예제 #1
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("f_last_name") . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("f_first_name") . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("f_middle_name", '1') . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("address") . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("city") . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("state", '1') . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("zip", '3') . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("birthday", '6', 'now()', '', 'date') . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("start_date", '6', 'now()', '', 'date') . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("phone1", '', '', 'placeholder="123-123-1234" pattern="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}" title="Please user the format 123-123-1234"', 'tel') . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("phone1_type", '3', '', 'placeholder="ph type"') . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("phone2", '', '', 'placeholder="123-123-1234" pattern="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}" title="Please user the format 123-123-1234"', 'tel') . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("phone2_type", '3', '', 'placeholder="ph type"') . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("phone3", '', '', 'placeholder="123-123-1234" pattern="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}" title="Please user the format 123-123-1234"', 'tel') . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("phone3_type", '3', '', 'placeholder="ph type"') . ',';
 $theq .= ColAsInputField("email", '30', '', '', 'email') . ',';
 $theq .= "  student_type, sex, primary_contact,";
 $theq .= "split_part(age(birthday)::text,' ',1)||' '||split_part(age(birthday)::text,' ',2)as age,";
 $theq .= "split_part(age(start_date)::text,' ',1)||' '||split_part(age(start_date)::text,' ',2)as trainingage";
 $theq .= ' from students s ';
 $theq .= ' left join sysdef.student_type st on st.short_name=s.student_type ';
 $theq .= ' where s.stu_index=:stu_index';
 try {
     $pdoquery = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
     $pdoquery->execute(array(':stu_index' => $stu_index));
     $studentdata = $pdoquery->fetchAll();
     $studentdata[0]->stu_index = 'New';
 } catch (PDOException $e) {
     logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
     $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
예제 #2
    updatesysdef("School State", $_POST["schoolstate"], $dbconn, $logname);
    updatesysdef("School Zip", $_POST["schoolzip"], $dbconn, $logname);
    updatesysdef("School Phone", $_POST["schoolphone"], $dbconn, $logname);
    logit($logname, 'going back to school');
    header('Location: school.php');
//school info
$theq = 'select ';
$theq .= ColAsInputField("schoolname", '30', '', 'required') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField("schooladdress", '20', '', 'required') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField("schooladdress2", '20') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField("schoolcity", '15', '', 'required') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField("schoolstate", '1', '', 'required') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField("schoolzip", '', '2', 'required') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField("schoolphone", '8', '', 'placeholder="123-123-1234" pattern="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}" title="Please user the format 123-123-1234"', 'tel');
$theq .= ' from crosstab($$';
$theq .= " select 1,replace(sd_item,' ',''),sd_value from sysdef.system_defaults";
$theq .= " where lower(sd_item) in (";
$theq .= " 'school name','school address','school address2',";
$theq .= " 'school city','school state','school zip','school phone')";
$theq .= " \$\$,\$\$";
$theq .= "           select 'SchoolName' as seq";
$theq .= " union all select 'SchoolAddress'";
$theq .= " union all select 'SchoolAddress2'";
$theq .= " union all select 'SchoolCity'";
$theq .= " union all select 'SchoolState'";
$theq .= " union all select 'SchoolZip'";
$theq .= " union all select 'SchoolPhone'";
$theq .= " \$\$) as (";
$theq .= " rowid integer,";
예제 #3
    $theq .= " login as userlogin,";
    $theq .= ColAsInputField('thepassword', '', '', 'required', 'password', 'userthepassword') . ',';
} else {
    //must be a pleb editing someone elses record, dont allow password updating
    logit($logname, '  this is a pleb editing someone elses data... no edit boxes for login or thepassword');
    $theq .= " login as userlogin,'********' as userthepassword,";
$theq .= ColAsInputField('firstname', '', '', 'required', '', 'userfirstname') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField('lastname', '', '', 'required', '', 'userlastname') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField('email', '', '', 'required', 'email', 'useremail') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField('address1', '', '', '', '', 'useraddress1') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField('address2', '', '', '', '', 'useraddress2') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField('city', '', '', '', '', 'usercity') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField('state', '', '', '', '', 'userstate') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField('zip', '', '', '', '', 'userzip') . ',';
$theq .= ColAsInputField('phone', '', '', 'placeholder="123-123-1234" pattern="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}" title="Please user the format 123-123-1234"', 'tel', 'userphone') . ',';
$theq .= ' case when locked then \'Disabled\' else \'Enabled\' end as lockeddisplay';
$theq .= ' from users u';
$theq .= ' where userid=:userid';
try {
    $pdoquery = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
    $pdoquery->execute(array(':userid' => $userid));
    $userdata = $pdoquery->fetchAll();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
    $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
    $cancontinue = FALSE;
if ($userdata[0]->locked == true) {
    $enabledselected = '';