コード例 #1
ファイル: TitleHolds.php プロジェクト: datavoyager/vufind
  * Protected method for vufind (i.e. User) defined holds
  * @param string $id     A Bib ID
  * @param string $type   The holds mode to be applied from:
  * (disabled, always, availability, driver)
  * @param array  $patron Patron
  * @return mixed A url on success, boolean false on failure
 protected function generateHold($id, $type, $patron)
     $any_available = false;
     $addlink = false;
     $data = ['id' => $id, 'level' => 'title'];
     // Are holds allows?
     $checkHolds = $this->catalog->checkFunction('Holds', compact('id', 'patron'));
     if ($checkHolds != false) {
         if ($type == 'always') {
             $addlink = true;
         } elseif ($type == 'availability') {
             $holdings = $this->getHoldings($id);
             foreach ($holdings as $holding) {
                 if ($holding['availability'] && !in_array($holding['location'], $this->hideHoldings)) {
                     $any_available = true;
             $addlink = !$any_available;
         if ($addlink) {
             if ($checkHolds['function'] == 'getHoldLink') {
                 // Return opac link
                 return $this->catalog->getHoldLink($id, $data);
             } else {
                 // Return non-opac link
                 return $this->getHoldDetails($data, $checkHolds['HMACKeys']);
     return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Holds.php プロジェクト: guenterh/vufind
  * Process ILL request information in holdings and set the links accordingly.
  * @param array  $holdings Holdings
  * @param string $id       Record ID
  * @param array  $patron   Patron
  * @return array Modified holdings
 protected function processILLRequests($holdings, $id, $patron)
     if (!is_array($holdings)) {
         return $holdings;
     // Are storage retrieval requests allowed?
     $requestConfig = $this->catalog->checkFunction('ILLRequests', compact('id', 'patron'));
     if (!$requestConfig) {
         return $holdings;
     // Generate Links
     // Loop through each holding
     foreach ($holdings as &$location) {
         foreach ($location as &$copy) {
             // Is this copy requestable
             if (isset($copy['addILLRequestLink']) && $copy['addILLRequestLink']) {
                 // If the request is blocked, link to an error page
                 // instead of the form:
                 if ($copy['addILLRequestLink'] === 'block') {
                     $copy['ILLRequestLink'] = $this->getBlockedILLRequestDetails($copy);
                 } else {
                     $copy['ILLRequestLink'] = $this->getRequestDetails($copy, $requestConfig['HMACKeys'], 'ILLRequest');
                 // If we are unsure whether request options are
                 // available, set a flag so we can check later via AJAX:
                 $copy['checkILLRequest'] = $copy['addILLRequestLink'] === 'check';
     return $holdings;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Holdings.php プロジェクト: guenterh/vufind
  * Initialize helper with dependencies
  * @param IlsConnection  $ilsConnection  IlsConnection
  * @param HMAC           $hmac           Hmac
  * @param AuthManager    $authManager    AuthManager
  * @param IlsAuth        $ilsAuth        IlsAuth
  * @param ConfigManager  $configManager  ConfigManager
  * @param Translator     $translator     Translator
  * @param LocationMap    $locationMap    LocationMap
  * @param EbooksOnDemand $ebooksOnDemand EBooksOnDemand
  * @param Availability   $availability   Availability
  * @param BibCode        $bibCodeHelper  BibCodeHelper
  * @param Logger         $swissbibLogger Logger
  * @throws \Exception
 public function __construct(IlsConnection $ilsConnection, HMAC $hmac, AuthManager $authManager, IlsAuth $ilsAuth, ConfigManager $configManager, Translator $translator, LocationMap $locationMap, EbooksOnDemand $ebooksOnDemand, Availability $availability, BibCode $bibCodeHelper, Logger $swissbibLogger)
     $this->ils = $ilsConnection;
     $this->configManager = $configManager;
     $this->configHoldings = $configManager->get('Holdings');
     $this->hmac = $hmac;
     $this->authManager = $authManager;
     $this->ilsAuth = $ilsAuth;
     $this->translator = $translator;
     $this->locationMap = $locationMap;
     $this->ebooksOnDemand = $ebooksOnDemand;
     $this->availability = $availability;
     $this->bibCodeHelper = $bibCodeHelper;
     $this->swissbibLogger = $swissbibLogger;
      * Config
      * @var Config $relationConfig
     $relationConfig = $configManager->get('libadmin-groups');
     // Just ignore missing config to prevent a crashing frontend
     if ($relationConfig->count() !== null) {
         $this->institution2group = $relationConfig->institutions->toArray();
         $this->groupSorting = $relationConfig->groups->toArray();
     } elseif (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development') {
         throw new \Exception('Missing config file libadmin-groups.ini. Run libadmin sync ' . 'to solve this problem');
     $holdsIlsConfig = $this->ils->checkFunction('Holds');
     $this->hmacKeys = $holdsIlsConfig['HMACKeys'];