예제 #1
function make_word($name, $jp = NULL, $zh = NULL)
    global $sql_stmts;
    sql_exec(sql_stmt("word_lang,word_name,word_spart->new in words"), ["sss", "tp", $name, "multi"]);
    $id = NULL;
    sql_getone(sql_stmt("word_lang,word_name,word_spart->word_id"), $id, ["sss", "tp", $name, "multi"]);
    $GLOBALS["word"] = WORD(defaultDB(), $id);
    if ($jp) {
        $a = ATTR("jp", $jp);
    if ($zh) {
        $a = ATTR("zh", $jp);
예제 #2
             } else {
                 $p = PATH($w);
 $ignore = array_map(function ($a) {
     return explode("/", $a);
 }, $ignore);
 // Template: passed by name, spart from word, attr template=true
 $t = defaultDB()->searcher();
 $t = $t->spart($w->speechpart());
 $t = $t->name($template);
 $t = $t->only_with_attr(ATTR("template", "true"));
 $t = $t->all();
 if (count($t) === 0) {
     exit("Could not find template with name: " . $template);
 } elseif (count($t) !== 1) {
     exit("Ambiguous template name (please remove duplicate template(s))");
 if ($path === "common") {
     if (($s = run_template($w, PATH($w, "feminine"), $t[0], $forms, $ignore, $changes, FALSE)) === NULL) {
         if (($s = run_template($w, PATH($w, "masculine"), $t[0], $forms, $ignore, $changes, FALSE)) === NULL) {
         } else {
             exit("Template did not run successfully: {$s}");
     } else {
예제 #3
global $quiz_types;
global $df_exclude;
$challenge = function ($spart, $lang = 'la') {
    return function () use($spart, $lang) {
        global $OP_USER_INPUT;
        return [["help" => function (&$pick_db, $db) {
            $word = $pick_db["word"];
            $paths = $pick_db["word"]->read_paths();
            $paths = array_filter($paths, function ($p) {
                return $p->get();
            $path = $pick_db["path"] = choose_one($paths);
            error_log(var_export($path->get(), 1));
            $pick_db["form"] = $path->get();
            $path = implode(" ", array_map("format_path", array_reverse(explode("/", (string) $path))));
            $word_name = display_word_name($word);
            return "What is the {$path} for {$word_name}.";
        }, "selections" => ["word" => function ($_, $db, $path) use($spart, $lang) {
            $s = $db->searcher()->spart($spart)->lang($lang)->only_without_attr(ATTR("irregular"))->only_without_attr(ATTR("hidden"))->only_without_attr(ATTR("template"));
            $s->stmt .= " AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM forms WHERE forms.word_id = words.word_id AND form_tag != '' AND form_value != '')";
            return $s->rand();
        }], "sentence" => [$OP_USER_INPUT], "answer0" => function ($pick_db) {
            $map = function ($w) use($pick_db) {
                return word_link2($pick_db["word"], $w, true, true);
            return array_map($map, explode("\n", $pick_db["form"]));
        }, "answer0-tooltip" => "Enter form"]];
$quiz_types = array_merge($quiz_types, ["random-verb-forms1" => ["name" => "Random verb forms", "category" => "Challenge", "lang" => "la", "options" => $challenge("verb")], "random-noun-forms1" => ["name" => "Random noun forms", "category" => "Challenge", "lang" => "la", "options" => $challenge("noun")]]);
예제 #4
function get_template($conj)
    return safe_get(0, defaultDB()->searcher()->spart("verb")->name($conj)->only_with_attr(ATTR("template", "true"))->all());
예제 #5
    if ($no_templates) {
        $attrs[] = "!template";
    foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
        if (!$attr) {
        $a = NULL;
        if ($reverse = substr($attr, 0, 1) === "!") {
            $attr = substr($attr, 1);
        if (strpos($attr, "=") === FALSE) {
            $a = ATTR($attr);
        } else {
            list($name, $value) = explode("=", $attr, 2);
            $a = ATTR($name, $value);
        if ($a !== NULL) {
            if (!$reverse) {
                $searcher = $searcher->only_with_attr($a);
            } else {
                $searcher = $searcher->only_without_attr($a);
    $list = $searcher->all();
} else {
    $list = [];
    foreach ($ids as $id) {
        $list[] = WORD(defaultDB(), intval($id));
예제 #6
if (!array_key_exists("spart", $_GET) or !($sparts = vec_norm(explode(",", $_GET["spart"]), "trim"))) {
    $sparts = NULL;
if (!array_key_exists("attr", $_GET) or !($attrs = vec_norm(explode(",", $_GET["attr"]), "trim"))) {
    $attrs = [];
if (!requireRank(3, FALSE)) {
    echo "Insufficient permissions";
} else {
    if ($langs and count($langs) == 1 and $names and count($names) == 1 and $sparts and count($sparts) == 1) {
        $w = defaultDB()->searcher()->name($names[0])->spart($sparts[0])->lang($langs[0])->all();
        if (count($w)) {
            echo "Word seems to be already added";
        } else {
            sql_exec(sql_stmt("word_lang,word_name,word_spart->new in words"), ["sss", $langs[0], $names[0], $sparts[0]]);
            $w = defaultDB()->searcher()->name($names[0])->spart($sparts[0])->lang($langs[0])->all();
            if (count($w) === 1) {
                $w = $w[0];
                foreach ($attrs as $a) {
                    $a = explode("=", $a, 2);
                    if (count($a) === 2) {
                        $w->add_attr(ATTR($a[0], $a[1]));
    } else {
        exit("Bad \$_GET");
예제 #7
 function attrs()
     global $sql_stmts;
     if ($this->issql and $this->_id !== NULL) {
         $added = [];
         # id's returned
         sql_getmany(sql_stmt("word_id->attr_tag"), $added, ["i", $this->_id]);
         foreach ($added as $attr) {
             $cont = FALSE;
             foreach ($this->_attrs as $_attr) {
                 if (ISPATH($_attr) ? $_attr->tag() == $attr : $_attr == $attr) {
                     $cont = TRUE;
             if (!$cont) {
                 $this->_attrs[] = ATTR($this, $attr);
     return $this->_attrs;
예제 #8

require_once '/var/www/config.php';
global $mysqli;
$w = defaultDB()->searcher()->lang('la')->only_without_attr(ATTR('template'));
$ws = $w->all();
<table class="inflection"><?php 
foreach ($ws as $i => $word) {
<tr><td><ol start="<?php 
    echo $i + 1;
"><li><a class="word-ref format-word-<?php 
    echo $word->lang();
" href="dictionary.php?id=<?php 
    echo $word->id();
    echo $word->name();
</ol></td><td style="border-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px;"><?php 
예제 #9
function do_pick($t, $db, &$pick_db, &$reason)
    if ($db === NULL) {
        $db = defaultDB();
    if ($t === NULL) {
        $reason = "pick was null";
        return $t;
    } elseif (ISOP($t) or ISHTML($t)) {
        return $t;
    } elseif (ISPICK($t)) {
        return $t->rand($db);
    } elseif (is_string($t)) {
        return $t;
    } elseif (is_callable($t)) {
        $t = _process_value($t, $pick_db, $db);
        if ($t === NULL) {
            $reason = "custom function returned NULL";
            return $t;
        } else {
            return do_pick($t, $db, $pick_db, $reason);
    } elseif (array_key_exists("condition", $t) and !$t["condition"]($pick_db, $db, null)) {
        return FALSE;
    } elseif (array_key_exists("value", $t)) {
        return _process_value($t["value"], $pick_db, $db);
    if (!($word = safe_get("word", $t))) {
        $searcher = $db->searcher();
        if (array_key_exists("name", $t)) {
            $searcher = $searcher->name(_process_value($t["name"], $pick_db, $db));
        if (array_key_exists("language", $t)) {
            $searcher = $searcher->lang(_process_value($t["language"], $pick_db, $db));
        } elseif (array_key_exists("lang", $t)) {
            $searcher = $searcher->lang(_process_value($t["lang"], $pick_db, $db));
        if (array_key_exists("speechpart", $t)) {
            $searcher = $searcher->partofspeech(_process_value($t["speechpart"], $pick_db, $db));
        } elseif (array_key_exists("spart", $t)) {
            $searcher = $searcher->partofspeech(_process_value($t["spart"], $pick_db, $db));
        if (array_key_exists("attr", $t)) {
            foreach ($t["attr"] as $k => $v) {
                $v = _process_value($v, $pick_db, $db);
                if ($reverse = substr($k, 0, 1) === "!") {
                    $k = substr($k, 1);
                    $m = "only_without_attr";
                } else {
                    $m = "only_with_attr";
                $searcher = $searcher->{$m}($v !== NULL ? ATTR($k, $v) : ATTR($k));
        $word = $searcher->rand();
    if (!ISWORD($word)) {
        $reason = "could not find a word with name " . var_export($t["name"], 1) . " and attrs " . var_export(safe_get("attr", $t), 1);
    if (array_key_exists("store_word", $t)) {
        $pick_db[$t["store_word"]] = $word;
    $path = PATH($word);
    if (array_key_exists("path", $t)) {
        $p = $t["path"];
        if (!is_array($p)) {
            $p = _process_value($p, $pick_db, $db, $path);
        foreach ($p as $k => $_) {
            $path->add2([$k => _process_value($_, $pick_db, $db, $path)]);
    if (array_key_exists("verb-gender", $t)) {
        $g = $t["verb-gender"];
        $g = _process_value($g, $pick_db, $db, $path);
        if ($g !== NULL and $path->exists()) {
            if (!$path->hasvalue()) {
    if ($path->hasvalue() || !(string) $path) {
        $ret = $path->hasvalue() ? $path->get() : $word->name();
        if (array_key_exists("store", $t)) {
            $pick_db[$t["store"]] = $ret;
        if (array_key_exists("store_path", $t)) {
            $pick_db[$t["store_path"]] = $path;
        return format_word($ret, $word->lang());
    } else {
        $reason = "path '{$path}' didn't exist in word with id <a target='_blank' href='dictionary.php?id=" . $word->id() . "'>" . $word->id() . "</a> or was NULL";
예제 #10
function display_word_name($w, &$common = false)
    $lang = $w->lang();
    $spart = $w->speechpart();
    $name = NULL;
    if ($lang === "la") {
        if ($spart === "noun") {
            if ($genders = $w->path()->iterate("gender")) {
                $name = [];
                $common = true;
                if ($name !== NULL and in_array($g = "masculine", $genders)) {
                    $key = PATH($w, "nominative/singular/{$g}");
                    if (!$key->hasvalue()) {
                        $name = NULL;
                    } else {
                        $name[] = $key->get();
                        $key = PATH($w, "genitive/singular/{$g}");
                        if (!$key->hasvalue()) {
                            $name = NULL;
                        } else {
                            $name[] = $key->get();
                } else {
                    $common = false;
                if ($name !== NULL and in_array($g = "feminine", $genders)) {
                    $key = PATH($w, "nominative/singular/{$g}");
                    if (!$key->hasvalue()) {
                        $name = NULL;
                    } else {
                        $name[] = $key->get();
                        $key = PATH($w, "genitive/singular/{$g}");
                        if (!$key->hasvalue()) {
                            $name = NULL;
                        } else {
                            $name[] = $key->get();
                } else {
                    $common = false;
                if ($name !== NULL and in_array($g = "neuter", $genders)) {
                    $key = PATH($w, "nominative/singular/{$g}");
                    if (!$key->hasvalue()) {
                        $name = NULL;
                    } else {
                        $name[] = $key->get();
                        $key = PATH($w, "genitive/singular/{$g}");
                        if (!$key->hasvalue()) {
                            $name = NULL;
                        } else {
                            $name[] = $key->get();
                    $common = false;
                if ($common and count($name) === 4 and $name[0] == $name[2] and $name[1] == $name[3]) {
                    $name = [$name[0], $name[1]];
                } else {
                    $common = false;
        } elseif ($spart === "pronoun") {
            if ($genders = $w->path()->iterate("gender")) {
                $name = [];
                if ($name !== NULL and in_array($g = "masculine", $genders)) {
                    $key = PATH($w, "nominative/singular/{$g}");
                    if (!$key->hasvalue()) {
                        $name = NULL;
                    } else {
                        $name[] = $key->get();
                if ($name !== NULL and in_array($g = "feminine", $genders)) {
                    $key = PATH($w, "nominative/singular/{$g}");
                    if (!$key->hasvalue()) {
                        $name = NULL;
                    } else {
                        $name[] = $key->get();
                if ($name !== NULL and in_array($g = "neuter", $genders)) {
                    $key = PATH($w, "nominative/singular/{$g}");
                    if (!$key->hasvalue()) {
                        $name = NULL;
                    } else {
                        $name[] = $key->get();
                if (count($name) == 2 and $name[0] === $name[1] or count($name) == 3 and $name[0] === $name[1] and $name[1] === $name[2]) {
                    $name = [$name[0]];
                    $key = PATH($w, "nominative/plural");
                    if ($key->hasvalue()) {
                        $name[] = $key->get();
        } elseif ($spart === "adjective") {
            $name = [];
            $number = safe_get(0, PATH($w, "positive")->iterate("number"));
            $keys = ["" => ["positive/nominative/{$number}/masculine", "positive/nominative/{$number}/feminine", "positive/nominative/{$number}/neuter"], "adjective-12" => ["positive/nominative/{$number}/masculine", "positive/nominative/{$number}/feminine", "positive/nominative/{$number}/neuter"], "adjective-3" => ["positive/nominative/{$number}/masculine", "positive/nominative/{$number}/neuter", "positive/genitive/{$number}/masculine"], "adjective-3-3" => ["positive/nominative/{$number}/masculine", "positive/nominative/{$number}/feminine", "positive/nominative/{$number}/neuter"]];
            $keys = $keys[ATTR($w, "declension")->get()];
            foreach ($keys as $_ => $key) {
                $key = PATH($w, $key);
                if (!$key->hasvalue()) {
                    $name = NULL;
                $name[] = $key->get();
        } elseif ($spart === "verb") {
            $name = [];
            foreach (["indicative/active/present/person-1/singular", "infinitive/active/present", "indicative/active/perfect/person-1/singular", "participle/perfect/passive"] as $_ => $key) {
                $key = PATH($w, $key);
                if (!$key->hasvalue()) {
                    if ($_ <= 1) {
                        $name = NULL;
                    } elseif ($_ == 3) {
                        $key = PATH($w, "supine/accusative");
                        if (!$key->hasvalue()) {
                    } else {
                $name[] = $key->get();
    if ($name === NULL) {
        $name = $w->name();
    } else {
        $name = implode(", ", array_map("modify_options", $name));
    if (no_format($w)) {
        $name = $w->name();
    } else {
        $name = format_word($name, $w->lang());
    return $name;
예제 #11
     if (strpos($attr, "=") === FALSE) {
         $a = ATTR($attr);
     } else {
         list($name, $value) = explode("=", $attr, 2);
         $a = ATTR($name, $value);
     if ($a !== NULL) {
         if (!$reverse) {
             $searcher = $searcher->only_with_attr($a);
         } else {
             $searcher = $searcher->only_without_attr($a);
 $searcher = $searcher->only_without_attr(ATTR("template"));
 //$stmt = "SELECT form_value FROM forms WHERE word_id IN (".$searcher->stmt.")";
 $stmt = "SELECT DISTINCT form_value FROM forms WHERE EXISTS (" . $searcher->stmt . " AND word_id = forms.word_id)";
 if ($forms) {
     //$searcher = $searcher->form_includes($forms);
     $op = " AND (";
     foreach ($forms as $f) {
         $stmt .= $op . "form_value LIKE CONCAT('%',?,'%')";
         $searcher->args[0] .= "s";
         $searcher->args[] .= $f;
         $op = " OR ";
     if ($op === " OR ") {
         $stmt .= ")";
예제 #12
        return "subjunctive";
    return "indicative";
}], "choices0-tooltip" => "Which mood?", "choices0-language" => "en"]]], "subjunctive-infinitives" => ["name" => "Subjunctive practice", "category" => "Grammar", "lang" => "la", "stage" => 24, "options" => function () {
    global $OP_USER_INPUT;
    return [["help" => function (&$pick_db, $db) {
        $word = $pick_db["word"];
        $path = $pick_db["path"] = PATH($word);
        foreach ($pick_db as $k => $v) {
            if ($k === "word" or $k === "path") {
            #error_log("$k = $v".var_export($v,true));
        $pick_db["form"] = $path->get();
        $path = implode(" ", array_map("format_path", array_reverse(explode("/", (string) $path))));
        $word_name = display_word_name($word);
        return "What is the {$path} for {$word_name}.";
    }, "selections" => ["word" => function ($_, $db, $path) {
        $s = $db->searcher()->spart("verb")->only_without_attr(ATTR("irregular"))->only_without_attr(ATTR("template"));
        $s->stmt .= " AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM forms WHERE forms.word_id = words.word_id AND form_tag != '' AND form_value != '') AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM attributes WHERE attr_tag = 'conjugation' AND attr_value like '%deponent%' AND word_id = words.word_id)";
        return $s->rand();
    }, "tense" => PICK(["imperfect", "pluperfect"]), "mood" => PICK(["indicative", "indicative", "indicative", "subjunctive", "subjunctive", "subjunctive", "subjunctive", "subjunctive"]), "number" => PICK(["singular", "plural"]), "person" => "person-3", "voice" => "active"], "sentence" => [$OP_USER_INPUT], "answer0" => function ($pick_db) {
        return array_map("format_word", explode("\n", $pick_db["form"]));
    }, "answer0-tooltip" => "Enter form"], make_chart(RWORD2("la", "verb"), null, ["participle", "infinitive", "supine", "imperative", "passive", "person-1", "person-2", "present", "perfect", "future", "future-perfect"])];
}], "013" => ["name" => "Subjunctive matching", "lang" => "la", "category" => "Grammar", "n_questions" => 1, "options" => function () {
    return [make_matching(["Pluperfect Subjunctive" => "portāvisset", "Pluperfect Indicative" => "discēderat", "Imperfect Indicative" => "veniēbat", "Imperfect Subjunctive" => "prōmitteret"])];
예제 #13
function search_GET($limit = 50, &$max_size = NULL)
    $db = defaultDB();
    if (!array_key_exists("lang", $_GET) or !($langs = vec_norm(explode(",", $_GET["lang"]), "trim"))) {
        $langs = ['la'];
    if (!array_key_exists("name", $_GET) or !($names = vec_norm(explode(",", $_GET["name"]), "trim"))) {
        $names = NULL;
    if (!array_key_exists("form", $_GET) or !($forms = vec_norm(explode(",", $_GET["form"]), "trim"))) {
        $forms = NULL;
    if (!array_key_exists("spart", $_GET) or !($sparts = vec_norm(explode(",", $_GET["spart"]), "trim"))) {
        $sparts = NULL;
    if (!array_key_exists("attr", $_GET) or !($attrs = vec_norm(explode(",", $_GET["attr"]), "trim"))) {
        $attrs = [];
    if (!array_key_exists("def", $_GET) or !($defs = vec_norm(explode(";", $_GET["def"]), "trim"))) {
        $defs = [];
    if (!array_key_exists("id", $_GET) or !($ids = vec_norm(explode(",", $_GET["id"]), "trim"))) {
        $ids = NULL;
    $no_definitions = safe_get("no_definitions", $_GET) === "true";
    $no_templates = !(safe_get("show_templates", $_GET) === "true");
    $start = intval(safe_get("start", $_GET));
    $_ = $limit;
    $limit = intval(safe_get("limit", $_GET));
    if ($limit <= 0) {
        $limit = 5;
    if ($limit > $_) {
        $limit = $_;
    if ($ids === NULL) {
        $searcher = $db->searcher();
        if ($names) {
            $searcher = $searcher->name($names);
        if ($forms) {
            $searcher = $searcher->form($forms);
        if ($langs) {
            $searcher = $searcher->lang($langs);
        if ($sparts) {
            $searcher = $searcher->spart($sparts);
        if ($defs) {
            $searcher = $searcher->definition_parse($defs);
        } else {
            if ($no_definitions) {
                $searcher = $searcher->no_definitions();
        if ($no_templates) {
            $attrs[] = "!template";
        foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
            if (!$attr) {
            $a = NULL;
            if ($reverse = substr($attr, 0, 1) === "!") {
                $attr = substr($attr, 1);
            if (strpos($attr, "=") === FALSE) {
                $a = ATTR($attr);
            } else {
                list($name, $value) = explode("=", $attr, 2);
                $a = ATTR($name, $value);
            if ($a !== NULL) {
                if (!$reverse) {
                    $searcher = $searcher->only_with_attr($a);
                } else {
                    $searcher = $searcher->only_without_attr($a);
        $max_size = $searcher->max_size();
        $list = $searcher->limit($start, $limit)->all("name");
        if (count($list) === $max_size) {
            $max_size = NULL;
    } else {
        $max_size = NULL;
        $list = [];
        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            $list[] = WORD(defaultDB(), intval($id));
    return $list;