예제 #1
  * This method calls the next Callable in the list.  All of the method arguments
  * coming into this method are substituted into the original method argument of
  * call in the chain.
  * If the original method call has these parameters
  * <code>
  * $originalobject->dyExampleMethod('param1', 'param2', 'param3')
  * </code>
  * <code>
  * $callchain->dyExampleMethod('alt1', 'alt2')
  * </code>
  * then the next call in the call chain will recieve the parameters as if this were called
  * <code>
  * $behavior->dyExampleMethod('alt1', 'alt2', 'param3', $callchainobject)
  * </code>
  * When dealing with {@link IClassBehaviors}, the first parameter of the stored argument
  * list in 'dy' event calls is always the object containing the behavior.  This modifies
  * the parameter replacement mechanism slightly to leave the object containing the behavior
  * alone and only replacing the other parameters in the argument list.  As per {@link __call},
  * any calls to a 'dy' event do not need the object containing the behavior as the addition of
  * the object to the argument list as the first element is automatic for IClassBehaviors.
  * The last parameter of the method parameter list for any callable in the call chain
  * will be the TCallChain object itself.  This is so that any behavior implementing
  * these calls will have access to the call chain.  Each callable should either call
  * the TCallChain call method internally for direct chaining or call the method being
  * chained (in which case the dynamic handler will pass through to this call method).
  * If the dynamic intra object/behavior event is not called in the behavior implemented
  * dynamic method, it will return to this method and call the following behavior
  * implementation so as no behavior with an implementation of the dynamic event is left
  * uncalled.  This does break the call chain though and will not act as a "parameter filter".
  * When there are no handlers or no handlers left, it returns the first parameter of the
  * argument list.
 public function call()
     $args = func_get_args();
     if ($this->getCount() === 0) {
         return isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : null;
     if (!$this->_iterator) {
         $chain_array = array_reverse($this->toArray());
         $this->_iterator = new TListIterator($chain_array);
     if ($this->_iterator->valid()) {
         do {
             $handler = $this->_iterator->current();
             if (is_array($handler[0]) && $handler[0][0] instanceof IClassBehavior) {
                 array_splice($handler[1], 1, count($args), $args);
             } else {
                 array_splice($handler[1], 0, count($args), $args);
             $handler[1][] = $this;
             $result = call_user_func_array($handler[0], $handler[1]);
         } while ($this->_iterator->valid());
     } else {
         $result = $args[0];
     return $result;
  * Constructs an Image object.
  * @param string $url   URL of the query for the data that should be returned based on Picasa's API documentation.
  *                      See {@link http://code.google.com/apis/picasaweb/gdata.html} for instructions on how to formulate
  *                      the URL.  The URL parameter can be left blank, which will still produce a populated Image
  *                      object as long as the $albums parameter contains XML from the Picasa Atom feed for an image.
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $albums  XML describing a Picasa image.  This can be left blank as long as a URL is specified in the
  *                                  url parameter that returns valid XML for a Picasa image.  If both are null, a
  *                                  {@link Picasa_Exception} is thrown.
  * @param array $contextArray       An array that can be passed to stream_context_create() to generate
  *                                  a PHP context.  See
  *                                  {@link http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-context-create.php}
  * @param boolean $useCache  You can decide not to cache a specific request by passing false here.  You may
  *                           want to do this, for instance, if you're requesting a private feed.
  * @throws {@link Picasa_Exception} If the XML suppled through either parameter does not contain valid XML.
 public function __construct($url = null, SimpleXMLElement $albums = null, $contextArray = null, $useCache = true)
     if ($url != null) {
         Picasa_Logger::getLogger()->logIfEnabled('Request string: ' . $url);
         $context = null;
         $xmldata = false;
         if ($contextArray != null) {
             $context = stream_context_create($contextArray);
         if ($useCache === true) {
             $xmldata = Picasa_Cache::getCache()->getIfCached($url);
         if ($xmldata === false) {
             Picasa_Logger::getLogger()->logIfEnabled('Cached copy not available, requesting image freshly for URL: ' . $url);
             $xmldata = @file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
             if ($useCache === true && $xmldata !== false) {
                 Picasa_Logger::getLogger()->logIfEnabled('Saving account to cache.');
                 Picasa_Cache::getCache()->setInCache($url, $xmldata);
         } else {
             Picasa_Logger::getLogger()->logIfEnabled('Image retreived from cache.');
         if ($xmldata == false) {
             throw Picasa::getExceptionFromInvalidQuery($url, $contextArray);
         try {
             // Load the XML file into a SimpleXMLElement
             $albums = new SimpleXMLElement($xmldata);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new Picasa_Exception($e->getMessage(), null, $url);
     $this->contextArray = $contextArray;
     if ($albums != null) {
         foreach ($albums->link as $plink) {
             if ($plink['rel'] == 'alternate') {
                 $this->weblink = $plink['href'];
         $namespaces = $albums->getNamespaces(true);
         if (array_key_exists("media", $namespaces)) {
             $media_ns = $albums->children($namespaces["media"]);
             $this->description = $media_ns->group->description;
             $this->keywords = $media_ns->group->keywords;
             $this->thumbUrlMap = array();
             $this->thumbHeightMap = array();
             $this->previous = null;
             $this->next = null;
             $i = 0;
             $this->thumbnails = array();
             $thumb = $media_ns->group->thumbnail[$i];
             while ($thumb != null) {
                 $thumbAtt = $thumb->attributes();
                 $width = "" . $thumbAtt['width'];
                 $height = $thumbAtt['height'];
                 $url = $thumbAtt['url'];
                 // These fields are deprecated but included for backwards compatibility
                 $this->thumbUrlMap[$width] = $url;
                 $this->thumbHeightMap[$width] = $height;
                 $this->thumbnails[$i] = new Picasa_Thumbnail($url, $thumbAtt['width'], $thumbAtt['height']);
                 $thumb = $media_ns->group->thumbnail[$i];
             /* This is to support the previous implementation.  It may seem inefficiant to loop
              * through twice, but typically there will be 1-3 iterations, so it is inconsequential. */
             $thumb = $media_ns->group->thumbnail[0];
             if ($thumb != null) {
                 $thumbAtt = $media_ns->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes();
                 $this->smallThumb = $thumbAtt['url'];
             } else {
                 $this->smallThumb = null;
             $thumb = $media_ns->group->thumbnail[1];
             if ($thumb != null) {
                 $thumbAtt = $thumb->attributes();
                 $this->mediumThumb = $thumbAtt['url'];
             } else {
                 $this->mediumThumb = null;
             $thumb = $media_ns->group->thumbnail[2];
             if ($thumb != null) {
                 $thumbAtt = $thumb->attributes();
                 $this->largeThumb = $thumbAtt['url'];
             } else {
                 $this->largeThumb = null;
             $this->contentUrlMap = array();
             $this->contentHeightMap = array();
             $i = 0;
             $thumb = $media_ns->group->content[$i];
             while ($thumb != null) {
                 $thumbAtt = $thumb->attributes();
                 $width = "" . $thumbAtt['width'];
                 $height = $thumbAtt['height'];
                 $url = $thumbAtt['url'];
                 $this->contentUrlMap[$width] = $url;
                 $this->contentHeightMap[$width] = $height;
                 $thumb = $media_ns->group->content[$i];
             $this->content = $thumbAtt['url'];
             $this->imageType = $thumbAtt['type'];
             // Pull and parse the tags
             if ($media_ns->group->keywords != null || strcmp($media_ns->group->keywords, "") != 0) {
                 // Make an array for to hold all of a photo's tags
                 $this->tags = array();
                 /* Tags are stored as a comma-delimited list.
                  * Tokenize the list on comma and strip it to get just the tag.
                 $tok = strtok($media_ns->group->keywords, ",");
                 $i = 0;
                 while ($tok != false) {
                     // Set the tag in the array
                     $this->tags[$i] = trim($tok);
                     $tok = strtok(",");
             } else {
                 $this->tags = null;
         } else {
             $this->description = null;
             $this->keywords = null;
             $this->smallThumb = null;
             $this->mediumThumb = null;
             $this->largeThumb = null;
             $this->content = null;
         if (array_key_exists("gphoto", $namespaces)) {
             $gphoto_ns = $albums->children($namespaces["gphoto"]);
             $this->idnum = $gphoto_ns->id;
             $this->width = $gphoto_ns->width;
             $this->height = $gphoto_ns->height;
             $this->albumid = $gphoto_ns->albumid;
             $this->albumTitle = $gphoto_ns->albumtitle;
             $this->albumDescription = $gphoto_ns->albumdesc;
             $this->version = $gphoto_ns->version;
             $this->timestamp = $gphoto_ns->timestamp;
             $this->commentingEnabled = $gphoto_ns->commentingEnabled;
             if (strcmp($gphoto_ns->commentCount, "") == 0 || $gphoto_ns->commentCount === null) {
                 $this->commentCount = null;
             } else {
                 $this->commentCount = intval($gphoto_ns->commentCount);
         } else {
             $this->idnum = null;
             $this->width = null;
             $this->height = null;
             $this->albumid = null;
             $this->commentCount = null;
             $this->version = null;
             $this->timestamp = null;
         if (array_key_exists("exif", $namespaces)) {
             $exif_ns = $albums->children($namespaces["exif"]);
             $this->flash = $exif_ns->tags->flash;
             $this->fstop = $exif_ns->tags->fstop;
             $this->cameraMake = $exif_ns->tags->make;
             $this->cameraModel = $exif_ns->tags->model;
             $this->exposure = $exif_ns->tags->exposure;
             $this->focalLength = $exif_ns->tags->focallength;
             $this->iso = $exif_ns->tags->iso;
         } else {
             $this->flash = null;
             $this->fstop = null;
             $this->cameraMake = null;
             $this->cameraModel = null;
             $this->exposure = null;
             $this->focalLength = null;
             $this->iso = null;
         if (array_key_exists("georss", $namespaces)) {
             $georss_ns = $albums->children($namespaces["georss"]);
             $gml_ns = @$georss_ns->children($namespaces["gml"]);
             if ($gml_ns !== null || $gml_ns !== false) {
                 $this->gmlPosition = @$gml_ns->Point->pos;
             } else {
                 $this->gmlPosition = null;
         } else {
             $this->gmlPosition = null;
         // Set the basic attributes
         $this->id = $albums->id;
         $this->title = $albums->title;
         $this->updated = $albums->updated;
         if ($albums->author != null && strcmp($albums->author, "") != 0) {
             $this->author = new Picasa_Author($albums->author);
         } else {
             $this->author = new Picasa_Author();
         // The user is not a field in the XML for an image like it is for an album.  Thus, we parse.
         if ($this->author->getUser() == null || strcmp($this->author->getUser(), "") == 0) {
             $startUser = strpos($this->id, '/user/') + 6;
             $endUser = strpos($this->id, '/', $startUser);
             $this->author->setUser(substr($this->id, $startUser, $endUser - $startUser));
         // If there are comments, retrieve them and put them into the comments field of the object
         if ($this->commentCount === null) {
             $this->comments = null;
         } else {
             if ($this->commentCount === 0) {
                 $this->comments = array();
             } else {
                 $this->comments = array();
                 $i = 0;
                 // Grab each comment and make it into an object
                 foreach ($albums->entry as $comment) {
                     $this->comments[$i] = new Picasa_Comment($comment);
예제 #3
  * Constructs an Album object.  
  * When called, this method will fill out each private member	
  * of the Album object based on XML returned from Picasa's Atom feed.  It will also create
  * a Picasa_Image object for each image in the Album by passing XML for each image into 
  * the Picasa_Image constructor.	
  * @param string $url   The URL of the Picasa query to retrieve the XML from.  See
  *                      http://code.google.com/apis/picasaweb/gdata.html for information on
  *                      how to format the URL.  If null, it is assumed that $albums param
  *                      has been supplied.
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $albums  XML for constructing the object.  If null, it is assumed that the 
  *                                  URL to the Atom feed has been supplied.  If both are null, a
  *                                  {@link Picasa_Exception} is thrown.
  * @param array $contextArray       An array that can be passed to stream_context_create() to generate
  *                                  a PHP context.  See 
  *                                  {@link http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-context-create.php}
  * @param boolean $useCache  You can decide not to cache a specific request by passing false here.  You may
  *                           want to do this, for instance, if you're requesting a private feed.
  * @throws {@link Picasa_Exception} If the XML suppled through either parameter does not contain valid XML.
 public function __construct($url = null, SimpleXMLElement $albums = null, $contextArray = null, $useCache = true)
     if ($url != null) {
         $xmldata = false;
         $context = null;
         Picasa_Logger::getLogger()->logIfEnabled('Request string: ' . $url);
         if ($contextArray !== null) {
             $context = stream_context_create($contextArray);
         if ($useCache === true) {
             $xmldata = Picasa_Cache::getCache()->getIfCached($url);
         if ($xmldata === false) {
             Picasa_Logger::getLogger()->logIfEnabled("Not using cached entry for " . $url);
             $xmldata = @file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
             if ($useCache === true && $xmldata !== false) {
                 Picasa_Logger::getLogger()->logIfEnabled("Refreshing cache entry for key " . $url);
                 Picasa_Cache::getCache()->setInCache($url, $xmldata);
         if ($xmldata === false) {
             throw Picasa::getExceptionFromInvalidQuery($url, $contextArray);
         try {
             // Load the XML file into a SimpleXMLElement
             $albums = new SimpleXMLElement($xmldata);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new Picasa_Exception($e->getMessage(), null, $url);
         // I'm not sure why there's a difference, but the icon is given in different ways
         // depending on if the document is just for an Album or if it's part of a larger document
         $this->icon = $albums->icon;
     // Whether or not the contextArray is null, it should be set.
     $this->contextArray = $contextArray;
     if ($albums != null) {
         $namespaces = $albums->getNamespaces(true);
         $this->picasaAuthor = new Picasa_Author($albums->author);
         $this->editLink = null;
         $link = $albums->link[0];
         $i = 0;
         while ($link != null) {
             $attributes = $albums->link[$i]->attributes();
             if (strcmp($attributes["rel"], "edit") == 0) {
                 $this->editLink = $attributes["href"];
             } else {
                 if (strcmp($attributes["rel"], "alternate") == 0) {
                     $this->weblink = $attributes["href"];
             $link = $albums->link[$i];
         if (array_key_exists("gphoto", $namespaces)) {
             $gphoto_ns = $albums->children($namespaces["gphoto"]);
             $this->location = $gphoto_ns->location;
             $this->idnum = $gphoto_ns->id;
             $this->numphotos = $gphoto_ns->numphotos;
             $this->photosRemaining = $gphoto_ns->numphotosremaining;
             $this->bytesUsed = $gphoto_ns->bytesUsed;
             $this->commentingEnabled = $gphoto_ns->commentingEnabled;
             $this->numComments = $gphoto_ns->commentCount;
             $this->timestamp = $gphoto_ns->timestamp;
             // The picasaAuthor field must be set before this line is executed
             if ($this->picasaAuthor->getUser() == null || strcmp($this->picasaAuthor->getUser(), "") == 0) {
         if (array_key_exists("media", $namespaces)) {
             $media_ns = $albums->children($namespaces["media"]);
             // As stated above, this is to account for the different placement of icon
             if ($url === null) {
                 $thumbAtt = $media_ns->group->thumbnail->attributes();
                 $this->icon = $thumbAtt["url"];
         if (array_key_exists("georss", $namespaces)) {
             $georss_ns = $albums->children($namespaces["georss"]);
             $gml_ns = $georss_ns->children($namespaces["gml"]);
             $this->gmlPosition = @$gml_ns->Point->pos;
         $this->id = $albums->id;
         $this->title = $albums->title;
         $this->updated = $albums->updated;
         $this->published = $albums->published;
         $this->summary = $albums->summary;
         $this->rights = $albums->rights;
         $this->author = $albums->author->name;
         $this->subtitle = $albums->subtitle;
         $this->comments = null;
         $this->images = array();
         $i = 0;
         //Create a new Image object for each Image element
         foreach ($albums->entry as $images) {
             $this->images[$i] = new Picasa_Image(null, $images);
  * @todo document this method
  * @param array $config
 public function configure(array $config)
     if (!isset($config['connection']) || !is_array($config['connection'])) {
         throw new Exception('The \'connection\' configuration parameter is
                 required and this has to be an array');
     $this->_dbConnectionOptions = $config['connection'];
     $this->_ormConfig = new \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration();
     //Create ORM Mapping driver to use
     if (isset($config['mappingDriver'])) {
         $driverMappingConfig = $config['mappingDriver'];
         if (!isset($driverMappingConfig['type']) || !isset($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath'])) {
             throw new Exception('\'type\' and \'mappingDocsPath\' parameters are
                 required by mapping driver configuration');
         //Get full path to mapping documents
         if (is_array($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath'])) {
             foreach ($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath'] as &$path) {
                 $path = \ifc\util\zend\Config::prepareAbsolutePath(APPLICATION_PATH, $path);
         } else {
             $driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath'] = \ifc\util\zend\Config::prepareAbsolutePath(APPLICATION_PATH, $driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath']);
         $driverMappingConfig['type'] = strtolower($driverMappingConfig['type']);
         switch ($driverMappingConfig['type']) {
             case 'xml':
                 $driverImpl = new Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\XmlDriver($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath']);
             case 'yml':
                 $driverImpl = new Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\YamlDriver($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath']);
             case 'annotation':
                 $driverImpl = $this->_ormConfig->newDefaultAnnotationDriver($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath']);
             case 'php':
                 $driverImpl = new Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\PHPDriver($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath']);
                 throw new Exception('Unrecognized ORM driver mapping');
     } else {
         throw new Exception('The \'mappingDriver\' configuration parameter is required');
     //Parametrize configuration object
     if (isset($config['configuration'])) {
         //Each defined parameters of the {@link \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration} is
         //the name of one setters methods of the  that only receive one parameter
         // of a simple type
                       foreach ($config['configuration'] as $param => $value) {
                       $method = 'set' . $param;
                       if (method_exists($this->_ormConfig, $method)) {
                       } else {
                       throw new Exception($param . ' is is not a correct parameter
                       for ORM Configuration; the accepted parameters to configure the
                       \\Doctrine\\ORM\\Configuration are the name of the setter methods
                       without the \'set\' prefix that accept one parameter of a basic type.');
                       }/* */
         $configParams = $config['configuration'];
         // If exist ProxyDir parameter, set the Proxy directori
         if (isset($configParams['proxyDir'])) {
             $this->_ormConfig->setProxyDir($path = \ifc\util\zend\Config::prepareAbsolutePath(APPLICATION_PATH, $configParams['proxyDir']));
         // If exist ProxyNamespace parameter, set the Proxy namespace
         if (isset($configParams['proxyNamespace'])) {
         // If exist AutoGenerateProxyClasses parameter, set the flag if
         // the proxy classess have to be autogenerated
         if (isset($configParams['autoGenerateProxyClasses'])) {
             $this->_ormConfig->setAutoGenerateProxyClasses($path = \ifc\util\zend\Config::prepareAbsolutePath(APPLICATION_PATH, $configParams['autoGenerateProxyClasses']));
     //Configure cache
     if (isset($config['cache'])) {
         $cacheConfig = $config['cache'];
         if (!isset($cacheConfig['class'])) {
             throw new Exception('The \'class\' configuration parameter is required
                 to configure ORM cache');
         if (!class_exists($cacheConfig['class'])) {
             throw new Exception($cacheConfig['class'] . ' not found');
         $cache = new $cacheConfig['class']();
         if (isset($cacheConfig['uses'])) {
                               foreach ($cacheConfig['uses'] as $use => $flag) {
                               if ($flag) {
                               $method = 'set' . $use;
                               if (method_exists($this->_ormConfig, $method)) {
                               } else {
                               throw new Exception($use . ' is is not a correct cache use
                               for ORM Configuration; the accepted parameters to configure the
                               cache of \\Doctrine\\ORM\\Configuration are the name of the
                               setter methods without the \'set\' prefix that accept one parameter
                               of a class that implements \\Doctrine\\Common\\Cache interface.');
                               }/* */
             $cacheUseConfig = $cacheConfig['uses'];
             //Puts the Metadata cache if this is required
             if (isset($cacheUseConfig['metadata']) && $cacheUseConfig['metadata']) {
             //Puts the Query cache if this is required
             if (isset($cacheUseConfig['query']) && $cacheUseConfig['query']) {
             //Puts the Result cache if this is required
             if (isset($cacheUseConfig['result']) && $cacheUseConfig['result']) {
     $this->_entityManager = \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create($this->_dbConnectionOptions, $this->_ormConfig, new \Doctrine\Common\EventManager());