setDebug() public method

Set debug information as an object
public setDebug ( mixed $lastRequestHeaders, mixed $lastRequestBody, mixed $lastResponseCode, string $lastResponseHeaders, mixed $lastResponseError )
$lastRequestHeaders mixed
$lastRequestBody mixed
$lastResponseCode mixed
$lastResponseHeaders string
$lastResponseError mixed
コード例 #1
  * Use the send method to call every endpoint except for oauth/tokens
  * @param HttpClient $client
  * @param string     $endPoint E.g. "/tickets.json"
  * @param array      $options
  *                             Available options are listed below:
  *                             array $queryParams Array of unencoded key-value pairs, e.g. ["ids" => "1,2,3,4"]
  *                             array $postFields Array of unencoded key-value pairs, e.g. ["filename" => "blah.png"]
  *                             string $method "GET", "POST", etc. Default is GET.
  *                             string $contentType Default is "application/json"
  * @return \stdClass | null The response body, parsed from JSON into an object. Also returns null if something went wrong
  * @throws ApiResponseException
  * @throws AuthException
 public static function send(HttpClient $client, $endPoint, $options = [])
     $options = array_merge(['method' => 'GET', 'contentType' => 'application/json', 'postFields' => null, 'queryParams' => null], $options);
     $headers = array_merge(['Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => $options['contentType'], 'User-Agent' => $client->getUserAgent()], $client->getHeaders());
     $request = new Request($options['method'], $client->getApiUrl() . $client->getApiBasePath() . $endPoint, $headers);
     $requestOptions = [];
     if (!empty($options['multipart'])) {
         $request = $request->withoutHeader('Content-Type');
         $requestOptions['multipart'] = $options['multipart'];
     } elseif (!empty($options['postFields'])) {
         $request = $request->withBody(\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\stream_for(json_encode($options['postFields'])));
     } elseif (!empty($options['file'])) {
         if (is_file($options['file'])) {
             $fileStream = new LazyOpenStream($options['file'], 'r');
             $request = $request->withBody($fileStream);
     if (!empty($options['queryParams'])) {
         foreach ($options['queryParams'] as $queryKey => $queryValue) {
             $uri = $request->getUri();
             $uri = $uri->withQueryValue($uri, $queryKey, $queryValue);
             $request = $request->withUri($uri, true);
     // \RockstarGames\Cake\Log\Log::debug($request);
     // \RockstarGames\Cake\Log\Log::debug($options);
     try {
         list($request, $requestOptions) = $client->getAuth()->prepareRequest($request, $requestOptions);
         $response = $client->guzzle->send($request, $requestOptions);
     } catch (RequestException $e) {
         $requestException = RequestException::create($e->getRequest(), $e->getResponse());
         throw new ApiResponseException($requestException);
     } finally {
         $client->setDebug($request->getHeaders(), $request->getBody()->getContents(), isset($response) ? $response->getStatusCode() : null, isset($response) ? $response->getHeaders() : null, isset($e) ? $e : null);
     if (isset($file)) {
     return json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());
コード例 #2
  * Specific case for OAuth. Run /oauth.php via your browser to get an access token
  * @param HttpClient $client
  * @param string     $code
  * @param string     $oAuthId
  * @param string     $oAuthSecret
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return mixed
 public static function oauth(HttpClient $client, $code, $oAuthId, $oAuthSecret)
     $url = 'https://' . $client->getSubdomain() . '';
     $protocol = $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'https://' : 'http://';
     $curl = isset(self::$curl) ? self::$curl : new CurlRequest();
     $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_POST, true);
     $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(['grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'code' => $code, 'client_id' => $oAuthId, 'client_secret' => $oAuthSecret, 'redirect_uri' => $protocol . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'scope' => 'read']));
     $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type: application/json']);
     $curl->setopt(CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);
     $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
     $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
     $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
     $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
     $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
     $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 3);
     $response = $curl->exec();
     if ($response === false) {
         throw new \Exception(sprintf('Curl error message: "%s" in %s', $curl->error(), __METHOD__));
     $headerSize = $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
     $responseBody = substr($response, $headerSize);
     $responseObject = json_decode($responseBody);
     $client->setDebug($curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT), $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE), substr($response, 0, $headerSize), isset($responseObject->error) ? $responseObject : null);
     self::$curl = null;
     return $responseObject;