예제 #1
function WIDGET_mootickerRSS($block = 'gl_mootickerRSS', $id = 'gl_mooticker')
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_WIDGETS;
    $query = "SELECT bid, rdfurl, rdflimit, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rdfupdated) AS date FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE type = 'portal' AND is_enabled = 0";
    // Update feeds from blocks where 'is_enabled' -tag is set to 0
    $blocksql['mysql'] = $query;
    $blocksql['mssql'] .= $query;
    $result = DB_query($blocksql);
    $nrows = DB_numRows($result);
    $blocks = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) {
        $blocks[] = DB_fetchArray($result);
    // Loop though resulting sorted array and pass associative arrays
    // to COM_rdfCheck
    foreach ($blocks as $A) {
        COM_rdfCheck($A['bid'], $A['rdfurl'], $A['date'], $A['rdflimit']);
    $retval = '';
    $result = DB_query("SELECT *, rdfupdated as date FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE name='" . DB_escapeString($block) . "'");
    $numRows = DB_numRows($result);
    if ($numRows < 1 || $result == NULL) {
        return $retval;
    $B = DB_fetchArray($result);
    if ($B['is_enabled'] == 0) {
        COM_formatBlock($B, true);
        $retval = <<<EOT
<script type="text/javascript">
var MooTicker=new Class({options:{controls:true,delay:2000,duration:800,blankimage:'{site_url}/images/speck.gif'},initialize:function(b,c){this.setOptions(c);this.element=\$(b)||null;this.element.addEvents({'mouseenter':this.stop.bind(this),'mouseleave':this.play.bind(this)});this.news=this.element.getElements('ul li');this.current=0;this.fx=[];this.news.getParent().setStyle('position','relative');var d=this;this.news.each(function(a,i){a.setStyle('position','absolute');this.fx[i]=new Fx.Style(a,'opacity',{duration:this.options.duration,onStart:function(){d.transitioning=true},onComplete:function(){d.transitioning=false}}).set(1);if(!i)return;a.setStyle('opacity',0)},this);if(this.options.controls)this.addControls();this.status='stop';window.addEvent('load',this.play.bind(this));return this},addControls:function(){var a=new Element('span',{'class':'controls'}).injectTop(this.element);this.arrowPrev=new Element('img',{'class':'control-prev','title':'{prev}','alt':'{prev}','src':this.options.blankimage}).inject(a);this.arrowNext=new Element('img',{'class':'control-next','title':'{next}','alt':'{next}','src':this.options.blankimage}).inject(a);this.arrowPrev.addEvent('click',this.previous.bind(this));this.arrowNext.addEvent('click',this.next.bind(this));return this},previous:function(){if(this.transitioning)return this;var a=(!this.current)?this.news.length-1:this.current-1;this.fx[this.current].start(0);this.fx[a].start(1);this.current=a;return this},next:function(){if(this.transitioning)return this;var a=(this.current==this.news.length-1)?0:this.current+1;this.fx[this.current].start(0);this.fx[a].start(1);this.current=a;return this},play:function(){if(this.status=='play')return this;this.status='play';this.timer=this.next.periodical(this.options.delay+this.options.duration,this);return this},stop:function(){this.status='stop';\$clear(this.timer);return this}});MooTicker.implement(new Options,new Events);
<script type="text/javascript">
         window.addEvent('domready', function() {
                 var x = new MooTicker('{$id}', {
                         controls: true,
                         delay: 2500,
                         duration: 600 });
<div id="{$id}">
        $retval = str_replace('{site_url}', $_CONF['site_url'], $retval);
        $retval = str_replace('{prev}', $LANG_WIDGETS['prev'], $retval);
        $retval = str_replace('{next}', $LANG_WIDGETS['next'], $retval);
        $retval .= '<span class="tickertitle">' . $LANG_WIDGETS['latest_news'] . ':</span>';
        $retval .= $B['content'] . '</div>';
    return $retval;
예제 #2
* Formats a Geeklog block
* This shows a single block and is typically called from
* COM_showBlocks OR from plugin code
* @param        array     $A          Block Record
* @param        boolean   $noboxes    Set to true if userpref is no blocks
* @return       string    HTML Formated block
function COM_formatBlock($A, $noboxes = false)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG21;
    $retval = '';
    $lang = COM_getLanguageId();
    if (!empty($lang)) {
        $blocksql['mssql'] = "SELECT bid, is_enabled, name, type, title, tid, blockorder, cast(content as text) as content, ";
        $blocksql['mssql'] .= "rdfurl, rdfupdated, rdflimit, onleft, phpblockfn, help, owner_id, ";
        $blocksql['mssql'] .= "group_id, perm_owner, perm_group, perm_members, perm_anon, allow_autotags,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rdfupdated) AS date ";
        $blocksql['mysql'] = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rdfupdated) AS date ";
        $blocksql['pgsql'] = 'SELECT *, date_part(\'epoch\', rdfupdated) AS date';
        $commonsql = "FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE name = '" . $A['name'] . '_' . $lang . "'";
        $blocksql['mysql'] .= $commonsql;
        $blocksql['mssql'] .= $commonsql;
        $blocksql['pgsql'] .= $commonsql;
        $result = DB_query($blocksql);
        if (DB_numRows($result) == 1) {
            // overwrite with data for language-specific block
            $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
    if (array_key_exists('onleft', $A)) {
        if ($A['onleft'] == 1) {
            $position = 'left';
        } else {
            $position = 'right';
    } else {
        $position = '';
    if ($A['type'] == 'portal') {
        if (COM_rdfCheck($A['bid'], $A['rdfurl'], $A['date'], $A['rdflimit'])) {
            $A['content'] = DB_getItem($_TABLES['blocks'], 'content', "bid = '{$A['bid']}'");
    if ($A['type'] == 'gldefault') {
        $retval .= COM_showBlock($A['name'], $A['help'], $A['title'], $position);
    if ($A['type'] == 'phpblock' && !$noboxes) {
        if (!($A['name'] == 'whosonline_block' and DB_getItem($_TABLES['blocks'], 'is_enabled', "name='whosonline_block'") == 0)) {
            $function = $A['phpblockfn'];
            $matches = array();
            if (preg_match('/^(phpblock_\\w*)\\((.*)\\)$/', $function, $matches) == 1) {
                $function = $matches[1];
                $args = $matches[2];
            $blkheader = COM_startBlock($A['title'], $A['help'], COM_getBlockTemplate($A['name'], 'header', $position));
            $blkfooter = COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate($A['name'], 'footer', $position));
            if (function_exists($function)) {
                if (isset($args)) {
                    $fretval = $function($A, $args);
                } else {
                    $fretval = $function();
                if (!empty($fretval)) {
                    $retval .= $blkheader;
                    $retval .= $fretval;
                    $retval .= $blkfooter;
            } else {
                // show error message
                $retval .= $blkheader;
                $retval .= sprintf($LANG21[31], $function);
                $retval .= $blkfooter;
    if (!empty($A['content']) && trim($A['content']) != '' && !$noboxes) {
        $blockcontent = stripslashes($A['content']);
        // Hack: If the block content starts with a '<' assume it
        // contains HTML and do not call nl2br() which would only add
        // unwanted <br> tags.
        if (substr($blockcontent, 0, 1) != '<') {
            $blockcontent = nl2br($blockcontent);
        // autotags are only(!) allowed in normal blocks
        if ($A['allow_autotags'] == 1 && $A['type'] == 'normal') {
            $blockcontent = PLG_replaceTags($blockcontent);
        $blockcontent = str_replace(array('<?', '?>'), '', $blockcontent);
        $retval .= COM_startBlock($A['title'], $A['help'], COM_getBlockTemplate($A['name'], 'header', $position)) . $blockcontent . LB . COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate($A['name'], 'footer', $position));
    return $retval;
예제 #3
 * Formats a Geeklog block
 * This shows a single block and is typically called from
 * COM_showBlocks OR from plugin code
 * @param        array   $A          Block Record
 * @param        boolean $noBoxes    Set to true if userpref is no blocks
 * @param        boolean $noPosition Set to true if you don't want to use the left or right side footer and header of
 *                                   block
 * @return       string              HTML Formatted block
function COM_formatBlock($A, $noBoxes = false, $noPosition = false)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG21, $_DEVICE;
    $retval = '';
    $lang = COM_getLanguageId();
    if (!empty($lang)) {
        $blockSql['mysql'] = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rdfupdated) AS date ";
        $blockSql['pgsql'] = "SELECT *, date_part('epoch', rdfupdated) AS date ";
        $commonSql = "FROM {$_TABLES['blocks']} WHERE name = '" . $A['name'] . '_' . $lang . "'";
        $blockSql['mysql'] .= $commonSql;
        $blockSql['pgsql'] .= $commonSql;
        $result = DB_query($blockSql);
        if (DB_numRows($result) == 1) {
            // overwrite with data for language-specific block
            $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
    // Make sure block can be used by specific device
    // If no device column found then bypass compare check (could happen with dynamic blocks that do not pass device)
    if (!isset($A['device']) || $_DEVICE->compare($A['device'])) {
        if (array_key_exists('onleft', $A) && !$noPosition) {
            $position = $A['onleft'] == 1 ? 'left' : 'right';
        } else {
            $position = '';
        if ($A['type'] === 'portal') {
            if (COM_rdfCheck($A['bid'], $A['rdfurl'], $A['date'], $A['rdflimit'])) {
                $A['content'] = DB_getItem($_TABLES['blocks'], 'content', "bid = '{$A['bid']}'");
        if ($A['type'] === 'gldefault') {
            $retval .= COM_showBlock($A['name'], $A['help'], $A['title'], $position);
        } else {
            // The only time cache_time would not be set if for dynamic blocks (they can handle their own caching if needed)
            // Don't Cache default blocks either
            if (isset($A['cache_time']) && ($A['cache_time'] > 0 || $A['cache_time'] == -1)) {
                $cacheInstance = 'block__' . $A['bid'] . '__' . CACHE_security_hash() . '__' . $_CONF['theme'];
                $retval = CACHE_check_instance($cacheInstance);
                if ($retval && $A['cache_time'] == -1) {
                    return $retval;
                } elseif ($retval && $A['cache_time'] > 0) {
                    $lu = CACHE_get_instance_update($cacheInstance);
                    $now = time();
                    if ($now - $lu < $A['cache_time']) {
                        return $retval;
                    } else {
                        $retval = '';
        if ($A['type'] === 'phpblock' && !$noBoxes) {
            if (!($A['name'] === 'whosonline_block' && DB_getItem($_TABLES['blocks'], 'is_enabled', "name='whosonline_block'") == 0)) {
                $function = $A['phpblockfn'];
                $matches = array();
                if (preg_match('/^(phpblock_\\w*)\\((.*)\\)$/', $function, $matches) == 1) {
                    $function = $matches[1];
                    $args = $matches[2];
                $blockHeader = COM_startBlock($A['title'], $A['help'], COM_getBlockTemplate($A['name'], 'header', $position));
                $blockFooter = COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate($A['name'], 'footer', $position));
                if (function_exists($function)) {
                    if (isset($args)) {
                        $fRetval = $function($A, $args);
                    } else {
                        $fRetval = $function();
                    if (!empty($fRetval)) {
                        $retval .= $blockHeader;
                        $retval .= $fRetval;
                        $retval .= $blockFooter;
                } else {
                    // show error message
                    $retval .= $blockHeader;
                    $retval .= sprintf($LANG21[31], $function);
                    $retval .= $blockFooter;
        if (!empty($A['content']) && trim($A['content']) != '' && !$noBoxes) {
            $blockContent = stripslashes($A['content']);
            // Hack: If the block content starts with a '<' assume it
            // contains HTML and do not call COM_nl2br() which would only add
            // unwanted <br> tags.
            if (substr(trim($blockContent), 0, 1) != '<') {
                $blockContent = COM_nl2br($blockContent);
            // autotags are only(!) allowed in normal blocks
            if ($A['allow_autotags'] == 1 && $A['type'] === 'normal') {
                $blockContent = PLG_replaceTags($blockContent);
            $blockContent = str_replace(array('<?', '?>'), '', $blockContent);
            $retval .= COM_startBlock($A['title'], $A['help'], COM_getBlockTemplate($A['name'], 'header', $position)) . $blockContent . LB . COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate($A['name'], 'footer', $position));
        // Cache only if enabled and not gldefault or dynamic
        if (isset($A['cache_time']) && ($A['cache_time'] > 0 || $A['cache_time'] == -1) && $A['type'] !== 'gldefault') {
            CACHE_create_instance($cacheInstance, $retval);
    return $retval;