예제 #1
function TriggerLog($a = 0, $b = "No details.")
    # DESCRIPTION: Logs an event, for debugging or audit purposes in the 'z_logs' table.
    # FUNCTION AUTHOR: Bobby Allen (ballen@zpanel.co.uk)
    $acc_key = $a;
    $log_details = Cleaner('i', $b);
    include 'conf/zcnf.php';
    $sql = "INSERT INTO z_logs (lg_acc_fk, lg_when_ts, lg_ipaddress_vc, lg_details_tx) VALUES (" . $acc_key . ", '" . time() . "', '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', '" . $log_details . "')";
    DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
예제 #2
파일: index.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
    echo $lang['16'];
                <td><input name="inPostCode" type="text" id="inPostCode" size="20" maxlength="10" value="<?php 
    echo Cleaner('o', $rowpersonal['ap_postcode_vc']);
" /></td>
    echo $lang['17'];
                <td><input name="inPhone" type="text" id="inPhone" size="20" maxlength="50" value="<?php 
    echo Cleaner('o', $rowpersonal['ap_phone_vc']);
" /></td>
    echo $lang['183'];
                <td><input name="inNewPassword" type="password" id="inNewPassword" size="20" maxlength="50" /> 
                <th colspan="2" align="right"><input type="hidden" name="inReturn" value="<?php 
    echo GetFullURL();
예제 #3
파일: index.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
include 'inc/zAccountDetails.php';
include 'lang/' . GetPrefdLang($personalinfo['ap_language_vc']) . '.php';
echo $lang['2'];
echo "<br><br>";
if (isset($_GET['r']) && $_GET['r'] == 'ok') {
    echo "<br><br><div class=\"zannouce\">" . $lang['61'] . "</div>";
    echo "<br><br>";
echo "<form id=\"frmPersonalDetails\" name=\"frmPersonalDetails\" method=\"post\" action=\"runner.php?load=obj_personal\">\r\n  <table class=\"zform\">\r\n    <tr>\r\n      <th>" . $lang['13'] . "</th>\r\n      <td><input name=\"inFullname\" type=\"text\" id=\"inFullname\" size=\"40\" value=\"" . Cleaner("o", $personalinfo['ap_fullname_vc']) . "\" /></td>\r\n    </tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n      <th>" . $lang['14'] . "</th>\r\n      <td><input name=\"inEmail\" type=\"text\" id=\"inEmail\" size=\"40\" value=\"" . Cleaner("o", $personalinfo['ap_email_vc']) . "\" /></td>\r\n    </tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n      <th>" . $lang['17'] . "</th>\r\n      <td><input name=\"inPhone\" type=\"text\" id=\"inPhone\" size=\"20\" value=\"" . Cleaner("o", $personalinfo['ap_phone_vc']) . "\" /></td>\r\n    </tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n      <th>Choose Language</th>\r\n      <td>";
echo "<select name=\"inTranslation\" id=\"inTranslation\">";
$handle = @opendir(GetSystemOption('zpanel_root') . "lang");
$chkdir = GetSystemOption('zpanel_root') . "lang/";
if (!$handle) {
    # Log an error as the folder cannot be opened...
    TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "Was unable to read the Language packs in (" . $chkdir . "), please ensure this folder exists.");
} else {
    while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
        if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && strstr($file, '.php') && !strstr($file, '_override')) {
            if (str_replace(".php", "", $file) == $personalinfo['ap_language_vc']) {
                echo "<option value=" . str_replace(".php", "", $file) . " selected=selected>" . str_replace(".php", "", $file) . "</option>\n";
            } else {
                echo "<option value=" . str_replace(".php", "", $file) . ">" . str_replace(".php", "", $file) . "</option>\n";
echo "</select>\r\n\t  \r\n\t  </td>\r\n    </tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n      <th>" . $lang['15'] . "</th>\r\n      <td><textarea name=\"inAddress\" id=\"inAddress\" cols=\"45\" rows=\"5\">" . Cleaner("o", $personalinfo['ap_address_tx']) . "</textarea></td>\r\n    </tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n      <th>" . $lang['16'] . "</th>\r\n      <td><input name=\"inPostalCode\" type=\"text\" id=\"inPostalCode\" size=\"15\" value=\"" . Cleaner("o", $personalinfo['ap_postcode_vc']) . "\" /></td>\r\n    </tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n      <th>&nbsp;</th>\r\n      <td align=\"right\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"inReturnURL\" id=\"inReturnURL\" value=\"" . GetFullURL() . "\" /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"" . $lang['18'] . "\" id=\"" . $lang['18'] . "\" value=\"Submit\" /></td>\r\n    </tr>\r\n  </table>\r\n</form>";
예제 #4
파일: index.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
                <td><input name="inDiskQuota" type="text" id="inDiskQuota" value="<?php 
    echo Cleaner('o', $rowquotas['qt_diskspace_bi'] / 1024000);
" size="10" maxlength="10" />
    echo $lang['100'];
    echo $lang['99'];
                <td><input name="inBandQuota" type="text" id="inBandQuota" value="<?php 
    echo Cleaner('o', $rowquotas['qt_bandwidth_bi'] / 1024000);
" size="10" maxlength="10" />
    echo $lang['100'];
                <th colspan="2" align="right"><input type="hidden" name="inReturn" value="<?php 
    echo GetFullURL();
" /><input type="hidden" name="inPackageID" value="<?php 
    echo $rowpackage['pk_id_pk'];
" /><input type="hidden" name="inAction" value="edit" /><input type="submit" name="inSubmit" id="inSubmit" value="<?php 
예제 #5
파일: index.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
    if (isset($_GET['reset'])) {
        # There has been a password reset request...
        echo "<br><h2>" . $lang['194'] . "</h2>";
        echo $lang['193'];
        echo "<br><br>";
        <form id="frmResetPassword" name="frmResetPassword" method="post" action="runner.php?load=obj_mail">
            <table class="zform">
        echo $lang['14'];
        echo Cleaner('o', $_GET['reset']);
        echo $lang['116'];
                    <td><input name="inPassword" type="password" id="inPassword"/></td>
                    <th colspan="2" align="right"><input type="hidden" name="inReturn" value="<?php 
        echo GetFullURL();
" />
예제 #6
파일: index.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
    echo $lang['185'];
    do {
        echo Cleaner('o', $rowforwarders['fw_address_vc']);
        echo Cleaner('o', $rowforwarders['fw_destination_vc']);
                    <td><input type="submit" name="inDelete_<?php 
        echo $rowforwarders['fw_id_pk'];
" id="inDelete_<?php 
        echo $rowforwarders['fw_id_pk'];
" value="<?php 
        echo $lang['84'];
" /><input type="hidden" name="ForwardMailbox" value="<?php 
        echo $rowforwarders['fw_address_vc'];
" /><input type="hidden" name="fw_address_vc" value="<?php 
예제 #7
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Now we need to declare and cleanup some variables
$acc_fk = $useraccount['ac_id_pk'];
$returnurl = Cleaner('o', $_POST['inReturn']);
# Now we turn the values that are avaliable to be saved...
$sql = "SELECT * FROM z_settings WHERE st_editable_in=1";
$listoptions = DataExchange("r", $z_db_name, $sql);
$rowoptions = mysql_fetch_assoc($listoptions);
if (isset($_POST['inSaveSystem'])) {
    do {
        # Now we simply update the account details based on the current session.
        DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, "UPDATE z_settings SET st_value_tx='" . Cleaner('o', $_POST['' . $rowoptions['st_name_vc'] . '']) . "' WHERE st_name_vc = '" . $rowoptions['st_name_vc'] . "'");
    } while ($rowoptions = mysql_fetch_assoc($listoptions));
if (isset($_POST['inSaveTemplate'])) {
    DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, "UPDATE z_settings SET st_value_tx='" . Cleaner('o', $_POST['inTemplate']) . "' WHERE st_name_vc = 'zpanel_template'");
    DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, "UPDATE z_settings SET st_value_tx='" . Cleaner('o', str_replace(".php", "", $_POST['inTranslation'])) . "' WHERE st_name_vc = 'zpanel_lang'");
if (isset($_POST['inSaveWelcome'])) {
    DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, "UPDATE z_settings SET st_value_tx='" . htmlentities($_POST['inWelcome']) . "' WHERE st_name_vc = 'zpanel_welcome'");
$returnurl = GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=ok";
header("location: " . $returnurl . "");
예제 #8
 * ZPanel - A Cross-Platform Open-Source Web Hosting Control panel.
 * @package ZPanel
 * @version $Id$
 * @author Bobby Allen - ballen@zpanelcp.com
 * @copyright (c) 2008-2011 ZPanel Group - http://www.zpanelcp.com/
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU Public License v3
 * This program (ZPanel) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Now we need to declare and cleanup some variables
$acc_fk = $useraccount['ac_id_pk'];
$returnurl = $_POST['inReturn'];
# Now we simply update the account details based on the current session.
DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, "UPDATE z_resellers SET rc_company_vc='" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inCompanyName']) . "' WHERE rc_acc_fk=" . $acc_fk . "");
$returnurl = GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=ok";
header("location: " . $returnurl . "");
예제 #9
파일: login.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
# If the login process has been initiated then lets check the login!
if (isset($_SESSION['zUserID'])) {
    if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
        # Lets log the user out!
        $_SESSION['zUsername'] = NULL;
        $_SESSION['zUserID'] = NULL;
    } else {
        header("location: ./");
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['inUsername'])) {
        $username = Cleaner('i', $_POST['inUsername']);
        $password = Cleaner('i', $_POST['inPassword']);
        $sql = "SELECT ac_id_pk, ac_user_vc FROM z_accounts WHERE ac_user_vc='" . $username . "' AND ac_pass_vc='" . md5($password) . "' AND ac_deleted_ts IS NULL";
        $checklogin = DataExchange("l", $z_db_name, $sql);
        $accountexists = DataExchange("t", $z_db_name, $sql);
        $_SESSION['zUsername'] = $checklogin['ac_user_vc'];
        $_SESSION['zUserID'] = $checklogin['ac_id_pk'];
        include 'inc/zAccountDetails.php';
        $is_admin = $permissionset['pr_admin_in'];
        if ($accountexists > 0) {
            if ($lockdown_option == 1) {
                if ($is_admin == 1) {
                    TriggerLog($checklogin['ac_id_pk'], "User has logged into ZPanel.");
                    $sql = "UPDATE z_settings SET st_value_tx='http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "' WHERE st_name_vc='login_url';";
                    DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
                    header("location: ./index.php");
예제 #10
    if (ShowServerPlatform() == 'Windows') {
        $api_resault = zapi_cronjob_add(GetSystemOption('cron_file'), $cronid['ct_id_pk'], $_POST['inTiming'], ChangeSafeSlashesToWin(GetSystemOption('php_exer')), RemoveDoubleSlash(ChangeSafeSlashesToWin(GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $useraccount['ac_user_vc'] . '/' . $_POST['inScript'])));
    } else {
        $api_resault = zapi_cronjob_add(GetSystemOption('cron_file'), $cronid['ct_id_pk'], $_POST['inTiming'], GetSystemOption('php_exer'), RemoveDoubleSlash(GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $useraccount['ac_user_vc'] . '/' . $_POST['inScript']));
    if ($api_resault == false) {
        # The cronjob was not added for some reason!
        # We will remove the cron id from the database so it will not show as active.
        $sql = "UPDATE z_cronjobs SET ct_deleted_ts=" . time() . " WHERE ct_id_pk=" . $cronid['ct_id_pk'] . "";
        DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
        TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "Was unable to write to the crontab file (" . GetSystemOption('cron_file') . "), check that the file is not read-only and that the file path in the ZPanel settings is correct.");
        header("location: " . GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=error");
    # Now we add some infomation to the system log.
    TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "New cron job has been added by user (" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inScript']) . ")\rDescription:-\r" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inDescription']) . "");
    header("location: " . GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=ok");
if ($_POST['inAction'] == 'delete') {
    # User has choosen to delete the task...
    do {
        if (isset($_POST['inDelete_' . $rowtasks['ct_id_pk']])) {
            # Call the API function!
            $api_resault = zapi_cronjob_remove(GetSystemOption('cron_file'), $rowtasks['ct_id_pk']);
            if ($api_resault == false) {
                # The cronjob was not deleted for some reason!
                TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "Was unable to write to the crontab file (" . GetSystemOption('cron_file') . "), check that the file is not read-only and that the file path in the ZPanel settings is correct.");
                header("location: " . GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=error");
예제 #11
    DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO z_permissions (pr_package_fk) VALUES (" . $packageid['pk_id_pk'] . ");";
    DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
    # Insert default mod_bw quota limits for package
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM z_throttle WHERE tr_id_pk=1";
    $throttledefaults = DataExchange("l", $z_db_name, $sql);
    $sql = "UPDATE z_quotas SET qt_bwenabled_in = '" . $throttledefaults['tr_bwenabled_in'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_dlenabled_in = '" . $throttledefaults['tr_dlenabled_in'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_totalbw_fk   = '" . $throttledefaults['tr_totalbw_fk'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_minbw_fk     = '" . $throttledefaults['tr_minbw_fk'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_maxcon_fk    = '" . $throttledefaults['tr_maxcon_fk'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_filesize_fk  = '" . $throttledefaults['tr_filespeed_fk'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_filespeed_fk = '" . $throttledefaults['tr_filespeed_fk'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_filetype_vc  = '" . $throttledefaults['tr_filetype_vc'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_modified_in  = '1'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE qt_package_fk  = '" . $packageid['pk_id_pk'] . "'";
    DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
    header("location: " . $returnurl . "&r=ok");
if ($_POST['inAction'] == 'edit') {
    # User has choosen to edit a package...
    $sql = "UPDATE z_packages SET pk_name_vc='" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inPackageName']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpk_enablephp_in=" . GetCheckboxValue($_POST['inEnablePHP']) . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpk_enablecgi_in=" . GetCheckboxValue($_POST['inEnableCGI']) . " WHERE pk_id_pk=" . $_POST['inPackageID'] . "";
    DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
    $sql = "UPDATE z_quotas SET qt_domains_in=" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inNoDomains']) . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_subdomains_in=" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inNoSubDomains']) . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_parkeddomains_in=" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inNoParkedDomains']) . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_mailboxes_in=" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inNoMailboxes']) . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_fowarders_in=" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inNoFowarders']) . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_distlists_in=" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inNoDistLists']) . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_ftpaccounts_in=" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inNoFTPAccounts']) . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_mysql_in=" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inNoMySQL']) . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_diskspace_bi=" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inDiskQuota'] * 1024000) . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_bandwidth_bi=" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inBandQuota'] * 1024000) . " WHERE qt_package_fk=" . $_POST['inPackageID'] . "";
    DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
    $returnurl = GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=ok";
    header("location: " . $returnurl . "");
if ($_POST['inAction'] == 'delete') {
    # User has choosen to delete a package...
    do {
        if (isset($_POST['inEdit_' . $rowpackages['pk_id_pk']])) {
            header("location: " . $returnurl . "&edit=" . $rowpackages['pk_id_pk'] . "");
        if (isset($_POST['inDelete_' . $rowpackages['pk_id_pk']])) {
            $sql = "UPDATE z_packages SET pk_deleted_ts=" . time() . " WHERE pk_id_pk=" . $rowpackages['pk_id_pk'] . "";
            $packageid = DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
예제 #12
    $alias = "ServerAlias " . $domain . " www." . $domain . "";
    # Check to see if version IS Windows (If so use the default hMailServer and create domain) - Otherwise we skip it!
    if (ShowServerPlatform() == 'Windows') {
        if (GetSystemOption('disable_hostsen') == 'false') {
            # Lets add the hostname to the HOSTS file so that the server can view the domain immediately...
            @exec("C:/ZPanel/bin/zpanel/tools/setroute.exe " . $domain . "");
            @exec("C:/ZPanel/bin/zpanel/tools/setroute.exe www." . $domain . "");
    # Call the API!
    zapi_vhparked_add(GetSystemOption('apache_vhost'), $domain, GetSystemOption('parking_path'));
    # If all has gone well we need to now create the domain in the database...
    $sql = "INSERT INTO z_vhosts (vh_acc_fk,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvh_name_vc,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvh_directory_vc,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvh_type_in,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvh_created_ts) VALUES (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $acc_fk . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . Cleaner('i', $domain) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . Cleaner('i', $homedirectoy_to_use) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t3,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . time() . ")";
    DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
    # Now we add some infomation to the system log.
    TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "New parked domain has been added by the user (" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inDomain']) . ").");
    header("location: " . GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=ok");
if ($_POST['inAction'] == 'delete') {
    # User has choosen to delete the task...
    do {
        if (isset($_POST['inDelete_' . $rowdomains['vh_id_pk']])) {
            # Log the action in the database...
            TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "User domain vhost ID: " . $rowdomains['ct_id_pk'] . " was deleted.");
            # Call the API
            zapi_vhost_remove(GetSystemOption('apache_vhost'), $rowdomains['vh_name_vc']);
            # Check to see if version IS Windows (If so use the default hMailServer and create domain) - Otherwise we skip it!
            if (ShowServerPlatform() == 'Windows') {
                # Lets now go and try removing the domain from hMailServer (if configured in the ZPanel system settings:-
                $hmaildatabase = GetSystemOption('hmailserver_db');
예제 #13
파일: index.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
                        <input type="hidden" name="inAction" value="NewDistList" />
                        <input type="submit" name="inSubmit" id="inSubmit" value="<?php 
        echo $lang['128'];
" /></th>
    } else {
        echo $lang['234'];
# Check the see if the user wants to edit the dist list in queston...
if (isset($_GET['edit'])) {
    # Get a list of the dist list users....
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM z_distlists WHERE dl_acc_fk=" . $useraccount['ac_id_pk'] . " AND dl_address_vc='" . Cleaner('i', $_GET['edit']) . "' AND dl_deleted_ts IS NULL";
    $listdistlist = DataExchange("r", $z_db_name, $sql);
    $rowdistlist = mysql_fetch_assoc($listdistlist);
    $totaldistlist = DataExchange("t", $z_db_name, $sql);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM z_distlistusers WHERE du_distlist_fk=" . $rowdistlist['dl_id_pk'] . " AND du_deleted_ts IS NULL";
    $listdistlistusers = DataExchange("r", $z_db_name, $sql);
    $rowdistlistusers = mysql_fetch_assoc($listdistlistusers);
    $totaldistlistusers = DataExchange("t", $z_db_name, $sql);
    echo "<br><h2>Edit distrubution list</h2>";
    echo "<form id=\"frmNewDistListUser\" name=\"frmNewDistListUser\" method=\"post\" action=\"runner.php?load=obj_mail\">\r\n\t<table class=\"zform\">\r\n\t<tr>\r\n    <th colspan=\"3\">" . $rowdistlist['dl_address_vc'] . "</th>\r\n  \t</tr>\r\n\t  <tr>\r\n    <th>&nbsp;</th>\r\n    <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n  </tr>";
    if ($rowdistlistusers > 0) {
        do {
            echo "<tr>\r\n    <th>Email Address:</th><td>" . $rowdistlistusers['du_address_vc'] . "</td>\r\n    <td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"inDelete_" . $rowdistlistusers['du_id_pk'] . "\" id=\"inDelete_" . $rowforwarders['du_id_pk'] . "\" value=\"" . $lang['84'] . "\" /></td>\r\n  </tr>";
        } while ($rowdistlistusers = mysql_fetch_assoc($listdistlistusers));
    echo "\r\n  <tr>\r\n    <th>&nbsp;</th>\r\n    <td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n\t<td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n  </tr>\r\n  <tr>\r\n    <th>Add new address:</th>\r\n    <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"inDistListAddress\" id=\"inDistListAddress\" /></td><td>&nbsp;</td>\r\n  </tr>\r\n  <tr>\r\n    <th colspan=\"3\" align=\"right\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"inReturn\" value=\"" . GetFullURL() . "\" />\r\n          <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"inAction\" value=\"edit_distlists\" />\r\n\t\t  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"inDLID\" value=\"" . $rowdistlist['dl_id_pk'] . "\" />\r\n          <input type=\"submit\" name=\"inSubmit\" id=\"inSubmit\" value=\"" . $lang['128'] . "\" /></th>\r\n  </tr>\r\n</table>";
예제 #14
    # Fist lets make sure it doesnt exist before we create the database and continue...
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM z_mysql WHERE my_name_vc='" . Cleaner('i', $useraccount['ac_user_vc'] . "_" . $_POST['inDatabase']) . "' AND my_deleted_ts IS NULL";
    $doesexist = DataExchange("t", $z_db_name, $sql);
    if ($doesexist < 1) {
        # Ok so the database doesnt exist, so lets create the database...
        $api_resault = zapi_mysqldb_add($useraccount['ac_user_vc'], $_POST['inDatabase'], "utf8", "utf8_general_ci", $zdb);
        if ($api_resault == false) {
            # The cronjob was not added for some reason!
            TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "Unable to create mysql database (" . $_POST['inDatabase'] . ").");
        # If the user submitted a 'new' request then we will simply add the cron task to the database...
        $sql = "INSERT INTO z_mysql (my_acc_fk,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmy_name_vc,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmy_created_ts) VALUES (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $acc_fk . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . Cleaner('i', $useraccount['ac_user_vc'] . "_" . $_POST['inDatabase']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . time() . ")";
        DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
        # Now we have to add the entry to the cron file.
        # Now we add some infomation to the system log.
        TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "New MySQL database added by user (" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inDatabase']) . ").");
        header("location: " . GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=ok");
    } else {
        header("location: " . GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=exists");
if ($_POST['inAction'] == 'delete') {
    # User has choosen to delete the task...
    do {
        if (isset($_POST['inDelete_' . $rowmysql['my_id_pk']])) {
            # Ok so lets drop the MySQL database...
            $api_resault = zapi_mysqldb_remove($rowmysql['my_name_vc'], $zdb);
            if ($api_resault == false) {
                # The cronjob was not added for some reason!
                TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "Unable to remove mysql database (" . $rowmysql['my_name_vc'] . ").");
예제 #15
파일: index.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
do {
                <td><img src="modules/advanced/faqs/item.png" width="16" height="16"></td>
                <td><a href="#" onclick="toggle_visibility('<?php 
    echo $rowfaqs['fq_id_pk'];
    echo Cleaner('o', $rowfaqs['fq_queston_tx']);
                    <div id="<?php 
    echo $rowfaqs['fq_id_pk'];
" style="display:none;"><?php 
    echo Cleaner('o', $rowfaqs['fq_answer_tx']);
} while ($rowfaqs = mysql_fetch_assoc($listfaqs));
예제 #16
 * @copyright (c) 2008-2011 ZPanel Group - http://www.zpanelcp.com/
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU Public License v3
 * This program (ZPanel) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Now we need to declare and cleanup some variables
$acc_fk = $useraccount['ac_id_pk'];
$fullname = Cleaner("i", $_POST['inFullname']);
$email_address = Cleaner("i", $_POST['inEmail']);
$postal_address = Cleaner("i", $_POST['inAddress']);
$postal_code = Cleaner("i", $_POST['inPostalCode']);
$phone = Cleaner("i", $_POST['inPhone']);
$returnurl = $_POST['inReturnURL'];
$language = $_POST['inTranslation'];
# Now we simply update the account details based on the current session.
DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, "UPDATE z_personal SET ap_fullname_vc='" . $fullname . "', ap_email_vc='" . $email_address . "', ap_address_tx='" . $postal_address . "', ap_postcode_vc='" . $postal_code . "', ap_phone_vc='" . $phone . "', ap_language_vc='" . $language . "' WHERE ap_acc_fk=" . $acc_fk . "");
$returnurl = GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=ok";
header("location: " . $returnurl . "");
예제 #17
파일: index.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
    echo $lang['163'];
    do {
        echo Cleaner('o', $rowdomains['vh_name_vc']);
        echo Cleaner('o', $rowdomains['vh_directory_vc']);
        if ($rowdomains['vh_active_in'] == 1) {
            echo "<font color=\"green\">Live</font>";
        } else {
            echo "<font color=\"orange\">Pending</font>";
                    <td><input type="submit" name="inDelete_<?php 
        echo $rowdomains['vh_id_pk'];
" id="inDelete_<?php 
        echo $rowdomains['vh_id_pk'];
예제 #18
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Now we need to declare and cleanup some variables
$acc_fk = $useraccount['ac_id_pk'];
$current_pass = Cleaner("i", $_POST['inCurPass']);
$newpass = Cleaner("i", $_POST['inNewPass']);
$conpass = Cleaner("i", $_POST['inConPass']);
$doresetmysql = Cleaner("i", $_POST['inResMySQL']);
$returnurl = $_POST['inReturnURL'];
if (md5($current_pass) != $useraccount['ac_pass_vc'] || empty($newpass)) {
    # Current password does not match!
    $endonerror = "&r=error";
} else {
    if ($newpass == $conpass) {
        # Check that the new password matches the confirmation box.
        if ($doresetmysql != '1') {
            # User has selected to update ZPanel account password only!
            $sql = "UPDATE z_accounts SET ac_pass_vc='" . md5($newpass) . "' WHERE ac_id_pk=" . $acc_fk . "";
            DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
            TriggerLog($acc_fk, "User has updated their ZPanel account password.");
            $endonerror = "&r=ok";
        } else {
            # User has selected to change both passwords.
예제 #19
    $obFA->Name = $ExMessageAccount;
    $obFA->MinutesBetweenFetch = $ExMessagecheck;
    $obFA->Port = $ExMessagePort;
    $obFA->ProcessMIMERecipients = $ExMessageMIME;
    $obFA->ProcessMIMEDate = '1';
    $obFA->ServerAddress = $ExMessageAddress;
    $obFA->ServerType = '1';
    $obFA->Username = $ExMessageUser;
    $obFA->UseAntiVirus = '0';
    $obFA->UseAntiSpam = '0';
    $obFA->EnableRouteRecipients = '0';
    $obFA->DaysToKeepMessages = $ExMessageOption;
    $obFA->UseSSL = $ExMessageSSL;
    $Password = $ExMessagePass;
    if (strlen($Password) > 0) {
        $obFA->Password = $Password;
    $faid = $obFA->ID;
    # Log the action in the database...
    TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "Added external email acount " . $ExMessageUser . " for mailbox: " . $Usermailbox . "");
    #Life is good, lets inform the user all is ok...
    header("location: " . GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=ok");
if ($_POST['inAction'] == 'filter_mailbox') {
    # Filter the mailbox listing
    $filter = Cleaner('i', $_POST['inFilter']);
    header("location: " . $returnurl . "&r=off&rfilter=" . $filter . "");
예제 #20
function zapi_mysqldb_add($username, $databasename, $charset, $collate, $zdb)
    $sql = "CREATE DATABASE `" . Cleaner('i', $username . "_" . $databasename) . "` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET " . $charset . " COLLATE " . $collate . ";";
    mysql_query($sql, $zdb);
    $sql = "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `" . $username . "\\_" . $databasename . "`.* TO '" . $username . "'@'%'";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $zdb) or die(TriggerLog(1, "Error whilst granting priviledges to MySQL user, MySQL error was: " . mysql_error()));
    return true;
예제 #21
파일: index.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
    echo $lang['166'];
    echo $lang['163'];
    do {
        echo Cleaner('o', $rowdomains['vh_name_vc']);
        echo date(GetSystemOption('zpanel_df'), $rowdomains['vh_created_ts']);
        if ($rowdomains['vh_active_in'] == 1) {
            echo "<font color=\"green\">Live</font>";
        } else {
            echo "<font color=\"orange\">Pending</font>";
                    <td><input type="submit" name="inDelete_<?php 
예제 #22
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM z_ftpaccounts WHERE ft_user_vc='" . $_POST['inAccount'] . "' AND ft_acc_fk=" . $acc_fk . " AND ft_deleted_ts IS NULL";
    $listisowner = DataExchange("r", $z_db_name, $sql);
    $rowisowner = mysql_fetch_assoc($listisowner);
    $totalisowner = DataExchange("t", $z_db_name, $sql);
    if ($totalisowner > 0) {
        # Call the API!
        $api_resault = zapi_ftpaccount_edit(GetSystemOption('filezilla_root'), $_POST['inAccount'], $_POST['inPassword']);
        if ($api_resault == false) {
            # The cronjob was not added for some reason!
            TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "FTP password for user (" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inAccount']) . ") could not be reset.");
        } else {
            TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "FTP password for user (" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inAccount']) . ") has been reset.");
            $reboot = system($filezilla_reload);
    } else {
        TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "FTP password for user (" . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inAccount']) . ") not been reset as you are not the owner.");
    header("location: " . GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=ok");
if ($_POST['inAction'] == 'delete') {
    # User has choosen to delete the task...
    do {
        #Check to make sure this isnt a password reset...
        if (isset($_POST['inReset_' . $rowftpaccounts['ft_id_pk']])) {
            header("location: " . GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&reset=" . $rowftpaccounts['ft_user_vc'] . "");
        # Ok so lets just go and delete the FTP account now...
        if (isset($_POST['inDelete_' . $rowftpaccounts['ft_id_pk']])) {
            # Call the API!
예제 #23
파일: index.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
    echo $lang['131'];
    do {
        echo Cleaner('o', $rowmysql['my_name_vc']);
        echo Cleaner('o', FormatFileSize($rowmysql['my_usedspace_bi']));
                    <td><input type="submit" name="inDelete_<?php 
        echo $rowmysql['my_id_pk'];
" id="inDelete_<?php 
        echo $rowmysql['my_id_pk'];
" value="<?php 
        echo $lang['84'];
" /></td>
    } while ($rowmysql = mysql_fetch_assoc($listmysql));
예제 #24
파일: index.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
    echo $lang['112'];
    do {
        # Get package infomation for the user...
        $sql = "SELECT pk_name_vc FROM z_packages WHERE pk_id_pk=" . $rowclients['ac_package_fk'] . "";
        $package = DataExchange("l", $z_db_name, $sql);
        echo Cleaner('o', $rowclients['ac_user_vc']);
        echo $package['pk_name_vc'];
        echo FormatFileSize(GetQuotaUsages('diskspace', $rowclients['ac_id_pk']));
        echo FormatFileSize(GetQuotaUsages('bandwidth', $rowclients['ac_id_pk']));
                    <td><input type="submit" name="inShadow_<?php 
예제 #25
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Now we need to declare and cleanup some variables
$acc_fk = $useraccount['ac_id_pk'];
$returnurl = Cleaner('o', $_POST['inReturn']);
# Lets grab and archive the user's web data....
$homedir = GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $useraccount['ac_user_vc'];
$backupname = $useraccount['ac_user_vc'] . "_" . date("dmy_Gi", time());
$dbstamp = date("dmy_Gi", time());
# We now see what the OS is before we work out what compression command to use..
if (ShowServerPlatform() == "Windows") {
    $resault = exec(ChangeSafeSlashesToWin(GetSystemOption('7z_exe') . " a -tzip -y-r " . GetSystemOption('temp_dir') . $backupname . ".zip " . $homedir . ""));
} else {
    $resault = exec(GetSystemOption('7z_exe') . " -r9 " . GetSystemOption('temp_dir') . $backupname . " " . $homedir . "/*");
    @chmod(GetSystemOption('temp_dir') . $backupname . ".zip", 0777);
# Now lets backup all MySQL datbases for the user and add them to the archive...
$sql = "SELECT * FROM z_mysql WHERE my_acc_fk=" . $useraccount['ac_id_pk'] . " AND my_deleted_ts IS NULL";
$mysql = DataExchange("r", $z_db_name, $sql);
$row_mysql = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysql);
예제 #26
    if (isset($_POST['inNewPassword']) && $_POST['inNewPassword'] != "") {
        # Get account username...
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM z_accounts WHERE ac_id_pk=" . $_POST['inClientID'] . " AND ac_deleted_ts IS NULL";
        $listclientid = DataExchange("r", $z_db_name, $sql);
        $rowclientid = mysql_fetch_assoc($listclientid);
        $resetforuser = $rowclientid['ac_user_vc'];
        $sql = "UPDATE z_accounts SET ac_pass_vc='" . md5(Cleaner("i", $_POST['inNewPassword'])) . "' WHERE ac_id_pk=" . $_POST['inClientID'] . "";
        DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
        $sql = "UPDATE z_accounts SET ac_pass_vc='" . md5(Cleaner("i", $_POST['inNewPassword'])) . "' WHERE ac_id_pk=" . $_POST['inClientID'] . "";
        DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
        zapi_mysqluser_setpass($resetforuser, Cleaner("i", $_POST['inNewPassword']), $zdb);
        TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], "Account password for (" . $resetforuser . ") has been reset by the account admin.");
    # Log the package as modified so the daemon will make changes to vhosts if the client was moved to a different package.
    if ($rowoldpackage['ac_package_fk'] != Cleaner('i', $_POST['inPackage'])) {
        $sql = "UPDATE z_quotas SET qt_modified_in = 1 WHERE qt_package_fk = " . Cleaner('i', $_POST['inPackage']) . "";
        DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
    $returnurl = GetNormalModuleURL($returnurl) . "&r=ok";
    TriggerLog($useraccount['ac_id_pk'], $b = "User account ID: " . $_POST['inClientID'] . " was updated.");
    header("location: " . $returnurl . "");
if ($_POST['inAction'] == 'delete') {
    # User has choosen to delete a package...
    do {
        if (isset($_POST['inEdit_' . $rowclients['ac_id_pk']])) {
            header("location: " . $returnurl . "&edit=" . $rowclients['ac_id_pk'] . "");
        if (isset($_POST['inDelete_' . $rowclients['ac_id_pk']])) {
예제 #27
파일: index.php 프로젝트: shishenkov/zpanel
    echo $lang['124'];
    do {
        echo Cleaner('o', $rowtasks['ct_script_vc']);
        echo Cleaner('o', $rowtasks['ct_description_tx']);
                    <td><input type="submit" name="inDelete_<?php 
        echo $rowtasks['ct_id_pk'];
" id="inDelete_<?php 
        echo $rowtasks['ct_id_pk'];
" value="<?php 
        echo $lang['84'];
" /></td>
    } while ($rowtasks = mysql_fetch_assoc($listtasks));
예제 #28
    if (isset($_POST['inPackage'])) {
        header("location: " . $returnurl . "&r=0&package=" . $inPackage . "");
# Update package bandwidth quotas
if ($_POST['inAction'] == 'EditPackage') {
    $inUseBT = Cleaner('o', $_POST['inUseBT']);
    $inMaxBW = Cleaner('o', $_POST['inMaxBW']);
    $inMinBW = Cleaner('o', $_POST['inMinBW']);
    $inMaxCon = Cleaner('o', $_POST['inMaxCon']);
    $inUseFT = Cleaner('o', $_POST['inUseFT']);
    $inDLsize = Cleaner('o', $_POST['inDLsize']);
    $inDLspeed = Cleaner('o', $_POST['inDLspeed']);
    $inQuotaID = Cleaner('o', $_POST['inQuotaID']);
    $inPackage = Cleaner('o', $_POST['inPackage']);
    #$inDLtype   = Cleaner('o',$_POST['inDLtype']);
    # Update quota table with new settings.
    $sql = "UPDATE z_quotas SET qt_bwenabled_in = '" . $inUseBT . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_dlenabled_in = '" . $inUseFT . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_totalbw_fk   = '" . $inMaxBW . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_minbw_fk     = '" . $inMinBW . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_maxcon_fk    = '" . $inMaxCon . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_filesize_fk  = '" . $inDLsize . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_filespeed_fk = '" . $inDLspeed . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_filetype_vc  = '" . $inDLtype . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqt_modified_in  = '1'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE qt_id_pk  = '" . $inQuotaID . "'";
    DataExchange("w", $z_db_name, $sql);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM z_packages WHERE pk_id_pk ='" . $inPackage . "'";
    $listpackages = DataExchange("r", $z_db_name, $sql);
    $rowpackages = mysql_fetch_assoc($listpackages);
    # Write the package mod_bw .conf
    if ($inUseBT == 1) {
        $inUseBT = "On";
    } else {
        $inUseBT = "Off";
    if ($inUseFT == 1) {
        $inUseFT = "On";