  * @see SnakFormatter::format
  * Formats the given Snak as an wikitext link to an authoritative resource.
  * The URL of that link is determined using a SnakUrlExpander.
  * If the snak could not be expanded into a URL, the identifier is returned as simple text.
  * @param Snak $snak
  * @throws ParameterTypeException if $snak is not a PropertyValueSnak, or if $snak->getDataValue()
  * does not return a StringValue.
  * @return string Wikitext
 public function formatSnak(Snak $snak)
     Assert::parameterType('Wikibase\\DataModel\\Snak\\PropertyValueSnak', $snak, '$snak');
     /** @var PropertyValueSnak $snak */
     $id = $snak->getDataValue()->getValue();
     $url = $this->urlExpander->expandUrl($snak);
     if ($url === null) {
         return wfEscapeWikiText($id);
     } else {
         return '[' . $this->escapeWikitextInUrl($url) . ' ' . wfEscapeWikiText($id) . ']';
  * @see SnakFormatter::format
  * Formats the given Snak's value as a HTML link.
  * The URL of that link is determined using a SnakUrlExpander.
  * If the snak could not be expanded into a URL, the identifier is returned as simple text.
  * @param Snak $snak
  * @throws ParameterTypeException if $snak is not a PropertyValueSnak, or if $snak->getDataValue()
  * does not return a StringValue.
  * @return string HTML
 public function formatSnak(Snak $snak)
     Assert::parameterType('Wikibase\\DataModel\\Snak\\PropertyValueSnak', $snak, '$snak');
     /** @var PropertyValueSnak $snak */
     $id = $snak->getDataValue()->getValue();
     $url = $this->urlExpander->expandUrl($snak);
     $attr = array('class' => 'wb-external-id');
     if ($url === null) {
         return Html::element('span', $attr, $id);
     } else {
         $attr['href'] = $url;
         return Html::element('a', $attr, $id);