/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function injectFile($obj, PropertyMapping $mapping) { $path = $this->storage->resolvePath($obj, $mapping->getFilePropertyName()); if ($path !== null) { $mapping->setFile($obj, new File($path, false)); } }
public function remove($obj, $mapping) { $mapping = $this->factory->fromName($obj, $mapping); $this->dispatch(Events::PRE_REMOVE, new Event($obj, $mapping)); $this->storage->remove($obj, $mapping); $mapping->setFileName($obj, null); $this->dispatch(Events::POST_REMOVE, new Event($obj, $mapping)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function injectFiles($obj) { $mappings = $this->factory->fromObject($obj); foreach ($mappings as $mapping) { if ($mapping->getInjectOnLoad()) { $field = $mapping->getProperty()->getName(); try { $path = $this->storage->resolvePath($obj, $field); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { continue; } $mapping->getProperty()->setValue($obj, new File($path, false)); } } }
/** * Removes the file if necessary. * * @param EventArgs $args The event arguments. */ public function postRemove(EventArgs $args) { $obj = $this->adapter->getObjectFromArgs($args); if ($this->isUploadable($obj)) { $this->storage->remove($obj); } }
public function remove($obj, $fieldName) { $mapping = $this->getMapping($obj, $fieldName); $this->dispatch(Events::PRE_REMOVE, new Event($obj, $mapping)); $this->storage->remove($obj, $mapping); $mapping->setFileName($obj, null); $this->dispatch(Events::POST_REMOVE, new Event($obj, $mapping)); }
public function addEncodedResumeProperty(TransformEvent $event) { /** @var Document $document */ $document = $event->getDocument(); $resume = $event->getObject(); if (!$resume) { return; } if (!$resume instanceof StudentResume) { return; } try { $filePath = $this->storage->resolveUri($resume, "file"); if ($resume->getFileName()) { $document->set('encodedFile', base64_encode(file_get_contents($filePath))); } else { $document->set('encodedFile', ''); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { } }
/** * Test that postRemove skips non uploadable entity. */ public function testPostRemoveSkipsNonUploadable() { $obj = new DummyEntity(); $class = new \ReflectionClass($obj); $args = $this->getMockBuilder('Doctrine\\Common\\EventArgs')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock(); $this->adapter->expects($this->once())->method('getObjectFromArgs')->will($this->returnValue($obj)); $this->adapter->expects($this->once())->method('getReflectionClass')->will($this->returnValue($class)); $this->driver->expects($this->once())->method('readUploadable')->with($class)->will($this->returnValue(null)); $this->storage->expects($this->never())->method('remove'); $listener = new UploaderListener($this->adapter, $this->driver, $this->storage, $this->injector); $listener->postRemove($args); }
/** * On pre serialize * * @param ObjectEvent $event Event */ public function onPreSerialize(ObjectEvent $event) { $object = $event->getObject(); if ($object instanceof Proxy && !$object->__isInitialized()) { $object->__load(); } $objectUid = spl_object_hash($object); if (in_array($objectUid, $this->serializedObjects)) { return; } $classAnnotation = $this->annotationReader->getClassAnnotation(new \ReflectionClass(ClassUtils::getClass($object)), VichSerializableClass::class); if ($classAnnotation instanceof VichSerializableClass) { $reflectionClass = ClassUtils::newReflectionClass(get_class($object)); $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Found @VichSerializableClass annotation for the class "%s"', $reflectionClass->getName())); foreach ($reflectionClass->getProperties() as $property) { $vichSerializableAnnotation = $this->annotationReader->getPropertyAnnotation($property, VichSerializableField::class); if ($vichSerializableAnnotation instanceof VichSerializableField) { $vichUploadableFileAnnotation = $this->annotationReader->getPropertyAnnotation($property, UploadableField::class); if ($vichUploadableFileAnnotation instanceof UploadableField) { throw new IncompatibleUploadableAndSerializableFieldAnnotationException(sprintf('The field "%s" in the class "%s" cannot have @UploadableField and @VichSerializableField annotations at the same moment.', $property->getName(), $reflectionClass->getName())); } $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Found @VichSerializableField annotation for the field "%s" in the class "%s"', $property->getName(), $reflectionClass->getName())); $uri = null; $property->setAccessible(true); if ($property->getValue($event->getObject())) { $uri = $this->storage->resolveUri($object, $vichSerializableAnnotation->getField()); if ($vichSerializableAnnotation->isIncludeHost()) { $uri = $this->getHostUrl() . $uri; } } $property->setValue($object, $uri); } } $this->serializedObjects[$objectUid] = $objectUid; } }
/** * Gets the public path for the file associated with the * object. * * @param object $obj The object. * @param string $fieldName The field name. * @param string $className The object's class. Mandatory if $obj can't be used to determine it. * * @return string The public asset path. */ public function asset($obj, $fieldName, $className = null) { return $this->storage->resolveUri($obj, $fieldName, $className); }
/** * Gets the public path for the file associated with the * object. * * @param object $obj The object. * @param string $field The field. * @return string The public asset path. */ public function asset($obj, $field) { $path = $this->storage->resolvePath($obj, $field); $index = strpos($path, $this->webDirName); return substr($path, $index + strlen($this->webDirName)); }
/** * Gets the public path for the file associated with the * object. * * @param object $obj The object. * @param string $field The field. * @return string The public asset path. */ public function asset($obj, $field) { return $this->storage->resolveUri($obj, $field); }