public function validateFile() { $v = Validator::load(); $v->checkFile($_FILES, array('files' => array('ext' => array('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'), 'size' => 3000000))); if (!$v->passed()) { foreach ($v->errors() as $error) { $_SESSION['ERRORS'][] = $error; } var_dump($v->errors()); Redirect::to($this->data['current_url']); exit; } }
public function validateInput() { $v = Validator::load(); $v->checkPost($_POST, array('editor' => array('required' => true, 'min' => 1))); if (!$v->passed()) { // Session::set($title, Input::get($title)); foreach ($v->errors() as $error) { $_SESSION['ERRORS'][] = $error; } Redirect::to(Input::get('current_url')); exit; } }
public function reset($key) { if (isset($key)) { $user = UserModel::load()->get(array(array('Reset_token', '=', $key))); if ($user) { if ($user[0]->Status_ID == 0) { UserModel::load()->update(array('Status_ID' => 1), $user[0]->ID); Session::set('SUCCESS', 'User activated!'); Redirect::to($this->url); } elseif ($user[0]->Status_ID == 1) { Session::set('WARNING', 'User already activated!'); Redirect::to($this->url); } elseif ($user[0]->Status_ID == 2) { Session::set('ERRORS', 'User blocked!'); Redirect::to($this->url); } } Session::set('ERRORS', 'User key invalid!'); Redirect::to($this->url); } }
public function favorite() { if (Input::exists()) { $check = DB::load()->query('SELECT Meta_ID, Item_ID FROM Meta_items WHERE Meta_ID = ? AND Item_ID = ? AND Type = ?', array(Input::get('post_id'), Input::get('user_id'), 'favorite')); if ($check->results() && $check->_error == false) { Session::set('INFO', 'Favorit eksitere allerede.'); Redirect::to(Input::get('current_url')); } DB::load()->insert('Meta_items', array('Meta_ID' => Input::get('post_id'), 'Item_ID' => Input::get('user_id'), 'Type' => 'favorite')); Session::set('SUCCESS', 'Favorit gemt!'); Redirect::to(Input::get('current_url')); } }
public function validateInput() { $validate = Validator::load(DB::load()); $validation = $validate->checkPost($_POST, array('username' => array('required' => true, 'min' => 3, 'max' => 32, 'notTaken' => 'Users'), 'full_name' => array('required' => true, 'min' => 3, 'max' => 50), 'org' => array('required' => false, 'max' => 32), 'password' => array('required' => true, 'min' => 3, 'max' => 64, 'ValidPass' => Input::get('password')), 'email' => array('required' => true, 'min' => 3, 'max' => 32, 'validEmail' => Input::get('email')))); if (!$v->passed()) { foreach ($v->errors() as $error) { Session::addKey('WARNINGS', $error, $error); } Redirect::to(Input::get('current')); exit; } }