예제 #1
 function aLinks_Extra($mode)
     if ($mode != 'upd') {
     $link = 'http://' . AddSlash($this->row['node_url']) . 'andro';
     $hLink = "<a href='{$link}' target='_BLANK'>{$link}</a>";
     return array($hLink);
예제 #2
  * The user has requested that we download the latest 
  * version of each application from its respective
 function mainPull()
     # Don't hold up the system
     $rows = svnVersions();
     $dir = fsDirTop() . 'pkg-apps/';
     x_EchoFlush('<h2>Pulling Software Updates From SVN</h2>');
     // Loop through the apps.
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         x_echoFlush("<b>Application: " . $row['application'] . "</b>");
         if ($row['svn_url'] == '') {
             x_echoFlush("  No SVN repository, skipping.");
         # Add a trailing slash to svn_url
         $row['svn_url'] = AddSlash(trim($row['svn_url']));
         # If there is a username and password both, use those
         $urlDisplay = $row['svn_url'];
         $url = $row['svn_url'];
         if ($row['svn_uid'] != '' && $row['svn_pwd'] != '') {
             list($proto, $urlstub) = explode("//", $url);
             $uid = $row['svn_uid'];
             $pwd = $row['svn_pwd'];
             $url = "{$proto}//{$uid}:{$pwd}@{$urlstub}";
             $urlDisplay = "{$proto}//{$uid}:*****@{$urlstub}";
         x_echoFlush("  Complete URL: " . $urlDisplay);
         # Now pull the list of versions
         x_echoFlush("  Querying for latest version");
         $rawtext = @file_get_contents($url);
         if ($rawtext) {
             $matches = array();
             preg_match_all('!\\<li\\>\\<a.*\\>(.*)\\</a\\>\\</li\\>!U', $rawtext, $matches);
             $versions = $matches[1];
             foreach ($versions as $key => $version) {
                 if ($version == '..') {
             if (count($versions) == 0) {
                 x_EchoFlush("  No versions listed, nothing to pull.");
         } else {
             x_EchoFlush("Unable to get a release list from the svn server.");
         # Work out what the latest was and report it
         $latest = array_pop($versions);
         if (substr($latest, -1) == '/') {
             $latest = substr($latest, 0, strlen($latest) - 1);
         x_echoFlush("  Latest version is: " . $latest);
         x_EchoFlush("  Local version is: " . $row['local']);
         # Decide if we need to continue
         if ($latest == $row['local']) {
             x_EchoFlush("  Local version is latest, nothing do to.");
         # Determine some stub values and pass processing to
         # the recursive file puller.  If no uid & pwd, use subversion
         x_EchoFlush("  Local version is out of date, pulling latest");
         $dirv = $dir . trim($row['application']) . '-VER-' . $latest . '/';
         if ($row['svn_uid'] != '' && $row['svn_pwd'] != '') {
             $this->svnWalk("{$url}/{$latest}/", $dirv);
         } else {
             $command = "svn export {$url}{$latest} {$dirv}";
             x_echoFlush("  Pulling code now, this make take a minute or three...");
             x_echoFlush("  Code pulled, finished with this application.");
         x_echoFlush("  Copying files into application directory");
         $basedir = str_replace('andro/', '', fsDirTop());
         if (isWindows()) {
             $command = 'xcopy /y /e /c /k /o ' . $dirv . '* ' . $basedir . trim($row['application']) . '/';
         } else {
             $command2 = 'cp -Rf ' . $dirv . '* ' . $basedir . trim($row['application']) . '/';
         echo $command2;
     x_EchoFlush("<h3>Processing Complete</h3>");
     $this->flag_buffer = false;
예제 #3
 function FS_PrepareMake()
     $grp = $this->ShellWhoAmI();
     global $parm;
     $app = $GLOBALS["parm"]["APP"];
     $dir_pub = $this->FS_ADDSLASH($GLOBALS["parm"]["DIR_PUBLIC"]);
     $dir_pubx = $dir_pub . $this->FS_ADDSLASH($GLOBALS["parm"]["DIR_PUBLIC_APP"]);
     // Establish the source
     $this->LogStage("Building Directories and Copying Files");
     if (isset($parm['IVER'])) {
         $dirl = AddSlash($parm['DIR_LINK_LIB']);
         $dira = AddSlash($parm['DIR_LINK_APP']);
     } else {
         $dirl = $dira = $GLOBALS['dir_andro'];
     // Now handle all of the subdirectories, including templates, lib,
     // clib and so forth.  Read them out of the node manager.
     // KFD 2/5/08, fix huge bug introduced by this.  On a new
     //             install this does not work, must have hardcoded dir
     if (isset($this->dirsAll)) {
         $dirs = $this->dirsAll;
     } else {
         $dbres = pg_query($GLOBALS["dbconna"], "SELECT * FROM appdirs");
         $dirs = pg_fetch_all($dbres);
     foreach ($dirs as $row) {
         $tgt = trim($row['dirname']);
         $this->LogEntry("Processing subdir: {$tgt}");
         if (!file_exists($dir_pubx . $tgt)) {
             $this->LogEntry(" -> Creating this directory: {$dir_pubx}.{$tgt}");
             mkdir($dir_pubx . $tgt);
         // KFD 4/13/08, must remove minified JS files during build
         if ($tgt == 'clib') {
             $jsfiles = scandir($dir_pubx . $tgt);
             foreach ($jsfiles as $jsfile) {
                 if ($jsfile == '.') {
                 if ($jsfile == '..') {
                 if (substr($jsfile, -3) == '.js') {
                     if (substr($jsfile, 0, 7) == 'js-min-') {
                         $jsfile2 = "{$dir_pubx}{$tgt}/{$jsfile}";
                         $this->LogENtry("Deleting minified file: " . $jsfile2);
                 if (substr($jsfile, -4) == '.css') {
                     if (substr($jsfile, 0, 8) == 'css-min-') {
                         $jsfile2 = "{$dir_pubx}{$tgt}/{$jsfile}";
                         $this->LogENtry("Deleting css combo file: " . $jsfile2);
         if ($row['flag_copy'] != 'Y') {
             $this->LogEntry(" -> Nothing will be copied for this directory.");
             if ($tgt == 'generated' || $tgt == 'dynamic') {
                 $this->LogEntry(" -> Purging this directory");
                 //$cmd="rm $dir$tgt/*";
         } else {
             // In this branch we have directories that must be copied.
             // They may be application or library directories, and this
             // may be an app or an instance, so there are a few more
             // switches.  And of course, nothing gets copied for the node
             // manager itself.
             if ($app == 'andro') {
                 $this->LogEntry(" -> NODE MANAGER build, no copy.");
             } else {
                 # KFD 7/14/08, hardcode templates to pull from
                 #              library first, then application
                 if ($tgt == 'templates') {
                     $this->LogEntry(" -> Hardcoded handling of templates dir");
                     $this->LogEntry("    Copy from lib first, then app");
                     $this->FSCopyTree($dirl, $dir_pubx, $tgt);
                     $this->FSCopyTree($dira, $dir_pubx, $tgt);
                 } else {
                     if ($row['flag_lib'] == 'Y') {
                         $this->LogEntry(" -> Library copy from: {$dirl}");
                         $this->LogEntry(" ->                to:  {$dir_pubx}");
                         $this->FSCopyTree($dirl, $dir_pubx, $tgt);
                     } else {
                         if (!isset($parm['IVER'])) {
                             $this->LogEntry(" -> DEV Instance build, no copy");
                         } else {
                             $this->LogEntry("Directory {$tgt} will be copied");
                             $this->LogEntry(" -> Application copy from: {$dira}");
                             $this->LogEntry(" ->                    to:  {$dir_pubx}");
                             $this->FSCopyTree($dira, $dir_pubx, $tgt);
         // Cleanup: Make sure hidden if required
         if ($row['flag_vis'] != 'Y') {
             $file = $dir_pubx . $tgt . '/.htaccess';
             $text = "Deny From All";
             $this->FS_PUT_CONTENTS($file, $text);
     $this->LogEntry("Copying /root files into root directory...");
     if (isWindows()) {
         $cmd = "copy \"{$dir_pubx}\\root\\*\" \"{$dir_pubx}\"\\";
         $cmd = str_replace('/', '\\', $cmd);
         $this->LogEntry("  " . $cmd);
         $cmd = "copy \"{$dir_pubx}/root/htaccess\" \"{$dir_pubx}/.htaccess\"";
         $cmd = str_replace('/', '\\', $cmd);
         $this->LogEntry("  " . $cmd);
         $cmd = "del \"{$dir_pubx}\\htaccess\"";
         $cmd = str_replace('/', '\\', $cmd);
         $this->LogEntry("  " . $cmd);
     } else {
         $cmd = "cp {$dir_pubx}/root/* {$dir_pubx}/";
         $cmd = "cp {$dir_pubx}/root/htaccess {$dir_pubx}/.htaccess";
         `rm {$dir_pubx}/htaccess`;
     # KFD 1/24/09, copy any skeleton files found if not
     #              an instance
     if (!isset($parm['IVER'])) {
         $this->LogEntry("This is not an instance, looking for skeleton files");
         # Pull all files named "skeleton" out of the andro library
         $raw = scandir($dirl . 'lib/');
         foreach ($raw as $onefile) {
             if (substr($onefile, 0, 9) != 'skeleton.') {
             $filedest = substr($onefile, 9);
             if ($filedest == 'dd.yaml') {
                 $filedest = $GLOBALS["parm"]["APP"] . ".dd.yaml";
             if (file_exists("{$dir_pubx}/application/{$filedest}")) {
                 $this->LogEntry(" -> File {$filedest} is already in application, no action");
             } else {
                 $this->LogEntry(" -> Creating {$filedest} from skeleton file");
                 $fc = file_get_contents($dirl . "lib/{$onefile}");
                 file_put_contents("{$dir_pubx}/application/{$filedest}", $fc);
     return true;
예제 #4
function hImgFromBytes($table_id, $column_id, $skey, $bytes, $decode = true)
    $x = $bytes;
    //annoying compile error
    $x = $decode;
    // First step is to save the image if it is not already
    // saved in the "dbobj" directory
    $fname = $table_id . '_' . $column_id . '_' . $skey;
    $fdir = AddSlash($GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['root']) . "dbobj/";
    //if(!file_exists($fdir.$fname)) {
    if ($decode) {
    else {
    // Now return some hypertext that refers to this image
    //if (strlen($bytes)>0) {
    //   return '<span><image src="dbobj/'.$fname.'"></span>';
    //else {
    return '';
예제 #5
 function mainPR_DirFiles($v, $r2, $root, $dirname, $dirpath)
     // Put together three segments of directories to begin looping
     $dir = AddSlash($root);
     $dir = AddSlash($dir . $dirname);
     $dir = AddSlash($dir . $dirpath);
     $d2 = AddSlash($r2);
     $d2 = AddSlash($d2 . $dirname);
     $d2 = AddSlash($d2 . $dirpath);
     if (!file_exists($d2)) {
     x_EchoFlush("Begin scan of directory: {$dir}");
     $DIR = opendir($dir);
     while (false !== ($file = readdir($DIR))) {
         // no . or ..
         if ($file == '.') {
         if ($file == '..') {
         // Get formatted name of dir + file;
         $fn = AddSlash($dirpath) . $file;
         // This is a directory, maybe recurse
         if (is_dir($dir . $file)) {
             $this->mainPR_DirFiles($v, $r2, $root, $dirname, $fn);
         } else {
             $filecnts = file_get_contents($dir . $file);
             $row = array('version' => $v, 'application' => $this->app, 'filename' => $fn, 'dirname' => $dirname, 'filecnts' => '', 'filets' => filemtime($dir . $file), 'filemd5' => md5($filecnts), 'filesize' => strlen($filecnts));
             x_EchoFlush("Loading file {$fn}, size: " . strlen($filecnts));
             copy($dir . $file, $d2 . $file);
     x_EchoFlush("End scan of directory: {$dir}");
예제 #6
    function main()
        $x_app = trim(gp('txt_application'));
        echo "<h1>Build in progress</h1>";
        echo "<hr>";
        echo "<p>The system is now building the application: <b>" . $x_app . "</b>.</p>";
        echo "<p>If you are testing and expect to build several times in a row, do not ";
        echo "close this window, just hit REFRESH and the build will start again.</p>";
        echo "<p>All information below this line is from the build log.</p>";
        echo "<hr>";
        // Get everything we need from the database, use it to build
        // a "do" program.
        $GLOBALS["x_password"] = trim(gp("supassword"));
        $tsql = 'SELECT * from applications ' . ' WHERE application = ' . SQL_Format('char', $x_app);
        $row_a = SQL_OneRow($tsql);
        $tsql = 'SELECT * from webpaths ' . ' WHERE webpath = ' . SQL_Format('char', $row_a['webpath']);
        $row_n = SQL_OneRow($tsql);
        $dirws = trim($row_n["dir_pub"]);
        if (substr($dirws, -1, 1) != "/") {
            $dirws .= "/";
        $row["webserver_dir_pub"] = $dirws;
        $string = '
   // To run this program from the command line, you must
   // be logged in as a user that has superuser priveleges, such
   // as root or postgres.  When running from the web app,
   // the current user\'s priveleges are used.
   $GLOBALS["parm"] = array(
   ,"UID"=>"' . SessionGet('UID') . '"
   ,"DIR_PUBLIC"=>"' . trim($row_n["dir_pub"]) . '"
	,"DIR_PUBLIC_APP"=>"' . $x_app . '"
   ,"LOCALHOST_SUFFIX"=>"' . ArraySafe($row_n, 'dir_local', '') . '"
   ,"APP"=>"' . $x_app . '"
   ,"APPDSC"=>"' . trim($row_a["description"]) . '"
   ,"XDIRS"=>"' . trim($row_a['xdirs']) . '"
   ,"ROLE_LOGIN"=>"' . ArraySafe($row_a, 'flag_rolelogin', 'Y') . '"
   ,"FLAG_PWMD5"=>"' . ArraySafe($row_a, 'flag_pwmd5', 'N') . '"
   ,"TEMPLATE"=>"' . trim($row_a['template']) . '"
   ,"SPEC_BOOT"=>"' . trim($row_a["appspec_boot"]) . '"
   ,"SPEC_LIB"=>"' . trim($row_a["appspec_lib"]) . '"
   ,"SPEC_LIST"=>"' . trim($row_a["appspec"]) . '");

        $t = pathinfo(__FILE__);
        $dircur = AddSlash($t["dirname"]) . "../tmp/";
        $file = $dircur . "do" . $x_app . ".php";
        $FILE = fopen($file, "w");
        fwrite($FILE, $string);
        include $file;
        echo ob_get_clean();
예제 #7
    function main_pr_execute()
        $sApp = SQLFC(gp('gp_app'));
        $sInst = SQLFC(gp('gp_inst'));
        $hApp = hSanitize(gp('gp_app'));
        $hInst = hSanitize(gp('gp_inst'));
        $rows = SQL_AllRows("SELECT * from instances \n           where application={$sApp} AND instance={$sInst}");
        if (count($rows) != 1) {
         <div class="errorbox">Incorrect call to instance processing.</div>
        $row = $rows[0];
        $sVer = SQLFC(gp('gp_ver'));
        $hVer = hSanitize(gp('gp_ver'));
        // KFD 2/4/08, If this is a subversion-enabled server,
        //     get version information from there
        if (OptionGet('DEV_STATION', '') != '') {
            $aversions = svnVersions();
            $mv = '-VER-' . $aversions['andro']['local'];
        } else {
            // Get information on latest version of Node Manager and
            // link to that
            $mv = SQL_OneValue("mv", "SELECT max(version) as mv \n                 FROM appversions\n                WHERE application='andro'");
        $DIR_LINK_LIB = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['root'] . '/pkg-apps/andro' . $mv;
        // Source of symlinks for app directories
        $DIR_LINK_APP = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['root'] . "/pkg-apps/{$hApp}-VER-{$hVer}";
        // Get application information for the DO program
        $tsql = 'SELECT * from applications ' . ' WHERE application = ' . $sApp;
        $row_a = SQL_OneRow($tsql);
        $tsql = 'SELECT * from webpaths ' . ' WHERE webpath = ' . SQLFC($row_a['webpath']);
        $row_n = SQL_OneRow($tsql);
        $dirws = AddSlash(trim($row_n["dir_pub"]));
        //if (substr($dirws,-1,1)<>"/") $dirws.="/";
        //$row["webserver_dir_pub"] = $dirws;
        $string = '<?php
// To run this program from the command line, you must
// be logged in as a user that has superuser priveleges, such
// as root or postgres.  When running from the web app,
// the current user\'s priveleges are used.

$GLOBALS["parm"] = array(
   ,"UID"=>"' . SessionGet('UID') . '"
   ,"DIR_PUBLIC"=>"' . $dirws . '"
   ,"DIR_PUBLIC_APP"=>"' . $hApp . '_' . $hInst . '"
   ,"DIR_LINK_LIB"=>"' . $DIR_LINK_LIB . '"
   ,"DIR_LINK_APP"=>"' . $DIR_LINK_APP . '"
   ,"APP"=>"' . $hApp . '_' . $hInst . '"
   ,"INST"=>"' . $hInst . '"
   ,"IVER"=>"' . $hVer . '"
   ,"XDIRS"=>"' . trim($row_a['xdirs']) . '"
   ,"FLAG_PWMD5"=>"' . ArraySafe($row_a, 'flag_pwmd5', 'N') . '"
   ,"ROLE_LOGIN"=>"' . ArraySafe($row_a, 'flag_rolelogin', 'Y') . '"
   ,"TEMPLATE"=>"' . $row['template'] . '"
   ,"APPDSC"=>"' . trim($row_a["description"]) . '"
   ,"SPEC_BOOT"=>"' . trim($row_a["appspec_boot"]) . '"
   ,"SPEC_LIB"=>"' . trim($row_a["appspec_lib"]) . '"
   ,"SPEC_LIST"=>"' . trim($row_a["appspec"]) . '"
        $t = pathinfo(__FILE__);
        $dircur = AddSlash($t["dirname"]) . "../tmp/";
        //$dircur = $t["dirname"];
        if (substr($dircur, -1) != "/") {
            $dircur .= "/";
        $file = $dircur . "do-{$hApp}-{$hInst}.php";
        $FILE = fopen($file, "w");
        fwrite($FILE, $string);
        include $file;
        if (ArraySafe($GLOBALS, 'retval', 0) == 1) {
            SQL("update instances set version={$sVer}\n               WHERE application = {$sApp}\n                 AND instance    = {$sInst}");
        echo ob_get_clean();