public static function toString(TableSchema $schema, QueryContext $context, array $updates) { if (empty($updates)) { throw new DataTableException($schema->getSymbol(), "What do you want to update?"); } if ($schema->existsField(TableSchema::RESERVED_FIELD_UPDATE_AT) && !array_key_exists(TableSchema::RESERVED_FIELD_UPDATE_AT, $updates)) { $updates[TableSchema::RESERVED_FIELD_UPDATE_AT] = time(); } $statements = array(); foreach ($updates as $key => $value) { if (!$schema->existsField($key)) { throw new FieldValidateException($schema->getSymbol(), $key, "Not exists field [{$key}] in table [" . $schema->getSymbol() . "]."); } $field = $schema->field($key); if ($field->autoIncrement) { throw new FieldValidateException($schema->getSymbol(), $key, "Can't update auto-increment field [{$key}]."); } if (ColumnInfo::FIELD_TYPE_ENUM === $field->type) { if (false === array_search($value, $field->enums)) { throw new FieldValidateException($schema->getSymbol(), $key, "Not exists enum value [{$value}] in insert query. " . "The value must be one of (" . implode(',', $field->enums) . ")."); } } if (isset($field->validation) && !$field->validation->valid($value)) { throw new FieldValidateException($schema->getSymbol(), $key, "Field value validation error. [{$key}]"); } $statements[] = "`{$key}` = ?"; $context->param($value); } return !empty($statements) ? "SET " . implode(',', $statements) : null; }
public function toQueryString(QueryContext $context) { if (empty($this->inserts)) { throw new DataTableException($this->schema->getSymbol(), "Can't execute INSERT without inserts."); } if ($this->schema->existsField(TableSchema::RESERVED_FIELD_CREATE_AT) && !array_key_exists(TableSchema::RESERVED_FIELD_CREATE_AT, $this->inserts)) { $this->inserts[TableSchema::RESERVED_FIELD_CREATE_AT] = time(); } if ($this->schema->existsField(TableSchema::RESERVED_FIELD_UPDATE_AT) && !array_key_exists(TableSchema::RESERVED_FIELD_UPDATE_AT, $this->inserts)) { $this->inserts[TableSchema::RESERVED_FIELD_UPDATE_AT] = time(); } $columns = $this->schema->columns(); foreach ($columns as $item) { if (!array_key_exists($item, $this->inserts) && !$this->schema->field($item)->nullable && !$this->schema->field($item)->autoIncrement) { throw new FieldValidateException($this->schema->getSymbol(), $item, "Field [{$item}] can't be null."); } } $fields = array(); $values = array(); foreach ($this->inserts as $key => $value) { if (!$this->schema->existsField($key)) { throw new FieldValidateException($this->schema->getSymbol(), $key, "Not exists field [{$key}] in table [" . $this->schema->getSymbol() . "]."); } $field = $this->schema->field($key); if ($field->autoIncrement) { throw new FieldValidateException($this->schema->getSymbol(), $key, "Can't set auto-increment field [{$key}] in insert query."); } if (ColumnInfo::FIELD_TYPE_ENUM === $field->type) { if (false === array_search($value, $field->enums)) { throw new FieldValidateException($this->schema->getSymbol(), $key, "Not exists enum value [{$value}] in insert query. " . "The value must be one of (" . implode(',', $field->enums) . ")."); } } if (isset($field->validation) && !$field->validation->valid($value)) { throw new FieldValidateException($this->schema->getSymbol(), $key, "Field value validation error. [{$key}]"); } $fields[] = "`{$key}`"; $values[] = "?"; $context->param($value); } $statements = array("INSERT INTO", $this->schema->getSymbol(), "(", implode(',', $fields), ")VALUES(", implode(',', $values), ")"); return implode(' ', $statements); }