function show()
     global $LNG, $USER, $PLANET, $resource, $reslist;
     if ($USER['planet_sort'] == 0) {
         $Order = "id ";
     } elseif ($USER['planet_sort'] == 1) {
         $Order = "galaxy, system, planet, planet_type ";
     } elseif ($USER['planet_sort'] == 2) {
         $Order = "name ";
     $Order .= $USER['planet_sort_order'] == 1 ? "DESC" : "ASC";
     $PlanetsRAW = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE id_owner = '" . $USER['id'] . "' AND destruyed = '0' AND planet_type != '4' ORDER BY " . $Order . ";");
     $elementALL = array(212, 202, 203, 204, 205, 229, 209, 206, 207, 217, 215, 213, 211, 219, 225, 226, 214, 216, 230, 227, 228, 222, 218, 221, 208, 210, 220, 223);
     $elementALLBis = array(401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 502, 503);
     $elementAllTris = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48);
     foreach ($elementAllTris as $Element) {
         $elementListallTris[$Element] = array('id' => $Element);
     foreach ($elementALL as $Element) {
         $elementListall[$Element] = array('id' => $Element);
     foreach ($elementALLBis as $Element) {
         $elementListallBis[$Element] = array('id' => $Element);
     $planetList = array();
     $PlanetRess = new ResourceUpdate();
     while ($PLANETA = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($PlanetsRAW)) {
         list($USER, $PLANETA) = $PlanetRess->CalcResource($USER, $PLANETA, true);
         $planetList[] = array('id' => $PLANETA['id'], 'name' => $PLANETA['name'], 'image' => $PLANETA['image'], 'galaxy' => $PLANETA['galaxy'], 'system' => $PLANETA['system'], 'planet' => $PLANETA['planet'], 'type' => $PLANETA['planet_type'], 'metal_percent' => round($PLANETA['metal'] * 100 / $PLANETA['metal_max']), 'cystal_percent' => round($PLANETA['crystal'] * 100 / $PLANETA['crystal_max']), 'deut_percent' => round($PLANETA['deuterium'] * 100 / $PLANETA['deuterium_max']), 'metal_mine' => $PLANETA['metal_mine'], 'crystal_mine' => $PLANETA['crystal_mine'], 'deuterium_sintetizer' => $PLANETA['deuterium_sintetizer'], 'solar_plant' => $PLANETA['solar_plant'], 'searcher' => $PLANETA['searcher'], 'fusion_plant' => $PLANETA['fusion_plant'], 'robot_factory' => $PLANETA['robot_factory'], 'nano_factory' => $PLANETA['nano_factory'], 'hangar' => $PLANETA['hangar'], 'metal_store' => $PLANETA['metal_store'], 'crystal_store' => $PLANETA['crystal_store'], 'deuterium_store' => $PLANETA['deuterium_store'], 'laboratory' => $PLANETA['laboratory'], 'terraformer' => $PLANETA['terraformer'], 'university' => $PLANETA['university'], 'ally_deposit' => $PLANETA['ally_deposit'], 'silo' => $PLANETA['silo'], 'mondbasis' => $PLANETA['mondbasis'], 'phalanx' => $PLANETA['phalanx'], 'sprungtor' => $PLANETA['sprungtor'], 'collider' => $PLANETA['collider'], 'solar_satelit' => pretty_number($PLANETA['solar_satelit']), 'small_ship_cargo' => pretty_number($PLANETA['small_ship_cargo']), 'big_ship_cargo' => pretty_number($PLANETA['big_ship_cargo']), 'light_hunter' => pretty_number($PLANETA['light_hunter']), 'heavy_hunter' => pretty_number($PLANETA['heavy_hunter']), 'M7' => pretty_number($PLANETA['M7']), 'recycler' => pretty_number($PLANETA['recycler']), 'crusher' => pretty_number($PLANETA['crusher']), 'battle_ship' => pretty_number($PLANETA['battle_ship']), 'ev_transporter' => pretty_number($PLANETA['ev_transporter']), 'battleship' => pretty_number($PLANETA['battleship']), 'destructor' => pretty_number($PLANETA['destructor']), 'bomber_ship' => pretty_number($PLANETA['bomber_ship']), 'М19' => pretty_number($PLANETA['М19']), 'giga_recykler' => pretty_number($PLANETA['giga_recykler']), 'galleon' => pretty_number($PLANETA['galleon']), 'destroyer' => pretty_number($PLANETA['destroyer']), 'dearth_star' => pretty_number($PLANETA['dearth_star']), 'lune_noir' => pretty_number($PLANETA['lune_noir']), 'M32' => pretty_number($PLANETA['M32']), 'frigate' => pretty_number($PLANETA['frigate']), 'black_wanderer' => pretty_number($PLANETA['black_wanderer']), 'flying_death' => pretty_number($PLANETA['flying_death']), 'star_crasher' => pretty_number($PLANETA['star_crasher']), 'bs_class_oneil' => pretty_number($PLANETA['bs_class_oneil']), 'colonizer' => pretty_number($PLANETA['colonizer']), 'spy_sonde' => pretty_number($PLANETA['spy_sonde']), 'dm_ship' => pretty_number($PLANETA['dm_ship']), 'Scrappy' => pretty_number($PLANETA['Scrappy']), 'misil_launcher' => pretty_number($PLANETA['misil_launcher']), 'small_laser' => pretty_number($PLANETA['small_laser']), 'big_laser' => pretty_number($PLANETA['big_laser']), 'gauss_canyon' => pretty_number($PLANETA['gauss_canyon']), 'ionic_canyon' => pretty_number($PLANETA['ionic_canyon']), 'buster_canyon' => pretty_number($PLANETA['buster_canyon']), 'small_protection_shield' => pretty_number($PLANETA['small_protection_shield']), 'big_protection_shield' => pretty_number($PLANETA['big_protection_shield']), 'planet_protector' => pretty_number($PLANETA['planet_protector']), 'graviton_canyon' => pretty_number($PLANETA['graviton_canyon']), 'orbital_station' => pretty_number($PLANETA['orbital_station']), 'lepton_gun' => pretty_number($PLANETA['lepton_gun']), 'proton_gun' => pretty_number($PLANETA['proton_gun']), 'canyon' => pretty_number($PLANETA['canyon']), 'hydrogen_gun' => pretty_number($PLANETA['hydrogen_gun']), 'dora_gun' => pretty_number($PLANETA['dora_gun']), 'photon_cannon' => pretty_number($PLANETA['photon_cannon']), 'particle_emitter' => pretty_number($PLANETA['particle_emitter']), 'slim_mehador' => pretty_number($PLANETA['slim_mehador']), 'iron_mehador' => pretty_number($PLANETA['iron_mehador']), 'grand_mehador' => pretty_number($PLANETA['grand_mehador']), 'interceptor_misil' => pretty_number($PLANETA['interceptor_misil']), 'interplanetary_misil' => pretty_number($PLANETA['interplanetary_misil']), 'current' => $PLANETA['field_current'], 'max' => CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PLANETA), 'energy_used' => $PLANETA['energy'] + $PLANETA['energy_used'], 'resource901' => pretty_number($PLANETA['metal']), 'resource902' => pretty_number($PLANETA['crystal']), 'resource903' => pretty_number($PLANETA['deuterium']), 'resource911' => pretty_number($PLANETA['energy']));
     $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array('planetList' => $planetList, 'elementListall' => $elementListall, 'elementListallBis' => $elementListallBis, 'elementListallTris' => $elementListallTris));
 function show()
     global $LNG, $USER, $PLANET, $resource, $reslist;
     $id = HTTP::_GP('id', 0);
     $PlanetsRAW = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE id = '" . $id . "';");
     $PLANETS = array($PLANET);
     while ($CPLANET = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($PlanetsRAW)) {
         $planetList['image'][$CPLANET['id']] = $CPLANET['image'];
         $planetList['coords'][$CPLANET['id']]['planet'] = $CPLANET['planet'];
         $planetList['field'][$CPLANET['id']]['current'] = $CPLANET['field_current'];
         $planetList['diameter'][$CPLANET['id']]['diameter'] = $CPLANET['diameter'];
         $planetList['field'][$CPLANET['id']]['max'] = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CPLANET);
         $planetList['temperature'][$CPLANET['id']]['minimum'] = $CPLANET['temp_min'];
         $planetList['temperature'][$CPLANET['id']]['maximum'] = $CPLANET['temp_max'];
         $planetList['solar'][$CPLANET['id']]['solar'] = $CPLANET['solar_satelit'];
         foreach ($reslist['build'] as $elementID) {
             $planetList['build'][$elementID][$CPLANET['id']] = $CPLANET[$resource[$elementID]];
         foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $elementID) {
             $planetList['defense'][$elementID][$CPLANET['id']] = $CPLANET[$resource[$elementID]];
     $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array('planetList' => $planetList));
예제 #3
 function show()
     global $USER, $PLANET, $resource, $reslist;
     $db = Database::get();
     switch ($USER['planet_sort']) {
         case 2:
             $orderBy = 'name';
         case 1:
             $orderBy = 'galaxy, system, planet, planet_type';
             $orderBy = 'id';
     $orderBy .= ' ' . ($USER['planet_sort_order'] == 1) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id != :planetID AND id_owner = :userID AND destruyed = '0' ORDER BY :order;";
     $PlanetsRAW = $db->select($sql, array(':planetID' => $PLANET['id'], ':userID' => $USER['id'], ':order' => $orderBy));
     $PLANETS = array($PLANET);
     $PlanetRess = new ResourceUpdate();
     foreach ($PlanetsRAW as $CPLANET) {
         list($USER, $CPLANET) = $PlanetRess->CalcResource($USER, $CPLANET, true);
         $PLANETS[] = $CPLANET;
     $planetList = array();
     foreach ($PLANETS as $Planet) {
         $planetList['name'][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['name'];
         $planetList['image'][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['image'];
         $planetList['coords'][$Planet['id']]['galaxy'] = $Planet['galaxy'];
         $planetList['coords'][$Planet['id']]['system'] = $Planet['system'];
         $planetList['coords'][$Planet['id']]['planet'] = $Planet['planet'];
         $planetList['field'][$Planet['id']]['current'] = $Planet['field_current'];
         $planetList['field'][$Planet['id']]['max'] = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($Planet);
         $planetList['energy_used'][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['energy'] + $Planet['energy_used'];
         $planetList['resource'][901][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['metal'];
         $planetList['resource'][902][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['crystal'];
         $planetList['resource'][903][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['deuterium'];
         $planetList['resource'][911][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['energy'];
         foreach ($reslist['build'] as $elementID) {
             $planetList['build'][$elementID][$Planet['id']] = $Planet[$resource[$elementID]];
         foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $elementID) {
             $planetList['fleet'][$elementID][$Planet['id']] = $Planet[$resource[$elementID]];
         foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $elementID) {
             $planetList['defense'][$elementID][$Planet['id']] = $Planet[$resource[$elementID]];
     foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $elementID) {
         $planetList['tech'][$elementID] = $USER[$resource[$elementID]];
     $this->assign(array('colspan' => count($PLANETS) + 2, 'planetList' => $planetList));
예제 #4
function ShowImperiumPage()
    global $LNG, $USER, $PLANET, $resource, $reslist, $db;
    $PlanetRess = new ResourceUpdate();
    $template = new template();
    $SQLArray = array_merge($reslist['build'], $reslist['fleet'], $reslist['defense']);
    $Query = "";
    foreach ($SQLArray as $id => $gid) {
        $Query .= ",`" . $resource[$gid] . "`";
    if ($USER['planet_sort'] == 0) {
        $Order = "`id` ";
    } elseif ($USER['planet_sort'] == 1) {
        $Order = "`galaxy`, `system`, `planet`, `planet_type` ";
    } elseif ($USER['planet_sort'] == 2) {
        $Order = "`name` ";
    $Order .= $USER['planet_sort_order'] == 1 ? "DESC" : "ASC";
    $PlanetsRAW = $db->query("\r\n\tSELECT `id`,`name`,`galaxy`,`system`,`planet`,`planet_type`,\r\n\t`image`,`field_current`,`field_max`,`metal`,`crystal`,`deuterium`,\r\n\t`energy_used`,`energy_max` " . $Query . " FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $USER['id'] . "' AND `destruyed` = '0' ORDER BY " . $Order . ";");
    while ($Planet = $db->fetch_array($PlanetsRAW)) {
        $InfoList = array('id' => $Planet['id'], 'name' => $Planet['name'], 'image' => $Planet['image'], 'galaxy' => $Planet['galaxy'], 'system' => $Planet['system'], 'planet' => $Planet['planet'], 'field_current' => $Planet['field_current'], 'field_max' => CalculateMaxPlanetFields($Planet), 'metal' => pretty_number($Planet['metal']), 'crystal' => pretty_number($Planet['crystal']), 'deuterium' => pretty_number($Planet['deuterium']), 'energy_used' => pretty_number($Planet['energy_max'] + $Planet['energy_used']), 'energy_max' => pretty_number($Planet['energy_max']));
        foreach ($reslist['build'] as $gid) {
            $BuildsList[$gid] = pretty_number($Planet[$resource[$gid]]);
        foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $gid) {
            $FleetsList[$gid] = pretty_number($Planet[$resource[$gid]]);
        foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $gid) {
            $DefensesList[$gid] = pretty_number($Planet[$resource[$gid]]);
        $PlanetsList[] = array('InfoList' => $InfoList, 'BuildsList' => $BuildsList, 'FleetsList' => $FleetsList, 'DefensesList' => $DefensesList);
    foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $gid) {
        $ResearchList[$gid] = pretty_number($USER[$resource[$gid]]);
    $template->assign_vars(array('colspan' => count($PlanetsList) + 1, 'PlanetsList' => $PlanetsList, 'ResearchList' => $ResearchList, 'iv_imperium_title' => $LNG['iv_imperium_title'], 'iv_planet' => $LNG['iv_planet'], 'iv_name' => $LNG['iv_name'], 'iv_coords' => $LNG['iv_coords'], 'iv_fields' => $LNG['iv_fields'], 'iv_resources' => $LNG['iv_resources'], 'Metal' => $LNG['Metal'], 'Crystal' => $LNG['Crystal'], 'Deuterium' => $LNG['Deuterium'], 'Energy' => $LNG['Energy'], 'iv_buildings' => $LNG['iv_buildings'], 'iv_technology' => $LNG['iv_technology'], 'iv_ships' => $LNG['iv_ships'], 'iv_defenses' => $LNG['iv_defenses'], 'tech' => $LNG['tech'], 'build' => $reslist['build'], 'fleet' => $reslist['fleet'], 'defense' => $reslist['defense'], 'research' => $reslist['tech']));
예제 #5
function ShowOverviewPage()
    global $CONF, $LNG, $PLANET, $USER, $db, $resource, $UNI;
    $PlanetRess = new ResourceUpdate();
    $template = new template();
    $AdminsOnline = $AllPlanets = $Moon = array();
    foreach ($template->UserPlanets as $ID => $CPLANET) {
        if ($ID == $_SESSION['planet'] || $CPLANET['planet_type'] == 3) {
        if (!empty($CPLANET['b_building']) && $CPLANET['b_building'] > TIMESTAMP) {
            $Queue = explode(';', $CPLANET['b_building_id']);
            $CurrBuild = explode(',', $Queue[0]);
            $BuildPlanet = $LNG['tech'][$CurrBuild[0]] . " (" . $CurrBuild[1] . ")<br><span style=\"color:#7F7F7F;\">(" . pretty_time($CurrBuild[3] - TIMESTAMP) . ")</span>";
        } else {
            $BuildPlanet = $LNG['ov_free'];
        $AllPlanets[] = array('id' => $CPLANET['id'], 'name' => $CPLANET['name'], 'image' => $CPLANET['image'], 'build' => $BuildPlanet);
    if ($PLANET['id_luna'] != 0) {
        $Moon = $db->uniquequery("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $PLANET['id_luna'] . "';");
    if (!empty($PLANET['b_building'])) {
        $Queue = explode(';', $PLANET['b_building_id']);
        $CurrBuild = explode(',', $Queue[0]);
        $Build = $LNG['tech'][$CurrBuild[0]] . ' (' . $CurrBuild[1] . ')<br><div id="blc">"' . pretty_time($PLANET['b_building'] - TIMESTAMP) . '</div>';
    } else {
        $Build = $LNG['ov_free'];
    $OnlineAdmins = $db->query("SELECT `id`,`username` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `universe` = '" . $UNI . "' AND `onlinetime` >= '" . (TIMESTAMP - 10 * 60) . "' AND `authlevel` > '0';");
    while ($AdminRow = $db->fetch_array($OnlineAdmins)) {
        $AdminsOnline[$AdminRow['id']] = $AdminRow['username'];
    $template->assign_vars(array('user_rank' => sprintf($LNG['ov_userrank_info'], pretty_number($USER['total_points']), $LNG['ov_place'], $USER['total_rank'], $USER['total_rank'], $LNG['ov_of'], $CONF['users_amount']), 'is_news' => $CONF['OverviewNewsFrame'], 'news' => makebr($CONF['OverviewNewsText']), 'planetname' => $PLANET['name'], 'planetimage' => $PLANET['image'], 'galaxy' => $PLANET['galaxy'], 'system' => $PLANET['system'], 'planet' => $PLANET['planet'], 'buildtime' => $PLANET['b_building'], 'userid' => $USER['id'], 'username' => $USER['username'], 'build' => $Build, 'Moon' => $Moon, 'AllPlanets' => $AllPlanets, 'AdminsOnline' => $AdminsOnline, 'Teamspeak' => GetTeamspeakData(), 'messages' => $USER['new_message'] > 0 ? $USER['new_message'] == 1 ? $LNG['ov_have_new_message'] : sprintf($LNG['ov_have_new_messages'], pretty_number($USER['new_message'])) : false, 'planet_diameter' => pretty_number($PLANET['diameter']), 'planet_field_current' => $PLANET['field_current'], 'planet_field_max' => CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PLANET), 'planet_temp_min' => $PLANET['temp_min'], 'planet_temp_max' => $PLANET['temp_max'], 'ov_news' => $LNG['ov_news'], 'fcm_moon' => $LNG['fcm_moon'], 'ov_server_time' => $LNG['ov_server_time'], 'ov_planet' => $LNG['ov_planet'], 'ov_planetmenu' => $LNG['ov_planetmenu'], 'ov_diameter' => $LNG['ov_diameter'], 'ov_distance_unit' => $LNG['ov_distance_unit'], 'ov_developed_fields' => $LNG['ov_developed_fields'], 'ov_max_developed_fields' => $LNG['ov_max_developed_fields'], 'ov_fields' => $LNG['ov_fields'], 'ov_temperature' => $LNG['ov_temperature'], 'ov_aprox' => $LNG['ov_aprox'], 'ov_temp_unit' => $LNG['ov_temp_unit'], 'ov_to' => $LNG['ov_to'], 'ov_position' => $LNG['ov_position'], 'ov_points' => $LNG['ov_points'], 'ov_events' => $LNG['ov_events'], 'ov_admins_online' => $LNG['ov_admins_online'], 'ov_no_admins_online' => $LNG['ov_no_admins_online'], 'ov_userbanner' => $LNG['ov_userbanner'], 'ov_teamspeak' => $LNG['ov_teamspeak'], 'ov_your_planet' => $LNG['ov_your_planet'], 'ov_coords' => $LNG['ov_coords'], 'ov_planet_name' => $LNG['ov_planet_name'], 'ov_actions' => $LNG['ov_actions'], 'ov_abandon_planet' => $LNG['ov_abandon_planet'], 'ov_planet_rename' => $LNG['ov_planet_rename'], 'ov_planet_rename_action' => $LNG['ov_planet_rename_action'], 'ov_password' => $LNG['ov_password'], 'ov_with_pass' => $LNG['ov_with_pass'], 'ov_security_confirm' => $LNG['ov_security_confirm'], 'ov_security_request' => $LNG['ov_security_request'], 'ov_delete_planet' => $LNG['ov_delete_planet'], 'ov_planet_abandoned' => $LNG['ov_planet_abandoned'], 'path' => PROTOCOL . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . HTTP_ROOT));
예제 #6
 public function __construct(&$CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser)
     global $ProdGrid, $lang, $resource, $reslist, $phpEx, $dpath, $game_config, $_GET, $xgp_root;
     include_once $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/IsTechnologieAccessible.' . $phpEx;
     include_once $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/GetElementPrice.' . $phpEx;
     include_once $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/CheckPlanetUsedFields.' . $phpEx;
     $parse = $lang;
     $Allowed['1'] = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 44);
     $Allowed['3'] = array(12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43);
     if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) {
         $bDoItNow = false;
         $TheCommand = $_GET['cmd'];
         $Element = $_GET['building'];
         $ListID = $_GET['listid'];
         if (!in_array(trim($Element), $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
         if (isset($Element)) {
             if (!strchr($Element, ",") && !strchr($Element, " ") && !strchr($Element, "+") && !strchr($Element, "*") && !strchr($Element, "~") && !strchr($Element, "=") && !strchr($Element, ";") && !strchr($Element, "'") && !strchr($Element, "#") && !strchr($Element, "-") && !strchr($Element, "_") && !strchr($Element, "[") && !strchr($Element, "]") && !strchr($Element, ".") && !strchr($Element, ":")) {
                 if (in_array(trim($Element), $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
                     $bDoItNow = true;
             } else {
         } elseif (isset($ListID)) {
             $bDoItNow = true;
         if ($Element == 31 && $CurrentUser["b_tech_planet"] != 0) {
             $bDoItNow = false;
         if (($Element == 21 or $Element == 14 or $Element == 15) && $CurrentPlanet["b_hangar"] != 0) {
             $bDoItNow = false;
         if ($bDoItNow == true) {
             switch ($TheCommand) {
                 case 'cancel':
                     $this->CancelBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
                 case 'remove':
                     $this->RemoveBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $ListID);
                 case 'insert':
                     $this->AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, true);
                 case 'destroy':
                     $this->AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, false);
         if ($_GET['r'] == 'overview') {
         } else {
             header("Location: game.php?page=buildings&mode=buildings");
     SetNextQueueElementOnTop($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
     // $Queue = $this->ShowBuildingQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser); // OLD CODE
     $Sprice = array();
     $Queue = $this->ShowBuildingQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Sprice);
     if ($Queue['lenght'] < MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE) {
         $CanBuildElement = true;
     } else {
         $CanBuildElement = false;
     $BuildingPage = "";
     $zaehler = 1;
     foreach ($lang['tech'] as $Element => $ElementName) {
         if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
             $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet);
             if ($CurrentPlanet["field_current"] < $CurrentMaxFields - $Queue['lenght']) {
                 $RoomIsOk = true;
             } else {
                 $RoomIsOk = false;
             if (IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element)) {
                 $HaveRessources = IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, false);
                 $parse = array();
                 $parse = $lang;
                 $parse['dpath'] = $dpath;
                 $parse['i'] = $Element;
                 $BuildingLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]];
                 $parse['nivel'] = $BuildingLevel == 0 ? "" : " (" . $lang['bd_lvl'] . " " . $BuildingLevel . ")";
                 $parse['n'] = $ElementName;
                 $parse['descriptions'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Element];
                 /* OLD CODE ---------------------------------------------------- OLD CODE ------------------------------------- //
                 					$ElementBuildTime      	= GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                 					$parse['time']         	= ShowBuildTime($ElementBuildTime);
                 					$parse['price']        	= GetElementPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                    OLD CODE ---------------------------------------------------- OLD CODE ------------------------------------- //
                 // START FIX BY JSTAR
                 $really_lvl = isset($Sprice[$Element]) ? $Sprice[$Element] : $BuildingLevel;
                 $ElementBuildTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, $really_lvl);
                 $parse['price'] = GetElementPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, $really_lvl);
                 $parse['time'] = ShowBuildTime($ElementBuildTime);
                 // END FIX BY JSTAR
                 $parse['click'] = '';
                 $NextBuildLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]] + 1;
                 if ($RoomIsOk && $CanBuildElement) {
                     if ($Queue['lenght'] == 0) {
                         if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                             if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                 $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['bd_build'] . "</font></a>";
                             } else {
                                 $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_build'] . "</font>";
                         } else {
                             if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                 $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['bd_build_next_level'] . $NextBuildLevel . "</font></a>";
                             } else {
                                 $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_build_next_level'] . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                     } else {
                         $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['bd_add_to_list'] . "</font></a>";
                 } elseif ($RoomIsOk && !$CanBuildElement) {
                     if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                         $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_build'] . "</font>";
                     } else {
                         $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_build_next_level'] . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                 } else {
                     $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_no_more_fields'] . "</font>";
                 if ($Element == 31 && $CurrentUser["b_tech_planet"] != 0) {
                     $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_working'] . "</font>";
                 if (($Element == 21 or $Element == 14 or $Element == 15) && $CurrentPlanet["b_hangar"] != 0) {
                     $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_working'] . "</font>";
                 $BuildingPage .= parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/buildings_builds_row'), $parse);
     if ($Queue['lenght'] > 0) {
         include $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/InsertBuildListScript.' . $phpEx;
         $parse['BuildListScript'] = InsertBuildListScript("buildings");
         $parse['BuildList'] = $Queue['buildlist'];
     } else {
         $parse['BuildListScript'] = "";
         $parse['BuildList'] = "";
     $parse['BuildingsList'] = $BuildingPage;
     display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/buildings_builds'), $parse));
예제 #7
 public function show()
     global $ProdGrid, $LNG, $resource, $reslist, $PLANET, $USER, $pricelist;
     $TheCommand = HTTP::_GP('cmd', '');
     // wellformed buildURLs
     if (!empty($TheCommand) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && $USER['urlaubs_modus'] == 0) {
         $Element = HTTP::_GP('building', 0);
         $ListID = HTTP::_GP('listid', 0);
         switch ($TheCommand) {
             case 'cancel':
             case 'remove':
             case 'insert':
                 $this->AddBuildingToQueue($Element, true);
             case 'destroy':
                 $this->AddBuildingToQueue($Element, false);
     $config = Config::get();
     $queueData = $this->getQueueData();
     $Queue = $queueData['queue'];
     $QueueCount = count($Queue);
     $CanBuildElement = isVacationMode($USER) || $config->max_elements_build == 0 || $QueueCount < $config->max_elements_build;
     $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PLANET);
     $RoomIsOk = $PLANET['field_current'] < $CurrentMaxFields - $QueueCount;
     $BuildEnergy = $USER[$resource[113]];
     $BuildLevelFactor = 10;
     $BuildTemp = $PLANET['temp_max'];
     $BuildInfoList = array();
     $Elements = $reslist['allow'][$PLANET['planet_type']];
     foreach ($Elements as $Element) {
         if (!BuildFunctions::isTechnologieAccessible($USER, $PLANET, $Element)) {
         $infoEnergy = "";
         if (isset($queueData['quickinfo'][$Element])) {
             $levelToBuild = $queueData['quickinfo'][$Element];
         } else {
             $levelToBuild = $PLANET[$resource[$Element]];
         if (in_array($Element, $reslist['prod'])) {
             $BuildLevel = $PLANET[$resource[$Element]];
             $Need = eval(ResourceUpdate::getProd($ProdGrid[$Element]['production'][911]));
             $BuildLevel = $levelToBuild + 1;
             $Prod = eval(ResourceUpdate::getProd($ProdGrid[$Element]['production'][911]));
             $requireEnergy = $Prod - $Need;
             $requireEnergy = round($requireEnergy * $config->energySpeed);
             if ($requireEnergy < 0) {
                 $infoEnergy = sprintf($LNG['bd_need_engine'], pretty_number(abs($requireEnergy)), $LNG['tech'][911]);
             } else {
                 $infoEnergy = sprintf($LNG['bd_more_engine'], pretty_number(abs($requireEnergy)), $LNG['tech'][911]);
         $costResources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, false, $levelToBuild);
         $costOverflow = BuildFunctions::getRestPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costResources);
         $elementTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costResources);
         $destroyResources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, true);
         $destroyTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $destroyResources);
         $destroyOverflow = BuildFunctions::getRestPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $destroyResources);
         $buyable = $QueueCount != 0 || BuildFunctions::isElementBuyable($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costResources);
         $BuildInfoList[$Element] = array('level' => $PLANET[$resource[$Element]], 'maxLevel' => $pricelist[$Element]['max'], 'infoEnergy' => $infoEnergy, 'costResources' => $costResources, 'costOverflow' => $costOverflow, 'elementTime' => $elementTime, 'destroyResources' => $destroyResources, 'destroyTime' => $destroyTime, 'destroyOverflow' => $destroyOverflow, 'buyable' => $buyable, 'levelToBuild' => $levelToBuild);
     if ($QueueCount != 0) {
     $this->assign(array('BuildInfoList' => $BuildInfoList, 'CanBuildElement' => $CanBuildElement, 'RoomIsOk' => $RoomIsOk, 'Queue' => $Queue, 'isBusy' => array('shipyard' => !empty($PLANET['b_hangar_id']), 'research' => $USER['b_tech_planet'] != 0), 'HaveMissiles' => (bool) $PLANET[$resource[503]] + $PLANET[$resource[502]]));
    function show()
        global $LNG, $PLANET, $USER;
        $AdminsOnline = array();
        $chatOnline = array();
        $AllPlanets = array();
        $Moon = array();
        $RefLinks = array();
        $db = Database::get();
        foreach ($USER['PLANETS'] as $ID => $CPLANET) {
            if ($ID == $PLANET['id'] || $CPLANET['planet_type'] == 3) {
            if (!empty($CPLANET['b_building']) && $CPLANET['b_building'] > TIMESTAMP) {
                $Queue = unserialize($CPLANET['b_building_id']);
                $BuildPlanet = $LNG['tech'][$Queue[0][0]] . " (" . $Queue[0][1] . ")<br><span style=\"color:#7F7F7F;\">(" . pretty_time($Queue[0][3] - TIMESTAMP) . ")</span>";
            } else {
                $BuildPlanet = $LNG['ov_free'];
            $AllPlanets[] = array('id' => $CPLANET['id'], 'name' => $CPLANET['name'], 'image' => $CPLANET['image'], 'build' => $BuildPlanet);
        if ($PLANET['id_luna'] != 0) {
            $sql = "SELECT id, name FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :lunaID;";
            $Moon = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':lunaID' => $PLANET['id_luna']));
        if ($PLANET['b_building'] - TIMESTAMP > 0) {
            $Queue = unserialize($PLANET['b_building_id']);
            $buildInfo['buildings'] = array('id' => $Queue[0][0], 'level' => $Queue[0][1], 'timeleft' => $PLANET['b_building'] - TIMESTAMP, 'time' => $PLANET['b_building'], 'starttime' => pretty_time($PLANET['b_building'] - TIMESTAMP));
        } else {
            $buildInfo['buildings'] = false;
        /* As FR#206 (, i added the shipyard and research status here, but i add not them the template. */
        if (!empty($PLANET['b_hangar_id'])) {
            $Queue = unserialize($PLANET['b_hangar_id']);
            $time = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Queue[0][0]) * $Queue[0][1];
            $buildInfo['fleet'] = array('id' => $Queue[0][0], 'level' => $Queue[0][1], 'timeleft' => $time - $PLANET['b_hangar'], 'time' => $time, 'starttime' => pretty_time($time - $PLANET['b_hangar']));
        } else {
            $buildInfo['fleet'] = false;
        if ($USER['b_tech'] - TIMESTAMP > 0) {
            $Queue = unserialize($USER['b_tech_queue']);
            $buildInfo['tech'] = array('id' => $Queue[0][0], 'level' => $Queue[0][1], 'timeleft' => $USER['b_tech'] - TIMESTAMP, 'time' => $USER['b_tech'], 'starttime' => pretty_time($USER['b_tech'] - TIMESTAMP));
        } else {
            $buildInfo['tech'] = false;
        $sql = "SELECT id,username FROM %%USERS%% WHERE universe = :universe AND onlinetime >= :onlinetime AND authlevel > :authlevel;";
        $onlineAdmins = $db->select($sql, array(':universe' => Universe::current(), ':onlinetime' => TIMESTAMP - 10 * 60, ':authlevel' => AUTH_USR));
        foreach ($onlineAdmins as $AdminRow) {
            $AdminsOnline[$AdminRow['id']] = $AdminRow['username'];
        $sql = "SELECT userName FROM %%CHAT_ON%% WHERE dateTime > DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 2 MINUTE) AND channel = 0";
        $chatUsers = $db->select($sql);
        foreach ($chatUsers as $chatRow) {
            $chatOnline[] = $chatRow['userName'];
        $Messages = $USER['messages'];
        // Fehler: Wenn Spieler gelöscht werden, werden sie nicht mehr in der Tabelle angezeigt.
        $sql = "SELECT, u.username, s.total_points FROM %%USERS%% as u\n\t\tLEFT JOIN %%STATPOINTS%% as s ON s.id_owner = AND s.stat_type = '1' WHERE ref_id = :userID;";
        $RefLinksRAW = $db->select($sql, array(':userID' => $USER['id']));
        $config = Config::get();
        if ($config->ref_active) {
            foreach ($RefLinksRAW as $RefRow) {
                $RefLinks[$RefRow['id']] = array('username' => $RefRow['username'], 'points' => min($RefRow['total_points'], $config->ref_minpoints));
        $sql = 'SELECT total_points, total_rank
		WHERE id_owner = :userId AND stat_type = :statType';
        $statData = Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $USER['id'], ':statType' => 1));
        if ($statData['total_rank'] == 0) {
            $rankInfo = "-";
        } else {
            $rankInfo = sprintf($LNG['ov_userrank_info'], pretty_number($statData['total_points']), $LNG['ov_place'], $statData['total_rank'], $statData['total_rank'], $LNG['ov_of'], $config->users_amount);
        $this->assign(array('rankInfo' => $rankInfo, 'is_news' => $config->OverviewNewsFrame, 'news' => makebr($config->OverviewNewsText), 'planetname' => $PLANET['name'], 'planetimage' => $PLANET['image'], 'galaxy' => $PLANET['galaxy'], 'system' => $PLANET['system'], 'planet' => $PLANET['planet'], 'planet_type' => $PLANET['planet_type'], 'username' => $USER['username'], 'userid' => $USER['id'], 'buildInfo' => $buildInfo, 'Moon' => $Moon, 'fleets' => $this->GetFleets(), 'AllPlanets' => $AllPlanets, 'AdminsOnline' => $AdminsOnline, 'teamspeakData' => $this->GetTeamspeakData(), 'messages' => $Messages > 0 ? $Messages == 1 ? $LNG['ov_have_new_message'] : sprintf($LNG['ov_have_new_messages'], pretty_number($Messages)) : false, 'planet_diameter' => pretty_number($PLANET['diameter']), 'planet_field_current' => $PLANET['field_current'], 'planet_field_max' => CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PLANET), 'planet_temp_min' => $PLANET['temp_min'], 'planet_temp_max' => $PLANET['temp_max'], 'ref_active' => $config->ref_active, 'ref_minpoints' => $config->ref_minpoints, 'RefLinks' => $RefLinks, 'chatOnline' => $chatOnline, 'servertime' => _date("M D d H:i:s", TIMESTAMP, $USER['timezone']), 'path' => HTTP_PATH));
예제 #9
function ShowAccountDataPage()
    global $USER, $reslist, $resource, $LNG;
    $template = new template();
    $id_u = HTTP::_GP('id_u', 0);
    if (!empty($id_u)) {
        $OnlyQueryLogin = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT `id`, `authlevel` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $id_u . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "';");
        if (!isset($OnlyQueryLogin)) {
            exit($template->message($LNG['ac_username_doesnt'], '?page=accoutdata'));
        } else {
            foreach (array_merge($reslist['officier'], $reslist['tech']) as $ID) {
                $SpecifyItemsUQ .= "u.`" . $resource[$ID] . "`,";
            $SpecifyItemsU = ",u.username,,u.email_2,u.authlevel,u.id_planet,u.galaxy,u.system,u.planet,u.user_lastip,u.ip_at_reg,u.darkmatter,u.register_time,u.onlinetime,u.urlaubs_modus,u.\n\t\t\t urlaubs_until,u.ally_id,a.ally_name," . $SpecifyItemsUQ . "\n\t\t\t u.ally_register_time,u.ally_rank_id,u.bana,u.banaday";
            $UserQuery = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT " . $SpecifyItemsU . " FROM " . USERS . " as u LEFT JOIN " . SESSION . " as s ON s.userID = LEFT JOIN " . ALLIANCE . " a ON = u.ally_id WHERE u.`id` = '" . $id_u . "';");
            $reg_time = _date($LNG['php_tdformat'], $UserQuery['register_time'], $USER['timezone']);
            $onlinetime = _date($LNG['php_tdformat'], $UserQuery['onlinetime'], $USER['timezone']);
            $id = $UserQuery['id'];
            $nombre = $UserQuery['username'];
            $email_1 = $UserQuery['email'];
            $email_2 = $UserQuery['email_2'];
            $ip = $UserQuery['ip_at_reg'];
            $ip2 = $UserQuery['user_lastip'];
            $id_p = $UserQuery['id_planet'];
            $g = $UserQuery['galaxy'];
            $s = $UserQuery['system'];
            $p = $UserQuery['planet'];
            $info = $UserQuery['user_ua'];
            $alianza = $UserQuery['ally_name'];
            $nivel = $LNG['rank'][$UserQuery['authlevel']];
            $vacas = $LNG['one_is_yes'][$UserQuery['urlaubs_modus']];
            $suspen = $LNG['one_is_yes'][$UserQuery['bana']];
            $mo = "<a title=\"" . pretty_number($UserQuery['darkmatter']) . "\">" . shortly_number($UserQuery['darkmatter']) . "</a>";
            foreach ($reslist['officier'] as $ID) {
                $officier[] = $ID;
            foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $ID) {
                $techno[] = $ID;
            $techoffi = "";
            for ($i = 0; $i < max(count($reslist['officier']), count($reslist['tech'])); $i++) {
                $techoffi .= isset($techno[$i]) ? "<tr><td>" . $LNG['tech'][$techno[$i]] . ": <font color=aqua>" . $UserQuery[$resource[$techno[$i]]] . "</font></td>" : "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>";
                $techoffi .= isset($officier[$i]) ? "<td>" . $LNG['tech'][$officier[$i]] . ": <font color=aqua>" . $UserQuery[$resource[$officier[$i]]] . "</font></td></tr>" : "<td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
            if ($UserQuery['bana'] != 0) {
                $mas = '<a ref="#" onclick="$(\'#banned\').slideToggle();return false"> ' . $LNG['ac_more'] . '</a>';
                $BannedQuery = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT theme,time,longer,author FROM " . BANNED . " WHERE `who` = '" . $UserQuery['username'] . "';");
                $sus_longer = _date($LNG['php_tdformat'], $BannedQuery['longer'], $USER['timezone']);
                $sus_time = _date($LNG['php_tdformat'], $BannedQuery['time'], $USER['timezone']);
                $sus_reason = $BannedQuery['theme'];
                $sus_author = $BannedQuery['author'];
            $SpecifyItemsS = "tech_count,defs_count,fleet_count,build_count,build_points,tech_points,defs_points,fleet_points,tech_rank,build_rank,defs_rank,fleet_rank,total_points,\n\t\t\tstat_type";
            $StatQuery = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT " . $SpecifyItemsS . " FROM " . STATPOINTS . " WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $id_u . "' AND `stat_type` = '1';");
            $count_tecno = pretty_number($StatQuery['tech_count']);
            $count_def = pretty_number($StatQuery['defs_count']);
            $count_fleet = pretty_number($StatQuery['fleet_count']);
            $count_builds = pretty_number($StatQuery['build_count']);
            $point_builds = pretty_number($StatQuery['build_points']);
            $point_tecno = pretty_number($StatQuery['tech_points']);
            $point_def = pretty_number($StatQuery['defs_points']);
            $point_fleet = pretty_number($StatQuery['fleet_points']);
            $ranking_tecno = $StatQuery['tech_rank'];
            $ranking_builds = $StatQuery['build_rank'];
            $ranking_def = $StatQuery['defs_rank'];
            $ranking_fleet = $StatQuery['fleet_rank'];
            $total_points = pretty_number($StatQuery['total_points']);
            $AliID = $UserQuery['ally_id'];
            if ($alianza == 0 && $AliID == 0) {
                $alianza = $LNG['ac_no_ally'];
                $AllianceHave = "<span class=\"no_moon\"><img src=\"./styles/resource/images/admin/arrowright.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"10\"/> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $LNG['ac_alliance'] . "&nbsp;" . $LNG['ac_no_alliance'] . "</span>";
            } elseif ($alianza != NULL && $AliID != 0) {
                include_once 'includes/functions/BBCode.php';
                $AllianceHave = '<a href="#" onclick="$(\'#alianza\').slideToggle();return false" class="link">
							<img src="./styles/resource/images/admin/arrowright.png" width="16" height="10"> ' . $LNG['ac_alliance'] . '</a>';
                $SpecifyItemsA = "ally_owner,id,ally_tag,ally_name,ally_web,ally_description,ally_text,ally_request,ally_image,ally_members,ally_register_time";
                $AllianceQuery = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT " . $SpecifyItemsA . " FROM " . ALLIANCE . " WHERE `ally_name` = '" . $alianza . "';");
                $alianza = $alianza;
                $id_ali = " (" . $LNG['ac_ali_idid'] . "&nbsp;" . $AliID . ")";
                $id_aliz = $AllianceQuery['id'];
                $tag = $AllianceQuery['ally_tag'];
                $ali_nom = $AllianceQuery['ally_name'];
                $ali_cant = $AllianceQuery['ally_members'];
                $ally_register_time = _date($LNG['php_tdformat'], $AllianceQuery['ally_register_time'], $USER['timezone']);
                $ali_lider = $AllianceQuery['ally_owner'];
                $ali_web = $AllianceQuery['ally_web'] != NULL ? "<a href=" . $AllianceQuery['ally_web'] . " target=_blank>" . $AllianceQuery['ally_web'] . "</a>" : $LNG['ac_no_web'];
                if ($AllianceQuery['ally_description'] != NULL) {
                    $ali_ext2 = bbcode($AllianceQuery['ally_description']);
                    $ali_ext = "<a href=\"#\" rel=\"toggle[externo]\">" . $LNG['ac_view_text_ext'] . "</a>";
                } else {
                    $ali_ext = $LNG['ac_no_text_ext'];
                if ($AllianceQuery['ally_text'] != NULL) {
                    $ali_int2 = bbcode($AllianceQuery['ally_text']);
                    $ali_int = "<a href=\"#\" rel=\"toggle[interno]\">" . $LNG['ac_view_text_int'] . "</a>";
                } else {
                    $ali_int = $LNG['ac_no_text_int'];
                if ($AllianceQuery['ally_request'] != NULL) {
                    $ali_sol2 = bbcode($AllianceQuery['ally_request']);
                    $ali_sol = "<a href=\"#\" rel=\"toggle[solicitud]\">" . $LNG['ac_view_text_sol'] . "</a>";
                } else {
                    $ali_sol = $LNG['ac_no_text_sol'];
                if ($AllianceQuery['ally_image'] != NULL) {
                    $ali_logo2 = $AllianceQuery['ally_image'];
                    $ali_logo = "<a href=\"#\" rel=\"toggle[imagen]\">" . $LNG['ac_view_image2'] . "</a>";
                } else {
                    $ali_logo = $LNG['ac_no_img'];
                $SearchLeader = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT `username` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $ali_lider . "';");
                $ali_lider = $SearchLeader['username'];
                $StatQueryAlly = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT " . $SpecifyItemsS . " FROM " . STATPOINTS . " WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $ali_lider . "' AND `stat_type` = '2';");
                $count_tecno_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['tech_count']);
                $count_def_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['defs_count']);
                $count_fleet_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['fleet_count']);
                $count_builds_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['build_count']);
                $point_builds_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['build_points']);
                $point_tecno_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['tech_points']);
                $point_def_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['defs_points']);
                $point_fleet_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['fleet_points']);
                $ranking_tecno_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['tech_rank']);
                $ranking_builds_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['build_rank']);
                $ranking_def_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['defs_rank']);
                $ranking_fleet_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['fleet_rank']);
                $total_points_ali = pretty_number($StatQueryAlly['total_points']);
            foreach (array_merge($reslist['fleet'], $reslist['build'], $reslist['defense']) as $ID) {
                $SpecifyItemsPQ .= "`" . $resource[$ID] . "`,";
                $RES[$resource[$ID]] = "<tr><td width=\"150\">" . $LNG['tech'][$ID] . "</td>";
            $names = "<tr><th class=\"center\" width=\"150\">&nbsp;</th>";
            $SpecifyItemsP = "planet_type,id,name,galaxy,system,planet,destruyed,diameter,field_current,field_max,temp_min,temp_max,metal,crystal,deuterium,energy," . $SpecifyItemsPQ . "energy_used";
            $PlanetsQuery = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT " . $SpecifyItemsP . " FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $id_u . "';");
            while ($PlanetsWhile = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($PlanetsQuery)) {
                if ($PlanetsWhile['planet_type'] == 3) {
                    $Planettt = $PlanetsWhile['name'] . "&nbsp;(" . $LNG['ac_moon'] . ")<br><font color=aqua>[" . $PlanetsWhile['galaxy'] . ":" . $PlanetsWhile['system'] . ":" . $PlanetsWhile['planet'] . "]</font>";
                    $MoonZ = 0;
                    $Moons = $PlanetsWhile['name'] . "&nbsp;(" . $LNG['ac_moon'] . ")<br><font color=aqua>[" . $PlanetsWhile['galaxy'] . ":" . $PlanetsWhile['system'] . ":" . $PlanetsWhile['planet'] . "]</font>";
                } else {
                    $Planettt = $PlanetsWhile['name'] . "<br><font color=aqua>[" . $PlanetsWhile['galaxy'] . ":" . $PlanetsWhile['system'] . ":" . $PlanetsWhile['planet'] . "]</font>";
                if ($PlanetsWhile["destruyed"] == 0) {
                    $planets_moons .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $Planettt . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $PlanetsWhile['id'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . pretty_number($PlanetsWhile['diameter']) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . pretty_number($PlanetsWhile['field_current']) . " / " . pretty_number(CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PlanetsWhile)) . " (" . pretty_number($PlanetsWhile['field_current']) . " / " . pretty_number($PlanetsWhile['field_max']) . ")</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . pretty_number($PlanetsWhile['temp_min']) . " / " . pretty_number($PlanetsWhile['temp_max']) . "</td>" . (allowedTo('ShowQuickEditorPage') ? "<td><a href=\"javascript:openEdit('" . $PlanetsWhile['id'] . "', 'planet');\" border=\"0\"><img src=\"./styles/resource/images/admin/GO.png\" title=" . $LNG['se_search_edit'] . "></a></td>" : "") . "</tr>";
                    $SumOfEnergy = $PlanetsWhile['energy'] + $PlanetsWhile['energy_used'];
                    if ($SumOfEnergy < 0) {
                        $Color = "<font color=#FF6600>" . shortly_number($SumOfEnergy) . "</font>";
                    } elseif ($SumOfEnergy > 0) {
                        $Color = "<font color=lime>" . shortly_number($SumOfEnergy) . "</font>";
                    } else {
                        $Color = shortly_number($SumOfEnergy);
                    $resources .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $Planettt . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><a title=\"" . pretty_number($PlanetsWhile['metal']) . "\">" . shortly_number($PlanetsWhile['metal']) . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><a title=\"" . pretty_number($PlanetsWhile['crystal']) . "\">" . shortly_number($PlanetsWhile['crystal']) . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><a title=\"" . pretty_number($PlanetsWhile['deuterium']) . "\">" . shortly_number($PlanetsWhile['deuterium']) . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><a title=\"" . pretty_number($SumOfEnergy) . "\">" . $Color . "</a>/<a title=\"" . pretty_number($PlanetsWhile['energy']) . "\">" . shortly_number($PlanetsWhile['energy']) . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
                    $names .= "<th class=\"center\" width=\"60\">" . $Planettt . "</th>";
                    foreach (array_merge($reslist['fleet'], $reslist['build'], $reslist['defense']) as $ID) {
                        $RES[$resource[$ID]] .= "<td width=\"60\"><a title=\"" . pretty_number($PlanetsWhile[$resource[$ID]]) . "\">" . shortly_number($PlanetsWhile[$resource[$ID]]) . "</a></td>";
                    $MoonHave = $MoonZ != 0 ? '<a href="#" onclick="$(\'#especiales\').slideToggle();return false" class="link"><img src="./styles/resource/images/admin/arrowright.png" width="16" height="10"/> ' . $LNG['moon_build'] . "</a>" : "<span class=\"no_moon\"><img src=\"./styles/resource/images/admin/arrowright.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"10\"/>" . $LNG['moon_build'] . "&nbsp;" . $LNG['ac_moons_no'] . "</span>";
                $DestruyeD = 0;
                if ($PlanetsWhile["destruyed"] > 0) {
                    $destroyed .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $PlanetsWhile['name'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . $PlanetsWhile['id'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>[" . $PlanetsWhile['galaxy'] . ":" . $PlanetsWhile['system'] . ":" . $PlanetsWhile['planet'] . "]</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . date("d-m-Y   H:i:s", $PlanetsWhile['destruyed']) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
            $names .= "</tr>";
            foreach (array_merge($reslist['fleet'], $reslist['build'], $reslist['defense']) as $ID) {
                $RES[$resource[$ID]] .= "</tr>";
            foreach ($reslist['build'] as $ID) {
                $build .= $RES[$resource[$ID]];
            foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $ID) {
                $fleet .= $RES[$resource[$ID]];
            foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $ID) {
                $defense .= $RES[$resource[$ID]];
            $template->assign_vars(array('DestruyeD' => $DestruyeD, 'destroyed' => $destroyed, 'resources' => $resources, 'mo' => $mo, 'names' => $names, 'build' => $build, 'fleet' => $fleet, 'defense' => $defense, 'planets_moons' => $planets_moons, 'ali_lider' => $ali_lider, 'AllianceHave' => $AllianceHave, 'point_tecno' => $point_tecno, 'count_tecno' => $count_tecno, 'ranking_tecno' => $ranking_tecno, 'defenses_title' => $defenses_title, 'point_def' => $point_def, 'count_def' => $count_def, 'ranking_def' => $ranking_def, 'point_fleet' => $point_fleet, 'count_fleet' => $count_fleet, 'ranking_fleet' => $ranking_fleet, 'point_builds' => $point_builds, 'count_builds' => $count_builds, 'ranking_builds' => $ranking_builds, 'total_points' => $total_points, 'point_tecno_ali' => $point_tecno_ali, 'count_tecno_ali' => $count_tecno_ali, 'ranking_tecno_ali' => $ranking_tecno_ali, 'point_def_ali' => $point_def_ali, 'count_def_ali' => $count_def_ali, 'ranking_def_ali' => $ranking_def_ali, 'point_fleet_ali' => $point_fleet_ali, 'count_fleet_ali' => $count_fleet_ali, 'ranking_fleet_ali' => $ranking_fleet_ali, 'point_builds_ali' => $point_builds_ali, 'count_builds_ali' => $count_builds_ali, 'ranking_builds_ali' => $ranking_builds_ali, 'total_points_ali' => $total_points_ali, 'input_id' => $input_id, 'id_aliz' => $id_aliz, 'tag' => $tag, 'ali_nom' => $ali_nom, 'ali_ext' => $ali_ext, 'ali_ext' => $ali_ext2, 'ali_int' => $ali_int, 'ali_int' => $ali_int2, 'ali_sol2' => $ali_sol2, 'ali_sol' => $ali_sol, 'ali_logo' => $ali_logo, 'ali_logo2' => $ali_logo2, 'ali_web' => $ali_web, 'ally_register_time' => $ally_register_time, 'ali_cant' => $ali_cant, 'alianza' => $alianza, 'input_id' => $input_id, 'id' => $id, 'nombre' => $nombre, 'nivel' => $nivel, 'vacas' => $vacas, 'suspen' => $suspen, 'mas' => $mas, 'id_ali' => $id_ali, 'ip' => $ip, 'ip2' => $ip2, 'ipcheck' => true, 'reg_time' => $reg_time, 'onlinetime' => $onlinetime, 'id_p' => $id_p, 'g' => $g, 's' => $s, 'p' => $p, 'info' => $info, 'email_1' => $email_1, 'email_2' => $email_2, 'sus_time' => $sus_time, 'sus_longer' => $sus_longer, 'sus_reason' => $sus_reason, 'sus_author' => $sus_author, 'techoffi' => $techoffi, 'canedit' => allowedTo('ShowQuickEditorPage'), 'buildings_title' => $LNG['buildings_title'], 'buildings_title' => $LNG['buildings_title'], 'researchs_title	' => $LNG['researchs_title'], 'ships_title' => $LNG['ships_title'], 'defenses_title' => $LNG['defenses_title'], 'ac_recent_destroyed_planets' => $LNG['ac_recent_destroyed_planets'], 'ac_isnodestruyed' => $LNG['ac_isnodestruyed'], 'ac_note_k' => $LNG['ac_note_k'], 'ac_leyend' => $LNG['ac_leyend'], 'ac_account_data' => $LNG['ac_account_data'], 'ac_name' => $LNG['ac_name'], 'ac_mail' => $LNG['ac_mail'], 'ac_perm_mail' => $LNG['ac_perm_mail'], 'ac_auth_level' => $LNG['ac_auth_level'], 'ac_on_vacation' => $LNG['ac_on_vacation'], 'ac_banned' => $LNG['ac_banned'], 'ac_alliance' => $LNG['ac_alliance'], 'ac_reg_ip' => $LNG['ac_reg_ip'], 'ac_last_ip' => $LNG['ac_last_ip'], 'ac_checkip_title' => $LNG['ac_checkip_title'], 'ac_register_time' => $LNG['ac_register_time'], 'ac_act_time' => $LNG['ac_act_time'], 'ac_home_planet_id' => $LNG['ac_home_planet_id'], 'ac_home_planet_coord' => $LNG['ac_home_planet_coord'], 'ac_user_system' => $LNG['ac_user_system'], 'ac_ranking' => $LNG['ac_ranking'], 'ac_see_ranking' => $LNG['ac_see_ranking'], 'ac_user_ranking' => $LNG['ac_user_ranking'], 'ac_points_count' => $LNG['ac_points_count'], 'ac_ranking' => $LNG['ac_ranking'], 'ac_total_points' => $LNG['ac_total_points'], 'ac_suspended_title' => $LNG['ac_suspended_title'], 'ac_suspended_time' => $LNG['ac_suspended_time'], 'ac_suspended_longer' => $LNG['ac_suspended_longer'], 'ac_suspended_reason' => $LNG['ac_suspended_reason'], 'ac_suspended_autor' => $LNG['ac_suspended_autor'], 'ac_info_ally' => $LNG['ac_info_ally'], 'ac_leader' => $LNG['ac_leader'], 'ac_tag' => $LNG['ac_tag'], 'ac_name_ali' => $LNG['ac_name_ali'], 'ac_ext_text		' => $LNG['ac_ext_text'], 'ac_int_text' => $LNG['ac_int_text'], 'ac_sol_text' => $LNG['ac_sol_text'], 'ac_image' => $LNG['ac_image'], 'ac_ally_web' => $LNG['ac_ally_web'], 'ac_total_members' => $LNG['ac_total_members'], 'ac_ranking' => $LNG['ac_ranking'], 'ac_see_ranking' => $LNG['ac_see_ranking'], 'ac_view_image' => $LNG['ac_view_image'], 'ac_urlnow' => $LNG['ac_urlnow'], 'ac_ally_ranking' => $LNG['ac_ally_ranking'], 'ac_points_count' => $LNG['ac_points_count'], 'ac_ranking' => $LNG['ac_ranking'], 'ac_total_points' => $LNG['ac_total_points'], 'ac_id_names_coords' => $LNG['ac_id_names_coords'], 'ac_name' => $LNG['ac_name'], 'ac_diameter' => $LNG['ac_diameter'], 'ac_fields' => $LNG['ac_fields'], 'ac_temperature' => $LNG['ac_temperature'], 'se_search_edit' => $LNG['se_search_edit'], 'resources_title' => $LNG['resources_title'], 'ac_name' => $LNG['ac_name'], 'Metal' => $LNG['tech'][901], 'Crystal' => $LNG['tech'][902], 'Deuterium' => $LNG['tech'][903], 'Energy' => $LNG['tech'][911], 'Darkmatter' => $LNG['tech'][921], 'buildings_title' => $LNG['buildings_title'], 'ships_title' => $LNG['ships_title'], 'defenses_title' => $LNG['defenses_title'], 'ac_officier_research' => $LNG['ac_officier_research'], 'researchs_title' => $LNG['researchs_title'], 'officiers_title' => $LNG['officiers_title'], 'ac_name' => $LNG['ac_name'], 'input_id' => $LNG['input_id'], 'ac_coords' => $LNG['ac_coords'], 'ac_time_destruyed' => $LNG['ac_time_destruyed']));
    $Userlist = "";
    $UserWhileLogin = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT `id`, `username`, `authlevel` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `authlevel` <= '" . $USER['authlevel'] . "' AND `universe` = '" . $_SESSION['adminuni'] . "' ORDER BY `username` ASC;");
    while ($UserList = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($UserWhileLogin)) {
        $Userlist .= "<option value=\"" . $UserList['id'] . "\">" . $UserList['username'] . "&nbsp;&nbsp;(" . $LNG['rank'][$UserList['authlevel']] . ")</option>";
    $template->assign_vars(array('Userlist' => $Userlist, 'ac_enter_user_id' => $LNG['ac_enter_user_id'], 'bo_select_title' => $LNG['bo_select_title'], 'button_filter' => $LNG['button_filter'], 'button_deselect' => $LNG['button_deselect'], 'ac_select_id_num' => $LNG['ac_select_id_num'], 'button_submit' => $LNG['button_submit']));
예제 #10
 * BatimentBuildingPage.php
 * @version 1.1
 * @copyright 2008 by Chlorel for XNova
 * fix by vomi, zeus (team xorbit) for XNova
function BatimentBuildingPage(&$CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser)
    global $ProdGrid, $lang, $resource, $reslist, $phpEx, $dpath, $game_config, $_GET;
    // Tables des batiments possibles par type de planete
    $Allowed['1'] = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 44);
    $Allowed['3'] = array(12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43);
    // Boucle d'interpretation des eventuelles commandes
    if ($CurrentUser['urlaubs_modus'] == 0) {
        if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) {
            // On passe une commande
            $bDoItNow = false;
            $TheCommand = $_GET['cmd'];
            $Gebaude = false;
            if (IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $_GET['building'])) {
                $Gebaude = IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $_GET['building'], true, false);
            //Gebäude-Cheat-Fix Wolle1989
            //ändern für andere Bannzeiten in Sekunden
            $bannzeit = 60;
            // so lassen
            $time = time();
            $bantime = $time + $bannzeit;
            $Gebaude = false;
            if (IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $_GET['building'])) {
                $Gebaude = IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $_GET['building'], true, false);
            $Element = $_GET['building'];
            if (!$Gebaude) {
                doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET bana='1', banaday='{$bantime}' WHERE id='{$CurrentUser['id']}'", "users");
                doquery("INSERT INTO {{table}} SET\r\n\t\t\t\t`who` = '{$CurrentUser['username']}',\r\n\t\t\t\t`theme`= 'Cheatversuch',\r\n\t\t\t\t`who2` = '{$CurrentUser['id']}',\r\n\t\t\t\t`time` = '{$time}',\r\n\t\t\t\t`longer` = '{$bantime}',\r\n\t\t\t\t`author` = 'SYSTEM: B',\r\n\t\t\t\t`email` = 'n'", 'banned');
                message($lang['CHEATATTEMPT'], $lang['CHEATATTEMPT_TITLE']);
            $ListID = $_GET['listid'];
            if (isset($Element)) {
                if (!strchr($Element, ",")) {
                    if (in_array(trim($Element), $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
                        $bDoItNow = true;
            } elseif (isset($ListID)) {
                $bDoItNow = true;
            //Hier wird geprüft ob ein ; in die URL(GET)Geschrieben wurde
            foreach ($_GET as $check_url) {
                if (eregi(";", $check_url)) {
            //Hier wird gescheckt ob ein user das zeichen ; in einen INPUT schreibt
            foreach ($_POST as $check_pos) {
                if (eregi(";", $check_post, $check_url)) {
            if ($bDoItNow == true) {
                switch ($TheCommand) {
                    case 'cancel':
                        // Interrompre le premier batiment de la queue
                        CancelBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
                    case 'remove':
                        // Supprimer un element de la queue (mais pas le premier)
                        // $RemID -> element de la liste a supprimer
                        RemoveBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $ListID);
                    case 'insert':
                        // Insere un element dans la queue
                        AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, true);
                    case 'destroy':
                        // Detruit un batiment deja construit sur la planete !
                        AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, false);
                // switch
    SetNextQueueElementOnTop($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
    $Queue = ShowBuildingQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
    // On enregistre ce que l'on a modifi� dans planet !
    // On enregistre ce que l'on a eventuellement modifi� dans users
    if ($Queue['lenght'] < MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE) {
        $CanBuildElement = true;
    } else {
        $CanBuildElement = false;
    $SubTemplate = gettemplate('buildings_builds_row');
    $BuildingPage = "";
    foreach ($lang['tech'] as $Element => $ElementName) {
        if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
            $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet);
            if ($CurrentPlanet["field_current"] < $CurrentMaxFields - $Queue['lenght']) {
                $RoomIsOk = true;
            } else {
                $RoomIsOk = false;
            if (IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element)) {
                $HaveRessources = IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, false);
                $parse = array();
                $parse['dpath'] = $dpath;
                $parse['i'] = $Element;
                $BuildingLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]];
                $parse['nivel'] = $BuildingLevel == 0 ? "" : " (" . $lang['level'] . " " . $BuildingLevel . ")";
                // show energy on BuildingPage
                $BuildLevelFactor = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element] . "_porcent"];
                $BuildTemp = $CurrentPlanet['temp_max'];
                $CurrentBuildtLvl = $BuildingLevel;
                $BuildLevel = $CurrentBuildtLvl > 0 ? $CurrentBuildtLvl : 1;
                $Prod[4] = floor(eval($ProdGrid[$Element]['formule']['energy']) * $game_config['resource_multiplier']) * (1 + $CurrentUser['rpg_ingenieur'] * 0.05);
                $ActualNeed = floor($Prod[4]);
                $Prod[4] = floor(eval($ProdGrid[$Element]['formule']['energy']) * $game_config['resource_multiplier']) * (1 + $CurrentUser['rpg_ingenieur'] * 0.05);
                $EnergyNeed = colorNumber(pretty_number(floor($Prod[4] - $ActualNeed)));
                if ($Element >= 1 && $Element <= 3) {
                    $parse['build_need_diff'] = "(" . "<font color=#FF0000>" . $EnergyNeed . " " . $lang['Energy'] . "</font>" . ")";
                    $BuildLevel = 0;
                } elseif ($Element == 4 || $Element == 12) {
                    $parse['build_need_diff'] = "(" . "<font color=#00FF00>+" . $EnergyNeed . " " . $lang['Energy'] . "</font>" . ")";
                    $BuildLevel = 0;
                // end of 'show energy on BuildingPage'
                $parse['n'] = $ElementName;
                $parse['descriptions'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Element];
                $ElementBuildTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                $parse['time'] = ShowBuildTime($ElementBuildTime);
                $parse['price'] = GetElementPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                $parse['rest_price'] = GetRestPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                $parse['click'] = '';
                $NextBuildLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]] + 1;
                if ($Element == 31) {
                    // Special Laboratoire
                    if ($CurrentUser["b_tech_planet"] != 0 && $game_config['BuildLabWhileRun'] != 1) {
                        // Variable qui contient le parametre
                        // On verifie si on a le droit d'evoluer pendant les recherches (Setting dans config)
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['in_working'] . "</font>";
                if ($parse['click'] != '') {
                    // Bin on ne fait rien, vu que l'on l'a deja fait au dessus !!
                } elseif ($RoomIsOk && $CanBuildElement) {
                    if ($Queue['lenght'] == 0) {
                        if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                            if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"?cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font></a>";
                            } else {
                                $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>";
                        } else {
                            if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"?cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font></a>";
                            } else {
                                $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                    } else {
                        if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                            $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"?cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['InBuildQueue'] . "</font></a>";
                        } else {
                            $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['InBuildQueue'] . "</font>";
                } elseif ($RoomIsOk && !$CanBuildElement) {
                    if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>";
                    } else {
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                } else {
                    $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['NoMoreSpace'] . "</font>";
                $BuildingPage .= parsetemplate($SubTemplate, $parse);
    $parse = $lang;
    // Faut il afficher la liste de construction ??
    if ($Queue['lenght'] > 0) {
        $parse['BuildListScript'] = InsertBuildListScript("buildings");
        $parse['BuildList'] = $Queue['buildlist'];
    } else {
        $parse['BuildListScript'] = "";
        $parse['BuildList'] = "";
    $parse['planet_field_current'] = $CurrentPlanet["field_current"];
    $parse['planet_field_max'] = $CurrentPlanet['field_max'] + $CurrentPlanet[$resource[33]] * 5;
    $parse['field_libre'] = $parse['planet_field_max'] - $CurrentPlanet['field_current'];
    $parse['BuildingsList'] = $BuildingPage;
    $page .= parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings_builds'), $parse);
    display($page, $lang['Builds']);
예제 #11
         $parse['building'] = $lang['Free'];
 } else {
     $parse['building'] = $lang['Free'];
 $query = doquery('SELECT username FROM {{table}} ORDER BY register_time DESC', 'users', true);
 $parse['last_user'] = $query['username'];
 $query = doquery("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id)) FROM {{table}} WHERE onlinetime>" . (time() - 900), 'users', true);
 $parse['online_users'] = $query[0];
 // $count = doquery(","users",true);
 $parse['users_amount'] = $game_config['users_amount'];
 // Rajout d'une barre pourcentage
 // Calcul du pourcentage de remplissage
 $parse['case_pourcentage'] = floor($planetrow["field_current"] / CalculateMaxPlanetFields($planetrow) * 100) . $lang['o/o'];
 // Barre de remplissage
 $parse['case_barre'] = floor($planetrow["field_current"] / CalculateMaxPlanetFields($planetrow) * 100) * 4.0;
 // Couleur de la barre de remplissage
 if ($parse['case_barre'] > 100 * 4.0) {
     $parse['case_barre'] = 400;
     $parse['case_barre_barcolor'] = '#C00000';
 } elseif ($parse['case_barre'] > 80 * 4.0) {
     $parse['case_barre_barcolor'] = '#C0C000';
 } else {
     $parse['case_barre_barcolor'] = '#00C000';
 // Mode Améliorations
 $parse['xpminier'] = $user['xpminier'];
 $parse['xpraid'] = $user['xpraid'];
 $parse['lvl_minier'] = $user['lvl_minier'];
 $parse['lvl_raid'] = $user['lvl_raid'];
 $LvlMinier = $user['lvl_minier'];
예제 #12
function ShowOverviewPage($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet)
    global $svn_root, $phpEx, $dpath, $db, $lang, $planetrow, $users, $displays;
    include_once $svn_root . 'includes/functions/InsertJavaScriptChronoApplet.' . $phpEx;
    include_once $svn_root . 'includes/functions/classes/class.FlyingFleetsTable.' . $phpEx;
    $FlyingFleetsTable = new FlyingFleetsTable();
    $lunarow = $db->query("SELECT `id`,`name`,`image`,`destruyed` FROM {{table}}\r\n\t\t\t   WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['id_owner'] . "'\r\n\t\t\t   AND `galaxy` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] . "'\r\n\t\t\t   AND `system` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['system'] . "'\r\n\t\t\t   AND `planet` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['planet'] . "'\r\n\t\t\t   AND `planet_type`= '3';", 'planets', true);
    if (empty($lunarow)) {
    $parse['planet_id'] = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
    $parse['planet_name'] = $CurrentPlanet['name'];
    $parse['galaxy_galaxy'] = $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'];
    $parse['galaxy_system'] = $CurrentPlanet['system'];
    $parse['galaxy_planet'] = $CurrentPlanet['planet'];
    switch ($_GET['mode']) {
        case 'renameplanet':
            if ($_POST['newname']) {
                $parse['planet_name'] = mysql_escape_string(strip_tags(trim($_POST['newname'])));
            foreach ($parse as $name => $trans) {
                $displays->assignGlobal($name, $trans);
            if ($_POST['action'] == $lang['ov_planet_rename_action']) {
                $newname = mysql_escape_string(strip_tags(trim($_POST['newname'])));
                if (preg_match("/[^A-z0-9_\\- ]/", $newname) == 1) {
                    $displays->message($lang['ov_newname_error'], "game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet", 2);
                if ($newname != "") {
                    $db->query("UPDATE {{table}} SET `name` = '" . $newname . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $CurrentUser['current_planet'] . "' LIMIT 1;", "planets");
            } elseif ($_POST['action'] == $lang['ov_abandon_planet']) {
            } elseif ($_POST['kolonieloeschen'] == 1 && intval($_POST['deleteid']) == $CurrentUser['current_planet']) {
                if (md5($_POST['pw']) == $CurrentUser["password"] && $CurrentUser['id_planet'] != $CurrentUser['current_planet']) {
                    $db->query("UPDATE {{table}} SET `destruyed` = '" . (time() + 86400) . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($CurrentUser['current_planet']) . "' LIMIT 1;", 'planets');
                    $db->query("UPDATE {{table}} SET `current_planet` = `id_planet`\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `id` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($CurrentUser['id']) . "' LIMIT 1", "users");
                    $db->query("DELETE FROM {{table}}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `galaxy` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `system` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['system'] . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `planet` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['planet'] . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `planet_type` = 3;", 'planets');
                    $db->query("UPDATE {{table}} SET `id_luna` = '0'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `galaxy` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `system` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['system'] . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `planet` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['planet'] . "';", 'galaxy');
                    $displays->message($lang['ov_planet_abandoned'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
                } elseif ($CurrentUser['id_planet'] == $CurrentUser["current_planet"]) {
                    $displays->message($lang['ov_principal_planet_cant_abanone'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
                } else {
                    $displays->message($lang['ov_wrong_pass'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
            if ($CurrentUser["db_deaktjava"] == "1") {
                $parse["delete"] = "<tr><th colspan=4 ><h1>" . $lang["deleted"] . gmdate("j-m-y  H:i:s", $CurrentUser["db_time"]) . "</h1></th></tr>";
            $noticias = explode(";;", $db->game_config["information"]);
            if ($noticias[0] == 1) {
                $new = nl2br(stripslashes($noticias[1]));
                $new = str_replace(":name:", $CurrentUser['username'], $new);
                $new = str_replace(":server:", $db->game_config['game_name'], $new);
                $displays->assign('news', $new);
            $OwnFleets = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_owner` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "';", 'fleets');
            $Record = 0;
            $fpage = array();
            while ($FleetRow = mysql_fetch_array($OwnFleets)) {
                $StartTime = $FleetRow['fleet_start_time'];
                $StayTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_stay'];
                $EndTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_time'];
                $Label = "fs";
                if ($StartTime > time()) {
                    $fpage[$StartTime] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 0, true, $Label, $Record);
                if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] != 4 && $FleetRow['fleet_mission'] != 10) {
                    $Label = "ft";
                    if ($StayTime > time()) {
                        $fpage[$StayTime] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 1, true, $Label, $Record);
                    $Label = "fe";
                    if ($EndTime > time()) {
                        $fpage[$EndTime] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 2, true, $Label, $Record);
            $OtherFleets = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_target_owner` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "';", 'fleets');
            $Record = 2000;
            while ($FleetRow = mysql_fetch_array($OtherFleets)) {
                if ($FleetRow['fleet_owner'] != $CurrentUser['id']) {
                    if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] != 8) {
                        $StartTime = $FleetRow['fleet_start_time'];
                        $StayTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_stay'];
                        if ($StartTime > time()) {
                            $Label = "ofs";
                            $fpage[$StartTime] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 0, false, $Label, $Record);
                        if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] == 5) {
                            $Label = "oft";
                            if ($StayTime > time()) {
                                $fpage[$StayTime] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 1, false, $Label, $Record);
            $planets_query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `{{table}}` WHERE id_owner='{$CurrentUser['id']}' AND `destruyed` = 0", "planets");
            $Colone = 1;
            $PlanetaQueInv = array();
            while ($CurrentUserPlanet = mysql_fetch_array($planets_query)) {
                if ($CurrentUserPlanet["b_tech"] != 0) {
                    $PlanetaQueInv['b_tech'] = $CurrentUserPlanet["b_tech"];
                    $PlanetaQueInv['b_tech_id'] = $CurrentUserPlanet["b_tech_id"];
                    $PlanetaQueInv['name'] = $CurrentUserPlanet["name"];
                    $PlanetaQueInv['id'] = $CurrentUserPlanet["id"];
                if ($CurrentUserPlanet["id"] != $CurrentUser["current_planet"] && $CurrentUserPlanet['planet_type'] != 3) {
                    $AllPlanets .= "<th>" . $CurrentUserPlanet['name'] . "<br>";
                    $AllPlanets .= "<a href=\"game.php?page=overview&cp=" . $CurrentUserPlanet['id'] . "&re=0\" title=\"" . $CurrentUserPlanet['name'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $dpath . "planeten/small/s_" . $CurrentUserPlanet['image'] . ".jpg\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\"></a><br>";
                    $AllPlanets .= "<center>";
                    if ($CurrentUserPlanet['b_building'] != 0) {
                        UpdatePlanetBatimentQueueList($CurrentUserPlanet, $CurrentUser);
                        if ($CurrentUserPlanet['b_building'] != 0) {
                            $BuildQueue = $CurrentUserPlanet['b_building_id'];
                            $QueueArray = explode(";", $BuildQueue);
                            $CurrentBuild = explode(",", $QueueArray[0]);
                            $BuildElement = $CurrentBuild[0];
                            $BuildLevel = $CurrentBuild[1];
                            $BuildRestTime = pretty_time($CurrentBuild[3] - time());
                            $AllPlanets .= '' . $lang['tech'][$BuildElement] . ' (' . $BuildLevel . ')';
                            $AllPlanets .= "<br><font color=\"#7f7f7f\">(" . $BuildRestTime . ")</font>";
                        } else {
                            $AllPlanets .= $lang['ov_free'];
                    } else {
                        $AllPlanets .= $lang['ov_free'];
                    $AllPlanets .= "</center></th>";
                    if ($Coloneshow % 6 == 0) {
                        $AllPlanets .= "</tr><tr>";
            if ($lunarow['id'] != 0 && $lunarow['destruyed'] != 0 && $CurrentPlanet['planet_type'] != 3) {
                if ($CurrentPlanet['planet_type'] == 1 or $lunarow['id'] != 0) {
                    $displays->assign('moon_img', "<a href=\"game.php?page=overview&cp=" . $lunarow['id'] . "&re=0\" title=\"" . $lunarow['name'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $dpath . "planeten/small/s_" . $lunarow['image'] . ".png\" height=\"50\" width=\"50\"></a>");
                    $displays->assign('moon', $lunarow['name'] . " (" . $lang['fcm_moon'] . ")");
            $parse['planet_diameter'] = pretty_number($CurrentPlanet['diameter']);
            $parse['planet_field_current'] = $CurrentPlanet['field_current'];
            $parse['planet_field_max'] = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet);
            $parse['planet_temp_min'] = $CurrentPlanet['temp_min'];
            $parse['planet_temp_max'] = $CurrentPlanet['temp_max'];
            $parse['user_username'] = $CurrentUser['username'];
            if (count($fpage) > 0) {
                $flotten = "";
                foreach ($fpage as $time => $content) {
                    $flotten .= $content . "\n";
            if ($CurrentPlanet['b_building'] != 0) {
                include $svn_root . 'includes/functions/InsertBuildListScript.' . $phpEx;
                UpdatePlanetBatimentQueueList($planetrow, $users->user);
                if ($CurrentPlanet['b_building'] != 0) {
                    $BuildQueue = explode(";", $CurrentPlanet['b_building_id']);
                    $CurrBuild = explode(",", $BuildQueue[0]);
                    $RestTime = $CurrentPlanet['b_building'] - time();
                    $PlanetID = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
                    $Build = InsertBuildListScript("buildings");
                    $Build .= "<table>";
                    $Build .= "    <tr>";
                    $Build .= "        <th colspan=\"2\">" . $lang['tech'][$CurrBuild[0]] . "</th>";
                    $Build .= "    </tr>";
                    $Build .= "    <tr>";
                    $Build .= "        <th class='anything' align=\"center\" style=\"background-image: url(" . $dpath . "gebaeude/" . $CurrBuild[0] . ".gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;width:60px; height:60;\"   valign=\"middle\"></th>";
                    $Build .= "        <th class='anything'>" . $lang['pr_subiendo'] . " <span style=\"color:#FF8C00;\">Nivel " . $CurrBuild[1] . "</span><br />";
                    $Build .= "            " . $lang['pr_duracion'] . ":<div id=\"blc\" class=\"z\" style=\"color:yellow;\">" . pretty_time($RestTime) . "</div>";
                    $Build .= "        </th>";
                    $Build .= "    </tr>";
                    $Build .= "</Table>";
                    $Build .= "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">";
                    $Build .= "\n\tpp = \"" . $RestTime . "\";\n";
                    $Build .= "\n\tpk = \"" . 1 . "\";\n";
                    $Build .= "\n\tpm = \"cancel\";\n";
                    $Build .= "\n\tpl = \"" . $PlanetID . "\";\n";
                    $Build .= "\n\tt();\n";
                    $Build .= "\n</script>\n";
                    $parse['building'] = $Build;
                } else {
                    $parse['building'] = $lang['ov_free'];
            } else {
                $parse['building'] = $lang['ov_free'];
            if ($PlanetaQueInv['b_tech'] != 0 && $PlanetaQueInv['b_tech_id']) {
                global $resource;
                include $svn_root . 'includes/functions/InsertTechListScript.' . $phpEx;
                UpdatePlanetBatimentQueueList($planetrow, $users->user);
                $NvlActual = $CurrentUser[$resource[$PlanetaQueInv['b_tech_id']]] + 1;
                $RestTime = $PlanetaQueInv['b_tech'] - time();
                $PlanetID = $PlanetaQueInv['id'];
                $NomPlaneta = "";
                if ($PlanetaQueInv['name'] != $CurrentPlanet['name']) {
                    $NomPlaneta = " de " . $PlanetaQueInv['name'];
                $Tech = InsertTechListScript("buildings&mode=research", $NomPlaneta);
                $Tech .= "<table>";
                $Tech .= "    <tr>";
                $Tech .= "        <th colspan=\"2\">" . $lang['tech'][$PlanetaQueInv['b_tech_id']] . "</th>";
                $Tech .= "    </tr>";
                $Tech .= "    <tr>";
                $Tech .= "        <th class='anything' align=\"center\" style=\"background-image: url(" . $dpath . "gebaeude/" . $PlanetaQueInv['b_tech_id'] . ".gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;width:60px; height:60;\" valign=\"middle\"></th>";
                $Tech .= "        <th class='anything'>" . $lang['pr_investigando'] . " <span style=\"color:#FF8C00;\">Nivel " . $NvlActual . "</span><br />";
                $Tech .= "            " . $lang['pr_duracion'] . ":<div id=\"tec_blc\" class=\"z\" style=\"color:yellow;\">" . pretty_time($RestTime) . "</div>";
                $Tech .= "        </th>";
                $Tech .= "    </tr>";
                $Tech .= "</Table>";
                $Tech .= "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">";
                $Tech .= "\n    tec_pp = \"" . $RestTime . "\";\n";
                $Tech .= "\n    tec_pk = \"" . 1 . "\";\n";
                $Tech .= "\n    tec_pm = \"cancel\";\n";
                $Tech .= "\n    tec_pl = \"" . $PlanetaQueInv['b_tech_id'] . "\";\n";
                $Tech .= "\n    tec_t();\n";
                $Tech .= "\n</script>\n";
                $parse['tech_en_proceso'] .= $Tech;
            } else {
                $parse['tech_en_proceso'] = $lang['ov_free'];
            if ($CurrentPlanet['b_hangar'] != 0) {
                include $svn_root . 'includes/functions/InsertHangarListScript.' . $phpEx;
                UpdatePlanetBatimentQueueList($planetrow, $users->user);
                $BuildQueue = explode(";", $CurrentPlanet['b_hangar_id']);
                $CurrBuild = explode(",", $BuildQueue[0]);
                $RealTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $CurrBuild[0]);
                $QueueTime = $RealTime * $CurrBuild[1];
                $RestTime = $QueueTime - $CurrentPlanet['b_hangar'];
                $PlanetID = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
                $Hangar = InsertHangarListScript("fleet");
                $Hangar .= "<table>";
                $Hangar .= "    <tr>";
                $Hangar .= "        <th colspan=\"2\">" . $lang['tech'][$CurrBuild[0]] . "</th>";
                $Hangar .= "    </tr>";
                $Hangar .= "    <tr>";
                $Hangar .= "        <th class='anything' align=\"center\" style=\"background-image: url(" . $dpath . "gebaeude/" . $CurrBuild[0] . ".gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;width:60px; height:60;\" valign=\"middle\"><br />";
                $Hangar .= "        </th>";
                $Hangar .= "        <th class='anything'>" . $lang['pr_tiempo_prod'] . "<br />";
                $Hangar .= "            <div id=\"han_blc\" class=\"z\" style=\"color:yellow;\">" . pretty_time($RestTime) . "</div>";
                $Hangar .= "        </th>";
                $Hangar .= "    </tr>";
                $Hangar .= "</Table>";
                $Hangar .= "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">";
                $Hangar .= "\n    han_pp = \"" . $RestTime . "\";\n";
                $Hangar .= "\n    han_pk = \"" . 1 . "\";\n";
                $Hangar .= "\n    han_pm = \"cancel\";\n";
                $Hangar .= "\n    han_pl = \"" . $PlanetID . "\";\n";
                $Hangar .= "\n    han_t();\n";
                $Hangar .= "\n</script>\n";
                $parse['hangar_en_proceso'] .= $Hangar;
            } else {
                $parse['hangar_en_proceso'] = $lang['ov_free'];
            // Usuarios conectados
            $OnlineUsers = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) as count FROM {{table}} WHERE onlinetime>='" . (time() - 15 * 60) . "'", 'users', 'true');
            $parse['NumberMembersOnline'] = $OnlineUsers['count'];
            $parse['id'] = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
            $parse['fleet_list'] = $flotten;
            $parse['planet_image'] = $CurrentPlanet['image'];
            if (isset($AllPlanets)) {
                $displays->assign('anothers_planets', $AllPlanets);
            $parse["dpath"] = $dpath;
            if ($db->game_config['stat'] == 0) {
                $parse['user_rank'] = pretty_number($users->user['total_points']) . " (" . $lang['ov_place'] . " <a href=\"game.php?page=statistics&range=" . $users->user['total_rank'] . "\">" . $users->user['total_rank'] . "</a> " . $lang['ov_of'] . " " . $db->game_config['users_amount'] . ")";
            } elseif ($db->game_config['stat'] == 1 && $CurrentUser['authlevel'] < $db->game_config['stat_level']) {
                $parse['user_rank'] = pretty_number($users->user['total_points']) . " (" . $lang['ov_place'] . " <a href=\"game.php?page=statistics&range=" . $users->user['total_rank'] . "\">" . $users->user['total_rank'] . "</a> " . $lang['ov_of'] . " " . $db->game_config['users_amount'] . ")";
            } else {
                $parse['user_rank'] = "-";
            setlocale(LC_ALL, 'es_ES.UTF-8/UTF-8');
            $parse['date_time'] = strftime("Hoy es %A, %e de %B de %Y, son las %H:%M:%S", time());
            $url = dirname("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "/";
            $parse['refer'] = '' . $url . 'index.php?ref=' . $users->user['username'] . '';
            foreach ($parse as $name => $trans) {
                $displays->assign($name, $trans);
예제 #13
function ShowBuildingQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser)
    global $lang, $dpath, $reslist, $resource;
    $BuildingNow = array();
    $CurrentQueue = $CurrentPlanet['b_building_id'];
    $QueueID = 0;
    if ($CurrentQueue != 0) {
        $QueueArray = explode(";", $CurrentQueue);
        $ActualCount = count($QueueArray);
    } else {
        $QueueArray = "0";
        $ActualCount = 0;
    $ListIDRow = "";
    if ($ActualCount != 0) {
        $ListIDRow .= "<tr><td class='c' colspan='3' align='center'>" . $lang['Constructions'] . "<font color='#00FF00'>" . $ActualCount . "</font> von <font color='#FF0000'>" . MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE . "</font></td></tr>";
        $PlanetID = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
        $totalBuildTime = 0;
        $totalBuildEndTime = time();
        if (MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE - $ActualCount > 0) {
            $CanBuild = true;
        } else {
            $Canbuild = false;
        foreach ($reslist['build'] as $Element) {
            $BuildingNow[$Element] = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]];
        for ($QueueID = 0; $QueueID < $ActualCount; $QueueID++) {
            $BuildArray = explode(",", $QueueArray[$QueueID]);
            $BuildEndTime = floor($BuildArray[3]);
            $CurrentTime = floor(time());
            if ($BuildEndTime >= $CurrentTime) {
                $ListID = $QueueID + 1;
                $Element = $BuildArray[0];
                $BuildingNow[$Element] = $BuildArray[1];
                $BuildLevel = $BuildArray[1];
                $BuildMode = $BuildArray[4];
                $BuildTime = $BuildEndTime - time();
                $totalBuildTime = $BuildTime;
                $totalBuildEndTime = $BuildEndTime;
                $ElementTitle = $lang['tech'][$Element];
                if (IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, false) and IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element) and $CanBuild and $CurrentPlanet["field_current"] < CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet) - $ActualCount) {
                    $CanBuild = true;
                } else {
                    $CanBuild = false;
                if ($BuildMode == 'build') {
                    $modo_rep = 'insert';
                    $multi = 1;
                } else {
                    $modo_rep = 'destroy';
                    $multi = 2;
                if ($CanBuild) {
                    $levelmore = "<a href='buildings.php?cmd={$modo_rep}&building=" . $Element . "'>" . $lang['Next'] . "</a> ";
                } else {
                    $levelmore = '';
                if ($ListID > 0) {
                    $ListIDRow .= "<tr>";
                    if ($ListID == 1) {
                        $ListIDRow .= "<th colspan=\"3\">";
                        $ListIDRow .= "    <table width=\"100%\">";
                        $ListIDRow .= "        <tr>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "                <td width='80' rowspan='2'><a href='infos.php?gid=" . $Element . "'><img border='0' src='" . $dpath . "gebaeude/" . $Element . ".gif' align='top' title='" . $ElementTitle . "' width='80' height='80'></a></td>";
                        if ($BuildMode == 'build') {
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <td><center>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <table>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <tr>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <td class='c' width='24'><img border='0' src='./images/enproceso.gif' align='top' width='24' height='24'></td>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <td class='c'><center><font color =\"#6699FF\"><a href='infos.php?gid=" . $Element . "'><font color =\"#6699FF\">- " . $ElementTitle . " </font></a><br />" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . "<font color=\"#FF8C00\"><b>" . $lang['level'] . " " . $BuildLevel . "</b></font></font></center></td>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <td class='c' width='24'><img border='0' src='./images/enproceso.gif' align='top' width='24' height='24'></td>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            </tr>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <tr>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <td class='c' colspan='3'><center>" . $levelmore . "</center></td>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            </tr>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            </table>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            </center></td>";
                        } else {
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <td class='c'><center>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <table>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <tr>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <td class='c' width='24'><img border='0' src='./images/enproceso.gif' align='top' width='24' height='24'></td>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <td class='c'><center><font color =\"#6699FF\"><a href='infos.php?gid=" . $Element . "'><font color =\"#6699FF\"> " . $ElementTitle . " </font></a><br /><font color=\"#87CEEB\"><blink>" . $lang['bd_dismantle'] . "</blink></font> en <font color=\"#FF8C00\"><b>Nivel " . $BuildLevel . "</b></font></font></center></td>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            <td class='c' width='24'><img border='0' src='./images/enproceso.gif' align='top' width='24' height='24'></td>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            </tr>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            </table>";
                            $ListIDRow .= "            </center></td>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "            <td class='c' width=\"56\" rowspan='2'><center>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "                <div id=\"blc\" class=\"z\">" . $BuildTime . "<br><a href=\"buildings.php?listid=" . $ListID . "&amp;cmd=cancel&amp;planet=" . $PlanetID . "\">" . $lang['bd_interrupt'] . "</a></div>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "                <script language=\"JavaScript\">";
                        $ListIDRow .= "                    pp = \"" . $BuildTime . "\";\n";
                        $ListIDRow .= "                    pk = \"" . $ListID . "\";\n";
                        $ListIDRow .= "                    pm = \"cancel\";\n";
                        $ListIDRow .= "                    pl = \"" . $PlanetID . "\";\n";
                        $ListIDRow .= "                    t();\n";
                        $ListIDRow .= "                </script>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "                <strong color=\"lime\"><br><font color=\"lime\">" . date("j/m H:i:s", $BuildEndTime) . "</font></strong></center>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "            </td>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "           </tr>";
                        $totaltime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element) / $multi;
                        if ($totaltime == 0) {
                            $barpercent = 0;
                        } else {
                            $barpercent = round(($totaltime - $BuildTime) / $totaltime * 100, 2);
                        $BarScript .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
                        $BarScript .= "<!--\n";
                        $BarScript .= "    function barupdate() {\n";
                        $BarScript .= "        var barra   = document.getElementById('prodBar');\n";
                        $BarScript .= "        var timeout = 1;\n";
                        $BarScript .= "        ss2         = pp2;\n";
                        $BarScript .= "        if ( ss2 <= 0 ) {\n";
                        $BarScript .= "            barra.innerHTML = '<font color=\"#000\">100%</font>'; = 364;\n";
                        $BarScript .= "        } else {\n";
                        $BarScript .= "            if ( ss2 <= 0 ) {\n";
                        $BarScript .= "                if (1) {\n";
                        $BarScript .= "                    barra.innerHTML = '<font color=\"#000\">100%</font>'; = 364;\n";
                        $BarScript .= "                } else {\n";
                        $BarScript .= "                    timeout = 0;\n";
                        $BarScript .= "                    barra.innerHTML = '<font color=\"#000\">100%</font>'; = 364;\n";
                        $BarScript .= "                }\n";
                        $BarScript .= "            } else {\n";
                        $BarScript .= "                var percent = Math.round(((" . $totaltime . " - pp2) / " . $totaltime . ") * 10000) / 100; var width = Math.round( percent * 3.64 );\n";
                        $BarScript .= "                barra.innerHTML = '<font color=\"#000\"><b>' + percent + '%</b></font>'; = width;\n";
                        $BarScript .= "            }\n";
                        $BarScript .= "            pp2 = pp2 - 0.5;\n";
                        $BarScript .= "            if (timeout == 1) {\n";
                        $BarScript .= "                 window.setTimeout(\"barupdate();\", 499);\n";
                        $BarScript .= "            }\n";
                        $BarScript .= "        }\n";
                        $BarScript .= "    }\n";
                        $BarScript .= "//-->\n";
                        $BarScript .= "</script>\n";
                        $BarScript .= "<script language=\"javascript\">";
                        $BarScript .= "    pp2 = \"" . $BuildTime . "\";\n";
                        // temps necessaire (a compter de maintenant et sans ajouter time() )
                        $BarScript .= "    barupdate();\n";
                        $BarScript .= "</script>";
                        $Bar .= "<div id='barcontainer' style='border: 1px solid rgb(153, 153, 255); width: 364px;'><div id='prodBar' style='background-color: #dfd; width: " . round($barpercent * 3.64) . "px;'><font color='#000000'><b>" . $barpercent . "%</b></font></div></div>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "           <tr>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "            <td class=\"k\" height='18'>{$Bar} {$BarScript}</td>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "           </tr>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "    </table>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "</th>";
                    } else {
                        $ListIDRow .= "<td class='c' colspan=\"3\">";
                        $ListIDRow .= "    <table width=\"100%\">";
                        $ListIDRow .= "        <tr>";
                        if ($BuildMode == 'build') {
                            $ListIDRow .= "               <td class=\"c\"><font color =\"#6699FF\">" . $ListID . " <a href='infos.php?gid=" . $Element . "'><font color =\"#6699FF\">- " . $ElementTitle . " </font></a>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . "<font color=\"#FF8C00\"><b>" . $lang['level'] . " " . $BuildLevel . "</b></font></font></td>";
                        } else {
                            $ListIDRow .= "               <td class=\"c\"><font color =\"#6699FF\">" . $ListID . " <a href='infos.php?gid=" . $Element . "'><font color =\"#6699FF\">- " . $ElementTitle . " </font></a> <font color=\"#87CEEB\"><blink>" . $lang['bd_dismantle'] . "</blink></font>" . $lang['into'] . " <font color=\"#FF8C00\"><b>" . $lang['level'] . " " . $BuildLevel . "</b></font></font></td>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "               <td class=\"c\" width=\"56\"><center>" . $levelmore . "</center></td>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "               <td class=\"c\" width=\"56\">";
                        $ListIDRow .= "                   <font color=\"red\"><a href=\"buildings.php?listid=" . $ListID . "&amp;cmd=remove&amp;planet=" . $PlanetID . "\">" . $lang['cancel'] . "</a></font>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "               </td>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "        </tr>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "   </table>";
                        $ListIDRow .= "</th>";
                    $ListIDRow .= "</tr>";
        $ListIDRow .= "<tr><td class='c' colspan='3'><center>" . $lang['ConstructionTime'] . " " . pretty_time($totalBuildTime) . "<br/>" . $lang['ConstructionDateTime'] . ": <strong color=\"lime\"><font color=\"lime\">" . date("j/m H:i:s", $totalBuildEndTime) . "</font></strong></center></td></tr>";
    $RetValue['lenght'] = $ActualCount;
    $RetValue['buildlist'] = $ListIDRow . '';
    return $RetValue;
예제 #14
 public function show()
     global $ProdGrid, $LNG, $resource, $reslist, $CONF, $PLANET, $USER, $pricelist;
     $buscarTick = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT tick FROM " . CONFIG . "");
     $tickinicial = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($buscarTick);
     $tickinicial = $tickinicial['tick'];
     $TheCommand = HTTP::_GP('cmd', '');
     // wellformed buildURLs
     if (!empty($TheCommand) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && $USER['urlaubs_modus'] == 0) {
         $Element = HTTP::_GP('building', 0);
         $ListID = HTTP::_GP('listid', 0);
         $lvlup1 = HTTP::_GP('lvlup1', 0);
         switch ($TheCommand) {
             case 'cancel':
             case 'remove':
             case 'insert':
                 $this->AddBuildingToQueue($Element, $lvlup1, true);
             case 'destroy':
                 $this->DoAddBuildingToQueue($Element, false);
     $premium_stage = 0;
     if ($USER['premium_reward_stage'] > 0 && $USER['premium_reward_stage_days'] > TIMESTAMP) {
         $premium_stage = $USER['premium_reward_stage'];
     $queueData = $this->getQueueData();
     $Queue = $queueData['queue'];
     $QueueCount = count($Queue);
     $CanBuildElement = isVacationMode($USER) || Config::get('max_elements_build') - 1 == 0 || $QueueCount < Config::get('max_elements_build') - 1 + $premium_stage;
     $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PLANET);
     $RoomIsOk = $PLANET['field_current'] < $CurrentMaxFields - $QueueCount;
     $BuildEnergy = $USER[$resource[113]];
     $BuildLevelFactor = 10;
     $BuildTemp = $PLANET['temp_max'];
     $BuildInfoList = array();
     $Elements = $reslist['allow'][$PLANET['planet_type']];
     foreach ($Elements as $ID => $Element) {
         $AllTech = array();
         $GetAll = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM `uni1_vars_requriements` WHERE elementID = " . $Element . " ;");
         if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($GetAll) > 0) {
             while ($x = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($GetAll)) {
                 $AllTech[] = $x;
         $infoEnergy = "";
         if (isset($queueData['quickinfo'][$Element])) {
             $levelToBuild = $queueData['quickinfo'][$Element];
         } else {
             $levelToBuild = $PLANET[$resource[$Element]];
         if (in_array($Element, $reslist['prod'])) {
             $peacefull_resource = 0;
             if ($USER['experience_peace_level'] > 0) {
                 $peacefull_resource = $USER['experience_peace_level'];
             $peacefull_resource = $peacefull_resource;
             $premium_resource = 0;
             if ($USER['premium_reward_extraction'] > 0 && $USER['premium_reward_extraction_days'] > TIMESTAMP) {
                 $premium_resource = $USER['premium_reward_extraction'];
             $premium_resource = $premium_resource;
             $combat_collider = 0;
             if ($USER['combat_reward_collider'] > 0) {
                 $combat_collider = $USER['combat_reward_collider'];
             $combat_collider = $combat_collider;
             $academy_mines = 0;
             if ($USER['academy_1201'] > 0) {
                 $academy_mines = getbonusOneBis(1201, $USER['academy_1201']);
             $academy_mines = $academy_mines;
             $daily_prod_bonus = 0;
             if ($USER['daily_produ'] > TIMESTAMP) {
                 $daily_prod_bonus = 30;
             $daily_prod_bonus = $daily_prod_bonus;
             $academy_energy = 0;
             if ($USER['academy_1202'] > 0) {
                 $academy_energy = getbonusOneBis(1202, $USER['academy_1202']);
             $academy_energy = $academy_energy;
             $academy_fusion = 0;
             if ($USER['academy_1209'] > 0) {
                 $academy_fusion = getbonusOneBis(1209, $USER['academy_1209']);
             $academy_fusion = $academy_fusion;
             $academy_solar = 0;
             if ($USER['academy_1210'] > 0) {
                 $academy_solar = getbonusOneBis(1210, $USER['academy_1210']);
             $academy_solar = $academy_solar;
             $allyInfo = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT alliance_prod FROM `uni1_alliance` WHERE id = " . $USER['ally_id'] . ";");
             $allyInfo = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($allyInfo);
             $alliance_prod = 0;
             if ($allyInfo['alliance_prod'] > 0) {
                 $alliance_prod = $allyInfo['alliance_prod'];
             $alliance_prod = $alliance_prod;
             $BuildLevel = $PLANET[$resource[$Element]];
             $Need = round(eval(ResourceUpdate::getProd($ProdGrid[$Element]['production'][911])));
             $BuildLevel = $levelToBuild + 1;
             $Prod = round(eval(ResourceUpdate::getProd($ProdGrid[$Element]['production'][911])));
             $requireEnergy = $Prod - $Need;
             if ($requireEnergy < 0) {
                 $infoEnergy = sprintf($LNG['bd_need_engine'], pretty_number(abs($requireEnergy)), $LNG['tech'][911]);
             } else {
                 $infoEnergy = sprintf($LNG['bd_more_engine'], pretty_number(abs($requireEnergy)), $LNG['tech'][911]);
         $costRessources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, false, $levelToBuild);
         $costOverflow = BuildFunctions::getRestPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources);
         $elementTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources);
         $destroyRessources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, true);
         $destroyTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $destroyRessources);
         $destroyOverflow = BuildFunctions::getRestPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $destroyRessources);
         $buyable = $QueueCount != 0 || BuildFunctions::isElementBuyable($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources);
         $BuildInfoList[$Element] = array('level' => $PLANET[$resource[$Element]], 'maxLevel' => $pricelist[$Element]['max'], 'factor' => $pricelist[$Element]['factor'], 'infoEnergy' => $infoEnergy, 'costRessources' => $costRessources, 'costOverflow' => $costOverflow, 'elementTime' => $elementTime, 'destroyRessources' => $destroyRessources, 'destroyTime' => $destroyTime, 'destroyOverflow' => $destroyOverflow, 'buyable' => $buyable, 'levelToBuild' => $levelToBuild, 'AllTech' => $AllTech, 'techacc' => BuildFunctions::isTechnologieAccessible($USER, $PLANET, $Element));
     $manual_step_2 = 1;
     if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 2 && $PLANET['solar_plant'] < 1) {
         $manual_step_2 = 0;
     $manual_step_2_1 = 1;
     if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $PLANET['solar_plant'] >= 1 && $USER['training_step'] == 2 && ($PLANET['metal_mine'] < 3 || $PLANET['crystal_mine'] < 2 || $PLANET['deuterium_sintetizer'] < 1)) {
         $manual_step_2_1 = 0;
     $manual_step_2_2 = 1;
     if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 2 && $PLANET['metal_mine'] >= 3 && $PLANET['crystal_mine'] >= 2 && $PLANET['deuterium_sintetizer'] >= 1 && $PLANET['solar_plant'] < 4) {
         $manual_step_2_2 = 0;
     $manual_step_2_3 = 1;
     if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 2 && $PLANET['metal_mine'] >= 3 && $PLANET['crystal_mine'] >= 2 && $PLANET['deuterium_sintetizer'] >= 1 && $PLANET['solar_plant'] >= 4) {
         $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `training_step` = '3' WHERE `id` = " . $USER['id'] . ";");
         $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `experience_peace` = `experience_peace` + '650' WHERE `id` = " . $USER['id'] . ";");
         $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET spy_sonde = spy_sonde + 5 WHERE id = 1;");
         $rawfleetarray = array(210 => 5);
         $fleetRessource = array(901 => 0, 902 => 0, 903 => 0);
         if (1 == $PLANET['system']) {
             $tickfinal = $tickinicial + 9;
         } else {
             $tickfinal = $tickinicial + 11;
         FleetFunctions::sendFleet($rawfleetarray, '6', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, $PLANET['id_owner'], $PLANET['id'], $PLANET['galaxy'], $PLANET['system'], $PLANET['planet'], $PLANET['planet_type'], $fleetRessource, TIMESTAMP + 40, TIMESTAMP + 40, TIMESTAMP + 80, $tickinicial, $tickfinal, 0);
         $manual_step_2_3 = 0;
     $manual_step_5 = 1;
     if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 5) {
         $manual_step_5 = 0;
     $manual_step_9 = 1;
     if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 9) {
         $manual_step_9 = 0;
     $manual_step_16 = 1;
     if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 16) {
         $manual_step_16 = 0;
     if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 5 && $PLANET['laboratory'] >= 3) {
         $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET `training_step` = '6' WHERE `id` = " . $USER['id'] . ";");
     $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array('manual_step_16' => $manual_step_16, 'manual_step_9' => $manual_step_9, 'manual_step_2' => $manual_step_2, 'manual_step_2_1' => $manual_step_2_1, 'manual_step_2_2' => $manual_step_2_2, 'manual_step_2_3' => $manual_step_2_3, 'manual_step_5' => $manual_step_5, 'BuildInfoList' => $BuildInfoList, 'CanBuildElement' => $CanBuildElement, 'RoomIsOk' => $RoomIsOk, 'Planetas' => $PLANET, 'Queue' => $Queue, 'isBusy' => array('shipyard' => !empty($PLANET['b_hangar_id']), 'research' => $USER['b_tech_planet'] != 0), 'HaveMissiles' => (bool) $PLANET[$resource[503]] + $PLANET[$resource[502]], 'HaveMissiles' => (bool) $PLANET[$resource[503]] + $PLANET[$resource[502]], 'field_used' => $PLANET['field_current'], 'field_max' => CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PLANET), 'field_left' => CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PLANET) - $PLANET['field_current'], 'field_percent' => $PLANET['field_current'] * 100 / CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PLANET)));
예제 #15
if ($user['authlevel'] >= "1") {
    if (!isset($_GET["pid"])) {
    $UsrMain = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . intval($_GET["pid"]) . "';", 'planets', true);
    if (!$UsrMain) {
        die(message("没找到这个球!", "错误"));
    $body .= "<table width='100%' border='0'><tbody>";
    $body .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"c\">" . $lang['adm_base'] . "</td></tr>";
    $body .= "<tr><th>{$lang['planets_id']}</th><th>" . $UsrMain["id"] . "</th></tr>";
    $body .= "<tr><th>{$lang['planets_type']}</th><th>" . ($UsrMain['planet_type'] == 1 ? $lang['Planet'] : $lang['Moon']) . "</th></tr>";
    $body .= "<tr><th>{$lang['Pos']}</th><th>[" . $UsrMain['galaxy'] . ":" . $UsrMain['system'] . ":" . $UsrMain['planet'] . "]</th></tr>";
    $body .= "<tr><th>{$lang['diameter']}</th><th>" . $UsrMain['diameter'] . " KM</th></td>";
    $body .= "<tr><th>{$lang['Place']}</th><th>" . $UsrMain['field_current'] . '/' . CalculateMaxPlanetFields($UsrMain) . "</th></td>";
    //废墟资源,内容保存在 表game_galaxy
    //$body .= "<tr><th>{$lang['debris']}</th><th></th>".$lang['metal'].$UsrMain['metal_debris'].$UsrMain['cristal'].$UsrMain['crystal_debris']."</td>";
    $body .= "<tr><th>{$lang['Metal']}</th><th>" . pretty_number($UsrMain['metal']) . "</th></td>";
    $body .= "<tr><th>{$lang['Crystal']}</th><th>" . pretty_number($UsrMain['crystal']) . "</th></td>";
    $body .= "<tr><th>{$lang['Deuterium']}</th><th>" . pretty_number($UsrMain['deuterium']) . "</th></td>";
    $body .= "<tr><th></th><th></th></td>";
    $body .= "<tr><th></th><th></th></td>";
    $body .= "<tr><th></th><th></th></td>";
    $body .= "<tr><th></th><th></th></td>";
    $body .= "<tr><th></th><th></th></td>";
    $body .= "<tr><th></th><th></th></td>";
    $body .= "</tbody></table>";
    $body .= "<table width='100%' border='0'><tbody>";
    $body .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"c\">{$lang['tech'][0]}</td></tr>";
예제 #16
function ShowOverviewPage($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet)
    global $xgp_root, $phpEx, $dpath, $game_config, $lang, $planetrow, $user;
    include_once $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/InsertJavaScriptChronoApplet.' . $phpEx;
    include_once $xgp_root . 'includes/classes/class.FlyingFleetsTable.' . $phpEx;
    $FlyingFleetsTable = new FlyingFleetsTable();
    $lunarow = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id_owner` = '" . intval($CurrentPlanet['id_owner']) . "' AND `galaxy` = '" . intval($CurrentPlanet['galaxy']) . "' AND `system` = '" . intval($CurrentPlanet['system']) . "' AND  `planet` = '" . intval($CurrentPlanet['planet']) . "' AND `planet_type`='3'", 'planets', true);
    if (empty($lunarow)) {
    $parse = $lang;
    $parse['planet_id'] = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
    $parse['planet_name'] = $CurrentPlanet['name'];
    $parse['galaxy_galaxy'] = $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'];
    $parse['galaxy_system'] = $CurrentPlanet['system'];
    $parse['galaxy_planet'] = $CurrentPlanet['planet'];
    switch ($_GET['mode']) {
        case 'renameplanet':
            if ($_POST['action'] == $lang['ov_planet_rename_action']) {
                $newname = mysql_escape_string(strip_tags(trim($_POST['newname'])));
                if (preg_match("/[^A-z0-9_\\- ]/", $newname) == 1) {
                    message($lang['ov_newname_error'], "game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet", 2);
                if ($newname != "") {
                    doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `name` = '" . $newname . "' WHERE `id` = '" . intval($CurrentUser['current_planet']) . "' LIMIT 1;", "planets");
            } elseif ($_POST['action'] == $lang['ov_abandon_planet']) {
                return display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('overview/overview_deleteplanet'), $parse));
            } elseif (intval($_POST['kolonieloeschen']) == 1 && intval($_POST['deleteid']) == $CurrentUser['current_planet']) {
                $filokontrol = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE fleet_owner = '" . intval($user['id']) . "' AND fleet_start_galaxy='" . intval($CurrentPlanet['galaxy']) . "' AND fleet_start_system='" . intval($CurrentPlanet['system']) . "' AND fleet_start_planet='" . intval($CurrentPlanet['planet']) . "'", 'fleets');
                while ($satir = mysql_fetch_array($filokontrol)) {
                    $kendifilo = $satir['fleet_owner'];
                    $digerfilo = $satir['fleet_target_owner'];
                    $harabeyeri = $satir['fleet_end_type'];
                    $mess = $satir['fleet_mess'];
                $filokontrol = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE fleet_target_owner = '" . intval($user['id']) . "' AND fleet_end_galaxy='" . intval($CurrentPlanet['galaxy']) . "' AND fleet_end_system='" . intval($CurrentPlanet['system']) . "' AND fleet_end_planet='" . intval($CurrentPlanet['planet']) . "'", 'fleets');
                while ($satir = mysql_fetch_array($filokontrol)) {
                    $kendifilo = $satir['fleet_owner'];
                    $digerfilo = $satir['fleet_target_owner'];
                    $gezoay = $satir['fleet_end_type'];
                    $mess = $satir['fleet_mess'];
                if ($kendifilo > 0) {
                    message($lang['ov_abandon_planet_not_possible'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
                } elseif ($digerfilo > 0 && $mess < 1 && $gezoay != 2) {
                    message($lang['ov_abandon_planet_not_possible'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
                } else {
                    if (md5($_POST['pw']) == $CurrentUser["password"] && $CurrentUser['id_planet'] != $CurrentUser['current_planet']) {
                        doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `destruyed` = '" . (time() + 86400) . "' WHERE `id` = '" . intval($CurrentUser['current_planet']) . "' LIMIT 1;", 'planets');
                        doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `current_planet` = `id_planet` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($CurrentUser['id']) . "' LIMIT 1", "users");
                        doquery("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '" . intval($CurrentPlanet['galaxy']) . "' AND `system` = '" . intval($CurrentPlanet['system']) . "' AND `planet` = '" . intval($CurrentPlanet['planet']) . "' AND `planet_type` = 3;", 'planets');
                        message($lang['ov_planet_abandoned'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
                    } elseif ($CurrentUser['id_planet'] == $CurrentUser["current_planet"]) {
                        message($lang['ov_principal_planet_cant_abanone'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
                    } else {
                        message($lang['ov_wrong_pass'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
            return display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('overview/overview_renameplanet'), $parse));
            if ($CurrentUser['new_message'] != 0) {
                $Have_new_message .= "<tr>";
                if ($CurrentUser['new_message'] == 1) {
                    $Have_new_message .= "<th colspan=4><a href=game.{$phpEx}?page=messages>" . $lang['ov_have_new_message'] . "</a></th>";
                } elseif ($CurrentUser['new_message'] > 1) {
                    $Have_new_message .= "<th colspan=4><a href=game.{$phpEx}?page=messages>";
                    $Have_new_message .= str_replace('%m', pretty_number($CurrentUser['new_message']), $lang['ov_have_new_messages']);
                    $Have_new_message .= "</a></th>";
                $Have_new_message .= "</tr>";
            $OwnFleets = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_owner` = '" . intval($CurrentUser['id']) . "';", 'fleets');
            $Record = 0;
            while ($FleetRow = mysql_fetch_array($OwnFleets)) {
                $StartTime = $FleetRow['fleet_start_time'];
                $StayTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_stay'];
                $EndTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_time'];
                /////// // ### LUCKY , CODES ARE BELOW
                $hedefgalaksi = $FleetRow['fleet_end_galaxy'];
                $hedefsistem = $FleetRow['fleet_end_system'];
                $hedefgezegen = $FleetRow['fleet_end_planet'];
                $mess = $FleetRow['fleet_mess'];
                $filogrubu = $FleetRow['fleet_group'];
                $id = $FleetRow['fleet_id'];
                $Label = "fs";
                if ($StartTime > time()) {
                    $fpage[$StartTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 0, true, $Label, $Record);
                if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] != 4 && $FleetRow['fleet_mission'] != 10) {
                    $Label = "ft";
                    if ($StayTime > time()) {
                        $fpage[$StayTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 1, true, $Label, $Record);
                    $Label = "fe";
                    if ($EndTime > time()) {
                        $fpage[$EndTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 2, true, $Label, $Record);
                /**fix fleet table return by jstar**/
                if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] == 4 && $StartTime < time() && $EndTime > time()) {
                    $fpage[$EndTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 2, true, "fjstar", $Record);
                /**end fix**/
            //iss ye katilan filo////////////////////////////////////
            // ### LUCKY , CODES ARE BELOW
            $dostfilo = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_end_galaxy` = '" . intval($hedefgalaksi) . "' AND `fleet_end_system` = '" . intval($hedefsistem) . "' AND `fleet_end_planet` = '" . intval($hedefgezegen) . "' AND `fleet_group` = '" . intval($filogrubu) . "';", 'fleets');
            $Record1 = 0;
            while ($FleetRow = mysql_fetch_array($dostfilo)) {
                $StartTime = $FleetRow['fleet_start_time'];
                $StayTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_stay'];
                $EndTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_time'];
                $hedefgalaksi = $FleetRow['fleet_end_galaxy'];
                $hedefsistem = $FleetRow['fleet_end_system'];
                $hedefgezegen = $FleetRow['fleet_end_planet'];
                $mess = $FleetRow['fleet_mess'];
                $filogrubu = $FleetRow['fleet_group'];
                $id = $FleetRow['fleet_id'];
                if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] == 2 && $FleetRow['fleet_owner'] != $CurrentUser['id']) {
                    //		if (($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] == 2) ){
                    if ($mess > 0) {
                        $StartTime = "";
                    } else {
                        $StartTime = $FleetRow['fleet_start_time'];
                    if ($StartTime > time()) {
                        $Label = "ofs";
                        $fpage[$StartTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 0, false, $Label, $Record1);
                    //	}
                if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] == 1 && $FleetRow['fleet_owner'] != $CurrentUser['id'] && $filogrubu > 0) {
                    if ($mess > 0) {
                        $StartTime = "";
                    } else {
                        $StartTime = $FleetRow['fleet_start_time'];
                    if ($StartTime > time()) {
                        $Label = "ofs";
                        $fpage[$StartTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 0, false, $Label, $Record);
            $OtherFleets = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_target_owner` = '" . intval($CurrentUser['id']) . "';", 'fleets');
            $Record = 2000;
            while ($FleetRow = mysql_fetch_array($OtherFleets)) {
                if ($FleetRow['fleet_owner'] != $CurrentUser['id']) {
                    if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] != 8) {
                        $StartTime = $FleetRow['fleet_start_time'];
                        $StayTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_stay'];
                        $id = $FleetRow['fleet_id'];
                        if ($StartTime > time()) {
                            $Label = "ofs";
                            $fpage[$StartTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 0, false, $Label, $Record);
                        if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] == 5) {
                            $Label = "oft";
                            if ($StayTime > time()) {
                                $fpage[$StayTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 1, false, $Label, $Record);
            $planets_query = doquery("SELECT * FROM `{{table}}` WHERE id_owner='" . intval($CurrentUser['id']) . "' AND `destruyed` = 0", "planets");
            $Colone = 1;
            $AllPlanets = "<tr>";
            while ($CurrentUserPlanet = mysql_fetch_array($planets_query)) {
                if ($CurrentUserPlanet["id"] != $CurrentUser["current_planet"] && $CurrentUserPlanet['planet_type'] != 3) {
                    $AllPlanets .= "<th>" . $CurrentUserPlanet['name'] . "<br>";
                    $AllPlanets .= "<a href=\"game.php?page=overview&cp=" . $CurrentUserPlanet['id'] . "&re=0\" title=\"" . $CurrentUserPlanet['name'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $dpath . "planeten/small/s_" . $CurrentUserPlanet['image'] . ".jpg\" height=\"50\" width=\"50\"></a><br>";
                    $AllPlanets .= "<center>";
                    if ($CurrentUserPlanet['b_building'] != 0) {
                        UpdatePlanetBatimentQueueList($CurrentUserPlanet, $CurrentUser);
                        if ($CurrentUserPlanet['b_building'] != 0) {
                            $BuildQueue = $CurrentUserPlanet['b_building_id'];
                            $QueueArray = explode(";", $BuildQueue);
                            $CurrentBuild = explode(",", $QueueArray[0]);
                            $BuildElement = $CurrentBuild[0];
                            $BuildLevel = $CurrentBuild[1];
                            $BuildRestTime = pretty_time($CurrentBuild[3] - time());
                            $AllPlanets .= '' . $lang['tech'][$BuildElement] . ' (' . $BuildLevel . ')';
                            $AllPlanets .= "<br><font color=\"#7f7f7f\">(" . $BuildRestTime . ")</font>";
                        } else {
                            $AllPlanets .= $lang['ov_free'];
                    } else {
                        $AllPlanets .= $lang['ov_free'];
                    $AllPlanets .= "</center></th>";
                    if ($Colone <= 1) {
                    } else {
                        $AllPlanets .= "</tr><tr>";
                        $Colone = 1;
            $AllPlanets .= "</tr>";
            if ($lunarow['id'] != 0 && $lunarow['destruyed'] != 1 && $CurrentPlanet['planet_type'] != 3) {
                if ($CurrentPlanet['planet_type'] == 1 or $lunarow['id'] != 0) {
                    $moon = doquery("SELECT `id`,`name`,`image` FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '" . intval($CurrentPlanet['galaxy']) . "' AND `system` = '" . intval($CurrentPlanet['system']) . "' AND `planet` = '" . intval($CurrentPlanet['planet']) . "' AND `planet_type` = '3'", 'planets', true);
                    $parse['moon_img'] = "<a href=\"game.php?page=overview&cp=" . $moon['id'] . "&re=0\" title=\"" . $moon['name'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $dpath . "planeten/" . $moon['image'] . ".jpg\" height=\"50\" width=\"50\"></a>";
                    $parse['moon'] = $moon['name'] . " (" . $lang['fcm_moon'] . ")";
                } else {
                    $parse['moon_img'] = "";
                    $parse['moon'] = "";
            } else {
                $parse['moon_img'] = "";
                $parse['moon'] = "";
            $parse['planet_diameter'] = pretty_number($CurrentPlanet['diameter']);
            $parse['planet_field_current'] = $CurrentPlanet['field_current'];
            $parse['planet_field_max'] = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet);
            $parse['planet_temp_min'] = $CurrentPlanet['temp_min'];
            $parse['planet_temp_max'] = $CurrentPlanet['temp_max'];
            $StatRecord = doquery("SELECT `total_rank`,`total_points` FROM `{{table}}` WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '" . intval($CurrentUser['id']) . "';", 'statpoints', true);
            $parse['user_username'] = $CurrentUser['username'];
            if (count($fpage) > 0) {
                foreach ($fpage as $time => $content) {
                    $flotten .= $content . "\n";
            if ($CurrentPlanet['b_building'] != 0) {
                include $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/InsertBuildListScript.' . $phpEx;
                UpdatePlanetBatimentQueueList($planetrow, $user);
                if ($CurrentPlanet['b_building'] != 0) {
                    $BuildQueue = explode(";", $CurrentPlanet['b_building_id']);
                    $CurrBuild = explode(",", $BuildQueue[0]);
                    $RestTime = $CurrentPlanet['b_building'] - time();
                    $PlanetID = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
                    $Build = InsertBuildListScript("overview");
                    $Build .= $lang['tech'][$CurrBuild[0]] . ' (' . $CurrBuild[1] . ')';
                    $Build .= "<br /><div id=\"blc\" class=\"z\">" . pretty_time($RestTime) . "</div>";
                    $Build .= "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">";
                    $Build .= "\n\tpp = \"" . $RestTime . "\";\n";
                    $Build .= "\n\tpk = \"" . 1 . "\";\n";
                    $Build .= "\n\tpm = \"cancel\";\n";
                    $Build .= "\n\tpl = \"" . $PlanetID . "\";\n";
                    $Build .= "\n\tt();\n";
                    $Build .= "\n</script>\n";
                    $parse['building'] = $Build;
                } else {
                    $parse['building'] = $lang['ov_free'];
            } else {
                $parse['building'] = $lang['ov_free'];
            $parse['fleet_list'] = $flotten;
            $parse['Have_new_message'] = $Have_new_message;
            $parse['planet_image'] = $CurrentPlanet['image'];
            $parse['anothers_planets'] = $AllPlanets;
            $parse["dpath"] = $dpath;
            if ($game_config['stat'] == 0) {
                $parse['user_rank'] = pretty_number($StatRecord['total_points']) . " (" . $lang['ov_place'] . " <a href=\"game.php?page=statistics&range=" . $StatRecord['total_rank'] . "\">" . $StatRecord['total_rank'] . "</a> " . $lang['ov_of'] . " " . $game_config['users_amount'] . ")";
            } elseif ($game_config['stat'] == 1 && $CurrentUser['authlevel'] < $game_config['stat_level']) {
                $parse['user_rank'] = pretty_number($StatRecord['total_points']) . " (" . $lang['ov_place'] . " <a href=\"game.php?page=statistics&range=" . $StatRecord['total_rank'] . "\">" . $StatRecord['total_rank'] . "</a> " . $lang['ov_of'] . " " . $game_config['users_amount'] . ")";
            } else {
                $parse['user_rank'] = "-";
            $parse['date_time'] = date("D M j H:i:s", time());
            return display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('overview/overview_body'), $parse));
예제 #17
    function show()
        global $CONF, $LNG, $PLANET, $USER, $resource, $UNI;
        if ($CONF['treasure_event'] < TIMESTAMP) {
            $cautare = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM " . PLANETS . " p INNER JOIN " . USERS . " u ON p.id_owner = WHERE p.universe = " . $UNI . " AND u.universe = " . $UNI . " AND u.onlinetime < " . (TIMESTAMP - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) . " AND u.urlaubs_modus = 0 AND p.planet_type = 1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 20;");
            while ($xys = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($cautare)) {
                $metal = 500000000000;
                $crystal = 400000000000;
                $deuterium = 300000000000;
                $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `metal` =   " . $metal . ", `crystal` = " . $crystal . ", `deuterium` = " . $deuterium . " WHERE id = " . $xys['id'] . ";");
            $totalPremiums = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE universe = " . $UNI . ";");
            while ($xy = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($totalPremiums)) {
                $message = "<span class='admin'>Treasure Hunt has started.<br>\n20 Inactive planets have big amounts of resources.<br>\nSearch for it, and steal it.<br>\nHappy Hunting !!!<br><br>\nLa chasse au tresor a commencer.<br>\n20 planets inactive sont rempli de resource.<br>\nChercher les, et vider les tous.<br>\nHappy Hunting !!!<br><br>\nSchatzJagd Hat Begonnen<br>\n20 inaktiver Planeten, ist voll mit vielen Rohstoffen<br>\nDu musst ihn finden, und hol dir die Rohstoffe<br>\nViel Spass beim Suchen !!! \n\t</span>";
                SendSimpleMessage($xy['id'], 1, TIMESTAMP, 50, "Event System", "Treasure Event", $message);
            $new_event = $CONF['treasure_event'] + 60 * 60 * 24;
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . CONFIG . " SET treasure_event = '" . $new_event . "' where `uni` = '" . $UNI . "';");
        if ($CONF['treasure_event_1'] < TIMESTAMP) {
            $cautare = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM " . PLANETS . " p INNER JOIN " . USERS . " u ON p.id_owner = WHERE p.universe = " . $UNI . " AND u.universe = " . $UNI . " AND u.onlinetime < " . (TIMESTAMP - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) . " AND u.urlaubs_modus = 0 AND p.planet_type = 1 AND p.universe = " . $UNI . " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 20;");
            while ($xys = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($cautare)) {
                $metal = 500000000000;
                $crystal = 400000000000;
                $deuterium = 300000000000;
                $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " SET `metal` =   " . $metal . ", `crystal` = " . $crystal . ", `deuterium` = " . $deuterium . " WHERE id = " . $xys['id'] . ";");
            $totalPremiums = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE universe = " . $UNI . ";");
            while ($xy = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($totalPremiums)) {
                $message = "<span class='admin'>Treasure Hunt has started.<br>\n20 Inactive planets have big amounts of resources.<br>\nSearch for it, and steal it.<br>\nHappy Hunting !!!<br><br>\nLa chasse au tresor a commencer.<br>\n20 planets inactive sont rempli de resource.<br>\nChercher les, et vider les tous.<br>\nHappy Hunting !!!<br><br>\nSchatzJagd Hat Begonnen<br>\n20 inaktiver Planeten, ist voll mit vielen Rohstoffen<br>\nDu musst ihn finden, und hol dir die Rohstoffe<br>\nViel Spass beim Suchen !!! \n\t</span>";
                SendSimpleMessage($xy['id'], 1, TIMESTAMP, 50, "Event System", "Treasure Event", $message);
            $new_event = $CONF['treasure_event_1'] + 60 * 60 * 24;
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . CONFIG . " SET treasure_event_1 = '" . $new_event . "' where `uni` = '" . $UNI . "';");
        if ($CONF['social_message'] < TIMESTAMP) {
            $query = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT id FROM uni1_users;");
            while ($x = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($query)) {
                $msg = '<span class="admin">"Like" & "Share" for the chance to win 50k darkmatter: Every 30 combined likes & shares will equal to one winner: <a href="">Dark-Space: Empire ! Social Page</a><br><br>
	"Aime" & "Partage" pour avoir la chance de gagner 50K matiere noire: tout les 30ieme aime & partage combinee recevera 50k de matiere noir: <a href="">Dark-Space: Empire ! Social Page</a><br><br>
	"Like" & "Teilen" für die Chance, 50k darkmatter gewinnen: Alle 30 kombiniert Vorlieben und Aktien werden gleich einen Gewinner: <a href="">Dark-Space: Empire ! Sozial Seite</a></span>';
                SendSimpleMessage($x['id'], '', TIMESTAMP, 50, 'System', 'Questions', $msg);
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE uni1_config SET social_message = '" . (TIMESTAMP + 2 * 24 * 60 * 60) . "';");
        if ($CONF['asteroid_event'] < TIMESTAMP) {
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("DELETE FROM " . PLANETS . " where `id_owner` = '" . Asteroid_Id . "' ;");
            $galaxy = $this->randRange(1, 5, 5);
            foreach ($galaxy as $Element) {
                $system = $this->randRange(1, 200, 70);
                foreach ($system as $System_Element) {
                    $planets = rand(1, 15);
                    $cautare = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT *FROM " . PLANETS . " where `galaxy` = '" . $Element . "' and `system` = '" . $System_Element . "' and `planet` = '" . $planets . "' AND `universe` = '" . $UNI . "';");
                    if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($cautare) == 0) {
                        $metal_rand = Config::get('asteroid_metal');
                        $crystal_rand = Config::get('asteroid_crystal');
                        $deuterium_rand = Config::get('asteroid_deuterium');
                        $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("INSERT INTO " . PLANETS . "(`name`,`id_owner`,`universe`,`galaxy`,`system`,`planet`,`planet_type`,`image`,`diameter`,`metal`,`crystal`,`deuterium`,`last_update`) \n\tVALUES('Asteroid','" . Asteroid_Id . "','" . $UNI . "','" . $Element . "','" . $System_Element . "','" . $planets . "','1','asteroid','9800','" . $metal_rand . "','" . $crystal_rand . "','" . $deuterium_rand . "','" . TIMESTAMP . "');");
            $totalPremiums = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` FROM " . USERS . ";");
            while ($xy = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($totalPremiums)) {
                $message = '<span class="admin">Asteroid Event started<br>
	Every asteroid that you harvest will bring you resource. <a href="">more details</a><br><br>
	Evenement asteroid a commencer<br>
	Chaque asteroid que tu harvest te raportera des resource. <a href="">plus de details</a><br><br>
	Asteroid Ereignis begann <br>
	Jeder Asteroiden, die Sie ernten werden Sie Ressource bringen. <a href="">weitere Informationen</a>
                SendSimpleMessage($xy['id'], 1, TIMESTAMP, 50, "Event System", "Event Info", $message);
            $newevkaka = $CONF['asteroid_event'] + 60 * 60 * 24;
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . CONFIG . " SET asteroid_event = '" . $newevkaka . "' where `uni` = '" . $UNI . "';");
        if ($CONF['asteroid_event_1'] < TIMESTAMP) {
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("DELETE FROM " . PLANETS . " where `id_owner` = '" . Asteroid_Id . "' ;");
            $galaxy = $this->randRange(1, 5, 5);
            foreach ($galaxy as $Element) {
                $system = $this->randRange(1, 200, 70);
                foreach ($system as $System_Element) {
                    $planets = rand(1, 15);
                    $cautare = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT *FROM " . PLANETS . " where `galaxy` = '" . $Element . "' and `system` = '" . $System_Element . "' and `planet` = '" . $planets . "' AND `universe` = '" . $UNI . "';");
                    if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($cautare) == 0) {
                        $metal_rand = Config::get('asteroid_metal');
                        $crystal_rand = Config::get('asteroid_crystal');
                        $deuterium_rand = Config::get('asteroid_deuterium');
                        $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("INSERT INTO " . PLANETS . "(`name`,`id_owner`,`universe`,`galaxy`,`system`,`planet`,`planet_type`,`image`,`diameter`,`metal`,`crystal`,`deuterium`,`last_update`) \n\tVALUES('Asteroid','" . Asteroid_Id . "','" . $UNI . "','" . $Element . "','" . $System_Element . "','" . $planets . "','1','asteroid','9800','" . $metal_rand . "','" . $crystal_rand . "','" . $deuterium_rand . "','" . TIMESTAMP . "');");
            $totalPremiums = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` FROM " . USERS . ";");
            while ($xy = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($totalPremiums)) {
                $message = '<span class="admin">Asteroid Event started<br>
	Every asteroid that you harvest will bring you resource. <a href="">more details</a><br><br>
	Evenement asteroid a commencer<br>
	Chaque asteroid que tu harvest te raportera des resource. <a href="">plus de details</a><br><br>
	Asteroid Ereignis begann <br>
	Jeder Asteroiden, die Sie ernten werden Sie Ressource bringen. <a href="">weitere Informationen</a>
                SendSimpleMessage($xy['id'], 1, TIMESTAMP, 50, "Event System", "Event Info", $message);
            $newevkaka = $CONF['asteroid_event_1'] + 60 * 60 * 24;
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . CONFIG . " SET asteroid_event_1 = '" . $newevkaka . "' where `uni` = '" . $UNI . "';");
        	if($CONF['fortress_event'] < TIMESTAMP){
        	$GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("DELETE FROM ".PLANETS." where `planet_type` = '4' ;");
        	$galaxy = $this->randRange(1,5,5);
        	foreach($galaxy as $Element){
        	$system = $this->randRange(1,200,15);
        	foreach($system as $System_Element){
        	$planets = rand(1,15);
        	$timerforall = TIMESTAMP + 60*60*6;
        	$cautare = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT *FROM ".PLANETS." where `galaxy` = '".$Element."' and `system` = '".$System_Element."' and `planet` = '".$planets."' AND `universe` = '".$UNI."';");
        	$metal_rand = Config::get('asteroid_metal');
        	$crystal_rand = Config::get('asteroid_crystal');
        	$deuterium_rand= Config::get('asteroid_deuterium');
        	$max_field= mt_rand(69,176);
        	$GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("INSERT INTO ".PLANETS."(`name`,`id_owner`,`universe`,`galaxy`,`system`,`planet`,`planet_type`,`image`,`diameter`,`field_current`,`field_max`,`metal`,`crystal`,`deuterium`,`last_update`,`capture_not`) 
        	VALUES('Fortress Planet','".Fortress_Id."','".$UNI."','".$Element."','".$System_Element."','".$planets."','4','fortress','9800','0','".$max_field."','".$metal_rand."','".$crystal_rand."','".$deuterium_rand."','".TIMESTAMP."','".$timerforall."');");
        	$totalPremiums = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` FROM ".USERS.";");
        	while($xy = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($totalPremiums)){
        	$message = "<span class='admin'>Fortress Event started<br>
        	Capture your fortress and take advantage of the profits they offer you !<br><br>
        	Evenement Fortress a commencer<br>
        	Capturez votre forteresse et profiter des multiple avantage qu\'elles peuvent vous offrir ! 
            SendSimpleMessage($xy['id'], 1, TIMESTAMP, 50, "Event System", "Event Info", $message);
        	$newevkaka = $timerforall + 10;
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE ".CONFIG." SET fortress_event = '".$newevkaka."' where `uni` = '".$UNI."';");
        	//END FORTRESS EVENT	 */
        //if($CONF['end_game'] < TIMESTAMP){
        //$GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE uni1_config SET game_disable = '0', close_reason = 'The first season of the game cames to hes end. the entire game will be reseted today at 20h' WHERE uni = ".$UNI.";");
        if ($CONF['question_message'] < TIMESTAMP) {
            $query = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT id FROM uni1_users WHERE universe = " . $UNI . ";");
            while ($x = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($query)) {
                $msg = '<span class="admin">If you have questions about the game: <a href="?page=ticket">Write them here</a><br>
		Si vous avez dues question sur le jeu: <a href="?page=ticket">Posez les ici</a><br>
		Falls du fragen über das Spiel hast: <a href="?page=ticket">Schreibe sie hier</a></span>';
                SendSimpleMessage($x['id'], '', TIMESTAMP, 50, 'System', 'Questions', $msg);
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE uni1_config SET question_message = '" . (TIMESTAMP + 3 * 24 * 60 * 60) . "' WHERE uni = " . $UNI . ";");
        if ($CONF['referal_message'] < TIMESTAMP) {
            $query = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT id FROM uni1_users WHERE universe = " . $UNI . ";");
            while ($x = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($query)) {
                $msg = '<span class="admin"> Invite new players with your referral link and get for every new player 5,000,000 Dark Matter and 10.000 Antimatter: <a href="?page=Refystem">Referal System</a><br>
		Lade neue Spieler mit deinem Referral Link ein und bekomme 5.000.000 Dunkle Materie und 10.000 Anti Materie: <a href="?page=Refystem">Referal System</a></span>';
                SendSimpleMessage($x['id'], '', TIMESTAMP, 50, 'System', 'Referal', $msg);
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE uni1_config SET referal_message = '" . (TIMESTAMP + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60) . "' WHERE uni = " . $UNI . ";");
        if ($CONF['fleet_event_active_1'] < TIMESTAMP) {
            $totalPremiums = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` FROM " . USERS . " where `universe` = '" . $UNI . "';");
            while ($x = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($totalPremiums)) {
                $message = '<span class="admin">Friendly fleets landed on all your planets<br>
		Des vaisseaux allies ont atteris sur toutes vos planetes<br>
		Freundliche Flotten landen auf deinen Planeten</span>';
                SendSimpleMessage($x['id'], 1, TIMESTAMP, 50, "Event System", "Event Info", $message);
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " p INNER JOIN " . USERS . " u ON p.id_owner = SET \n        `light_hunter` = `light_hunter` + 500000000,\n        `bs_class_oneil` = `bs_class_oneil` + 20000,\n\t\t`frigate` = `frigate` + 50000\n        WHERE p.universe = '" . $UNI . "' AND u.urlaubs_modus = 0 AND p.planet_type = 1 AND u.onlinetime > " . (TIMESTAMP - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) . ";");
            $newevent3 = $CONF['fleet_event_active_1'] + 2 * 60 * 60 * 24;
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . CONFIG . " SET fleet_event_active_1 = '" . $newevent3 . "' where `uni` = '" . $UNI . "';");
        if ($CONF['fleet_event_active_2'] < TIMESTAMP) {
            $totalPremiums = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` FROM " . USERS . " where `universe` = '" . $UNI . "';");
            while ($xy = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($totalPremiums)) {
                $message = '<span class="admin">Friendly fleets landed on your home planet<br>
		Des vaisseaux allies ont atteris sur votre planete mere<br>
		Freundliche Flotten landen auf deinen Planeten</span>
                SendSimpleMessage($xy['id'], 1, TIMESTAMP, 50, "Event System", "Event Info", $message);
            $totalPremiums1 = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id_planet` FROM " . USERS . " where `universe` = '" . $UNI . "';");
            while ($omt = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($totalPremiums1)) {
                $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . PLANETS . " p INNER JOIN " . USERS . " u ON p.id_owner = SET \n       `light_hunter` = `light_hunter` + 500000000,\n        `bs_class_oneil` = `bs_class_oneil` + 20000,\n\t\t`frigate` = `frigate` + 50000\n        WHERE p.universe = '" . $UNI . "' AND = " . $omt['id_planet'] . " AND u.urlaubs_modus = 0 AND p.planet_type = 1 AND u.onlinetime > " . (TIMESTAMP - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) . ";");
                $newevent2 = $CONF['fleet_event_active_2'] + 2 * 60 * 60 * 24;
                $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . CONFIG . " SET fleet_event_active_2 = '" . $newevent2 . "' where `uni` = '" . $UNI . "';");
        if ($CONF['fleet_event_inactive_1'] < TIMESTAMP) {
            $totalPremiums = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` FROM " . USERS . " where `universe` = '" . $UNI . "';");
            while ($xy = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($totalPremiums)) {
                $message = '<span class="admin">All inactive planets are full of resources and fleets<br>
All inactive moons are full of  resources<br>
Toutes les planetes inactive sont remplis de vaisseaux et de resources<br>
Toutes les lunes inactives sont remplis de resources<br>
Alle inaktiven Planeten sind voll mit Resourcen und Flotten<br>
Alle inaktiven Monde sind voll mit Resourcen</span>';
                SendSimpleMessage($xy['id'], 1, TIMESTAMP, 50, "Event System", "Event Info", $message);
            $newevent = $CONF['fleet_event_inactive_1'] + 60 * 60 * 24;
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . CONFIG . " SET fleet_event_inactive_1 = '" . $newevent . "' where `uni` = '" . $UNI . "';");
        if ($CONF['fleet_event_inactive_2'] < TIMESTAMP) {
            $totalPremiums = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` FROM " . USERS . " where `universe` = '" . $UNI . "';");
            while ($xy = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($totalPremiums)) {
                $message = '<span class="admin">All inactive planets are full of resources and fleets<br>
All inactive moons are full of  resources<br>
Toutes les planetes inactive sont remplis de vaisseaux et de resources<br>
Toutes les lunes inactives sont remplis de resources<br>
Alle inaktiven Planeten sind voll mit Resourcen und Flotten<br>
Alle inaktiven Monde sind voll mit Resourcen</span>';
                SendSimpleMessage($xy['id'], 1, TIMESTAMP, 50, "Event System", "Event Info", $message);
            $newevent = $CONF['fleet_event_inactive_2'] + 60 * 60 * 24;
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . CONFIG . " SET fleet_event_inactive_2 = '" . $newevent . "' where `uni` = '" . $UNI . "';");
        if ($CONF['fleet_event_inactive_3'] < TIMESTAMP) {
            $totalPremiums = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT `id` FROM " . USERS . " where `universe` = '" . $UNI . "';");
            while ($xy = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($totalPremiums)) {
                $message = '<span class="admin">All inactive planets are full of resources and fleets<br>
All inactive moons are full of  resources<br>
Toutes les planetes inactive sont remplis de vaisseaux et de resources<br>
Toutes les lunes inactives sont remplis de resources<br>
Alle inaktiven Planeten sind voll mit Resourcen und Flotten<br>
Alle inaktiven Monde sind voll mit Resourcen</span>';
                SendSimpleMessage($xy['id'], 1, TIMESTAMP, 50, "Event System", "Event Info", $message);
            $newevent = $CONF['fleet_event_inactive_3'] + 60 * 60 * 24;
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . CONFIG . " SET fleet_event_inactive_3 = '" . $newevent . "' where `uni` = '" . $UNI . "';");
        $AdminsOnline = array();
        $chatOnline = array();
        $AllPlanets = array();
        $Moon = array();
        $RefLinks = array();
        $Buildtime = 0;
        foreach ($USER['PLANETS'] as $ID => $CPLANET) {
            if ($ID == $PLANET['id'] || $CPLANET['planet_type'] == 3) {
            if (!empty($CPLANET['b_building']) && $CPLANET['b_building'] > TIMESTAMP) {
                $Queue = unserialize($CPLANET['b_building_id']);
                $BuildPlanet = $LNG['tech'][$Queue[0][0]] . " (" . $Queue[0][1] . ")<br><span style=\"color:#7F7F7F;\">(" . pretty_time($Queue[0][3] - TIMESTAMP) . ")</span>";
            } else {
                $BuildPlanet = $LNG['ov_free'];
            $AllPlanets[] = array('id' => $CPLANET['id'], 'name' => $CPLANET['name'], 'image' => $CPLANET['image'], 'build' => $BuildPlanet);
        if ($PLANET['id_luna'] != 0) {
            $Moon = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT id, name FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE id = '" . $PLANET['id_luna'] . "';");
        if ($PLANET['b_building'] - TIMESTAMP > 0) {
            $Queue = unserialize($PLANET['b_building_id']);
            $buildInfo['buildings'] = array('id' => $Queue[0][0], 'level' => $Queue[0][1], 'timeleft' => $PLANET['b_building'] - TIMESTAMP, 'time' => $PLANET['b_building'], 'starttime' => pretty_time($PLANET['b_building'] - TIMESTAMP));
        } else {
            $buildInfo['buildings'] = false;
        /* As FR#206 (, i added the shipyard and research status here, but i add not them the template. */
        if (!empty($PLANET['b_hangar_id'])) {
            $Queue = unserialize($PLANET['b_hangar_id']);
            $time = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Queue[0][0]) * $Queue[0][1];
            $buildInfo['fleet'] = array('id' => $Queue[0][0], 'level' => $Queue[0][1], 'timeleft' => $time - $PLANET['b_hangar'], 'time' => $time, 'starttime' => pretty_time($time - $PLANET['b_hangar']));
        } else {
            $buildInfo['fleet'] = false;
        if ($USER['b_tech'] - TIMESTAMP > 0) {
            $Queue = unserialize($USER['b_tech_queue']);
            $buildInfo['tech'] = array('id' => $Queue[0][0], 'level' => $Queue[0][1], 'timeleft' => $USER['b_tech'] - TIMESTAMP, 'time' => $USER['b_tech'], 'starttime' => pretty_time($USER['b_tech'] - TIMESTAMP));
        } else {
            $buildInfo['tech'] = false;
        $OnlineAdmins = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT id,username FROM " . USERS . " WHERE universe = " . $UNI . " AND onlinetime >= " . (TIMESTAMP - 10 * 60) . " AND authlevel > '" . AUTH_USR . "';");
        while ($AdminRow = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($OnlineAdmins)) {
            $AdminsOnline[$AdminRow['id']] = $AdminRow['username'];
        $balken = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->countquery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . USERS . " WHERE universe = " . $UNI . " AND onlinetime > '" . (TIMESTAMP - 15 * 60) . "';");
        $länge2 = 365 / $CONF['users_amount'];
        $länge = $balken * $länge2;
        $chatUsers = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT userName FROM " . CHAT_ON . " WHERE dateTime > DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 2 MINUTE) AND channel = 0");
        while ($chatRow = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($chatUsers)) {
            $chatOnline[] = $chatRow['userName'];
        $Messages = $USER['messages'];
        // Fehler: Wenn Spieler gelöscht werden, werden sie nicht mehr in der Tabelle angezeigt.
        $RefLinksRAW = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT, u.username, s.total_points FROM " . USERS . " as u LEFT JOIN " . STATPOINTS . " as s ON s.id_owner = AND s.stat_type = '1' WHERE ref_id = " . $USER['id'] . ";");
        if (Config::get('ref_active')) {
            while ($RefRow = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($RefLinksRAW)) {
                $RefLinks[$RefRow['id']] = array('username' => $RefRow['username'], 'points' => min($RefRow['total_points'], Config::get('ref_minpoints')));
        $statinfo = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT s.total_old_rank, s.total_rank FROM " . USERS . " as u LEFT JOIN " . STATPOINTS . " as s ON s.id_owner = AND s.stat_type = '1' WHERE id = " . $USER['id'] . ";");
        while ($game = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($statinfo)) {
            $ranking = $game['total_old_rank'] - $game['total_rank'];
            if ($ranking == 0) {
                $position = "<span style='color:#87CEEB'>(*)</span>";
            } elseif ($ranking < 0) {
                $position = "<span style='color:red'>(" . $ranking . ")</span>";
            } elseif ($ranking > 0) {
                $position = "<span style='color:green'>(+" . $ranking . ")</span>";
        if ($USER['total_rank'] == 0) {
            $rankInfo = "-";
        } else {
            $rankInfo = sprintf($LNG['ov_userrank_info'], pretty_number($USER['total_points']), $LNG['ov_place'], $USER['total_rank'], $USER['total_rank'], $position, $LNG['ov_of'], Config::get('users_amount'));
        $manual_start = 1;
        if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 0) {
            $manual_start = 0;
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET training_step = '1' WHERE id = " . $USER['id'] . ";");
        $manual_12 = 1;
        if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 12) {
            $manual_12 = 0;
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET training_step = '13' WHERE id = " . $USER['id'] . ";");
        $manual_20 = 1;
        if ($USER['training'] == 0 && $USER['training_step'] == 20) {
            $manual_20 = 0;
            $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("UPDATE " . USERS . " SET experience_peace = experience_peace + '650' WHERE id = " . $USER['id'] . ";");
        $facebook_unliked = 1;
        if ($USER['training'] == 1 && $USER['facebook_liked'] == 0) {
            $facebook_unliked = 0;
        $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array('competition_active' => !empty($CONF['end_game']) && $CONF['end_game'] > TIMESTAMP ? $CONF['end_game'] - TIMESTAMP : 0, 'rankInfo' => $rankInfo, 'facebook_unliked' => $facebook_unliked, 'planet_protections' => $USER['immunity_until'] > TIMESTAMP ? $USER['immunity_until'] - TIMESTAMP : 0, 'planet_protectionbis' => $USER['immunity_until'], 'manual_12' => $manual_12, 'manual_20' => $manual_20, 'is_news' => Config::get('OverviewNewsFrame'), 'news' => makebr(Config::get('OverviewNewsText')), 'planetname' => $PLANET['name'], 'planetimage' => $PLANET['image'], 'galaxy' => $PLANET['galaxy'], 'system' => $PLANET['system'], 'planet' => $PLANET['planet'], 'planet_type' => $PLANET['planet_type'], 'username' => $USER['username'], 'training' => $manual_start, 'userid' => $USER['id'], 'buildInfo' => $buildInfo, 'Moon' => $Moon, 'fleets' => $this->GetFleets(), 'AllPlanets' => $AllPlanets, 'AdminsOnline' => $AdminsOnline, 'teamspeakData' => $this->GetTeamspeakData(), 'messages' => $Messages > 0 ? $Messages == 1 ? $LNG['ov_have_new_message'] : sprintf($LNG['ov_have_new_messages'], pretty_number($Messages)) : false, 'planet_diameter' => pretty_number($PLANET['diameter']), 'planet_field_current' => $PLANET['field_current'], 'planet_field_max' => CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PLANET), 'planet_temp_min' => $PLANET['temp_min'], 'planet_temp_max' => $PLANET['temp_max'], 'ref_active' => Config::get('ref_active'), 'ref_minpoints' => Config::get('ref_minpoints'), 'RefLinks' => $RefLinks, 'chatOnline' => $chatOnline, 'servertime' => _date("M D d H:i:s", TIMESTAMP, $USER['timezone']), 'path' => HTTP_PATH, 'online_users' => $balken, 'balken'));
예제 #18
 function show()
     global $LNG, $USER, $PLANET, $resource, $reslist;
     if ($USER['planet_sort'] == 0) {
         $Order = "id ";
     } elseif ($USER['planet_sort'] == 1) {
         $Order = "galaxy, system, planet, planet_type ";
     } elseif ($USER['planet_sort'] == 2) {
         $Order = "name ";
     $Order .= $USER['planet_sort_order'] == 1 ? "DESC" : "ASC";
     $PlanetsRAW = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE id != " . $PLANET['id'] . " AND id_owner = '" . $USER['id'] . "' AND destruyed = '0' ORDER BY " . $Order . ";");
     $PLANETS = array($PLANET);
     $PlanetRess = new ResourceUpdate();
     while ($CPLANET = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($PlanetsRAW)) {
         list($USER, $CPLANET) = $PlanetRess->CalcResource($USER, $CPLANET, true);
         $PLANETS[] = $CPLANET;
     $planetList = array();
     $Message = '<span class="rouge">OFF</span>';
     $Messages = '<span class="rouge">OFF</span>';
     $Messageb = '<span class="rouge">OFF</span>';
     $Tportalactive = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id_owner` = " . $USER['id'] . " AND teleport_portal = 1;");
     $Forceactive = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id_owner` = " . $USER['id'] . " AND force_field_timer > " . TIMESTAMP . ";");
     $Siegeactive = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id_owner` = " . $USER['id'] . " AND siege_on > " . TIMESTAMP . ";");
     foreach ($PLANETS as $Planet) {
         if ($Planet['teleport_portal'] == 1) {
             $Message = '<span class="vert">ON</span>';
         if ($Planet['force_field_timer'] > TIMESTAMP) {
             $Messages = '<span class="vert">ON</span>';
         if ($Planet['siege_on'] > TIMESTAMP) {
             $Messageb = '<span class="vert">ON</span>';
         $planetList['name'][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['name'];
         $planetList['image'][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['image'];
         $planetList['coords'][$Planet['id']]['galaxy'] = $Planet['galaxy'];
         $planetList['coords'][$Planet['id']]['system'] = $Planet['system'];
         $planetList['coords'][$Planet['id']]['planet'] = $Planet['planet'];
         $planetList['field'][$Planet['id']]['current'] = $Planet['field_current'];
         $planetList['field'][$Planet['id']]['max'] = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($Planet);
         $planetList['portal'][$Planet['id']]['Tportal'] = $Message;
         $planetList['force'][$Planet['id']]['Forcefield'] = $Messages;
         $planetList['siege'][$Planet['id']]['Siege'] = $Messageb;
         $planetList['energy_used'][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['energy'] + $Planet['energy_used'];
         $planetList['resource'][901][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['metal'];
         $planetList['resource'][902][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['crystal'];
         $planetList['resource'][903][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['deuterium'];
         $planetList['resource'][904][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['elyrium'];
         $planetList['bunker'][901][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['metal_bunker'];
         $planetList['bunker'][902][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['crystal_bunker'];
         $planetList['bunker'][903][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['deuterium_bunker'];
         $planetList['bunker'][904][$Planet['id']] = $Planet['elyrium_bunker'];
         foreach ($reslist['build'] as $elementID) {
             $planetList['build'][$elementID][$Planet['id']] = $Planet[$resource[$elementID]];
         foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $elementID) {
             $planetList['fleet'][$elementID][$Planet['id']] = $Planet[$resource[$elementID]];
         foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $elementID) {
             $planetList['defense'][$elementID][$Planet['id']] = $Planet[$resource[$elementID]];
         foreach ($reslist['population'] as $elementID) {
             $planetList['population'][$elementID][$Planet['id']] = $Planet[$resource[$elementID]];
     foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $elementID) {
         $planetList['tech'][$elementID] = $USER[$resource[$elementID]];
     $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array('colspan' => count($PLANETS) + 2, 'planetList' => $planetList, 'Tportalactive' => $Tportalactive, 'Forceactive' => $Forceactive, 'Siegeactive' => $Siegeactive));
예제 #19
파일: class.Bot.php 프로젝트: Artea/xg-bot
 protected function AddBuildingToQueue(&$CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, $AddMode = true)
     global $resource;
     $CurrentQueue = $CurrentPlanet['b_building_id'];
     $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet);
     if ($CurrentQueue != 0) {
         $QueueArray = explode(";", $CurrentQueue);
         $ActualCount = count($QueueArray);
     } else {
         $QueueArray = "";
         $ActualCount = 0;
     if ($AddMode == true) {
         $BuildMode = 'build';
     } else {
         $BuildMode = 'destroy';
     if ($ActualCount < MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE) {
         $QueueID = $ActualCount + 1;
     } else {
         $QueueID = false;
     if ($QueueID != false) {
         if ($QueueID > 1) {
             $InArray = 0;
             for ($QueueElement = 0; $QueueElement < $ActualCount; $QueueElement++) {
                 $QueueSubArray = explode(",", $QueueArray[$QueueElement]);
                 if ($QueueSubArray[0] == $Element) {
         } else {
             $InArray = 0;
         if ($InArray != 0) {
             $ActualLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]];
             if ($AddMode == true) {
                 $BuildLevel = $ActualLevel + 1 + $InArray;
                 $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]] += $InArray;
                 $BuildTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                 $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]] -= $InArray;
             } else {
                 $BuildLevel = $ActualLevel - 1 - $InArray;
                 $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]] -= $InArray;
                 $BuildTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element) / 2;
                 $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]] += $InArray;
         } else {
             $ActualLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]];
             if ($AddMode == true) {
                 $BuildLevel = $ActualLevel + 1;
                 $BuildTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
             } else {
                 $BuildLevel = $ActualLevel - 1;
                 $BuildTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element) / 2;
         if ($QueueID == 1) {
             $BuildEndTime = time() + $BuildTime;
         } else {
             $PrevBuild = explode(",", $QueueArray[$ActualCount - 1]);
             $BuildEndTime = $PrevBuild[3] + $BuildTime;
         $QueueArray[$ActualCount] = $Element . "," . $BuildLevel . "," . $BuildTime . "," . $BuildEndTime . "," . $BuildMode;
         $NewQueue = implode(";", $QueueArray);
         $CurrentPlanet['b_building_id'] = $NewQueue;
예제 #20
 * BatimentBuildingPage.php
 * @version 1.1
 * @copyright 2008 by Chlorel for XNova
function BatimentBuildingPage(&$CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser)
    global $ProdGrid, $lang, $resource, $reslist, $phpEx, $dpath, $game_config, $_GET, $user;
    PlanetResourceUpdate($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, time());
    // Was gebaut werden darf in Abhängikeit zum gewählten Volk.
    switch ($user['volk']) {
        case "A":
            $Allowed['1'] = array(1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 33, 34, 44);
            $Allowed['3'] = array(4, 12, 14, 15, 21, 25, 26, 34, 41, 42, 43);
        case "B":
            $Allowed['1'] = array(1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31, 33, 34, 44, 45);
            $Allowed['3'] = array(4, 12, 14, 15, 21, 25, 26, 34, 41, 42, 43);
        case "C":
            $Allowed['1'] = array(1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31, 33, 34, 44, 46);
            $Allowed['3'] = array(4, 12, 14, 15, 21, 25, 26, 34, 41, 42, 43, 46);
    //Werte auf null setzen
    $bThisIsCheated = 0;
    $bDoItNow = 0;
    $TheCommand = 0;
    $Element = 0;
    $ListID = 0;
    // Boucle d'interpretation des eventuelles commandes
    if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) {
        // On passe une commande
        $bThisIsCheated = false;
        $bDoItNow = false;
        $TheCommand = $_GET['cmd'];
        $Element = $_GET['building'];
        $ListID = $_GET['listid'];
        if (isset($Element)) {
            if (!strchr($Element, " ")) {
                if (!strchr($Element, ",")) {
                    if (!strchr($Element, ";")) {
                        if (in_array(trim($Element), $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
                            $bDoItNow = true;
                        } else {
                            $bThisIsCheated = true;
                    } else {
                        $bThisIsCheated = true;
                } else {
                    $bThisIsCheated = true;
            } else {
                $bThisIsCheated = true;
        } elseif (isset($ListID)) {
            $bDoItNow = true;
        if ($bDoItNow == true) {
            $Element = abs($Element);
            switch ($TheCommand) {
                case 'cancel':
                    // Interrompre le premier batiment de la queue
                    CancelBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
                case 'remove':
                    // Supprimer un element de la queue (mais pas le premier)
                    // $RemID -> element de la liste a supprimer
                    RemoveBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $ListID);
                case 'insert':
                    // Insere un element dans la queue
                    AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, true);
                case 'destroy':
                    // Detruit un batiment deja construit sur la planete !
                    AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, false);
            // switch
        } elseif ($bThisIsCheated == true) {
        // es wird 1 sekunde geschlafen
    SetNextQueueElementOnTop($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
    $Queue = ShowBuildingQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
    // On enregistre ce que l'on a modifi&eacute; dans planet !
    // On enregistre ce que l'on a eventuellement modifi&eacute; dans users
    if ($Queue['lenght'] < MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE) {
        $CanBuildElement = true;
    } else {
        $CanBuildElement = false;
    $SubTemplate = gettemplate('buildings_builds_row');
    $BuildingPage = "";
    $zaehler = 1;
    foreach ($lang['tech'] as $Element => $ElementName) {
        if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
            $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet);
            if ($CurrentPlanet['field_current'] < $CurrentMaxFields - $Queue['lenght']) {
                $RoomIsOk = true;
            } else {
                $RoomIsOk = false;
            if (IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element)) {
                $HaveRessources = IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, false);
                $parse = array();
                $parse['dpath'] = $dpath;
                $parse['i'] = $Element;
                $BuildingLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]];
                $parse['nivel'] = $BuildingLevel == 0 ? "" : " (" . $lang['level'] . " " . $BuildingLevel . ")";
                $parse['n'] = $ElementName;
                $parse['descriptions'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Element];
                $ElementBuildTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                $parse['time'] = ShowBuildTime($ElementBuildTime);
                $parse['price'] = GetElementPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                $parse['rest_price'] = GetRestPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                $parse['click'] = '';
                $NextBuildLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]] + 1;
                // show energy on BuildingPage
                $BuildLevelFactor = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element] . "_porcent"];
                $BuildTemp = $CurrentPlanet['temp_max'];
                $CurrentBuildtLvl = $BuildingLevel;
                $BuildLevel = $CurrentBuildtLvl > 0 ? $CurrentBuildtLvl : 1;
                $Prod[3] = floor(eval($ProdGrid[$Element]['formule']['deuterium']) * $game_config['resource_multiplier']) * (1 + $CurrentUser['rpg_geologue'] * 0.05);
                $Prod[11] = floor(eval($ProdGrid[$Element]['formule']['energy']) * $game_config['resource_multiplier']) * (1 + $CurrentUser['rpg_ingenieur'] * 0.05);
                if ($Element != 12) {
                    $ActualNeed = floor($Prod[11]);
                } else {
                    $ActualNeed = floor($Prod[3]);
                $Prod[3] = floor(eval($ProdGrid[$Element]['formule']['deuterium']) * $game_config['resource_multiplier']) * (1 + $CurrentUser['rpg_geologue'] * 0.05);
                $Prod[11] = floor(eval($ProdGrid[$Element]['formule']['energy']) * $game_config['resource_multiplier']) * (1 + $CurrentUser['rpg_ingenieur'] * 0.05);
                if ($Element != 12) {
                    $bloc['build_prod'] = pretty_number(floor($Prod[$BuildID]));
                    $bloc['build_prod_diff'] = colorNumber(pretty_number(floor($Prod[$BuildID] - $ActualProd)));
                    $bloc['build_need'] = colorNumber(pretty_number(floor($Prod[11])));
                    $EnergyNeed = colorNumber(pretty_number(floor($Prod[11] - $ActualNeed)));
                } else {
                    $bloc['build_prod'] = pretty_number(floor($Prod[11]));
                    $bloc['build_prod_diff'] = colorNumber(pretty_number(floor($Prod[11] - $ActualProd)));
                    $bloc['build_need'] = colorNumber(pretty_number(floor($Prod[3])));
                    $EnergyNeed = colorNumber(pretty_number(floor($Prod[3] - $ActualNeed)));
                if ($Element >= 1 && $Element <= 4) {
                    $parse['build_need_diff'] = "(" . "<font color=#FF0000>" . $EnergyNeed . " " . $lang['Energy'] . "</font>" . ")";
                    $BuildLevel = 0;
                } elseif ($Element == 11 || $Element == 12) {
                    $parse['build_need_diff'] = "(" . "<font color=#00FF00>+" . $EnergyNeed . " " . $lang['Energy'] . "</font>" . ")";
                    $BuildLevel = 0;
                if ($Element == 31) {
                    // Sp&eacute;cial Laboratoire
                    if ($CurrentUser['b_tech_planet'] != 0 && $game_config['BuildLabWhileRun'] != 1) {
                        // Variable qui contient le parametre
                        // On verifie si on a le droit d'evoluer pendant les recherches (Setting dans config)
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['in_working'] . "</font>";
                if ($Element == 15) {
                    // Spezialgebäude Nanitenfabrik
                    if ($CurrentPlanet['robot_factory'] <= 9) {
                        // On verifie si on a le droit d'evoluer pendant les recherches (Setting dans config)
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['no Nani'] . "</font>";
                if ($Element == 45) {
                    // Spezialgebäude Mondtransformer
                    if ($CurrentPlanet['mondtransformer'] == 1) {
                        // Es darf nur ein Mondtransformer pro Planet gebaut werden
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['only_one_mondtransformer'] . "</font>";
                if ($parse['click'] != '') {
                    // Bin on ne fait rien, vu que l'on l'a deja fait au dessus !!
                } elseif ($RoomIsOk && $CanBuildElement) {
                    if ($Queue['lenght'] == 0) {
                        if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                            if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"?cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font></a>";
                            } else {
                                $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>";
                        } else {
                            if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"?cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font></a>";
                            } else {
                                $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                    } else {
                        $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"?cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['InBuildQueue'] . "</font></a>";
                } elseif ($RoomIsOk && !$CanBuildElement) {
                    if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>";
                    } else {
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                } else {
                    $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['NoMoreSpace'] . "</font>";
                if ($zaehler % 3 == 0) {
                    $parse['trclose'] = '</tr>';
                } else {
                    $parse['trclose'] = '';
                $BuildingPage .= parsetemplate($SubTemplate, $parse);
    $parse = $lang;
    // Faut il afficher la liste de construction ??
    if ($Queue['lenght'] > 0) {
        $parse['BuildListScript'] = InsertBuildListScript("buildings");
        $parse['BuildList'] = $Queue['buildlist'];
    } else {
        $parse['BuildListScript'] = "";
        $parse['BuildList'] = "";
    $parse['planet_field_current'] = $CurrentPlanet['field_current'];
    $parse['planet_field_max'] = $CurrentPlanet['field_max'];
    $parse['field_libre'] = $parse['planet_field_max'] - $CurrentPlanet['field_current'];
    $parse['BuildingsList'] = $BuildingPage;
    $page .= parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings_builds'), $parse);
    display($page, $lang['Builds']);
예제 #21
 * BatimentBuildingPage.php
 * @version 1.1
 * @copyright 2008 by Chlorel for XNova
function BatimentBuildingPage(&$CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser)
    global $lang, $resource, $reslist, $phpEx, $dpath, $game_config, $_GET;
    // Tables des batiments possibles par type de planete
    $Allowed['1'] = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 44);
    $Allowed['3'] = array(12, 14, 15, 21, 34, 41, 42, 43);
    // Boucle d'interpretation des eventuelles commandes
    if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) {
        // On passe une commande
        $bThisIsCheated = false;
        $bDoItNow = false;
        $TheCommand = $_GET['cmd'];
        $Element = $_GET['building'];
        $ListID = $_GET['listid'];
        if (isset($Element)) {
            if (!strchr($Element, " ")) {
                if (!strchr($Element, ",")) {
                    if (in_array(trim($Element), $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
                        $bDoItNow = true;
                    } else {
                        $bThisIsCheated = true;
                } else {
                    $bThisIsCheated = true;
            } else {
                $bThisIsCheated = true;
        } elseif (isset($ListID)) {
            $bDoItNow = true;
        if ($bDoItNow == true) {
            switch ($TheCommand) {
                case 'cancel':
                    // Interrompre le premier batiment de la queue
                    CancelBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
                case 'remove':
                    // Supprimer un element de la queue (mais pas le premier)
                    // $RemID -> element de la liste a supprimer
                    RemoveBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $ListID);
                case 'insert':
                    // Insere un element dans la queue
                    AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, true);
                case 'destroy':
                    // Detruit un batiment deja construit sur la planete !
                    AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, false);
            // switch
        } elseif ($bThisIsCheated == true) {
    SetNextQueueElementOnTop($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
    $Queue = ShowBuildingQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
    // On enregistre ce que l'on a modifi&eacute; dans planet !
    // On enregistre ce que l'on a eventuellement modifi&eacute; dans users
    if ($Queue['lenght'] < MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE) {
        $CanBuildElement = true;
    } else {
        $CanBuildElement = false;
    $SubTemplate = gettemplate('buildings_builds_row');
    $BuildingPage = "";
    foreach ($lang['tech'] as $Element => $ElementName) {
        if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
            $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet);
            if ($CurrentPlanet["field_current"] < $CurrentMaxFields - $Queue['lenght']) {
                $RoomIsOk = true;
            } else {
                $RoomIsOk = false;
            if (IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element)) {
                $HaveRessources = IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, false);
                $parse = array();
                $parse['dpath'] = $dpath;
                $parse['i'] = $Element;
                $BuildingLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]];
                $parse['nivel'] = $BuildingLevel == 0 ? "" : " (" . $lang['level'] . " " . $BuildingLevel . ")";
                $parse['n'] = $ElementName;
                $parse['descriptions'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Element];
                $ElementBuildTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                $parse['time'] = ShowBuildTime($ElementBuildTime);
                $parse['price'] = GetElementPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                $parse['rest_price'] = GetRestPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                $parse['click'] = '';
                $NextBuildLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]] + 1;
                if ($Element == 31) {
                    // Sp&eacute;cial Laboratoire
                    if ($CurrentUser["b_tech_planet"] != 0 && $game_config['BuildLabWhileRun'] != 1) {
                        // Variable qui contient le parametre
                        // On verifie si on a le droit d'evoluer pendant les recherches (Setting dans config)
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['in_working'] . "</font>";
                if ($parse['click'] != '') {
                    // Bin on ne fait rien, vu que l'on l'a deja fait au dessus !!
                } elseif ($RoomIsOk && $CanBuildElement) {
                    if ($Queue['lenght'] == 0) {
                        if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                            if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"?cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font></a>";
                            } else {
                                $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>";
                        } else {
                            if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"?cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font></a>";
                            } else {
                                $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                    } else {
                        $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"?cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['InBuildQueue'] . "</font></a>";
                } elseif ($RoomIsOk && !$CanBuildElement) {
                    if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>";
                    } else {
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                } else {
                    $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['NoMoreSpace'] . "</font>";
                $BuildingPage .= parsetemplate($SubTemplate, $parse);
    $parse = $lang;
    // Faut il afficher la liste de construction ??
    if ($Queue['lenght'] > 0) {
        $parse['BuildListScript'] = InsertBuildListScript("buildings");
        $parse['BuildList'] = $Queue['buildlist'];
    } else {
        $parse['BuildListScript'] = "";
        $parse['BuildList'] = "";
    $parse['planet_field_current'] = $CurrentPlanet["field_current"];
    $parse['planet_field_max'] = $CurrentPlanet['field_max'] + $CurrentPlanet[$resource[33]] * 5;
    $parse['field_libre'] = $parse['planet_field_max'] - $CurrentPlanet['field_current'];
    $parse['BuildingsList'] = $BuildingPage;
    $page .= parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings_builds'), $parse);
    display($page, $lang['Builds']);
예제 #22
 * BatimentBuildingPage.php
 * @version 1.1
 * @copyright 2008 by Chlorel for XNova
function ProductionBuildingPage(&$CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser)
    global $lang, $resource, $reslist, $pricelist, $phpEx, $dpath, $game_config, $_GET;
    // Tables des batiments possibles par type de planete
    $Allowed['1'] = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 212, 22, 23, 24);
    $Allowed['3'] = array(212, 22, 23, 24);
    //Right, lets see what he has an generate him an image.
    $imgnum = '';
    if ($CurrentPlanet[$resource[1]] > 0) {
        $imgnum .= "_1";
    if ($CurrentPlanet[$resource[2]] > 0) {
        $imgnum .= "_2";
    if ($CurrentPlanet[$resource[3]] > 0) {
        $imgnum .= "_3";
    if ($CurrentPlanet[$resource[4]] > 0) {
        $imgnum .= "_4";
    // Boucle d'interpretation des eventuelles commandes
    if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) {
        // On passe une commande
        $bThisIsCheated = false;
        $bDoItNow = false;
        $TheCommand = $_GET['cmd'];
        $Element = $_GET['building'];
        $ListID = $_GET['listid'];
        if (isset($Element)) {
            if (!strchr($Element, " ")) {
                if (!strchr($Element, ",")) {
                    if (in_array(trim($Element), $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
                        $bDoItNow = true;
                    } else {
                        //$bThisIsCheated = true;
                        $bDoItNow = true;
                } else {
                    $bThisIsCheated = true;
            } else {
                $bThisIsCheated = true;
        } elseif (isset($ListID)) {
            $bDoItNow = true;
        if ($bDoItNow == true) {
            switch ($TheCommand) {
                case 'cancel':
                    // Interrompre le premier batiment de la queue
                    CancelBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
                case 'remove':
                    // Supprimer un element de la queue (mais pas le premier)
                    // $RemID -> element de la liste a supprimer
                    RemoveBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $ListID);
                case 'insert':
                    // Insere un element dans la queue
                    $fields_rem = $CurrentPlanet['field_max'] - $CurrentPlanet['field_current'] + $CurrentPlanet[$resource[33]] * 5;
                    if ($fields_rem >= 0) {
                        AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, true);
                    } else {
                        echo $fields_rem . " < 0";
                        die("Hacking Attempt!");
                case 'destroy':
                    // Detruit un batiment deja construit sur la planete !
                    AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, false);
            // switch
        } elseif ($bThisIsCheated == true) {
    SetNextQueueElementOnTop($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
    $Queue = ShowBuildingQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
    // On enregistre ce que l'on a modifi� dans planet !
    // On enregistre ce que l'on a eventuellement modifi� dans users
    if ($max_qs > 0) {
        //fine :)
    } else {
        $max_qs = 10;
    if ($Queue['lenght'] < $max_qs) {
        $CanBuildElement = true;
    } else {
        $CanBuildElement = false;
    $SubTemplate = gettemplate('buildings_res_buttonz');
    $parse = array();
    $infopg = array();
    foreach ($lang['tech'] as $Element => $ElementName) {
        if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[1])) {
            if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
                if (!IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element)) {
                    $parse['state_' . $Element] = "off";
                    $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Requirements are not met";
                } elseif (!IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, false)) {
                    $parse['state_' . $Element] = "disabled";
                    $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Not enough resources!";
                } else {
                    $parse['state_' . $Element] = "on";
                    $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "";
            } else {
                $parse['state_' . $Element] = "off";
                $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Not availble";
            $parse['name_' . $Element] = $ElementName;
            $parse['count_' . $Element] = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]];
    $BuildingPage = parsetemplate($SubTemplate, $parse);
    $parse = $lang;
    $Element = idstring($_GET['id']);
    $ElementName = $lang['tech'][$Element];
    // Faut il afficher la liste de construction ??
    if ($Queue['lenght'] > 0) {
        $parse['BuildListScript'] = '';
        //$parse['BuildListScript']  = InsertBuildListScript ( "buildings" );
        $parse['BuildList'] = $Queue['buildlist'];
    } else {
        $parse['BuildListScript'] = "";
        $parse['BuildList'] = "";
    $de_planettype = PlanetType($CurrentPlanet['image']);
    $parse['type'] = $de_planettype['type'];
    $parse['bg'] = GAME_SKIN . "/img/header/resources/" . $parse['type'] . $imgnum . ".png";
    $parse['hideres'] = "display:none;";
    $parse['hidenorm'] = "";
    if (!$Element) {
        $parse['bg'] = GAME_SKIN . "/img/header/resources/" . $parse['type'] . $imgnum . ".png";
        if ($_GET['mode'] == "resources") {
            $parse['hideres'] = "";
            $parse['hidenorm'] = "display:none;";
            $parse['resources_section'] = BuildRessourcePage($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet);
    } else {
        if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
            //Something else
            $HaveRessources = IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, false);
            $parse['i'] = $Element;
            $parse['dpath'] = $dpath;
            $BuildingLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]];
            $parse['nivel'] = $BuildingLevel == 0 ? "" : " (" . $lang['level'] . " " . $BuildingLevel . ")";
            $parse['n'] = $ElementName;
            $parse['descriptions'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Element];
            $ElementBuildTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
            $parse['time'] = ShowBuildTime($ElementBuildTime);
            $parse['price'] = GetElementPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
            $parse['rest_price'] = GetRestPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
            $parse['click'] = '';
            $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet);
            if ($CurrentPlanet["field_current"] < $CurrentMaxFields - $Queue['lenght']) {
                $RoomIsOk = true;
            } else {
                $RoomIsOk = false;
            if ($Element == 31) {
                // Sp�cial Laboratoire
                if ($CurrentUser["b_tech_planet"] != 0 && $game_config['BuildLabWhileRun'] != 1) {
                    // Variable qui contient le parametre
                    // On verifie si on a le droit d'evoluer pendant les recherches (Setting dans config)
                    $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['in_working'] . "</font>";
            if (IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element)) {
                if ($parse['click'] != '') {
                    // Bin on ne fait rien, vu que l'on l'a deja fait au dessus !!
                } elseif ($RoomIsOk && $CanBuildElement) {
                    if ($Queue['lenght'] == 0) {
                        if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                            if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"./?page=resources&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font></a>";
                                $infopg['build_link'] = "./?page=resources&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element;
                                $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel'];
                            } else {
                                $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>4" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>";
                                $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel'];
                        } else {
                            if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"./?page=resources&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font></a>";
                                $infopg['build_link'] = "./?page=resources&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element;
                                $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel;
                            } else {
                                $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                                $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel;
                    } else {
                        $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"./?page=resources&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['InBuildQueue'] . "</font></a>";
                        $infopg['build_link'] = "./?page=resources&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element;
                        $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['InBuildQueue'];
                } elseif ($RoomIsOk && !$CanBuildElement) {
                    if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>2" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>";
                        $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel'];
                    } else {
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>1" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                        $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel;
                } else {
                    $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['NoMoreSpace'] . "</font>";
                    $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['NoMoreSpace'];
            } else {
                $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['NotAccessible'] . "</font>";
                $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['NotAccessible'];
            //$parse['bg'] = GAME_SKIN."/img/header/resources/ice.png";
            $parse['gebaeude_inf'] = "<br /><blockquote style=\"margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:.75; opacity:.75; background-color: #000000;\">\r\n\t\t\t<div style=\"margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;\">\r\n\t\t\t<table width=\"100%\"><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td width=\"130\"><img src=\"" . $dpath . "/gebaeude/" . $parse['i'] . ".gif\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $parse['n'] . "\" /></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td style=\"margin-left: 10px;\">\r\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><!--<a href=\"infos.php?gid=" . $parse['i'] . "\">-->" . $parse['n'] . "<!--</a>--></div>" . "<div style=\"text-align: left;\">" . $parse['nivel'] . "<br />" . $parse['descriptions'] . "<br /><br />" . $parse['price'] . $parse['time'] . $parse['rest_price'] . "<br /></div>" . "<div style=\"text-align: right;\">" . $parse['click'] . "</div>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t</tr></table>\r\n\t\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t\t</blockquote>";
            //Building Info
            if ($infopg['build_link']) {
                $infopg['buildit_class'] = "build-it";
                $infopg['build_text'] = "Improve";
            } else {
                $infopg['buildit_class'] = "build-it_disabled";
                $infopg['build_text'] = "In queue";
            $infopg['id'] = $Element;
            $infopg['name'] = $ElementName;
            $infopg['level'] = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]];
            if ($CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]] < 1) {
                $infopg['display_destroy'] = "style=\"display:none;\"";
            $infopg['td_url'] = "./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=destroy&building=" . $Element;
            $infopg['title'] = "Tear down";
            $infopg['level1'] = $infopg['level'] + 1;
            $infopg['duration'] = pretty_time($ElementBuildTime);
            $infopg['shortdesc'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Element];
            $infopg['skin'] = $CurrentUser['skin'];
            $infopg['cost_m'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['metal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]]));
            $infopg['cost_c'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['crystal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]]));
            $infopg['cost_d'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['deuterium'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]]));
            if ($infopg['cost_m'] > $CurrentPlanet['metal'] && $infopg['cost_m'] > 0) {
                $infopg['missing_resource_m'] = "missing_resource";
            if ($infopg['cost_c'] > $CurrentPlanet['crystal'] && $infopg['cost_c'] > 0) {
                $infopg['missing_resource_c'] = "missing_resource";
            if ($infopg['cost_d'] > $CurrentPlanet['deuterium'] && $infopg['cost_d'] > 0) {
                $infopg['missing_resource_d'] = "missing_resource";
            $infopg['sh_cost_m'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_m'], 0, 'up');
            $infopg['sh_cost_c'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_c'], 0, 'up');
            $infopg['sh_cost_d'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_d'], 0, 'up');
            $infopg['cost_m'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_m']);
            $infopg['cost_c'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_c']);
            $infopg['cost_d'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_d']);
            $infopg['page'] = $_GET['page'];
            $parse['info'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/info'), $infopg);
            $parse['extra'] = "style=\"display:none\"";
    $parse['planet_field_current'] = $CurrentPlanet["field_current"];
    $parse['planet_field_max'] = $CurrentPlanet['field_max'] + $CurrentPlanet[$resource[33]] * 5;
    $parse['field_libre'] = $parse['planet_field_max'] - $CurrentPlanet['field_current'];
    $parse['buttonz'] = $BuildingPage;
    $page .= parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/resources'), $parse);
    displaypage($page, $lang['Builds']);
예제 #23
function ShowOverviewPage()
    global $CONF, $LNG, $PLANET, $USER, $db, $resource;
    $PlanetRess = new ResourceUpdate();
    $template = new template();
    $AdminsOnline = $AllPlanets = $Moon = array();
    foreach ($template->UserPlanets as $ID => $CPLANET) {
        if ($ID == $_SESSION['planet'] || $CPLANET['planet_type'] == 3) {
        if (!empty($CPLANET['b_building']) && $CPLANET['b_building'] > TIMESTAMP) {
            $Queue = explode(';', $CPLANET['b_building_id']);
            $CurrBuild = explode(',', $Queue[0]);
            $BuildPlanet = $LNG['tech'][$CurrBuild[0]] . " (" . $CurrBuild[1] . ")<br><span style=\"color:#7F7F7F;\">(" . pretty_time($CurrBuild[3] - TIMESTAMP) . ")</span>";
        } else {
            $BuildPlanet = $LNG['ov_free'];
        $AllPlanets[] = array('id' => $CPLANET['id'], 'name' => $CPLANET['name'], 'image' => $CPLANET['image'], 'build' => $BuildPlanet);
    if ($PLANET['id_luna'] != 0) {
        $Moon = $db->uniquequery("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $PLANET['id_luna'] . "';");
    if (!empty($PLANET['b_building'])) {
        $Queue = explode(';', $PLANET['b_building_id']);
        $CurrBuild = explode(',', $Queue[0]);
        $Build = $LNG['tech'][$CurrBuild[0]] . ' (' . $CurrBuild[1] . ')<br><div id="blc">"' . pretty_time($PLANET['b_building'] - TIMESTAMP) . '</div>';
    } else {
        $Build = $LNG['ov_free'];
    $Teamspeak = '';
    if ($CONF['ts_modon'] == 1) {
        if ($CONF['ts_version'] == 2) {
            include_once ROOT_PATH . "includes/libs/teamspeak/class.teamspeak2." . PHP_EXT;
            $ts = new cyts();
            if ($ts->connect($CONF['ts_server'], $CONF['ts_tcpport'], $CONF['ts_udpport'], $CONF['ts_timeout'])) {
                $tsdata = $ts->info_serverInfo();
                $tsdata2 = $ts->info_globalInfo();
                $trafges = pretty_number($tsdata2["total_bytessend"] / 1024 / 1024 + $tsdata2["total_bytesreceived"] / 1024 / 1024);
                $Teamspeak = sprintf($LNG['ov_teamspeak_v2'], $CONF['ts_server'], $CONF['ts_udpport'], $USER['username'], $tsdata["server_currentusers"], $tsdata["server_maxusers"], $tsdata["server_currentchannels"], $trafges);
            } else {
                $Teamspeak = $LNG['ov_teamspeak_not_online'];
        } elseif ($CONF['ts_version'] == 3) {
            $ip = $CONF['ts_server'];
            $port = $CONF['ts_tcpport'];
            $t_port = $CONF['ts_udpport'];
            $sid = $CONF['ts_timeout'];
            require_once ROOT_PATH . "includes/libs/teamspeak/class.teamspeak3." . PHP_EXT;
            $tsAdmin = new ts3admin($ip, $t_port);
            if ($tsAdmin->connect()) {
                #$tsAdmin->login($username, $password); Insert the SA Account Details, if Teamspeak banned you.
                $sinfo = $tsAdmin->serverInfo();
                $trafges = round($sinfo['connection_bytes_received_total'] / 1024 / 1024 + $sinfo['connection_bytes_sent_total'] / 1024 / 1024, 2);
                $Debug = $tsAdmin->getDebugLog();
                if ($Debug == "Error while fetching: 'error id=518 msg=not logged in'<br>") {
                    $Teamspeak = sprintf($LNG['ov_teamspeak_v3'], $ip, $port, $USER['username'], $sinfo['virtualserver_password'], $sinfo['virtualserver_clientsonline'] - 1, $sinfo['virtualserver_maxclients'], $sinfo['virtualserver_channelsonline'], $trafges);
                } else {
                    $Teamspeak = $Debug;
            } else {
                $Teamspeak = $LNG['ov_teamspeak_not_online'];
    $OnlineAdmins = $db->query("SELECT `id`,`username` FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `onlinetime` >= '" . (TIMESTAMP - 10 * 60) . "' AND `authlevel` > '0';");
    while ($AdminRow = $db->fetch_array($OnlineAdmins)) {
        $AdminsOnline[$AdminRow['id']] = $AdminRow['username'];
    $template->assign_vars(array('user_rank' => sprintf($LNG['ov_userrank_info'], pretty_number($USER['total_points']), $LNG['ov_place'], $USER['total_rank'], $USER['total_rank'], $LNG['ov_of'], $CONF['users_amount']), 'is_news' => $CONF['OverviewNewsFrame'], 'news' => makebr($CONF['OverviewNewsText']), 'planetname' => $PLANET['name'], 'planetimage' => $PLANET['image'], 'galaxy' => $PLANET['galaxy'], 'system' => $PLANET['system'], 'planet' => $PLANET['planet'], 'buildtime' => $PLANET['b_building'], 'userid' => $USER['id'], 'username' => $USER['username'], 'build' => $Build, 'Moon' => $Moon, 'AllPlanets' => $AllPlanets, 'AdminsOnline' => $AdminsOnline, 'Teamspeak' => $Teamspeak, 'messages' => $USER['new_message'] > 0 ? $USER['new_message'] == 1 ? $LNG['ov_have_new_message'] : sprintf($LNG['ov_have_new_messages'], pretty_number($USER['new_message'])) : false, 'planet_diameter' => pretty_number($PLANET['diameter']), 'planet_field_current' => $PLANET['field_current'], 'planet_field_max' => CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PLANET), 'planet_temp_min' => $PLANET['temp_min'], 'planet_temp_max' => $PLANET['temp_max'], 'ov_news' => $LNG['ov_news'], 'fcm_moon' => $LNG['fcm_moon'], 'ov_server_time' => $LNG['ov_server_time'], 'ov_planet' => $LNG['ov_planet'], 'ov_planetmenu' => $LNG['ov_planetmenu'], 'ov_diameter' => $LNG['ov_diameter'], 'ov_distance_unit' => $LNG['ov_distance_unit'], 'ov_developed_fields' => $LNG['ov_developed_fields'], 'ov_max_developed_fields' => $LNG['ov_max_developed_fields'], 'ov_fields' => $LNG['ov_fields'], 'ov_temperature' => $LNG['ov_temperature'], 'ov_aprox' => $LNG['ov_aprox'], 'ov_temp_unit' => $LNG['ov_temp_unit'], 'ov_to' => $LNG['ov_to'], 'ov_position' => $LNG['ov_position'], 'ov_points' => $LNG['ov_points'], 'ov_events' => $LNG['ov_events'], 'ov_admins_online' => $LNG['ov_admins_online'], 'ov_no_admins_online' => $LNG['ov_no_admins_online'], 'ov_userbanner' => $LNG['ov_userbanner'], 'ov_teamspeak' => $LNG['ov_teamspeak'], 'ov_your_planet' => $LNG['ov_your_planet'], 'ov_coords' => $LNG['ov_coords'], 'ov_planet_name' => $LNG['ov_planet_name'], 'ov_actions' => $LNG['ov_actions'], 'ov_abandon_planet' => $LNG['ov_abandon_planet'], 'ov_planet_rename' => $LNG['ov_planet_rename'], 'ov_planet_rename_action' => $LNG['ov_planet_rename_action'], 'ov_password' => $LNG['ov_password'], 'ov_with_pass' => $LNG['ov_with_pass'], 'ov_security_confirm' => $LNG['ov_security_confirm'], 'ov_security_request' => $LNG['ov_security_request'], 'ov_delete_planet' => $LNG['ov_delete_planet'], 'ov_planet_abandoned' => $LNG['ov_planet_abandoned'], 'path' => PROTOCOL . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . HTTP_ROOT));
예제 #24
function ShowImperiumPage($CurrentUser)
    global $lang, $resource, $reslist, $dpath;
    $lang['imperium_vision'] = 'Visi&oacute;n general del Imperio';
    $lang['name'] = 'Planeta';
    $lang['coordinates'] = 'Coordenadas';
    $lang['fields'] = 'Campos';
    $lang['resources'] = 'Recursos';
    $lang['buildings'] = 'Edificios';
    $lang['investigation'] = 'Investigaciones';
    $lang['ships'] = 'Flotas';
    $lang['defense'] = 'Defensas';
    $parse = $lang;
    if (isset($_GET['planet_type'])) {
        if ($_GET['planet_type'] == 1) {
            $planettype = " AND `planet_type` = '1'";
            $parse['select1'] = ' selected';
        } elseif ($_GET['planet_type'] == 3) {
            $planettype = "AND `planet_type` = '3'";
            $parse['select3'] = ' selected';
        } else {
            $planettype = '';
            $parse['select0'] = ' selected';
    } else {
        $planettype = '';
        $parse['select0'] = ' selected';
    $planetsrow = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "'{$planettype};", 'planets');
    $planet = array();
    while ($p = mysql_fetch_array($planetsrow)) {
        PlanetResourceUpdate($CurrentUser, $p, time());
        $planet['sum'] = sumar_array($planet['sum'], $p);
        $planet[] = $p;
    uksort($planet, 'planet_empire_sort');
    $parse['mount'] = count($planet) + 3;
    // primera tabla, con las imagenes y coordenadas
    $row = gettemplate('empire/imperium_row');
    $row2 = gettemplate('empire/imperium_row2');
    foreach ($planet as $ID => $p) {
        if ($ID !== 'sum') {
            UpdatePlanetBatimentQueueList($p, $CurrentUser);
            $AllPlanets = '';
            if ($p['b_building'] != 0) {
                $BuildQueue = $p['b_building_id'];
                $QueueArray = explode(";", $BuildQueue);
                $CurrentBuild = explode(",", $QueueArray[0]);
                $BuildElement = $CurrentBuild[0];
                $BuildLevel = $CurrentBuild[1];
                $BuildRestTime = pretty_time($CurrentBuild[3] - time());
                $AllPlanets .= $lang['tech'][$BuildElement] . ' (' . $BuildLevel . ')';
                $AllPlanets .= "<br/><font color=\"#7f7f7f\">(" . $BuildRestTime . ")</font>";
            } else {
                $AllPlanets .= "<a href='game.php?page=buildings'>Libre</a>";
            // {file_images}
            $parse['build'] .= '<th width="75">' . $AllPlanets . '</th>';
            $data['text'] = '<a href="game.php?page=overview&cp=' . $p['id'] . '&re=0"><img src="' . $dpath . 'planeten/' . $p['image'] . '.jpg" border="0" height="75" width="75"></a><br/>';
            $parse['file_images'] .= parsetemplate($row, $data);
            // {file_names}
            $data['text'] = '<a href="game.php?page=overview&cp=' . $p['id'] . '&re=0">' . $p['name'] . ' </a>';
            if ($p['planet_type'] == 3) {
                $data['text'] = '<a href="game.php?page=overview&cp=' . $p['id'] . '&re=0">' . $p['name'] . ' (Luna)</a>';
            $parse['file_names'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_type}
            $data['text'] = GetPlanetType($p);
            $parse['file_type'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_coordinates}
            $data['text'] = "[<a href=\"game.php?page=galaxy&mode=3&galaxy={$p['galaxy']}&system={$p['system']}\">{$p['galaxy']}:{$p['system']}:{$p['planet']}</a>]";
            $parse['file_coordinates'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_fields}
            $data['text'] = $p['field_current'] . '/' . CalculateMaxPlanetFields($p) . '<br/>' . GetPercentBar($p['field_current'], CalculateMaxPlanetFields($p));
            $parse['file_fields'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_metal}
            $data['text'] = '<a href="game.php?page=resources&cp=' . $p['id'] . '&re=0&planettype=' . $p['planet_type'] . '">' . pretty_number($p['metal']) . '</a><br/>' . GetPercentBar($p['metal'], $p['metal_max'] * MAX_OVERFLOW);
            $parse['file_metal'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_crystal}
            $data['text'] = '<a href="game.php?page=resources&cp=' . $p['id'] . '&re=0&planettype=' . $p['planet_type'] . '">' . pretty_number($p['crystal']) . '</a><br/>' . GetPercentBar($p['crystal'], $p['crystal_max'] * MAX_OVERFLOW);
            $parse['file_crystal'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_deuterium}
            $data['text'] = '<a href="game.php?page=resources&cp=' . $p['id'] . '&re=0&planettype=' . $p['planet_type'] . '">' . pretty_number($p['deuterium']) . '</a><br/>' . GetPercentBar($p['deuterium'], $p['deuterium_max'] * MAX_OVERFLOW);
            $parse['file_deuterium'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_hidrogeno}
            $data['text'] = '<a href="game.php?page=resources&cp=' . $p['id'] . '&re=0&planettype=' . $p['planet_type'] . '">' . pretty_number($p['tritium']) . '</a><br/>' . GetPercentBar($p['tritium'], $p['tritium_max'] * MAX_OVERFLOW);
            $parse['file_tritium'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_energy}
            $data['text'] = pretty_number($p['energy_max'] - $p['energy_used']) . ' / ' . pretty_number($p['energy_max']) . '<br/>' . GetPercentBar($p['energy_max'], $p['energy_max'] - $p['energy_used']);
            $parse['file_energy'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            $Queue = ShowBuildingsPage::ShowBuildingQueue($p, $CurrentUser);
            foreach ($resource as $i => $res) {
                if (in_array($i, $reslist['build'])) {
                    if ($Queue['buildingarray'][$i] > $p[$resource[$i]]) {
                        $p[$resource[$i]] = $p[$resource[$i]] . " <span style='color:lime;'>+" . ($Queue['buildingarray'][$i] - $p[$resource[$i]]) . "</span>";
                    $data['text'] = $p[$resource[$i]] == 0 ? '' : "<a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&cp={$p['id']}&re=0&planettype={$p['planet_type']}\">" . pretty_number($p[$resource[$i]]) . "</a>";
                    if (IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $p, $i, true, false) and IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $p, $i) and $p["field_current"] < CalculateMaxPlanetFields($p)) {
                        $data['text'] .= " <a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&cmd=insert&cp={$p['id']}&re=0&building=" . $i . "\"><font color=lime>+</font></a>";
                } elseif (in_array($i, $reslist['tech'])) {
                    $data['text'] = $CurrentUser[$resource[$i]] == 0 ? '' : "<a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&mode=research&cp={$p['id']}&re=0&planettype={$p['planet_type']}\">{$CurrentUser[$resource[$i]]}</a>";
                    if (IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $p, $i, true, false) and IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $p, $i) and $CurrentUser["b_tech_planet"] == 0) {
                        $data['text'] .= " <a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&mode=research&cmd=search&cp={$p['id']}&re=0&tech=" . $i . "\"><font color=lime>+</font></a>";
                } elseif (in_array($i, $reslist['fleet'])) {
                    $data['text'] = $p[$resource[$i]] == 0 ? '' : "<a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&mode=fleet&cp={$p['id']}&re=0&planettype={$p['planet_type']}\">" . pretty_number($p[$resource[$i]]) . "</a>";
                } elseif (in_array($i, $reslist['defense'])) {
                    $data['text'] = $p[$resource[$i]] == 0 ? '' : "<a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&mode=defense&cp={$p['id']}&re=0&planettype={$p['planet_type']}\">" . pretty_number($p[$resource[$i]]) . "</a>";
                $r[$i] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
        } else {
            $parse['build'] .= '<th width="75">-</th>';
            $data['text'] = '<span style="font-size:48px;font-weight:normal;">&Sigma;</span><br/>';
            $parse['file_images'] .= parsetemplate($row, $data);
            // {file_names}
            $data['text'] = '-';
            $parse['file_names'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_type}
            $data['text'] = "-";
            $parse['file_type'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_coordinates}
            $data['text'] = "-";
            $parse['file_coordinates'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_fields}
            $data['text'] = $p['field_current'] . '/' . CalculateMaxPlanetFields($p) . '<br/>' . GetPercentBar($p['field_current'], CalculateMaxPlanetFields($p));
            $parse['file_fields'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_metal}
            $data['text'] = pretty_number($p['metal']) . '<br/>' . GetPercentBar($p['metal'], $p['metal_max'] * MAX_OVERFLOW);
            $parse['file_metal'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_crystal}
            $data['text'] = pretty_number($p['crystal']) . '<br/>' . GetPercentBar($p['crystal'], $p['crystal_max'] * MAX_OVERFLOW);
            $parse['file_crystal'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_deuterium}
            $data['text'] = pretty_number($p['deuterium']) . '<br/>' . GetPercentBar($p['deuterium'], $p['deuterium_max'] * MAX_OVERFLOW);
            $parse['file_deuterium'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_hidrogeno}
            $data['text'] = pretty_number($p['tritium']) . '<br/>' . GetPercentBar($p['tritium'], $p['tritium_max'] * MAX_OVERFLOW);
            $parse['file_tritium'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            // {file_energy}
            $data['text'] = pretty_number($p['energy_max'] - $p['energy_used']) . ' / ' . pretty_number($p['energy_max']) . '<br/>' . GetPercentBar($p['energy_max'], $p['energy_max'] - $p['energy_used']);
            $parse['file_energy'] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
            foreach ($resource as $i => $res) {
                if (in_array($i, $reslist['build'])) {
                    $data['text'] = $p[$resource[$i]] == 0 ? '' : pretty_number($p[$resource[$i]]);
                } elseif (in_array($i, $reslist['tech'])) {
                    $data['text'] = $CurrentUser[$resource[$i]] == 0 ? '' : $CurrentUser[$resource[$i]];
                } elseif (in_array($i, $reslist['fleet'])) {
                    $data['text'] = $p[$resource[$i]] == 0 ? '' : pretty_number($p[$resource[$i]]);
                } elseif (in_array($i, $reslist['defense'])) {
                    $data['text'] = $p[$resource[$i]] == 0 ? '' : pretty_number($p[$resource[$i]]);
                $r[$i] .= parsetemplate($row2, $data);
    // {building_row}
    foreach ($reslist['build'] as $a => $i) {
        $data['text'] = $lang['tech'][$i];
        $parse['building_row'] .= '<tr><th width="15"><span style="float:center;width: 16px;"><a title="' . $lang['tech'][$i] . '"><img style="border: 1px solid rgb(46, 52, 54);vertical-align: bottom;padding: 0px;width: 15px;height: 15px;" src="' . $dpath . 'gebaeude/' . $i . '.gif"></a></span></th>' . parsetemplate($row2, $data) . $r[$i] . "</tr>";
    // {technology_row}
    foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $a => $i) {
        $data['text'] = $lang['tech'][$i];
        $parse['technology_row'] .= '<tr><th width="15"><span style="float:center;width: 16px;"><a title="' . $lang['tech'][$i] . '"><img style="border: 1px solid rgb(46, 52, 54);vertical-align: bottom;padding: 0px;width: 15px;height: 15px;" src="' . $dpath . 'gebaeude/' . $i . '.gif"></a></span></th>' . parsetemplate($row2, $data) . $r[$i] . "</tr>";
    // {fleet_row}
    foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $a => $i) {
        $data['text'] = $lang['tech'][$i];
        $parse['fleet_row'] .= '<tr><th width="15"><span style="float:center;width: 16px;"><a title="' . $lang['tech'][$i] . '"><img style="border: 1px solid rgb(46, 52, 54);vertical-align: bottom;padding: 0px;width: 15px;height: 15px;" src="' . $dpath . 'gebaeude/' . $i . '.gif"></a></span></th>' . parsetemplate($row2, $data) . $r[$i] . "</tr>";
    // {defense_row}
    foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $a => $i) {
        $data['text'] = $lang['tech'][$i];
        $parse['defense_row'] .= '<tr><th width="15"><span style="float:center;width: 15px;"><a title="' . $lang['tech'][$i] . '"><img style="border: 1px solid rgb(46, 52, 54);vertical-align: bottom;padding: 0px;width: 15px;height: 15px;" src="' . $dpath . 'gebaeude/' . $i . '.gif"></a></span></th>' . parsetemplate($row2, $data) . $r[$i] . "</tr>";
    $page .= parsetemplate(gettemplate('empire/imperium_table'), $parse);
    display($page, false);
예제 #25
 * BuildingPage.php
 * @version 1.0
 * @copyright 2009 by MadnessRed for XNova Redesigned
function BuildingPage($a = 0, $b = 0)
    global $lang, $resource, $reslist, $pricelist, $dpath, $game_config, $_GET, $user, $planetrow;
    if (!$_GET['page']) {
        return false;
    // Tables des batiments possibles par type de planete
    if ($_GET['page'] == 'station') {
        $Allowed[1] = array(14, 15, 21, 31, 33, 34, 44);
        $Allowed[3] = array(14, 21, 34, 41, 42, 43);
    } elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'resources') {
        $Allowed[1] = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 212, 22, 23, 24);
        $Allowed[3] = array(212, 22, 23, 24);
    } else {
        die("Hacking attempt");
    //Right, lets see what he has an generate him an image.
    $imgnum = '';
    if ($planetrow[$resource[1]] > 0) {
        $imgnum .= "_1";
    if ($planetrow[$resource[2]] > 0) {
        $imgnum .= "_2";
    if ($planetrow[$resource[3]] > 0) {
        $imgnum .= "_3";
    if ($planetrow[$resource[4]] > 0) {
        $imgnum .= "_4";
    // Boucle d'interpretation des eventuelles commandes
    if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) {
        // On passe une commande
        $bThisIsCheated = false;
        $bDoItNow = false;
        $TheCommand = $_GET['cmd'];
        $Element = $_GET['building'];
        $ListID = $_GET['listid'];
        if (isset($Element)) {
            if (!strchr($Element, " ")) {
                if (!strchr($Element, ",")) {
                    if (in_array(trim($Element), $Allowed[$planetrow['planet_type']])) {
                        $bDoItNow = true;
                    } else {
                        //$bThisIsCheated = true;
                        $bDoItNow = true;
                } else {
                    $bThisIsCheated = true;
            } else {
                $bThisIsCheated = true;
        } elseif (isset($ListID)) {
            $bDoItNow = true;
        if ($bDoItNow == true) {
            switch ($TheCommand) {
                case 'cancel':
                    //Remove last queue item
                case 'remove':
                    //Remove a specific queue item
                case 'insert':
                    //Insert into the queue a build
                    $fields_rem = $planetrow['field_max'] - $planetrow['field_current'] + $planetrow[$resource[33]] * 5;
                    if ($fields_rem >= 0) {
                        AddToQueue($Element, 1);
                    } else {
                        echo $fields_rem . " < 0";
                        die("Hacking Attempt!");
                case 'destroy':
                    //Add a deconstrction to the queue
                    AddToQueue($Element, -1);
            // switch
        } elseif ($bThisIsCheated == true) {
            //ResetThisFuckingCheater ( $user['id'] );
        //If they want axah_section
        if ($_GET['axah_box']) {
            $q = ShowQueue(false);
    $Queue = ShowQueue(true);
    // On enregistre ce que l'on a modifi� dans planet !
    // On enregistre ce que l'on a eventuellement modifi� dans users
    if ($max_qs > 0) {
        //fine :)
    } else {
        $max_qs = 10;
    if ($Queue['length'] < $max_qs) {
        $CanBuildElement = true;
    } else {
        $CanBuildElement = false;
    if ($_GET['page'] == 'station') {
        if ($planetrow['planet_type'] == 3) {
            $SubTemplate = gettemplate('buildings/station-moon_buttonz');
        } else {
            $SubTemplate = gettemplate('buildings/station_buttonz');
    } elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'resources') {
        $SubTemplate = gettemplate('buildings/resources_buttonz');
    } else {
        die("Hacking attempt");
    $parse = array();
    $infopg = array();
    foreach ($lang['names'] as $Element => $ElementName) {
        if (!$planetrow['planet_type']) {
            die("no planet type");
        if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$planetrow['planet_type']]) || $_GET['page'] == 'station') {
            if (@in_array($Element, $Allowed[$planetrow['planet_type']])) {
                if (!IsTechnologieAccessible($user, $planetrow, $Element)) {
                    $parse['state_' . $Element] = "off";
                    $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Requirements are not met";
                    $parse['canbuild_' . $Element] = "";
                } elseif (!IsElementBuyable($user, $planetrow, $Element, true, false) && $Queue['length'] == 0) {
                    $parse['state_' . $Element] = "disabled";
                    $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Not enough resources!";
                    $parse['canbuild_' . $Element] = "";
                } elseif (!$CanBuildElement) {
                    $parse['state_' . $Element] = "disabled";
                    $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Queue is full!";
                    $parse['canbuild_' . $Element] = "";
                } else {
                    $parse['state_' . $Element] = "on";
                    $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "";
                    $parse['canbuild_' . $Element] = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class=\"fastBuild tips\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"loadpage('./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building={$Element}&id={$Element}',document.title,;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src=\"" . GAME_SKIN . "/img/layout/sofort_bauen.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"22\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>";
            } else {
                $parse['state_' . $Element] = "off";
                $parse['mes_' . $Element] = "Not availble";
                $parse['canbuild_' . $Element] = "";
            $parse['name_' . $Element] = $ElementName;
            $parse['count_' . $Element] = $planetrow[$resource[$Element]];
    if ($planetrow['b_building'] > 0) {
        $BuildQueue = explode(";", $planetrow['b_building_id']);
        $CurrBuild = explode(",", $BuildQueue[0]);
        $parse['countdown_' . $CurrBuild[0]] = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"construction\">\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"pusher\" style=\"height: 80px; margin-bottom: -80px;\">\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"time\" id=\"resource\">" . parsecountdown($planetrow['b_building']) . "</span>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n";
    $BuildingPage = parsetemplate($SubTemplate, $parse);
    $parse = $lang;
    $Element = idstring($_GET['id']);
    $ElementName = $lang['names'][$Element];
    // Faut il afficher la liste de construction ??
    if ($Queue['length'] > 0) {
        $parse['BuildList'] = $Queue['buildlist'];
    } else {
        $parse['BuildList'] = "";
    $de_planettype = PlanetType($planetrow['image']);
    $parse['type'] = $de_planettype['type'];
    if ($_GET['page'] == 'station') {
        $parse['bg'] = HEADER_CACHE . "station/" . $parse['type'] . ".png";
    } elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'resources') {
        if (url_exists(HEADER_CACHE . "resources/" . $parse['type'] . $imgnum . ".png")) {
            $parse['bg'] = HEADER_CACHE . "resources/" . $parse['type'] . $imgnum . ".png";
        } else {
            $parse['bg'] = HEADER_CACHE . "resources/default.png";
    } else {
        die("Hacking attempt");
    $parse['hideres'] = "display:none;";
    $parse['hidenorm'] = "";
    $parse['planetname'] = $planetrow['name'];
    if (!$Element) {
        if ($_GET['mode'] == "resources") {
            $parse['hideres'] = "";
            $parse['hidenorm'] = "display:none;";
    } else {
        if (!is_array($Allowed[$planetrow['planet_type']])) {
            $message = $user['username'] . " (" . intval($user['id']) . ") does not have a propper planet_type, so \$Allowed[\$planetrow['planet_type']] was not an array, causing the error which is most likely directly below this.";
            trigger_error($message, E_USER_NOTICE);
        if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$planetrow['planet_type']])) {
            //Something else
            $HaveRessources = IsElementBuyable($user, $planetrow, $Element, true, false);
            $parse['i'] = $Element;
            $parse['dpath'] = $dpath;
            $BuildingLevel = $planetrow[$resource[$Element]];
            $parse['nivel'] = $BuildingLevel == 0 ? "" : " (" . $lang['level'] . " " . $BuildingLevel . ")";
            $parse['n'] = $ElementName;
            $parse['descriptions'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Element];
            $ElementBuildTime = BuildingTime($Element, $BuildingLevel + 1, $planetrow);
            $parse['time'] = ShowBuildTime($ElementBuildTime);
            $parse['price'] = GetElementPrice($user, $planetrow, $Element);
            $parse['rest_price'] = GetRestPrice($user, $planetrow, $Element);
            $parse['click'] = '';
            $NextBuildLevel = $planetrow[$resource[$Element]] + 1;
            $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($planetrow);
            if ($planetrow["field_current"] < $CurrentMaxFields - $Queue['lenght']) {
                $RoomIsOk = true;
            } else {
                $RoomIsOk = false;
            if ($Element == 31) {
                // Sp�cial Laboratoire
                if ($user["b_tech_planet"] != 0 && $game_config['BuildLabWhileRun'] != 1) {
                    // Variable qui contient le parametre
                    // On verifie si on a le droit d'evoluer pendant les recherches (Setting dans config)
                    $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['in_working'] . "</font>";
            if (IsTechnologieAccessible($user, $planetrow, $Element)) {
                if ($parse['click'] != '') {
                    // Bin on ne fait rien, vu que l'on l'a deja fait au dessus !!
                } elseif ($RoomIsOk && $CanBuildElement) {
                    if ($Queue['lenght'] == 0) {
                        if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                            if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font></a>";
                                $infopg['build_link'] = "./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element;
                                $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel'];
                            } else {
                                $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>4" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>";
                                $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel'];
                        } else {
                            if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font></a>";
                                $infopg['build_link'] = "./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element;
                                $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel;
                            } else {
                                $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                                $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel;
                    } else {
                        $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['InBuildQueue'] . "</font></a>";
                        $infopg['build_link'] = "./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "&id=" . $Element;
                        $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['InBuildQueue'];
                } elseif ($RoomIsOk && !$CanBuildElement) {
                    if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>2" . $lang['BuildFirstLevel'] . "</font>";
                        $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildFirstLevel'];
                    } else {
                        $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>1" . $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                        $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['BuildNextLevel'] . " " . $NextBuildLevel;
                } else {
                    $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['NoMoreSpace'] . "</font>";
                    $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['NoMoreSpace'];
            } else {
                $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['NotAccessible'] . "</font>";
                $infopg['build_text'] = $lang['NotAccessible'];
            //Building Info
            if ($infopg['build_link']) {
                $infopg['buildit_class'] = "build-it";
                $infopg['build_text'] = "Improve";
            } else {
                $infopg['buildit_class'] = "build-it_disabled";
                $infopg['build_text'] = "In queue";
            $infopg['id'] = $Element;
            $infopg['name'] = $ElementName;
            $infopg['level'] = $planetrow[$resource[$Element]];
            if ($planetrow[$resource[$Element]] < 1) {
                $infopg['display_destroy'] = "style=\"display:none;\"";
            $infopg['td_url'] = "./?page=" . $_GET['page'] . "&cmd=destroy&id=" . $Element . "&building=" . $Element;
            $infopg['title'] = "Tear down";
            $infopg['level1'] = $infopg['level'] + 1;
            $infopg['duration'] = pretty_time($ElementBuildTime);
            $infopg['shortdesc'] = $lang['sdesc'][$Element];
            $infopg['skin'] = $user['skin'];
            $infopg['cost_m'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['metal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $planetrow[$resource[$Element]]));
            $infopg['cost_c'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['crystal'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $planetrow[$resource[$Element]]));
            $infopg['cost_d'] = 1 * floor($pricelist[$Element]['deuterium'] * pow($pricelist[$Element]['factor'], $planetrow[$resource[$Element]]));
            if ($infopg['cost_m'] > $planetrow['metal'] && $infopg['cost_m'] > 0) {
                $infopg['missing_resource_m'] = "missing_resource";
            if ($infopg['cost_c'] > $planetrow['crystal'] && $infopg['cost_c'] > 0) {
                $infopg['missing_resource_c'] = "missing_resource";
            if ($infopg['cost_d'] > $planetrow['deuterium'] && $infopg['cost_d'] > 0) {
                $infopg['missing_resource_d'] = "missing_resource";
            $infopg['sh_cost_m'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_m'], 0, 'up');
            $infopg['sh_cost_c'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_c'], 0, 'up');
            $infopg['sh_cost_d'] = KMnumber($infopg['cost_d'], 0, 'up');
            $infopg['cost_m'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_m']);
            $infopg['cost_c'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_c']);
            $infopg['cost_d'] = pretty_number($infopg['cost_d']);
            $infopg['page'] = $_GET['page'];
            $parse['info'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/info'), $infopg);
            $parse['extra'] = "style=\"display:none\"";
            if ($_GET['axah_section'] == '1') {
    $parse['planet_field_current'] = $planetrow["field_current"];
    $parse['planet_field_max'] = $planetrow['field_max'] + $planetrow[$resource[33]] * 5;
    $parse['field_libre'] = $parse['planet_field_max'] - $planetrow['field_current'];
    $parse['buttonz'] = $BuildingPage;
    $parse['BuildingsList'] = $BuildingPage;
    if ($_GET['page'] == 'station') {
        $page = parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/station'), $parse);
        $title = $lang['Facilities'];
    } elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'resources') {
        //Resources screen
        $parse['resources_section'] = BuildRessourcePage($user, $planetrow, $parse['hideres']);
        $page = parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/resources'), $parse);
        $title = $lang['Resources'];
    } else {
        die("Hacking attempt");
    if ($_GET['axah']) {
    } else {
        displaypage($page, $title);
예제 #26
 public function ShowBuildingsPage(&$CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser)
     global $ProdGrid, $lang, $resource, $reslist, $phpEx, $dpath, $game_config, $_GET, $xgp_root;
     include_once $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/IsTechnologieAccessible.' . $phpEx;
     include_once $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/GetElementPrice.' . $phpEx;
     $parse = $lang;
     $Allowed['1'] = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 35, 44);
     $Allowed['3'] = array(12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43);
     if (isset($_GET['cmd'])) {
         $bDoItNow = false;
         $TheCommand = $_GET['cmd'];
         $Element = $_GET['building'];
         $ListID = $_GET['listid'];
         if (!in_array(trim($Element), $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
         if (isset($Element)) {
             if (!strchr($Element, ",") && !strchr($Element, " ") && !strchr($Element, "+") && !strchr($Element, "*") && !strchr($Element, "~") && !strchr($Element, "=") && !strchr($Element, ";") && !strchr($Element, "'") && !strchr($Element, "#") && !strchr($Element, "-") && !strchr($Element, "_") && !strchr($Element, "[") && !strchr($Element, "]") && !strchr($Element, ".") && !strchr($Element, ":")) {
                 if (in_array(trim($Element), $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
                     $bDoItNow = true;
             } else {
         } elseif (isset($ListID)) {
             $bDoItNow = true;
         if ($bDoItNow == true) {
             switch ($TheCommand) {
                 case 'cancel':
                     $this->CancelBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
                 case 'remove':
                     $this->RemoveBuildingFromQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $ListID);
                 case 'insert':
                     $this->AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, true);
                 case 'destroy':
                     $this->AddBuildingToQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser, $Element, false);
     SetNextQueueElementOnTop($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
     $Queue = $this->ShowBuildingQueue($CurrentPlanet, $CurrentUser);
     if ($Queue['lenght'] < MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE) {
         $CanBuildElement = true;
     } else {
         $CanBuildElement = false;
     $BuildingPage = "";
     $zaehler = 1;
     $siguiente = 1;
     foreach ($lang['tech'] as $BuildID => $ElementName) {
         if (in_array($BuildID, $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
             $parse = $lang;
             $parse['dpath'] = $dpath;
             $parse['name'] = $lang['info'][$BuildID]['name'];
             $parse['image'] = $BuildID;
             $parse['description'] = $lang['info'][$BuildID]['description'];
             $NeededRessources = GetBuildingPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $BuildID, true, true);
             $DestroyTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $BuildID) / 2;
             $parse['destroyurl'] = "game.php?page=buildings&cmd=destroy&building=" . $BuildID;
             $parse['levelvalue'] = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$BuildID]];
             $parse['nfo_metal'] = $lang['Metal'];
             $parse['nfo_crysta'] = $lang['Crystal'];
             $parse['nfo_deuter'] = $lang['Deuterium'];
             $parse['metal'] = pretty_number($NeededRessources['metal']);
             $parse['crystal'] = pretty_number($NeededRessources['crystal']);
             $parse['deuterium'] = pretty_number($NeededRessources['deuterium']);
             $parse['destroytime'] = pretty_time($DestroyTime);
             $infodiv .= parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/buildings_info_row'), $parse);
     foreach ($lang['tech'] as $Element => $ElementName) {
         if (in_array($Element, $Allowed[$CurrentPlanet['planet_type']])) {
             $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet);
             if ($CurrentPlanet["field_current"] < $CurrentMaxFields - $Queue['lenght']) {
                 $RoomIsOk = true;
             } else {
                 $RoomIsOk = false;
             if (IsTechnologieAccessible($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element)) {
                 $HaveRessources = IsElementBuyable($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, false);
                 $parse = array();
                 $parse = $lang;
                 $parse['dpath'] = $dpath;
                 if ($siguiente == 1) {
                     $parse['abrirtr'] = "<tr>";
                 $parse['i'] = $Element;
                 $BuildingLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]];
                 $parse['nivel'] = $BuildingLevel == 0 ? " (" . $lang['bd_lvl'] . " 0)" : " (" . $lang['bd_lvl'] . " " . $BuildingLevel . ")";
                 $BuildLevelFactor = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element] . "_porcent"];
                 $BuildTemp = $CurrentPlanet['temp_max'];
                 $CurrentBuildtLvl = $BuildingLevel;
                 $BuildLevel = $CurrentBuildtLvl > 0 ? $CurrentBuildtLvl : 1;
                 $Prod[3] = floor(eval($ProdGrid[$Element]['formule']['deuterium']) * $game_config['resource_multiplier']) * (1 + $CurrentUser['rpg_geologue'] * 0.05);
                 $Prod[4] = floor(eval($ProdGrid[$Element]['formule']['energy']) * $game_config['resource_multiplier']) * (1 + $CurrentUser['rpg_ingenieur'] * 0.05);
                 if ($Element != 12) {
                     $ActualNeed = floor($Prod[4]);
                 } else {
                     $ActualNeed = floor($Prod[3]);
                 $Prod[3] = floor(eval($ProdGrid[$Element]['formule']['deuterium']) * $game_config['resource_multiplier']) * (1 + $CurrentUser['rpg_geologue'] * 0.05);
                 $Prod[4] = floor(eval($ProdGrid[$Element]['formule']['energy']) * $game_config['resource_multiplier']) * (1 + $CurrentUser['rpg_ingenieur'] * 0.05);
                 if ($Element != 12) {
                     $EnergyNeed = pretty_number(abs(floor($Prod[4] - $ActualNeed)));
                 } else {
                     $EnergyNeed = pretty_number(abs(floor($Prod[3] - $ActualNeed)));
                 if ($Element >= 1 && $Element <= 3) {
                     $parse['build_need_diff'] = "Next Level:<br>Verbraucht <font color=#FF0000>" . $EnergyNeed . "</font> " . $lang['Energy'] . " mehr";
                     $BuildLevel = 0;
                 } elseif ($Element == 4 || $Element == 12) {
                     $parse['build_need_diff'] = "Next Level:<br>Produziert <font color=#00FF00>" . $EnergyNeed . "</font> mehr " . $lang['Energy'];
                     $BuildLevel = 0;
                 } elseif ($Element == 43 && $BuildingLevel != 0) {
                     $parse['build_need_diff'] = "<a href=\"javascript:f('game.php?page=infos&gid=43','');\">Springen</a>";
                     $BuildLevel = 0;
                 if ($BuildingLevel != 0) {
                     $parse['cancel'] = "<a href=\"javascript:infodiv('" . $Element . "-cancel');javascript:animatedcollapse.toggle('" . $Element . "-cancel')\">Abrei&szlig;en</a>";
                 $parse['n'] = $ElementName;
                 $parse['descriptions'] = $lang['res']['descriptions'][$Element];
                 $ElementBuildTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element);
                 $parse['time'] = ShowBuildTime($ElementBuildTime);
                 $parse['price'] = GetElementPrice($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $Element, true, true);
                 $parse['click'] = '';
                 $NextBuildLevel = $CurrentPlanet[$resource[$Element]] + 1;
                 if ($RoomIsOk && $CanBuildElement) {
                     if ($Queue['lenght'] == 0) {
                         if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                             if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                 $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['bd_build'] . "</font></a>";
                             } else {
                                 $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_build'] . "</font>";
                         } else {
                             if ($HaveRessources == true) {
                                 $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['bd_build_next_level'] . $NextBuildLevel . "</font></a>";
                             } else {
                                 $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_build_next_level'] . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                     } else {
                         $parse['click'] = "<a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&cmd=insert&building=" . $Element . "\"><font color=#00FF00>" . $lang['bd_add_to_list'] . "</font></a>";
                 } elseif ($RoomIsOk && !$CanBuildElement) {
                     if ($NextBuildLevel == 1) {
                         $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_build'] . "</font>";
                     } else {
                         $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_build_next_level'] . $NextBuildLevel . "</font>";
                 } else {
                     $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_no_more_fields'] . "</font>";
                 if ($Element == 31 && $CurrentUser["b_tech_planet"] != 0) {
                     $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_working'] . "</font>";
                 if ($Element == 21 && $CurrentPlanet["b_hangar"] != 0) {
                     $parse['click'] = "<font color=#FF0000>" . $lang['bd_working'] . "</font>";
                 if ($siguiente == 3) {
                     $parse['cerrartr'] = "</tr>";
                     $siguiente = 1;
                 } else {
                 $BuildingPage .= parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/buildings_builds_row'), $parse);
     if ($Queue['lenght'] > 0) {
         include $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/InsertBuildListScript.' . $phpEx;
         $parse['BuildListScript'] = InsertBuildListScript("buildings");
         $parse['BuildList'] = $Queue['buildlist'];
     } else {
         $parse['BuildListScript'] = "";
         $parse['BuildList'] = "";
     $parse['BuildingsList'] = $BuildingPage;
     $parse['infodiv'] = $infodiv;
     display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('buildings/buildings_builds'), $parse));
예제 #27
     if ($planetrow['planet_type'] == 1) {
         $lune = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $planetrow['galaxy'] . "' AND `system` = '" . $planetrow['system'] . "' AND `planet` = '" . $planetrow['planet'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '3'", 'planets', true);
         $parse['moon_img'] = "<a href='?cp=" . $lune['id'] . "&amp;re=0' title='" . $lune['name'] . "'><img src='" . $dpath . "planeten/" . $lune['image'] . ".gif' style='height:70px; width:70px' alt='mond.gif'/></a>";
         $parse['moon'] = $lune['name'];
     } else {
         $parse['moon_img'] = "";
         $parse['moon'] = "";
 } else {
     $parse['moon_img'] = "";
     $parse['moon'] = "";
 $parse['planet_name'] = $planetrow['name'];
 $parse['planet_diameter'] = pretty_number($planetrow['diameter']);
 $parse['planet_field_current'] = $planetrow['field_current'];
 $parse['planet_field_max'] = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($planetrow);
 $parse['planet_temp_min'] = $planetrow['temp_min'];
 $parse['planet_temp_max'] = $planetrow['temp_max'];
 $parse['galaxy_galaxy'] = $planetrow['galaxy'];
 $parse['galaxy_planet'] = $planetrow['planet'];
 $parse['galaxy_system'] = $planetrow['system'];
 $StatRecord = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '" . $user['id'] . "';", 'statpoints', true);
 $MaxUsers = doquery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM {{table}} WHERE `db_deaktjava` = '0';", 'users', true);
 $parse['user_points'] = pretty_number($StatRecord['build_points']);
 $parse['user_fleet'] = pretty_number($StatRecord['fleet_points']);
 $parse['user_def'] = pretty_number($StatRecord['defs_points']);
 $parse['player_points_tech'] = pretty_number($StatRecord['tech_points']);
 $parse['total_points'] = pretty_number($StatRecord['total_points']);
 $parse['user_rank'] = $StatRecord['total_rank'];
 $ile = $StatRecord['total_old_rank'] - $StatRecord['total_rank'];
 if ($ile >= 1) {
예제 #28
 public static function addBuildingToQueue($Element, $AddMode = true)
     global $PLANET, $USER, $resource, $CONF, $reslist, $pricelist;
     if (!in_array($Element, $reslist['allow'][$PLANET['planet_type']]) || !BuildFunctions::isTechnologieAccessible($USER, $PLANET, $Element) || $Element == 31 && $USER["b_tech_planet"] != 0 || ($Element == 15 || $Element == 21) && !empty($PLANET['b_hangar_id']) || !$AddMode && $PLANET[$resource[$Element]] == 0) {
     $CurrentQueue = unserialize($PLANET['b_building_id']);
     if (!empty($CurrentQueue)) {
         $ActualCount = count($CurrentQueue);
     } else {
         $CurrentQueue = array();
         $ActualCount = 0;
     $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PLANET);
     if (Config::get('max_elements_build') != 0 && $ActualCount == Config::get('max_elements_build') || $AddMode && $PLANET["field_current"] >= $CurrentMaxFields - $ActualCount) {
     $BuildMode = $AddMode ? 'build' : 'destroy';
     $BuildLevel = $PLANET[$resource[$Element]] + (int) $AddMode;
     if ($ActualCount == 0) {
         if ($pricelist[$Element]['max'] < $BuildLevel) {
         $costRessources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, !$AddMode);
         if (!BuildFunctions::isElementBuyable($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources)) {
         if (isset($costRessources[901])) {
             $PLANET[$resource[901]] -= $costRessources[901];
         if (isset($costRessources[902])) {
             $PLANET[$resource[902]] -= $costRessources[902];
         if (isset($costRessources[903])) {
             $PLANET[$resource[903]] -= $costRessources[903];
         if (isset($costRessources[921])) {
             $USER[$resource[921]] -= $costRessources[921];
         $elementTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element, $costRessources);
         $BuildEndTime = TIMESTAMP + $elementTime;
         $PLANET['b_building_id'] = serialize(array(array($Element, $BuildLevel, $elementTime, $BuildEndTime, $BuildMode)));
         $PLANET['b_building'] = $BuildEndTime;
     } else {
         $addLevel = 0;
         foreach ($CurrentQueue as $QueueSubArray) {
             if ($QueueSubArray[0] != $Element) {
             if ($QueueSubArray[4] == 'build') {
             } else {
         $BuildLevel += $addLevel;
         if (!$AddMode && $BuildLevel == 0) {
         if ($pricelist[$Element]['max'] < $BuildLevel) {
         $elementTime = BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element, NULL, !$AddMode, $BuildLevel);
         $BuildEndTime = $CurrentQueue[$ActualCount - 1][3] + $elementTime;
         $CurrentQueue[] = array($Element, $BuildLevel, $elementTime, $BuildEndTime, $BuildMode);
         $PLANET['b_building_id'] = serialize($CurrentQueue);
예제 #29
function ShowOverviewPage($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet)
    global $xgp_root, $phpEx, $dpath, $game_config, $lang, $planetrow, $user, $resource;
    include_once $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/InsertJavaScriptChronoApplet.' . $phpEx;
    include_once $xgp_root . 'includes/classes/class.FlyingFleetsTable.' . $phpEx;
    $FlyingFleetsTable = new FlyingFleetsTable();
    $lunarow = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['id_owner'] . "' AND `galaxy` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] . "' AND `system` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['system'] . "' AND `planet` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['planet'] . "' AND `planet_type`='3'", 'planets', true);
    if (empty($lunarow)) {
    $parse = $lang;
    $parse['planet_id'] = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
    $parse['planet_name'] = $CurrentPlanet['name'];
    $parse['galaxy_galaxy'] = $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'];
    $parse['galaxy_system'] = $CurrentPlanet['system'];
    $parse['galaxy_planet'] = $CurrentPlanet['planet'];
    $parse['dpath'] = $dpath;
    $parse['avatar'] = $user['avatar'];
    $online_users = doquery("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id)) as `onlinenow` FROM {{table}} WHERE `onlinetime` > '" . (time() - 15 * 60) . "';", 'users', true);
    $parse['online_users'] = $online_users['onlinenow'];
    $QueryStat = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "' AND `stat_type` = '1'", "statpoints", true);
    $parse['puntos_defensa'] = pretty_number($QueryStat['defs_count']);
    $parse['puntos_edificios'] = pretty_number($QueryStat['build_points']);
    $parse['puntos_naves'] = pretty_number($QueryStat['fleet_count']);
    $parse['puntos_investigaciones'] = pretty_number($QueryStat['tech_count']);
    $StatRecord = doquery("SELECT `total_rank`,`total_points`,`defs_rank`,`build_rank`,`fleet_rank`,`tech_rank` FROM `{{table}}` WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "';", 'statpoints', true);
    $parse['top_defensa'] = $StatRecord['defs_rank'];
    $parse['top_edificios'] = $StatRecord['build_rank'];
    $parse['top_naves'] = $StatRecord['fleet_rank'];
    $parse['top_investigaciones'] = $StatRecord['tech_rank'];
    $parse['top_total'] = $StatRecord['total_rank'];
    $parse['ally_name'] = $ally_name;
    $parse['ally_tag'] = $ally_tag;
    if ($Level > 0) {
        $parse['admin_link'] = "<tr><td><div align=\"center\"><a href=\"javascript:top.location.href='adm/index.php'\"> <font color=\"lime\">" . $lang['lm_administration'] . "</font></a></div></td></tr>";
    } else {
        $parse['admin_link'] = "";
    switch ($_GET['mode']) {
        case 'renameplanet':
            if ($_POST['action'] == $lang['ov_planet_rename_action']) {
                $newname = mysql_escape_string(strip_tags(trim($_POST['newname'])));
                if (preg_match("/[^A-z0-9_\\- ]/", $newname) == 1) {
                    message($lang['ov_newname_error'], "game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet", 2);
                if ($newname != "") {
                    doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `name` = '" . $newname . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $CurrentUser['current_planet'] . "' LIMIT 1;", "planets");
            } elseif ($_POST['action'] == $lang['ov_abandon_planet']) {
                return display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('overview/overview_deleteplanet'), $parse));
            } elseif ($_POST['kolonieloeschen'] == 1 && intval($_POST['deleteid']) == $CurrentUser['current_planet']) {
                $filokontrol = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE fleet_owner = '{$user['id']}' AND fleet_start_galaxy='{$CurrentPlanet['galaxy']}' AND fleet_start_system='{$CurrentPlanet['system']}' AND fleet_start_planet='{$CurrentPlanet['planet']}'", 'fleets');
                while ($satir = mysql_fetch_array($filokontrol)) {
                    $kendifilo = $satir['fleet_owner'];
                    $digerfilo = $satir['fleet_target_owner'];
                    $harabeyeri = $satir['fleet_end_type'];
                    $mess = $satir['fleet_mess'];
                $filokontrol = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE fleet_target_owner = '{$user['id']}' AND fleet_end_galaxy='{$CurrentPlanet['galaxy']}' AND fleet_end_system='{$CurrentPlanet['system']}' AND fleet_end_planet='{$CurrentPlanet['planet']}'", 'fleets');
                while ($satir = mysql_fetch_array($filokontrol)) {
                    $kendifilo = $satir['fleet_owner'];
                    $digerfilo = $satir['fleet_target_owner'];
                    $gezoay = $satir['fleet_end_type'];
                    $mess = $satir['fleet_mess'];
                if ($kendifilo > 0) {
                    message($lang['ov_abandon_planet_not_possible'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
                } elseif ($digerfilo > 0 && $mess < 1 && $gezoay != 2) {
                    message($lang['ov_abandon_planet_not_possible'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
                } else {
                    if (md5($_POST['pw']) == $CurrentUser["password"] && $CurrentUser['id_planet'] != $CurrentUser['current_planet']) {
                        doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `destruyed` = '" . (time() + 86400) . "' WHERE `id` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($CurrentUser['current_planet']) . "' LIMIT 1;", 'planets');
                        doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `current_planet` = `id_planet` WHERE `id` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($CurrentUser['id']) . "' LIMIT 1", "users");
                        doquery("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] . "' AND `system` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['system'] . "' AND `planet` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['planet'] . "' AND `planet_type` = 3;", 'planets');
                        message($lang['ov_planet_abandoned'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
                    } elseif ($CurrentUser['id_planet'] == $CurrentUser["current_planet"]) {
                        message($lang['ov_principal_planet_cant_abanone'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
                    } else {
                        message($lang['ov_wrong_pass'], 'game.php?page=overview&mode=renameplanet');
            return display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('overview/overview_renameplanet'), $parse));
            if ($StatRecord['total_points'] >= 0 && $StatRecord['total_points'] < 100000) {
                $parse['rankgame'] = "Soldado";
                $parse['rankimg'] = "rank1.gif";
            } elseif ($StatRecord['total_points'] >= 100000 && $StatRecord['total_points'] < 250000) {
                $parse['rankgame'] = "Cabo Cazador";
                $parse['rankimg'] = "rank2.gif";
            } elseif ($StatRecord['total_points'] >= 250000 && $StatRecord['total_points'] < 500000) {
                $parse['rankgame'] = "Sargento Cazador";
                $parse['rankimg'] = "rank3.gif";
            } elseif ($StatRecord['total_points'] >= 500000 && $StatRecord['total_points'] < 1000000) {
                $parse['rankgame'] = "Teniente de Crucero";
                $parse['rankimg'] = "rank4.gif";
            } elseif ($StatRecord['total_points'] >= 1000000 && $StatRecord['total_points'] < 2500000) {
                $parse['rankgame'] = "Capitán Destructor";
                $parse['rankimg'] = "rank5.gif";
            } elseif ($StatRecord['total_points'] >= 2500000 && $StatRecord['total_points'] < 5000000) {
                $parse['rankgame'] = "Almirante Acorazado";
                $parse['rankimg'] = "rank6.gif";
            } elseif ($StatRecord['total_points'] >= 5000000 && $StatRecord['total_points'] < 10000000) {
                $parse['rankgame'] = "General Estrella";
                $parse['rankimg'] = "rank7.gif";
            } elseif ($StatRecord['total_points'] >= 10000000 && $StatRecord['total_points'] < 25000000) {
                $parse['rankgame'] = "General Supernova";
                $parse['rankimg'] = "rank8.gif";
            } elseif ($StatRecord['total_points'] >= 25000000 && $StatRecord['total_points'] < 50000000) {
                $parse['rankgame'] = "General de Flota";
                $parse['rankimg'] = "rank9.gif";
            } elseif ($StatRecord['total_points'] >= 50000000 && $StatRecord['total_points'] < 100000000) {
                $parse['rankgame'] = "General Interestelar";
                $parse['rankimg'] = "rank10.gif";
            } elseif ($StatRecord['total_points'] >= 100000000 && $StatRecord['total_points'] < 500000000) {
                $parse['rankgame'] = "Cónsul General";
                $parse['rankimg'] = "rank11.gif";
            } elseif ($StatRecord['total_points'] >= 500000000) {
                $parse['rankgame'] = "Emperador";
                $parse['rankimg'] = "rank12.gif";
            if ($CurrentPlanet['planet'] >= 1 && $CurrentPlanet['planet'] < 4) {
                $parse['type_of_planet'] = "Desertico";
            } elseif ($CurrentPlanet['planet'] >= 4 && $CurrentPlanet['planet'] < 7) {
                $parse['type_of_planet'] = "Jungla";
            } elseif ($CurrentPlanet['planet'] >= 7 && $CurrentPlanet['planet'] < 10) {
                $parse['type_of_planet'] = "Gaseoso";
            } elseif ($CurrentPlanet['planet'] >= 10 && $CurrentPlanet['planet'] < 13) {
                $parse['type_of_planet'] = "Acuatico";
            } elseif ($CurrentPlanet['planet'] >= 13) {
                $parse['type_of_planet'] = "Congelado";
            $CONSULTA = doquery("SELECT metal,crystal,darkmatter FROM {{table}} WHERE galaxy = '" . $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] . "' AND system = '" . $CurrentPlanet['system'] . "' AND planet = '" . $CurrentPlanet['planet'] . "'", "galaxy", true);
            $parse['metal_debris'] = pretty_number($CONSULTA['metal']);
            $parse['crystal_debris'] = pretty_number($CONSULTA['crystal']);
            $parse['darkmatter_debris'] = pretty_number($CONSULTA['darkmatter']);
            if ($CurrentPlanet['recycler'] != 0 && ($CONSULTA['metal'] != 0 || $CONSULTA['crystal'] != 0 || $CONSULTA['darkmatter'] != 0)) {
                $parse['get_link'] = " (<a href=\"game.php?page=galaxy&mode=8&g=" . $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] . "&s=" . $CurrentPlanet['system'] . "&p=" . $CurrentPlanet['planet'] . "&t=2\">asdasd</a>)";
            } else {
                $parse['get_link'] = '';
            if ($CurrentUser['new_message'] != 0) {
                $Have_new_message .= "<tr>";
                if ($CurrentUser['new_message'] == 1) {
                    $Have_new_message .= "<th colspan=4><a href=game.{$phpEx}?page=messages>" . $lang['ov_have_new_message'] . "</a></th>";
                } elseif ($CurrentUser['new_message'] > 1) {
                    $Have_new_message .= "<th colspan=4><a href=game.{$phpEx}?page=messages>";
                    $Have_new_message .= str_replace('%m', pretty_number($CurrentUser['new_message']), $lang['ov_have_new_messages']);
                    $Have_new_message .= "</a></th>";
                $Have_new_message .= "</tr>";
            $OwnFleets = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_owner` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "';", 'fleets');
            $Record = 0;
            while ($FleetRow = mysql_fetch_array($OwnFleets)) {
                $StartTime = $FleetRow['fleet_start_time'];
                $StayTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_stay'];
                $id = $FleetRow['fleet_id'];
                $EndTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_time'];
                /////// // ### LUCKY , CODES ARE BELOW
                $hedefgalaksi = $FleetRow['fleet_end_galaxy'];
                $hedefsistem = $FleetRow['fleet_end_system'];
                $hedefgezegen = $FleetRow['fleet_end_planet'];
                $mess = $FleetRow['fleet_mess'];
                $filogrubu = $FleetRow['fleet_group'];
                $id = $FleetRow['fleet_id'];
                $Label = "fs";
                if ($StartTime > time()) {
                    $fpage[$StartTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 0, true, $Label, $Record);
                if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] != 4 && $FleetRow['fleet_mission'] != 10) {
                    $Label = "ft";
                    if ($StayTime > time()) {
                        $fpage[$StayTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 1, true, $Label, $Record);
                    $Label = "fe";
                    if ($EndTime > time()) {
                        $fpage[$EndTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 2, true, $Label, $Record);
            //iss ye katilan filo////////////////////////////////////
            // ### LUCKY , CODES ARE BELOW
            $dostfilo = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_end_galaxy` = '" . $hedefgalaksi . "' AND `fleet_end_system` = '" . $hedefsistem . "' AND `fleet_end_planet` = '" . $hedefgezegen . "' AND `fleet_group` = '" . $filogrubu . "';", 'fleets');
            $Record1 = 0;
            while ($FleetRow = mysql_fetch_array($dostfilo)) {
                $StartTime = $FleetRow['fleet_start_time'];
                $StayTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_stay'];
                $id = $FleetRow['fleet_id'];
                $EndTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_time'];
                $hedefgalaksi = $FleetRow['fleet_end_galaxy'];
                $hedefsistem = $FleetRow['fleet_end_system'];
                $hedefgezegen = $FleetRow['fleet_end_planet'];
                $mess = $FleetRow['fleet_mess'];
                $filogrubu = $FleetRow['fleet_group'];
                $id = $FleetRow['fleet_id'];
                if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] == 2 && $FleetRow['fleet_owner'] != $CurrentUser['id']) {
                    // if (($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] == 2) ){
                    if ($mess > 0) {
                        $StartTime = "";
                    } else {
                        $StartTime = $FleetRow['fleet_start_time'];
                    if ($StartTime > time()) {
                        $Label = "ofs";
                        $fpage[$StartTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 0, false, $Label, $Record1);
                    // }
                if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] == 1 && $FleetRow['fleet_owner'] != $CurrentUser['id'] && $filogrubu > 0) {
                    if ($mess > 0) {
                        $StartTime = "";
                    } else {
                        $StartTime = $FleetRow['fleet_start_time'];
                    if ($StartTime > time()) {
                        $Label = "ofs";
                        $fpage[$StartTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 0, false, $Label, $Record);
            $OtherFleets = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_target_owner` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "';", 'fleets');
            $Record = 2000;
            while ($FleetRow = mysql_fetch_array($OtherFleets)) {
                if ($FleetRow['fleet_owner'] != $CurrentUser['id']) {
                    if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] != 8) {
                        $StartTime = $FleetRow['fleet_start_time'];
                        $StayTime = $FleetRow['fleet_end_stay'];
                        if ($StartTime > time()) {
                            $Label = "ofs";
                            $fpage[$StartTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 0, false, $Label, $Record);
                        if ($FleetRow['fleet_mission'] == 5) {
                            $Label = "oft";
                            if ($StayTime > time()) {
                                $fpage[$StayTime . $id] = $FlyingFleetsTable->BuildFleetEventTable($FleetRow, 1, false, $Label, $Record);
            $planets_query = doquery("SELECT * FROM `{{table}}` WHERE id_owner='{$CurrentUser['id']}' AND `destruyed` = 0", "planets");
            $Colone = 1;
            $AllPlanets = "<tr>";
            while ($CurrentUserPlanet = mysql_fetch_array($planets_query)) {
                if ($CurrentUserPlanet["id"] != $CurrentUser["current_planet"] && $CurrentUserPlanet['planet_type'] != 3) {
                    $AllPlanets .= "<th width='80'>" . $CurrentUserPlanet['name'] . "<br>";
                    $AllPlanets .= "<a href=\"game.php?page=overview&cp=" . $CurrentUserPlanet['id'] . "&re=0\" title=\"" . $CurrentUserPlanet['name'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $dpath . "planeten/small/s_" . $CurrentUserPlanet['image'] . ".gif\" height=\"50\" width=\"50\"></a><br>";
                    $AllPlanets .= "<center>";
                    if ($CurrentUserPlanet['b_building'] != 0) {
                        UpdatePlanetBatimentQueueList($CurrentUserPlanet, $CurrentUser);
                        if ($CurrentUserPlanet['b_building'] != 0) {
                            $BuildQueue = $CurrentUserPlanet['b_building_id'];
                            $QueueArray = explode(";", $BuildQueue);
                            $CurrentBuild = explode(",", $QueueArray[0]);
                            $BuildElement = $CurrentBuild[0];
                            $BuildLevel = $CurrentBuild[1];
                            $BuildRestTime = pretty_time($CurrentBuild[3] - time());
                            $AllPlanets .= '' . $lang['tech'][$BuildElement] . ' (' . $BuildLevel . ')';
                            $AllPlanets .= "<br><font color=\"#7f7f7f\">(" . $BuildRestTime . ")</font>";
                        } else {
                            $AllPlanets .= $lang['ov_free'];
                    } else {
                        $AllPlanets .= $lang['ov_free'];
                    $AllPlanets .= "</center></th>";
                    if ($Colone <= 5) {
                    } else {
                        $AllPlanets .= "</tr><tr>";
                        $Colone = 1;
            $AllPlanets .= "</tr>";
            if ($game_config['OverviewNewsFrame'] == '1') {
                $parse['NewsFrame'] = "<tr>" . $lang['ov_news_title'] . "<th colspan=\"4\">" . stripslashes($game_config['OverviewNewsText']) . "</th></tr>";
            if ($lunarow['id'] != 0 && $lunarow['destruyed'] != 1 && $CurrentPlanet['planet_type'] != 3) {
                if ($CurrentPlanet['planet_type'] == 1 or $lunarow['id'] != 0) {
                    $moon = doquery("SELECT `id`,`name`,`image` FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] . "' AND `system` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['system'] . "' AND `planet` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['planet'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '3'", 'planets', true);
                    $parse['moon_img'] = "<a href=\"game.php?page=overview&cp=" . $moon['id'] . "&re=0\" title=\"" . $moon['name'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $dpath . "planeten/small/s_" . $moon['image'] . ".png\" height=\"90\" width=\"90\"></a>";
                    $parse['moon'] = $moon['name'] . "";
                } else {
                    $parse['moon_img'] = "";
                    $parse['moon'] = "";
            } elseif ($CurrentPlanet['planet_type'] == 3) {
                $moon = doquery("SELECT `id`,`name`,`image` FROM {{table}} WHERE `galaxy` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['galaxy'] . "' AND `system` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['system'] . "' AND `planet` = '" . $CurrentPlanet['planet'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '1'", 'planets', true);
                $parse['moon_img'] = "<a href=\"game.php?page=overview&cp=" . $moon['id'] . "&re=0\" title=\"" . $moon['name'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $dpath . "planeten/small/s_" . $moon['image'] . ".gif\" height=\"120\" width=\"120\"></a>";
                $parse['moon'] = $moon['name'] . "";
            } else {
                $parse['moon_img'] = "";
                $parse['moon'] = "";
            $parse['planet_diameter'] = pretty_number($CurrentPlanet['diameter']);
            $parse['planet_field_current'] = $CurrentPlanet['field_current'];
            $parse['planet_field_max'] = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($CurrentPlanet);
            $parse['planet_temp_min'] = $CurrentPlanet['temp_min'];
            $parse['planet_temp_max'] = $CurrentPlanet['temp_max'];
            $StatRecord = doquery("SELECT `total_rank`,`total_points` FROM `{{table}}` WHERE `stat_type` = '1' AND `stat_code` = '1' AND `id_owner` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "';", 'statpoints', true);
            $parse['user_username'] = $CurrentUser['username'];
            if (count($fpage) > 0) {
                foreach ($fpage as $time => $content) {
                    $flotten .= $content . "\n";
            if ($CurrentPlanet['b_building'] != 0) {
                include $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/InsertBuildListScript.' . $phpEx;
                UpdatePlanetBatimentQueueList($planetrow, $user);
                if ($CurrentPlanet['b_building'] != 0) {
                    $BuildQueue = explode(";", $CurrentPlanet['b_building_id']);
                    $CurrBuild = explode(",", $BuildQueue[0]);
                    $RestTime = $CurrentPlanet['b_building'] - time();
                    $PlanetID = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
                    $Build = InsertBuildListScript("buildings");
                    $Build .= "<table>";
                    $Build .= " <tr>";
                    $Build .= " <td colspan=\"2\">" . $lang['tech'][$CurrBuild[0]] . "</td>";
                    $Build .= " </tr>";
                    $Build .= " <tr>";
                    $Build .= " <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\"><img src=\"" . $dpath . "gebaeude/" . $CurrBuild[0] . ".gif\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\"></td>";
                    $Build .= " <td>" . $lang['pr_subiendo'] . " <span style=\"color:#FF8C00;\">Nivel " . $CurrBuild[1] . "</span><br />";
                    $Build .= " " . $lang['pr_duracion'] . ":<div id=\"blc\" class=\"z\" style=\"color:yellow;\">" . pretty_time($RestTime) . "</div>";
                    $Build .= " </td>";
                    $Build .= " </tr>";
                    $Build .= "</Table>";
                    $Build .= "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">";
                    $Build .= "\n pp = \"" . $RestTime . "\";\n";
                    $Build .= "\n pk = \"" . 1 . "\";\n";
                    $Build .= "\n pm = \"cancel\";\n";
                    $Build .= "\n pl = \"" . $PlanetID . "\";\n";
                    $Build .= "\n t();\n";
                    $Build .= "\n</script>\n";
                    $parse['building'] = $Build;
                } else {
                    $parse['building'] = $lang['ov_free'];
            } else {
                $parse['building'] = $lang['ov_free'];
            $PlanetaQueInv = doquery("SELECT id, name, b_tech, b_tech_id FROM `{{table}}` WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "' AND `b_tech` != '0';", 'planets', true);
            if ($PlanetaQueInv['b_tech'] != 0) {
                include $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/InsertTechListScript.' . $phpEx;
                UpdatePlanetBatimentQueueList($planetrow, $user);
                $NvlActual = $CurrentUser[$resource[$PlanetaQueInv['b_tech_id']]] + 1;
                $RestTime = $PlanetaQueInv['b_tech'] - time();
                $PlanetID = $PlanetaQueInv['id'];
                $NomPlaneta = "";
                if ($PlanetaQueInv['name'] != $CurrentPlanet['name']) {
                    $NomPlaneta = " de " . $PlanetaQueInv['name'];
                $Tech = InsertTechListScript("buildings", $NomPlaneta);
                $Tech .= "<table>";
                $Tech .= " <tr>";
                $Tech .= " <td colspan=\"2\">" . $lang['tech'][$PlanetaQueInv['b_tech_id']] . "</td>";
                $Tech .= " </tr>";
                $Tech .= " <tr>";
                $Tech .= " <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\"><img src=\"" . $dpath . "gebaeude/" . $PlanetaQueInv['b_tech_id'] . ".gif\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\"></td>";
                $Tech .= " <td>" . $lang['pr_investigando'] . " <span style=\"color:#FF8C00;\">Nivel " . $NvlActual . "</span><br />";
                $Tech .= " " . $lang['pr_duracion'] . ":<div id=\"tec_blc\" class=\"z\" style=\"color:yellow;\">" . pretty_time($RestTime) . "</div>";
                $Tech .= " </td>";
                $Tech .= " </tr>";
                $Tech .= "</Table>";
                $Tech .= "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">";
                $Tech .= "\n tec_pp = \"" . $RestTime . "\";\n";
                $Tech .= "\n tec_pk = \"" . 1 . "\";\n";
                $Tech .= "\n tec_pm = \"cancel\";\n";
                $Tech .= "\n tec_pl = \"" . $PlanetaQueInv['b_tech_id'] . "\";\n";
                $Tech .= "\n tec_t();\n";
                $Tech .= "\n</script>\n";
                $parse['tech_en_proceso'] .= $Tech;
            } else {
                $parse['tech_en_proceso'] = $lang['ov_tfree'];
            if ($CurrentPlanet['b_hangar'] != 0) {
                include $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/InsertHangarListScript.' . $phpEx;
                UpdatePlanetBatimentQueueList($planetrow, $user);
                $BuildQueue = explode(";", $CurrentPlanet['b_hangar_id']);
                $CurrBuild = explode(",", $BuildQueue[0]);
                $RealTime = GetBuildingTime($CurrentUser, $CurrentPlanet, $CurrBuild[0]);
                $QueueTime = $RealTime * $CurrBuild[1];
                $RestTime = $QueueTime - $CurrentPlanet['b_hangar'];
                $PlanetID = $CurrentPlanet['id'];
                $Hangar = InsertHangarListScript("overview");
                $Hangar .= "<table>";
                $Hangar .= " <tr>";
                $Hangar .= " <td colspan=\"2\">" . $lang['tech'][$CurrBuild[0]] . "</td>";
                $Hangar .= " </tr>";
                $Hangar .= " <tr>";
                $Hangar .= " <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\"><img src=\"" . $dpath . "gebaeude/" . $CurrBuild[0] . ".gif\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\"><br />";
                $Hangar .= " </td>";
                $Hangar .= " <td>" . $lang['pr_tiempo_prod'] . "<br />";
                $Hangar .= " <div id=\"han_blc\" class=\"z\" style=\"color:yellow;\">" . pretty_time($RestTime) . "</div>";
                $Hangar .= " </td>";
                $Hangar .= " </tr>";
                $Hangar .= "</Table>";
                $Hangar .= "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">";
                $Hangar .= "\n han_pp = \"" . $RestTime . "\";\n";
                $Hangar .= "\n han_pk = \"" . 1 . "\";\n";
                $Hangar .= "\n han_pm = \"cancel\";\n";
                $Hangar .= "\n han_pl = \"" . $PlanetID . "\";\n";
                $Hangar .= "\n han_t();\n";
                $Hangar .= "\n</script>\n";
                $parse['hangar_en_proceso'] .= $Hangar;
            } else {
                $parse['hangar_en_proceso'] = $lang['ov_hree'];
            $parse['overview_produccion'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('overview/overview_produccion'), $parse);
            $parse['fleet_list'] = $flotten;
            $parse['Have_new_message'] = $Have_new_message;
            $parse['planet_image'] = $CurrentPlanet['image'];
            $parse['anothers_planets'] = $AllPlanets;
            $parse["dpath"] = $dpath;
            if ($game_config['stat'] == 0) {
                $parse['user_rank'] = pretty_number($StatRecord['total_points']) . " (" . $lang['ov_place'] . " <a href=\"game.php?page=statistics&range=" . $StatRecord['total_rank'] . "\">" . $StatRecord['total_rank'] . "</a> " . $lang['ov_of'] . " " . $game_config['users_amount'] . ")";
            } elseif ($game_config['stat'] == 1 && $CurrentUser['authlevel'] < $game_config['stat_level']) {
                $parse['user_rank'] = pretty_number($StatRecord['total_points']) . " (" . $lang['ov_place'] . " <a href=\"game.php?page=statistics&range=" . $StatRecord['total_rank'] . "\">" . $StatRecord['total_rank'] . "</a> " . $lang['ov_of'] . " " . $game_config['users_amount'] . ")";
            } else {
                $parse['user_rank'] = "-";
            setlocale(LC_ALL, 'es_ES');
            $parse['date_time'] = date("D M j H:i:s", time());
            if ($Level > 0) {
                $parse['admin_link'] = "<tr><td><div align=\"center\"><a href=\"javascript:top.location.href='adm/index.php'\"> <font color=\"lime\">" . $lang['lm_administration'] . "</font></a></div></td></tr>";
            } else {
                $parse['admin_link'] = "";
            if ($user["new_message"] != 0) {
                $color = "color=\"red\"";
            } else {
                $color = "color=\"white\"";
            $parse["new_message"] = ' (<font size="1px" ' . $color . ' > ' . $user["new_message"] . ' </font>)';
            return display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('overview/overview_body'), $parse));
예제 #30
 public function __construct()
     global $ProdGrid, $LNG, $resource, $reslist, $CONF, $db, $PLANET, $USER;
     include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/functions/IsTechnologieAccessible.php';
     include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/functions/GetElementPrice.php';
     $TheCommand = request_var('cmd', '');
     $Element = request_var('building', 0);
     $ListID = request_var('listid', 0);
     $PlanetRess = new ResourceUpdate();
     if (!empty($Element) && $USER['urlaubs_modus'] == 0 && (IsTechnologieAccessible($USER, $PLANET, $Element) && in_array($Element, $reslist['allow'][$PLANET['planet_type']])) || $TheCommand == "cancel" || $TheCommand == "remove") {
         if ($Element == 31 && $USER["b_tech_planet"] != 0 || ($Element == 15 || $Element == 21) && !empty($PLANET['b_hangar_id'])) {
             $TheCommand = '';
         switch ($TheCommand) {
             case 'cancel':
             case 'remove':
                 $this->RemoveBuildingFromQueue($ListID, $PlanetRess);
             case 'insert':
                 $this->AddBuildingToQueue($Element, true);
             case 'destroy':
                 $this->AddBuildingToQueue($Element, false);
     $Queue = $this->ShowBuildingQueue();
     $template = new template();
     $CanBuildElement = count($Queue) < MAX_BUILDING_QUEUE_SIZE ? true : false;
     $BuildingPage = "";
     $CurrentMaxFields = CalculateMaxPlanetFields($PLANET);
     $RoomIsOk = $PLANET["field_current"] < $CurrentMaxFields - count($Queue) ? true : false;
     $BuildEnergy = $USER[$resource[113]];
     $BuildLevelFactor = 10;
     $BuildTemp = $PLANET['temp_max'];
     foreach ($reslist['allow'][$PLANET['planet_type']] as $ID => $Element) {
         if (!IsTechnologieAccessible($USER, $PLANET, $Element)) {
         $HaveRessources = IsElementBuyable($USER, $PLANET, $Element, true, false);
         if (in_array($Element, $reslist['prod'])) {
             $BuildLevel = $PLANET[$resource[$Element]];
             $Need = floor(eval($ProdGrid[$Element]['formule']['energy']) * $CONF['resource_multiplier']) * (1 + ($this->TIME - $this->USER[$resource[704]] <= 0) ? 1 + $ExtraDM[704]['add'] : 1);
             $BuildLevel += 1;
             $Prod = floor(eval($ProdGrid[$Element]['formule']['energy']) * $CONF['resource_multiplier']) * (1 + ($this->TIME - $this->USER[$resource[704]] <= 0) ? 1 + $ExtraDM[704]['add'] : 1);
             $EnergyNeed = $Prod - $Need;
         } else {
         $parse['click'] = '';
         $NextBuildLevel = $PLANET[$resource[$Element]] + 1;
         if ($RoomIsOk && $CanBuildElement) {
             $parse['click'] = $HaveRessources == true ? "<a href=\"game.php?page=buildings&amp;cmd=insert&amp;building=" . $Element . "\"><span style=\"color:#00FF00\">" . ($PLANET['b_building'] != 0 ? $LNG['bd_add_to_list'] : ($NextBuildLevel == 1 ? $LNG['bd_build'] : $LNG['bd_build_next_level'] . $NextBuildLevel)) . "</span></a>" : "<span style=\"color:#FF0000\">" . ($NextBuildLevel == 1 ? $LNG['bd_build'] : $LNG['bd_build_next_level'] . $NextBuildLevel) . "</span>";
         } elseif ($RoomIsOk && !$CanBuildElement) {
             $parse['click'] = "<span style=\"color:#FF0000\">" . ($NextBuildLevel == 1 ? $LNG['bd_build'] : $LNG['bd_build_next_level'] . $NextBuildLevel) . "</span>";
         } else {
             $parse['click'] = "<span style=\"color:#FF0000\">" . $LNG['bd_no_more_fields'] . "</span>";
         if (($Element == 6 || $Element == 31) && $USER['b_tech'] > TIMESTAMP) {
             $parse['click'] = "<span style=\"color:#FF0000\">" . $LNG['bd_working'] . "</span>";
         } elseif (($Element == 15 || $Element == 21) && !empty($PLANET['b_hangar_id'])) {
             $parse['click'] = "<span style=\"color:#FF0000\">" . $LNG['bd_working'] . "</span>";
         $BuildInfoList[] = array('id' => $Element, 'name' => $LNG['tech'][$Element], 'descriptions' => $LNG['res']['descriptions'][$Element], 'level' => $PLANET[$resource[$Element]], 'destroyress' => array_map('pretty_number', GetBuildingPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, true, true)), 'destroytime' => pretty_time(GetBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element, true)), 'price' => GetElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $Element, true), 'time' => pretty_time(GetBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $Element)), 'EnergyNeed' => isset($EnergyNeed) ? sprintf($EnergyNeed < 0 ? $LNG['bd_need_engine'] : $LNG['bd_more_engine'], pretty_number(abs($EnergyNeed)), $LNG['Energy']) : "", 'BuildLink' => $parse['click'], 'restprice' => $this->GetRestPrice($Element));
     if ($PLANET['b_building'] != 0) {
         $template->assign_vars(array('data' => json_encode(array('bd_cancel' => $LNG['bd_cancel'], 'bd_continue' => $LNG['bd_continue'], 'bd_finished' => $LNG['bd_finished'], 'build' => $Queue))));
     $template->assign_vars(array('BuildInfoList' => $BuildInfoList, 'bd_lvl' => $LNG['bd_lvl'], 'bd_next_level' => $LNG['bd_next_level'], 'Metal' => $LNG['Metal'], 'Crystal' => $LNG['Crystal'], 'Deuterium' => $LNG['Deuterium'], 'Norio' => $LNG['Norio'], 'Darkmatter' => $LNG['Darkmatter'], 'bd_dismantle' => $LNG['bd_dismantle'], 'fgf_time' => $LNG['fgf_time'], 'bd_remaining' => $LNG['bd_remaining'], 'bd_jump_gate_action' => $LNG['bd_jump_gate_action'], 'bd_price_for_destroy' => $LNG['bd_price_for_destroy'], 'bd_destroy_time' => $LNG['bd_destroy_time']));