// Add or subtract display vars
$net_sign = ' &#150 ';
// long dash
$net_txt = 'Diff';
if ($net_multiplier != -1) {
    $net_sign = ' + ';
    $net_txt = 'Sum';
// build account dropdowns
$account_list = Account::Get_account_list($_SESSION['login_id']);
$account1_dropdown = Build_dropdown($account_list, 'account1_id', $account1_id);
$account2_dropdown = Build_dropdown($account_list, 'account2_id', $account2_id);
// plus / minus dropdown
$sum_list = array('-1' => 'Subtract', '1' => 'Add');
$sum_dropdown = Build_dropdown($sum_list, 'net_multiplier', $net_multiplier);
// Get summary data
$summary_list = array();
$error = Account::Get_summary_list($account1_id, $account2_id, $start_date, $end_date, $summary_list);
$fuel_list = array();
if ($error == '') {
    // Get fuel consumption data
    $error = Account::Get_gas_totals($fuel_list);

	<title>Account Summary</title>
	<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$savingsHeader = '';
if ($showBalance) {
    $balanceHeader = '<th onclick="sortBalance();">Balance</th>';
} else {
    $savingsHeader = "<th style='text-align: right;' onclick='sortSaved();'>Saved</th> \n" . "\t\t<th style='text-align: right;' onclick='sortToSave();'>To Save</th>";
$activeOnlyChecked = $activeOnly ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$startDateText = $startDate->format('m/d/Y');
$endDateText = $endDate->format('m/d/Y');
// build account dropdowns: include inactive, and only show top 2 tiers
$account_list = Account::Get_account_list($login_id, '', -1, false, false, true, true);
// Add special Checking - Liabilities option
$top_item_array = array();
$top_item_array[-99] = 'Checking - Credit Cards';
$account_list = $top_item_array + $account_list;
$account_dropdown = Build_dropdown($account_list, 'account_id', $account_id);
$minDate = $startDate;
if ($showBalance) {
    // when showing balance, we need to go back to the beginning.
    $minDate = new DateTime('0001-01-01');
// Build main data list
$account_list = array();
// pass by reference
if ($error == '') {
    if ($account_id == -99) {
        // special query for checking - liabilities
        $error = Account::Get_checking_and_liabilities($startDate, $endDate, $login_id, $account_list);
    } else {
        $error = Account::Get_account_details($account_id, $startDate, $endDate, $minDate, $activeOnly, $account_list);
$sec_list = array('-1' => '--Select account--') + $sec_list;
$sec_dropdown = Build_dropdown($sec_list, 'sec_account_id', $sec_account_id, 'select_account()');
$ter_list = Account::Get_account_list($_SESSION['login_id'], '', $sec_account_id, true);
$ter_list = array('-1' => '--Select account--') + $ter_list;
$ter_dropdown = Build_dropdown($ter_list, 'ter_account_id', $ter_account_id);
// Build account_debit dropdown
$debit_list = array('1' => 'Debit (assets, expenses)', '-1' => 'Credit (liabilities, income)');
$debit_dropdown = Build_dropdown($debit_list, 'account_debit', $account->get_account_debit());
// Build Equation side dropdown
$side_list = array('L' => 'LHS (assets)', 'R' => 'RHS (revenue)');
$side_dropdown = Build_dropdown($side_list, 'equation_side', $account->get_equation_side());
// Savings account dropdown
$savings_list = array();
$error = Account::Get_savings_accounts($_SESSION['login_id'], $savings_list);
$savings_list = array('-1' => '--Select--') + $savings_list;
$savings_dropdown = Build_dropdown($savings_list, 'savings_account_id', $account->get_savings_account_id());
// Active checkbox
if ($account->get_active() == 1) {
    $active_txt = ' CHECKED';
} else {
    $active_txt = '';
if ($account->get_is_paycheck_sink() == 1) {
    $is_paycheck_sink_txt = ' CHECKED';
} else {
    $is_paycheck_sink_txt = '';
if ($account->get_is_savings() == 1) {
    $is_savings_txt = ' CHECKED';
} else {
    $is_savings_txt = '';
예제 #4
if ($fixed_login_id > -1 || $mode == 'select' && $login_id > -1) {
    // fixed login OR new login selected
// Build dropdowns
$login_list = Login::Get_login_list();
$login_list = array('-1' => '--Select login--') + $login_list;
$login_input = Build_dropdown($login_list, 'login_id', $login_id);
$acc_list = Account::Get_account_list($login_id);
$acc_list = array('-1' => '--Select Account--') + $acc_list;
$defAcc_dropdown = Build_dropdown($acc_list, 'default_account_id', $login->get_default_account_id());
$summ1_dropdown = Build_dropdown($acc_list, 'default_summary1', $login->get_default_summary1());
$summ2_dropdown = Build_dropdown($acc_list, 'default_summary2', $login->get_default_summary2());
$car_dropdown = Build_dropdown($acc_list, 'car_account_id', $login->get_car_account_id());
$admin_list = array('0' => 'Normal user', '1' => 'Account manager', '2' => 'System manager');
$admin_input = Build_dropdown($admin_list, 'login_admin', $login->get_login_admin());
$active_input = '<input type="checkbox" name="active" value="1"';
if ($login->get_active() == 1) {
    $active_input .= ' CHECKED';
$active_input .= '>';
if ($fixed_login_id > -1) {
    // replace dropdown with fixed text
    $login_input = $login->get_login_user() . ' (' . $login->get_display_name() . ') <input type="hidden" ' . 'name="login_id" value="' . $fixed_login_id . '">';
    $admin_input = $login->get_login_admin(true) . '<input type="hidden" name="login_admin" value="' . $login->get_login_admin() . '">';
    $active_input = $login->get_active(true) . ' <input type="hidden" name="active" value="' . $login->get_active() . '">';

예제 #5
$listR = $trans->get_ledgerR_list();
// create 5 rows of ledger adjustments (1 LHS column, 2 RHS columns)
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    // LHS
    $ledger = GetLedger($listL, $i);
    echo "\t<tr>\n" . '		<td><input type="hidden" name="ledgerL_id[]"' . " value='" . $ledger->ledgerId . "'> \n";
    // Build account dropdown
    $acct_drop = Build_dropdown($acctL_list, 'accountL_id[]', $ledger->getAccountIdDebitString());
    echo $acct_drop . "</td>\n" . "\t\t<td><input type='text' size='8' maxlength='10' " . "name='amountL[]' value='" . $ledger->amount . "'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> \n";
    for ($j = 0; $j <= 1; $j++) {
        // Get the LedgerEntry at index i & i+5
        $ledger = GetLedger($listR, $i + 5 * $j);
        echo "\t\t<td><input type='hidden' name='ledgerR_id[]'" . " value='" . $ledger->ledgerId . "'> \n";
        // Build account dropdown
        $acct_drop = Build_dropdown($acctR_list, 'accountR_id[]', $ledger->getAccountIdDebitString());
        echo $acct_drop . "&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n" . "\t\t<td><input type='text' size='8' maxlength='10' " . "name='amountR[]' value='" . $ledger->amount . "'></td> \n";
    echo "\t</tr> \n\n";
<table style="float: left;">
	<tr class="padded-row">
		<td style="padding-left: 25px;">&nbsp;</td>
		<td><input type="submit" name="save" value="Save transaction"></td>
if ($trans->get_trans_id() > -1) {
    // currently editing; show delete button
    echo '<td><input type="submit" name="delete" id="deleteButton" ' . "onClick=\"return confirmDelete()\" value=\"Delete transaction\" /></td>\n" . "<td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Cancel\" name=\"cancel\" id=\"cancelButton\" /></td>\n" . "<td><input type=\"button\" id=\"copyButton\" value=\"Copy\" onclick=\"copyTransaction()\" /></td>\n";