예제 #1
function BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles($from_path, $to_path = '', $backup = true)
    //check to see if provided paths are legit
    if (!file_exists($from_path)) {
        //log error
        echo "The from directory, {$from_path} Does Not Exist<p>\n";
    } else {
        $from_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $from_path);
    if (empty($to_path)) {
        $to_path = $from_path;
    } elseif (!file_exists($to_path)) {
        //log error
        echo "The to directory, {$to_path} Does Not Exist<p>\n";
    //now grab list of files to exclude from minifying
    $exclude_files = get_exclude_files($to_path);
    //process only if file/directory is not in exclude list
    if (!isset($exclude_files[$from_path])) {
        //get correct path for backup
        $bu_path = $to_path . '/jssource/src_files';
        $bu_path .= substr($from_path, strlen($to_path));
        //if this is a directory, then read it and process files
        if (is_dir("{$from_path}")) {
            //grab file / directory and read it.
            $handle = opendir("{$from_path}");
            //loop over the directory and go into each child directory
            while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))) {
                //make sure you go into directory tree and not out of tree
                if ($dir != '.' && $dir != '..') {
                    //make recursive call to process this directory
                    BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles($from_path . '/' . $dir, $to_path, $backup);
        //if this is not a directory, then
        //check if this is a javascript file, then process
        // Also, check if there's a min counterpart, in which case, don't use this file.
        $path_parts = pathinfo($from_path);
        if (is_file("{$from_path}") && isset($path_parts['extension']) && $path_parts['extension'] == 'js') {
            /*$min_file_path = $path_parts['dirname'].'/'.$path_parts['filename'].'-min.'.$path_parts['extension'];
              if(is_file($min_file_path)) {
                  $from_path = $min_file_path;
            if ($backup) {
                $bu_dir = dirname($bu_path);
                if (!file_exists($bu_dir)) {
                //delete backup src file if it exists already
                if (file_exists($bu_path)) {
                //copy original file into a source file
                rename($from_path, $bu_path);
            } else {
                //no need to backup, but remove file that is about to be copied
                //if it exists in both backed up scripts and working directory
                if (file_exists($from_path) && file_exists($bu_path)) {
            //now make call to minify and overwrite the original file.
            CompressFiles($bu_path, $from_path);
예제 #2
function ProcessAddMapEntry()
    global $config;
    $result = new AddMapEntryResult();
    $result->messages = array();
    // collect config variables and arguments
    $map_compressed_dir = $config->map_server->map_compressed_dir;
    $map_parts_path = $config->map_server->map_parts_path;
    $map_file = $_POST["map_file"];
    // check the arguments are valid
    if (!isset($map_file) || empty($map_file)) {
        $result->success = false;
        $result->error_message = "ERROR: Map file parameter not set.<br/>";
        return $result;
    if (!file_exists($map_file)) {
        $result->success = false;
        $result->error_message = "Provided file does not exist.<br/>";
        return $result;
    $map_file_info = pathinfo($map_file);
    $map_file_name = $map_file_info["filename"];
    $map_file_extension = $map_file_info["extension"];
    $map_file_directory = $map_file_info["dirname"];
    // check the extension of the map file (.map, .yelo or .xml)
    $file_type = 0;
    if (strcmp($map_file_extension, "map") == 0) {
        $file_type = 1;
    if (strcmp($map_file_extension, "yelo") == 0) {
        $file_type = 1;
    if (strcmp($map_file_extension, "xml") == 0) {
        $file_type = 2;
    if ($file_type == 0) {
        $result->success = false;
        $result->error_message = "Provided file is not valid.<br/>";
        return $result;
    // create the server defined locations if they don't already exist
    if (!file_exists($map_parts_path)) {
        if (mkdir($map_parts_path, 0760, true)) {
            $result->messages[] = "Created map parts folder <b>" . $map_parts_path . "<br/>";
        } else {
            $result->success = false;
            $result->error_message = "Failed to create the map parts folder.<br/>";
            return $result;
    if (!file_exists($map_compressed_dir)) {
        if (mkdir($map_compressed_dir, 0760, true)) {
            $result->messages[] = "Created compressed map folder <b>" . $map_compressed_dir . "<br/>";
        } else {
            $result->success = false;
            $result->error_message = "Failed to create the compressed map output folder.<br/>";
            return $result;
    // fill a map definition class, either manually or from an xml
    $map_definition = null;
    $map_name_info = null;
    switch ($file_type) {
        case 1:
            // provided file is a map, set the definition variables manually
            $map_definition = new MapDefinition();
            $map_definition->algorithm = 0;
            $map_definition->name = $map_file_name;
            $map_definition->md5 = md5_file($map_file);
            $map_definition->uncompressed_size = filesize($map_file);
            $map_name_info = pathinfo($map_file);
        case 2:
            // provided file is an xml, set the definition variables by reading it as a map part definition
            $map_definition = LoadDefinition($map_file);
            if ($map_definition == null) {
                $result->success = false;
                $result->error_message = "Failed to load map part definition.<br/>";
                return $result;
            $map_name_info = pathinfo($map_definition->name);
    // open the database
    $database = OpenDatabase($config->map_database->data_source_name, $config->map_database->username, $config->map_database->password);
    // look for the map in the database
    $map_entry = new MapEntryReader($database, "SELECT {0} FROM `map_list` WHERE map_name = ?");
    if ($map_entry->MoveNext()) {
        // map already in database
        if ($map_entry->map_compression_stage != 1) {
            // the map was not added successfully so remove the entry and reprocess the map
            $result->messages[] = "WARNING: Reprocessing a map that previously failed, map will be removed and reprocessed.";
            $remove_map_entry_result = RemoveMapEntry($database, $map_entry->file_id, $map_compressed_dir);
            if (!$remove_map_entry_result->success) {
                $result->success = false;
                $result->error_message = $remove_map_entry_result->error_message;
                return $result;
            $result->messages = array_merge($result->messages, $remove_map_entry_result->messages);
        } else {
            $result->success = false;
            $result->error_message = "Map <i>" . $map_name_info["filename"] . "</i> already exists in the database.<br/>";
            return $result;
        $map_entry = NULL;
    // file not in database so insert a new row in to the map_list table
    $map_writer = new MapEntryWriter($database, "INSERT INTO `map_list` ({0}) VALUES ({1})");
    $map_writer->map_name = $map_file_name;
    $map_writer->map_extension = $map_name_info["extension"];
    $map_writer->map_md5 = $map_definition->md5;
    $map_writer->map_uncompressed_size = $map_definition->uncompressed_size;
    $file_id = $database->lastInsertId();
    $result->messages[] = "Map entry added to database for <i>" . $map_file_name . "</i>";
    $parts_output_path = $map_parts_path . "/" . $map_file_name;
    // create the parts folder
    if (!file_exists($parts_output_path)) {
        if (mkdir($parts_output_path, 0760, true)) {
            $result->messages[] = "Created output folder <b>" . $parts_output_path . "</b>";
        } else {
            $result->success = false;
            $result->error_message = "Failed to create the file parts output folder.<br/>";
            return $result;
    // process the map file or part definition
    switch ($file_type) {
        case 1:
            // the provided file is a map
            // compress the map
            $result->messages[] = "Compressing <b>" . $map_file . "</b>...";
            $output_file = $map_compressed_dir . "/" . $map_file_name . ".zip";
            if (!CompressFiles(array($map_file, $map_file_name . "." . $map_file_extension), $output_file, 0)) {
                $result->success = false;
                $result->error_message = "Failed to create <b>" . $output_file . "</b>";
                return $result;
            $result->messages[] = "<b>" . $output_file . "</b> created.";
            $map_definition->compressed_size = filesize($output_file);
            // split the archive
            $result->messages[] = "Splitting the archive...";
            if (($part_manifest = SplitFile($output_file, $parts_output_path, 1048576, false)) == null) {
                $result->success = false;
                $result->error_message = "Failed to split map archive.<br/>";
                return $result;
            if (!unlink($output_file)) {
                $result->success = false;
                $result->error_message = "Failed to delete temporary zip archive <b>" . $output_file . "</b>.<br/>";
                return $result;
            // build the parts list
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($part_manifest); $i++) {
                $part = new PartDefinition();
                $part_info = pathinfo($part_manifest[$i]);
                $part->name = $part_info["basename"];
                $part->index = $i;
                $part->md5 = md5_file($part_manifest[$i]);
                $part->size = filesize($part_manifest[$i]);
                $map_definition->part[] = $part;
        case 2:
            $result->messages[] = "Copying map parts to web directory...";
            foreach ($map_definition->part as $value) {
                // verify map part
                if ($value->encrypted) {
                    $result->messages[] = "WARNING: Encrypted part encountered. If this is a master server do NOT use encrypted maps.";
                $part_source_path = $map_file_directory . "/" . $value->name;
                if (!file_exists($part_source_path)) {
                    $result->success = false;
                    $result->error_message = "A map part is missing.<br/>";
                    return $result;
                if (strcasecmp(md5_file($part_source_path), $value->md5) != 0) {
                    $result->success = false;
                    $result->error_message = "Uploaded part's md5 does not match that in the definition.<br/>";
                    return $result;
                // copy part to parts folder
                if (!copy($part_source_path, $parts_output_path . "/" . $value->name)) {
                    $result->success = false;
                    $result->error_message = "Failed to copy a part to the parts folder.<br/>";
                    return $result;
    // add parts to database
    $part_entry = new MapPartWriter($database, "INSERT INTO `map_part_list` ({0}) VALUES ({1})");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($map_definition->part); $i++) {
        $part_entry->map_file_id = $file_id;
        $part_entry->part_id = $map_definition->part[$i]->index;
        $part_entry->part_name = $map_definition->part[$i]->name;
        $part_entry->part_md5 = $map_definition->part[$i]->md5;
        $part_entry->part_size = $map_definition->part[$i]->size;
        $result->messages[] = "Part: <i>" . $part_entry->part_name . "</i>\tMD5: <i>" . $part_entry->part_md5 . "</i>";
    $result->messages[] = "Part entries added to database.";
    // update the maps database with the parts path
    $map_entry_update = new MapEntryUpdater($database, "UPDATE `map_list` SET {0} WHERE file_id = ?");
    $map_entry_update->map_compressed_size = $map_definition->compressed_size;
    $map_entry_update->map_compression_type = $map_definition->algorithm;
    $map_entry_update->map_parts_path = $map_parts_path . "/" . $map_file_name;
    $map_entry_update->map_part_count = count($map_definition->part);
    // update map progress to process completed
    $compression_stage = new MapCompressionUpdater($database, "UPDATE `map_list` SET {0} WHERE      file_id = ?");
    $compression_stage->map_compression_stage = 1;
    $result->messages[] = "Map added to server successfully!";
    $result->success = true;
    return $result;