][$i]);
            $eTime = $_POST['eTime'][$i] ? DTtoIT($_POST['eTime'][$i]) : "99:00:00";
            if (empty($sTime)) {
                //all day
                $sTime = '00:00';
                $eTime = '23:59';
            $r_t = $_POST['r_t'][$i];
            $r_i = $_POST['r_i'][$i];
            $r_p = $_POST['r_p'][$i];
            $r_m = $_POST['r_m'][$i];
            $r_u = $_POST['r_u'][$i] ? DDtoID($_POST['r_u'][$i]) : "9999-00-00";
            $catID = $_POST['catID'][$i] ? $_POST['catID'][$i] : 1;
            //no cat
            if (!eventInDb($title, $sDate, $eDate, $sTime, $eTime)) {
                //add event to db
                $q = "INSERT INTO `events` (`title`,`venue`,`text1`,`catID`,`userID`,`sDate`,`eDate`,`sTime`,`eTime`,`rType`,`rInterval`,`rPeriod`,`rMonth`,`rUntil`,`aDateTime`,`mDateTime`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                $stH = stPrep($q);
                $result = stExec($stH, array($title, $venue, $descr, $catID, $_SESSION['uid'], $sDate, $eDate, $sTime, $eTime, $r_t, $r_i, $r_p, $r_m, $r_u, date("Y-m-d H:i"), date("Y-m-d H:i")));
                if ($result) {
                } else {
                    $msg = $ax['iex_db_error'];
            } else {
    if (!$msg) {
        $msg = $added . " " . $ax['iex_events_added'] . ($dropped > 0 ? " / {$dropped} {$ax['iex_events_dropped']}" : "");
    return $msg;