コード例 #1
ファイル: InflectorTest.php プロジェクト: howq/yii2
 public function testSingularize()
     $testData = ['moves' => 'move', 'feet' => 'foot', 'children' => 'child', 'humans' => 'human', 'men' => 'man', 'staff' => 'staff', 'teeth' => 'tooth', 'people' => 'person', 'mice' => 'mouse', 'touches' => 'touch', 'hashes' => 'hash', 'shelves' => 'shelf', 'potatoes' => 'potato', 'buses' => 'bus', 'tests' => 'test', 'cars' => 'car'];
     foreach ($testData as $testIn => $testOut) {
         $this->assertEquals($testOut, Inflector::singularize($testIn));
         $this->assertEquals(ucfirst($testOut), ucfirst(Inflector::singularize($testIn)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: ModelTrait.php プロジェクト: ICHydro/anaconda
 public function getModelByTableName($name)
     $returnName = str_replace($this->tablePrefix, '', $name);
     $returnName = Inflector::id2camel($returnName, '_');
     if ($this->singularEntities) {
         $returnName = Inflector::singularize($returnName);
     return $returnName;
コード例 #3
ファイル: FsmController.php プロジェクト: netis-pl/yii2-fsm
  * Changes:
  * - load an AR model and use constant name
  * @param $modelClass namespace
  * @param $tableSuffix string new tables suffix, most often the model's table name in singular form with _changes appended, ex. order_status_changes
  * @param $relation string name of relation from model pointing to the main model, ex. orders
  * @param $schema
 public function actionCreate($modelClass, $tableSuffix, $relation, $schema = '')
     $model = new $modelClass();
     $modelRelation = $model->getRelation($relation);
     $mainModel = new $modelRelation->modelClass();
     $name = 'm' . gmdate('ymd_His') . '_install_fsm';
     $content = strtr($this->getTemplate(), ['{ClassName}' => $name, '{TableName}' => $model->tableName(), '{TableSuffix}' => $tableSuffix, '{Schema}' => !empty($schema) ? $schema . '.' : null, '{PrimaryKey}' => $model::primaryKey()[0], '{ForeignKey}' => Inflector::singularize($mainModel::tableName()) . '_id', '{MainTableName}' => $mainModel->tableName(), '{MainPrimaryKey}' => $mainModel::primaryKey()[0]]);
     $file = $this->migrationPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . '.php';
     if ($this->confirm("Create new migration '{$file}'?")) {
         file_put_contents($file, $content);
         echo "New migration created successfully.\n";
コード例 #4
  * https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/1282#issuecomment-29071134
  * https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/1282#issuecomment-29072322
  * https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/1282#issuecomment-124382968
  * @return array
 public function getModelRelations()
     $db = $this->getDbConnection();
     $modelClass = $this->modelClass;
     if ($this->isModelGenerator()) {
         $modelClass = $this->ns . '\\' . $this->modelClass;
     $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($modelClass);
     $model = new $modelClass();
     $className = StringHelper::basename($modelClass);
     $stack = [];
     $baseClassMethods = get_class_methods('yii\\db\\ActiveRecord');
     foreach ($reflector->getMethods() as $i => $method) {
         if (in_array($method->name, $baseClassMethods)) {
         try {
             $relation = call_user_func([$model, $method->name]);
             if ($relation instanceof \yii\db\ActiveQuery) {
                 $relationNameUppercase = str_replace('get', '', $method->name);
                 $stack[$i]['name'] = $this->variablize($relationNameUppercase);
                 $stack[$i]['nameUppercase'] = $relationNameUppercase;
                 $stack[$i]['method'] = $method->name;
                 $stack[$i]['isMultiple'] = $relation->multiple;
                 $tableSchema = $db->getTableSchema($model::tableName());
                 $stack[$i]['isJunctionTable'] = $this->checkJunctionTable($tableSchema);
                 //$stack[$i]['isJunctionTable'] = false;
                 if ($relation->multiple) {
                     /*TODO: (ruben) Make the detection of the NM table using ReflectionClass, not parsing text*/
                     $nameRelatedTablePlural = str_replace($className, '', str_replace('get', '', $method->name));
                     $nameRelatedTable = Inflector::singularize($nameRelatedTablePlural);
                     $pkRelatedTable = $this->variablize($nameRelatedTable) . '_id';
                     $classNMName = Inflector::singularize($relationNameUppercase);
                     $stack[$i]['pkRelatedTable'] = $pkRelatedTable;
                     $stack[$i]['nameRelatedTable'] = $nameRelatedTable;
                     $stack[$i]['variableRelatedTable'] = $this->variablize($nameRelatedTable);
                     $stack[$i]['nameRelatedTablePlural'] = $nameRelatedTablePlural;
                     $stack[$i]['nameRelatedTablePluralLowercase'] = $this->variablize($nameRelatedTablePlural);
                     $stack[$i]['classNMName'] = $classNMName;
                     /*TODO: change the way junction table is detected*/
                     //$stack[$i]['isJunctionTable'] = strlen(preg_replace('![^A-Z]+!', '', $classNMName)) > 1;
         } catch (UnknownMethodException $e) {
         } catch (ErrorException $e) {
     return $stack;
コード例 #5
 // get relation info $ prepare add button
 $model = new $generator->modelClass();
 $showAllRecords = false;
 if ($relation->via !== null) {
     $pivotName = Inflector::pluralize($generator->getModelByTableName($relation->via->from[0]));
     $pivotRelation = $model->{'get' . $pivotName}();
     $pivotPk = key($pivotRelation->link);
     $addButton = "  <?= {{html.a(\n            '<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-link\"></span> Attach " . Inflector::singularize(Inflector::camel2words($name)) . "', ['" . $generator->createRelationRoute($pivotRelation, 'create') . "', '" . Inflector::singularize($pivotName) . "':{'" . key($pivotRelation->link) . "':\$model->{$model->primaryKey()[0]} } },\n            {'class': 'btn btn-info btn-xs'}\n        ) }} \n";
 } else {
     $addButton = '';
 // relation list, add, create buttons
 echo "<p class='pull-right'>\n";
 echo "  <?= {{html.a(\n            '<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-list\"></span> List All " . Inflector::camel2words($name) . "',\n            {'" . $generator->createRelationRoute($relation, 'index') . "'},\n            {'class': 'btn btn-muted btn-xs'}\n        ) }} \n";
 // TODO: support multiple PKs, VarDumper?
 echo "  <?= {{html.a(\n            '<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span> New " . Inflector::singularize(Inflector::camel2words($name)) . "',\n            {'" . $generator->createRelationRoute($relation, 'create') . "', '" . Inflector::singularize($name) . "': {'" . key($relation->link) . "':\$model->" . $model->primaryKey()[0] . "} },\n            {'class': 'btn btn-success btn-xs'}\n        ) }} \n";
 echo $addButton;
 echo "</p><div class='clearfix'></div>\n";
 // render pivot grid
 if ($relation->via !== null) {
     $pjaxId = "pjax-{$pivotName}";
     $gridRelation = $pivotRelation;
     $gridName = $pivotName;
 } else {
     $pjaxId = "pjax-{$name}";
     $gridRelation = $relation;
     $gridName = $name;
 $output = $generator->relationGrid([$gridRelation, $gridName, $showAllRecords]);
 // render relation grid
 if (!empty($output)) {
コード例 #6
ファイル: Module.php プロジェクト: psesd/cascade-lib
  * Get foreign model name.
  * @param [[@doctodo param_type:tableName]] $tableName [[@doctodo param_description:tableName]]
  * @return [[@doctodo return_type:getForeignModelName]] [[@doctodo return_description:getForeignModelName]]
 public function getForeignModelName($tableName)
     return Inflector::singularize(Inflector::id2camel($tableName, '_'));
コード例 #7
ファイル: Generator.php プロジェクト: ICHydro/anaconda
 public function validateClass($attribute, $params)
     if ($this->singularEntities) {
         $this->{$attribute} = Inflector::singularize($this->{$attribute});
     parent::validateClass($attribute, $params);
コード例 #8
  * Generates a class name from the specified table name.
  * @param string $tableName the table name (which may contain schema prefix)
  * @return string the generated class name
 protected function generateClassName($tableName)
     if (isset($this->_classNames[$tableName])) {
         return $this->_classNames[$tableName];
     if (($pos = strrpos($tableName, '.')) !== false) {
         $tableName = substr($tableName, $pos + 1);
     $db = $this->getDbConnection();
     $patterns = [];
     $patterns[] = "/^{$db->tablePrefix}(.*?)\$/";
     $patterns[] = "/^(.*?){$db->tablePrefix}\$/";
     if (strpos($this->tableName, '*') !== false) {
         $pattern = $this->tableName;
         if (($pos = strrpos($pattern, '.')) !== false) {
             $pattern = substr($pattern, $pos + 1);
         $patterns[] = '/^' . str_replace('*', '(\\w+)', $pattern) . '$/';
     $className = $tableName;
     foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
         if (preg_match($pattern, $tableName, $matches)) {
             $className = $matches[1];
     $className = Inflector::id2camel($className, '_');
     $className = preg_split('/(?=[A-Z])/', $className);
     $lastName = array_pop($className);
     $lastName = Inflector::singularize($lastName);
     array_push($className, $lastName);
     $className = implode($className);
     return $this->_classNames[$tableName] = $className;
コード例 #9
ファイル: view.php プロジェクト: schmunk42/yii2-giiant
     $pivotRelation = $model->{'get' . $pivotName}();
     $pjaxId = "pjax-{$pivotName}";
     $gridRelation = $pivotRelation;
     $gridName = $pivotName;
 } else {
     $pjaxId = "pjax-{$name}";
     $gridRelation = $relation;
     $gridName = $name;
 $gridModel = new $gridRelation->modelClass();
 $showAllRecords = false;
 if ($relation->via !== null) {
     $pivotName = Inflector::pluralize($generator->getModelByTableName($relation->via->from[0]));
     $pivotRelation = $model->{'get' . $pivotName}();
     $pivotPk = key($pivotRelation->link);
     $addButton = "  <?= Html::a(\n            '<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-link\"></span> ' . " . $generator->generateString('Attach') . " . ' " . Inflector::singularize(Inflector::camel2words($name)) . "', ['" . $generator->createRelationRoute($pivotRelation, 'create') . "', '" . Inflector::singularize($pivotName) . "'=>['" . key($pivotRelation->link) . "'=>\$model->{$model->primaryKey()[0]}]],\n            ['class'=>'btn btn-info btn-xs']\n        ) ?>\n";
 } else {
     $addButton = '';
 // HEADER, relation list, add, create buttons
 $headerLabel = Inflector::camel2words($name);
 echo "\n            <div class=\"clearfix crud-navigation\">\n                <div class=\"pull-left\">\n                    <h2>" . $headerLabel . "</h2>\n                </div>        \n                <div class=\"pull-right\">\n                     <div class=\"btn-group\">\n                        <?= Html::a(\n                        '<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-list\"></span> ' . " . $generator->generateString('List All') . " . ' " . Inflector::camel2words($name) . "',\n                        ['" . $generator->createRelationRoute($relation, 'index') . "'],\n                        ['class'=>'btn text-muted btn-xs']\n                        ) ?>\n                        <?= Html::a(\n                            '<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span> ' . " . $generator->generateString('New') . ",\n                            ['" . $generator->createRelationRoute($relation, 'create') . "', '" . $gridModel->formName() . "' => ['" . key($relation->link) . "' => \$model->" . $model->primaryKey()[0] . "]],\n                            ['class'=>'btn btn-success btn-xs']\n                        ); \n                        ?>\n                        <?= Html::a(\n                            '<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span> ' . " . $generator->generateString('Add row') . ",\n                            ['" . $generator->createRelationRoute($relation, 'create-for-rel') . "', '" . $gridModel->formName() . "' => ['" . key($relation->link) . "' => \$model->" . $model->primaryKey()[0] . "]],\n                            ['class'=>'btn btn-success btn-xs']\n                        );?>\n                        " . $addButton . " \n                    </div>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n";
 $output = $generator->relationGridEditable($gridName, $gridRelation, $showAllRecords);
 // render relation grid
 if (!empty($output)) {
     echo "<?php Pjax::begin(['id'=>'pjax-{$name}', 'enableReplaceState'=> false, 'linkSelector'=>'#pjax-{$name} ul.pagination a, th a', 'clientOptions' => ['pjax:success'=>'function(){alert(\"yo\")}']]) ?>\n";
     echo '    <div class="table-responsive">' . PHP_EOL;
     echo '        <?php ' . $output . "?>\n";
     echo '    </div>' . PHP_EOL;
     echo "<?php Pjax::end() ?>\n";
コード例 #10
ファイル: Module.php プロジェクト: janisto/yii2-ycm
  * Get model's singular name.
  * @param string|\yii\db\ActiveRecord $model
  * @return string
 public function getSingularName($model)
     if (is_string($model)) {
         $model = $this->loadModel($model);
     if (!isset($model->adminNames)) {
         return Inflector::singularize(Inflector::camel2words(StringHelper::basename($model->className())));
     } else {
         return $model->adminNames[1];
コード例 #11
ファイル: Generator.php プロジェクト: ivan-chkv/yii2-gii-plus
  * @param array $generatedRelations
  * @return array
 protected function fixRelations(array $generatedRelations)
     foreach ($generatedRelations as $tableName => $tableRelations) {
         $fixRelationNames = [];
         foreach ($tableRelations as $relationName => $relation) {
             if (preg_match('~^(\\D+)\\d+$~', $relationName, $match)) {
                 $fixRelationNames[] = $match[1];
         foreach ($fixRelationNames as $fixRelationName) {
             foreach ($tableRelations as $relationName => $relation) {
                 if ($relationName == $fixRelationName) {
                     if (isset($tableRelations[$relationName])) {
                         $tableRelations[$relationName . '99'] = $tableRelations[$relationName];
                     if (isset($generatedRelations[$tableName][$relationName])) {
                         $generatedRelations[$tableName][$relationName . '99'] = $generatedRelations[$tableName][$relationName];
                     if (isset($this->allRelations[$tableName][$relationName])) {
                         $this->allRelations[$tableName][$relationName . '99'] = $this->allRelations[$tableName][$relationName];
                     if (isset($this->singularRelations[$tableName][$relationName])) {
                         $this->singularRelations[$tableName][$relationName . '99'] = $this->singularRelations[$tableName][$relationName];
                     if (isset($this->pluralRelations[$tableName][$relationName])) {
                         $this->pluralRelations[$tableName][$relationName . '99'] = $this->pluralRelations[$tableName][$relationName];
         foreach ($fixRelationNames as $fixRelationName) {
             foreach ($tableRelations as $relationName => $relation) {
                 if (preg_match('~^(\\D+)\\d+$~', $relationName, $match) && $match[1] == $fixRelationName) {
                     $relation = $this->allRelations[$tableName][$relationName];
                     if ($relation['hasMany']) {
                         $linkKeys = array_keys($relation['link']);
                         if (count($linkKeys) == 1) {
                             $linkKey = preg_replace('~_id$~', '', $linkKeys[0]);
                             if ($tableName == $linkKey) {
                                 $relationName2 = $fixRelationName;
                             } else {
                                 $relationName2 = Inflector::classify($linkKey);
                                 $relationName2 = str_replace(Inflector::singularize($fixRelationName), '', $relationName2);
                                 $relationName2 .= $fixRelationName;
                             echo $relationName, ' -> ', $relationName2, "\n";
                             if (isset($tableRelations[$relationName])) {
                                 $tableRelations[$relationName2] = $tableRelations[$relationName];
                             if (isset($generatedRelations[$tableName][$relationName])) {
                                 $generatedRelations[$tableName][$relationName2] = $generatedRelations[$tableName][$relationName];
                             if (isset($this->allRelations[$tableName][$relationName])) {
                                 $this->allRelations[$tableName][$relationName2] = $this->allRelations[$tableName][$relationName];
                             if (isset($this->singularRelations[$tableName][$relationName])) {
                                 $this->singularRelations[$tableName][$relationName2] = $this->singularRelations[$tableName][$relationName];
                             if (isset($this->pluralRelations[$tableName][$relationName])) {
                                 $this->pluralRelations[$tableName][$relationName2] = $this->pluralRelations[$tableName][$relationName];
     return $generatedRelations;
コード例 #12
 protected function typeToFormName($type)
     return Inflector::id2camel(Inflector::singularize($type));
コード例 #13
     * @inheritdoc
    // public function getTitleText()
    // {
    //     return $this->', implode(' . static::TITLE_SEPARATOR . $this->', $titleKey->key), ';
    // }
// methods "new"
foreach ($allRelations as $relationName => $relation) {
    if (!$relation['direct'] && !$relation['viaTable']) {
        if ($relation['hasMany']) {
            if (preg_match('~^(.*\\D)(\\d+)$~', $relationName, $match)) {
                $methodName = 'new' . Inflector::singularize($match[1]) . $match[2];
            } else {
                $methodName = 'new' . Inflector::singularize($relationName);
        } else {
            $methodName = 'new' . $relationName;
        if (!in_array($methodName, $methods)) {
            $methods[] = $methodName;
            echo '
     * @param array $config
     * @return ', $relation['className'], '
    public function ', $methodName, '(array $config = [])
        $model = new ', $relation['className'], '($config);
コード例 #14
ファイル: Generator.php プロジェクト: robregonm/yii2-giiant
  * Generates a class name from the specified table name.
  * @param string $tableName the table name (which may contain schema prefix)
  * @return string the generated class name
 public function generateClassName($tableName, $useSchemaName = null)
     #Yii::trace("Generating class name for '{$tableName}'...", __METHOD__);
     if (isset($this->classNames2[$tableName])) {
         #Yii::trace("Using '{$this->classNames2[$tableName]}' for '{$tableName}' from classNames2.", __METHOD__);
         return $this->classNames2[$tableName];
     if (isset($this->tableNameMap[$tableName])) {
         Yii::trace("Converted '{$tableName}' from tableNameMap.", __METHOD__);
         return $this->classNames2[$tableName] = $this->tableNameMap[$tableName];
     if (($pos = strrpos($tableName, '.')) !== false) {
         $tableName = substr($tableName, $pos + 1);
     $db = $this->getDbConnection();
     $patterns = [];
     $patterns[] = "/^{$this->tablePrefix}(.*?)\$/";
     $patterns[] = "/^(.*?){$this->tablePrefix}\$/";
     $patterns[] = "/^{$db->tablePrefix}(.*?)\$/";
     $patterns[] = "/^(.*?){$db->tablePrefix}\$/";
     if (strpos($this->tableName, '*') !== false) {
         $pattern = $this->tableName;
         if (($pos = strrpos($pattern, '.')) !== false) {
             $pattern = substr($pattern, $pos + 1);
         $patterns[] = '/^' . str_replace('*', '(\\w+)', $pattern) . '$/';
     $className = $tableName;
     foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
         if (preg_match($pattern, $tableName, $matches)) {
             $className = $matches[1];
             Yii::trace("Mapping '{$tableName}' to '{$className}' from pattern '{$pattern}'.", __METHOD__);
     $returnName = Inflector::id2camel($className, '_');
     if ($this->singularEntities) {
         $returnName = Inflector::singularize($returnName);
     Yii::trace("Converted '{$tableName}' to '{$returnName}'.", __METHOD__);
     return $this->classNames2[$tableName] = $returnName;
コード例 #15
ファイル: UrlRule.php プロジェクト: tunecino/yii2-nested-rest
  * @inheritdoc
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     $modelName = Inflector::camel2id(StringHelper::basename($this->modelClass));
     $resourceName = isset($this->resourceName) ? $this->resourceName : Inflector::pluralize($modelName);
     $link_attribute = isset($this->linkAttribute) ? $this->linkAttribute : $modelName . '_id';
     $this->config['prefix'] = $resourceName . '/<' . $link_attribute . ':\\d+>';
     foreach ($this->relations as $key => $value) {
         if (is_int($key)) {
             $relation = $value;
             $urlName = Inflector::camel2id(Inflector::pluralize($relation));
             $controller = Inflector::camel2id(Inflector::singularize($relation));
         } else {
             $relation = $key;
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 list($urlName, $controller) = each($value);
             } else {
                 $urlName = Inflector::camel2id(Inflector::pluralize($relation));
                 $controller = $value;
         if (YII_DEBUG) {
             (new $this->modelClass())->getRelation($relation);
         $modulePrefix = isset($this->modulePrefix) ? $this->modulePrefix . '/' : '';
         $this->config['controller'][$urlName] = $modulePrefix . $controller;
         $routeObj = $this->rulesFactory->parseRequest($manager, $request);
         if ($routeObj) {
             $routeObj[1]['relativeClass'] = $this->modelClass;
             $routeObj[1]['relationName'] = $relation;
             $routeObj[1]['linkAttribute'] = $link_attribute;
             return $routeObj;
     return false;
コード例 #16
ファイル: view.php プロジェクト: pawelryznar/yii2-giiant
foreach ($generator->getModelRelations($generator->modelClass, ['has_many']) as $name => $relation) {
    echo "\n<?php \$this->beginBlock('{$name}'); ?>\n";
    $showAllRecords = false;
    if ($relation->via !== null) {
        $pivotName = Inflector::pluralize($generator->getModelByTableName($relation->via->from[0]));
        $pivotRelation = $model->{'get' . $pivotName}();
        $pivotPk = key($pivotRelation->link);
        $addButton = "  <?= Html::a(\n            '<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-link\"></span> ' . " . $generator->generateString('Attach') . " . ' " . Inflector::singularize(Inflector::camel2words($name)) . "', ['" . $generator->createRelationRoute($pivotRelation, 'create') . "', '" . Inflector::singularize($pivotName) . "'=>['" . key($pivotRelation->link) . "'=>\$model->{$model->primaryKey()[0]}]],\n            ['class'=>'btn btn-info btn-xs']\n        ) ?>\n";
    } else {
        $addButton = '';
    // relation list, add, create buttons
    echo "<div style='position: relative'><div style='position:absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px;'>\n";
    echo "  <?= Html::a(\n            '<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-list\"></span> ' . " . $generator->generateString('List All') . " . ' " . Inflector::camel2words($name) . "',\n            ['" . $generator->createRelationRoute($relation, 'index') . "'],\n            ['class'=>'btn text-muted btn-xs']\n        ) ?>\n";
    // TODO: support multiple PKs
    echo "  <?= Html::a(\n            '<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span> ' . " . $generator->generateString('New') . " . ' " . Inflector::singularize(Inflector::camel2words($name)) . "',\n            ['" . $generator->createRelationRoute($relation, 'create') . "', '" . Inflector::singularize($name) . "' => ['" . key($relation->link) . "' => \$model->" . $model->primaryKey()[0] . "]],\n            ['class'=>'btn btn-success btn-xs']\n        ); ?>\n";
    echo $addButton;
    echo "</div></div>";
    #<div class='clearfix'></div>\n";
    // render pivot grid
    if ($relation->via !== null) {
        $pjaxId = "pjax-{$pivotName}";
        $gridRelation = $pivotRelation;
        $gridName = $pivotName;
    } else {
        $pjaxId = "pjax-{$name}";
        $gridRelation = $relation;
        $gridName = $name;
    $output = $generator->relationGrid($gridName, $gridRelation, $showAllRecords);
    // render relation grid
コード例 #17
ファイル: view.php プロジェクト: pafnow/yii2-giiant
 // get relation info $ prepare add button
 $model = new $generator->modelClass();
 $showAllRecords = false;
 if ($relation->via !== null) {
     $pivotName = Inflector::pluralize($generator->getModelByTableName($relation->via->from[0]));
     $pivotRelation = $model->{'get' . $pivotName}();
     $pivotPk = key($pivotRelation->link);
     $addButton = "  <?= \\yii\\helpers\\Html::a('<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-link\"></span> Attach " . Inflector::singularize(Inflector::camel2words($name)) . "', ['" . $generator->createRelationRoute($pivotRelation, 'create') . "', '" . Inflector::singularize($pivotName) . "'=>['" . key($pivotRelation->link) . "'=>\$model->{$model->primaryKey()[0]}]], ['class'=>'btn btn-info btn-xs']) ?>\n";
 } else {
     $addButton = '';
 // relation list, add, create buttons
 echo "\t<p class='pull-right'>\n";
 echo "\t\t<?= \\yii\\helpers\\Html::a('<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-list\"></span> List All " . Inflector::camel2words($name) . "', ['" . $generator->createRelationRoute($relation, 'index') . "'], ['class'=>'btn text-muted btn-xs'] ) ?>\n";
 // TODO: support multiple PKs, VarDumper?
 echo "\t\t<?= \\yii\\helpers\\Html::a('<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span> New " . Inflector::singularize(Inflector::camel2words($name)) . "', ['" . $generator->createRelationRoute($relation, 'create') . "', '" . Inflector::singularize($name) . "'=>['" . key($relation->link) . "'=>\$model->" . $model->primaryKey()[0] . "]], ['class'=>'btn btn-success btn-xs']) ?>\n";
 echo $addButton;
 echo "\t</p>\n\n";
 echo "\t<div class='clearfix'></div>\n\n";
 // render pivot grid
 if ($relation->via !== null) {
     $pjaxId = "pjax-{$pivotName}";
     $gridRelation = $pivotRelation;
     $gridName = $pivotName;
 } else {
     $pjaxId = "pjax-{$name}";
     $gridRelation = $relation;
     $gridName = $name;
 $output = $generator->relationGrid([$gridRelation, $gridName, $showAllRecords]);
 // render relation grid
コード例 #18
ファイル: Generator.php プロジェクト: netis-pl/yii2-crud
  * Generates a class name from the specified table name.
  * @param string $tableName the table name (which may contain schema prefix)
  * @param boolean $useSchemaName should schema name be included in the class name, if present
  * @return string the generated class name
 protected function generateClassName($tableName, $useSchemaName = null)
     if (isset($this->classNames[$tableName])) {
         return $this->classNames[$tableName];
     $className = $this->baseGenerateClassName($tableName, $useSchemaName);
     return $this->classNames[$tableName] = Inflector::singularize($className);