public function identifyEntity($entityName, $data, $id) { if ($this->schemaInfo->getEntityInfo($entityName)->usesGeneratedVpids) { $data['vp_id'] = IdUtil::newId(); $this->saveId($entityName, $id, $data['vp_id']); } $data[$this->schemaInfo->getEntityInfo($entityName)->idColumnName] = $id; $data = $this->fillId($entityName, $data, $id); return $data; }
public static function prepareTermMeta($vpId = null, $termVpId = null, $key = null, $value = null) { if ($vpId === null) { $vpId = IdUtil::newId(); } $termmeta = ['vp_id' => $vpId]; if ($termVpId !== null) { $termmeta['vp_term_id'] = $termVpId; } if ($key !== null) { $termmeta['meta_key'] = $key; } if ($value !== null) { $termmeta['meta_value'] = $value; } return $termmeta; }
/** * If entity type identified by $entityName defines an ID column, creates a mapping between WordPress ID and VPID * for all entities (db rows) of such type. * * @param string $entityName E.g., "post" */ private function createVpidsForEntitiesOfType($entityName) { if (!$this->dbSchema->getEntityInfo($entityName)->usesGeneratedVpids) { return; } $idColumnName = $this->dbSchema->getEntityInfo($entityName)->idColumnName; $tableName = $this->dbSchema->getTableName($entityName); $prefixedTableName = $this->dbSchema->getPrefixedTableName($entityName); $entities = $this->database->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$prefixedTableName}", ARRAY_A); $entities = $this->replaceForeignKeysWithReferencesInAllEntities($entityName, $entities); $storage = $this->storageFactory->getStorage($entityName); $entities = array_filter($entities, function ($entity) use($storage) { return $storage->shouldBeSaved($entity); }); $chunks = array_chunk($entities, 1000); foreach ($chunks as $entitiesInChunk) { $wordpressIds = array_column($entitiesInChunk, $idColumnName); $idPairs = []; foreach ($wordpressIds as $id) { $id = intval($id); if (!isset($this->idCache[$entityName], $this->idCache[$entityName][$id])) { $this->idCache[$entityName][$id] = IdUtil::newId(); } $idPairs[$id] = $this->idCache[$entityName][$id]; } $sqlValues = join(', ', ArrayUtils::map(function ($vpId, $id) use($tableName) { return "('{$tableName}', {$id}, UNHEX('{$vpId}'))"; }, $idPairs)); $query = "INSERT INTO {$this->database->vp_id} (`table`, id, vp_id) VALUES {$sqlValues}"; $this->database->query($query); $this->checkTimeout(); } }