/** * used for the list of users in admin/user.php * */ function ADMIN_getListField_ratings($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr) { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG04, $LANG28, $LANG_GF98, $_FF_CONF; $retval = ''; switch ($fieldname) { case 'grade': $retval = intval($fieldvalue); break; case 'rating': $retval = '<input type="text" name="new_rating-' . $A['uid'] . '" value="' . intval($A['rating']) . '" size="5" />'; break; case 'voter_id': $uname = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'username', 'uid=' . $A['voter_id']); $retval = COM_createLink($uname, $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/forum/userrating_detail.php?vid=' . $A['voter_id']); break; case 'user_id': $uname = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'username', 'uid=' . $A['user_id']); if ($uname == '') { $retval = COM_createLink($A['user_id'], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/forum/userrating_detail.php?uid=' . $A['user_id']); } else { $retval = COM_createLink($uname, $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/forum/userrating_detail.php?uid=' . $A['user_id']); } break; case 'topic_id': if (intval($A['topic_id']) > 0) { $res = DB_query("SELECT id,pid,forum,subject,comment,status FROM {$_TABLES['ff_topic']} WHERE id=" . $A['topic_id']); list($id, $pid, $forum, $subject, $comment, $status) = DB_fetchArray($res); $testText = FF_formatTextBlock($comment, 'text', 'text', $status); $testText = strip_tags($testText); $lastpostinfogll = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('#\\r?\\n#', '<br>', strip_tags(substr($testText, 0, $_FF_CONF['contentinfo_numchars']) . '...')), ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()); if ($subject == '') { $subject = '<em>' . $LANG_GF98['no_subject_defined'] . '</em>'; } $retval = '<a class="' . COM_getTooltipStyle() . '" style="text-decoration:none;" href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=' . ($pid == 0 ? $id : $pid) . '&topic=' . $id . '#' . $id . '" title="' . $subject . '::' . $lastpostinfogll . '" rel="nofollow">' . $subject . '</a>'; } elseif ($A['topic_id'] == -1) { $retval = $LANG_GF98['admin_set_value']; } else { $retval = $LANG_GF98['no_topic_defined']; } break; case 'username': $retval = COM_createLink($fieldvalue, $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/forum/userrating_detail.php?uid=' . $A['uid']); break; case $_TABLES['users'] . '.uid': $retval = $A['uid']; break; default: $retval = $fieldvalue; break; } return $retval; }
function _ff_getListField_gettopic($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr) { global $_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG04, $LANG28, $_IMAGE_TYPE; global $_FF_CONF, $_SYSTEM, $LANG_GF02, $LANG_GF03; USES_lib_html2text(); $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']); $retval = ''; switch ($fieldname) { case 'author': $retval = $A['name']; break; case 'date': $dt->setTimestamp($fieldvalue); $retval = $dt->format($_FF_CONF['default_Datetime_format'], true); break; case 'lastupdated': $dt->setTimestamp($fieldvalue); $retval = $dt->format($_FF_CONF['default_Datetime_format'], true); break; case 'subject': $testText = FF_formatTextBlock($A['comment'], 'text', 'text', $A['status']); $testText = strip_tags($testText); $html2txt = new html2text($testText, false); $testText = trim($html2txt->get_text()); $lastpostinfogll = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('#\\r?\\n#', '<br>', strip_tags(substr($testText, 0, $_FF_CONF['contentinfo_numchars']) . '...')), ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()); $retval = '<span class="' . COM_getTooltipStyle() . '" style="text-decoration:none;" title="' . $A['subject'] . '::' . $lastpostinfogll . '">' . $fieldvalue . '</span>'; break; case 'select': $retval = '[ <a href="#" onclick="insert_topic(\'' . $A['id'] . '\'); return false;">' . $LANG_GF03['select'] . '</a> ]'; break; default: $retval = $fieldvalue; break; } return $retval; }
/** * Shows a profile for a user * * This grabs the user profile for a given user and displays it * * @return string HTML for user profile page * */ function userprofile() { global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG01, $LANG04, $LANG09, $LANG28, $LANG_LOGIN; // @param int $user User ID of profile to get // @param int $msg Message to display (if != 0) // @param string $plugin optional plugin name for message $retval = ''; if (COM_isAnonUser() && ($_CONF['loginrequired'] == 1 || $_CONF['profileloginrequired'] == 1)) { $retval .= SEC_loginRequiredForm(); return $retval; } if (isset($_GET['uid'])) { $user = COM_applyFilter($_GET['uid'], true); if (!is_numeric($user) || $user < 2) { echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } } else { if (isset($_GET['username'])) { $username = $_GET['username']; if (!USER_validateUsername($username, 1)) { echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } if (empty($username) || $username == '') { echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } $username = DB_escapeString($username); $user = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'uid', "username = '******'"); if ($user < 2) { echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } } else { echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } } $msg = 0; if (isset($_GET['msg'])) { $msg = COM_applyFilter($_GET['msg'], true); } $plugin = ''; if ($msg > 0 && isset($_GET['plugin'])) { $plugin = COM_applyFilter($_GET['plugin']); } $result = DB_query("SELECT {$_TABLES['users']}.uid,username,fullname,regdate,lastlogin,homepage,about,location,pgpkey,photo,email,status,emailfromadmin,emailfromuser,showonline FROM {$_TABLES['userinfo']},{$_TABLES['userprefs']},{$_TABLES['users']} WHERE {$_TABLES['userinfo']}.uid = {$_TABLES['users']}.uid AND {$_TABLES['userinfo']}.uid = {$_TABLES['userprefs']}.uid AND {$_TABLES['users']}.uid = " . (int) $user); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); if ($nrows == 0) { // no such user echo COM_refresh($_CONF['site_url'] . '/index.php'); } $A = DB_fetchArray($result); if ($A['status'] == USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED && !SEC_hasRights('user.edit')) { COM_displayMessageAndAbort(30, '', 403, 'Forbidden'); } $display_name = @htmlspecialchars(COM_getDisplayName($user, $A['username'], $A['fullname']), ENT_COMPAT, COM_getEncodingt()); if ($msg > 0) { $retval .= COM_showMessage($msg, $plugin, '', 0, 'info'); } // format date/time to user preference $curtime = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat($A['regdate']); $A['regdate'] = $curtime[0]; $user_templates = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'users'); $user_templates->set_file(array('profile' => 'profile.thtml', 'email' => 'email.thtml', 'row' => 'commentrow.thtml', 'strow' => 'storyrow.thtml')); $user_templates->set_var('layout_url', $_CONF['layout_url']); $user_templates->set_var('start_block_userprofile', COM_startBlock($LANG04[1] . ' ' . $display_name)); $user_templates->set_var('end_block', COM_endBlock()); $user_templates->set_var('lang_username', $LANG04[2]); $user_templates->set_var('tooltip', COM_getTooltipStyle()); if ($_CONF['show_fullname'] == 1) { if (empty($A['fullname'])) { $username = $A['username']; $fullname = ''; } else { $username = $A['fullname']; $fullname = $A['username']; } } else { $username = $A['username']; $fullname = ''; } $username = @htmlspecialchars($username, ENT_COMPAT, COM_getEncodingt()); $fullname = @htmlspecialchars($fullname, ENT_COMPAT, COM_getEncodingt()); if ($A['status'] == USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED) { $username = sprintf('%s - %s', $username, $LANG28[42]); if (!empty($fullname)) { $fullname = sprintf('% - %s', $fullname, $LANG28[42]); } } $user_templates->set_var('username', $username); $user_templates->set_var('user_fullname', $fullname); if (SEC_hasRights('user.edit') || isset($_USER['uid']) && $_USER['uid'] == $A['uid']) { global $_IMAGE_TYPE, $LANG_ADMIN; $edit_icon = '<img src="' . $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/edit.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE . '" alt="' . $LANG_ADMIN['edit'] . '" title="' . $LANG_ADMIN['edit'] . '" />'; if ($_USER['uid'] == $A['uid']) { $edit_url = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/usersettings.php"; } else { $edit_url = "{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/user.php?edit=x&uid={$A['uid']}"; } $edit_link_url = COM_createLink($edit_icon, $edit_url); $user_templates->set_var('edit_icon', $edit_icon); $user_templates->set_var('edit_link', $edit_link_url); $user_templates->set_var('user_edit', $edit_url); } else { $user_templates->set_var('user_edit', ''); } if (isset($A['photo']) && empty($A['photo'])) { $A['photo'] = '(none)'; // user does not have a photo } $lastlogin = $A['lastlogin']; $lasttime = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat($lastlogin); $photo = USER_getPhoto($user, $A['photo'], $A['email'], -1, 0); $user_templates->set_var('user_photo', $photo); $user_templates->set_var('lang_membersince', $LANG04[67]); $user_templates->set_var('user_regdate', $A['regdate']); if ($_CONF['lastlogin'] && $A['showonline']) { $user_templates->set_var('lang_lastlogin', $LANG28[35]); if (!empty($lastlogin)) { $user_templates->set_var('user_lastlogin', $lasttime[0]); } else { $user_templates->set_var('user_lastlogin', $LANG28[36]); } } if ($A['showonline']) { if (DB_count($_TABLES['sessions'], 'uid', (int) $user)) { $user_templates->set_var('online', 'online'); } } $user_templates->set_var('lang_email', $LANG04[5]); $user_templates->set_var('user_id', $user); if ($A['email'] == '' || $A['emailfromuser'] == 0) { $user_templates->set_var('email_option', ''); } else { $user_templates->set_var('lang_sendemail', $LANG04[81]); $user_templates->parse('email_option', 'email', true); } $user_templates->set_var('lang_homepage', $LANG04[6]); $user_templates->set_var('user_homepage', COM_killJS($A['homepage'])); $user_templates->set_var('lang_location', $LANG04[106]); $user_templates->set_var('user_location', strip_tags($A['location'])); $user_templates->set_var('lang_online', $LANG04[160]); $user_templates->set_var('lang_bio', $LANG04[7]); $user_templates->set_var('user_bio', nl2br($A['about'])); $user_templates->set_var('follow_me', SOC_getFollowMeIcons($user, 'follow_user_profile.thtml')); $user_templates->set_var('lang_pgpkey', $LANG04[8]); $user_templates->set_var('user_pgp', nl2br($A['pgpkey'])); $user_templates->set_var('start_block_last10stories', COM_startBlock($LANG04[82] . ' ' . $display_name)); if (!isset($_CONF['comment_engine']) || $_CONF['comment_engine'] == 'internal') { $user_templates->set_var('start_block_last10comments', COM_startBlock($LANG04[10] . ' ' . $display_name)); } $user_templates->set_var('start_block_postingstats', COM_startBlock($LANG04[83] . ' ' . $display_name)); $user_templates->set_var('lang_title', $LANG09[16]); $user_templates->set_var('lang_date', $LANG09[17]); // for alternative layouts: use these as headlines instead of block titles $user_templates->set_var('headline_last10stories', $LANG04[82] . ' ' . $display_name); if (!isset($_CONF['comment_engine']) || $_CONF['comment_engine'] == 'internal') { $user_templates->set_var('headline_last10comments', $LANG04[10] . ' ' . $display_name); } $user_templates->set_var('headline_postingstats', $LANG04[83] . ' ' . $display_name); $result = DB_query("SELECT tid FROM {$_TABLES['topics']}" . COM_getPermSQL()); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); $tids = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) { $T = DB_fetchArray($result); $tids[] = $T['tid']; } $topics = "'" . implode("','", $tids) . "'"; // list of last 10 stories by this user if (sizeof($tids) > 0) { $sql = "SELECT sid,title,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS unixdate FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (uid = '" . (int) $user . "') AND (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW()) AND (tid IN ({$topics}))" . COM_getPermSQL('AND'); $sql .= " ORDER BY unixdate DESC LIMIT 10"; $result = DB_query($sql); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); } else { $nrows = 0; } if ($nrows > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) { $C = DB_fetchArray($result); $user_templates->set_var('cssid', $i % 2 + 1); $user_templates->set_var('row_number', $i + 1 . '.'); $articleUrl = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $C['sid']); $user_templates->set_var('article_url', $articleUrl); $C['title'] = str_replace('$', '$', $C['title']); $user_templates->set_var('story_title', COM_createLink($C['title'], $articleUrl, array('class' => ''))); $storytime = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat($C['unixdate']); $user_templates->set_var('story_date', $storytime[0]); $user_templates->parse('story_row', 'strow', true); } } else { $user_templates->set_var('story_row', '<tr><td>' . $LANG01[37] . '</td></tr>'); } if (!isset($_CONF['comment_engine']) || $_CONF['comment_engine'] == 'internal') { // list of last 10 comments by this user $sidArray = array(); if (sizeof($tids) > 0) { // first, get a list of all stories the current visitor has access to $sql = "SELECT sid FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW()) AND (tid IN ({$topics}))" . COM_getPermSQL('AND'); $result = DB_query($sql); $numsids = DB_numRows($result); for ($i = 1; $i <= $numsids; $i++) { $S = DB_fetchArray($result); $sidArray[] = $S['sid']; } } $sidList = implode("', '", $sidArray); $sidList = "'{$sidList}'"; // then, find all comments by the user in those stories $sql = "SELECT sid,title,cid,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS unixdate FROM {$_TABLES['comments']} WHERE (uid = '" . (int) $user . "') GROUP BY sid,title,cid,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date)"; // SQL NOTE: Using a HAVING clause is usually faster than a where if the // field is part of the select // if (!empty ($sidList)) { // $sql .= " AND (sid in ($sidList))"; // } if (!empty($sidList)) { $sql .= " HAVING sid in ({$sidList})"; } $sql .= " ORDER BY unixdate DESC LIMIT 10"; $result = DB_query($sql); $nrows = DB_numRows($result); if ($nrows > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) { $C = DB_fetchArray($result); $user_templates->set_var('cssid', $i % 2 + 1); $user_templates->set_var('row_number', $i + 1 . '.'); $C['title'] = str_replace('$', '$', $C['title']); $comment_url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/comment.php?mode=view&cid=' . $C['cid']; $user_templates->set_var('comment_title', COM_createLink($C['title'], $comment_url, array('class' => ''))); $commenttime = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat($C['unixdate']); $user_templates->set_var('comment_date', $commenttime[0]); $user_templates->parse('comment_row', 'row', true); } } else { $user_templates->set_var('comment_row', '<tr><td>' . $LANG01[29] . '</td></tr>'); } } // posting stats for this user $user_templates->set_var('lang_number_stories', $LANG04[84]); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (uid = " . (int) $user . ") AND (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW())" . COM_getPermSQL('AND'); $result = DB_query($sql); $N = DB_fetchArray($result); $user_templates->set_var('number_stories', COM_numberFormat($N['count'])); if (!isset($_CONF['comment_engine']) || $_CONF['comment_engine'] == 'internal') { $user_templates->set_var('lang_number_comments', $LANG04[85]); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['comments']} WHERE (uid = " . (int) $user . ")"; if (!empty($sidList)) { $sql .= " AND (sid in ({$sidList}))"; } $result = DB_query($sql); $N = DB_fetchArray($result); $user_templates->set_var('number_comments', COM_numberFormat($N['count'])); $user_templates->set_var('lang_all_postings_by', $LANG04[86] . ' ' . $display_name); } // hook to the profile icon display $profileIcons = PLG_profileIconDisplay($user); if (is_array($profileIcons) && count($profileIcons) > 0) { $user_templates->set_block('profile', 'profileicon', 'pi'); for ($x = 0; $x < count($profileIcons); $x++) { if (isset($profileIcons[$x]['url']) && $profileIcons[$x]['url'] != '' && isset($profileIcons[$x]['icon']) && $profileIcons[$x]['icon'] != '') { $user_templates->set_var('profile_icon_url', $profileIcons[$x]['url']); $user_templates->set_var('profile_icon_icon', $profileIcons[$x]['icon']); $user_templates->set_var('profile_icon_text', $profileIcons[$x]['text']); $user_templates->parse('pi', 'profileicon', true); } } } // Call custom registration function if enabled and exists if ($_CONF['custom_registration'] && function_exists('CUSTOM_userDisplay')) { $user_templates->set_var('customfields', CUSTOM_userDisplay($user)); } PLG_profileVariablesDisplay($user, $user_templates); $user_templates->parse('output', 'profile'); $retval .= $user_templates->finish($user_templates->get_var('output')); $retval .= PLG_profileBlocksDisplay($user); return $retval; }
/** * used for the list of plugins in admin/plugins.php * */ function PLUGINS_getListField($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr, $token) { global $_CONF, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG32, $_PLUGINS, $pluginData; $retval = false; $update = $A['update'] == 1 ? true : false; $bundled = $A['bundled'] == 1 ? true : false; $installed = $A['installed'] == 1 ? true : false; $enabled = $A['pi_enabled'] == 1 ? true : false; switch ($fieldname) { case 'control': if (!$installed) { $attr['title'] = $LANG32[60]; $attr['onclick'] = 'return confirm(\'' . $LANG32[80] . '\');'; $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['add'], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/' . $A['pi_name'] . '/install.php' . '?action=install' . '&' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token, $attr); } else { if ($enabled) { $switch = ' checked="checked"'; $title = 'title="' . $LANG_ADMIN['disable'] . '" '; } else { $switch = ''; $title = 'title="' . $LANG_ADMIN['enable'] . '" '; } $retval = '<input type="checkbox" name="enabledplugins[' . $A['pi_name'] . ']"' . ' onclick="submit()" value="1"' . $switch . $title . XHTML . ">"; $retval .= '<input type="hidden" name="pluginarray[' . $A['pi_name'] . ']" value="1" />'; } break; case 'version': if ($update) { $retval = $A['pi_version'] . ' '; $attr['title'] = $LANG32[38]; $attr['onclick'] = 'return confirm(\'' . $LANG32[77] . '\');'; $attr['style'] = 'vertical-align:top;'; $retval .= COM_createLink($icon_arr['update'], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins.php' . '?update=x' . '&pi_name=' . $A['pi_name'] . '&' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token, $attr); $retval .= ' <span class="warning">' . $A['pi_code_version'] . '</span><br ' . XHTML . '>'; } elseif ($enabled) { $retval = $A['pi_version']; } elseif (!$installed) { $retval = '<span class="disabledfield">' . $A['pi_code_version'] . '</span>'; } else { $retval = '<span class="disabledfield">' . $A['pi_version'] . '</span>'; } break; case 'info': $tip = $A['name'] . '::' . $A['description'] . '<p><b>' . $LANG32[81] . ':</b></p>' . '<p>' . $A['maintainer'] . '</p>' . '<p><b>' . $LANG32[82] . ':</b></p>' . '<p>glFusion: v' . $A['glfusionversion'] . '<br />' . 'PHP: v' . $A['phpversion'] . '</p>'; $attr['class'] = COM_getTooltipStyle(); $attr['title'] = $tip; if ($enabled) { $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['info'], '#', $attr); } else { $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['greyinfo'], '#', $attr); } break; case 'bundled': if ($bundled) { $retval = $enabled ? $icon_arr['check'] : $icon_arr['greycheck']; } else { $retval = ''; } break; case 'pi_homepage': if ($enabled) { $attr['target'] = '_blank'; $retval = COM_createLink($fieldvalue, $fieldvalue, $attr); } else { $retval = $enabled ? $fieldvalue : '<span class="disabledfield">' . $fieldvalue . '</span>'; } break; case 'unplug': if ($installed) { $attr['title'] = $LANG32[79]; $attr['onclick'] = 'return doubleconfirm(\'' . $LANG32[76] . '\',\'' . $LANG32[31] . '\');'; $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['delete'], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins.php' . '?delete=x' . '&pi_name=' . $A['pi_name'] . '&' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token, $attr); } else { $attr['title'] = $LANG32[79]; $attr['onclick'] = 'return doubleconfirm(\'' . $LANG32[88] . '\',\'' . $LANG32[89] . '\');'; $retval = COM_createLink($icon_arr['delete'], $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins.php' . '?remove=x' . '&pi_name=' . $A['pi_name'] . '&' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token, $attr); } break; default: $retval = $enabled ? $fieldvalue : '<span class="disabledfield">' . $fieldvalue . '</span>'; break; } return $retval; }
function _ff_getListField_forum($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $A, $icon_arr) { global $_CONF, $_USER, $_TABLES, $LANG_ADMIN, $LANG04, $LANG28, $_IMAGE_TYPE; global $_FF_CONF, $_SYSTEM, $LANG_GF02; if (!isset($A['status'])) { $A['status'] = 0; } USES_lib_html2text(); $retval = ''; $dt = new Date('now', $_USER['tzid']); switch ($fieldname) { case 'date': case 'lastupdated': $dt->setTimestamp($fieldvalue); $retval = $dt->format($_FF_CONF['default_Datetime_format'], true); break; case 'subject': $testText = FF_formatTextBlock($A['comment'], 'text', 'text', $A['status']); $testText = strip_tags($testText); $html2txt = new html2text($testText, false); $testText = trim($html2txt->get_text()); $lastpostinfogll = @htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('#\\r?\\n#', '<br>', strip_tags(substr($testText, 0, $_FF_CONF['contentinfo_numchars']) . '...')), ENT_QUOTES, COM_getEncodingt()); $retval = '<a class="' . COM_getTooltipStyle() . '" style="text-decoration:none;" href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=' . ($A['pid'] == 0 ? $A['id'] : $A['pid']) . '&topic=' . $A['id'] . '#' . $A['id'] . '" title="' . $A['subject'] . '::' . $lastpostinfogll . '" rel="nofollow">' . $fieldvalue . '</a>'; break; case 'bookmark': $bm_icon_on = '<img src="' . _ff_getImage('star_on_sm') . '" title="' . $LANG_GF02['msg204'] . '" alt=""/>'; $retval = '<span id="forumbookmark' . $A['topic_id'] . '"><a href="#" onclick="ajax_toggleForumBookmark(' . $A['topic_id'] . ');return false;">' . $bm_icon_on . '</a></span>'; break; case 'replies': case 'views': if ($fieldvalue != '') { $retval = $fieldvalue; } else { $retval = '0'; } break; default: $retval = $fieldvalue; break; } return $retval; }
$lastid = $B['id']; $lastcomment = $B['comment']; $P['date'] = $B['date']; if ($B['uid'] > 1) { $topicinfo .= sprintf($LANG_GF01['LASTREPLYBY'], COM_getDisplayName($B['uid'])); } else { $topicinfo .= sprintf($LANG_GF01['LASTREPLYBY'], $B['name']); } $testText = FF_formatTextBlock($B['comment'], 'text', 'text', $B['status']); $testText = strip_tags($testText); $html2txt = new html2text($testText, false); $testText = trim($html2txt->get_text()); $lastpostinfogll = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('#\\r?\\n#', '<br>', strip_tags(substr($testText, 0, $_FF_CONF['contentinfo_numchars']) . '...'))); } $link = '<a class="' . COM_getTooltipStyle() . '" style="text-decoration:none; white-space:nowrap;" href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=' . $topic_id . '&lastpost=true#' . $lastid . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($P['subject']) . '::' . $lastpostinfogll . '" rel="nofollow">'; $topiclink = '<a class="' . COM_getTooltipStyle() . '" style="text-decoration:none;" href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=' . $topic_id . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($P['subject']) . '::' . $topicinfo . '">' . $P['subject'] . '</a>'; $dt->setTimestamp($P['date']); $tdate = $dt->format($_FF_CONF['default_Datetime_format'], true); $data_arr[] = array('forum' => '<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/index.php?forum=' . $P['forum_id'] . '">' . $P['forum_name'] . '</a>', 'subject' => $topiclink, 'date' => $link . $tdate . '</a>'); if ($displayrecs >= 100) { break; } } } $retval .= ADMIN_simpleList("", $header_arr, $text_arr, $data_arr); $retval .= COM_endBlock(COM_getBlockTemplate('_admin_block', 'footer')); $display .= $retval; } else { $retval = ''; $header_arr = array(array('text' => 'User', 'field' => 'username', 'sort' => true), array('text' => 'Registered', 'field' => 'regdate', 'sort' => false), array('text' => 'Posts', 'field' => 'posts', 'sort' => false), array('text' => 'Email', 'field' => 'email', 'sort' => false), array('text' => 'WWW', 'field' => 'homepage', 'sort' => false), array('text' => 'Last', 'field' => 'lastpost', 'sort' => false)); $form_url = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/forum/memberlist.php';