コード例 #1
ファイル: ZMAccountForm.php プロジェクト: zenmagick/zenmagick
  * Init with current account settings.
 private function loadAccount()
     // prepopulate with current account
     $account = $this->container->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     // move into Beans to wrap unsets of propertynames, attachedM, etc.
     $map = Beans::obj2map($account);
     // TODO: all this should be in a base class (but not ZMModel) - perhaps FormData in rp?
     // also, it should be possible/required to specify the fields that should be merged, plus
     // table names for custom fields (how could we find that out automatically??)
     Beans::setAll($this, $map);
コード例 #2
ファイル: ZMValidator.php プロジェクト: zenmagick/zenmagick
  * Validate the given request/object using the named (id) rule set.
  * <p>If the request parameter is an object, it will be added to the
  * internally used data map using the <em>magic key</em> <code>__obj</code>.</p>
  * @param ZenMagick\Http\Request request The current request.
  * @param mixed data The data (map or object) to validate.
  * @param string id The ruleset id.
  * @return boolean <code>true</code> if the validation was successful, <code>false</code> if not.
 public function validate($request, $data, $id)
     $this->messages = array();
     $set = $this->getRuleSet($id, true);
     if (null == $set) {
         return true;
     if (is_object($data)) {
         $map = Beans::obj2map($data);
         $map['__obj'] = $data;
     } else {
         $map = $data;
     // initial status
     $status = true;
     // iterate over rules
     foreach ($set->getRules() as $rule) {
         if (!$rule->validate($request, $map)) {
             $status = false;
             $msgList = array();
             if (array_key_exists($rule->getName(), $this->messages)) {
                 $msgList = $this->messages[$rule->getName()];
             if (null != $rule->getErrorMsg()) {
                 array_push($msgList, $rule->getErrorMsg());
             $this->messages[$rule->getName()] = $msgList;
     return $status;
コード例 #3
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function processPost($request)
     $languageId = $request->getSelectedLanguage()->getId();
     $data = $this->getViewData($request);
     $fieldList = $data['fieldList'];
     $fieldMap = $data['fieldMap'];
     $productIdList = $this->container->get('productService')->getProductIdsForCategoryId($request->attributes->get('categoryId'), $languageId, false, false);
     foreach ($productIdList as $productId) {
         // build a data map for each submitted product
         $formData = array();
         // and one with the original value to compare and detect state data
         $_formData = array();
         foreach ($fieldList as $field) {
             $widget = $field['widget'];
             if ($widget instanceof FormWidget) {
                 $fieldName = $field['name'] . '_' . $productId;
                 // use widget to *read* the value to allow for optional conversions, etc
                 $widget->setValue($request->request->get($fieldName, null, false));
                 $formData[$fieldMap[$field['name']]] = $widget->getStringValue();
                 $widget->setValue($request->request->get(self::STALE_CHECK_FIELD_PREFIX . $fieldName, null, false));
                 $_formData[$fieldMap[$field['name']]] = $widget->getStringValue();
         // load product, convert to map and compare with the submitted form data
         $product = $this->container->get('productService')->getProductForId($productId, $languageId);
         $productData = Beans::obj2map($product, $fieldMap);
         $isUpdate = false;
         foreach ($formData as $key => $value) {
             if (array_key_exists($key, $productData) && $value != $productData[$key]) {
                 if ($_formData[$key] == $productData[$key]) {
                     $isUpdate = true;
                 } else {
                     $isUpdate = false;
                     $this->get('session.flash_bag')->warn('Found stale data (' . $key . ') for productId ' . $productId . ' - skipping update');
         if ($isUpdate) {
             $product = Beans::setAll($product, $formData);
             $this->get('session.flash_bag')->success('All changes saved');
     return $this->findView('catalog-redirect');
コード例 #4
ファイル: BeansTest.php プロジェクト: zenmagick/zenmagick
  * Test getBean.
 public function testGetBean()
     $expect = array('foo' => 'bar', 'doh' => 'nut', 'properties' => array('foo' => 'bar', 'doh' => 'nut'), 'propertyNames' => array('foo', 'doh'), 'attachedMethods' => array());
     $definition = 'ZenMagick\\Base\\ZMObject#foo=bar&doh=nut';
     $obj = Beans::getBean($definition);
     $map = Beans::obj2map($obj);
     $this->assertEquals($expect, $map);
     $this->assertTrue($obj instanceof ZMObject);
     // test empty properties
     $expect = array('properties' => array(), 'propertyNames' => array(), 'attachedMethods' => array());
     $definition = 'ZenMagick\\Base\\ZMObject';
     $obj = Beans::getBean($definition);
     $map = Beans::obj2map($obj);
     $this->assertEquals($expect, $map);
     $this->assertTrue($obj instanceof ZMObject);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Connection.php プロジェクト: zenmagick/zenmagick
  * Create a prepared statement.
  * @param string sql The initial SQL.
  * @param mixed args The data either as map or ZMObject instance.
  * @param array mapping The field mapping.
  * @return A <code>PreparedStatement</code> or null;
 protected function prepareStatement($sql, $params, $mapping = null)
     $PDO_INDEX_SEP = '__';
     // make sure we are working on a map
     if (is_object($params)) {
         $params = Beans::obj2map($params, array_keys($mapping));
     // PDO doesn't allow '#' in param names, so use something else
     $nargs = array();
     foreach (array_keys($params) as $name) {
         $nname = str_replace('#', $PDO_INDEX_SEP, $name);
         if ($name != $nname) {
             $sql = str_replace(':' . $name, ':' . $nname, $sql);
         $nargs[$nname] = $params[$name];
     $params = $nargs;
     // handle array args
     foreach ($params as $name => $value) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $aargs = array();
             $index = 1;
             foreach ($value as $vv) {
                 $aargs[$index++ . $PDO_INDEX_SEP . $name] = $vv;
             // remove original
             // add new split up values
             $params = array_merge($params, $aargs);
             // update SQL
             $sql = str_replace(':' . $name, ':' . implode(', :', array_keys($aargs)), $sql);
     // create statement
     $sql = $this->resolveTablePlaceHolders($sql);
     $stmt = $this->prepare($sql);
     foreach ($params as $name => $value) {
         $typeName = preg_replace('/[0-9]+' . $PDO_INDEX_SEP . '/', '', $name);
         if (false !== strpos($sql, ':' . $name) && array_key_exists($typeName, $mapping)) {
             // only bind if actually used
             $type = $mapping[$typeName]['type'];
             // @todo do we really want to keep self::NULL_DATE* for native ZM code/plugins or keep it at all?
             if ('datetime' == $type && null == $value) {
                 $value = self::NULL_DATETIME;
             if ('date' == $type && null == $value) {
                 $value = self::NULL_DATE;
             $dbalType = $this->getDatabasePlatform()->getDoctrineTypeMapping($type);
             $x = $stmt->bindValue(':' . $name, $value, $dbalType);
     return $stmt;
コード例 #6
ファイル: BeanExtension.php プロジェクト: zenmagick/zenmagick
  * Turn an object into a map (array)
  * @see Beans::obj2map
  * @param  object obj
  * @param  array  properties
  * @param  bool   useGeneric
  * @return array
 public function obj2Map($obj, $properties = null, $addGeneric = true)
     return Beans::obj2map($obj, $properties, $addGeneric);