/** * * @param \yii\web\Application $app * @param array $config */ protected function initialize($app, $config) { if ($app instanceof \yii\web\Application) { if (ArrayHelper::getValue($config, 'attach_client_behavior', true)) { $app->attachBehavior(ClientBehavior::className(), ClientBehavior::className()); } AppHelper::registerAccessHandler(models\Sales::className(), components\AccessHandler::className()); } }
/** * * @param \yii\web\Application $app * @param array $config */ protected function initialize($app, $config) { if ($app instanceof \yii\web\Application) { $app->attachBehaviors([hooks\TransferNoticeHook::className() => hooks\TransferNoticeHook::className()]); AppHelper::registerAccessHandler(models\Transfer::className(), AccessHandler::className()); AppHelper::registerAccessHandler(models\TransferNotice::className(), AccessHandler::className()); } }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function preInit(&$config) { if (!isset($config['timeZone']) && date_default_timezone_get()) { $config['timeZone'] = date_default_timezone_get(); } parent::preInit($config); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function preInit(&$config) { date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); if (!isset($config['timeZone']) && date_default_timezone_get()) { $config['timeZone'] = date_default_timezone_get(); } parent::preInit($config); }
/** @param \yii\web\Application $app */ public function bootstrap($app) { if ($app instanceof \yii\web\Application) { \Yii::$app->setComponents(['user' => ['class' => 'giantbits\\crelish\\components\\CrelishUser', 'identityClass' => 'giantbits\\crelish\\components\\CrelishUser', 'enableAutoLogin' => true], 'defaultRoute' => 'frontend/index', 'view' => ['class' => 'yii\\web\\View', 'renderers' => ['twig' => ['class' => 'yii\\twig\\ViewRenderer', 'cachePath' => '@runtime/Twig/cache', 'options' => ['auto_reload' => true], 'globals' => ['html' => '\\yii\\helpers\\Html']]]], 'urlManager' => ['class' => 'yii\\web\\UrlManager', 'enablePrettyUrl' => TRUE, 'showScriptName' => FALSE, 'enableStrictParsing' => TRUE, 'suffix' => '.html', 'rules' => []], 'i18n' => ['class' => 'yii\\i18n\\I18N', 'translations' => ['app*' => ['class' => 'yii\\i18n\\PhpMessageSource', 'basePath' => '@app/messages', 'sourceLanguage' => 'en-US', 'fileMap' => ['app' => 'app.php', 'app/error' => 'error.php'], 'on missingTranslation' => [CrelishI18nEventHandler::class, 'handleMissingTranslation']]]]]); $app->getUrlManager()->addRules([['class' => 'yii\\web\\UrlRule', 'pattern' => 'crelish/<controller:[\\w\\-]+>/<action:[\\w\\-]+>', 'route' => 'crelish/<controller>/<action>'], ['class' => 'yii\\web\\UrlRule', 'pattern' => 'crelish/<id:\\w+>', 'route' => 'crelish/default/view'], ['class' => 'yii\\web\\UrlRule', 'pattern' => 'crelish', 'route' => 'crelish/default/index'], ['class' => 'yii\\web\\UrlRule', 'pattern' => '<controller:[\\w\\-]+>/<action:[\\w\\-]+>', 'route' => '/<controller>/<action>'], ['class' => 'giantbits\\crelish\\components\\CrelishBaseUrlRule']], TRUE); } // Register crelish. \Yii::$app->setModules(['crelish' => ['class' => 'giantbits\\crelish\\Module', 'theme' => \Yii::$app->params['crelish']['theme']], 'redactor' => 'yii\\redactor\\RedactorModule']); }
/** * Bootstraps the module for the web application. * * @param \yii\web\Application $app application instance. */ protected function bootstrapWebApplication($app) { /** @var Module $module */ $module = $app->getModule(Module::MODULE_ID); // prepend the URL rules to the URL manager $app->getUrlManager()->addRules([new GroupUrlRule($module->urlConfig)], false); // Configure the web user component $app->set('user', ArrayHelper::merge(['class' => $module->getClassName(Module::CLASS_WEB_USER), 'identityClass' => $module->getClassName(Module::CLASS_ACCOUNT), 'loginUrl' => $module->createRoute(Module::URL_ROUTE_LOGIN), 'enableAutoLogin' => true], $module->userConfig)); // configure client authentication if necessary if ($module->enableClientAuth && !$app->has('authClientCollection')) { $app->set('authClientCollection', ArrayHelper::merge(['class' => Collection::className(), 'clients' => ['google' => ['class' => GoogleOpenId::className()]]], $module->clientAuthConfig)); } }
/** * * @param \yii\web\Application $app */ public function bootstrap($app) { $view = $app->getView(); $pathMap = []; $pathMap['@app/views/layouts'] = '@hscstudio/startup/views/layouts'; $pathMap['@app/views/site'] = '@hscstudio/startup/views/site'; if (!empty($pathMap)) { $view->theme = Yii::createObject(['class' => 'yii\\base\\Theme', 'pathMap' => $pathMap]); } $assets = $view->assetManager->publish('@hscstudio/startup/assets'); }
/** * * @param \yii\web\Application $app */ public function bootstrap($app) { if (isset($app->components['adminlte']['example']) and $app->components['adminlte']['example']) { $app->controllerMap['site'] = ['class' => 'hscstudio\\adminlte\\controllers\\SiteController']; $view = $app->getView(); $pathMap = []; $pathMap['@app/views/layouts'] = '@hscstudio/adminlte/views/layouts'; $pathMap['@app/views/site'] = '@hscstudio/adminlte/views/site'; if (!empty($pathMap)) { $view->theme = Yii::createObject(['class' => 'yii\\base\\Theme', 'pathMap' => $pathMap]); } } }
/** * Bootstrap method to be called during application bootstrap stage. * @param \yii\web\Application $app the application currently running */ public function bootstrap($app) { $app->set($this->id, $this); Yii::$container->set('gromver\\models\\fields\\EditorField', ['controller' => 'grom/media/manager']); Yii::$container->set('gromver\\models\\fields\\MediaField', ['controller' => 'grom/media/manager']); Yii::$container->set('gromver\\modulequery\\ModuleQuery', ['cache' => $app->cache, 'cacheDependency' => new ExpressionDependency(['expression' => '\\Yii::$app->getModulesHash()'])]); Yii::$container->set('gromver\\platform\\frontend\\components\\MenuMap', ['cache' => $app->cache, 'cacheDependency' => Table::dependency(MenuItem::tableName())]); /** @var MenuManager $manager */ $manager = \Yii::createObject(MenuManager::className()); $rules = [$manager]; if (is_array($this->blockModules) && count($this->blockModules)) { $rules['grom/<module:(' . implode('|', $this->blockModules) . ')><path:(/.*)?>'] = 'grom/default/page-not-found'; //блокируем доступ к контент модулям напрямую } $app->urlManager->addRules($rules, false); //вставляем в начало списка $app->set('menuManager', $manager); ModuleQuery::instance()->implement('\\gromver\\platform\\common\\interfaces\\BootstrapInterface')->invoke('bootstrap', [$app]); }
public function __construct($config = []) { parent::__construct($config); if (empty($this->siteLangs)) { $this->siteLangs = new Language(); } if (empty($this->siteMenu)) { $this->siteMenu = new Menu(); } }
public function __construct($config) { parent::__construct($config); // Set name from database if not set by config file. if (!isset($config['name'])) { if ($name = Config::setting('application.name')) { $this->name = $name; } } // Set email from database if not set by config file. if (!isset(Yii::$app->params['adminEmail'])) { Yii::$app->params['adminEmail'] = null; if ($email = Config::setting('application.admin.email')) { Yii::$app->params['adminEmail'] = $email; } } // Setup options for the user module. $user = Yii::$app->getModule('user'); $user->enableRegistration = Config::setting('user.registration.enabled'); $user->enableConfirmation = Config::setting('user.registration.confirmation'); $user->enableUnconfirmedLogin = Config::setting('user.registration.unconfirmed.login'); $user->enablePasswordRecovery = Config::setting('user.registration.password.recovery'); $user->rememberFor = Config::setting('user.login.remember.time'); $user->confirmWithin = Config::setting('user.registration.confirm.time'); $user->recoverWithin = Config::setting('user.registration.recover.time'); // Add some event listeners to the app user. $appUser = Yii::$app->user; $appUser->on($appUser::EVENT_AFTER_LOGIN, function ($e) use($appUser) { $class = $appUser->identityClass; $class::globalCookieSet($e->duration); }); $appUser->on($appUser::EVENT_AFTER_LOGOUT, function ($e) use($appUser) { $class = $appUser->identityClass; $class::globalCookieClear(); }); $appUserClass = $appUser->identityClass; if ($appUser->isGuest) { $appUserClass::globalCookieClear(); } else { $appUserClass::globalCookieSet(); } }
/** * @param \yii\web\Application $app */ public function bootstrap($app) { $urlManager = $app->getUrlManager(); $urlManager->enablePrettyUrl = true; $id = $this->uniqueId; $urlManager->addRules([['class' => classes\GroupUrlRule::className(), 'prefix' => $id, 'suffix' => '', 'rules' => ['' => '', 'GET assignment' => 'assignment/index', 'GET assignment/<id>' => 'assignment/view', 'POST assignment/assign/<id>' => 'assignment/assign', 'POST assignment/revoke/<id>' => 'assignment/revoke', 'GET item' => 'item/index', 'GET item/<id>' => 'item/view', 'POST item/assign/<id>' => 'item/add-child', 'POST item/revoke/<id>' => 'item/remove-child', 'PUT item/<id>' => 'item/update', 'POST item' => 'item/create', 'DELETE item/<id>' => 'item/delete', 'GET rule' => 'rule/index', 'GET rule/<id>' => 'rule/view', 'POST rule/<id>' => 'rule/update', 'POST rule' => 'rule/create', 'DELETE rule/<id>' => 'rule/delete', 'GET route' => 'route/index', 'POST route/add' => 'route/add', 'POST route/remove' => 'route/remove', 'GET menu' => 'menu/index', 'GET menu/values' => 'menu/values', 'GET menu/<id>' => 'menu/view', 'POST menu/<id>' => 'menu/update', 'POST menu' => 'menu/create', 'DELETE menu/<id>' => 'menu/delete']]], false); }
/** * @param \yii\web\Application $app */ public function bootstrap($app) { /* @var $module \marsoltys\yii2user\Module */ $module = Yii::$app->getModule("user"); $urlManager = $app->getUrlManager(); //$urlManager->enablePrettyUrl = true; $urlManager->addRules($module->urlRules, true); $app->set('user', ['identityClass' => $module->identityClass, 'loginUrl' => $module->loginUrl, 'class' => $module->userClass]); }
public function testSyncWithConnectAndFailedSyncAction() { $mockSynchronizer = Mockery::mock($this->mockApp->synchronizer); $mockSynchronizer->shouldReceive('isConnected')->andReturnUsing(function ($serviceName = null) { return true; }); $mockSynchronizer->shouldReceive('syncService')->andReturnUsing(function ($serviceName = null) { return ['flag' => false, 'count' => 0]; }); $this->mockApp->set('synchronizer', $mockSynchronizer); Yii::$app = $this->mockApp; $action = new SyncAction('action', Yii::$app->controller, ['successUrl' => 'http://fakehost/successUrl', 'failedUrl' => 'http://fakehost/failedUrl']); $response = $action->runWithParams(['service' => $this->serviceName]); $this->assertTrue($response->getIsRedirection()); $this->assertTrue($response->getHeaders()->get('location') === 'http://fakehost/failedUrl'); }
/** * * @param \yii\web\Application $app */ public function bootstrap($app) { $mailbox = ArrayHelper::merge($app->getModules()['mailbox'], ['class' => 'hscstudio\\mailbox\\Module']); $app->setModule('mailbox', $mailbox); if (!empty($app->getModules()['mailbox']['view'])) { $view = $app->getView(); $pathMap = []; $pathMap['@hscstudio/mailbox/views/default'] = $app->getModules()['mailbox']['view']; if (!empty($pathMap)) { $view->theme = Yii::createObject(['class' => 'yii\\base\\Theme', 'pathMap' => $pathMap]); } } }
public function init() { parent::init(); Common::setTimezone(); }
/** * Bootstrap method to be called during application bootstrap stage. * @param \yii\web\Application $app the application currently running */ public function bootstrap($app) { $app->set($this->id, $this); Yii::$container->set('gromver\\modulequery\\ModuleQuery', ['cache' => $app->cache, 'cacheDependency' => new ExpressionDependency(['expression' => '\\Yii::$app->getModulesHash()'])]); ModuleQuery::instance()->implement('\\gromver\\platform\\common\\interfaces\\BootstrapInterface')->invoke('bootstrap', [$app]); }
/** * @param \yii\web\Request $request * @return \yii\web\Response */ public function handleRequest($request) { return $this->handleRedirectRequest($request) ?: parent::handleRequest($request); }
public function coreComponents() { return array_merge(parent::coreComponents(), ['multiDomainsManager' => ['class' => 'vistart\\components\\web\\MultiDomainsManager'], 'user' => ['class' => 'vistart\\components\\web\\SSOUser']]); }
/** * * @param \yii\web\Application $app */ public function bootstrap($app) { $view = $app->getView(); AdminLtePluginAsset::register($view); }
/** * * @param \yii\web\Application $app */ public function bootstrap($app) { $app->attachBehavior(AccessControl::className(), new AccessControl(['allowActions' => $this->allowActions])); }
public function init() { parent::init(); $this->name = self::getSiteName(); }
<?php /** * Entry point to frontend application */ use yii\web\Application; $rootDir = dirname(__DIR__); $appDir = $rootDir . '/app'; // include environment constants include_once $appDir . '/config/env.php'; // include vendors autoload include $rootDir . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // include yii2 application manually include $rootDir . '/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php'; // get frontend configuration $config = (include $appDir . '/config/frontend.php'); // run application $application = new Application($config); $application->run();
public function init() { parent::init(); $this->setLayoutPath("{$this->getViewPath()}/_layouts"); }
/** * @param \yii\web\Application $app */ public function bootstrap($app) { $urlManager = $app->getUrlManager(); $urlManager->enablePrettyUrl = true; $id = $this->uniqueId; $urlManager->addRules([$id => $id . '/default/index', 'GET ' . $id . '/assignment' => $id . '/assignment/index', 'GET ' . $id . '/assignment/<id>' => $id . '/assignment/view', 'POST ' . $id . '/assignment/assign/<id>' => $id . '/assignment/assign', 'POST ' . $id . '/assignment/revoke/<id>' => $id . '/assignment/revoke', 'GET ' . $id . '/item' => $id . '/item/index', 'GET ' . $id . '/item/<id>' => $id . '/item/view', 'POST ' . $id . '/item/assign/<id>' => $id . '/item/add-child', 'POST ' . $id . '/item/revoke/<id>' => $id . '/item/remove-child', 'PUT ' . $id . '/item/<id>' => $id . '/item/update', 'POST ' . $id . '/item' => $id . '/item/create', 'DELETE ' . $id . '/item/<id>' => $id . '/item/delete', 'GET ' . $id . '/rule' => $id . '/rule/index', 'GET ' . $id . '/rule/<id>' => $id . '/rule/view', 'POST ' . $id . '/rule/<id>' => $id . '/rule/update', 'POST ' . $id . '/rule' => $id . '/rule/create', 'DELETE ' . $id . '/rule/<id>' => $id . '/rule/delete', 'GET ' . $id . '/route' => $id . '/route/index', 'POST ' . $id . '/route/add' => $id . '/route/add', 'POST ' . $id . '/route/remove' => $id . '/route/remove', 'GET ' . $id . '/menu' => $id . '/menu/index', 'GET ' . $id . '/menu/values' => $id . '/menu/values', 'GET ' . $id . '/menu/<id>' => $id . '/menu/view', 'POST ' . $id . '/menu/<id>' => $id . '/menu/update', 'POST ' . $id . '/menu' => $id . '/menu/create', 'DELETE ' . $id . '/menu/<id>' => $id . '/menu/delete'], false); }
public function run() { $modules = array_keys($this->getModules()); foreach ($modules as $moduleName) { $moduleSettings = (array) $this->modules[$moduleName]; if (isset($moduleSettings['autoload']) && $moduleSettings['autoload'] === 1) { \Yii::$app->getModule($moduleName); } } return parent::run(); }
public function __construct(array $config = []) { Yii::setAlias('system', __DIR__); Yii::setAlias('admin', dirname(__DIR__) . '/admin'); $this->initPluginManager($config); $haloConfig = (require __DIR__ . '/config/haloconfig.php'); $cfg = ArrayHelper::merge($haloConfig, $this->loadPluginConfigs('/config.php'), $config); $file = $cfg['vendorPath'] . '/yiisoft/extensions.php'; $extensions = is_file($file) ? include $file : []; if (isset($cfg['extensions']) && is_array($cfg['extensions'])) { $cfg['extensions'] = ArrayHelper::merge($extensions, $cfg['extensions']); } else { $cfg['extensions'] = $extensions; } parent::__construct($cfg); }
public function createController($route) { // find whether multisite is enabled if (Yii::$app->cmgCore->multiSite) { if ($route === '') { $route = $this->defaultRoute; } // double slashes or leading/ending slashes may cause substr problem $route = trim($route, '/'); if (strpos($route, '//') !== false) { return false; } // Sub-Directory if (Yii::$app->cmgCore->subDirectory) { if (strpos($route, '/') !== false) { list($site, $siteRoute) = explode('/', $route, 2); // Find Site $site = SiteService::findBySlug($site); // Site Found if (isset($site)) { // Configure Current Site Yii::$app->cmgCore->siteId = $site->id; Yii::$app->cmgCore->siteName = $site->name; Yii::$app->cmgCore->siteSlug = $site->slug; Yii::$app->urlManager->baseUrl = Yii::$app->urlManager->baseUrl . "/" . $site->name; return parent::createController($siteRoute); } } } else { // Find Site $siteName = array_shift(explode(".", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])); if (!isset($siteName) || strcmp($siteName, 'www') == 0) { $siteName = 'main'; } $site = SiteService::findBySlug($siteName); // Site Found if (isset($site)) { // Configure Current Site Yii::$app->cmgCore->siteId = $site->id; Yii::$app->cmgCore->siteName = $site->name; Yii::$app->cmgCore->siteSlug = $site->slug; return parent::createController($route); } } } return parent::createController($route); }
public function testParseRESTRequest() { $request = new Request(); // pretty URL rules $manager = new UrlManager(['enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'showScriptName' => false, 'cache' => null, 'rules' => ['PUT,POST post/<id>/<title>' => 'post/create', 'DELETE post/<id>' => 'post/delete', 'post/<id>/<title>' => 'post/view', 'POST/GET' => 'post/get']]); // matching pathinfo GET request $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'; $request->pathInfo = 'post/123/this+is+sample'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(['post/view', ['id' => '123', 'title' => 'this+is+sample']], $result); // matching pathinfo PUT/POST request $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'PUT'; $request->pathInfo = 'post/123/this+is+sample'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(['post/create', ['id' => '123', 'title' => 'this+is+sample']], $result); $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'; $request->pathInfo = 'post/123/this+is+sample'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(['post/create', ['id' => '123', 'title' => 'this+is+sample']], $result); // no wrong matching $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'; $request->pathInfo = 'POST/GET'; $result = $manager->parseRequest($request); $this->assertEquals(['post/get', []], $result); // createUrl should ignore REST rules $this->mockApplication(['components' => ['request' => ['hostInfo' => 'http://localhost/', 'baseUrl' => '/app']]], \yii\web\Application::className()); $this->assertEquals('/app/post/delete?id=123', $manager->createUrl(['post/delete', 'id' => 123])); $this->destroyApplication(); unset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); }
/** * * @param \yii\web\Application $app */ public function bootstrap($app) { $app->set('view', ['class' => 'yii\\web\\View', 'theme' => ['pathMap' => ['' => '']]]); $view = $app->getView(); $pathMap = []; if (!isset($this->features['datecontrol'])) { $this->features['datecontrol'] = true; } if ($this->features['datecontrol'] != false) { $app->setModules(['datecontrol' => ['class' => '\\kartik\\datecontrol\\Module', 'displaySettings' => [\kartik\datecontrol\Module::FORMAT_DATE => 'dd-MM-yyyy', \kartik\datecontrol\Module::FORMAT_TIME => 'HH:mm:ss', \kartik\datecontrol\Module::FORMAT_DATETIME => 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss'], 'saveSettings' => [\kartik\datecontrol\Module::FORMAT_DATE => 'php:Y-m-d', \kartik\datecontrol\Module::FORMAT_TIME => 'php:H:i:s', \kartik\datecontrol\Module::FORMAT_DATETIME => 'php:Y-m-d H:i:s'], 'autoWidget' => true, 'autoWidgetSettings' => [\kartik\datecontrol\Module::FORMAT_DATE => ['pluginOptions' => ['autoclose' => true]], \kartik\datecontrol\Module::FORMAT_DATETIME => ['pluginOptions' => ['autoclose' => true]], \kartik\datecontrol\Module::FORMAT_TIME => ['pluginOptions' => ['autoclose' => true]]]]]); Yii::$container->set('kartik\\datecontrol\\DateControl', ['ajaxConversion' => false]); } if (!isset($this->features['gridview'])) { $this->features['gridview'] = true; } if ($this->features['gridview'] != false) { $app->setModules(['gridview' => ['class' => '\\kartik\\grid\\Module']]); } if (!isset($this->features['gii'])) { $this->features['gii'] = true; } if ($this->features['gii'] != false) { $app->setModules(['gii' => ['class' => 'yii\\gii\\Module', 'allowedIPs' => ['', '::1', '192.168.0.*', ''], 'generators' => ['crud' => ['class' => 'hscstudio\\heart\\modules\\gii\\crud\\Generator', 'templates' => ['my' => '@hscstudio/heart/modules/gii/crud/default']]]]]); } if (!isset($this->features['privilege'])) { $this->features['privilege'] = true; } if ($this->features['privilege'] != false) { $authManager = ArrayHelper::remove($this->features['privilege'], 'authManager', ['class' => 'yii\\rbac\\DbManager']); $allowActions = ArrayHelper::remove($this->features['privilege'], 'allowActions', ['debug/*', 'site/*', 'gii/*', 'privilege/*', 'gridview/*']); $app->set('authManager', $authManager); $app->setModule('privilege', array_merge(['class' => '\\mdm\\admin\\Module', 'layout' => '@hscstudio/heart/views/layouts/column2'], $this->features['privilege'])); $app->attachBehavior('access', ['class' => '\\mdm\\admin\\components\\AccessControl', 'allowActions' => $allowActions]); //$app->getModule('privilege')->bootstrap($app); /* $pathMap['@mdm/admin/views'] = '@hscstudio/heart/modules/admin/views'; */ } $pathMap['@app/views/layouts'] = '@hscstudio/heart/views/layouts'; if (!empty($pathMap)) { $view->theme = Yii::createObject(['class' => 'yii\\base\\Theme', 'pathMap' => $pathMap]); } $assets = $view->assetManager->publish('@hscstudio/heart/assets/heart'); $view->registerCssFile($assets[1] . '/css/heart.css', ['depends' => [BootstrapAsset::className()]], 'css-heart'); $view->registerCssFile($assets[1] . '/css/metroui.css', ['depends' => [BootstrapAsset::className()]], 'css-metroui'); $view->registerCssFile($assets[1] . '/css/family-tree.css', ['depends' => [BootstrapAsset::className()]], 'css-family-tree'); $view->registerJsFile($assets[1] . '/js/heart.js', ['depends' => [BootstrapPluginAsset::className()]]); $css = ' .overlay, .loading-img { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .overlay { z-index: 1010; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); } .overlay.dark { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } .loading-img { z-index: 1020; background: transparent url("' . $assets[1] . '/img/ajax-loader1.gif") 50% 20% no-repeat; } .bootstrap-switch { min-width:125px !important; } '; $view->registerCss($css); $view->registerJsFile($assets[1] . '/js/bootstrap-growl.min.js', ['depends' => [BootstrapPluginAsset::className()]]); \yii\base\Event::on('yii\\web\\Controller', 'beforeAction', function ($event) { if ($event->sender->uniqueId == 'site') { $event->sender->layout = 'column1'; } }); }