コード例 #1
  * @Route("/{next_page}", name = "home", defaults = {"next_page" = 1})
  * @return
 public function homeAction(Request $request, $next_page)
     $category_manager = $this->get("app.mm_electric_category_manager");
     $content_by = $category_manager->getContentXCategory();
     $pag = new Paginate($content_by["projects"], 9, $next_page);
     $content_by["projects"] = $pag->setPagination();
     $form = $this->quoteProssesing($request);
     return $this->render('mmelectric/pg-views/pg-main.html.twig', array('category' => $content_by, 'form' => $form->createView()));
コード例 #2
  * @Route("/wms/management/show/{table}/{column}/{value}/{next_page}/{items_x_page}" , name = "show_table" , defaults = {"next_page" = 1, "items_x_page" = 10, "column" = "all", "value" = "values"})
 public function showEntityItemsAction(Request $request, $table, $column, $value, $next_page, $items_x_page)
     $this->denyAccessUnlessGranted(array("ROLE_ADMIN", "ROLE_USER"), NULL, "Sorry, not enough privileges to access.");
     if (!$this->get('security.authorization_checker')->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')) {
         throw $this->createAccessDeniedException("Sorry, You must login with a valid username to reach this address");
     $className = "WebManagementBundle\\Entity\\" . substr($table, 3);
     //Getting the class name from the view and creating the related model Name
     $entity_obj = new $className($this);
     //Creating object of the related model class
     $common_query = $this->get('app.common_queries');
     // getting the common queries service
     $table_columns = $entity_obj->getfilterColumns();
     $column_values_arr = array();
     $column_param = NULL;
     $value_param = NULL;
     if ($column != "all") {
         $column_values_query = $common_query->getColumnValuesFromTable($this, $table, $column);
         foreach ($column_values_query as $column_values) {
             foreach ($column_values as $key => $val) {
                 $column_values_arr[] = $val;
         $column_values_arr = array_unique($column_values_arr);
         if ($value != 'values') {
             $column_param = preg_replace("/_id/", "", $column);
             $value_param = $value;
     $items_list = $entity_obj->showList($column_param, $value_param);
     $pag = new Paginate($items_list, $items_x_page, $next_page);
     $pagination_obj = $pag->setPagination();
     $dependencies_arr = $this->getDBDependencies($table);
     return $this->render('webmanager/pg-views/pg_main-back-end-list.html.twig', array('tb_columns' => $table_columns, 'selected_col' => $column, 'selected_val' => $value, 'column_values' => $column_values_arr, 'pagination_obj' => $pagination_obj, "active_table" => $table, 'tb_dependencies_arr' => $dependencies_arr[$table]));