getSoapClient() public method

public getSoapClient ( ) : GeneratorSoapClient
return GeneratorSoapClient
コード例 #1
 public function testGetSoapClientStreamContextOptions()
     $options = GeneratorOptionsTest::optionsInstance();
     $options->setOrigin(self::onlineWsdlBingPath())->setDestination(self::getTestDirectory())->setSoapOptions(array(AbstractSoapClientBase::WSDL_STREAM_CONTEXT => stream_context_create(array('https' => array('X-Header' => 'X-Value'), 'ssl' => array('ca_file' => basename(__FILE__), 'ca_path' => __DIR__, 'verify_peer' => true)))));
     $instance = new Generator($options);
     // HTTP headers are added to the context options with certain PHP version on certain platform
     // this test is focused on the defined options and not those which are added after
     // so we remove those we are not interested in!
     $contextOptions = $instance->getSoapClient()->getSoapClientStreamContextOptions();
     foreach (array_keys($contextOptions) as $index) {
         if ($index !== 'https' && $index !== 'ssl') {
     $this->assertSame(array('https' => array('X-Header' => 'X-Value'), 'ssl' => array('ca_file' => basename(__FILE__), 'ca_path' => __DIR__, 'verify_peer' => true)), $contextOptions);