コード例 #1
ファイル: Serializer.php プロジェクト: outeredge/edge-zf2
  * Convert a paginator to array
  * @param Paginator $paginator
  * @param string $key root key for items, leave null to return items in root
  * @return array
 protected function paginatorToArray(Paginator $paginator, $key = null)
     $items = iterator_to_array($paginator->getCurrentItems());
     if (null === $key) {
         return $items;
     return array('pages' => $paginator->count(), 'current' => $paginator->getCurrentPageNumber(), 'count' => $paginator->getTotalItemCount(), $key => $items);
コード例 #2
ファイル: AdministratorModel.php プロジェクト: yuwenyu/SoJo
 public function getPagination($iPageNumber = 0, $iCountPerPage = 0)
     $paginatorAdapter = new DbSelect($this->mAdministratorTb->getSql()->select()->columns(array('id', 'role_id', 'username', 'realname', 'raw_add_time')), $this->mAdministratorTb->getAdapter(), $this->mAdministratorTb->getResultSetPrototype());
     $paginator = new Paginator($paginatorAdapter);
     $aRows = $this->mCore->IteratorToArray($paginator->getCurrentItems());
     $iTotal = $paginator->getTotalItemCount();
     return json_encode(array('rows' => $aRows, 'total' => $iTotal));
コード例 #3
ファイル: AuthorityModel.php プロジェクト: yuwenyu/SoJo
 public function getPagination($iPageNumber = 0, $iCountPerPage = 0, $aOptions = array())
     $paginatorAdapter = new DbSelect($this->mAuthorityTb->getSql()->select()->where($aOptions), $this->mAuthorityTb->getAdapter(), $this->mAuthorityTb->getResultSetPrototype());
     $paginator = new Paginator($paginatorAdapter);
     $iTotal = $paginator->getTotalItemCount();
     $aRows = $this->mCore->IteratorToArray($paginator->getCurrentItems());
     return json_encode(array('rows' => $aRows, 'total' => $iTotal));
コード例 #4
ファイル: PaginatorTest.php プロジェクト: Rovak/zf2
 public function testWithCacheDisabled()
     $cachedPageItems = $this->_paginator->getPageItemCache();
     $expected = new \ArrayIterator(range(1, 10));
     $this->assertEquals(array(), $cachedPageItems);
     $pageItems = $this->_paginator->getCurrentItems();
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $pageItems);
コード例 #5
 public function indexAction()
     $currentPage = $this->params()->fromRoute('page', null);
     $adapter = $this->jobTable->getAdapter();
     $select = $this->jobTable->getAll();
     $paginator = new Paginator(new \Zend\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect($select, $adapter));
     $jobs = $paginator->getCurrentItems();
     return new ViewModel(array('jobs' => $jobs, 'paginator' => $paginator));
コード例 #6
 public function getCurrentItems()
     /** @var Commit[] $commits */
     $commits = parent::getCurrentItems();
     foreach ($commits as $commit) {
         foreach ($this->getCommitFileStatusMapper()->forCommit($commit) as $status) {
     return $commits;
コード例 #7
 public function indexAction()
     $categories = $this->categoryTable->fetchAll();
     $results = array();
     $adapter = $this->jobTable->getAdapter();
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         $select = $this->jobTable->getActiveJobsForPagination($category->id_category, $this->config['job_nb_valid_days']);
         $paginator = new Paginator(new \Zend\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect($select, $adapter));
         $jobs = $paginator->getCurrentItems();
         $activeJobs = $paginator->getTotalItemCount();
         $results[] = array('category' => $category, 'job' => $jobs, 'activeJobs' => $activeJobs);
     $nbJobByCategory = $this->config['nb_job_by_category'];
     return new ViewModel(array('results' => $results, 'nbJobByCategory' => $nbJobByCategory));
コード例 #8
ファイル: WordController.php プロジェクト: spoorey/hangman
 public function indexAction()
     /** @var QueryBuilder $qb */
     $qb = $this->getObjectManager()->createQueryBuilder();
     $qb->select('w')->from(Word::class, 'w');
     $form = new WordSearchForm();
     $form->setInputFilter(new WordSearchInputFilter());
     // it doesn't matter if the form is not valid, as we would fill in default values anyway. This is just to avoid the default error messages
     // set query, direction and order for the querybuilder
     $direction = strtolower($form->getData()['d']);
     $direction = $direction == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
     $orderBy = strtolower($form->getData()['o']);
     switch ($orderBy) {
         case 'created':
             $order = 'createdAt';
         case 'updated':
             $order = 'updatedAt';
             $orderBy = $order = 'word';
     $qb->orderBy('w.' . $order, $direction);
     // no need to avoid SQL injection, as doctrine does this for us
     $query = $form->getData()['q'];
     $qb->where('w.word LIKE :query')->setParameter('query', '%' . $query . '%');
     $itemsPerPage = 50;
     // set up the paginator
     $adapter = new DoctrineAdapter(new ORMPaginator($qb->getQuery()));
     $paginator = new Paginator($adapter);
     $page = (int) $this->params()->fromQuery('p');
     if ($page != null) {
     } else {
     $pages = $paginator->getTotalItemCount() / $itemsPerPage;
     $viewModel = new ViewModel();
     $viewModel->setVariables(['words' => $paginator->getCurrentItems(), 'pageCount' => $paginator->getPageRange() + 1, 'currentPage' => $paginator->getCurrentPageNumber(), 'orderBy' => $orderBy, 'direction' => $direction, 'query' => $query, 'form' => $form]);
     return $viewModel;
コード例 #9
 public function listAction()
     // Get params from matched route
     $slug = $this->params()->fromRoute('slug', null);
     $currentPage = $this->params()->fromRoute('page', null);
     $adapter = $this->jobTable->getAdapter();
     if (!is_null($slug)) {
         $category = $this->categoryTable->getCategoryBySlug($slug);
         $select = $this->jobTable->getActiveJobsForPagination($category->id_category, $this->config['job_nb_valid_days']);
         $paginator = new Paginator(new \Zend\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect($select, $adapter));
         $jobs = $paginator->getCurrentItems();
         return new ViewModel(array('category' => $category, 'jobs' => $jobs, 'paginator' => $paginator, 'id' => $category->idCategory, 'slug' => $slug));
     } else {
コード例 #10
  * getList
  * @return mixed|JsonModel
 public function getList()
     if (!$this->rcmIsAllowed('sites', 'admin')) {
         return $this->getResponse();
     /** @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface $entityManager */
     $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
     /** @var \Rcm\Repository\Site $siteRepo */
     $siteRepo = $entityManager->getRepository('\\Rcm\\Entity\\Site');
     $createQueryBuilder = $siteRepo->createQueryBuilder('site')->select('site')->leftJoin('site.domain', 'domain')->leftJoin('site.country', 'country')->leftJoin('site.language', 'language')->orderBy('domain.domain', 'ASC');
     $query = $createQueryBuilder->getQuery();
     $searchQuery = $this->params()->fromQuery('q');
     if ($searchQuery) {
         $createQueryBuilder->where($createQueryBuilder->expr()->like('domain.domain', ':searchQuery'));
         $query = $createQueryBuilder->getQuery();
         $query->setParameter('searchQuery', $searchQuery . '%');
     $adaptor = new DoctrinePaginator(new ORMPaginator($query));
     $paginator = new Paginator($adaptor);
     $page = (int) $this->params()->fromQuery('page');
     if ($page) {
     $pageSize = (int) $this->params()->fromQuery('page_size');
     if ($pageSize) {
     $sitesObjects = $paginator->getCurrentItems();
     $sites = [];
     /** @var \Rcm\Entity\Site $site */
     foreach ($sitesObjects as $site) {
         $sites[] = $site->toArray();
     $list['items'] = $sites;
     $list['itemCount'] = $paginator->getTotalItemCount();
     $list['pageCount'] = $paginator->count();
     $list['currentPage'] = $paginator->getCurrentPageNumber();
     return new ApiJsonModel($list, 0, 'Success');
コード例 #11
  * Get installed modules
  * @param integer $page
  * @param integer $perPage
  * @param string $orderBy
  * @param string $orderType
  * @param array $filters
  *      string status
  *      string type
  * @return object
 public function getInstalledModules($page = 1, $perPage = 0, $orderBy = null, $orderType = null, array $filters = [])
     $orderFields = ['id', 'type', 'status', 'version', 'vendor', 'email'];
     $orderType = !$orderType || $orderType == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
     $orderBy = $orderBy && in_array($orderBy, $orderFields) ? $orderBy : 'id';
     $select = $this->select();
     $select->from(['a' => 'application_module'])->columns(['id', 'name', 'type', 'status', 'version', 'vendor', 'email' => 'vendor_email', 'description'])->join(['b' => 'application_module_depend'], 'a.id = b.depend_module_id', ['module_depends' => 'id'], 'left')->order($orderBy . ' ' . $orderType);
     // filter by status
     if (!empty($filters['status'])) {
         switch ($filters['status']) {
             case self::MODULE_STATUS_ACTIVE:
             case self::MODULE_STATUS_NOT_ACTIVE:
                 $select->where(['a.status' => $filters['status']]);
     // filter by type
     if (!empty($filters['type'])) {
         switch ($filters['type']) {
             case self::MODULE_TYPE_SYSTEM:
             case self::MODULE_TYPE_CUSTOM:
                 $select->where(['a.type' => $filters['type']]);
     $paginator = new Paginator(new DbSelectPaginator($select, $this->adapter));
     // load the custom deactivated module's translations
     foreach ($paginator->getCurrentItems() as $module) {
         if ($module['type'] == self::MODULE_TYPE_CUSTOM && $module['status'] == self::MODULE_STATUS_NOT_ACTIVE) {
             $this->addModuleTranslations($this->getSystemModuleConfig($module['name'], false));
     return $paginator;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ApiAbstract.php プロジェクト: sarancea/ciklum
  * Return list of resources
  * @param callable $queryBuilderCallback
  * @param callable $queryCallback
  * @throws \Application\Library\Exception\ValidationException
  * @return mixed
 public function getList(\Closure $queryBuilderCallback = null, \Closure $queryCallback = null)
     $form = new ModelFilterForm();
     if (!$form->isValid()) {
         throw new ValidationException($form->getMessages(), 400);
     $limit = $form->getData()['rows'];
     $page = $form->getData()['page'];
     $queryBuilder = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
     $queryBuilder->select('c')->from($this->entityClass, 'c');
     if (!is_null($queryBuilderCallback)) {
     $query = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->setHydrationMode(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     if (!is_null($queryCallback)) {
     $paginator = new Paginator(new DoctrinePaginator(new ORMPaginator($query)));
     $return = array('page' => $paginator->getCurrentPageNumber(), 'total' => ceil($paginator->getTotalItemCount() / $limit), 'records' => $paginator->getTotalItemCount(), 'rows' => $paginator->getCurrentItems()->getArrayCopy());
     return new JsonModel($return);
コード例 #13
ファイル: AbstractTable.php プロジェクト: LiubomyrPelo/data
 public function constructForeignKeys(Paginator $paginator)
     if (!$this->allowForeignKeys) {
         return $paginator;
     foreach ($this->foreignKeys as $key) {
         foreach ($paginator->getCurrentItems() as $item) {
             if ($this->serviceLocator->has('model\\' . $key->table)) {
                 try {
                     $table = $this->serviceLocator->get('model\\' . $key->table)->getTable();
                     $object = $table->get($item->{$key->name}, $key->col, true);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     throw new \Exception('Can\'t find col ' . $key->col . ' in model ' . $key->table);
             } else {
                 throw new \Exception('Can\'t find \'model\' ' . $key->table . ' service');
             $object = $object ? $object->count() == 1 ? current($object->getArrayCopy()) : $object->getArrayCopy() : null;
             $item->{$key->key ? $key->key : $key->table} = $object;
             $functionName = $key->table;
             $snakeCase = strpos($functionName, '_');
             if ($snakeCase) {
                 $functionName = ucwords($functionName, '_');
                 $functionName = str_replace('_', '', $functionName);
             } else {
                 $functionName = ucfirst($functionName);
             $functionName = 'get' . $functionName;
             $getFunction = function () use($item, $key) {
                 return $item->{$key->key ? $key->key : $key->table};
             $item->methods[$functionName] = \Closure::bind($getFunction, $item, get_class($item));
     return $paginator;
コード例 #14
 public function listarOcorrenciaAction()
     try {
         if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
             $limit = json_decode($this->getRequest()->getPost()['limit'], true);
             $filters = json_decode($this->getRequest()->getPost()['filters'], true);
             $filters = $filters['filters'];
             //                $filters = array($filters['filters']);
             $sortField = $this->getRequest()->getPost()['sortField'];
             $sortDirection = $this->getRequest()->getPost()['sortDirection'];
             $page = json_decode($this->getRequest()->getPost()['page'], true);
             $lotacaoSession = new Container('lotacaoVisibilidade');
             $lotacao = $lotacaoSession->lotacaoVisibilidade;
             $dados = array('id' => $this->getRequest()->getPost()['id'], 'placaVeiculo' => $this->getRequest()->getPost()['placaVeiculo.placa'], 'lotacaoMacro' => $lotacao);
             $ocorrenciaNegocio = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Frota\\Negocio\\Ocorrencia');
             // if ($filtro) {
             $retorno = $ocorrenciaNegocio->getRepository()->listarOcorrencia($filters, $dados, $sortField, $sortDirection);
             //                } else {
             //                    $retorno = $ocorrenciaNegocio->getRepository()->listarOcorrencia($filtro, $dados, $sortField, $sortDirection);
             //                }
             $paginator = new Paginator(new ArrayAdapter($retorno));
             $count = $paginator->getItemCount($retorno);
             $itemsArray = (array) $paginator->getCurrentItems();
             return new JsonModel(array("data" => $itemsArray, "message" => "Ocorrência(s) listada(s) com sucesso", "success" => true, "total" => $count));
     } catch (ValidacaoException $exc) {
         return new JsonModel(array("data" => "", "message" => $exc->getMessage(), "success" => false));
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
         $logger = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Zend\\Log');
         $logger->err($exc, array("Ocorreu um erro:"));
         return new JsonModel(array("data" => "", "message" => $exc->getMessage(), "success" => false));
     return new JsonModel(array("data" => "", "message" => "Erro na busca dos registros.", "success" => false));
コード例 #15
  * @param Paginator $paginator
 public function setPaginator(Paginator $paginator)
     foreach ($paginator->getCurrentItems() as $k => $item) {
         $this->setVariable($k, $this->hydrator->extract($item));
コード例 #16
ファイル: PaginatorTest.php プロジェクト: rajanlamic/IntTest
 public function testFilter()
     $filter = new Filter\Callback(array($this, 'filterCallback'));
     $paginator = new Paginator\Paginator(new Adapter\ArrayAdapter(range(1, 101)));
     $page = $paginator->getCurrentItems();
     $this->assertEquals(new \ArrayIterator(range(10, 100, 10)), $page);
コード例 #17
 public function listarCnhsVencidasAction()
     try {
         //        $scope.cnhsVencidas = [{"matricula": "565", "bairro": "Vincente ires", "cargo": {"codigo": "T", "descricao": "TEMPOR\u00c1RIO"}, "idCargo": "T", "cep": "45454645", "cnh": "123465", "dataValidadeCnh": {"date": "2015-04-20 15:01:30", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo"}, "endereco": "Colonia VP", "municipio": {"id": 2214, "nome": "BONITO                                                                       ", "uf": {"sigla": "MS", "nome": "MATO GROSSO DO SUL"}}, "uf": {"sigla": "MS", "nome": "MATO GROSSO DO SUL"}, "lotacao": {"codigo": 410000000, "codigoPai": 400000000, "codigoMacro": null, "descricao": "PROCURADORIA-GERAL DA JUSTICA MILITAR", "sigla": "PGJM"}, "nome": "Fulano de Tal", "nomeImpresso": "Fulaninho", "telefone": "6181274017", "tipoCategoriaCnh": "E", "isCnhVencida": true}, {"matricula": "sadasd", "bairro": "asdasd", "cargo": {"codigo": "R", "descricao": "REQUISITADO"}, "idCargo": "R", "cep": "71929000", "cnh": "sadasd", "dataValidadeCnh": {"date": "2015-07-27 15:01:44", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo"}, "endereco": "asdasd", "municipio": {"id": 28, "nome": "BARRA DE S\u00c3O MIGUEL                                                          ", "uf": {"sigla": "AL", "nome": "ALAGOAS"}}, "uf": {"sigla": "AL", "nome": "ALAGOAS"}, "lotacao": {"codigo": 410000000, "codigoPai": 400000000, "codigoMacro": null, "descricao": "PROCURADORIA-GERAL DA JUSTICA MILITAR", "sigla": "PGJM"}, "nome": "Rodrigo", "nomeImpresso": "rodrigo", "telefone": "6181274017", "tipoCategoriaCnh": "B", "isCnhVencida": true}, {"matricula": "1152", "bairro": "SAnta Maria", "cargo": {"codigo": "NTC20600", "descricao": "TECNICO DE APOIO ESPECIALIZADO"}, "idCargo": "NTC20600", "cep": "70000000", "cnh": "123134343", "dataValidadeCnh": {"date": "2015-09-26 00:00:00", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo"}, "endereco": "Rua 45", "municipio": {"id": 127, "nome": "ANAM\u00c3                                                                        ", "uf": {"sigla": "AM", "nome": "AMAZONAS"}}, "uf": {"sigla": "AM", "nome": "AMAZONAS"}, "lotacao": {"codigo": 410000000, "codigoPai": 400000000, "codigoMacro": null, "descricao": "PROCURADORIA-GERAL DA JUSTICA MILITAR", "sigla": "PGJM"}, "nome": "Joseliton Silva", "nomeImpresso": "Joseliton", "telefone": null, "tipoCategoriaCnh": "B", "isCnhVencida": false}, {"matricula": "1168-1", "bairro": "ARNIQUEIRA", "cargo": {"codigo": "NTC20600", "descricao": "TECNICO DE APOIO ESPECIALIZADO"}, "idCargo": "NTC20600", "cep": "70000000", "cnh": "234234343", "dataValidadeCnh": {"date": "2015-10-15 00:00:00", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo"}, "endereco": "SHIS SUL", "municipio": {"id": 1140, "nome": "ANAJATUBA                                                                    ", "uf": {"sigla": "MA", "nome": "MARANHAO"}}, "uf": {"sigla": "MA", "nome": "MARANHAO"}, "lotacao": {"codigo": 410000000, "codigoPai": 400000000, "codigoMacro": null, "descricao": "PROCURADORIA-GERAL DA JUSTICA MILITAR", "sigla": "PGJM"}, "nome": "JORGEVAN S. DE PAULA", "nomeImpresso": "JORGEVAN", "telefone": "2343434", "tipoCategoriaCnh": "I", "isCnhVencida": false}];
         //            $itemsArray = json_decode('[{"matricula": "56w5", "bairro": "Vincente ires", "cargo": {"codigo": "T", "descricao": "TEMPOR\u00c1RIO"}, "idCargo": "T", "cep": "45454645", "cnh": "123465", "dataValidadeCnh": {"date": "2015-04-20 15:01:30", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo"}, "endereco": "Colonia VP", "municipio": {"id": 2214, "nome": "BONITO                                                                       ", "uf": {"sigla": "MS", "nome": "MATO GROSSO DO SUL"}}, "uf": {"sigla": "MS", "nome": "MATO GROSSO DO SUL"}, "lotacao": {"codigo": 410000000, "codigoPai": 400000000, "codigoMacro": null, "descricao": "PROCURADORIA-GERAL DA JUSTICA MILITAR", "sigla": "PGJM"}, "nome": "Fulano de Tal", "nomeImpresso": "Fulaninho", "telefone": "6181274017", "tipoCategoriaCnh": "E", "isCnhVencida": true}, {"matricula": "sadasd", "bairro": "asdasd", "cargo": {"codigo": "R", "descricao": "REQUISITADO"}, "idCargo": "R", "cep": "71929000", "cnh": "sadasd", "dataValidadeCnh": {"date": "2015-07-27 15:01:44", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo"}, "endereco": "asdasd", "municipio": {"id": 28, "nome": "BARRA DE S\u00c3O MIGUEL                                                          ", "uf": {"sigla": "AL", "nome": "ALAGOAS"}}, "uf": {"sigla": "AL", "nome": "ALAGOAS"}, "lotacao": {"codigo": 410000000, "codigoPai": 400000000, "codigoMacro": null, "descricao": "PROCURADORIA-GERAL DA JUSTICA MILITAR", "sigla": "PGJM"}, "nome": "Rodrigo", "nomeImpresso": "rodrigo", "telefone": "6181274017", "tipoCategoriaCnh": "B", "isCnhVencida": true}, {"matricula": "1152", "bairro": "SAnta Maria", "cargo": {"codigo": "NTC20600", "descricao": "TECNICO DE APOIO ESPECIALIZADO"}, "idCargo": "NTC20600", "cep": "70000000", "cnh": "123134343", "dataValidadeCnh": {"date": "2015-09-26 00:00:00", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo"}, "endereco": "Rua 45", "municipio": {"id": 127, "nome": "ANAM\u00c3                                                                        ", "uf": {"sigla": "AM", "nome": "AMAZONAS"}}, "uf": {"sigla": "AM", "nome": "AMAZONAS"}, "lotacao": {"codigo": 410000000, "codigoPai": 400000000, "codigoMacro": null, "descricao": "PROCURADORIA-GERAL DA JUSTICA MILITAR", "sigla": "PGJM"}, "nome": "Joseliton Silva", "nomeImpresso": "Joseliton", "telefone": null, "tipoCategoriaCnh": "B", "isCnhVencida": false}, {"matricula": "1168-1", "bairro": "ARNIQUEIRA", "cargo": {"codigo": "NTC20600", "descricao": "TECNICO DE APOIO ESPECIALIZADO"}, "idCargo": "NTC20600", "cep": "70000000", "cnh": "234234343", "dataValidadeCnh": {"date": "2015-10-15 00:00:00", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo"}, "endereco": "SHIS SUL", "municipio": {"id": 1140, "nome": "ANAJATUBA                                                                    ", "uf": {"sigla": "MA", "nome": "MARANHAO"}}, "uf": {"sigla": "MA", "nome": "MARANHAO"}, "lotacao": {"codigo": 410000000, "codigoPai": 400000000, "codigoMacro": null, "descricao": "PROCURADORIA-GERAL DA JUSTICA MILITAR", "sigla": "PGJM"}, "nome": "JORGEVAN S. DE PAULA", "nomeImpresso": "JORGEVAN", "telefone": "2343434", "tipoCategoriaCnh": "I", "isCnhVencida": false}]');
         //            return new JsonModel(array("data" => $itemsArray, "message" => "Cnhs vencidas listado(s) com sucesso", "success" => true, "total" => $count));
         //        $scope.veiculosParaRevisao = [{"placa": "DDD2341", "anoFabricacao": 2012, "chassi": "1212", "combustivel": {"id": 1, "descricao": "GASOLINA"}, "dataDoacao": {"date": "2015-07-15 00:00:00", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo"}, "dataCompra": {"date": "2014-07-17 00:00:00", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo"}, "lotacao": {"codigo": 410000000, "codigoPai": 400000000, "codigoMacro": null, "descricao": "PROCURADORIA-GERAL DA JUSTICA MILITAR", "sigla": "PGJM"}, "marcaModelo": {"id": 4, "marca": "FIAT", "modelo": "UNO VIVACE 1.0", "kmRevisao": 10000, "mesesRevisao": 12}, "descricaoMarcaModelo": "FIAT\/UNO VIVACE 1.0", "placaMpm": "asd4323", "hodometro": 9543, "proximaKmRevisao": 5000, "proximaDataRevisao": {"date": "2015-01-17 00:00:00", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo"}, "revisoesFabrica": {}, "kmRevisao": 5000, "mesesRevisao": 6, "status": "2"}];
         if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
             $limit = json_decode($this->getRequest()->getPost()['limit'], true);
             $filtro = $this->getRequest()->getPost()['filtro'];
             $page = json_decode($this->getRequest()->getPost()['page'], true);
             $lotacaoSession = new Container('lotacaoVisibilidade');
             $lotacao = $lotacaoSession->lotacaoVisibilidade;
             $dados = array('id' => $this->getRequest()->getPost()['id'], 'nome' => $this->getRequest()->getPost()['nome'], 'lotacao' => $lotacao);
             $motoristaNegocio = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Frota\\Negocio\\Motorista');
             $retorno = $motoristaNegocio->getRepository()->listarCnhsVencidas($filtro, $dados);
             $paginator = new Paginator(new ArrayAdapter($retorno));
             $count = $paginator->getItemCount($retorno);
             $itemsArray = (array) $paginator->getCurrentItems();
             return new JsonModel(array("data" => $itemsArray, "message" => "Cnhs vencidas listado(s) com sucesso", "success" => true, "total" => $count));
     } catch (ValidacaoException $exc) {
         return new JsonModel(array("data" => "", "message" => $exc->getMessage(), "success" => false));
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
         $logger = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Zend\\Log');
         $logger->err($exc, array("Ocorreu um erro:"));
         return new JsonModel(array("data" => "", "message" => $exc->getMessage(), "success" => false));
     return new JsonModel(array("data" => "", "message" => "Erro na busca dos registros.", "success" => false));
コード例 #18
 public function mesIndicsAction()
     $this->headTitle("liste de mes indicateurs");
     $serviceManager = $this->getServiceLocator();
     $config = $serviceManager->get('Configuration');
     $currentPage = $this->params()->fromRoute('page', null);
     $max_per_page = $config['pagination']['per_page_size'];
     $authService = new AuthenticationService();
     if ($authService->hasIdentity()) {
         // Identity exists; get it
         $etabId = $authService->getIdentity()->et_code_fk;
         $puiId = $authService->getIdentity()->pui_code_fk;
         $userId = $authService->getIdentity()->user_code_pk;
     /** @var $entityManager \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager */
     $entityManager = $serviceManager->get('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager');
     $indicateurRepository = $entityManager->getRepository('Indicateur\\Entity\\Indicateur');
     $offset = ($currentPage - 1) * $max_per_page;
     if ($currentPage == 1) {
         $offset = null;
     /** @var $indicateurRepository \Indicateur\Entity\Repository\Indicateur */
     $indicateurRepository = $entityManager->getRepository('Indicateur\\Entity\\Indicateur');
     $results = $indicateurRepository->getPaginatorIndicAttrib($offset, $max_per_page, $userId);
     $adapter = new PaginatorAdapter($results);
     $paginator = new Paginator($adapter);
     $indics = $paginator->getCurrentItems();
     return new ViewModel(array("indics" => $indics, "paginator" => $paginator));
コード例 #19
ファイル: Datagrid.php プロジェクト: rezix/ZfcDatagrid
  * Load the data
 public function loadData()
     if (true === $this->isDataLoaded) {
         return true;
     if ($this->isInit() !== true) {
         throw new \Exception('The init() method has to be called, before you can call loadData()!');
     if ($this->hasDataSource() === false) {
         throw new \Exception('No datasource defined! Please call "setDataSource()" first"');
      * Apply cache
     $renderer = $this->getRenderer();
      * Step 1.1) Only select needed columns (performance)
      * Step 1.2) Sorting
     foreach ($renderer->getSortConditions() as $condition) {
         $this->getDataSource()->addSortCondition($condition['column'], $condition['sortDirection']);
      * Step 1.3) Filtering
     foreach ($renderer->getFilters() as $filter) {
     $paginatorAdapter = $this->getDataSource()->getPaginatorAdapter();
     $this->paginator = new Paginator($paginatorAdapter);
     /* @var $currentItems \ArrayIterator */
     $data = $this->paginator->getCurrentItems();
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         if ($data instanceof \Zend\Db\ResultSet\ResultSet) {
             $data = $data->toArray();
         } elseif ($data instanceof ArrayIterator) {
             $data = $data->getArrayCopy();
         } else {
             if (is_object($data)) {
                 $add = get_class($data);
             } else {
                 $add = '[no object]';
             throw new \Exception(sprintf('The paginator returned an unknown result: %s (allowed: \\ArrayIterator or a plain php array)', $add));
      * Save cache
     if ($renderer->isExport() === false) {
         $cacheData = ['sortConditions' => $renderer->getSortConditions(), 'filters' => $renderer->getFilters(), 'currentPage' => $this->getPaginator()->getCurrentPageNumber()];
         $success = $this->getCache()->setItem($this->getCacheId(), $cacheData);
         if ($success !== true) {
             /** @var \Zend\Cache\Storage\Adapter\FilesystemOptions $options */
             $options = $this->getCache()->getOptions();
             throw new \Exception(sprintf('Could not save the datagrid cache. Does the directory "%s" exists and is writeable? CacheId: %s', $options->getCacheDir(), $this->getCacheId()));
      * Step 3) Format the data - Translate - Replace - Date / time / datetime - Numbers - ...
     $prepareData = new PrepareData($data, $this->getColumns());
     if ($this->hasTranslator()) {
     $this->preparedData = $prepareData->getData();
     $this->isDataLoaded = true;
コード例 #20
  * Returns the inner iterator for the current entry.
  * @link http://php.net/manual/en/outeriterator.getinneriterator.php
  * @return \Iterator The inner iterator for the current entry.
 public function getInnerIterator()
     return $this->paginator->getCurrentItems();
コード例 #21
ファイル: PaginatorTest.php プロジェクト: rafalwrzeszcz/zf2
  * @group ZF-4207
 public function testAcceptsTraversableInstanceFromAdapter()
     $paginator = new Paginator\Paginator(new \ZendTest\Paginator\TestAsset\TestAdapter());
     $this->assertInstanceOf('ArrayObject', $paginator->getCurrentItems());
コード例 #22
 protected function serializePaginator(Paginator $paginator)
     return ['data' => ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($paginator->getCurrentItems()), 'pagination' => ['currentPage' => $paginator->getCurrentPageNumber(), 'pagesCount' => $paginator->count()]];