function updaterating($sel_id) { global $_TABLES; $voteresult = DB_query("select rating FROM {$_TABLES['filemgmt_votedata']} WHERE lid = '{$sel_id}'"); $votesDB = DB_numROWS($voteresult); $totalrating = 0; if ($votesDB > 0) { while (list($rating) = DB_fetchARRAY($voteresult)) { $totalrating += $rating; } $finalrating = $totalrating / $votesDB; } $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, 4); DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['filemgmt_filedetail']} SET rating='{$finalrating}', votes='{$votesDB}' WHERE lid = '{$sel_id}'"); }
function nexdoc_getGroupOptions() { global $_TABLES, $_FMCONF, $LANG_nexfile; $options = ''; if (count($_FMCONF['excludeGroups']) > 0) { $excludeGroups = $_FMCONF['excludeGroups']; // Don't want to alter the global value array_walk($excludeGroups, 'wrap_each'); $excludeGroups = implode(',', $excludeGroups); } else { $excludeGroups = ''; } if (count($_FMCONF['excludeGroups']) > 0) { $includeCoreGroups = $_FMCONF['includeCoreGroups']; // Don't want to alter the global value array_walk($includeCoreGroups, 'wrap_each'); $includeCoreGroups = implode(',', $includeCoreGroups); } else { $includeCoreGroups = ''; } $sql = "SELECT grp_id,grp_name FROM {$_TABLES['groups']} "; $sql .= "WHERE (grp_gl_core = '0' "; if (!empty($excludeGroups)) { $sql .= "AND grp_name NOT IN ({$excludeGroups}) "; } $sql .= ' ) '; if (!empty($includeCoreGroups)) { $sql .= "OR ( grp_name in ({$includeCoreGroups}) ) "; } $sql .= 'ORDER BY grp_name'; $query = DB_query($sql); if (DB_numROWS($query) > 0) { while (list($grp_id, $grp_name) = DB_fetchARRAY($query)) { $options .= '<option value="' . $grp_id . '">'; $options .= $grp_name . '</option>' . LB; } } else { $options = '<option value="0">' . $LANG_nexfile['msg36'] . '</option>'; } return $options; }
$numpages = ceil($maxrows / $show); /* $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$_TABLES['filemgmt_filedetail']} a "; $sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['filemgmt_cat']} b ON a.cid=b.cid "; $sql .= "WHERE a.cid = $cid AND status > 0 $groupsql"; list($maxrows) = DB_fetchArray(DB_query($sql)); $numpages = ceil($maxrows / $show); */ if ($maxrows > 0) { $sql = "SELECT a.lid, a.cid, a.title, a.url, a.homepage, a.version, a.size, a.submitter, a.logourl, a.status,, a.hits, a.rating, a.votes, a.comments, b.description "; $sql .= "FROM {$_TABLES['filemgmt_filedetail']} a "; $sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['filemgmt_filedesc']} b on a.lid=b.lid "; $sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['filemgmt_cat']} c ON a.cid=c.cid "; $sql .= "WHERE a.cid='" . intval($cid) . "' AND a.status > 0 {$groupsql} ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT {$offset}, {$show}"; $result = DB_query($sql); $numrows = DB_numROWS($result); //if 2 or more items in result, show the sort menu if ($maxrows > 1) { $p->set_var('LANG_SORTBY', _MD_SORTBY); $p->set_var('LANG_TITLE', _MD_TITLE); $p->set_var('LANG_DATE', _MD_DATE); $p->set_var('LANG_RATING', _MD_RATING); $p->set_var('LANG_POPULARITY', _MD_POPULARITY); $p->set_var('LANG_CURSORTBY', _MD_CURSORTBY); $p->set_var('orderbyTrans', $orderbyTrans = convertorderbytrans($orderby)); $p->parse('sort_menu', 'sortmenu'); } $cssid = 1; for ($x = 1; $x <= $numrows; $x++) { list($lid, $cid, $dtitle, $url, $homepage, $version, $size, $submitter, $logourl, $status, $time, $hits, $rating, $votes, $comments, $description) = DB_fetchArray($result); $rating = number_format($rating, 2);
function getChildTreeArray($sel_id = 0, $order = "", $parray = array(), $r_prefix = "") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE {$this->pid} = '{$sel_id}' {$this->filtersql} "; if ($order != "") { $sql .= " ORDER BY {$order}"; } $result = DB_query($sql); $count = DB_numROWS($result); if ($count == 0) { return $parray; } while ($row = DB_fetchARRAY($result)) { $row['prefix'] = $r_prefix . "."; array_push($parray, $row); $parray = $this->getChildTreeArray($row[$this->id], $order, $parray, $row['prefix']); } return $parray; }
function migrateComments($forum, $sid, $parent) { global $verbose, $_TABLES, $_CONF, $migratedcomments; $sql = DB_query("SELECT sid,date,uid,title,comment from {$_TABLES['comments']} WHERE sid = '" . $sid . "' ORDER BY date ASC"); $num_comments = DB_numROWS($sql); if ($verbose) { echo "Found {$num_comments} Comments to migrate for this topic"; } $i = 0; while (list($sid, $commentdate, $uid, $subject, $comment) = DB_fetchARRAY($sql)) { $sqlid = DB_query("SELECT id from {$_TABLES['gf_topic']} ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 1"); list($lastid) = DB_fetchARRAY($sqlid); $comment = prepareStringForDB($comment); $subject = prepareStringForDB($subject); $postmode = "HTML"; $name = DB_getITEM($_TABLES['users'], 'username', "uid={$uid}"); $email = DB_getITEM($_TABLES['users'], 'email', "uid={$uid}"); $website = DB_getITEM($_TABLES['users'], 'homepage', "uid={$uid}"); $datetime = explode(" ", $commentdate); $date = explode("-", $datetime[0]); $time = explode(":", $datetime[1]); $year = $date[0] > 1969 ? $date[0] : "2001"; $month = $date[1]; $day = $date[2]; $hour = $time[0]; $min = $time[1]; $timestamp = mktime($hour, $min, 0, $month, $day, $year); $lastupdated = $timestamp; $migratedcomments++; DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['gf_topic']} (forum,name,date,lastupdated, email, website, subject, comment, postmode, ip, mood, uid, pid, sticky, locked)\r\n VALUES ('{$forum}','{$name}','{$timestamp}','{$lastupdated}','{$email}','{$website}','{$subject}','{$comment}','{$postmode}','','','{$uid}','{$parent}','0','0')"); $i++; } DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['gf_topic']} SET replies = {$num_comments} WHERE id={$parent}"); return $num_comments; }