예제 #1
		public function Process3DCallBack()
			if($orderStatus) {
				if(CompletePendingOrder($_COOKIE['SHOP_ORDER_TOKEN'], $orderStatus)) {
					// Everything is fine, send the customer to the thank you page.
					//header("Location: ".$GLOBALS['ShopPathSSL']."/finishorder.php");
					//it needs to redirect the parent window for PayPal website payments pro, because 3D secure authoriation form is loaded in an iframe on the page
					echo "<script>top.location.href='".$GLOBALS['ShopPathSSL']."/finishorder.php';</script>";
예제 #2
  * Create a new order in ISC based on a new-order-notification from google
  * @return void
 private function CreateOrder()
     $pendingOrder = $this->CalculateOrder();
     $cartItems = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_CART']->api->GetProductsInCart();
     $checkoutSession = $_SESSION['CHECKOUT'];
     $pendingData = $checkoutSession['PENDING_DATA'];
     // Get a list of the vendors for all of the items in the cart, and loop through them
     // to build all of the pending orders
     $cartContent = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_CHECKOUT']->BreakdownCartByAddressVendorforshipping();
     //Changed to merging function by Simha
     $vendorOrderInfo = array();
     foreach ($cartContent as $vendorId => $addresses) {
         foreach ($addresses as $addressId => $products) {
             $allDigital = 1;
             $productArray = array();
             foreach ($products as $cartItemId => $product) {
                 // A physical product, mark as so
                 if ($product['data']['prodtype'] == PT_PHYSICAL) {
                     $allDigital = 0;
                 // Mark the quantity of this item
                 $productArray[$cartItemId] = $product['quantity'];
             $vendorInfo = $pendingData['VENDORS'][$vendorId . '_' . $addressId];
             $vendorData = array('itemtotal' => $vendorInfo['ITEM_TOTAL'], 'taxcost' => $vendorInfo['TAX_COST'], 'totalcost' => $vendorInfo['ORDER_TOTAL'], 'shippingcost' => $_SESSION['CHECKOUT']['SHIPPING'][$vendorId . '_0']['COST'], 'handlingcost' => $_SESSION['CHECKOUT']['SHIPPING'][$vendorId . '_0']['HANDLING'], 'shippingprovider' => $_SESSION['CHECKOUT']['SHIPPING'][$vendorId . '_0']['PROVIDER'], 'shippingmodule' => $_SESSION['CHECKOUT']['SHIPPING'][$vendorId . '_0']['MODULE'], 'isdigitalorder' => $allDigital, 'products' => $productArray);
             // Shipping zones can be configured per vendor, so we need to be sure
             // to pass this along correctly too
             if (isset($vendorInfo['SHIPPING_ZONE'])) {
                 $shippingZone = GetShippingZoneById($vendorInfo['SHIPPING_ZONE']);
                 if (is_array($shippingZone)) {
                     $vendorData['ordshippingzoneid'] = $shippingZone['zoneid'];
                     $vendorData['ordshippingzone'] = $shippingZone['zonename'];
             $vendorOrderInfo[$vendorId . '_' . $addressId] = $vendorData;
     // Work out the cost of the order, shipping etc
     $pendingOrder['ipaddress'] = '';
     $pendingOrder['vendorinfo'] = $vendorOrderInfo;
     $pendingToken = CreateOrder($pendingOrder, $cartItems);
     if ($pendingToken === false) {
         $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError($this->logtype, sprint(GetLang('GoogleCheckoutMissingCart'), isc_html_escape($this->module->cartid)));
     $order = LoadPendingOrderByToken($pendingToken);
     $googleid = $this->response->data['new-order-notification']['google-order-number']['VALUE'];
     $this->SendGoogleNewOrderId($googleid, $order['orderid']);
     $updatedOrder = array('ordpayproviderid' => $googleid, 'ordpaymentstatus' => 'captured');
     $orderIds = array($order['orderid']);
     // Update the orders in the database
     $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->UpdateQuery('orders', $updatedOrder, "orderid IN (" . implode(',', $orderIds) . ")");
     $completed = CompletePendingOrder($pendingToken, ORDER_STATUS_PENDING, false);
     if ($this->response->data['new-order-notification']['buyer-marketing-preferences']['email-allowed']['VALUE'] == 'true') {
     if (!$completed) {
         $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError($this->logtype, sprintf(GetLang('GoogleCheckoutCantCompleteOrder'), isc_html_escape($pendingToken), isc_html_escape(var_export($completed, true))));
     $orderClass = GetClass('ISC_ORDER');
     $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemSuccess($this->logtype, sprintf(GetLang('GoogleCheckoutOrderCreated'), (int) $order['orderid'], isc_html_escape($googleid)));
예제 #3
파일: orders.php 프로젝트: hungnv0789/vhtm
 * Update the status of an order.
 * @param mixed Either an array of order IDs to update, or an integer for a single order ID.
 * @param int The new status of the order.
 * @param boolean Should emails be sent out if the email on status change feature is enabled?
 * @param boolean Set to true if this status update is in a pingback from a payment module and payment modules should not be notified of the change.
 * @return boolean True if successful.
function UpdateOrderStatus($orderIds, $status, $email=true, $preventModuleUpdateCallback=false)
	if(!is_array($orderIds)) {
		$orderIds = array($orderIds);

	foreach($orderIds as $orderId) {
		$order = GetOrder($orderId, false);

		if (!$order || !$order['orderid']) {
			return false;

		// Start transaction

		$existing_status = $order['ordstatus'];

		// If the order is incomplete, it needs to be completed first
		if($existing_status == 0) {
			CompletePendingOrder($order['ordtoken'], $status, $email);

		$updatedOrder = array(
			"ordstatus" => (int)$status,
			"ordlastmodified" => time(),

		// If the order status is 2 or 10 (completed, shipped) then set the orddateshipped timestamp
		if (OrderIsComplete($status)) {
			$updatedOrder['orddateshipped'] = time();

		// Update the status for this order
		if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->UpdateQuery("orders", $updatedOrder, "orderid=" . (int)$orderId)) {
			// Fetch the name of the status this order was changed to
			$query = sprintf("SELECT statusdesc FROM [|PREFIX|]order_status WHERE statusid='%d'", $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($status));
			$result2 = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
			$statusName = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($result2);

			// Log this action if we are in the control panel
			if (defined('ISC_ADMIN_CP')) {
				$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogAdminAction($orderId, $statusName);

			// This order was marked as refunded or cancelled
			if ($status == ORDER_STATUS_REFUNDED || $status == ORDER_STATUS_CANCELLED) {
				// If the inventory levels for products in this order have previously been changed, we need to
				// return the inventory too
				if ($order['ordinventoryupdated'] == 1) {

				// Marked as refunded or cancelled, need to cancel the gift certificates in this order too if there are any
				$updatedCertificates = array(
					"giftcertstatus" => 3
				$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->UpdateQuery("gift_certificates", $updatedCertificates, "giftcertorderid='" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($orderId) . "'");
			// This order was marked as completed/shipped as long as the inventory hasn't been adjusted previously
			else if (OrderIsComplete($status)) {
				if ($order['ordinventoryupdated'] == 0) {

				// Send out gift certificates if the order wasn't already complete
				if (!OrderIsComplete($existing_status)) {

		// Was there an error? If not, commit
		if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Error() == "") {

			// Does the customer now need to be notified for this status change?
			$statuses = explode(",", GetConfig('OrderStatusNotifications'));
			if (in_array($status, $statuses) && $email == true) {
				foreach($orderIds as $orderId) {
					EmailOnStatusChange($orderId, $status);

			// If the checkout module that was used for an order is still enabled and has a function
			// to handle a status change, then call that function
			if($preventModuleUpdateCallback == false) {
				$valid_checkout_modules = GetAvailableModules('checkout', true, true);
				$valid_checkout_module_ids = array();
				foreach ($valid_checkout_modules as $valid_module) {
					$valid_checkout_module_ids[] = $valid_module['id'];

				foreach($orderIds as $orderId) {
					$order = GetOrder($orderId, false);

					if (in_array($order['orderpaymentmodule'], $valid_checkout_module_ids)) {
						GetModuleById('checkout', $checkout_module, $order['orderpaymentmodule']);
						if (method_exists($checkout_module, 'HandleStatusChange')) {
							call_user_func(array($checkout_module, 'HandleStatusChange'), $orderId, $existing_status, $status, 0);

			return true;
		else {
			return false;

	return false;
예제 #4
	 * Create a new order in ISC based on a new-order-notification from google
	 * @return void
	private function CreateOrder()
			// Todo: What is the correct way to fail here?

		// Ensure split shipping is disabled

		// Set the billing address for the order
		$billingAddress =

		if(!$this->quote->isDigital()) {
			// Set the shipping address for the order
			$shippingAddress =

			// Attempt to find shipping costs in the response from Google
			if (isset($this->response->data[$this->response->root]['order-adjustment']['shipping']['merchant-calculated-shipping-adjustment'])) {
				$shipping = $this->response->data[$this->response->root]['order-adjustment']['shipping']['merchant-calculated-shipping-adjustment'];
			} else {
				$shipping = array (
					'shipping-cost' => array (
						'VALUE' => 0
					'shipping-name' => array (
						'VALUE' => ''



		$selectedCurrency = getCurrencyById($GLOBALS['CurrentCurrency']);
		$newOrder = array(
			'orderpaymentmodule' => 'checkout_googlecheckout',
			'ordcurrencyid' => $selectedCurrency['currencyid'],
			'ordcurrencyexchangerate' => $selectedCurrency['currencyexchangerate'],
			'ordipaddress' => '',
			'extraInfo' => array(),

			'quote' => $this->quote,

		$entity = new ISC_ENTITY_ORDER();
		$orderId = $entity->add($newOrder);

		// Failed to create the order
		if(!$orderId) {
			$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError($this->logtype, sprintf(GetLang('GoogleCheckoutMissingCart'), isc_html_escape($this->module->cartid)));

		$order = getOrder($orderId);

		$googleid = $this->response->data['new-order-notification']['google-order-number']['VALUE'];
		$this->SendGoogleNewOrderId($googleid, $order['orderid']);
		$updatedOrder = array(
			'ordpayproviderid' => $googleid,

		$orderIds = array($order['orderid']);

		// Update the orders in the database
		$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->UpdateQuery('orders', $updatedOrder, "orderid IN (".implode(',', $orderIds).")");

		$completed = CompletePendingOrder($order['ordtoken'], ORDER_STATUS_PENDING, false);

		if ($this->response->data['new-order-notification']['buyer-marketing-preferences']['email-allowed']['VALUE'] == 'true') {

		if (!$completed) {
			$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemError($this->logtype, sprintf(GetLang('GoogleCheckoutCantCompleteOrder'), isc_html_escape($pendingToken), isc_html_escape(var_export($completed, true))));

		$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_LOG']->LogSystemSuccess($this->logtype, sprintf(GetLang('GoogleCheckoutOrderCreated'), (int) $order['orderid'], isc_html_escape($googleid)));
예제 #5
	*	Process details for a particular payment gateway inline.
	private function ProcessOrderPayment()
		// ensure products are in stock

		$order_token = "";
		if(isset($_COOKIE['SHOP_ORDER_TOKEN'])) {
			$order_token = $_COOKIE['SHOP_ORDER_TOKEN'];

		// If the order token is empty then something has gone wrong.
		if($order_token == '') {
			header("Location: ".$GLOBALS['ShopPathSSL']."/checkout.php?action=confirm_order");

		// Load the pending order
		$orders = LoadPendingOrdersByToken($order_token);

		if(!is_array($orders)) {
			header("Location: ".$GLOBALS['ShopPathSSL']."/checkout.php?action=confirm_order");

		if ($orders['status'] != ORDER_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) {
			// has this order already been completed? redirect to finish order
			header("Location: ".$GLOBALS['ShopPathSSL']."/finishorder.php");

		// Get the payment module
		if(!GetModuleById('checkout', $provider, $orders['paymentmodule'])) {
			header("Location: ".$GLOBALS['ShopPathSSL']."/checkout.php?action=confirm_order");


		if(isset($_SESSION['CHECKOUT']['ProviderListHTML']) && method_exists($provider, 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment')) {

		// Does this method have it's own processing method?
		if(method_exists($provider, "ProcessPaymentForm")) {
			$result = $provider->ProcessPaymentForm();
			if($result) {
				$paymentStatus = $provider->GetPaymentStatus();
				$orderStatus = GetOrderStatusFromPaymentStatus($paymentStatus);
				if(CompletePendingOrder($order_token, $orderStatus)) {
					// Everything is fine, send the customer to the thank you page.

			// Otherwise there was an error

		// If we're still here then something from the above has gone wrong. Show the confirm page again
예제 #6
		*	Complete the order after the customer is brought back from the payment provider
		public function FinishOrder()
			// Orders are still incomplete, so we need to validate them
			if($this->pendingData['status'] == ORDER_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) {
				// Verify the pending order
				$newStatus = VerifyPendingOrder($this->orderToken);

				// Order was declined and we're rejecting all declined payments
				if($newStatus == ORDER_STATUS_DECLINED) {
					$Msg = sprintf(GetLang('ErroOrderDeclined'), GetConfig('OrderEmail'), GetConfig('OrderEmail'));
					$this->BadOrder(GetLang('YourPaymentWasDeclined'), $Msg);
				// This order is valid
				elseif($newStatus !== false) {

					$prodOrdered = array();
					$items = getCustomerQuote()->getItems();
					foreach($items as $item) {
						$productId = $item->getProductId();
						if($productId > 0) {
							$prodOrdered[] = $productId;
						$_SESSION['ProductJustOrdered'] = implode(',',$prodOrdered);
					if(CompletePendingOrder($this->orderToken, $newStatus)) {
						// Order was saved. Show the confirmation screen and email an invoice to the customer

				// If we're still here, either the order didnt complete or the order was invalid
			// Order is already complete - there's a good chance the customer has refreshed the page,
			// or they've come back from somewhere like PayPal who in the mean time has already sent
			// us a ping back to validate and begin processing the order - show the thank you page
			else if($this->pendingData['status'] == ORDER_STATUS_DECLINED) {
					$Msg = sprintf(GetLang('ErroOrderDeclined'), GetConfig('OrderEmail'), GetConfig('OrderEmail'));
					$this->BadOrder(GetLang('YourPaymentWasDeclined'), $Msg);
			else {
예제 #7
  *	Complete the order after the customer is brought back from the payment provider
 public function FinishOrder()
     $queries = array();
     // Orders are still incomplete, so we need to validate them
     if ($this->pendingData['status'] == 0) {
         // Verify the pending order
         $newStatus = VerifyPendingOrder($this->orderToken);
         // This order is not valid
         if ($newStatus !== false) {
             if (CompletePendingOrder($this->orderToken, $newStatus)) {
                 /*  $cdate = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
                     $edate = strtotime('2010-12-15');
                     if($cdate <= $edate) {*/
                 # This condition should be checked dynamically, For static its hardcoded -- Baskaran
                 // }
                 // Order was saved. Show the confirmation screen and email an invoice to the customer
         // If we're still here, something bad has happened to the order
         // Order was declined and we're rejecting all declined payments
         if ($newStatus == ORDER_STATUS_DECLINED) {
             $Msg = sprintf(GetLang('ErroOrderDeclined'), GetConfig('OrderEmail'), GetConfig('OrderEmail'));
             $this->BadOrder(GetLang('YourPaymentWasDeclined'), $Msg);
         } else {
     } else {
         if ($this->pendingData['status'] == ORDER_STATUS_DECLINED) {
             $Msg = sprintf(GetLang('ErroOrderDeclined'), GetConfig('OrderEmail'), GetConfig('OrderEmail'));
             $this->BadOrder(GetLang('YourPaymentWasDeclined'), $Msg);
         } else {