예제 #1
  * update tree nodes into solr
  * @param string[] $p {
  *     @type boolean $all if true then all nodes will be updated into solr,
  *                          otherwise - only the nodes marked as updated will be reindexed in solr
  *     @type int[]  $id    id or array of object ids to update
  *     @type varchar $cron_id when this function is called by a cron then cron_id should be passed
  *     @type boolean $nolimit if true then no limit will be applied to maximum indexed nodes
  *                            (default 2000)
  * }
 public function updateTree($p = array())
     /* connect to solr service */
     $eventParams = array('class' => &$this, 'params' => &$p);
     $this->folderTemplates = \CB\Config::get('folder_templates');
     \CB\fireEvent('onBeforeSolrUpdate', $eventParams);
     /** @type int the last processed document id */
     $lastId = 0;
     $indexedDocsCount = 0;
     $all = !empty($p['all']);
     $nolimit = !empty($p['nolimit']);
     /* prepeare where condition for sql depending on incomming params */
     $where = '(t.updated > 0) AND (t.draft = 0) AND (t.id > $1)';
     if ($all) {
         $where = '(t.id > $1) AND (t.draft = 0) ';
     } elseif (!empty($p['id'])) {
         $ids = \CB\Util\toNumericArray($p['id']);
         $where = '(t.id in (0' . implode(',', $ids) . ') ) and (t.id > $1)';
     $sql = 'SELECT t.id
             ,DATE_FORMAT(t.`date`, \'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%sZ\') `date`
             ,DATE_FORMAT(t.`date_end`, \'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%sZ\') `date_end`
             ,DATE_FORMAT(t.cdate, \'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%sZ\') `cdate`
             ,DATE_FORMAT(t.udate, \'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%sZ\') `udate`
             ,DATE_FORMAT(t.ddate, \'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%sZ\') `ddate`
         FROM tree t
         LEFT JOIN tree_info ti ON t.id = ti.id
         LEFT JOIN objects o ON o.id = t.id
         where ' . $where . '
         ORDER BY t.id
         LIMIT 500';
     $docs = true;
     while (!empty($docs) && ($nolimit || $indexedDocsCount < 2000)) {
         $docs = array();
         $res = DB\dbQuery($sql, $lastId) or die(DB\dbQueryError());
         while ($r = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
             $lastId = $r['id'];
             /* process full object update only if:
                    - updated = 1
                    - specific ids are specified
                    - if $all parameter is true
             if ($all || !empty($p['id']) || $r['updated'] & 1) {
                 $r['sys_data'] = Util\toJsonArray($r['sys_data']);
                 $docs[$r['id']] = $r;
         if (!empty($docs)) {
             //append file contents for files to content field
             /* reset updated flag into database for processed documents */
             DB\dbQuery('UPDATE tree
                 SET tree.updated = 0
                     ,tree_info.updated = 0
                 WHERE tree.id in (' . implode(',', array_keys($docs)) . ')
                     AND tree_info.id = tree.id') or die(DB\dbQueryError());
             $indexedDocsCount += sizeof($docs);
     \CB\fireEvent('onSolrUpdate', $eventParams);
예제 #2
  * method to generate preview blocks and return them as an array
  * now there are only top and bottom blocks
  * top contains fields from grid, bottom - complex fileds (html, text) edited outside the grid
  * @return array
 public function getPreviewBlocks()
     $top = '';
     $body = '';
     $bottom = '';
     $gf = array();
     if (!$this->loaded && !empty($this->id)) {
     $linearData = $this->getLinearData(true);
     $template = $this->getTemplate();
     //group fields in display blocks
     foreach ($linearData as $field) {
         $tf = $template->getField($field['name']);
         if (empty($tf)) {
             //fantom data of deleted or moved fields
         if (empty($tf['cfg'])) {
             $group = 'body';
         } elseif (@$tf['cfg']['showIn'] == 'top') {
             $group = 'body';
         } elseif (@$tf['cfg']['showIn'] == 'tabsheet') {
             $group = 'bottom';
         } else {
             $group = 'body';
         //show field name if no title set
         if (empty($tf['title'])) {
             $tf['title'] = $tf['name'];
         $field['tf'] = $tf;
         $gf[$group][] = $field;
     $eventParams = array('object' => &$this, 'groupedFields' => &$gf);
     \CB\fireEvent('beforeGeneratePreview', $eventParams);
     if (!empty($gf['top'])) {
         foreach ($gf['top'] as $f) {
             if ($f['name'] == '_title') {
             $v = $template->formatValueForDisplay($f['tf'], $f);
             if (is_array($v)) {
                 $v = implode(', ', $v);
             if (!empty($v)) {
                 $top .= '<tr><td class="prop-key">' . $f['tf']['title'] . '</td><td class="prop-val">' . $v . '</td></tr>';
     if (!empty($gf['body'])) {
         $previousHeader = '';
         foreach ($gf['body'] as $f) {
             $v = $template->formatValueForDisplay($f['tf'], @$f);
             if (is_array($v)) {
                 $v = implode('<br />', $v);
             if (!empty($f['tf']['cfg']['hidePreview']) || empty($v) && empty($f['info'])) {
             $headerField = $template->getHeaderField($f['tf']['id']);
             if (!empty($headerField) && $previousHeader != $headerField) {
                 $body .= '<tr class="prop-header"><th colspan="3"' . (empty($headerField['level']) ? '' : ' style="padding-left: ' . $headerField['level'] * 20 . 'px"') . '>' . $headerField['title'] . '</th></tr>';
             $previousHeader = $headerField;
             $body .= '<tr>';
             if (empty($f['tf']['cfg']['noHeader'])) {
                 $body .= '<td' . (empty($f['tf']['level']) ? '' : ' style="padding-left: ' . $f['tf']['level'] * 20 . 'px"') . ' class="prop-key">' . $f['tf']['title'] . '</td>' . '<td class="prop-val">';
             } else {
                 $body .= '<td class="prop-val" colspan="2">';
             $body .= $v . (empty($f['info']) ? '' : '<p class="prop-info">' . $f['info'] . '</p>') . '</td></tr>';
     if (!empty($gf['bottom'])) {
         foreach ($gf['bottom'] as $f) {
             $v = $template->formatValueForDisplay($f['tf'], $f);
             if (empty($v)) {
             $bottom .= '<div class="obj-preview-h">' . $f['tf']['title'] . '</div>' . '<div style="padding: 0 5px">' . $v . '</div><br />';
     $top .= $body;
     if (!empty($top)) {
         $top = '<table class="obj-preview"><tbody>' . $top . '</tbody></table><br />';
     $rez = array($top, $bottom);
     $eventParams['result'] =& $rez;
     \CB\fireEvent('generatePreview', $eventParams);
     return $rez;
예제 #3
 protected function fireEvent($eventName, &$params)
     if ($this->fireEvents) {
         \CB\fireEvent($eventName, $params);
예제 #4
  * method to get multiple object properties from solr
  * Multilanguage plugin works also
  * @param  array | string $ids
  * @param  string         $fieldList
  * @return array          associative array of properties per id
 public static function getObjects($ids, $fieldList = 'id,name')
     $rez = array();
     $ids = Util\toNumericArray($ids);
     if (!empty($ids)) {
         $chunks = array_chunk($ids, 200);
         //connect or get solr service connection
         $conn = Cache::get('solr_service');
         if (empty($conn)) {
             $conn = new Solr\Service();
             Cache::set('solr_service', $conn);
         //execute search
         try {
             foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
                 $params = array('defType' => 'dismax', 'q.alt' => '*:*', 'fl' => $fieldList, 'fq' => array('id:(' . implode(' OR ', $chunk) . ')'));
                 $inputParams = array('ids' => $chunk);
                 $eventParams = array('params' => &$params, 'inputParams' => &$inputParams);
                 \CB\fireEvent('beforeSolrQuery', $eventParams);
                 $searchRez = $conn->search('', 0, 200, $params);
                 if (!empty($searchRez->response->docs)) {
                     foreach ($searchRez->response->docs as $d) {
                         $rd = array();
                         foreach ($d as $fn => $fv) {
                             $rd[$fn] = $fv;
                         $rez[$d->id] = $rd;
                 $eventParams['result'] = array('data' => &$rez);
                 \CB\fireEvent('solrQuery', $eventParams);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new \Exception("An error occured in getObjects: \n\n {$e->__toString()}");
     return $rez;
예제 #5
  * method to collect all node ids needed for rendering of loaded data set
  * @param  array &$result containing recxords in 'data' property
  * @return void
 protected function warmUpNodes(&$result)
     $d =& $result['data'];
     $requiredIds = array();
     $paths = array();
     foreach ($d as &$rec) {
         if (!empty($rec['id'])) {
             $requiredIds[$rec['id']] = 1;
         //add shorcut targets
         if (!empty($rec['target_id'])) {
             $requiredIds[$rec['target_id']] = 1;
         //add path ids
         if (isset($rec['path']) && !isset($paths[$rec['path']])) {
             $path = Util\toNumericArray($rec['path'], '/');
             if (!empty($path)) {
                 $paths[$rec['path']] = $path;
                 foreach ($path as $id) {
                     $requiredIds[$id] = 1;
     $requiredIds = array_keys($requiredIds);
     //preload templates
     //preload all users display data
     //now there objects should be loaded in bulk before firing event
     //because DisplayColumns analizes each object from result
     $requiredIds = array();
     $eventParams = array('inputParams' => &$this->inputParams, 'params' => &$this->params, 'data' => &$d, 'requiredIds' => &$requiredIds);
     \CB\fireEvent('solrQueryWarmUp', $eventParams);
     return $requiredIds;